View Full Version : Atlantis Watercolour hair dye

November 4th, 2008, 04:58 AM
"Atlantis Watercolour" hair dye.

I saw this product in the health food shop near me...has anybody tried it? Is so - results? Criticisms?

This is from their website:

"Atlantis Watercolour is a breakthrough in hair colouring, the world’s first non-peroxide, non-ammonia, semi, demi or permanent hair colour. Watercolour is a water-based colouring system, 95% water and delivers enduring colour, it provides a gentler alternative to modern day colouring methods. Utilising the hair’s natural colour as a base, Watercolour gently wraps around the hair shaft, colouring the hair whilst making the hair softer, shinier and healthier. The result is glistening and long lasting colour, leaving your hair repaired, strengthened and replenished..."


November 4th, 2008, 01:48 PM
"Atlantis Watercolour" hair dye.

I saw this product in the health food shop near me...has anybody tried it? Is so - results? Criticisms?

This is from their website:

"Atlantis Watercolour is a breakthrough in hair colouring, the world’s first non-peroxide, non-ammonia, semi, demi or permanent hair colour. Watercolour is a water-based colouring system, 95% water and delivers enduring colour, it provides a gentler alternative to modern day colouring methods. Utilising the hair’s natural colour as a base, Watercolour gently wraps around the hair shaft, colouring the hair whilst making the hair softer, shinier and healthier. The result is glistening and long lasting colour, leaving your hair repaired, strengthened and replenished..."


I was interested until I got to the ingredients list. Then I became slightly nervous! I don't know what most of these are, but it seems to state that some of the colors may contain PPD:

The Watercolour Hair Colours contain NO peroxide or ammonia, but do contain the following ingredients: Sodium Perborate, Sodium Sulfate, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Silicate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate, Sodium Benozate, Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate.

They may also contain: 2-Chlors-p Phenylenediamine Sulfate, p Phenylenediamine Sulfate, m Aminophenol Sulfate, Toulene-2.5-Diamine Sulfate, p-Aminophenol Sulfate, 2 Nitro-p-Phentlenediamine Sulfate, 4-Amino-2-Hydroxytoulene Sulfate, 2-Amino-6Chloro-4-Nitro-Phenol, HC Yellow 4, 2-6 Diaminopyridine Sulfate

So, I don't know...

There is something we have in UK that is virtually identical. I'll see if I can find it...

Yes - Daniel Field, Natural Colors www.danielfield.com/

It also says the DF product has no parabens. I don't know all the terms, so there may be another name for it hidden in the list for the product you gave us Gallows_Gallery. I also think there is a small amount of PPD in some of the colors for the Daniel Field. So, they seem very similar. I don't know what you think?

This is what cheeses me off, because I want to avoid PPD (started having reactions) and I've got the Daniel Field at my local chemist, so had a good look on a few occasions.

But if you're ok with the PPD side of things, it certainly looks workable to me. I'd love to know what you think of the smell, texture, scslp effect, color, shine etc. if you do try it! :eyebrows:

November 4th, 2008, 02:12 PM
You have to watch this kind of hype on vendor websites because it can be misleading. It may well be a great product but I do not like the way they present it.

This hair colour contains sodium perborate. I have not looked up the other ingredients. You have to look them up to really know what they are and what exactly they do.

"Sodium perborate is soluble in water and releases hydrogen peroxide ...."

This website has been posted before and is a good one IMO, to check things out.

Here is another interesting website, IMO.

This website has made improvements. They now include references. They still like to scare people though and have been criticized in the past for being incomplete or erroneous in their information.

November 5th, 2008, 06:59 AM
After using chemical colour for about seven years, I'm not worried about having a go at a half-chemical one!

I've decided that I'm going to hold off dyeing my hair until I finish my exams, then do it all as a sort of reward for myself (before marks come out :P). I will be trying henna and indigo for the first time, but if it comes out badly, I might get the dark brown watercolour one to fix it up.

Also, ktani, thankyou for your links; your answers are always astoundingly informative.

November 5th, 2008, 06:26 PM
After using chemical colour for about seven years, I'm not worried about having a go at a half-chemical one!

I've decided that I'm going to hold off dyeing my hair until I finish my exams, then do it all as a sort of reward for myself (before marks come out :P). I will be trying henna and indigo for the first time, but if it comes out badly, I might get the dark brown watercolour one to fix it up.

Also, ktani, thankyou for your links; your answers are always astoundingly informative.

Thank you and you are most welcome.

As I said, this product may be very good, I just do not care for misleading presentation of ingredients.

March 4th, 2009, 12:43 AM
Sorry to revive this thread after three months. But for the last month I was not feeling so well (a lengthy miscarriage) I became overdue for Henna, and was too tired to do it, the rinsing takes quite awhile for me. My hair was becoming dull and more grays are showing, aging process, what can you do :( so yesterday, I applied Schwarzkopf Intense Due dye, it suppose to last 24 washes, no ammonia nor peroxide. My scalp did tolerate it well and my hair looked shinier after. Plus it was way faster to rinse out.

Around here we don't have any brand that sells this type of hair dye, so I tried to find something on line and found Atlantis Watercolour on Organic Australia. It did sound good to me, tell I read the ingredients and as Celebrian mentioned I had doubts about PPD. So I went back here and found this thread.

Now if I decide to buy this it would be on-line as I said, so before I do it I want to hear your recommendations. Avoiding damage to my hair is essential and more important than anything else. Usual dyes with peroxide damage it a lot, even with a one time or occasional use, so those are out of the question. And I want to still use henna, I just want an alternative to use when I can't henna, and maybe replace henna if it worked.

So basically I would like to know if this particular brand is good and not damaging to the hair?

If deposit only dyes (but lasting through several washes) are safe for the hair?

And if this brand is not good, would you recommend anything else that I can get on-line and ships world-wide?

gallows_gallery, did you use this brand? and how did it turn out for you if you did?

Sorry for the log post but I would be thankful for any help.