View Full Version : Guys and claw clips?

December 20th, 2018, 09:24 AM
I bought a few when my hair got to shoulder length mainly to use in the shower but also just to try for fun. They worked great and was still keep one in the shower. I’ve also used them at home since for various things but never use them out. Curious if any other guys use them? They work really well for holding buns and also for just pinning some hair back out of my face in a half up or pony. They look a bit odd to me though and I’ve always been hesitant to use them in public. Thoughts?

December 20th, 2018, 10:04 AM
If you feel uncomfortable, you'll look uncomfortable.

But there is nothing UN-masculine about a claw clip. Well, unless it's pink sparkle Hello Kitty. Wink!

I'm glad to see more discussion about male aesthetics. One thing I've found is that there really are no rules, save this one. It needs to be worn confidently and intentionally.

December 20th, 2018, 11:03 AM
I think any kind of hair accesory will work for a man. Just look for the same aesthetic and colors you would look for in your clothes.

Neutral tones, no sparkling things, whatever it is you think would fit your clothes, accesories such as rings or necklaces and general aesthetic, can be applied to hair accesories as well in my opinion.

December 20th, 2018, 11:19 AM
Pretty much what cjk and trees said. Few things are more appropiate and atractive (I refuse to use the term "manly") that a men wearing whatever with confidence, and feeling good in his own skin. Even Hello Kitty accessories :p You must not pay attention to anything else.

I think that claw clips are for guys too! Actually, anything can be men or women, unless you had to use it with your genitals :lol:

December 20th, 2018, 11:24 AM
rowie is a male here who uses Ficcare Innovation clips super effectively. I think all clips are perfectly well suited to a masculine look. :) It's all how you decide to rock it.

December 20th, 2018, 12:01 PM
I see lots of guys by me (especially young 20's) with long hair with buns. I'm on the east cost in the US. These days nothing is unusual. Try wearing it and see if you can get use to it.

December 20th, 2018, 12:21 PM
I would present it as a "social experiment" and thank anybody that comments, positive or negative for participating in the study.

However I wouldn't be above donning a sparkly pink scrunchie just to mess with someone, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

December 20th, 2018, 01:37 PM
When I lived in Bozeman, Montana, I spotted a guy on the sidewalk, walking toward me. He wore a black suit and white shirt, and he also had black hair, pulled back. As he walked by, I noticed a bun with a small black hair stick through it. It was very cool! So, I think any accessory that came close to matching the color of your hair would do nicely. Also, attitude is important. That guy walked with confidence.

December 20th, 2018, 02:07 PM
I think you should wear whatever you like without worrying what society thinks. If you Do feel uncomfortable wearing something like that in public, just ease yourself into it by wearing small and understated clips in dark colors like black, dark blue, brown. Or a color that blends well with your hair color.

I actually find men wearing hair sticks/clips really good looking (aestetically). ^^

December 20th, 2018, 02:11 PM
The man-bun fad from a few years ago conditioned people into not thinking twice about a man wearing his hair in a bun.

December 20th, 2018, 02:26 PM
I don't see why not, even the pink ones if you have a sparkly personality. :D

But if you feel more neutral, the black or tortoiseshell ones should be a good option.

December 20th, 2018, 03:05 PM
Nobody under the age of 24 would bat an eye even if it were pink sparkly Hello Kitty :P Wear whatever you want because life is short! And you could be an example to other longhaired men :) I know a couple guys with classic length hair and they wear it braided often even though it's not "manly".

December 20th, 2018, 04:25 PM
I don't see anything wrong with claw clips for males. I only wear them at home when I want to quickly get the hair out of the way, or occasionally a short one as a ponytail holder, but most of that is that I don't particularly like the aesthetic of claws on anybody, male/female/other. To each their own.

Unless maybe it's that Hello Kitty one to jerk people's chains, I could see that :) But I'm waiting for an order of scrunchies, a couple of which are in-your-face sequined. I'll decide whether I'll wear those in public after I see what they actually look like in my hair.

(I did a brief search to see if Hello Kitty hair claws exist. Found hair clips, pins, etc, but no claws. Besides, I'd probably want one with the image of Hello Kitty holding a rifle, just for maximum cognitive disruption. I know, I'm awful.)

December 20th, 2018, 06:17 PM
Not awful at all. Zombie Hello Kitty holding the Sanrio Kalashnikov would be epic!

December 20th, 2018, 07:00 PM
I like this idea, we just need somebody to make them :)

Like has been said, confidence goes a long ways, I honestly don't think many people out and about in public these days will notice a claw clip in your hair unless it's pointed out to them.

December 20th, 2018, 07:07 PM
I think that a man having long hair is already a step outside of what is expected, customary, whatever. Since you've already stepped outside, wear what you like out there. Anything goes!

December 21st, 2018, 12:11 AM
Most of the people who would find something odd about a man with claw clips would probably find something odd about a man with any other hair accessory.

I had the same doubts before starting to wear hairsticks.
Experimented once in public, then twice... and now it would be easier to leave the house without clothes than without a hairstick. https://felipesv.websiteseguro.com/forum/k_lingua.gif

December 21st, 2018, 03:15 AM
I used to think that nothing but black would suit, but now I tend to wear a lot of the tortoise shell hair bands to get my hair out of my face, when it gets greasy, the ones with teeth in them combed through my hair give me a kind of "old American slicked back gangster" look :D that I've actually been complimented on before now.

I also like a lot of the fabric 80's style sweat band hair bands.

Like everyone else has said, just go with what ever you feel confident in.

F what ever people think, go with what's good for you :D

December 21st, 2018, 03:18 AM
I also like a lot of "the longhair's" hair stuff, a quick Google will pull them up. Shippings a little pricey for me being in the UK, but I also find their stuff a lot more durable.

Apologies if this post sounds like a plug and mods please feel free to remove it, but it's just a recommendation :D

Also, also, apologies for making 2 posts, I can't edit my own ones yet it seems.

December 26th, 2018, 03:17 AM
I wanted to add, as long hair guy (and actually enjoy having an androgynous style) there is anything odd about it. I'm more towards scrunchies and hair ties cause I have very slippery hair.

However a close college friend of mine usually wears his long wavy strands in a messy updo held with colorful claw clips as his mood changes. Yet he is very masculine and chill so it's the last thing you notice even tho we are both studying art. So if you feel comfortable do it, just carry it with attitude :cool:

December 26th, 2018, 06:09 AM
Agreed with what everyone else is saying, wear whatever you like, just wear it with confidence. Start out wearing it around the house and just around friends until you are comfortable with it, then wear it outside, too. Hairtoys and tools are no more meant for women rather than men than long hair itself is. Wear it because you like it and it makes you feel good. In any case I think claw clips are a very neutral sort of tool.

December 26th, 2018, 07:46 AM
The original poster has been quiet. :hmm:

JackintheBox - please tell us you are not thinking that being born with a Y chromosome means that one should not wear one's long hair in a practical manner. That is just brainwashing that men get subjected to. :bs:

December 26th, 2018, 06:31 PM
The original poster has been quiet. :hmm:

JackintheBox - please tell us you are not thinking that being born with a Y chromosome means that one should not wear one's long hair in a practical manner. That is just brainwashing that men get subjected to. :bs:
Yup! I think this goes along with the social pressure to cut hair “at a certain age”. Indeed, very silly.

December 27th, 2018, 06:45 PM
Yup! I think this goes along with the social pressure to cut hair “at a certain age”. Indeed, very silly.

Dammit I can´t bear with social pressure when one person is doing just fine on his.her own and people say otherwise!!!! :steam:steam:steam.

Besides its annoying sometimes when Im mistaken for a woman or transgender I mean, i'm growing my hair because I want to, not for a sex change or political statement!!! :mad:

December 27th, 2018, 06:58 PM
Thanks everyone for the replies and sorry for being slow to respond to my own post. I appreciate th encouragement. I often wear buns but otherwise have been slow to wear other styles outside of my apartment. Still working on building up my confidence I guess but I definitely plan on using a claw clip to hold my bun soon. I agree that most things hair are not gender specific but occasionally I feel they are. Still a work in progress.

December 27th, 2018, 08:22 PM
If your the artistic type you can do guy style painting. Or get stickers with skulls or something masculine and seal them on with clear nail polish or any type of sealant that can spray.

December 27th, 2018, 08:25 PM
Also my older brother who is previous special forces and very burly was the one to take me to a hair salon a.d get my rats nest of dyed hair cleaned up and taught me good hair habits. Thanks to him I Havnt touched heat styling tools in nine years and only dyed it once in as long.

December 29th, 2018, 06:40 PM
Wore a bun held with a plain black clip to work yesterday. No comments at all. Was a bit self conscious but apparently for no reason. I think like you all said, having long hair as a guy is already out there if you will and people don’t notice Details of how I’m wearing it much.