View Full Version : Exercise styles?

May 14th, 2018, 06:28 PM
Protective styles are a big deal around here, and this is kind of related. Exercise. I realized when going out for my first bike ride of the season, tonight, that my hair is now long enough to be problematic. Don't want it flying down into my eyes while I'm riding. This is what I came up with.

And since I just renewed my gym membership, it is going to be an increasing issue there too, as I'm doing no-trim 2018.

What styles are practical for exercise, especially as it gets longer?



May 14th, 2018, 06:48 PM
French braids are good, and low braided buns. French twists, too.

May 14th, 2018, 06:49 PM
Depends on what you’re doing.

I squat, bench, and deadlift and anything other than a high placed bun is going to get in the way. At least for me.

May 14th, 2018, 06:57 PM
Well, obviously cycling. ;)

And I want to start weight training, but have no idea how to begin. I have a lot to learn this year. But I do know that the hair will be in my way if it's not in a high bun, as you suggested.

It's not particularly problematic yet. But with another year's growth it will be, so I need to get prepared.

May 14th, 2018, 07:04 PM
I twist it into a high bun with a big clip!

May 14th, 2018, 07:21 PM
I run and then lift weights (deadlift, squats, bench press, and that kinda stuff) and I just braid it. A long run will knock out any bun I use, so I just deal with moving the braid around.

Do people wash their hair after every exercise session, or no?

May 14th, 2018, 07:24 PM
I twist it into a high bun with a big clip!

Clips don't last for long on me, but I also do high buns (except with a good scrunchie) :)
Sometimes I do the basic ponytail, though it probably won't be ideal for longer lengths.

May 14th, 2018, 07:43 PM
I workout every day (running, weight training) and I like wearing a very high braid. Or a sectioned ponytail, when I'm feeling lazy. :)

May 14th, 2018, 09:40 PM
I braid. Sometimes i use a pony scrub.

Be careful with clips. My hair launched a clip at the guy on the treadmill next to me once.

May 15th, 2018, 12:22 PM
I run and then lift weights (deadlift, squats, bench press, and that kinda stuff) and I just braid it. A long run will knock out any bun I use, so I just deal with moving the braid around.

Do people wash their hair after every exercise session, or no?

Think it depends on how much you’ve been sweating, how your scalp deals with sweat, salt deposits, etc.

May 15th, 2018, 12:23 PM
Well, obviously cycling. ;)

And I want to start weight training, but have no idea how to begin. I have a lot to learn this year. But I do know that the hair will be in my way if it's not in a high bun, as you suggested.

It's not particularly problematic yet. But with another year's growth it will be, so I need to get prepared.

There’s this site called Tnation.com. It’s full of useful info, dietary upkeep, how-to on weight training, setting up a program, etc. love that site

May 15th, 2018, 12:54 PM
I generally see buns on guys that cycle and have longer hair. At the gym, it's the same- buns and sometimes a ponytail that's very high up.

May 15th, 2018, 02:56 PM
I've tried a bunch of workout styles as my hair grew, and a topknot works best for my drill: kettlebells, free weights, some cardio. It doesn't get pinched under the bar during back squats, I don't lay on it when I use the bench, and don't have to deal with a tail hitting me in the face during swings or snatches. I make a ponytail on the top, secure with an elastic, make a nautilus bun, and run it through with a hairstick, double-pointed-knitting-needle fork, or ink pen from my purse. If I don't use a hair tie, it'll slide out if I do something particularly nasty, like burpees. ;) (I can do 3 or 4 of them, so try not to be too dazzled by my beastliness! ha ha ha!)

May 16th, 2018, 12:42 AM
If I do strenght at home I wear it bunned, if I go for a run (5 up to 20km) I prefer a ponytail that i also braid :)

May 16th, 2018, 10:11 PM
I struggled with this one a lot. As a guy I had no idea what to do and asked a bunch of different people and got a bunch of different answers. That lead me to conclude that you simply have to try different things and just find something that works for you. For me what works has changed as it has gotten longer and it depends a bit on the activity. I use a ponytail for a lot of stuff though i don't wear one much otherwise. My GF has braided it for me too and that works pretty well.

May 17th, 2018, 05:51 AM
I train jiu jitsu and whilst tight braids would be the best way for me to wear my hair, I suck at braiding and the times I’ve tried it the braid has fallen out within a few rolls, so my hair tends to live in a bun. I have noticed a bit of breakage where my hairtie is but it’s better than having half my hair ripped out when it falls out of the braid and someone kneels on it. Haha

May 17th, 2018, 10:43 AM
English braid. Everything else just pulls. I lift weights and run, high intensity :)

May 17th, 2018, 10:53 AM
I braid. Sometimes i use a pony scrub.

Be careful with clips. My hair launched a clip at the guy on the treadmill next to me once.

I'm SUCH a jerk because this made me laugh entirely too hard.

But for real, I hope no innocent by-standers (by-runners?) were harmed in the making of this hilarity.