View Full Version : Hair journey - a secret or not?

May 7th, 2018, 03:14 PM
Do you keep your hair journey to yourself or do you share it with/update others like friends, family or coworkers (LHC doesn't count of course :)).

For now I'm keeping it a secret. Besides my boyfriend nobody knows. It really means a lot to me so I don't want to spread the word around in case I fail. I am really afraid that my mid back length is my terminal length. That is my personal choice. Maybe I will change my mind.
Close friends know I take good care of my hair but I haven't told them what my goal length is or even that I will not be trimming it and so on. I'm just known for hair obsessed.

I don't know if this is weird/appropriate question.

Wishing everyone a beautiful day wherever you are. :)

May 7th, 2018, 03:23 PM
I'm not really trying to keep it a secret but it is because no one I know is interested in talking about hair.

May 7th, 2018, 03:23 PM
Do you keep your hair journey to yourself or do you share it with/update others like friends, family or coworkers (LHC doesn't count of course :)).

For now I'm keeping it a secret. Besides my boyfriend nobody knows. It really means a lot to me so I don't want to spread the word around in case I fail. I am really afraid that my mid back length is my terminal length. That is my personal choice. Maybe I will change my mind.
Close friends know I take good care of my hair but I haven't told them what my goal length is or even that I will not be trimming it and so on. I'm just known for hair obsessed.

I don't know if this is weird/appropriate question.

Wishing everyone a beautiful day wherever you are. :)

And a good day to you too!

I share to whoever is listening. For me, is a bit uncommon for women of my ethnicity to have hair even past their shoulders. Except for those on YouTube, you rarely see them out in the real world.

I try to be inspiration for anyone who wants to grow their longer.

May 7th, 2018, 03:34 PM
Yeah similar to ravenskey.
I don't really know anyone outside of LHC who wants to talk hair so I mostly keep it to here. I'll talk at my mom about it sometimes but like... some people with long hair are hobbyists, you know? And some of them are just normal people with long hair. So I never want to strike up a conversation with long hairs in the wild lest they think me weird.
So I don't have any long hair enthusiast friends in real life and I think in general my friends and family aren't particularly interested.
I do post hair pics on my Instagram for all my six followers 😂 but otherwise I keep all my long hair geekery contained here on the LHC.

May 7th, 2018, 03:41 PM
Not a secret I mean who cares what I do with my hair, its not like I have the secret to actually growing long thick hair(I wish I did). But I don't go around telling anyone about it either, that just seems so strange to me to tell someone my oiling and washing routine :rollin: like again who cares. Heck I dont even really say my routine here either I just figure who cares what I do with my hair.

May 7th, 2018, 04:01 PM
I don't really tell people - no one around here is very interested in hair. My sister asked me a week ago how long my hair is and when I told her she looked surprised and said to DH "I bet you love it when she floats around the bedroom with her hair all loose at night". His reply was "I'm not a hair person".

Generally if someone ever asks why I have long hair, I just reply that I'm growing it. Nobody ever asks my routine.

May 7th, 2018, 04:05 PM
I dont really go out telling everyone I meet but my boyfriend and parents know that I’m currently growing my hair out because they are the only people I feel comfortable rambling about random things to- I try not to do that to strangers or associates. I dont really get into the details too much with anyone because I dont think anyone really cares lol

May 7th, 2018, 04:15 PM
Well my mom knows my routine. She knows we wash, then we do conditioner, and an oil and conditioner again. And she knows my styling routine as well. But I don't think my father would have a clue. LOL. So no I don't discuss this with people. My dad does know I care a lot about my long hair, but that's it, in big lines.

May 7th, 2018, 04:17 PM
I think my boyfriend and family generally know I'm trying to grow my hair out but Ive never mentioned LHC and we never talk about how long or routines or hair toys etc. My mom might tell me in the normal-person hair way that I should wash it less often or just passing remarks about her own hair and how she tried this new product or what not.

May 7th, 2018, 04:21 PM
Interesting answers!

I get that part where nobody seems to be interested in hair as much as we are.
Although I have group of friends and we do talk about hair products and hair salons experiences adn stuff like that. Girly things.

I do like to talk about hair care if I can help someone with their hair. Obviously that person should be someone I know and care about.
I don't go telling people what they should do with their hair. I only give friendly advice. :)

May 7th, 2018, 04:51 PM
I'm not really trying to keep it a secret but it is because no one I know is interested in talking about hair.

Yeah, where I live, nobody cares. Everyone straightens their hair and doesn't really do much beyond that. I remember I complimented friends on their hair during a few hang outs, and someone said, "wow, you sure love talking about hair!" I never brought it up again :rolleyes:

May 7th, 2018, 04:51 PM
My husband and roommate probably know the most, but a lot of my friends know the more general "I'm growing my hair out pretty long". What they imagine when I say "pretty long" I don't know, and I doubt it's my actual ultimate goal (fingertip) or anything close.

May 7th, 2018, 04:58 PM
I talk about it too much to people who probably don’t care. If I find something I really like it for my hair I feel like I have to tell people I know so they can benefit from it too. Some people appreciate it others really don’t care.

May 7th, 2018, 05:14 PM
Outside my close family and friends.... No. I do talk my husband's war off about it and asking to buy more hair stuff.... My mother in a daily basis tells me I should dye and cut my hair short, bc it would be better for my chubby face lol. My close friends know bc I have asked them for funny hair accessories if they find them. I have oiled my hair in front of friends and was then asked all about it and my hair routine. But no, it's not something I discuss at random about though I love talking about hair!

May 7th, 2018, 06:08 PM
I'm pretty open about it and tell people that I want to sit on it when they comment on its length. I've foisted my hair hobby onto a couple of friends and my husband. I don't bring up that I have, like, a hair blog and a second Instagram account and the LHC with most people, but I'm not too shy about it. People do ask about my routine sometimes, and I have two female friends who ask me for tips and I've given hair toys and stuff. :shrug: I think it's fun and I'm not embarrassed, though I try to be conscious of whether or not someone feels like listening to me and keep it to a minimum if I get the vibe that they don't want to hear too much. :)

May 7th, 2018, 06:20 PM
A few friends and my boyfriend know I'm "growing my hair out", though I never tell them my true goal length. My friends and mom would probably look at me like I'm nuts, so I'm just gonna let it happen and I suppose they'll get used to it as it grows over the years. BF likes the natural look so I'm sure he'll be fine with it. So its just me, LHC, and Pinterest that know my real intentions at the moment!

May 7th, 2018, 06:36 PM
My family, my bf and my two close friends know about my hair hobby, and sometimes I tell my friends about 'the longhaired people's forum I'm on' lol. But I don't talk a lot about it because I know they are not that interested in that, though they'll ask me questions about my routine sometimes. My mom sometimes asks me when we're shopping for food 'is this for eating or for your hair?' :p

May 7th, 2018, 06:44 PM
My husband definitely knows, he's my Instagram photographer lol! He wants me to grow it though so that's good. My mum knows and has actually started getting into haircare and asking me tips.. I usually play it down to other people though and keep the conversation support so I don't ramble.. I do get asked about it a good amount if anyone catches it down though

May 7th, 2018, 06:52 PM
Do you keep your hair journey to yourself or do you share it with/update others like friends, family or coworkers (LHC doesn't count of course :)).

For now I'm keeping it a secret. Besides my boyfriend nobody knows. It really means a lot to me so I don't want to spread the word around in case I fail. I am really afraid that my mid back length is my terminal length. That is my personal choice. Maybe I will change my mind.
Close friends know I take good care of my hair but I haven't told them what my goal length is or even that I will not be trimming it and so on. I'm just known for hair obsessed.

I don't know if this is weird/appropriate question.

Wishing everyone a beautiful day wherever you are. :)

Good day to you too!

i have any secrets to hide. During my childhood the longest my hair had ever been was mid back length. For many years I've always thought that was terminal length as well. But joining the LHC 8 years ago I have been able to grow to between mid back length to waist length!!! My hair now is between MBL and Waist Length.

May 7th, 2018, 07:29 PM
My mom, sisters and partner know of it. I don't participate in friendships and I never had a stranger ask about my hair so my partner has to deal with all my hair talk. But I think he is happy I found something to love about myself.

May 7th, 2018, 07:43 PM
My husband know how obsessed I am with my hair growth and health and my hair toys but no one else. Not that I wouldn’t talk about it but I can tell most people aren’t interested.

May 7th, 2018, 07:50 PM
My boyfriend is probably really the only person I actively talk about it with.
He’s the one that buys me hair toys and takes length pictures for me after all. I had to tell him about the hair website.
Especially since I’ve made friends here and some have been very kind and helped me in real life situations.
He doesn’t know how long I plan to grow though. I think it would bother him if he knew LOL

I haven’t really told anyone else about my growth goals THO I did mention it ever so slightly to a co worker once.
She looked at me funny but then I explained I’ve never really had long hair before, I always thought I could never grow hair past my armpits, so this whole ordeal is really just supposed to be fun. And she was like “oh! Interesting”

Ligeia Noire
May 7th, 2018, 08:52 PM
Well people around me know I have long hair but I do not really talk about it and most of them do not care, sometimes they are curious and that is about it, most people couldn't care less, unfortunately, that is why I have a fb page and youtube channel where hair lovers like me can chat and inquire about long hair, it is my hobby, it has always been, it is me talking about hair to my husband and he talking back about the latest book he is going to buy. We both understand our love for it but outsiders might think reading is good but having hundreds of books it is too much, having healthy hair is good but let it grow to the floor is weird, to each their own. I do not hide it but I do not need to talk about it as people close to me have always known me with long hair.

May 7th, 2018, 10:55 PM
Since I started from razored bald, folks have noticed not only that I have hair but that it is starting to get long. Obviously I couldn't hide it even if I wanted to.

But why would I keep it a secret?

I don't have it on a tee shirt, admittedly, and I don't go around prosetylizing to every short hair I meet, but I definitely do not hide it or my successes.

Why would I?

May 7th, 2018, 11:18 PM
I talk to a couple of my friends about my hair and share my excitement/frustrations with them.
Other than that, not really. My mom finds me taking hair photos weird and my dad doesn't really care what i do :)

May 8th, 2018, 12:02 AM
Most of my friends have long hair, so I have told some of them about interesting hair things I have learned or tried over the years. They occasionally like talking about things we have tried or might try, mostly just different ways to hold hair up, or easier ways to cut it, or hair tools. My husband knows about some of my nutty experiments. (He still thinks my 22 months on water only (WO) was pretty bizarre.) I thought it was a fun experiment, and I benefitted from it.

But my hair has never been a hobby to me, maybe because I have always worn long hair. It's not an obsession either, not even close. It's just my hair. I don't have length goals. I wear it different long lengths, and am not interested in classic length or longer. I just want to keep it healthy, nice, and always long.

So I have no hair secrets, but I don't talk about it much either. I guess it doesn't interest me or anybody else enough.

May 8th, 2018, 12:29 AM
I don't make a big secret of it, but I try not to advertise it and I don't talk about participating in a forum. But I'm happy to talk when some of my friends want to talk about hair, and I occasionally tell people I learned things from an online forum. But this is just for me so they don't need to know. Actually I will tell people that - I'm growing my hair for myself, because it makes me happy and I need things in my life to take care of myself and make me happy. And if they ask, I'm growing it to the point that it's more trouble than joy (obviously I haven't reached that point yet).

May 8th, 2018, 12:36 AM
Nobody cares, so I don't talk about it too much. Sometimes when the conversation goes to haircare I mention that I oil and don't use sulphates, but I don't go in depth.

I get really annoyed when someone finds out about my hair obsession, looks at my healthy-ish hair and starts complaining about how their hair just won't grow. I hate those moments, like, what do you want? Do you want me to describe my entire routine? Why are you whining? Will you actually follow my advice? I made a mistake a few years back of telling a girl a ton of advice on hair care (she asked, of course), and she got angry with me, because "it's all genetics" and her hair will never grow. Well, ok. Let's pretend regular bleaching and straightening and horrendous diet don't mean anything.

My parents know I'm obsessed, because I've been doing weird things to my head since I was 15, and they witnessed it all :D

Groovy Granny
May 8th, 2018, 12:53 AM
It's no secret now that I am an old bird with long, silver hair :rollin:

When I first started growing I wanted to share it, and no one cared!
MY DD was a long hair but colored it and just threw it into a messy hair tie bun :doh:

My DH told my neighbor who USED to have knee length hair and her reply was WHY?? :thud:
Now her hair is now short,curled, and dyed RED :p

Women my age here cut and color their hair; only a few besides myself wear it long and natural.

At least My DH who isn't a hair guy and my long hair DD whois both say it is pretty worn long and silver/white. :o

I agree....unless you ARE a long hair who cares...nobody cares otherwise :shrug:

I do it for ME :flower:

May 8th, 2018, 05:03 AM
Not a secret but not really shared either..my mum knows she encourages me,she says the longer the better.

my sisters well not sure they get it really..one likes long hair and one hates long hair on anyone over 23! if she had her way she would cut mine to pixie in a flash..my other sister will from time to time ask how i get it so long and how i get the shine..i try to explain but going by her blank expression she doesn't understand and loses me half way and then wanders off i then feel i'm boring her..

i don't really tell any friends or family about my growth journey unless they ask questions..not to be secretive its just i feel they wouldn't understand unless they had the same aim..

May 8th, 2018, 06:14 AM
I am growing out dye, what is definetly noticable. My Mom told me my roots are awful, my sister offered herbal hair dye brand, my DH said hair is just hair in any color, but silver hair is metal! None of them are really interested in my reasons behind this.

About my length goals? DH know I want to grow by waist. My Mom and sister know I want to grow it long again, but my pixie forever Mom thinks shoulder length is so long already. :)

May 8th, 2018, 07:03 AM
People who were there at the start of my journey know. People I've met in the last few years don't even know I have long hair (probably), some seem surprised if I have to let it down.

I'm trying to thicken my ends up these days. It's not very interesting. Talking about it would just draw attention to how thin my hair is. If people asked if tell them I guess.

May 8th, 2018, 08:11 AM
hmm... My DH knows that I'm trying to grow it back to my waist, but that's the most hair talk we do..lol.

My friends and I talk about hair products. But we also talk about make-up, clothes, styles, etc.

I have one neighbor who loved my hair before I cut it. But she only saw it when it was nicely styled. She used to ask me what I used, and who did my color.

Other than that, no. Like others have said, no one cares.

May 8th, 2018, 08:20 AM
After reading all these replies. I'm even more grateful that LHC exists!

May 8th, 2018, 08:52 AM
My DH knows about my growing, he sure knows about my strong scented experiments with henna and other kind of mystical herbal haircare. So does my DS, I've heard him complain about the house being infested by it. With my friends and other people I may have slipped my goal to keep growing long hair until I turn 50, but I don't know who actually cares anyway.

May 8th, 2018, 09:46 AM
"There are currently 252 users online. 11 members and 241 guests"

We don't have any secrets here. ;)

May 8th, 2018, 11:17 AM
Why would it be a secret? But, if you (not the OP directly) are taking photos of your hair every week, obsessing if it’s growing everyday, length checks weekly, then there is an issue. Is this something you want to share or stirrup with friends or co-workers that one’s hair is controlling their thoughts and constantly worried how long your hair is or is not becoming? There is a fine line there. Being stringent with a hair routine is one thing. If it’s a secret, then you have to be honest if this is a fun hobby or an obsession. A hobby is relaxation and fun. Obsessing is torment.

May 8th, 2018, 11:57 AM
I didn't keep it secret, but pixies require a lot of haircuts to keep neat. :) It only took an inch to creep down over my ears, and poke my eyes. It was disheveled and sloppy for months. No way I could hide it. :)

May 8th, 2018, 01:04 PM
It's not exactly a secret, I mean everyone knows I have long hair, but it isn't really something I bring up either. As others have mentioned, most people don't really care that much and I have much more interesting hobbies to talk about. If people ask though, I am happy to talk about it and tailor my answer to the level of enthusiasm/engagement of the asker. Most of the time this is about the level of Them: "Wow, your hair is really long!" Me: "Yup!" Sometimes people ask how long I am planning to grow it and for a casual question I tend to say something like "I dunno, we'll see how long it gets." I have found most people are not looking for a super detailed answer and if they want more, they will keep asking.

I have learned this with spinning as well. People often ask what I am spinning and I used to answer with the breed of sheep (Um, and often then launch into enthusiastically talking about said sheep because that is a thing I do) and it turns out they are just asking what animal is it from and telling them the sheep breed just confuses the snot out of them. It turns out even most of my fellow knitters don't really know that much about the different breeds. Now I respond with a chipper, "Sheep!" and then continue from there once I can ascertain their interest level. (I often spin in public, so I get a ton of curiosity questions.)

With my hair, most of the time it is up and people can't tell how long it is. Even fellow longhairs here who have met me can vouch that it compacts quite a lot! I normally leave it alone, but should I need to fix a bun that has loosened or a tugging bit and let it down and then quickly whip it back up. This often leads to a flurry of comments/questions and half the time leads to me taking it back down for them because they want to see just how long it is. Otherwise the most common way my hair comes up oddly is by other people talking about it.

If people ask hair questions I am happy to answer and to go into as much detail as they would like and I often refer people here. Lots of people know I am on a hair forum, but that is not terribly weird given that lots of my friends are on a knitting forum or on fossil forums or browse Reddit or whatever.

May 8th, 2018, 01:17 PM
Hehe *there are no secrets!*
:waves to the 252:
:secret handshake to the 11:

This reminds me of other hobbies I have had. People will ask and I think you just have to start slow and gauge their interest.
I used to be a pretty serious babywearing enthusiast and it was a similar situation. People would ask me about my wrap and I would go off on weavers and fabric blends and wrapping qualities and they'd go all deer in headlights. That was another thing I mostly rambled about to my mom, although I did have local babywearing friends. I don't have any local long hair friends. (Yet.)

May 8th, 2018, 01:27 PM
My boyfriend knows all about it, and my mum knows I'm growing to waist and that I'm into hair, but I definitely play it down to other people. I haven't told any of my friends, I think I'm embarrassed by how obsessed I am with it! :laugh:

My best friend is also a real hair person (just not in an LHC way), so I do get my fix of talking about hair and hair products with her and that feels great ;)

Kat-Rinnè Naido
May 8th, 2018, 01:44 PM
My family know that I am growing my hair.
Only if they ask about my hair oils, cream or length then I would share.

May 8th, 2018, 01:54 PM
Wow. I didn't expect so many answers! I've read all of them.

I think it's a personal choice. Some like sharing and some like to keep to themselves. Either is fine to me! You do you. Everyone has their own personal reasons and we should respect that.

Probably the title of this thread was wrong. I didn't mean our hair journey is a million dollar secret like.
I just wanted to know if you share your hair journey (growing out your hair) with your close ones or you keep it to yourself because nobody cares.

Either way have fun growing your hair. And be nice =)

May 8th, 2018, 03:35 PM
I don't talk about it with anyone but my hair stylist.

May 8th, 2018, 06:34 PM
Hehe *there are no secrets!*
:waves to the 252:
:secret handshake to the 11:

This reminds me of other hobbies I have had. People will ask and I think you just have to start slow and gauge their interest.
I used to be a pretty serious babywearing enthusiast and it was a similar situation. People would ask me about my wrap and I would go off on weavers and fabric blends and wrapping qualities and they'd go all deer in headlights. That was another thing I mostly rambled about to my mom, although I did have local babywearing friends. I don't have any local long hair friends. (Yet.)

I was a babywearer too. (Waves hi) Now my baby is almost 8.

Mostly nobody in my family cares about hair, so I don't talk about it. I did encourage my sister to grow out her dye. And how to manage the different textures.

May 8th, 2018, 08:08 PM
I was a babywearer too. (Waves hi) Now my baby is almost 8.

Mostly nobody in my family cares about hair, so I don't talk about it. I did encourage my sister to grow out her dye. And how to manage the different textures.

Hey, awesome!

May 8th, 2018, 08:37 PM
My husband knows, and one of my friends has discussed hair with me previously but for the most part, no I don't talk about my hair much. I especially avoid hair discussions with my mom, she tends to get rather aggressive with her opinions of how I should handle my hair.

May 9th, 2018, 08:00 AM
No big secret, but it's not something that comes up very often anyway, other than the 'your hair is so long!!' when I occasionally have to rebun in public. My Mum knows I'm actively looking after it to grow longer, and I'll occasionally mention things to her about experiments or hairtoys or whatever - but that's because I still live with my parents, so she sees longhair things on a daily basis. My sister knows I'm growing my hair, and she asked to see how long it was and now knows I'm going for knee length :o haven't mentioned anything longer than that though! She has occasionally asked for little bits of advice too. My Dad and brother, who knows how much they notice :shrug: I rarely mention anything to them, really.

When I first started trying to grow longer, it came up in conversation with one friend, and she asked my advice. That was many months ago though, and it doesn't come up in conversation. Mum has asked my advice about shampoo, as she was trying to find one she liked that works consistently well (we now share the same shampoo!) and I have given some input for my brother trying to find one that doesn't leave him a greaseball, but beyond that nobody really knows how much I've learned, how long I'm hoping to grow, what my routine is, etc. My family do know about the things they see (satin sleep bonnet, wet scalp with dry lengths, baby oil in the bathroom, etc.) but not really why, and here endeth that long ramble.

tl;dr: it's not a secret but it's also not something I really talk about unless someone specifically asks, or it comes up in conversation (very rarely).

May 9th, 2018, 08:45 AM
Except for my LHC family, only my husband knows (yes; he who asked WHERE my CLASSIC was, when I told him I was growing my hair to that length).

For me, it is not a matter of ethnicity, it is a matter of NOT wanting to deal with the snark & discouragement. I've already had a few people suggest I try a 'modern, fresh' hairstyle like a LOB or a PIXIE (like Halle Berry. NO, THANKS!). My hair IS 'fresh': I shampooed it last night. As for 'modern', the summer haute couture runways were crawling with models sporting WL & HL extensions. Plus, IF it is what I want for myself RIGHT NOW, that makes it 'up to the minute'. Right?

Also, at my age, most women chop their hair off. I never understood why; especially when the woman has beautiful hair. By the time mine hits CLASSIC, I'll be 56 yrs old (barring the discovery of a magical rapid growth serum!!!)

May 9th, 2018, 10:38 AM
I don't think anyone is interested in my own hair but myself. A few know that I use DIY hair masks and some have noticed that my hair has visibly grown longer, that's about it. That's okay. If I want to talk about hair I come here to LHC.

May 13th, 2018, 10:31 AM
After the first few months it was impossible to keep it a secret. As a guy growing it out from a short haircut it becomes obvious relatively quickly and then people feel obliged to comment all the time. I never really talked about it with other people though, other than talking to my wife about my I wanted it long since she preferred it short.

May 13th, 2018, 11:40 AM
My immediate family know and some close friends.

May 13th, 2018, 03:51 PM
i told only my boyfriend explicitly. it's not a secret but i don't think other people would care. of course if they ask questions and seem interested i'm happy to share

May 13th, 2018, 05:32 PM
I don't hide it. Friends and family know I want long hair and am actively growing it out. However, I don't really discuss it either. I don't share routines or products or methods. And I only tell people if they say something about the length. Probably the only one I share anything specific with is my hubby, and he likes it.

May 13th, 2018, 06:28 PM
I generally don't talk about it because, like most of the people here, I don't feel like anyone cares. I'm new here and I love that I now have tons of people to talk about hair stuff with. People always ask about my hair because I generally chop it off every year to APL and then let it grow to waist length and do it all again. I actually want to grow my hair now. Longer than it's been--my longest length was 34 so yeah. I don't talk about it. I do have people ask me how I grow my hair so fast since it does grow quicker than the average... Hair. :)

May 14th, 2018, 10:08 AM
My husband is the only one who knows my hair goals outside of LHC. Well, he and his parents.

For some reason he thought it would be fun to let them know I joined this community & my hair goals. So now it's possible they think I'm weirder than they did already. ;)

Of course they know he wants his longer too, so oh well.

Other than that I keep it to myself.

It's really just a personal goal & not particularly news worthy from my perspective.

May 14th, 2018, 12:57 PM
I never discuss hair with short-haired friends and co-workers because, well, they are not interested in growing their hair out. A few co-workers have long hair (hiplength, or classic) and we kind of nod, or wink, at each other when we pass each other in corridors, as if we're part of a secret club.

May 21st, 2018, 06:45 AM
My family and closest friends are well aware of my hair projects as I talk about it all the time haha, I just like to share things that make me happy with them.

May 21st, 2018, 07:57 AM
I don't think about it that much. If someone asks or mentions my growth I'll be like "yea I'm growing it out". But I don't go around shouting it nor do I keep it locked away. What's the point really

May 21st, 2018, 08:01 AM
My Husband knows only because I talk about hair 24/7, but I do have a male co-worker who’s on a similar hair journey so we chat about hair a lot haha