View Full Version : Three Years of Growth

January 5th, 2019, 06:21 PM
Hello hello, I've been growing my hair the LHC way for three years now! Here is last year's thread (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=145009).

These pictures were taken at the end of December after my seasonal 1/2" trim (I say that as if it's something I've always done, but it was my first trim in my new seasonal microtrimming routine). My hemline refused to cooperate for any of the pictures, but whatever, it's fine.




This is not actually the longest my hair has ever been. I reached my longest length in October at TBL+ (about 40"), then took a spontaneous 7" off the hem. Of course I failed to take before and after pictures (mostly because it was nighttime and I had blah lighting), but I do have pictures from July marking two years growing out my henna:





My hair feels quite short and not exactly like "me," but it's cool to see how far the henna demarcation line has traveled in six months. It's definitely creeping down! I estimated five years to grow it completely out, and I'm already halfway there.

This year also reaffirmed my love for shampoo bars. I quit them in June(?) and went back to traditional shampoo, but my scalp didn't like that and on principle neither did I, so I've gone back to shampoo bars (+ACV rinse and regular conditioner) within the past two months. Oh, and also I started the rinse-out oil method in October and am really enjoying it.

Other than that I enjoyed benign neglect in 2018 (which is largely why I've been so absent from anywhere but the off topic boards) and don't really see that changing much in 2019. The only "hair toy" I've been wearing recently is my spin pins. Maybe I'll start measuring monthly again, who knows.

January 5th, 2019, 09:19 PM
Your hair fading from henna to the natural color is so, so pretty!!

January 6th, 2019, 01:54 AM
Your hair is really lovely :blossom: I love those photos where it's snowing, so pretty!

January 6th, 2019, 04:00 AM
Your hair is beautiful! :)

January 6th, 2019, 04:09 AM
Your hair fading from henna to the natural color is so, so pretty!!

Totally agree ^^ with that! I was just going to mention that, and saw someone had already commented it! :D

Yeah it's such a nice color!

Anyway congratulations on 3 years! I think your hair looks gorgeous, reminds me of my mom's hair when she was in her 40s!

January 6th, 2019, 05:13 AM
Gorgeous mane. I really love silky hair and the way it can shine. Especially how it looks like there's a second lighter layer on top of the other hair, because the individual hairs are slightly see-through

January 6th, 2019, 05:35 AM
Shampoo bars and micro trimming seem to really be agreeing with your hair - it looks lovely and healthy :flower:

January 6th, 2019, 06:31 AM
I'm excited to see your progress, because I'm on the same path with my hennaed hair. Your progress is amazing, and your hair looks lovely.

January 6th, 2019, 06:57 AM
That's amazing progress! I'm growing out dye myself and this is so motivating! I love your natural colour - the way it shines in the sun is just breathtaking :D

January 7th, 2019, 01:55 PM
Your hair fading from henna to the natural color is so, so pretty!!

Your hair is really lovely :blossom: I love those photos where it's snowing, so pretty!

Your hair is beautiful! :)

Totally agree ^^ with that! I was just going to mention that, and saw someone had already commented it! :D

Yeah it's such a nice color!

Anyway congratulations on 3 years! I think your hair looks gorgeous, reminds me of my mom's hair when she was in her 40s!

Shampoo bars and micro trimming seem to really be agreeing with your hair - it looks lovely and healthy :flower:

Awww all of y'all's kind comments really mean so much <3 Thank you all for taking the time!

I'm excited to see your progress, because I'm on the same path with my hennaed hair. Your progress is amazing, and your hair looks lovely.

Thank you! After the first six-ish months it was pretty easy, though it is looking better and better the longer it gets. People assume I did this purposefully at this point! How long have you been growing out?

That's amazing progress! I'm growing out dye myself and this is so motivating! I love your natural colour - the way it shines in the sun is just breathtaking :D

Thank you! You can do it! Growing out henna/dye is such a long journey, but it's really made me appreciate my natural color.

January 8th, 2019, 08:31 AM
Sooo pretty :)

January 8th, 2019, 09:10 AM
Thank you, geenie! :flower:

January 8th, 2019, 11:54 AM
Thank you! After the first six-ish months it was pretty easy, though it is looking better and better the longer it gets. People assume I did this purposefully at this point! How long have you been growing out?

It was April -18 I think when I decided to stop doing full henna, but I did twice a more brown herbal mix dye, so the dyeing stopped around September -18. It's now a bit difficult to see where my virgin hair demarcation line is. I don't even know what color my virgin hair will be, but I'll try to find out.:D Somewhere between dirty blonde and light brown I suppose.

January 9th, 2019, 08:59 AM
Ah that sounds similar to what I did, although instead of brown herbal, I did increasing amounts of cassia. I did that for about five months before I ultimately stopped completely.