View Full Version : Hello hello from yet another newbie c:
May 21st, 2018, 09:58 AM
Hi there from Texas (though hopefully not for much longer)!
In high school, I cut off all my hair and wore a shaggy pixie cut until two years ago when I decided I wanted a change, so I've been growing my hair out slowly but surely! I'm excited for it to get to a desirable length.
That said, I have a quick question if anyone doesn't mind? I have really thick hair that tangles easily when I sleep. Is there a way to prevent that, and if not, is there an easier way to detangle those knots? I'm absurdly tender-headed, and brushing them out can sometimes be more painful than I think it should be.
Thanks, and I look forward to seeing more of this forum as I get used to its processes and permissions! c:
May 21st, 2018, 11:04 AM
Hi, I also have really thick hair and I found that braiding my hair helps loads with preventing tangles, some people here bun their hair but that can be hard if it's thick.
Using a wide toothed comb is gentler on hair than a brush and oiling can also help.
May 21st, 2018, 01:17 PM
Hi, I also have really thick hair and I found that braiding my hair helps loads with preventing tangles, some people here bun their hair but that can be hard if it's thick.
Using a wide toothed comb is gentler on hair than a brush and oiling can also help.
Thank you! I've been wearing loose ponies to bed, and it hasn't been very helpful. I'll try braiding and using a comb before bed and see if it's better. I appreciate it c:
May 21st, 2018, 01:42 PM
Hello and welcome! And you can look into a silk sleeping cap or pillowcase as well. Or satin! But smooth and slippery so that your hair just slips around instead of friction catching it and roughing it up.
May 21st, 2018, 02:33 PM
Hi and welcome here! :) i sleep with mine draped over the pillow kind of above my head...i use Egyptian cotton pillow cases..i don't get much of a bother combing it next morning.
May 21st, 2018, 02:40 PM
That said, I have a quick question if anyone doesn't mind? I have really thick hair that tangles easily when I sleep. Is there a way to prevent that, and if not, is there an easier way to detangle those knots? I'm absurdly tender-headed, and brushing them out can sometimes be more painful than I think it should be.
Hello and welcome to the forum. :)
You could wear a sleep bonnet and sleep on a satin pillow case, or braid your hair (but do that *veeery* loosely).
I am about your texture, and I only detangle "for real" once weekly, pre-wash, with a Tangle Teezer brush. Then I wash, towel dry, and then detangle again with a Wet brush. After that I leave it alone for the week, and as of Tuesday I finger detangle (separate the strands to get sheds out, not "combing through with fingers"). It works and helps preserve the waves for as long as possible.
May 21st, 2018, 02:43 PM
Hi and welcome! :) I sleep with my hair in a silk sleeping cap from Adorabellababy on Etsy. My hair is tangle free when I get up in the mornings :D
May 23rd, 2018, 10:43 AM
Lurk around on the Mane Forum and you will pick up loads of tips that will help with the tangling :D
May 24th, 2018, 10:12 PM
Braids are good and a little of bit of oil to help detangle. I try to keep the braid not too tight and secure with a scrunchie to be gentle
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