View Full Version : Henndigo and highlights

October 2nd, 2018, 10:58 AM
Hi All

I used 50/50 henna and indigo on my hair about 4 months ago, just the once (and left on for 4hrs I think). However I was thinking of having some highlights to blend greys at some point soon (clinging onto summer hair vibe I think!).

Will I have to wait until it grows out to avoid the risk of my hair turning frog pond green? Even though I only used it the once? I’ve used box dyes over a few layers of henndigo years ago with no problems but wondering if highlights are different?

Would appreciate any thoughts on this as I know whenever I mention the word henna to people in the ‘real’ world they just start freaking out lol

October 2nd, 2018, 12:38 PM
You should strand test because there are very high odds that your highlights will go green, gray-green, or patchy. And yes even if you only used indigo once.

Here's a lock of hair I dyed with henna and indigo and then bleached.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/QkKp6V3vnUSYo5EOVnZGj_VZsMt-R4qvvPSnmeJA7E5zasPD2ajP9H2GLMQO8lI90jzj443WRTw0mc qfTSuzm-sTIAU6j4JWrMGYNvx3VKOEPRHJN2ztjU-J-xXYLc78VrZyYrhZHDPgXrgqtuxQtCErje5B5b4CNBB_gp5TeWB AJq0wV6ChFawNGhCqt4JqnweU49mrFmQbgJcBRxPqrXt7uGgmH DEbrp04egyOyCt2eLrGtN1b1FLBH_NTNZ5sIISABZjO_aGvGcI DPe6yktD_SRYIIDEmxsBIcpgUOhUrq3F2Oh32qAQPinsKBzurs fGZVVBzfHUuxvBEG8SkRqPiRYS0pD0nBhGSXG9XUjJXpeSqnWM sF6gbB0TSUKGulZTKu6obN1NJch_VjiMFec7uzuomgTivXXjAe PbXfhPf00CRshJoD1paUZmINPryghA6at3ZqJcW-Ji-kFvaRRxurKU2EiFZ6kPWaOjOpHepUWMGO1wHdRw7PrxKDmjd1d o9EUyG3AC2uLH9RAKyp3Wp5HGwEGqNaMxnq6LWokL6gmezCULJ 2ahmy9zMOACXH40aquOMt0_gHBZiBt7U7-vkoO1HYo4P5NGbhwzLXXGzYnUQLWOvVpj-P5vPgU9P=w1517-h512-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/aahx7i7NudFwbG0fKqBJyaECzrbk-fI8grzjAt2KWIlP-TCEmOaQC6tTobGQD3BwcR93g3xlsBBYPG-RlcKv0eIbpXgpo1Dz_LCLOnGVrV2jNm_NJRBInxTpA6PPAlF1R rty-Hxr02S0q5ugOvoX7GmrGZsYXjVu_JIAW6Ky6M2wOhaJg1fNeJO 5KkFr94fA6rDjWLORMrWqR6BKofV7Qm7sEpu9zeV5aLQ9-8WgglRAKOepELi2zdBCm0tWsI6AA-uJ1A1MtNZu0vUAAc8WVmPPH8XSHxhBAv3xeMNK0dxIV1YDsAIa JSmDsoY4GmL5LpIfqSHRoO2D-MjU4OmD56KZqbIA7BvkwBkz2_z2rRCPC4ChO38pSrERO_wtCWJ KvYxwYFIJYAXlB8Xfn2-DlpYfyCOdmsfdd_7QUSejPvJ-qIGjCkhzqYG2bCQ9igMOHChV5Un2EqU2i3w8YMgL2S4h5QxdFv wIkE340c49pIhqzQQAiclfSEFXzv96FNGdw0tO3uIdILbYow9y xEHwjRKrXBh17fBo4trOhmtRq8ouYr1nIYy02tzMkkHU2J1S8Z 1R1r4lYQcVTQs72zy3OFAW2z7lbZLj6UHSKNDGx0VugV-I7-uWABMX3KFDVbAX=w1424-h801-no

In this second picture you can see the natural color of the hair strand, a bit that's just henna, the indigo over the henna and then the bleached bit on the end.

Highlights are going to show the green much more than a box color because you're trying to keep it light and therefore not putting a masking pigment over the top of it. Maybe you're lucky and your indigo has faded to the point where it won't turn green, but I would collect shed hair from your brush and bleach that before doing anything to the hair attached to your head.

ETA: Henna and indigo are in the 'forever dyes' camp. If you are prone to wanting to change your hair color for any reason, especially frequently or seasonally, then these dyes are not for you and you should consider sticking to chemical dyes if you want to keep the option for highlights and or whatever ~summer hair vibe~ strikes your fancy.