View Full Version : Layers on long hair?

July 4th, 2018, 10:09 PM
I've been growing out my hair from pixie length. It's now past my shoulder blades but I've always kept it just one length. It just made sense to me to always tell the hairdresser no layers and only split ends cut cuz I'm trying to grow it. But now it's getting longer and I'm wondering if some layers would be nice. Do long haired people have layers? And if yes what looks good? Can you show me your hair and explain what haircut it is and also what looks good on what hair. I've no clue about haircuts anymore because I've had short hair for years. I have thick curly/ wavy frizzy hair. Send pics and advice please! ❤️

July 4th, 2018, 10:25 PM
It's an indiviudal choice based on so many factors that it's hard to give a definitive answer. Layers can look great on long hair especially if it's thick, and if you have curls, they can help the curls sit better. But layers also mean more pieces sticking out of braids and they can make buns more difficult. Lapushka has layers, I beleive, that she cuts herself. I just cut the sections around my face shorter to give me a few layers and because this is where my hair tends to thin out the most once it gets past BSL.

No photos to share but hopefully someone else will chime in soon.

July 4th, 2018, 11:42 PM
If you have curls and frizz, and are trying to grow long, I'd avoid it. It's a personal choice/opinion, but I think it would look messy. Shorter pieces curl differently, more hairs sticking out in all directions, thinner ends, and frizz on top of that... doesn't sound appealing to me.
Some members have layers, others don't. I think, also, if you want to have big nice updos one day one length is easier to make something look neat, and you might need the additional hair in the ends if you want to do something that requires a lot of hair. As CrowningGlory mentioned, the bits also stick out of braids :/
Also, if your hair is already curly (not wavy), I'd probably not notice layers much anyways, as hair tends to clump or lay differently all the time, so it might just look like natural tapering or something.
Ah well, I'm just not a fan of layers :p
Maybe if you post a photo of your hair/face I could give a less biased opinion. Same thing can look very good or very bad depending on your face, hair texture, coarseness, colour, etc.

July 5th, 2018, 12:36 AM
I'm sure someone on here has layers and will chime in soon :) I had layers before and I've got wavy/wurly hair, it looked nice but I prefer it all one length, just a personal preference. I wasn't a fan of how some pieces of my hair stuck out of my braid and putting it in a bun at times was awkward, but it wasn't terrible :)

It's a commitment and takes a while to grow out so just make sure its something you'd like :flower: I'm currently growing out mine.

July 5th, 2018, 12:58 AM
Update: I actually have wavy hair not curly. It's weird but I used to have curly hair but in the last three years my hair has changed hair type believe it or not. At first I didn't notice because I had had a Brazilian straightening (I know I know I was an idiot) and thought it was straighter from that. New hair grew in and it's totally different. I asked my doctor because I thought it could be that the straightening did something to my follicles but she said that hair types can change apparently.

I'm thinking I might get layers because I'm not in love with my hair right now and I don't think I should just be focussing on the goal of long hair but enjoying my hair as it is right now. I looked it up a lot and I think long layers with a bit if face framing pieces would look nice. I still wanna hear from people about their experiences though and what you've seen from long haired people. I understand that it might be bad because of frizz and it might stick out of things. I notice though that my hair is pretty good when I use oil daily to lock in moisture. And with it sticking out, maybe it won't be so bad if I only get layers lower down. Not that I know how layers work. Seriously, they confuse me.

How do I post a picture on here it doesn't have anymore you can link something? Oh and btw cesil you have such beautiful thick long hair! I'm so glad I've started loving mine. It's so easy to hate you own hair type but being around people with thin hair helps cuz they don't seem to notice the frizz, they're just in awe of the thickness and curls. I grew up with people who hated volume, thickness, frizz and grease. Now I love almost all those things and oils are the best things in the world!

July 5th, 2018, 01:19 AM
Update: I actually have wavy hair not curly. It's weird but I used to have curly hair but in the last three years my hair has changed hair type believe it or not. At first I didn't notice because I had had a Brazilian straightening (I know I know I was an idiot) and thought it was straighter from that. New hair grew in and it's totally different. I asked my doctor because I thought it could be that the straightening did something to my follicles but she said that hair types can change apparently.

I'm thinking I might get layers because I'm not in love with my hair right now and I don't think I should just be focussing on the goal of long hair but enjoying my hair as it is right now. I looked it up a lot and I think long layers with a bit if face framing pieces would look nice. I still wanna hear from people about their experiences though and what you've seen from long haired people. I understand that it might be bad because of frizz and it might stick out of things. I notice though that my hair is pretty good when I use oil daily to lock in moisture. And with it sticking out, maybe it won't be so bad if I only get layers lower down. Not that I know how layers work. Seriously, they confuse me.

How do I post a picture on here it doesn't have anymore you can link something? Oh and btw cesil you have such beautiful thick long hair! I'm so glad I've started loving mine. It's so easy to hate you own hair type but being around people with thin hair helps cuz they don't seem to notice the frizz, they're just in awe of the thickness and curls. I grew up with people who hated volume, thickness, frizz and grease. Now I love almost all those things and oils are the best things in the world!

For images you don't own you're supposed to just link them, so just copy the link and paste it here.
For your own images, you can upload them to an album or use a hosting site, like Imgur or Tinypic or something of the sort. Then, you can either link to it or post it directly using the bar above your post which looks like a cropped pic.
You only have 2 posts so I think you're unable to see or post pics at the moment, so maybe you can only link until you're 25 posts (can't remember that part). You could also check out the other threads and post a few replies so you can access other features you can't due to your account being new/only 2 posts.

ps. here's some links


Ligeia Noire
July 5th, 2018, 06:33 AM
I have face framing bits done by myself, five hundred years ago. They are roughly twenty centimeters shorter than the rest of the length. At first I thought about trimming the lenght to get it all even but now I don't really care. It looks cool when it is down because of the waves and swirls and but as I prefer to wear my hair up and braided all the time, it makes my life harder. However, the longer it gets the easier it is to manage them. But yeah not many notice it because it is not that much hair and technically it's not even layers.

July 5th, 2018, 06:36 AM
How do I post a picture on here it doesn't have anymore you can link something? Oh and btw cesil you have such beautiful thick long hair! I'm so glad I've started loving mine. It's so easy to hate you own hair type but being around people with thin hair helps cuz they don't seem to notice the frizz, they're just in awe of the thickness and curls. I grew up with people who hated volume, thickness, frizz and grease. Now I love almost all those things and oils are the best things in the world!

Someone just posted a layers thread a few days ago. ;)

I have layered hair done with the compact cut method, which I would NOT recommend for hair shorter than BSL/waist length. My shortest layer is waist, my longest classic. You basically make a ponytail on the forehead and snip a bit off. But if your hair is as long as yours you will give yourself bangs, it needs to have much more length, hence the don't do this unless your hair is at least BSL/waist length. Else, you might end up looking like an 80s rocker dude. These at home layering methods are nice... *for longer hair*.

I would gauge by the thickness of your hair, if it is iii it is worth it to get layers.

But I wouldn't get them this early on. Just personal preference. See how long you can grow without layers. I know when it's wavy you tend to have "triangle head" a lot when it's that short, but it's just an awkward stage you have to get past.

ETA: for pictures, go to a photohosting site, say "Imgur". Make an account there. Make an album, put it on private, and then make sure you upload your picture to that album! Then link the BBcode next to the image after you have uploaded in a message here.

July 8th, 2018, 03:29 AM
I'm so confused about posting a picture I'm upto 25 but I've no clue how to do all this, it seems very complicated. Are all forums like this, with so many rules and restrictions?

July 8th, 2018, 03:33 AM
Usually yes

July 8th, 2018, 04:13 AM
I'm so confused about posting a picture I'm upto 25 but I've no clue how to do all this, it seems very complicated. Are all forums like this, with so many rules and restrictions?

You don't need to use the forum albums or wait at all. Just get a photohosting site account. A lot of us on here have both. It is nice to have an album on here, but for linking I use my Imgur account.

July 9th, 2018, 09:34 AM
So I'm still growing, but have long layers in my hair and tend to keep them. (forgive the quick pic I took - hair is damp and was damp bunned, so it looks a little wonky)

The things I'd advise to keep in mind - until you're past APL for sure, and maybe longer depending on your hair, updos with layers can be very challenging - they like to unwind and have tons of pieces out everywhere. And, at least in my hair, braids were just garbage until I was BSL. Now I can braid down to the last layer and then band it. I only braid for motorcycle riding typically, so braiding for style is not a concern for me - but if it is for you, keep it in mind.

I personally love what layers do for my waves/wurls, and I wear it down a lot, so that makes a difference.

However, I will say that I dread going for trims even more now than before, those layers just don't feel like they make progress, and stylists love to 'bring them back up' so that you wind up feeling like you chopped a lot more than you did if you don/t have a stylist that jives with your long hair goals - (which you should go ahead and be on the hunt for now if you're growing - it helps!)

This is all just my 'harshest' warnings - like I said, I LOVE my layers and don't know that I'll ever get rid of them, my buns tend to be a little 'spriggy' but that doesn't both me much. It's all about your end goal and what you are looking for!

Good luck and if it keeps you happy with your hair while it grows, go for it! Post pics!


July 9th, 2018, 04:19 PM
So I'm still growing, but have long layers in my hair and tend to keep them. (forgive the quick pic I took - hair is damp and was damp bunned, so it looks a little wonky)

The things I'd advise to keep in mind - until you're past APL for sure, and maybe longer depending on your hair, updos with layers can be very challenging - they like to unwind and have tons of pieces out everywhere. And, at least in my hair, braids were just garbage until I was BSL. Now I can braid down to the last layer and then band it. I only braid for motorcycle riding typically, so braiding for style is not a concern for me - but if it is for you, keep it in mind.

I personally love what layers do for my waves/wurls, and I wear it down a lot, so that makes a difference.

However, I will say that I dread going for trims even more now than before, those layers just don't feel like they make progress, and stylists love to 'bring them back up' so that you wind up feeling like you chopped a lot more than you did if you don/t have a stylist that jives with your long hair goals - (which you should go ahead and be on the hunt for now if you're growing - it helps!)

This is all just my 'harshest' warnings - like I said, I LOVE my layers and don't know that I'll ever get rid of them, my buns tend to be a little 'spriggy' but that doesn't both me much. It's all about your end goal and what you are looking for!

Good luck and if it keeps you happy with your hair while it grows, go for it! Post pics!


What type of layers have you got? I know next to nothing about layers so I've no clue what to even ask at the hairdresser. I had short hair for years and before that I was young and didn't care what they gave me I just got a cut. I read though that long layers look best on thick curly hair but I don't know what to get and what shape to do at the bottom. Do I just get a straight cut at the ends, when do the layers start, are they on the inside or the outside, do I get some pieces in the front? I've just no clue about any of this and especially for long haired creatures. If I post a pic as my profile pic can you see that?

July 9th, 2018, 05:06 PM
Ok so I'm gonna try putting a pic on here but I've no clue what I'm doing so let me know. This is my hair from this week. [IMG]http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o702/Alexa7/DSC_0240_zps1f5m3isi.jpg (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Alexa7/media/DSC_0240_zps1f5m3isi.jpg.html)[IMG]

Ok please work!
And how do I make an album?

July 9th, 2018, 05:07 PM
What type of layers have you got? I know next to nothing about layers so I've no clue what to even ask at the hairdresser. I had short hair for years and before that I was young and didn't care what they gave me I just got a cut. I read though that long layers look best on thick curly hair but I don't know what to get and what shape to do at the bottom. Do I just get a straight cut at the ends, when do the layers start, are they on the inside or the outside, do I get some pieces in the front? I've just no clue about any of this and especially for long haired creatures. If I post a pic as my profile pic can you see that?

I'm so confused why did that not work? I wrote the image thing and put in the link so what is happening lol!

July 9th, 2018, 05:45 PM
http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o702/Alexa7/DSC_0240_zps1f5m3isi.jpg (http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Alexa7/media/DSC_0240_zps1f5m3isi.jpg.html)

July 9th, 2018, 06:14 PM
Ok so I'm gonna try putting a pic on here but I've no clue what I'm doing so let me know. This is my hair from this week. [IMG]https://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o702/Alexa7/DSC_0240_zps1f5m3isi.jpg (https://s1339.photobucket.com/user/Alexa7/media/DSC_0240_zps1f5m3isi.jpg.html)[IMG]

Ok please work!
And how do I make an album?

You need the URL to have https, not just http :flower:

EDIT: Heh, got carried away with making sure it worked that I forgot to mention that your hair is very pretty!

July 9th, 2018, 08:11 PM
Your hair is really pretty, hairismypower.

Layers I believe are all about personal preference and/or hair type. For myself, my hair does best blunt as is it very fine and layers tend to show no matter how well they are blended, not to mention they stick out of braids and drive my crazy (and that’s not to mention my breakage and frizz that already is present)!

What’s also frustrating is that once your hair starts to get longer, if it thins at the ends, the layers will accentuate that. For example with my hair, I will have a nice layer at the top, then a straggly layer hanging beneath it, which I do not like. So I stick with a blunt cut. The longer my hair gets the more I stick to this rule. At shorter lengths it doesn’t matter so much.

Your hair seems like it could handle layers even as it gets longer. There are pros and cons! Layers can be beautiful if your hair can handle it.

July 10th, 2018, 01:49 PM
Thank you! That's my hair on a good hair day it can get so frizzy like a cloud if I don't take care of it especially cuz it's a lot straighter than it used to be. Would you say I had 2a or 2b?

Yeah I think straight hair is much better with blunt cuts. I think I've decided. I'm gonna get layers maybe a slight u shape on the bottom cuz I love it when there's these little pieces framing the face especially when the hairs up. The only thing I'm more worried about it the frizz I hope it doesn't make it worse.

I was trying to work out how long it'll take for all 100000 hairs to fall out if 50 hairs came out a day and it came to 5.5 years. So I want to try and do more scalp massages and brushing. My hairs been growing for about three years and it'll take at least another three years to get anywhere near the length I want so I need it to grow a bit faster. I realised that in winter my hair hardly grows at all but it'll grow in hotter weather about an inch or two a month!

July 10th, 2018, 02:31 PM
That's very pretty. :) You for sure are a wavy, at the least!

July 10th, 2018, 02:39 PM
I don't wear braids, and I usually don't wear my hair up either so if I chose to do layers, none of those reasons would make a difference.
The only reason I don't have them (love the way the make the hair look and flow), is because for whatever reason, they've always caused split ends for me and that drove me crazy. If it wasn't for that, I'd have them.

Instead, I have the hair around my face angled, and had a soft U hemline (now it's a V due to a terrible trim.. grrrr)

July 11th, 2018, 08:41 AM
What type of layers have you got? I know next to nothing about layers so I've no clue what to even ask at the hairdresser. I had short hair for years and before that I was young and didn't care what they gave me I just got a cut. I read though that long layers look best on thick curly hair but I don't know what to get and what shape to do at the bottom. Do I just get a straight cut at the ends, when do the layers start, are they on the inside or the outside, do I get some pieces in the front? I've just no clue about any of this and especially for long haired creatures. If I post a pic as my profile pic can you see that?

So sorry I'm just getting to this - was out of town yesterday!

I do have long layers - and a U shape. Though I don't really tell them the U part. It just happens when they put the layers through the front. if you pull the side in front of my shoulder, I have layers as well as pieces that are as long as the back... if that makes sense. My hair does NOT look good with a blunt cut. I've tried it 2 or 3 times since I've been on LHC, and always wind up going back to the layers.

I don't personally prefer much shorter layers in the front - I prefer layers throughout. You might go dig through internet photos of what you think you like - and then try to be VERY specific. Where you want the shortest layer to be when it's DRY. If they cut it there wet, especially with your texture it will be much shorter.

So I tell them, long layers, no face framing layers (those are the short front ones) - evenly throughout and that I like it just a little 'piecey'. (I personally don't like feathery looking layers on me.) I don't let them use chunking shears or razors EVER. My hair despises both. My shortest layer is currently a little longer than collarbone when dry.

Though if you're not sure, I'd just get them to do simple VERY long layers to start.

The other thing you can do - and I've done a lot in the past - is get them to just 'knock the edge' off the blunt cut. I did this a lot when it was shorter. It's not really full-on layers as just softening up that bottom edge a bit.

The one other thought I had was if you're trying to 'bring out the curl' then you might tell them that. A good stylist cuts differently for curl than for straight hair - so when you're looking for cuts you like - look for texture (and even color if we're honest) that are similar to yours. Layers cut for stick straight hair will look very different on wavy hair.

I think that's all I have off the top of my head - let us know what you decide - either way you have lovely locks!!

July 11th, 2018, 09:08 AM
I like braids and buns for protection but I really want to wear my hair out and gave it look good too. So is that called layers on your hemline or something totally different? Btw I had a look at your hair and it looks so lush really soft, long and lovely waves!

On another note, I saw on your pictures wooden hair sticks I know where you got those from especially the padouk one. Can't remember the name of they guy off the top of my head but wanted to buy them a couple of months ago. Could you post a pic if the red one in your hair cuz I wanna see how it looks? Also does the fact that it's spirally mean its hard to put in and that it catches on your hair at all? And where did you get that wide tooth comb from?

July 11th, 2018, 09:12 AM
Yeah I think that's what I'm gonna tell them. Just feathery layers that look very natural and long layers in the back and the front starting from either chin or mid neck length. I know what you mean about face framing layers. When I looked it up I found so many pictures of people with that really typical look of a longish side fringes that I frankly thinks looks terrible. I do like some face framing pieces in some people but I'm scared that on me it'll frizz or curl up too much.

July 11th, 2018, 12:46 PM
I like braids and buns for protection but I really want to wear my hair out and gave it look good too. So is that called layers on your hemline or something totally different? Btw I had a look at your hair and it looks so lush really soft, long and lovely waves!

On another note, I saw on your pictures wooden hair sticks I know where you got those from especially the padouk one. Can't remember the name of they guy off the top of my head but wanted to buy them a couple of months ago. Could you post a pic if the red one in your hair cuz I wanna see how it looks? Also does the fact that it's spirally mean its hard to put in and that it catches on your hair at all? And where did you get that wide tooth comb from?

My hemline is (was) blunt with a soft U - no layers. I prefer that look instead of all one length on my hair. Thank you, the waves are coming out now that I've gone completely sulfate and silicone free. Prior to that I always thought my hair was straighter.

Yeah, I got them from WoodberryArt on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/WoodBerryArt?ref=l2-shopheader-name).

The red one is at my house, will be there this weekend so can post then. But in truth, it's pointless as you can't really see the ends of the stick, it's too short for my hair. I guess I can take a pic of it half in..lol
Ordered a second one in 6.5" and it's coming next week but it's in zebrawood.

The corkscrew design actually works best at keeping my hair in place. I just make a bun, and twist it in. To get it out, I twist it counter clockwise. I love it, doesn't pull or rip my hair going in or out.

July 11th, 2018, 02:55 PM
It's definitely an individual choice. I have layers in my hair right now through the last few inches and I think I'm going to go back to blunt ends and only face framing layers. For me my ends seem to be prone to damage because the hairs are very fine so I feel they will be more protected if they are all one length.

July 11th, 2018, 06:19 PM
My hemline is (was) blunt with a soft U - no layers. I prefer that look instead of all one length on my hair. Thank you, the waves are coming out now that I've gone completely sulfate and silicone free. Prior to that I always thought my hair was straighter.

Yeah, I got them from WoodberryArt on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/WoodBerryArt?ref=l2-shopheader-name).

The red one is at my house, will be there this weekend so can post then. But in truth, it's pointless as you can't really see the ends of the stick, it's too short for my hair. I guess I can take a pic of it half in..lol
Ordered a second one in 6.5" and it's coming next week but it's in zebrawood.

The corkscrew design actually works best at keeping my hair in place. I just make a bun, and twist it in. To get it out, I twist it counter clockwise. I love it, doesn't pull or rip my hair going in or out.

I think that's my favourite look on long haired peeps. I've been scrolling on Instagram and noticed I don't like long haired girls who have a ton of layers and really tight body on dresses and Kim k makeup (Though people can do whatever they want to their bodies it's just my opinion). I really like long thick hair with minimal layers and a slight u shape. But at the moment I'm gonna get some layers to suit my face a little better. I hope I won't end up looking trashy I really love natural looking things.

Yeah please post it if you can and also the zebrawood one when you get it. That shop is what got me into hair sticks I really like them but I'm not great at putting my hair up yet so I can't justify buying them when I might not use them. I have one by saya designs. It's ok, very pretty but it had hardly any grip and it's flat on one side- which I don't like.

It's definitely an individual choice. I have layers in my hair right now through the last few inches and I think I'm going to go back to blunt ends and only face framing layers. For me my ends seem to be prone to damage because the hairs are very fine so I feel they will be more protected if they are all one length.

Are you gonna cut off some hair then? I have some bleached ends which are the bane of my life. Every year I have to cut off more hair than I'd like to keep it healthy, I can't wait till it's all gone. Yeah blunt long hair is stunning. I don't have that problem (yet 😌) cuz I have much thicker hair.

July 22nd, 2018, 11:12 AM
I like blunt though my hair is straight, unlike OP's, but
Another reason I wouldn't want layers myself, apart from what everyone else said about braids, etc, is that unless I used an at-home method like lapushka, for me it would be a pain whenever I wanted to trim, having to go to a salon, worrying the stylist might not figure out the layers right and cut it differently, or "bring them out" and cut too much.

July 23rd, 2018, 04:38 AM
It depends on both hairtype and thickness.

With my hairtype and thickness, layers make make hair look like it's in need of a trim. It does nothing for movement, all it does is make the hair look tapered and very thin at the ends. This goes for all lengths on my hair - I need a blunt cut.

I think layers may work in thick 1a hair, but generally I prefer blunt cut on 1a hair.

Wavy and curly hair can look really good with layers, both for thicker and thinner hair. For thin hair I think a blunt cut may be the best choice.

August 23rd, 2018, 08:10 AM
Hey guys so an update here. I finally got my layered haircuts and I HATE it! She didn't chop too much off the length so yay. But it's way worse because I hardly have any of the long hair I had. The front looks like she chopped the entire thing off in one swoop so I basically have short hair with a few long bits sticking out in the bottom. I'm so upset! Everyone on here knows how precious our hair is now I'm gonna have to wait more than three years to get to the length I want. Everytime I look in the mirror I just hate how I look I'm so devastated I almost want to cut it all off to the layered length. How am I gonna ever trust hairdresser's again! What do you do?

August 23rd, 2018, 08:20 AM
I have always had layers because I thought I had "too much volume" at the ends. I don't want layers anymore tho, now I like that volume. And I still have much shorter hairs and I want them to grow as well

August 23rd, 2018, 08:37 AM
Hey guys so an update here. I finally got my layered haircuts and I HATE it! She didn't chop too much off the length so yay. But it's way worse because I hardly have any of the long hair I had. The front looks like she chopped the entire thing off in one swoop so I basically have short hair with a few long bits sticking out in the bottom. I'm so upset! Everyone on here knows how precious our hair is now I'm gonna have to wait more than three years to get to the length I want. Everytime I look in the mirror I just hate how I look I'm so devastated I almost want to cut it all off to the layered length. How am I gonna ever trust hairdresser's again! What do you do?

Maybe she layered it up too much; sure sounds like she might have. I would let it grow out. If you even it up it might end up quite short and you'll be for sure not able to do much with it. At least now you might still have the chance or option to bun it or do some type of updo.

I have always had layers because I thought I had "too much volume" at the ends. I don't want layers anymore tho, now I like that volume. And I still have much shorter hairs and I want them to grow as well

I have layers too. My hair is layered from waist to classic. I love them still, as it makes my hair less weighty at longer lengths. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to grow past waist.

August 24th, 2018, 11:16 AM
I have like one or two long layers to keep the bottom from being too bulky, but that's it. There's probably only an inch and a half difference between the longest part of my hair, and my shortest layer. Anything more than that drives me bonkers as I don't like messy pieces sticking out at different lengths ( I have wavy hair ). Looking at my hair, it looks all one length, you can't really tell unless you try to separate it.