View Full Version : Anyone else have trouble getting used to buns/braids at first?

June 17th, 2018, 09:23 PM
I have been trying to wear my hair in buns or braids more for the last couple months. I want to wear it like that more to protect my hair better but I have always mostly worn ponies or loose hair. I like the look of those better and I also like having my hair move etc. which I guess is kinda weird, but is one of my favorite things about long hair. I just can't get used to having my hair so restrained, and I don't like the look as much. Anyone have the same issue? Any tips? Seems like I should just get used to it eventually but I don't like it as much and find myself just doing what I normally do.

Groovy Granny
June 17th, 2018, 09:42 PM
IMHO ...wear it the way that makes you happiest, while doing your best to protect it :shrug:

I prefer my hair down or ponytailed for the same reasons you mentioned...I just love the feel.
Usually it is that way in cooler temps and when the heat turns up I wear it up more.

My scalp is sensitive and my hair fine nf slippery, so it took a while to see what worked for me.

Positioning and styles were factors.... as well as comfy hair accessories.; length made all the difference....and thickness can also be an issue for some.

Play around with styles you like; it will become second nature over time.

But enjoy the journey most of all ...at each stage :cheer:

June 17th, 2018, 09:45 PM
There's nothing wrong with preferring it loose or ponied. Buns and braids are helpful for preventing damage if you want to grow to really long lengths. But there are a number of people around here who really just prefer to wear it loose. It's a trade off and also a matter of enjoying your hair - if buns and braids make you lose the enjoyment, then don't worry about it! And unless you plan to grow past waist it may not make much difference anyway.

Your hair is there for YOU to enjoy. So don't worry about not following any rules.

June 17th, 2018, 09:56 PM
Styles have two basic purposes. As you've said, yourself, they are protective. The other is aesthetic.

If you don't like the way you look, that's an aesthetic issue.

What is your problem with braids and buns? Your post says you've always worn it loose and are unaccustomed to more constrained hairdos.

Is it just that you are unaccustomed to it?

I enjoy braids, buns, and twists. Arranging my hair brings me joy. If you can not say the same, perhaps you should find other options?

June 17th, 2018, 10:03 PM
If you are bunning it cos you need to keep it out of the way, there's a really simple, loose way to do it. Pull it into a ponytail but the last time you pull if through the tie, only pull a bit through. Then wrap the remainder around that bit, and tuck the end back under the tie

I've only had my hair braided once and the loose bun method I just mentioned felt way less restricted

If you are braiding or bunning for style then I have nothing to contribute as I only wear it lose, pony or that loose bun I just mentioned

June 18th, 2018, 02:29 AM
As others have said you do you, you can always wear protective styles to sleep and exercise for example and keep it loose/on a pony the rest of the time.

it took me a while to get used to wear a bun, I didn’t like the look of them at all. But again it’s more usual to see a woman with a bun or braid than a man with those styles, that really impacts how we see them on us. I personally think anyone can rock them.

June 18th, 2018, 04:08 AM
I quite like having my hair up in a braid or bun but as said above it is more usual to see a woman wearing those than a man.

Ultimately, I would say wear your hair how you like it and maybe just sleep with your hair in a braid?

June 18th, 2018, 08:00 AM
I have been trying to wear my hair in buns or braids more for the last couple months. I want to wear it like that more to protect my hair better but I have always mostly worn ponies or loose hair. I like the look of those better and I also like having my hair move etc. which I guess is kinda weird, but is one of my favorite things about long hair. I just can't get used to having my hair so restrained, and I don't like the look as much. Anyone have the same issue? Any tips? Seems like I should just get used to it eventually but I don't like it as much and find myself just doing what I normally do.

First of all, you seem to have quite a bit of hair; if it is in the iii category, I am too, I needed to wait until hip length to be able to do a comfortable bun. If your hair is thinner than that, you may succeed sooner. But it all depends on the thickness of your hair.

prairie lark
June 18th, 2018, 12:17 PM
There's nothing wrong with a ponytail, just make sure you use soft hairties (no metal) and change up the spot you gather and tie it.

These guys (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjyBUW3pa7-G8lvzU9u9MzA/videos) are hilarious if you want some youtube time-wasting. :beerchug:

June 18th, 2018, 08:16 PM
I prefer wearing mine down too. Maybe try just braiding at nighttime to minimize damage while sleeping and enjoy having your hair loose during the day?

June 19th, 2018, 07:29 AM
I used to have a lot of trouble wearing my hair up because I wasn't used to it, it would give me tension headaches constantly, no matter how loose I wore my hair up... it took me many years of trying/giving up, until I finally became accustomed to it... and now I can't wear my hair down any more because I find wearing it up more confortable now. :lol: Oh, how things change.

Sora Rose
June 19th, 2018, 07:38 AM
I used to hate my hair up for similar reasons, though I never wore ponytails (could never keep a ponytail to save my life). I just let them all the way loose.

I started to put them in a bun, which was difficult at first because my inexperience meant they slipped a lot or pulled too much and I'd get headaches. Worse, that terrible feeling of exposure when in public (I have had long hair as long as I can remember). I can't tell you how much I just wanted to give it up and keep wearing them loose.

However, in spite of all that, I persisted, and in about a month or two I just got used to it. I even started liking the look of buns, where I had previously hated them. While I still enjoy having my hair down and relish brushing them, I feel kind of uncomfortable when they're not up or braided and safe from harm while I'm doing a lot of activities. Things can make a complete turnaround with some time and patience.

June 19th, 2018, 05:29 PM
Honestly braids can take some work to perfect! I’m still trying to do the perfect braid, and it’s through trial and error that I’m slowly getting better; I actually wore mine in a braid today to work instead of my usual ponytail or low in, and I didn’t feel my hair tug once! Maybe try a looser braid and see if you like it? If not, deff don’t knock what you prefer! :)

June 19th, 2018, 07:04 PM
Thanks everyone for your answers! It was helpful to hear others' perspectives and hear that some feel the same. I am still a bit torn about if I should try push through like some mentioned they did or just do what I seem to like. I've been thinking and for now, as most recommended, will just keep doing what I like. I think I've just been feeling like buns and braids are something I should do and not something I actual want to do. But I have started to try sleeping with a braid (first go was last night) and see if that helps protect it at least at night when it shouldn't bother me. Thanks I appreciate your help!

June 19th, 2018, 08:49 PM
I completely changed my attitude, like Aredhel. I remember having a rebellious attitude about braiding or bunning all the time as I was growing my hair out because I wanted long, flowing hair, not long but contained hair. However, over time, my hair would bother me when it was down. It would tickle, it was hot, it was all over the place getting into everything, and it was even a hazard sometimes. One of the reasons that I cut back to shoulder length was because I wanted to wear it down more, but SURPRISE! It bothers me down. So now I'm growing it out so that it's easier to put it up. lol

June 23rd, 2018, 10:55 PM
It did take me a long time to get used to it. I think now I would rather have it be up than down but it was a struggle for awhile there. I started with braids at night and basic twist and clip styles to put it up during the day. I've graduated to basic buns and I'm able to wear a braid outside too. If I wear it loose, it feels a bit weird now and gets in my way a lot. I'm happy I am able to put it up comfortably.

June 23rd, 2018, 11:18 PM
I've been trying to wear my hair up more for at least 4 or so years. Now I've just accept I can't handle it up very often, Once in awhile I get into a phase of wearing it in braids or buns and then they start to bother me so I just let my hair be. I've grown to over classic with it always down, and I know some people whose grown even longer. I guess for some people it might be necessary, but for mine I just do what's most comfortable and if I get a few extra splits so be it.

June 24th, 2018, 05:27 AM
I thought I was ugly with my hair up, and wanted long flowing hair. Unfortunately long flowing hair drove me *nuts*, getting caught in my glasses, getting in my food, mouth, caught in zippers, car doors... Also it was difficult and inappropriate at work. So up it went. And then I discovered I really liked that, so comfy, so out of the way, cool in summer, worked well with earrings....

... and then I discovered hairtoys....... :D

June 26th, 2018, 09:10 PM
I've been required to wear my hair in buns/braids for years. I was in the army, and now I work in law enforcement. My current job in LE doesn't require me to wear it up, but I have transitioned from bun to braid. I think having it completely down is very unsafe. Anyways, I used a bun shaper, which I really liked and thought it still looked pretty. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.shopify.com%2Fs%2F files%2F1%2F0532%2F2561%2Fproducts%2FDTW9457_DTW95 48_DTW9849-3_1024x1024.jpg%3Fv%3D1493834652&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.riahfashion.com%2Fprod ucts%2Fstyling-hair-bun&docid=gmQlNkrcva1RIM&tbnid=IhlVDSdnE5RC5M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiU8MGS7vLbAhWJ61MKHbNbDkcQMwigASgBMAE. .i&w=1024&h=1024&hl=en-us&client=safari&bih=672&biw=1024&q=bun%20shaper&ved=0ahUKEwiU8MGS7vLbAhWJ61MKHbNbDkcQMwigASgBMAE&iact=mrc&uact=8
I do feel like it caused headaches, though, which is a big reason I switched to a braid. I usually wear my hair down when I'm at the house doing nothing, and if I run errands, I prefer just a ponytail.

June 26th, 2018, 10:24 PM
I'm not the biggest fan of braids for physical activity and heat and so on because I have some hairs that like to poke me in the back of my neck lol, same with low buns and ponytails. Buns only seem to work when they're in the middle of my head, on the top they're too heavy.

June 27th, 2018, 01:52 PM
I am the exact opposite, I have to have my hair out of the way for most of my day or I will end up chopping them out of frustration.. I like side braids, expecially when I had longer hair, because you can still "see them" and how long they are but they are a bit more manageable :D

June 29th, 2018, 02:04 AM
Yes!! I still can't get the hang of buns, they just feel so heavy. I've been getting away with doing like half-braided/bunned and then the rest loose. So I still get the movement but only have to comb out tangles from a single layer of hair. Also, I find two braids more comfortable than 1, especially when sleeping.