View Full Version : Is rogaine safe to use for hair that isn't growing back after being ripped out?

July 28th, 2018, 03:02 PM
Last year the underpart of my hair got into horribly matted knots. It was so bad that I went to a hairdresser and they forcefully ripped it out. Since then it's been a year and no growth from the whole right underside of my head. My hair everywhere else on my head has grown super long very fast but not where it was ripped. I'm desperate to do something because I used to love my hair..it used to be super thick. Who can I go to? What doctor would perform a scalp exam and is that expensive?

I'm so desperate that I just want to start using rogaine and see what happens. Could it possibly help stimulate growth or has it been way too long to start? I'm scared of rogaine because I heard that once I stop it will all fall out again. There might be some hope because I'm not sure if the follicles are dead because sometimes I do feel some fuzzy pieces but it just never grows.
And the underside of my hair was always thinner in texture and more baby like hairs...which could take longer I'm guessing?

July 28th, 2018, 03:09 PM
Don’t use rogaine without consulting a doctor first. Rogaine is one of those things you kind of have to use forever and when you do stop, you end up with less hair than you previously began with.

If the hair was ripped out and the follicles not damaged, steroid shots or topical cream can help jumpstart regrowth. Both of which must be obtained from a doctor.

July 28th, 2018, 04:06 PM
Where in the world are you? I think I would consult a dermatologist to see if the follicles aren't damaged. If they are, and they might, then nothing you do is going to help; you need a doctor for that.

July 28th, 2018, 10:07 PM
Last year the underpart of my hair got into horribly matted knots. It was so bad that I went to a hairdresser and they forcefully ripped it out. Since then it's been a year and no growth from the whole right underside of my head. My hair everywhere else on my head has grown super long very fast but not where it was ripped. I'm desperate to do something because I used to love my hair..it used to be super thick. Who can I go to? What doctor would perform a scalp exam and is that expensive?

I'm so desperate that I just want to start using rogaine and see what happens. Could it possibly help stimulate growth or has it been way too long to start? I'm scared of rogaine because I heard that once I stop it will all fall out again. There might be some hope because I'm not sure if the follicles are dead because sometimes I do feel some fuzzy pieces but it just never grows.
And the underside of my hair was always thinner in texture and more baby like hairs...which could take longer I'm guessing?

I have no other advice about the rogaine, but i'm wondering why the hair dresser ripped it out and didn't just cut the matted bits out?

July 29th, 2018, 03:38 AM
I have no other advice about the rogaine, but i'm wondering why the hair dresser ripped it out and didn't just cut the matted bits out?

Yes that is so odd that a professional did that to you. Not doubting you in the least, but... I mean, who would do that?