View Full Version : Inspiring relatives to grow out their hair?

Elizabeth E
May 18th, 2018, 08:39 AM
So I did a quick search but only found threads about being inspired by another family member to grow out your hair and not the other way around. Here is a quick backstory:
My mum had been benign-neglecting her hair for years; more on the neglect side of things. When I recently started my hair journey, it inspired her to take better care of hers as well. Her hair is very different from mine; straight, fine and extremely tangle-prone and she used to detangle from top to bottom with a fine-toothed comb. One of the things I did for her birthday earlier this year, was giving her a wide-toothed comb and showing her how to detangle from the bottom up. I also gave her a scalp massage with oils, did some S & D and trimmed about 2cm off her hair. Just for the fun, I measured it and it is 81cm in length now. I was very pleased when she said that she would like to grow it to 1m, which is almost CL on her.
Very recently, my dad voiced the idea of leaving his hair to grow for the first time. He says that he doesn't like the look of short hair that much, as well as having to visit the barber every few weeks. He promised me that he will wait until he's retired (another 15 to 20 years from now) before leaving his hair to grow. Of course I couldn't resist the temptation to take my brown-to-blue ombre wig (which I use for practicing hairstyles) and put it on for him!
The blue ends made it look quite ridiculous, but we both agree that the length (APL on him) and curls will look great on him. Only my mum doesn't agree - at all! (she doesn't seem to like long hair on men that much)
Well, I'm not pressuring anybody, but it is nice to see that I have inspired them. Who of you have inspired relatives to grow out their hair?

Groovy Granny
May 18th, 2018, 10:17 AM
1) My Hubby.... who grew out to shoulder then cut back to the regular barber cut; I tried :shrug: :lol:

2) My sister (56) ....who dyed her hair for YEARS, and it was fried; she still cuts it into a pixie after growing to chin length, but it is now healthy and SILVER :thumbsup:

3) My Daughter (43).... who was a long hair, then cut to a chin length bob.....now growing to MBL and ditched her dye for the 2nd try to go silver :joy:
She is resistant to trying new styles, and is happy to just do a messy bun with a hair tie; I am still working on that, and encouraging her to go stay dye free :eyebrows:

May 18th, 2018, 10:34 AM
My husband. His hair is where Bra Strap length would be. If he wore one lol.

He’s really the only one. I’ve tried to get my mom to grow hers out, but she doesn’t particularly care for her natural hair. She likes to shave it and wear her stylish fancy wigs. Which she still looks lovely in.

My life long friend. She chopped hers off to shoulder. I didn’t really inspire her per say, but we’ve decided to check In in our hair growth together, since she wants to grow hers out again.

May 18th, 2018, 11:04 AM
I really try to encourage others (my sisters and friends) to grow out their hair. Because I'm not sure if I manage to do it myself, I'm not sure if my hair will grow. But if I can inspire someone else to do it, then I have done something good. So I suppose, at the moment everyone how knows me think I'm some kind of hair freak...

Last summer my eldest sister had her hair at APL and it looked so nice. She had very straight and slippery hair, no split ends never, beautiful golden brown colour, no greys though she's 50. So I hope she don't cut it, but it would be even nicer if she let it grow longer. So I talked really much about this to her... Soon I will see her and can check how it's going, but what can I tell from pictures, it's still longish.

May 18th, 2018, 12:59 PM
I've inspired my mother to grow her pixie haircut out many years ago. Now, it's Bra Strap Length, and it's been that length for 8 years now.

May 18th, 2018, 01:20 PM
I think I inspired my girlfriend to grow her hair. She's at hip now and want classic. I would love to see that but won't be surprised if she changes her mind. She usually gets a haircut only to regret it soon after :)
My daughter (13) had nice BSL hair until she got a bob in March. But she wants to grow it long again.

Elizabeth E
May 18th, 2018, 01:43 PM
It's great to see everyone passing on LHC-itis: wanting to grow longer hair than you currently have.

May 18th, 2018, 02:10 PM
Hmmm...not sure I so much inspired my Mum as finally wore her down after 10 years of begging her to grown out her pixie cut but oh well she's growing it so I guess it counts? She not aiming for anywhere near my length but her shoulder length goal is extremely long to her.

Ligeia Noire
May 18th, 2018, 03:39 PM
I confess I always routed for my sister to let her hair grow. She had hip lenght hair when she was a kid but never really liked it long. She has thicker hair than mine, straight with body and dark blond. Her hair is a sight to behold but she keeps it at bsl, slightly layered, with side bangs and straightens it. She is happy with it so I am happy too. Maybe one day when older, she wil let it grow.

May 18th, 2018, 03:46 PM
I think I have inspired one of my sisters to let her hair grow longer than it used to be. We had a discussion on growing hair and hair care, oiling and deep treatments one day. Her hair is just like mine, whiter, but so pretty! I took photos last time she was over here (she lives in Australia). She is 71. I think her hair is gorgeous!



May 18th, 2018, 03:59 PM
My husband and sister-in-law are both growing their hair under my guidance and encouragement. :p It's the best.

Ligeia Noire
May 18th, 2018, 04:17 PM
Sarah, sure is. Very pretty.

May 18th, 2018, 04:25 PM
Oh, my, Sarahlabyrinth, it sure is.

I inspired my son to grow his out to waist, but he decided a couple of months ago that he wanted to go short again. My sister alternatively grows it out long (hers grows crazy fast) or she chops it off to a pixie. I'm still working on her...

May 18th, 2018, 04:35 PM
Not with growth, no. Not that I know of! But with care, a bit yes. My roommate! But she does still default back to ponytail-holder buns. But she does detangle MUCH more gently! Which honestly has done a lot on its own.

May 18th, 2018, 04:37 PM
I think I have inspired one of my sisters to let her hair grow longer than it used to be. We had a discussion on growing hair and hair care, oiling and deep treatments one day. Her hair is just like mine, whiter, but so pretty! I took photos last time she was over here (she lives in Australia). She is 71. I think her hair is gorgeous!



Your sister's hair is stunning.

And remembering your "I cut my hair" joke in the photo thread, you could absolutely use your sister's hair to fool the whole forum that you cut yours :laugh:

May 18th, 2018, 06:10 PM
So lovely and inspiring reading these stories! It's wild how people can change their minds with a little nudge (or nagging ;)) and grow to lengths they would have otherwise probably never considered.

Your sister's hair is so pretty and cute, Sarah!

May 18th, 2018, 07:30 PM
I wish! My sister uses coconut oil now but still absolutely fries her hair with a flat iron. And I can't convince my mom to give up the blowfryer no matter how much reason I throw at her. Maybe once I actually get to a good length I'll just lead by example ;)

May 18th, 2018, 09:04 PM
Your sister's hair is stunning.

And remembering your "I cut my hair" joke in the photo thread, you could absolutely use your sister's hair to fool the whole forum that you cut yours :laugh:

I could, almost :p Except that her hair is whiter than mine :)

Thank you all on her behalf.

Elizabeth E
May 19th, 2018, 02:10 AM
Your sister's hair is stunning, Sarah!
(And so is yours, of course:o)

Sora Rose
May 19th, 2018, 02:17 AM
I inspired my mom to grow back to shoulder length (she wore a pixie my whole life that I can remember, and now her hair reaches shoulder if stretched), and one of my brothers to see how long hair looks on him.

I didn't expect to inspire anyone. In a strange way, I find it pleasing.

May 19th, 2018, 02:20 AM
Your sister's hair is stunning, Sarah!
(And so is yours, of course:o)

Thank you :o

June 17th, 2018, 05:18 PM
My mom decided to grow out longer hair. She's had pixie type hair for years but wants to grow it out past her shoulders now and told me I was the inspiration. Kind of cool. She's been growing for about a year and is still going strong.

June 17th, 2018, 08:06 PM
I'd like to think I inspired my son to grow his hair out. He's getting close to making it out of awkward stage, but the stretch run can be tough.

Groovy Granny
June 17th, 2018, 09:55 PM
I inspired my sister (10 years younger) to stop coloring her hair and go silver. :o

She wears it in a pixie cut, but hey....you can't always win them all :lol:

ETA 6/18/18: and how could I forget :doh:....my DD.

She was a long hair who cut a short layered Bob for her BF, then decided to grow long again after seeing my progress, which made her miss her own length.
She isn't growing as long as I am (just MBL/BSL); her hair is thick but looks long with her short torso (like me lol)

June 18th, 2018, 12:30 AM
I was talking about hair with my sister not a long ago, she sent me a photo of herself and I noticed she had a pretty long hair. She was contemplating cutting and dyeing it. I tried to slip her the idea of having long natural color hair. Her natural color is so pretty, dark chestnut brown, and she's got some wawes too. She just said her hair is boring her. I don't know if I succeeded.

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1767/28998309698_aa2458b016_m.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/LbtVbS)
A pic of my sister's hair. I think it's pretty.

June 18th, 2018, 09:01 AM
My eldest son, at 16 he grew his hair to about CBL + (not quite apl). But he just cut it back to barely CBL, says he might keep growing it. I've always told him he should wear his hair how he likes it best, but when I encourage him to do stuff like bleach tips one summer, or a Mohawk when shorter and he was younger... he just says I'm weird.