View Full Version : Bob and lob lovers unite!

January 25th, 2019, 09:13 AM
Hi all,

After a life of various hair lengths and styles, I have come to the conclusion that I just really like the bob and long bong (lob) length!
For me, it is the best of short hair: easy to take care of, washing is easy and fast, conditioner is optional, no crazy knotting, drying is quite fast as well, you can use a hairdrier without having to worry too much about future damage and think it looks awesome as well. On me personally, I think it is the best length.

Don't get me wrong, long hair can be very aesthetically pleasing as well, but that is just something different and I don't need to have it myself to also enjoy the sight of other people with long hairs ;)

What the f am I talking about? For example:

Are there more people here, like me, what just wish to grow to / maintain at or cut to this kind of length?

I hope we can have a nice chat here, share ideas, pictures and support each other :)

January 25th, 2019, 09:29 AM
Ah, the hair on the first and last pics is something I sometimes dream of for a split second! One day when I no longer want to have long hair (for the time being, maybe), I swear my hair will look like that. :)

January 25th, 2019, 09:49 AM
I used to love bobs, but they are high, high maintenance especially when you have my kind of hair. I always went for the sleek look and so, I had to round brush it dry every single time, which was like 2/3 times a week, because hair that short gets oily fast for me.

Nope; not for me anymore, but they're a cute style... if you can maintain it.

January 25th, 2019, 10:01 AM
The first link and the last link (short style) looks like how I would always have my hair before. It was a PITA to deal with, it never looked good unless I forced it into a shape (meaning braiding it when half-dry), and I had to cut it frequently.

It looked really nice, but my hair will not have it at those lengths x) I sometimes get the urge to cut it again, last time was two years ago, but to me it's just not worth it.

Though, I loved to be able to run my hands through my hair without letting go of my head....if you know what I mean. It's just such a pleasant feeling. Ack, I should never have clicked this, now I miss my short hair!

January 25th, 2019, 10:04 AM
Though, I loved to be able to run my hands through my hair without letting go of my head....if you know what I mean. It's just such a pleasant feeling. Ack, I should never have clicked this, now I miss my short hair!

Just remind yourself of how much effort it takes to maintain it. ;)

January 25th, 2019, 10:08 AM
Ah, the hair on the first and last pics is something I sometimes dream of for a split second! One day when I no longer want to have long hair (for the time being, maybe), I swear my hair will look like that. :)

I think you would look stunning any way :)

lapushka, maybe you are just a long-hair loving kind of person? I have never had it longer than BSL, and even that felt like too much of a fuss for me. I looked okay, maybe even really good sometimes, but the detangling, washing and air drying felt like a chore. I didn't really enjoy it that long. After that I had a lob which I loved. It felt so much lighter, more free, no more trapped hairs under backpack straps etc.! Then I was a bit bold and let it cut in a pixie which I didn't like. Just didn't feel like me. But hey, it made me find the LHC :)
I have grown my hair for almost a year now. It is still shorter then when I got it cut, but it's ok now :)
I just enjoy my natural texture at this length, which of course makes it easier as well. Maybe I will do some styling in the future, but to me, it doesn't feel like I must do that, or look bad otherwise.
As for maintaining, I plan to keep cutting (trimming) it myself. I learned it from youtube videos. Of course, it is a bit harder then lets say APL length where you can just do 2 ponytails, cut them and be done, but hey, it works and it makes me happy.

January 25th, 2019, 10:08 AM
Just remind yourself of how much effort it takes to maintain it. ;)

Oh, I know! And if I didn't do anything with it it just looked weird, haha.

January 25th, 2019, 10:11 AM
I had a Louise Brooks -hair for a while. I just don't like going to the salon that often.

January 25th, 2019, 10:15 AM
The first link and the last link (short style) looks like how I would always have my hair before. It was a PITA to deal with, it never looked good unless I forced it into a shape (meaning braiding it when half-dry), and I had to cut it frequently.

It looked really nice, but my hair will not have it at those lengths x) I sometimes get the urge to cut it again, last time was two years ago, but to me it's just not worth it.

Though, I loved to be able to run my hands through my hair without letting go of my head....if you know what I mean. It's just such a pleasant feeling. Ack, I should never have clicked this, now I miss my short hair!

Estrid I have seen the pictures of the hair you had before you started growing, (only the back, but looked good to me :) ) I even asked why you started growing because I liked your starting point hair so much, and you seemed to want reaaally long hair, so you could have a crown braid, right?
Please don't feel bad.. That was not the point of me starting this thread :smooch:

January 25th, 2019, 10:40 AM
I think you would look stunning any way :)

lapushka, maybe you are just a long-hair loving kind of person? I have never had it longer than BSL, and even that felt like too much of a fuss for me. I looked okay, maybe even really good sometimes, but the detangling, washing and air drying felt like a chore. I didn't really enjoy it that long. After that I had a lob which I loved. It felt so much lighter, more free, no more trapped hairs under backpack straps etc.! Then I was a bit bold and let it cut in a pixie which I didn't like. Just didn't feel like me. But hey, it made me find the LHC :)
I have grown my hair for almost a year now. It is still shorter then when I got it cut, but it's ok now :)
I just enjoy my natural texture at this length, which of course makes it easier as well. Maybe I will do some styling in the future, but to me, it doesn't feel like I must do that, or look bad otherwise.
As for maintaining, I plan to keep cutting (trimming) it myself. I learned it from youtube videos. Of course, it is a bit harder then lets say APL length where you can just do 2 ponytails, cut them and be done, but hey, it works and it makes me happy.

I'm not sure, at that length my hair is a total mess if not round brushed and that takes effort. And I am disabled so I need something a little "easier" to maintain.

January 25th, 2019, 10:47 AM
I chopped my hip length incredibly damaged hair to chin length bob 2 ish years ago and was absolutely in love....for a few days LOL. It was freeing, someone said how nice to run your hands all the way from scalp to ends, styling was a breeze because I didn't do and styling at all LOL but then I became regretful for awhile. It was spring when I chopped so all that first summer I had sticky sweaty nape hairs that wouldn't get off of my neck, could pony it, could barely manage a half up. My dd10 told me my pony looked like a paint brush!! so i avoided ponies. Probably around fall when it was lob length I remembered what I hear alot on here, that enjoy your hair t every length because(for me) it's the last time it will be that short. So I shook my hair, headbanged, went camping for 3 days WITHOUT any haircare products/accesories and made he most of it. Never going back but it was fun while it lasted.

January 25th, 2019, 10:51 AM
Estrid I have seen the pictures of the hair you had before you started growing, (only the back, but looked good to me :) ) I even asked why you started growing because I liked your starting point hair so much, and you seemed to want reaaally long hair, so you could have a crown braid, right?
Please don't feel bad.. That was not the point of me starting this thread :smooch:

My hair never behaved when it was shorter, not in a way I liked anyway, it would bulge out at my ears, make odd body waves around them, then go back to my head and then out (weird shape).
Long hair is so much easier to care for, and yes, a crown braid and milkmaid braids are my main goals ^.^ My goal is probably mid thigh or knee length, hard to say when it's so far away.

Short hair looks lovely when it's cared for, or when the hair type is right for it, but I'm way to lazy and want my hair to behave with minimal effort, for that reason short hair is not for me x)

I'm glad you have found your favorite length! :o

January 25th, 2019, 10:52 AM
I *love* bobs! it does depend on how well your hair behaves, though. Bangs compliment them really nicely too. I prefer really short bobs, super short on the back and longer in the front. But with longer bobs, you can actually kind of style them, and that's nice too!


I feel like, aesthetically, a short bob with dark hair is what looks best on me. But I care more about experimenting and having fun than aesthetics, at least for the time being! That's why I'm growing it out (and why I bleached the **** out of it) :)

January 25th, 2019, 11:03 AM
I love, bobs. My daughter just got her long hair cut to a chin-length bob. I am growing my pixie out to a bob, not sure where I'll go from there length-wise! May keep the bob, may grow super long again; though I don't think I'll go past knee length again, that was too much trouble. Both mine and my daughter's hair behave nicely at bob length, wash and let air dry with no styling needed, but I know not everyone has that experience.

January 25th, 2019, 11:23 AM
I love the look of chin-length bobs, but oh my god would my hair hate it. I'm just like lapushka, my hair will most definitely need regular blowdrying with a round brush, and I'm way too low maintenance for it. Besides, I live in a hot climate, and I can't imagine blowing hot air all over myself when it's already 40C outside. No, that's not happening, I'm not going shorter than armpit unless I'm forced to.

I had bobs when I was little, before puberty took my type 1 straight hair away from me. If I still had it, I'd definitely experiment more with different lengths.

January 25th, 2019, 11:55 AM
I currently have a layered bob that I love and hate all at the same time. It’s nice to not have so much weight on the back of my head and washing is way quicker. But I’ve had enough now and I want my long hair back :/ i still have my ponytail and I wish I could just glue it back on xD

January 25th, 2019, 12:03 PM
There is an old saying...simple can be complicated.

I wore sculpted short hair, in principle similar to a woman's Bob, for years. It was super high maintenance and even a single hair out of place ruined the entire effect.

To maintain that simplicity was a lot of work.

Letting your hair do what it wants, as close to natural as possible or working with its natural tendencies, seems to be the simplest approach for almost everyone.

But unfortunately that approach isn't culturally acceptable for everybody.

Find a balance. Easier said than done, but so worthwhile.

And be happy.

January 25th, 2019, 12:06 PM
Oh, I was forced to wear this style as a kid until I was like ten, because my mom found my hair unmanageable... and I hated it so much I never chopped my hair after I was allowed to have longer hair, so I really doubt I would ever revisit it :D
But I do like how it looks on other people :)

January 25th, 2019, 12:15 PM
I think you would look stunning any way :)

Thank you kindly. :flower:

January 25th, 2019, 12:21 PM
To be perfectly honest, at first I thought this was an odd thread for a long hair community. But then I thought about it properly and realised actually it might be nice to have style-specific threads - we have a positive fringe/bangs thread, maybe we could have a thread for people who like layers, and things like that. And this one could be really helpful for others who are growing out pixies or who are contemplating cutting back to a lob/bob; I guess it's a bit more specific than what's covered in the various length threads

As for the maintaining of short styles, we do also have a couple of threads such as super-shorties and non-growth oriented for shorter lengths :)

(My personal view of lobs/bobs is irrelevant to this thread because I am a diehard longhair :p)

January 25th, 2019, 06:17 PM
I love how bobs and lobs look, and I currently have a lob but I realized that unless I have a very short bob(which I don't want) it is way more maintenance than I want to do. I always think I want shorter hair so that I can heat style and have fun and then I realize that I actually don't like the work involved. LOL I love the look, but hate the maintenance. Now I am missing my quick and easy side braid and lazy wrap bun that I could do when my hair was longer.

However, I think if you have the right hair type that bobs and lobs are super awesome and I still love to look at pictures, I just realize now that they are not for me. Kind of like blunt bangs. :D

January 25th, 2019, 06:17 PM
I love the long bob a lot. It was my general "base" hair length for yeeeaaarrrss and years. I'd cut it to there (about CBL?) and then let it grow awhile through benign neglect and not caring for salons, then cut it myself back to a lob. A couple times I went to a salon for a cut, and usually went with a bob then.

Then my desire for a pixie became overwhelming and I shaved my head (gave myself a bit of a little boys cut) and kept it like that for a few years until my desire for very long hair (at the time that meant like hip) became overwhelming :laugh:

If I ever go short again, it would likely be back to the lob. Maybe pixie, though, I really did love that.

January 25th, 2019, 09:51 PM
I love bobs!
I have grown my hair long and then chopped it to a bob oh, about 400 times in my life.
Okay realistically maybe 15 times. Like every two years from age 5 to age 35.
I look super cute with a bob. My hair is naturally wavy but at shorter lengths I can scrunch it to fake curly, or blow dry it straight, or sleep with rollers in.
But it grows very fast and I have never had any interest in getting my hair cut every six weeks. Hence the growing-chopping-growing cycle.
How cute I look in a bob is literally the only thing that makes me question growing past classic.

January 25th, 2019, 10:18 PM
Me just bobbing along (at the cusp of 2000):


Loved it (when sleeked or stylishly bedheaded), reverted to it often over the years, but like others, found it high maintenance with all the blowdrying, roundbrushing and mousse for behaviour modification. And in the hot climate I'm in now, it just wouldn't fly (or behave--sweat curls and boof bouncies would annoy my want for da-sleek).

January 25th, 2019, 10:20 PM
Oh my goodness, Crystawni, that's adorable!

ETA my own bob flashback. This was about six years ago.

January 25th, 2019, 11:00 PM
Naw, ta, AR! And ditto!

I'd just say my hair now is a looooooooooooooooooooooob with softer edges, anyway. :grin:

January 26th, 2019, 09:12 AM
You guys look soooo gorgeous with your bobs and lobs and meanwhile I’m over here feeling like Lord Farquaad. :lol:

January 26th, 2019, 10:18 AM
Bobs tend to flip out in all directions on me! Until it hits collarbone length where it calms down as long as there's no layers. I think they look really pretty on other people though c:

January 26th, 2019, 10:43 AM
Thanks, Crystawni!
Gustavonut, you do NOT look like Lord Farquaad! But that gave me a good laugh. :)
Yesterday a mom I know cut off her daughter's hair (at the daughter's request) and the daughter exclaimed, "I look like Mowgli!" :D

January 26th, 2019, 11:03 AM
You guys look soooo gorgeous with your bobs and lobs and meanwhile I’m over here feeling like Lord Farquaad. :lol:

omg :lol: :lol: that pic is fabulous though.

January 26th, 2019, 11:05 AM
I really like a Bob or lob. Long enough to put up but short enough it's easy to care for. Trim every 5to 6 weeks keep them perfect and stylish. This is a super easy length for me. Mine is currently longer and it is annoying for me. I've been craving shorter hair. I've watched quite a few videos of people cutting longer hair to a lob. It's my opinion that they always look better with the lob.

January 26th, 2019, 06:16 PM
I currently have a lob while I grow out my annoyanaces with my hair for a good solid start to grow for length. I’m wearing it curly with texture and it’s a real love hate relationship since I rarely use heat.

I’ve hade writhing from a pixie to WL. I always seem to end up back around a lob after each change.

Currently though it’s driving me batcrap crazy!

January 27th, 2019, 11:14 AM
Oh my! So many comments :) Yay, I am happy that the subject is well received, at least by some of the forum..
I am a bit astonished by the discussion in another thread, but oh well.

For me, a lob is one of my longer hairstyles. I get that it is not LHC long, but I feel it is still a valid topic. And I found out that it is my favourite hairstyle because of the LHC, so there is that. I don't think I should leave for this, but we will see.

In the mean time:
Let's just be positive and share ideas for self trimming, hair toys that work on these lengths (clips, sticks, small forks for (half) buns etc?), maybe even some styling products?
I find that I do not need the latter, and that it works with my natural hair. As cjk already mentioned: simple can be complicated if you try to work against your natural hair and texture.
But then again, I don't look super stylish/polished, so for some occasions it might be worth looking into. Also, maybe other people might look for advice in this direction, so anything you want to discuss, feel free :)

mica your do looks cute and edgy at the same time, thumbs up!

MusicalSpoons thanks for your view. Yep, it's a bit 'odd' for a long-hair forum, but after letting my then longer hair cut into a pixie, I fled over here. I was panicking and I just wanted to grow. Initially to waist, but then the panic sank and .. It is almost a year ago, and over this time I have found out that this bob/lob thing is actually my fav. LHC helped me with this. So, I came initially for tips how to grow quick and healthy, and I would like to stay because I like it here. I still would to talk with others about a bunch of hair related stuff, even though I will be just maintaining length in a couple of months from now.

Crystawni and AmaryllisRed you both look super awesome with bobs as well. Long hair looks super awesome as well :) Thanks for sharing

gustavonut your Lord Farquaad looks fabulous. Looks like he's in a movie. Which one?

DaniGirl it is interesting that you always seem to end up back around a lob. You just like it or are there other reasons?

January 27th, 2019, 11:39 AM
DaniGirl it is interesting that you always seem to end up back around a lob. You just like it or are there other reasons?

I think it just became my default to reset to when I get bored with my hair. I’m not really in love with the cut. I’ve always changed my hair pretty frequently. My moms a hairdresser so the ability to change it is pretty readily available. I’m taking a break from my mom doing my hair and have found a different stylist and I’m stuck at lob while I grow stuff out to get to a good growing place and I want to really figure out what my hair actually likes.

January 27th, 2019, 11:50 AM
Ok, cool :)

January 27th, 2019, 01:32 PM
I like it on others. I also think a very short lob (around chin length) looked rather good on me, but the longer lobs just feel and look awkward. Blunt bobs look ridiculous on me. Overall, It is either long hair (waist and below) or short (chin length and shorter) for me. Everything in between looks bad.

But i still prefer long. Short hair just needs a lot of maintenance (need to be washed more often to look good, no updo possibilities, crazy bedheads and so on)...

January 27th, 2019, 01:41 PM
I love the lob on others, especially with curly/wavy hair and bangs. My face is so square that I need my hair to drag it down and soften it a little bit, so I would never have it on myself.

January 27th, 2019, 01:53 PM
For me, a lob is one of my longer hairstyles. I get that it is not LHC long, but I feel it is still a valid topic. And I found out that it is my favourite hairstyle because of the LHC, so there is that. I don't think I should leave for this, but we will see.


MusicalSpoons thanks for your view. Yep, it's a bit 'odd' for a long-hair forum, but after letting my then longer hair cut into a pixie, I fled over here. I was panicking and I just wanted to grow. Initially to waist, but then the panic sank and .. It is almost a year ago, and over this time I have found out that this bob/lob thing is actually my fav. LHC helped me with this. So, I came initially for tips how to grow quick and healthy, and I would like to stay because I like it here. I still would to talk with others about a bunch of hair related stuff, even though I will be just maintaining length in a couple of months from now.

Oh goodness, no please stay!! I hope my comment didn't come across as at all intolerant or anything like that - just explaining my initial reaction to my second, considered opinion (and although it was prior to the other thread, I hoped it might be a different viewpoint for anyone reading who had a similar initial reaction) :flowers: Besides, this is probably the best place to discuss and think about how to have a bob/lob and keep the hair healthy, especially for people who are intending to grow beyond the style; and for those who, like you, just want it to be a low maintenance style.

So regardless of any controversy, as a longhair I still think this was a good idea for a thread! ;)

(And you never know ... In time, LHCitis might get you after all :p but it's fine if it doesn't, of course - in case that needed to be said just to be sure)

January 27th, 2019, 02:51 PM
Yes! After growing my hair out to the tops of my thighs and becoming overwhelmed with the splits and the tangles and the weight of it and and and ... I had my hair cut back gradually until I ended at a collarbone length lob.
I loved it for the better part of 2 years but discovered that I like to get it completely off my neck and out of my face more often than not, and it's harder to do at this short of a length. So now I'm growing out again to at least waist. I haven't been very fussy about the shape it takes. The photo is blow dried, but I'd also wear it all wurly and curly, like my signature photo.

January 27th, 2019, 03:01 PM
Trim every 5to 6 weeks keep them perfect and stylish.

Do you self-trim?

If you get a salon trim, may I ask what a trim (a hem 'tidy up') costs where you are? Is this less than the cost of a 'full' haircut (as one would have to get every 6 weeks or so, to maintain a pixie or similar)?

I think lobs and bobs are beautiful, and can look good on a lot of people. If I were to cut my hair, a lob would be my choice of style.

spidermom your hair looks gorgeous at collarbone...and I totally understand the need to get it OFF the neck and away from the face.

January 27th, 2019, 03:35 PM
Lovely, spidermom!

Here, a "trim" costs the same as a full haircut, unless it's just bangs. If you're cutting the length of the hair, it doesn't matter how much or how little you're cutting off.

Of course I haven't been to a salon in years and even then it was Great Clips. So.

January 27th, 2019, 03:44 PM
Looking great Spidermom!

January 29th, 2019, 06:01 AM
Oh goodness, no please stay!! I hope my comment didn't come across as at all intolerant or anything like that - just explaining my initial reaction to my second, considered opinion (and although it was prior to the other thread, I hoped it might be a different viewpoint for anyone reading who had a similar initial reaction) :flowers: Besides, this is probably the best place to discuss and think about how to have a bob/lob and keep the hair healthy, especially for people who are intending to grow beyond the style; and for those who, like you, just want it to be a low maintenance style.

So regardless of any controversy, as a longhair I still think this was a good idea for a thread! ;)

(And you never know ... In time, LHCitis might get you after all :p but it's fine if it doesn't, of course - in case that needed to be said just to be sure)

OK, I agree with you :)

(Nah, I don't think LHCitis will get me ;) )

Spidermom you look good with that collarbone length lob! I think it is called a lob now? Anyhow, that's about the length I am aiming for at the moment :) Even your texture might be a bit similar to mine :)

About the *get it off the neck when it's warm*: at that length I can do a small ponytail or bun. Perks of having fine hair I guess..

January 29th, 2019, 06:18 AM
(Nah, I don't think LHCitis will get me ;) )

Yeeeeah. Don't be too sure of that. LOL! ;) :p

January 30th, 2019, 10:20 AM
I'm not sure, at that length my hair is a total mess if not round brushed and that takes effort. And I am disabled so I need something a little "easier" to maintain.

I'm so sorry I missed this comment of yours lapushka. Hope you are doing well. :flowers:
Never thought that such long hair can be easy for someone, but if it does for you, stick with it and you do you :)

January 30th, 2019, 10:22 AM
Yeeeeah. Don't be too sure of that. LOL! ;) :p

Nah, I think I FINALLY learned what works for me. Then again, never say never ;)

January 30th, 2019, 12:01 PM
I'm really missing that collarbone-length lob. It looked so good and was so quick and easy to blow dry and/or curl with hot rollers. I could get it off my neck and out of my face at that length, but those hairs around my nape always came loose and tickled my neck. I hate that tickly feeling!

Upside Down
January 31st, 2019, 06:41 AM
Hi all,

After a life of various hair lengths and styles, I have come to the conclusion that I just really like the bob and long bong (lob) length!
For me, it is the best of short hair: easy to take care of, washing is easy and fast, conditioner is optional, no crazy knotting, drying is quite fast as well, you can use a hairdrier without having to worry too much about future damage and think it looks awesome as well. On me personally, I think it is the best length.

Don't get me wrong, long hair can be very aesthetically pleasing as well, but that is just something different and I don't need to have it myself to also enjoy the sight of other people with long hairs ;)

What the f am I talking about? For example:

Are there more people here, like me, what just wish to grow to / maintain at or cut to this kind of length?

I hope we can have a nice chat here, share ideas, pictures and support each other :)

For those of us with cheaper seats, how does one style hair like in the first and last picture?

Question directed at all participants, not just OP :)

January 31st, 2019, 07:05 AM
Does this count? Me in 2010.

I got bored with it very fast and wanted long hair again. Also unless I used a blow drier and round brush, it just waved around in all directions like a royal person. So it was way too much hassle for me!


January 31st, 2019, 08:16 AM
"waved around in all directions like a royal person" made me giggle. :)

It's adorable, though, Sarah!

Anyone else ever wish you could have short hair for like a day or two just for fun and then come back to long?
Maybe this is why my mom used to have a wig (although she had a long wig and kept her hair short).

January 31st, 2019, 08:52 AM
"waved around in all directions like a royal person" made me giggle. :)

It's adorable, though, Sarah!

Anyone else ever wish you could have short hair for like a day or two just for fun and then come back to long?
Maybe this is why my mom used to have a wig (although she had a long wig and kept her hair short).

Yes, I do wish this from time to time. I guess I could always get a shorter wig, but wigs never feel the same as your own hair, that's the problem I find.

January 31st, 2019, 09:24 AM
I don't wanna call myself a bob lover, as I totally despise my cut now.
But I've been having a bob on and off for 4 years now and I wanna grow it. It gets boring after some time...

Anyways that's my hair on December when i got my cut.

January 31st, 2019, 09:55 AM
Really cute, Sid0rela!

I've never tried a wig but I suppose it wouldn't feel the same.

January 31st, 2019, 09:58 AM
Really cute, Sid0rela!

I've never tried a wig but I suppose it wouldn't feel the same.

Thank you!
I somewhat feel the same about wigs.

January 31st, 2019, 10:33 AM
Sarah, those colors in your first picture -the clothes, the foliage, the hair, *so* gorgeous, I love it all. That is a really nice bob, too.

I had a chin length bob that I hated, when I was eleven, and didn't plan on ever having shorter hair once that grew out. Then, a few years back, I cut to a shoulder legnth lob, to remove damage, and loved it. My hair is back to BSL now, but I am considering a variation on the lob, again. That swingy ponytail that curled under on its own, scrunchy, bouncy waves, etc, are tempting. My Pinterest hair board has held steady ever since with about 50/50 ratio of mermaid hair and lobs.

Groovy Granny
January 31st, 2019, 11:47 AM
Does this count? Me in 2010.

I got bored with it very fast and wanted long hair again. Also unless I used a blow drier and round brush, it just waved around in all directions like a royal person. So it was way too much hassle for me!

Very cute :)

"waved around" :waving:
That was mine too

This is back in 2013....and it is actually styled/cut/ the same length as Sid0rela's below ;)



It looks good on YOU....but mine was an epic FAIL :p ....the hemline curled every which way but loose, and in humid weather all my crown to hemline new growth curled like it was permed :rollin:

So I grew it out .... problem solved :eyebrows:

But I love all your Bobs and Lobs, and if I could....I would....so wear it and enjoy :thumbsup:

January 31st, 2019, 12:07 PM
Groovy Granny Thank you so much!
It only looks good styled so I totally feel you. I realy love Bobs and Lobs on other people too!! Btw I like how your hair curls in the end.

Groovy Granny
January 31st, 2019, 12:12 PM
Groovy Granny Thank you so much!
It only looks good styled so I totally feel you. I realy love Bobs and Lobs on other people too!! Btw I like how your hair curls in the end.

Thanks :)

It is even curlier long because my silver took on a whole new texture, so with a bob now...I would look like my Grandmother permed :lol:


January 31st, 2019, 12:20 PM
For those of us with cheaper seats, how does one style hair like in the first and last picture?

Question directed at all participants, not just OP :)

This would interest me as well. I guess having a wavy texture to start with, a cut with some light layers and no super clean hair. Then maybe add some dry shampoo or salt spray for more 'texture'?

You look lovely as always Sarahlabyrinth Very royal as well, it suits your comment ;)

AmaryllisRed after having my hair cut too short I thought about getting a wig as well, but I just didn't. Good one are expensive I guess, I bet it gets itchy as well and it wouldn't feel the same.

Sid0rela I think it looks good though :)

GroovyGranny oh yes, the curls.. Guess they need more length if you want it to look like Sid0relas current length. I also think that Sid0relas hair is longer in the front, with a slight inverted V in the back? Sid0rela would you share how it was cut?

Unzadi that seems to be a tricky situation... Question is: Which do you prefer to have ON YOU?

January 31st, 2019, 01:20 PM
For those of us with cheaper seats, how does one style hair like in the first and last picture?

Question directed at all participants, not just OP :)

Not gonna lie a lot of time and heat. I can do both if I want at this length. Haven’t in ages. It’s normally straighten then, Put a touch of wave in with the straightener. Because my natural wave won’t do it. You kind of have to twist as you straighten. Then a bit of back combing for under layers for volume. Hair spray and sometimes some texture paste. Normally hair spray at the roots as well.

January 31st, 2019, 01:23 PM
Wow Groovygranny, really pretty, and if that's 2C, then my hair definitely is not.

Groovy Granny
January 31st, 2019, 01:34 PM
GroovyGranny oh yes, the curls.. Guess they need more length if you want it to look like Sid0relas current length. I also think that Sid0relas hair is longer in the front, with a slight inverted V in the back? Sid0rela would you share how it was cut?

Thanks :)
That WAS the same cut and length,but the curl won out as it is too fine for heat styling :shrug:

Wow Groovygranny, really pretty, and if that's 2C, then my hair definitely is not.

Thank you...that is my humid weather/post shampoo air dried curl explosion :lol:
In dry air/cooler weather is @ 1c like my avatar...crazy!

If I ever had to/chose to cut, I would go short enough so as not to be hot on my neck and just encourage the curls.

I have seen and love all your colors; boy your hair grew back fast! :thumbsup:

January 31st, 2019, 01:39 PM
For those of us with cheaper seats, how does one style hair like in the first and last picture?

Question directed at all participants, not just OP :)

So for me, if I scrunch a little bit and blow dry with a diffuser, I get a look similar to the first. (When my hair is that length.) I have a pic somewhere.
And the last one I can achieve with a blow dryer and a round brush.
I am lucky in that my texture can be coaxed to behave as curly, wavy, or straight pretty easily at shorter lengths.

January 31st, 2019, 02:33 PM
Unzadi that seems to be a tricky situation... Question is: Which do you prefer to have ON YOU?[/QUOTE]

That would be the question. Still figuring that one out. My hair is fine, so getting more volume is easier at shorter lengths, but I also love doing braids, buns, etc. Face framing layers are close to the best of both worlds.

The Maple Leaf
January 31st, 2019, 05:46 PM
I love bobs on both sexes! I have a man-bob myself, which, when maintained, is at collar-length. Specifically, a blunt chin-length bob is pretty much my favorite look on a woman beside long hair. I like both one-length bobs and (on some women) angled bobs.

I'm not a big fan of using the term "lob", though. A bob is a bob is a bob, whether it's jaw-length or chin-length or shoulder-skimming. We don't need yet another monicker. Especially when applied to hair that's e.g. just over the shoulders. I'm sorry, but in my not-so-humble opinion, if it's shoulder-length or longer, it's not a bob of any kind any more than the grass is blue or the sky is green.

Upside Down
February 1st, 2019, 01:30 AM
I found a video yesterday, and can’t find it now. There was a girl who styled her lob by twisting.

She has straight hair to begin with. She applied sea salt spray to almosy dry hair and then twisted with her hands big chunks in different directions, scrunched in the end and it looked very nice. Not too wavy but kind of got some texture to it.

February 3rd, 2019, 06:50 AM
I found a video yesterday, and can’t find it now. There was a girl who styled her lob by twisting.

She has straight hair to begin with. She applied sea salt spray to almosy dry hair and then twisted with her hands big chunks in different directions, scrunched in the end and it looked very nice. Not too wavy but kind of got some texture to it.

This sounds like a vacation to me (mainly because of the sea salt spray).

The Maple Leaf oh yeah, first time I saw and liked it was on Ryan Nicodemus from the minimalists. Think it looks relaxed, a bit alternative but also still a bit groomed :)

February 9th, 2019, 12:55 PM
Former bob lover here, had a bob for almost three years and now growing it out. It will always be one of my favorite hairstyles, it's versatile: it can be sleek, curly, wavy or simply some layers will give it a lot of volume. I still have a pinterest board full of bob pics, it's really tempting to not cut my hair haha :D
Everybody should try a bob once in their life!

February 23rd, 2019, 08:40 AM
Just want to check in here and to ask something. How to style bob cut without hairdryer, but to look neat?

February 23rd, 2019, 09:35 AM
Just want to check in here and to ask something. How to style bob cut without hairdryer, but to look neat?

Maybe big rollers and air dry?
If I want my hair to look neat in a bob, I have to blow dry with a round brush.

February 23rd, 2019, 09:56 AM
Oh, rollers! I think I really should give them a chance, at least for front area, where my hair is drier

February 26th, 2019, 06:42 AM
Ooh! I'm a lob fan when my hair gets damaged or I find my hemline's thickness looking miserable. I will usually get a SL blunt lob or SL concave lob. During my younger days bobs were my hairstyle of choice. Perfect for fine and thin hair because they give an illusion of volume like no other. But now I'm really wishing for much longer hair. But bobs and lobs will always have a special place in my heart.

February 26th, 2019, 06:58 AM
I'm growing out a pixie and I think I should trim the back again: https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=35697&d=1551186985

Do any of you have experience in cutting the backside of what should become a bob by themselves? Any advice on how to make a hemline that is as high in the back as in the front (of the longest layers)?

February 26th, 2019, 09:02 AM
I'm growing out a pixie and I think I should trim the back again: https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=35697&d=1551186985

Do any of you have experience in cutting the backside of what should become a bob by themselves? Any advice on how to make a hemline that is as high in the back as in the front (of the longest layers)?

Hi, I just answered your question in another thread. I used to do this all the time, getting a pixie, growing it out, getting fed up with my mullet and ending up with a bob (which I love!) It really depends on what you like to see, do you like a bob haircut? If yes, why not? Please note that if you cut the back as short as your longest layers in front you will end up with a very short, chin length bob.

February 26th, 2019, 10:35 AM
Hi, I just answered your question in another thread. I used to do this all the time, getting a pixie, growing it out, getting fed up with my mullet and ending up with a bob (which I love!) It really depends on what you like to see, do you like a bob haircut? If yes, why not? Please note that if you cut the back as short as your longest layers in front you will end up with a very short, chin length bob.

I plan to cut here, to get rid of the remains of the mullet:

I'm just not sure how to do it.. It needs to look good enough to work in a professional environment from April on.

February 26th, 2019, 07:47 PM
Hmm. The 90's really are back, aren't they? I rocked that style back then. I liked the look, when I could get it to do my thing. But it was a high-maintenance style for me, because my hair is in the 2c range and tends to flip out unless blown straight or with a round brush.

Another aspect of bobs that was high-maintenance: finding a good hairdresser. My favorite hairdresser back then once told me that a bob was actually one of the hardest cuts to execute, because it required a lot more precision than pixies, layered cuts, etc. A lot of people can't really do symmetry. More than once I came home with half an inch's difference between the sides. Most of my hairdressers also couldn't get the back-to-front angle of the cut right. It looks best when it matches the angle of the jaw from the side, I think, but they instead go by some internal logic I don't really understand. So yeah, it was hard to get right.

February 26th, 2019, 08:04 PM
I am looking into getting a long bob or a shoulder length wig (and in different color too!) for fun. Has anyone done this before to have short hair while keeping your natural long hair at the same time?

February 27th, 2019, 04:52 AM
Hmm. The 90's really are back, aren't they? I rocked that style back then. I liked the look, when I could get it to do my thing. But it was a high-maintenance style for me, because my hair is in the 2c range and tends to flip out unless blown straight or with a round brush.

Another aspect of bobs that was high-maintenance: finding a good hairdresser. My favorite hairdresser back then once told me that a bob was actually one of the hardest cuts to execute, because it required a lot more precision than pixies, layered cuts, etc. A lot of people can't really do symmetry. More than once I came home with half an inch's difference between the sides. Most of my hairdressers also couldn't get the back-to-front angle of the cut right. It looks best when it matches the angle of the jaw from the side, I think, but they instead go by some internal logic I don't really understand. So yeah, it was hard to get right.


I find it harder to get the back at the level where I want it. That would be easier when cutting someone else's hair though. Left/right symmetry is of course something to pay attention to, but it's not rocket science.