View Full Version : Ear piercings.. I have a question...

October 29th, 2018, 02:55 PM
I have a question for all you with ear piercings esp. high cartiledge piercings. My hair seems to never fail in tangling around my high cartiledge ear piercings. Right now I have 2 circular barbells (horseshoe shaped rings) in them which seem to help a little in being able to just unwrap the hair. I dont *think* they are causing breakage, but it does worry me. Does anyone else have this problem and what earrings do you use to fix it (or is it just something we gotta endure?) ?

October 29th, 2018, 03:21 PM
I just had 2 piercings per ear, and one cartilage piercing (teenage insanity, for me personally). I never experienced hair "hooking" in those earrings but if you have more, IDK what that'll do.

October 29th, 2018, 03:34 PM
I don't have any cartilage piercings but with ordinary earrings I only wear small round studs on a regular basis and they don't get caught. If I am wearing something dangley or with edges I will wait to put it in until my hair is pinned up for the day/event. I don't brush my hair when I have anything other than my little studs in anymore because my hair will tangle in it. When my hair got tangled in a dangley earring once I took out the earring, untangled the hair and put the earring back in.

October 29th, 2018, 03:52 PM
I have an outer helix piercing with a flatback labret post and my hair does catch in it, only if i tuck my hair behind my ears. So i try not to do that as much but honestly I haven't broke the habit yet, so I try to begentle pulling it out. Haven't tried any other jewelry yet as that piercing is still unhealed. I wear a straight barbell with a bead or a gem on the back of my conch pierced in the same ear and have never, in nearly your years, caught my hair in it except during the few weeks I wore a ring.

Lady Stardust
October 29th, 2018, 04:33 PM
My hair always used to tangle in my high cartilage piercings. I left one to heal up and switched to a small hoop for the other, but only when I had a very short pixie cut. It might be ok now with a hoop but I found it uncomfortable to sleep on so I’m not going to try.

October 29th, 2018, 07:37 PM
You can opt for the rubber barbells that are smoothed off at the ends and don’t need a ball bearing on the ends.

October 29th, 2018, 07:39 PM
I have two on each ear.... Not cartiledge piercings, just earlobe. The first pair were regular CBR hoops, and I had almost no trouble with my hair on those. Then I got my d]second pair which are short studs with a little ball on the end. Now THOSE bug me to no end. A random hair likes to get caught or wrapped around one or the other and its tedious to pull it out without irritating the piercing. I am sure one ear has taken much longer to heal because of this. Some piercers like to recommend studs because they say they heal easier; I think for me at least, hoops are better.

If the CBR and threaded studs weren't so difficult to remove and replace, I'd switch them up once in a while LOL!

October 29th, 2018, 08:08 PM
I have three piercings in each lobe and 3 cartilage piercings. My helix has a flat-back end and it has never gotten hair caught on it. My other two cartilage piercings are more on the inside of my ears (rook and tragus) and I've never had hair get caught in them. Oddly enough, the ones that give me the most problems with hair are my third lobe piercings. Hair sometimes gets caught on the backs on them. It bugs me, but it's just a matter of gently loosening it.

October 29th, 2018, 08:31 PM
I only found my hair was catching when I wore labret studs that were too long for the piercing (I'm often too lazy to downsize). The horse shoe shaped rings would probably be the most likely to catch as they have a large amount of bar space not in the piercing and aren't completely a closed off circle like a CBR.

To minimise the tangles I feel like a captive or fixed bead ring would be best, at least from my experience. Though rings are easier to catch on a brush or comb so either way you've gotta be careful. It is kinda just something that happens though at least to some extent. Probably won't cause massive damage unless you're really aggressive at untangling hair from the piercing.

October 29th, 2018, 11:47 PM
I have a curved barbell in my high cartilage piercing and I've never had a problem with hair getting caught on it, probably since it just curves behind my ear and stays out of the way. Though if I'm doing a braid behind that ear, it sometimes gives me trouble. My first lobe piercing is another story unfortunately. I used to have a horseshoe ring in it and that would always get caught, now that I replaced it with a flat back barbell strands of hair get wrapped around it. I think I just need to get another barbell with a smaller ball like my second lobe piercing, hair never gets caught in it, that or a captive ring.

October 30th, 2018, 12:00 AM
I have 4 -5 upper ear piercings and I totally understand your frustration. I prefer captive bead rings. they stay in place and don't tangle up like horseshoes or studs do. I Sometimes will also use a lip labret bar. But captive bead rings are totally a life saver (or hair saver)

October 30th, 2018, 02:23 AM
I have a lot of ear piercings: 4 in one ear and 5 in the other, being 3 of the in the high cartilage (2 in one ear and 1 in the other), they are closed rings and never ever hook hair in them. I also wore circular barbells some years ago and stopped using them precisely because my hair was always catching on them: the flaw is in the earrings design... I'm sure that if you change them for regular closed rings (captive bead rings) the problem will be 100% solved :)

October 30th, 2018, 04:45 AM
Ugh that prevented my high cartilage ear piercing from healing for a while, until I changed it for a captive bead ring and problem solved! Conch piercings didn’t give me this problem though, only those placed high enough for hair to get caught on the back of them when putting it up. Even with a flat-ended barbel I had this problem.

Astrid Carlisle
October 30th, 2018, 07:09 AM
I have a high cartilage piercing and a few basic ones as well in a row in the lobe. The latter were done when I was younger, don't remember if I had a problem, prob not. But the cartilage was done about 2 years ago. I kept the hair a bit away from it using a hair pin/ putting hair up for 1st few days. But in general, it barely stuck on it, only a few annoying times, back when it was first done - because i wore a shoehorse hoop. I wear a ring hoop now, so no problem at all. I think it's best to have a full ring hoop which does not have any openings for hair to go into, or pull on the earring.

Sora Rose
October 30th, 2018, 07:35 AM
I'm probably not much help here. I only have two piercings - one on each lobe. After changing out of my first pair, I've worn the same small gold hoop earrings for twenty years (Mom got them pierced when I was three). I have never gotten my hair caught in them in any fashion no matter what I do.

I've never thought about it before, but I'm glad it came up because who knows, I might change earrings someday. If I can figure out how - I sometimes forget I even HAVE piercings.

October 30th, 2018, 10:48 AM
When I have worn a horseshoe ring in my conch it would catch pieces of my hair, but I didn't detect any damage (just minor annoyance). I wouldn't worry about damage if I were you, since the metal is a smooth material. If it really bothers you try switching to a closed ring.