View Full Version : Post Partum Hair Loss

July 15th, 2018, 04:34 AM
Long-ish story...
When I was pregnant the first time around my hair didn’t change much, but at roughly 3 months post partum I experienced a dramatically receding hairline. It eventually grew back, when my daughter was about 7 months old it was almost like I had a fringe/bangs. I had BSL hair then. But because of all the thinning I chopped it into a bob.

Now my hair is APL, and I’m pregnant again due October. I’m determined not to chop my hair off again if it thins out, but has anyone had any experience with post partum hair loss and/or managed to avoid it or lessen the effect somehow? I’m taking a vitamin (and I eat very well). I’m planning on continuing both my eating habits and the vitamin through into breastfeeding so that my body doesn’t get any more of a ‘shock’.

im petrified of losing lots of hair all over again :confused:

Grateful for any advice from the mamas here!!

July 15th, 2018, 05:06 AM
Ugh I’m so sorry that happened and I know how awful it is. I had a big loss due to illness and meds and ended up chopping. I also went through a PP shed about 7-8 months ago. Luckily I hadn’t lost one hair the entire pregnancy so my hair was basically just catching up, although at the time I was convinced I was going bald. Once the dust settled m, it was just my normal hair. I now have those annoying little new growths by my ears and temples and nape.

Ok so that being said....there isn’t much you can do to avoid it since ya a shift in hormones. Not every pregnancy is the same though and just because it happened like that last time, this time around your hair may shed more evenly or less or even not at all. Keep taking the prenatal and healthy eating after birth and continue your hair care routine. Those things will help avoid any more loss or breakage.

If there was some magic answer I would definitely share but I did all the research too because i was terrified I was going to go bald but luckily I didn’t have to cut and just got a little trim in November which landed right around 12 months and then again this month no 8 months.

Congrats and good luck!

July 15th, 2018, 05:12 AM
Ugh I’m so sorry that happened and I know how awful it is. I had a big loss due to illness and meds and ended up chopping. I also went through a PP shed about 7-8 months ago. Luckily I hadn’t lost one hair the entire pregnancy so my hair was basically just catching up, although at the time I was convinced I was going bald. Once the dust settled m, it was just my normal hair. I now have those annoying little new growths by my ears and temples and nape.

Ok so that being said....there isn’t much you can do to avoid it since ya a shift in hormones. Not every pregnancy is the same though and just because it happened like that last time, this time around your hair may shed more evenly or less or even not at all. Keep taking the prenatal and healthy eating after birth and continue your hair care routine. Those things will help avoid any more loss or breakage.

If there was some magic answer I would definitely share but I did all the research too because i was terrified I was going to go bald but luckily I didn’t have to cut and just got a little trim in November which landed right around 12 months and then again this month no 8 months.

Congrats and good luck!

Gahh I don’t think those annoying hairs around the hairline ever go away once you’ve had a child, do they? ;)
I’m hoping this time around maybe my body will be more familiar with the process and less like “what the heck”, so hopefully it won’t just drop hair like mad in protest like last time. Sooo nervous to see how it goes.

July 15th, 2018, 05:14 AM
Also, I have barely lost a hair during this pregnancy either. I hadn’t thought of it as hair simply ‘catching up’ on lost hairs, so that’s a better/more positive way of thinking about it too (receding hairlines aside ha ha).

July 15th, 2018, 07:03 AM
Gahh I don’t think those annoying hairs around the hairline ever go away once you’ve had a child, do they? ;)
I’m hoping this time around maybe my body will be more familiar with the process and less like “what the heck”, so hopefully it won’t just drop hair like mad in protest like last time. Sooo nervous to see how it goes.

They do! Lol. Eventually, I hate them but I find some comfort in knowIng they are new baby hairs. I hope it’s not as bad this time for you either.

Also, I have barely lost a hair during this pregnancy either. I hadn’t thought of it as hair simply ‘catching up’ on lost hairs, so that’s a better/more positive way of thinking about it too (receding hairlines aside ha ha).

Yep that’s exactly what it is for most women. My hair was never more thick or beautiful than when I was pregnant! I had so much it was amazing and it’s becise I didn’t lose one hair (not actUlly but pretty close). Also the hair on my legs basically stopped growing, and my nails and skin looked amazing. Then postpartum it all went to hell lol BUT I have a serious health condition so that and meds just took a toll.

July 15th, 2018, 08:17 PM
Yeah I think I’ll have to persist with the thinned hair this time anyway, if it happens again. Otherwise I’ll never get anywhere, lengthwise!!

July 15th, 2018, 09:43 PM
When I'm going through post partum I try to be gentle with brushing and washing. Having pregnancy complications last time, was what started me on using scalp oiling and upping my hair care routine. I could tell at 12 weeks that I wasn't going to have an easy pregnancy, personally due to my hair and nails not growing as usual. All in all, things will even out.

July 15th, 2018, 09:54 PM
When I'm going through post partum I try to be gentle with brushing and washing. Having pregnancy complications last time, was what started me on using scalp oiling and upping my hair care routine. I could tell at 12 weeks that I wasn't going to have an easy pregnancy, personally due to my hair and nails not growing as usual. All in all, things will even out.

Yes my pregnancy has been less than desirable symptom-wise this time compared to last. I laughed out loud when I read about trying I be careful with post partum brushing and washing. For me I think there’s a sheer lack there of!! Hahaha

July 16th, 2018, 07:52 AM
Unfortunately, there's no way to avoid this I don't think. Congratulations on baby N°2!

I hope you find the strength not to trim this time around, because it can be tough.

My mom lost a lot of hair when she had me, and it led to permanent thinner hair, unfortunately. That doesn't happen a lot, but it happens. She was so thin when I was around 9 months old (always active and busy) and had lost a lot of hair. She lost even more through menopause. She is 72 right now (going on 73) and she has i hair, almost i/ii - she values the hair she has left and used to wear it BSL, red and in a bee butt bun on the top of her head with thicker bangs. It looked gorgeous.

I mean, there's lots of things that you can still do even if your hair is thinner; and there are people on this site for which permanent thinner hair is a reality. It is not sad, or pitiful. It is what it is, and you just got to make the best of what you have or were given!

There's a baby 2018 thread to post in if you care for that!

July 16th, 2018, 07:55 AM
Unfortunately, there's no way to avoid this I don't think. Congratulations on baby N°2!

I hope you find the strength not to trim this time around, because it can be tough.

My mom lost a lot of hair when she had me, and it led to permanent thinner hair, unfortunately. That doesn't happen a lot, but it happens. She was so thin when I was around 9 months old (always active and busy) and had lost a lot of hair. She lost even more through menopause. She is 72 right now (going on 73) and she has i hair, almost i/ii - she values the hair she has left and used to wear it BSL, red and in a bee butt bun on the top of her head with thicker bangs. It looked gorgeous.

I mean, there's lots of things that you can still do even if your hair is thinner; and there are people on this site for which permanent thinner hair is a reality. It is not sad, or pitiful. It is what it is, and you just got to make the best of what you have or were given!

There's a baby 2018 thread to post in if you care for that!

July 16th, 2018, 01:35 PM
Sorry about the double post. I was in the midst of a little forum glitch and it kept not wanting to post.

July 16th, 2018, 02:17 PM
Unfortunately, there's no way to avoid this I don't think. Congratulations on baby N°2!

I hope you find the strength not to trim this time around, because it can be tough.

My mom lost a lot of hair when she had me, and it led to permanent thinner hair, unfortunately. That doesn't happen a lot, but it happens. She was so thin when I was around 9 months old (always active and busy) and had lost a lot of hair. She lost even more through menopause. She is 72 right now (going on 73) and she has i hair, almost i/ii - she values the hair she has left and used to wear it BSL, red and in a bee butt bun on the top of her head with thicker bangs. It looked gorgeous.

I mean, there's lots of things that you can still do even if your hair is thinner; and there are people on this site for which permanent thinner hair is a reality. It is not sad, or pitiful. It is what it is, and you just got to make the best of what you have or were given!

There's a baby 2018 thread to post in if you care for that!

Thankyou for the direction regarding the baby group!! I guess because my hair is already so so thin, it looks very odd if my hairline recedes and I lose even more ponytail thickness. It does eventually thicken back up. Eventually haha!!! Thanks for the advice :agree:

July 16th, 2018, 02:27 PM
You're welcome. I see you found the baby thread! Super! :thumbsup:

July 26th, 2018, 07:06 PM
Hello. I’m a first time poster :) and I’m currently 7 months post partum. My hair is shockingly thin, every day I fight the urge not to cut it as I think then I will just have short thin hair :( my hair was always fine and thin but I’ve definitely lost a lot since having bub and Im experiencing the receding hair lines too, as others have said I guess it’s just a reality for a lot of mums and hopefully you don’t experience it too badly this time round, and if you do hopefully it doesn’t last too long!

July 26th, 2018, 07:56 PM
Also, I have barely lost a hair during this pregnancy either. I hadn’t thought of it as hair simply ‘catching up’ on lost hairs, so that’s a better/more positive way of thinking about it too (receding hairlines aside ha ha).

This was what I was told years ago when I was pregnant; i.e. you lose less hair than normal when pregnant and then "catch up" afterwards by losing what seems like an awful amount. Despite being severely anaemic with my youngest, I never noticed any increase in hair loss during or after pregnancy. However, I did end up with scraggly ends after I finished breastfeeding and usually cut back several inches.

I have had shedding due to low iron stores (funny that anaemia didn't seem to make a difference) but am slowly recovering after 8 or so years. So I do know how you feel.

You'll just have to do the bes you can re eating and health and take what comes. You may or may not shed this time around. Whatever you do, make sure you enjoy baby number two. The years go quickly.

July 26th, 2018, 08:20 PM
This was what I was told years ago when I was pregnant; i.e. you lose less hair than normal when pregnant and then "catch up" afterwards by losing what seems like an awful amount. Despite being severely anaemic with my youngest, I never noticed any increase in hair loss during or after pregnancy. However, I did end up with scraggly ends after I finished breastfeeding and usually cut back several inches.

I have had shedding due to low iron stores (funny that anaemia didn't seem to make a difference) but am slowly recovering after 8 or so years. So I do know how you feel.

You'll just have to do the bes you can re eating and health and take what comes. You may or may not shed this time around. Whatever you do, make sure you enjoy baby number two. The years go quickly.

Crazy that you talk about the anemia!! I was just diagnosed a couple of months ago with anemia, and I’m now taking a very high dose supplement prescribed by my doctor, of iron! He thinks this may be why I lost so much hair after my first pregnancy, so I’m hoping it won’t be as bad next time.
And thankyou, this pregnancy has been very rough compared to the first, so we think it will be my last pregnancy... I am trying to stay present and soak up as much as I can!

Estherh Try to resist! I chopped mine all off, it made NO difference. Thin long hair, or thin short hair... it just stays thin!! I had such long hair (to me, anyway, it was waist length) and got my mum to cut it into a chin length bob. I regretted it almost instantly. If it is short, that makes the hair loss more noticeable I think. Well, it did for me!! Haha.

December 19th, 2018, 08:33 PM
My baby is 3 months old today. Like clockwork, my big shed has begun, it started about 4 days ago.
I lost only about 5 hairs for my entire pregnancy and that’s not an exaggeration.
Holding on tight and trying to immerse myself in other people’s hair growth timelines and milestones so that I can tune out from my own hair for a while!! My hair thickness was almost into ii territory, too. Back to i, I go!

December 19th, 2018, 11:06 PM
My baby is 3 months old today. Like clockwork, my big shed has begun, it started about 4 days ago.
I lost only about 5 hairs for my entire pregnancy and that’s not an exaggeration.
Holding on tight and trying to immerse myself in other people’s hair growth timelines and milestones so that I can tune out from my own hair for a while!! My hair thickness was almost into ii territory, too. Back to i, I go!

Crossing my fingers it’s not too bad of a shed for you. I was a iii during pregnancy and then postpartum shed, then an anemia shed and now this last big one thanks to a sensitivity to a conditioner has me at a ii. Grrr. Keep on top of the anemia! I ended up needing 4 iron infusions and get my blow book checked regularly. I can usually feel when my iron drops but extra hair coming out is always a big tip off. Congrats on the new baby!!! I hope you had a great delivery and you and baby are well!

December 20th, 2018, 12:35 AM
I was on a high dose iron supp during pregnancy and was told I didn’t need to take it once the pregnancy ended. Perhaps if I take a multivitamin with a smaller dose of iron in it, that might help with the hair loss.
Sorry for your (hair) loss after the conditioner!! That sucks. Good that you can feel when your iron gets low, though!

Thankyou, delivery wasn’t fantastic compared to my first birth experience, but the prize was just as sweet haha. I’m finished having babies now, my partner is going to get the *snip* soon thankfully! Hahaha.

December 20th, 2018, 07:29 AM
Oh fingers crossed for you LittleHealthy! Now that I'm past 40 it seems like I have one of these big sheds every year (which is nerve-wracking let me tell you!) but the shed wasn't quite as bad after my second as it was with my first. Wishing the same for you!!

December 20th, 2018, 09:33 AM
Oh fingers crossed for you LittleHealthy! Now that I'm past 40 it seems like I have one of these big sheds every year (which is nerve-wracking let me tell you!) but the shed wasn't quite as bad after my second as it was with my first. Wishing the same for you!!

Yes, my thought was that perhaps as my body has experienced the ‘trauma’ previously, that it will be a little more calm in its aftermath :) I think I should upload a photo of my hairline now, then again in a few months to see if I’m balding haha. interesting that you noticeably get one big shedding event each year. Does it correspond with a particular season? Like spring/summer for animals when they shed a layer for the warmer weather?

December 20th, 2018, 10:24 AM
Crossing my fingers it’s not too bad of a shed for you. I was almost a iiii during pregnancy and then postpartum shed, then an anemia shed and now this last big one thanks to a sensitivity to a conditioner has me at a ii. Grrr. Keep on top of the anemia! I ended up needing 4 iron infusions and get my blow book checked regularly. I can usually feel when my iron drops but extra hair coming out is always a big tip off. Congrats on the new baby!!! I hope you had a great delivery and you and baby are well!

Funniest glitch ever. :lol:

December 20th, 2018, 11:12 AM
Funniest glitch ever. :lol:

Ahahahahaha. I literally never check my posts befor or after hitting post so if you want to be entertained by my phones autocorrect, just follow my posts. Lol
Anyways. I hope everyone can figure that out (;

December 20th, 2018, 02:21 PM
Yes, my thought was that perhaps as my body has experienced the ‘trauma’ previously, that it will be a little more calm in its aftermath :) I think I should upload a photo of my hairline now, then again in a few months to see if I’m balding haha. interesting that you noticeably get one big shedding event each year. Does it correspond with a particular season? Like spring/summer for animals when they shed a layer for the warmer weather?

Oh it totally does - end of summer! (Which makes no sense - seems like it should be the beginning of summer?) But the heat of August is brutal. And it's much worse if I'm under a lot of stress. This past September I was stopping up the drain every single shower, along with pulling it out 10 hairs at a time all throughout the day (it's crazy!)

December 20th, 2018, 06:33 PM
I knew what you meant :D hahaha!

September 2nd, 2019, 04:49 AM
It's happening.
My daughter is now two months old, and my hair has suddenly started shedding a lot,, and I'm talking handfulls here. I am so looking forward to when it finally stops and goes back to normal again!

September 2nd, 2019, 07:31 AM
Oooh, I miss my pregnancy hair! Although after pregnancy the wave in my hair did seem to become more pronounced. I've heard it can do that. But I've never had very thick hair so having extra hair for nine months was so lovely. The shedding was a bit discouraging after but I never went bald and no one ever seemed to notice. I think it just looks so drastic to us in the shower or on our brushes and combs that we think it's obvious!

September 6th, 2019, 05:34 AM
I'm reading this thread and have such a different experience as most people. I had a big shed during my first trimester of pregnancy and now have post partum hairloss. But it is not as crazy as for some, also my hair is not so long so it might seem less. In any case the whole pregnancy my hair grew significantly slower as usual and still I lost some hair. For me the whole pregnancy hair seemed kind of mythical ;) but I'm still happy that the hairloss seems maybe triple as usual but it doesn't make me freak out.

July 9th, 2021, 05:09 PM
Oh no, I went searching for a thread like this hoping for tips on how to avoid this with baby # 2, so sad to hear its unavoidable! I lost about an inch around my entire hairline after my first baby was born, hoping it doesn't happen again!

July 10th, 2021, 12:53 AM
My daughter is 4 months old and the shedding is UNBELIEVABLE. Mixed with bleach and dye damage from February and a shift in hormones, it’s absolute madness. My hair is everywhere, it has thinned out but luckily it’s holding on since it has always been naturally thick. The worst month hair wise was definitely April, I was scared everytime I had to wash it because it was falling out in clumps and wouldn’t stop. I’m taking vitamins and hoping to see improvement soon. I think it’s pretty much unavoidable.

July 10th, 2021, 06:53 AM
Best advice for PP hairloss is to keep it contained at all times, whether that is a bun or a ponytail is all you can manage: just do it. You don't want to find hair absolutely everywhere, because that is the discouraging part.

Then every morning & evening, brush your hair out over the bathroom sink. Easy to clean up as well. And you won't have to be confronted with it the rest of the day.

It's a season of life. It too shall pass. :flower: