View Full Version : Hair and glasses - need advice.

May 16th, 2019, 01:31 AM
SO, finally I'm getting glasses in 2 weeks.
I went to the optitian with my prescription yesterday to order them.
Not because I can't see properly but because my astigmatism on both eyes has to be corrected to stop constant headaches.
It took me 7 months to find the right frames which suit my face and now I have found some which I really love and I find they look cute on me.
Even though most people told me to get contacts because they find I look bad with glasses (I have posted different photos of me with different frames on Facebook and sent pictures to people and nothing was good. It was always either making fun of me or: 'Forget it, get contacts, looks terrible'. :( and: 'Wanna lose all your subscribers on YouTube? Get these' :(
So, I'm not sure what people will say, I didn't show the ones I'm getting to anyone so that nobody can talk me out of them. Like with all the other ones I liked. :(
Anyway, what I would like to know from you is, how do you deal with hair down and glasses?
Because I want to wear them all the time and when I wear my sunglasses daily in the summer I always get some breakage in the front from taking them down, ripping hair out... Because single hairs get stuck in the hinge. So, I'm a bit worried that the same will happen with the glasses.
How does that go for you? Is it a problem? Do you wear your hair down only when you don't have glasses on? Is there something I should know?
Thank you :)

May 16th, 2019, 03:30 AM
I've been wearing contacts again recently, but most of the time I've been growing my hair out, I wore glasses every day. And I did occasionally wear my hair down, without regard to my glasses. I wouldn't worry about it. I do occasionally get hair stick in the hinge, but it's really not that much - one hair here or there is all. I did find that some glasses seemed to do it more often, but I'm not sure you can know that until you wear them around for a while. Unfortunately no one labels frames according to hair friendliness!
Basically I think it can be a nuisance, but not enough to change what you do with your hair. Zippers and wind are far, far worse.

May 16th, 2019, 03:34 AM
I've been wearing contacts again recently, but most of the time I've been growing my hair out, I wore glasses every day. And I did occasionally wear my hair down, without regard to my glasses. I wouldn't worry about it. I do occasionally get hair stick in the hinge, but it's really not that much - one hair here or there is all. I did find that some glasses seemed to do it more often, but I'm not sure you can know that until you wear them around for a while. Unfortunately no one labels frames according to hair friendliness!
Basically I think it can be a nuisance, but not enough to change what you do with your hair.

Thank you :) My mum just told me that she had quite a lot of damage when she was young and had long hair and wore glasses but she said that back then, in the 60s-70s the glasses weren't the quality they are now and she had no money for the better quality ones and she believes that it won't be as bad as it was for her. She said she practically had layers in the front caused by breakage from the glasses. :( Hope my frames are good quality.

May 16th, 2019, 03:42 AM
I hope so! I don't know what kind of frames your mom had, but mine used to have some that had a separate layer of decoration on the front, which I would think could really catch hair easily.
Of my two current pairs, the all metal frames are definitely worse than the one with plastic front and metal sides. I think my previous all plastic frames were pretty good.
If you do have trouble, half-ups or clips/anything that keeps your hair back just a little might help. Also if you can identify a rough spot that catches hair, maybe you could file it a little or stick some clear nail polish on it. I used to have a pair of metal frames that were wearing out and the coating was coming off around my ears and scratching me. I just painted it with nail polish periodically and that took care of it until I got around to replacing them.

May 16th, 2019, 03:44 AM
Also I don't know about Germany, but in the US, some shops will allow you to take them back within a week if they don't work for you. I think it's more expensive places usually.

May 16th, 2019, 03:49 AM
I hope so! I don't know what kind of frames your mom had, but mine used to have some that had a separate layer of decoration on the front, which I would think could really catch hair easily.
Of my two current pairs, the all metal frames are definitely worse than the one with plastic front and metal sides. I think my previous all plastic frames were pretty good.
If you do have trouble, half-ups or clips/anything that keeps your hair back just a little might help. Also if you can identify a rough spot that catches hair, maybe you could file it a little or stick some clear nail polish on it. I used to have a pair of metal frames that were wearing out and the coating was coming off around my ears and scratching me. I just painted it with nail polish periodically and that took care of it until I got around to replacing them.

That's some good tips :) Thank you :) Mine are all plastic and looked quite sleek everywhere but I won't know how they work with my hair until I wear them for a while.

Also I don't know about Germany, but in the US, some shops will allow you to take them back within a week if they don't work for you. I think it's more expensive places usually.

I don't think so. I can get other lenses if they don't work because they measured something wrong but I can't give the frames back once I have chosen and worn them. Unless they are bad quality and break or so.

May 16th, 2019, 04:13 AM
Sorry can't help at all. I always wear my hair up. The only times I wear my hair down, I will wear my contacts.

May 16th, 2019, 04:18 AM
Sorry can't help at all. I always wear my hair up. The only times I wear my hair down, I will wear my contacts.

Thank you anyway :) So you don't wear your hair down when you wear glasses because they might get damaged?

May 16th, 2019, 05:19 AM
I've been wearing my glasses more the past few months because my eyes needed more oxygen according to my optician. I wear my hair down frequently (it's currently a cm short of APL) and I never really have a problem with my hair getting stuck in the hinges :) I do have to say that my frames are really thin, so that could have to do with it, but perhaps it won't be too bad with your frames either. I guess you would have to see if they arrive and you can wear them for a while. I am curious about the frames you chose though haha, and the most important thing is that you like them :)

May 16th, 2019, 05:32 AM
I wear glasses all the time. I am quite nearsighted + have astigmatism in both eyes.

I don't ask people for opinions - at all. I like what *I* like and the rest I don't want to deal with. As far as the comments go, you do invite the bad stuff in with the good if you ask the whole wide internet or people on FB. So... there's that. :flower:

May 16th, 2019, 05:53 AM
Thank you :) My mum just told me that she had quite a lot of damage when she was young and had long hair and wore glasses but she said that back then, in the 60s-70s the glasses weren't the quality they are now and she had no money for the better quality ones and she believes that it won't be as bad as it was for her. She said she practically had layers in the front caused by breakage from the glasses. :( Hope my frames are good quality.

So my DD with hip length hair has been in glasses for 4 years and wears her hair down almost exclusively. She's 11 and unless she's been really outside playing hard (think hair flipping every which way) in which case it's a tangled mess anyways, she experiences VERY little breakage from her glasses, and she's currently wearing $30 frames from WalMart. So not very expensive etc.

I think the question to be would be if they're plastic frames or metal ones, I personally have found I have a much worse time with metal frames than plastic ones, because the hinge is frequently more exposed. However, as everyone has said, glasses have definitely changed a lot in the past 60 years, so I wouldn't be super concerned unless you get them and see that there' s problem!

Good luck and I hope that the correction helps with your constant headaches!!! :flower:

May 16th, 2019, 06:09 AM
Firstly screw other peoples opinions! Most people say without really even thinking any way - wear glasses / don't wear glasses - it will have very little effect on their life which you chose and they dont realy care - so chose what is best for you.
Secondly if you feel comfortable wearing sun glasses, you just need to think of normal glasses as an extension of these - get some way cool exciting /funky fashionable shaped ones that you like. They probably do suit you really you're just not used to seeing yourself with them on!

I wear glasses all the time (occasionally wear contacts if Im going out out / or doing something very active - but they tend to dry my eyes out if I wear em too long)
1 I just accepted the fact that I have a few small whispy mini hairs - where they always catch in the glasses hinge - but your not gonna go bald from it!
2 if you're wearing glasses all the time you do become slightly more aware of the fact they can get caught and so you start to take them off more carefully without even thinking about it.
3 glue em permanently open? with enough glue to fill in the gap & cover the hinge. impracticle for storage and you might forget that youve done it & snap em closed - but it might stop your hair from catching.

May 16th, 2019, 07:11 AM
I wear glasses all the time. My nearsightedness requires it. Anyway I don't have any trouble with hair getting caught in my all plastic frames, and my hair spends some of every day down. Also I'm sure you'll look lovely with your new glasses, people just don't like change.

May 16th, 2019, 07:39 AM
As was said above, plastic frames are much gentler to hair than metal frames and simple frames without decorative bits are also gentler. You learn with practice how to keep your hair away from the henges and how to rescue hairs that get caught.

May 16th, 2019, 07:42 AM
Most people resist change. Your friends probably responded badly, not because the frames were unbecoming, but because you looked different.

I'm going to be blunt. Glasses are a medical device. What helps me is accepting that I "need" them and "have to" wear them.

I don't take them on and off constantly, i put them in in the morning and usually leave them on all day.

But if I have to wear them I want something expressive.

Embrace them.

Glasses can also be a great accessory. And none of mine catch in my hair in any meaningful way, though I've had the arms catch in a few updos from time to time.I

Unless they're rough and badly manufactured, which is unlikely, it's just a non-issue.

May 16th, 2019, 09:18 AM
I love wearing my glasses with my hair, either up or down. I have glasses that I wear to protect my eyes from light( imagine Spiderman, but not as cool or ripped) They are half frames, and a dark rose gold/burgundy color. They are just a few shades darker than my hair and they work awesome. They don't damage my hair at all, and work well with both my hair up or down. I do tend to wear my hair usually up, and I think my glasses make me look so pretty. I do get told I look like a young teacher, but I find that a compliment. :)
I got my frames from Costco.

May 16th, 2019, 10:15 AM
SO, finally I'm getting glasses in 2 weeks.
I went to the optitian with my prescription yesterday to order them.
Not because I can't see properly but because my astigmatism on both eyes has to be corrected to stop constant headaches.
It took me 7 months to find the right frames which suit my face and now I have found some which I really love and I find they look cute on me.
Even though most people told me to get contacts because they find I look bad with glasses (I have posted different photos of me with different frames on Facebook and sent pictures to people and nothing was good. It was always either making fun of me or: 'Forget it, get contacts, looks terrible'. :( and: 'Wanna lose all your subscribers on YouTube? Get these' :(
So, I'm not sure what people will say, I didn't show the ones I'm getting to anyone so that nobody can talk me out of them. Like with all the other ones I liked. :(
Anyway, what I would like to know from you is, how do you deal with hair down and glasses?
Because I want to wear them all the time and when I wear my sunglasses daily in the summer I always get some breakage in the front from taking them down, ripping hair out... Because single hairs get stuck in the hinge. So, I'm a bit worried that the same will happen with the glasses.
How does that go for you? Is it a problem? Do you wear your hair down only when you don't have glasses on? Is there something I should know?
Thank you :)

Most people resist change. Your friends probably responded badly, not because the frames were unbecoming, but because you looked different.

I'm going to be blunt. Glasses are a medical device. What helps me is accepting that I "need" them and "have to" wear them.

I don't take them on and off constantly, i put them in in the morning and usually leave them on all day.

But if I have to wear them I want something expressive.

Embrace them.

Glasses can also be a great accessory. And none of mine catch in my hair in any meaningful way, though I've had the arms catch in a few updos from time to time.I

Unless they're rough and badly manufactured, which is unlikely, it's just a non-issue.

Glasses are by far the most 'socially acceptable' medical device; if people react badly to them then goodness knows how offended they'd be if anything happened to them or someone they loved, resulting in needing a hearing aid, a walker, a brace, a wheelchair, a catheter, a feeding tube, or an ostomy, etc :shake: Honestly Wusel I would advise you to simply ignore them because those comments are actually disgusting and hint at underlying, festering ableism. I'm absolutely astounded people can be so rude and unkind to make such horrible comments about something that will really help you! And ultimately, that's the important thing - the glasses will (hopefully!) help you and make your life better. Shame on people who make nasty comments about them.

As for the hair, I wear mine up all the time but I do have lots of wispy hairs around my hairline that are shorter and more fragile. I cannot recall the last time I caught any hair in my glasses, which are metal. I've had mixed metal and plastic frames and all-metal, and never had any problems with hair.

Actually, re-reading your post I see you do have problems with hair getting stuck in sunglasses hinges; I don't know what to suggest. As cjk says though, wearing glasses all the time means putting them on and taking them off just once a day (unless you swap for sunglasses, or take them off to have a nap or something) which minimises potential for breakage from taking them off. Maybe your everyday glasses might be higher quality or a different style or size of hinge ... Not sure.

Anyway, I hope some of that made some kind of sense, despite the rant to start with :lol:

Dung Beetle
May 16th, 2019, 12:09 PM
I have seriously been trying to come up with an invention to keep hair out of glasses frames, but no joy yet. If anyone else invents something I will gladly buy it! (I liked OhSuzi's advice of keeping them permanently open).

As for the glasses themselves, mine look just like Garth's from Wayne's World. Og forbid they quit making that style because it's the only one that feels right to me.

May 16th, 2019, 12:19 PM
I wear glasses occasionally. I always wear my hair up and rarely get hair caught in them. Occasionally my wispies will get caught in the hinges and then I just carefully pull it out. If it breaks when I'm pulling it out its not that big of a deal to me, but if the broken end looks damaged and I notice I will sometimes cut off the end.

May 16th, 2019, 12:22 PM
I have seriously been trying to come up with an invention

No need. Get hingeless frames. Easily available in both metal and plastic.

Dung Beetle
May 16th, 2019, 12:26 PM
No need. Get hingeless frames. Easily available in both metal and plastic.

:doh: Well, that's the answer!

But I wouldn't look like Garth anymore...

May 16th, 2019, 12:46 PM
No need. Get hingeless frames. Easily available in both metal and plastic.

I have never seen hingeless frames here in Germany... ah, just googled. Silhouette has some. I will try some when I see them somewhere. :) Didn't know something like this even exists...

May 16th, 2019, 12:47 PM
:doh: Well, that's the answer!

But I wouldn't look like Garth anymore...

I have tried these on, the Garth glasses, because I love the look, but they don't suit my face shape unfortunately. They are sooo cool though :)

May 16th, 2019, 12:53 PM
Glasses are by far the most 'socially acceptable' medical device; if people react badly to them then goodness knows how offended they'd be if anything happened to them or someone they loved, resulting in needing a hearing aid, a walker, a brace, a wheelchair, a catheter, a feeding tube, or an ostomy, etc :shake: Honestly Wusel I would advise you to simply ignore them because those comments are actually disgusting and hint at underlying, festering ableism. I'm absolutely astounded people can be so rude and unkind to make such horrible comments about something that will really help you! And ultimately, that's the important thing - the glasses will (hopefully!) help you and make your life better. Shame on people who make nasty comments about them.

As for the hair, I wear mine up all the time but I do have lots of wispy hairs around my hairline that are shorter and more fragile. I cannot recall the last time I caught any hair in my glasses, which are metal. I've had mixed metal and plastic frames and all-metal, and never had any problems with hair.

Actually, re-reading your post I see you do have problems with hair getting stuck in sunglasses hinges; I don't know what to suggest. As cjk says though, wearing glasses all the time means putting them on and taking them off just once a day (unless you swap for sunglasses, or take them off to have a nap or something) which minimises potential for breakage from taking them off. Maybe your everyday glasses might be higher quality or a different style or size of hinge ... Not sure.

Anyway, I hope some of that made some kind of sense, despite the rant to start with :lol:

Thank you :) Yes, people are rude, that's why I have social anxiety since childhood and avoid contact with people as much as possible, too many bad experiences with people being rude, offensive, heartless... And it still didn't stop. There was some frames I really liked which many people hated on and I think I will get them sometime too. Just to have another option and to show them that I don't care about what they want but only about what I want and feel good with. :)
The frames I have chosen are very high quality I think, they were quite pricey and yes, since I'm getting progressive lenses I will wear them all day long without taking them off. So, true, not too much danger to break hairs off. :)

May 16th, 2019, 01:05 PM
The problem that I had with Silhoette glasses (and other metal frames) is that hair gets caught on the temple tips where they end part way up the temples as well as on the nose pads on occasion. With solid plastic frames, the only catch place are the hinges and if those are tight, hair rarely gets into them.

May 16th, 2019, 01:33 PM
As was said above, plastic frames are much gentler to hair than metal frames and simple frames without decorative bits are also gentler. You learn with practice how to keep your hair away from the henges and how to rescue hairs that get caught.

Yes, I have that kind - the best you can get, IMO, no nose pieces (thank goodness). The frames I have are tiny, just fit my head, and I have had the same type for over almost 2 decades! When I went to the store last, I asked them if they still had the ones I was wearing, which I had asked them about before too. They did, so I just had them re-ordered. Why mess with a good thing!

I always go to a cheaper place as well. I have never had quality issues and these frames go through a lot (I frequently double over in the couch or at the table sleeping). BOINK glasses off, or BOINK, ON my glasses.

May 16th, 2019, 02:20 PM
I recently started having to wear glasses full time and I find that I don't have a problem with my hair catching in the hinge. I just looked at my glasses and it seems maybe they have a covered hinge? I have definitely had trouble in the past with sunglasses ripping out my hair. My glasses are actually titanium frames. I used to have plastic glasses that ripped my hair more often. Also my hinges are way out in front so my hair doesn't end up anywhere near them, even when I wear it down.

Good luck! Whats important about glasses is how you feel about them. If you like them on you, then that is all that matters.

May 16th, 2019, 02:47 PM
I just wanted to say that I have had glasses since I was 11 (though I had a longer period when I mainly used contacts) and I have been wearing my hair down a lot and I never had any problems.

May 16th, 2019, 03:21 PM
I wear glasses full time, and I only have an issue with hair getting caught in the hinges when I push my sunglasses up on my head.

May 16th, 2019, 03:26 PM
I've worn glasses for about 25 years, and I only ever had trouble with my hair catching on the one set of metal frames I had. All my other frames have been plastic.

May 16th, 2019, 08:28 PM
My hair doesn't generally get caught in my glasses (I usually wear metal frames, but have a plastic pair as well), unless it's blowing in my face. But I also keep my hair tucked behind my ears, so that probably makes a difference.

And I agree with those saying to ignore the haters; there are plenty of people on YouTube who wear glasses and are doing just fine. If somebody unsubscribes over something that superficial, they'd probably have found some reason to unsubscribe anyway. All that matters is that the glasses help your eyes, and you like them. I'm sure you'll look great :).

May 16th, 2019, 10:58 PM
I wear glasses and my hair down all the time. It feels quirky and it doesn’t get caught in the frames. Another go to for me is glasses and a braid. Glasses and a bun I just can’t do it...

May 16th, 2019, 11:51 PM
SO, finally I'm getting glasses in 2 weeks.
I went to the optitian with my prescription yesterday to order them.
Not because I can't see properly but because my astigmatism on both eyes has to be corrected to stop constant headaches.
It took me 7 months to find the right frames which suit my face and now I have found some which I really love and I find they look cute on me.
Even though most people told me to get contacts because they find I look bad with glasses (I have posted different photos of me with different frames on Facebook and sent pictures to people and nothing was good. It was always either making fun of me or: 'Forget it, get contacts, looks terrible'. :( and: 'Wanna lose all your subscribers on YouTube? Get these' :(
So, I'm not sure what people will say, I didn't show the ones I'm getting to anyone so that nobody can talk me out of them. Like with all the other ones I liked. :(
Anyway, what I would like to know from you is, how do you deal with hair down and glasses?
Because I want to wear them all the time and when I wear my sunglasses daily in the summer I always get some breakage in the front from taking them down, ripping hair out... Because single hairs get stuck in the hinge. So, I'm a bit worried that the same will happen with the glasses.
How does that go for you? Is it a problem? Do you wear your hair down only when you don't have glasses on? Is there something I should know?
Thank you :)

You have bangs, don't you? When I still had bangs my hair would get caught in my glasses more often than it does now. But what I did then, and do now, is before taking them off I do a quick check for caught hairs. If I find one, I can usually get it uncaught pretty easily before taking my glasses off, and it hasn't seemed to be much of an issue overall. It may accumulate, I suppose, but it's not incredibly often so I think it'd be awhile before it gets really really bad or anything.

ETA: My glasses previously were smaller than the ones I have now, and my hair got caught more often in them. I don't know why, honestly, but it did! I've got quite large ones (Garth-esque :laugh: ) now, because I like how they look on me, and I expected them to catch hair more often than they actually do.

May 17th, 2019, 01:59 AM
You have bangs, don't you? When I still had bangs my hair would get caught in my glasses more often than it does now. But what I did then, and do now, is before taking them off I do a quick check for caught hairs. If I find one, I can usually get it uncaught pretty easily before taking my glasses off, and it hasn't seemed to be much of an issue overall. It may accumulate, I suppose, but it's not incredibly often so I think it'd be awhile before it gets really really bad or anything.

ETA: My glasses previously were smaller than the ones I have now, and my hair got caught more often in them. I don't know why, honestly, but it did! I've got quite large ones (Garth-esque :laugh: ) now, because I like how they look on me, and I expected them to catch hair more often than they actually do.

Yes, I have bangs but I'm growing them out again. Like I always do. Bangs-no-bangs-bangs... and so on. LOL!
I LOVE the Garth look but it doesn't suit my face unfortunately.

May 17th, 2019, 02:05 AM
My hair doesn't generally get caught in my glasses (I usually wear metal frames, but have a plastic pair as well), unless it's blowing in my face. But I also keep my hair tucked behind my ears, so that probably makes a difference.

And I agree with those saying to ignore the haters; there are plenty of people on YouTube who wear glasses and are doing just fine. If somebody unsubscribes over something that superficial, they'd probably have found some reason to unsubscribe anyway. All that matters is that the glasses help your eyes, and you like them. I'm sure you'll look great :).

Yes, I'm ignoring the haters most of the time. Everybody who goes on YouTube has to deal with them unfortunately. Only when you are insecure about something, like I was in the beginning when I realized that I need glasses, then it can hurt really badly. But after so many people told me that I should wear contacts because I look so stupid/bad/ridiculous/ugly with glasses on I came to the point that I'm showing them the middle finger and do what I like, no matter what they think. This world is SO superficial. I mean, I'm still the same person behind my glasses... Interesting what will happen when I make the first review with glasses on.

May 17th, 2019, 02:07 AM
I wear glasses and my hair down all the time. It feels quirky and it doesn’t get caught in the frames. Another go to for me is glasses and a braid. Glasses and a bun I just can’t do it...

Quirky is good. I love everything quirky/strange/different... I like when people stand out in the crowd and don't look like everybody else. :) And quirky is cool. :)

May 17th, 2019, 02:08 AM
The problem that I had with Silhoette glasses (and other metal frames) is that hair gets caught on the temple tips where they end part way up the temples as well as on the nose pads on occasion. With solid plastic frames, the only catch place are the hinges and if those are tight, hair rarely gets into them.

Thank you :) That is really good to know! My frames are solid plastic, no nose pads, because the pads don't feel comfortable on my nose.

May 17th, 2019, 03:49 AM
Thank you anyway :) So you don't wear your hair down when you wear glasses because they might get damaged?

Yes, and also so that my 2 kids don't grab my hair. They are my biggest causes of hair damage currently ;)

May 17th, 2019, 04:29 AM
I used to wear contacts all the time, then I switched to glasses, because contacts started to become annoying, as well as they are unhealthy to wear for long periods of time. I experimented with different glasses, eventually finding a style I really like, and people always complimented me on whatever glasses I was wearing (in person). I'd recommend ignoring all negative comments about glasses, those comments don't matter at all, those are just rude people. I rarely wear contacts now, and I wear my hair however I want to without a thought about the glasses. My hair never gets caught in hinges at all. I have noticed I have a couple of rough hairs just above my ears, and I wonder if they are damaged hairs from wearing glasses all the time. I never noticed those hairs before I started wearing glasses all the time, it isn't really a major problem, but more of an observation.

May 17th, 2019, 05:29 AM
Yes, and also so that my 2 kids don't grab my hair. They are my biggest causes of hair damage currently ;)

Yes... it can be difficult with kids... That's why the first thing I have taught my son after he was born was: Touching mommy's head/hair is 100% forbidden. I was very strickt with that and took his hand away from my head saying 'No!' every time he tried and he learned fast. Within 3 months he stopped even trying and until today he knows that he has to ask if he wants to touch mine or someone elses hair. Touching hair = socially unaccepted. That's what I have taught him. Ask before you do it. So he would never pull a schoolmate's braid or something.

May 17th, 2019, 05:59 AM
My hair does get caught sometimes in the hinges of my glasses, but it's not all the time. I wear glasses all the time, and wear my hair down probably about half the time I'm at home. I have metal frames, though, that may be part of the issue. I had never considered that plastic might catch less until reading this thread. Out of the house I wear a headband or scarf which keeps hairs away from my glasses.

May 17th, 2019, 06:05 AM
My hair does get caught sometimes in the hinges of my glasses, but it's not all the time. I wear glasses all the time, and wear my hair down probably about half the time I'm at home. I have metal frames, though, that may be part of the issue. I had never considered that plastic might catch less until reading this thread. Out of the house I wear a headband or scarf which keeps hairs away from my glasses.

Thank you :) A headband is a good idea :)

May 17th, 2019, 07:22 PM
Anyway, what I would like to know from you is, how do you deal with hair down and glasses?
Because I want to wear them all the time and when I wear my sunglasses daily in the summer I always get some breakage in the front from taking them down, ripping hair out... Because single hairs get stuck in the hinge. So, I'm a bit worried that the same will happen with the glasses.
How does that go for you? Is it a problem? Do you wear your hair down only when you don't have glasses on? Is there something I should know?
Thank you :)I wear glasses constantly and I catch a hair very rarely, and virtually always I can extricate it without harm. The less frequently you put them on and take them off, the less there are chances for ripping hair. Most of my daily wear glasses have spring loaded hinges.

The hinges should be tight and the glasses well fitted...keeps hair from getting in the hinges. Or the hinges can be designed so that they can't catch hair...Silhouettes lack hinges entirely, other have hings that don't have pinch points. Probably moot for you since you have already picked out your frames.

Nothing constructive to say about people who hate glasses.

May 18th, 2019, 02:10 AM
I have smooth plastic frames and have never caught any hairs in them. Only if I wear them on top of my head, like some people wear sunglasses.

May 18th, 2019, 05:44 AM
Thank you all :) So, I'm preparing myself for getting used to not take the glasses off during the day, to be careful when I take them down and if a hair gets caught in the hinge carefully take it out before and to buy me some nice headbands for when I want to wear my hair down. :) Good that I got plastic frames :)

May 24th, 2019, 09:03 AM
(will post a photo here soon so you can see :) )
Hope you like them...
And hope they are nice to my hair...

May 24th, 2019, 12:04 PM
Okay, so I finally look like my IQ146 and the PhD I'm preparing for. LOL!
My bangs have gotten 2,5 cm too long since I cut them 32 days ago. GROWTH POWER!!! ROFL.
The color is purple but the lighting here makes it muddy.
I see everything in HD now.


May 24th, 2019, 12:56 PM
You look cool! in a beautiful nerdy sort of way. Obviously ultra-intelligent & high on life!

May 24th, 2019, 01:34 PM
You look cool! in a beautiful nerdy sort of way. Obviously ultra-intelligent & high on life!

Thank you :) I have made a better picture in better lighting so the color doesn't look brown while it actually is purple-red :)

May 24th, 2019, 01:36 PM
But it's still not the right color showing. Will try to make another one tomorrow outside. :)

May 24th, 2019, 01:38 PM
Oh very nice! A previous colleague got glasses a couple of years ago and also described it as seeing life in HD, which really is a great description! (Also applies when you get an updated prescription and you rediscover trees actually have individual leaves :laugh:) Enjoy - and I hope they help the headaches, too :)

May 25th, 2019, 02:47 AM
Oh very nice! A previous colleague got glasses a couple of years ago and also described it as seeing life in HD, which really is a great description! (Also applies when you get an updated prescription and you rediscover trees actually have individual leaves :laugh:) Enjoy - and I hope they help the headaches, too :)

Thank you :) I'm getting used to seeing everything differently and it feels great :)

May 25th, 2019, 04:28 AM
So, after wearing it since yesterday ther is no hair broken. The hinges are quite far away from my hair so there is almost zero chance a hair can get into them. And they are very good quality, nothing sharp anywhere. Will wear my hair down for a day tomorrow and see how it is :)

May 25th, 2019, 08:24 AM
Just wanted to say I really like the look! Hope you enjoy your new glasses. :cool:

May 25th, 2019, 10:19 AM
Just wanted to say I really like the look! Hope you enjoy your new glasses. :cool:

Thank you very much :) I'll go to the supermarket with the glasses on now. I really enjoy them :)

May 25th, 2019, 10:26 AM
Honestly, I wouldn’t worry so much about what others would say, they’ll get used to what you choose to wear! As far as hair in hinges etc, you just get used to being careful. I did!

May 25th, 2019, 01:08 PM
I just saw your glasses, Wusel. I think they're pretty. They suit your face.

May 25th, 2019, 01:21 PM
I just saw your glasses, Wusel. I think they're pretty. They suit your face.

Thank you very much :) I'm very happy with them and since the world looks so beautifully clear now and I have no more headaches I feel relaxed like a newborn :)

Kat-Rinnè Naido
May 25th, 2019, 02:33 PM
I wear glasses all the time, except when I am reading then I take them off. I still have not adjusted to reading with glasses. I found I would get a few snagging with the metal framed glasses at the hinge. But I have never got a strand pulled at the hinge with the plastic framed glasses.

Angela the Mer
May 25th, 2019, 02:49 PM
I wear glasses as well and now I make sure to pick frames that don't have those nobbly little pieces (I'm not sure what they're called) that rest on the bridge of your nose... I choose frames that are a single solid piece that rest on my nose, if that makes sense. That way, when shoving my frames onto my head, the glasses' bridge won't catch on my hair.

All glasses' frames come down to preference, for sure.

June 1st, 2019, 04:23 PM
those nobbly little pieces (I'm not sure what they're called) that rest on the bridge of your nose...

I don't know what those nobbly little pieces are called either, but the frame style is called pince nez. (Is that French for "pinch nose"?)

June 1st, 2019, 05:31 PM
Update :)
My new glasses didn't break/pull out any hairs :) Not even one. But I'm very careful, as you recommended, when my hair is down and I take the glasses off. :) I always do it very slowly and look if there is a hair in the hinge or feel it with my fingers.

June 2nd, 2019, 05:24 AM
...nobbly little pieces (I'm not sure what they're called) that rest on the bridge of your nose...

Nose pads!

June 3rd, 2019, 12:04 AM
Nose pads! Yes! That's it! Nose pads! :graduate:

June 3rd, 2019, 09:14 AM
The Zenni website helped :p .

June 3rd, 2019, 10:41 AM
Try a half-up, a soft headband, or a hat! When I wear my glasses I have my hair pulled back at least. You can also side part it and pull the bigger section back so you only have to clip/pin/gather one side.