View Full Version : What gauge wire for diy 4" Amish pins?

October 1st, 2018, 02:11 PM
So I found that "where to buy extra long hairpins" video by Gossamer a little too late, and craftsutopia seems to have disappeared.
I can't find 4" crinkled Amish pins anywhere else either, so I thought I'd try making my own.
I've never seen hairpins like that in person, so I was hoping someone who has might either suggest an alternative purchasing option or guesstimate the gauge/type of wire required to diy myself a couple.
Can anyone help me out?

October 1st, 2018, 02:21 PM
These are 6cm long, and I think they are quite like Amish pins. Pins like these are all over Etsy:

This is just a quick example.

October 1st, 2018, 02:32 PM
lapushka I think H.e.l is looking for 4-inch hair pins, not 4cm.

If anyone knows where 4" one could be found I would also be very interested!

October 1st, 2018, 03:41 PM
ravenskey, she compared them to Amish pins, Amish pins aren't 4 inches either. ;)

October 1st, 2018, 03:55 PM
Not the normal ones no.

I believe that she's referring to the ones that Gossamer uses, which do look very much like Amish pins with the same strength and all.

Only thing is, the place where Gossamer got hers has vanished and 4" pins are nowhere to be found :)

October 1st, 2018, 04:03 PM
Yes, I saw those, they were massive, weren't they? I wanted to get some, but I think I forgot about them at some point.

October 1st, 2018, 05:09 PM
Thanks for replying!
Yes I meant those giant 4 inch monsters Gossamer apparently got from a magical fairy haha.
Hmm. I think maybe I'll try making some out of 14 or 16 gauge wire...
I'll let y'all know how that goes.

October 1st, 2018, 07:14 PM
Here are 3" ones:

I find a lot of 3" pins on ebay and etsy but nothing at 4" unfortunately.

Ligeia Noire
October 1st, 2018, 08:34 PM
I have those. Thank the gods that store was still open when I went looking. They surely are capable of holding a bun. Like only two or three. I have never seen any like that and my mother used upins all her life and hers are nothing like that. I know nothing about wire thicknesses but I can take photos of the pins if that helps...

October 1st, 2018, 09:12 PM
Ligeia Noire:
It might help, if you could maybe take a picture of one next to, say, a spin pin?
Then I might be able to estimate wire width a little better.
Thank you very much for the offer!

Ligeia Noire
October 2nd, 2018, 06:12 AM
I don't have spin pins but I have normal Amish ones. I will post here later in the day.

October 2nd, 2018, 06:19 AM
I think Quattro makes 4 inch ones but they are not crinkled. They do have "microgrooves" in which kind of keeps them in the hair better as well. They are more expensive though.

October 2nd, 2018, 08:17 AM
I could probably help with this, don't you think?

So the original 3 I bought from the market stall seller back in 2012 have all been lost by now, alas.

See below for a generic spin pin (purchased in East Asia where a pack of two is roughly $1US), the silver pin from Craftsutopia, and a new pin that is slowly shedding its black paint.


I was recently back in East Asia and found sets of 3 pins (1 10cm, 3 7cm) so bought a few. The packaging was in Korean although the pins themselves were made in China. Having to get two smaller pins along with my big ones isn't optimal, of course, but at least I have a few large pins now. The Craftsutopia silver pins were so flexible that my hair would eventually spit them back out. Of the original 10, I'm down to two now and it's because I don't even really use them anymore. The new pin works well and is of less-bendy metal.

I did some googling in Chinese (U型髮夹 (https://blog.xuite.net/bling2shop/shop/571078819)) and I think now I've found the equivalent English search term that should lead you to pins like this: "U shaped hairpin 10cm" The measurement in centimeters is essential because, let's be blunt here, almost nowhere else in the world bothers with inches anymore, so these are going to be made and listed according to centimeter measurements. Anyway, just by searching with that, I found some possibilities both from Amazon and other online shops.

Good luck making your own or hunting around for sellers online!

October 2nd, 2018, 09:22 AM
In terms of wire gauge for making your own, the gauge of a Goodie spin pin is 14. Judging from Gossamer's picture, the 10 cm crimped pins are a thicker gauge. Good luck!

October 2nd, 2018, 04:37 PM
I found some gold toned ones on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/eDealMax-Hairstyle-Hairpin-Length-Bronze/dp/B07GS6J9XQ/ref=sr_1_2_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1538519718&sr=8-2&keywords=10+cm+u+pin). Not sure where you're located, but that might be an option!

Ligeia Noire
October 2nd, 2018, 06:59 PM
The ones I got are actually pretty stiff and at first were hard to insert but i do wear them to hold cinnamon buns a lot. Since Gossamer posted the pictures I think I don't need to.

October 3rd, 2018, 01:02 AM
I found some gold toned ones on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/eDealMax-Hairstyle-Hairpin-Length-Bronze/dp/B07GS6J9XQ/ref=sr_1_2_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1538519718&sr=8-2&keywords=10+cm+u+pin). Not sure where you're located, but that might be an option!

I see those - but shipping is $25???

October 3rd, 2018, 06:57 AM
I see those - but shipping is $25???

$4.99 in the US. Alas, that specific link isn't the best option for you. But there must be other ones you can find using the search term? Or, perhaps, are there Asian grocery stores anywhere near you that might have a beauty supply section?

October 3rd, 2018, 08:09 AM
I’ve got similar pins (slightly smaller at 7cm, but that’s the size I wanted) that I bought from a dancewear store. Came in gold, brown and black and a few different lengths, and I haven’t had any issues with bending or escaping pins.

So that might be worth a go, if there’s somewhere near you that has ballet supplies? I had given up on getting Amish pins in Australia before I found these.

October 3rd, 2018, 04:45 PM
I’ve got similar pins (slightly smaller at 7cm, but that’s the size I wanted) that I bought from a dancewear store. Came in gold, brown and black and a few different lengths, and I haven’t had any issues with bending or escaping pins.

So that might be worth a go, if there’s somewhere near you that has ballet supplies? I had given up on getting Amish pins in Australia before I found these.

Yes, Bunheads makes these: https://www.discountdance.com/dancewear/style_BH440.html?pid=1214&Shop=Style&rfilter=Category%23Accessories%3ASubCategory%23Acc essories%21Hair+Accessories%3A%3A&SID=1310493096 but they do only go up to 3".

I have a set. I need to wear them more. The thing that doesn't show in the pictures is that the closed end is square, maybe a cm or a bit less wide. This means you have to put a lot of hair into them. I wore them to ballet class once and inserted them the way I would my Good Hair Days pins-- one prong in the bun hair, one in the head hair. I guess I didn't catch enough hair to keep them snug. During saute jumps in the center they went flying... haven't really touched them since. I keep thinking I need to try them by inserting the way I would a hair fork (both prongs straight in vertically, then turn), or try them on Heidi braids. This picture shows the shape better: http://everythingdanceaus.com.au/shop/accessories/hair-pins/

For making Amish pins, my guess would be the gauge would be around 12 or 14 (lol I may have just touched the barbell in my industrial piercing, which I know is 14g, to check...). Some people use coathangers for DIY. (I tried that, but didn't have a grinder to sharpen/smooth the tips, and they caught and ripped my hair so much I gave them up. If it wasn't for that they worked great.)

October 4th, 2018, 12:16 AM
I have to admit, my first reaction to your post was "sempai has noticed me!" Lol
Thank you so much for the reference photo and search term suggestion! It's really helpful.

My husband was just at the hardware store and bought me some 16 gauge steel wire. Not quite as thick as gossamer's–as neko and Kat pointed out–but it'll do for some prototypes.

Thanks everyone for your help!
I really appreciate it! :)

October 4th, 2018, 06:34 AM
I have straight ones from here, but they also sell those wavy ones:

https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10-U-Shapes-Hair-fork-for-Hair-Jewelry-Making-Accessories-Findings-Wholesale/32854432222.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.3fe92e0eGWe N9b

Plus it's 10 pieces and super cheap.

October 4th, 2018, 06:59 AM
I have straight ones from here, but they also sell those wavy ones:

https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10-U-Shapes-Hair-fork-for-Hair-Jewelry-Making-Accessories-Findings-Wholesale/32854432222.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.3fe92e0eGWe N9b

Plus it's 10 pieces and super cheap.

I was following this thread with interest because I have 3" Amish pins but longer ones would be useful for buns - thanks for posting that link! I've ordered the 100m gold wavy ones; in a month or two (ah, good ol' China Post :laugh:) we'll see how they do!