View Full Version : Toddlers

May 15th, 2018, 02:56 PM
I know we post about our hair, but I was curious on easy ways you found to wash a toddlers hair. Wrestling him into the tub is good and all, being two and a half he is getting big. I've finally resorted to a little oil and alot of boar bristle brushing. I noticed little black specks in his hair, probably dirt that are hard to brush out. His hair is fine but getting long and curly.
He knows hair care at his young age and is fascinated with using different brushes to brush and play with my hair.

Any suggestions?

May 15th, 2018, 03:15 PM
Just from my own experience, mum used to just keep all of her children’s hair short enough that it wouldn’t suffer from not being washed or brushed much until we were old enough to do it ourselves. Talking to the child may help as well; telling them what you are doing and letting them help by handing tools to you. And letting them decide how long the session should be, so that no one has te deal with a tantrum. If all you get is a few minutes to get the worst tangles out, maybe aiming for a 2nd session a bit later on.

Lady Stardust
May 15th, 2018, 03:20 PM
Does he object to all aspects of being in the bath or shower, or just having his hair washed?

My daughter is two and a half as well, I know what you mean about them getting a bit big to wrestle! She’s doesn’t like baths but doesn’t mind a shower. She enjoys stamping about and letting the water run through her hands and as long as she gets to do that she’ll be compliant! She doesn’t particularly like getting her hair wet but it’s over with pretty quickly. I lather the shampoo up in my hands and rub my fingers over her scalp quickly, then rinse it off and try to keep the water off her face, it depends whether she’ll stay still. Making silly noises seems to help with a lot of situations with my daughter, if she thinks we’re in opposition she’ll be a pain but if she thinks I’m mucking about she’ll tolerate a bit more.

Her hair doesn’t get tangled so she doesn’t have anything bad to contend with later.

I don’t know if any of that is helpful...maybe try a shower if you’ve tried baths before, or vice versa?

May 15th, 2018, 05:33 PM
O.k., well I felt that I was in charge so excuse me for being mean, but I would just do it whether they liked it or not. I'd give them a rolled up washcloth to press over their eyes because they hated water in the eyes most of all. Then I'd ask them to tilt their heads back so I could rinse out the shampoo. Sometimes they did and sometimes they didn't. When they didn't, they'd get upset. I'd tell them "well next time tilt your head back when I ask you to." Eventually they did.

May 15th, 2018, 06:38 PM
Maybe he'd find it more fun to wash his hair in the kitchen sink! Wastes less water too.

May 15th, 2018, 06:41 PM
My older one is easier, bc he will lay back in the tub and close his eyes, so when i rinse his hair none gets into his face at all. The younger one? I have to kinda just do it and let him scream until he's old enough to follow directions.

May 15th, 2018, 09:16 PM
These are all great suggestions! I've tried showering and having fun with bath time but the sink idea is one I didn't think of! He hates water and even freaked out after jumping into a puddle and getting wet. The noise of the shower scared the day lights out of him. Ill try the sink or a bucket next. Maybe this summer we can overcome this oddness. He hates getting sticky and wouldn't even play with Playdough cause it got on his hands. He still isn't talking though he is almost 2 and a half otherwise I'd let him tell me. He won't sign it either. Its all just " ahhh". Speech Therapy is getting no where fast. Gotta love toddler logic huh?

Lady Stardust
May 16th, 2018, 02:37 AM
These are all great suggestions! I've tried showering and having fun with bath time but the sink idea is one I didn't think of! He hates water and even freaked out after jumping into a puddle and getting wet. The noise of the shower scared the day lights out of him. Ill try the sink or a bucket next. Maybe this summer we can overcome this oddness. He hates getting sticky and wouldn't even play with Playdough cause it got on his hands. He still isn't talking though he is almost 2 and a half otherwise I'd let him tell me. He won't sign it either. Its all just " ahhh". Speech Therapy is getting no where fast. Gotta love toddler logic huh?

It’s hard, and a two and a half year old freaking out is a force to be reckoned with! We use a shower attachment rather than a fixed shower head so she doesn’t have to be under the water all the time and the noise is less, is that an option?

I struggle sometimes because my wrists are dodgy and I’m at risk of putting myself out of action if I’m constantly lifting or wrestling with my daughter. She’s tall and strong, getting close to the size of a 4 year old rather than 3 year old. The more she can do of her own will, even if that means waiting a few minutes longer, the better. I totally understand the need to choose your battles.

I hope the speech therapy starts to help or communication becomes easier somehow. Communication when upset is difficult at the best of times.

May 16th, 2018, 02:49 AM
I personally have to do it whether they like it or not at that age or it won’t happen and by force (within reason ) My son who 17 months now hates water over his head / face so I try my best to do it quick and keep it off his face
Otherwise he would never have clean hair
To be honest I don’t wash his hair very often as he doesn’t need it and he hates it
I did the same with all my kids at this age
My daughters 8 and 5 won’t wash either otherwise
I just praise them a lot for it and they love wearing my special microfibre towel and quit using the hair dryer as they don’t want to damage their hair yet they trash it by pulling each others out lol