View Full Version : A question about beards

December 15th, 2018, 02:40 PM
This is such a weird question but I have thought a lot about this. Why is it that beard hair always seem to be coarse hand have kind of similar texture, like very small waves/kinks? Or maybe I'm wrong about this, but It's a thing I have noticed. It almost looks like curly hair brushed out. I mean even Saruman, who has really straight, soft hair has a little of a rough-looking beard. Why don't I ever see a soft, straight 1a beard? Or a spirally beard of 3a-type? Or a super coily 4b-beard? Or would the beards look more defined if the guys scrunched and plopped and CO-washed? And also, why doesn't the beard colour always match the hair colour? I mean it is fairly common for blonde guys to have a red beard, right? :confused:

December 15th, 2018, 02:48 PM
This depends on the guy--I know a few guys who have perfectly smooth beards.

the variation is probably not that dissimilar to the variation you see in eyebrows. For example, I'm only slightly wavy in the hair on my head, but if my eyebrows could grow long enough, both my brow waxing lady and I think my eyebrows would be a solid 2c or even loose 3a. I've also seen people with naturally light hair have dark eyebrows.

December 15th, 2018, 03:13 PM
Eyebrows and head hair are, basically, the same thing.

Anything lower is "body hair." Beards, chest hair, etc are basically the same stuff.

It will vary individually, but you're right. Beards tend to be coarse. And usually textured, though some of the variations you've noticed aren't natural. We guys use blowouts, flat irons, and the like...we just aren't as open about it, usually.

Some of it is also care. But since you broached the subject, I do wash, condition, scrunch, and so forth...my beard has the texture of dry straw. The hairs are extremely thick and so non-absorbent that they shed water like a duck's back.

December 15th, 2018, 03:17 PM

December 15th, 2018, 03:49 PM
Eyebrows and head hair are, basically, the same thing.

Anything lower is "body hair." Beards, chest hair, etc are basically the same stuff.

It will vary individually, but you're right. Beards tend to be coarse. And usually textured, though some of the variations you've noticed aren't natural. We guys use blowouts, flat irons, and the like...we just aren't as open about it, usually.

Some of it is also care. But since you broached the subject, I do wash, condition, scrunch, and so forth...my beard has the texture of dry straw. The hairs are extremely thick and so non-absorbent that they shed water like a duck's back.

That makes sense! And you're right about beards being water repellant (not that I have any experience myself, but they always seem to dry very fast). I only remember the super uncomfortable feeling when my dad hugged me and his beard scratched my chin... Hm, I have a few red strands scattered in my otherwise blonde hair (I wish all my hair was red though) - I wonder if that means I would have a red beard if I was able to grow one? Lol I'm a bit jealous of all the men that can grow beards, I would totally do it if I could! Guess I have to try this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY1w0eLWjsQ

December 15th, 2018, 04:08 PM
My boyfriend has light brown hair and a red beard haha

December 15th, 2018, 05:35 PM
This is such a weird question but I have thought a lot about this. Why is it that beard hair always seem to be coarse hand have kind of similar texture, like very small waves/kinks? Or maybe I'm wrong about this, but It's a thing I have noticed. It almost looks like curly hair brushed out. I mean even Saruman, who has really straight, soft hair has a little of a rough-looking beard. Why don't I ever see a soft, straight 1a beard? Or a spirally beard of 3a-type? Or a super coily 4b-beard? Or would the beards look more defined if the guys scrunched and plopped and CO-washed? And also, why doesn't the beard colour always match the hair colour? I mean it is fairly common for blonde guys to have a red beard, right? :confused:

Red hair is caused by a mutation on the MC1R gene. If you are homozygous for mutation (mutation on both strands), you get red hair. If you only have one mutated copy, you get sporadic red hair growth in places like beards or eyebrows.

December 15th, 2018, 05:59 PM
This is a great question! I've noticed this but never really thought about. I think it goes back to what cjk stated on beards being body hair. My arm hair isn't type 4 like my head hair - that would be weird! lol. But my eyebrows are not type 4 like my head hair either, they are type 1, so I wouldn't say that eyebrow hair is the same as head hair on that note.

December 16th, 2018, 12:07 AM
This is a great question! I've noticed this but never really thought about. I think it goes back to what cjk stated on beards being body hair. My arm hair isn't type 4 like my head hair - that would be weird! lol. But my eyebrows are not type 4 like my head hair either, they are type 1, so I wouldn't say that eyebrow hair is the same as head hair on that note.

Yes it makes sense of course, that it's not the same hair everywhere. And even the most straight haired men seem to have curly chest hair etc.

December 16th, 2018, 12:14 AM
Red hair is caused by a mutation on the MC1R gene. If you are homozygous for mutation (mutation on both strands), you get red hair. If you only have one mutated copy, you get sporadic red hair growth in places like beards or eyebrows.

I should have known this, did a lot of research about hair colours and mutation a while ago. But had completely forgotten. It's really interesting though! The neanderthals did also have red hair among them, but due to another mutation than humans. And there's the Melanesian people who tend to have dark skin but light blonde typ 4 hair. Also due to another gene than the Scandinavian blonde, I believe. Looks really cool. I wonder if I have one allele of MC1R, as I have a lot of coarse red strands scattered in My otherwise blonde really fine hair. I hope so, so that I can get red haired children. Lol