View Full Version : Need help!!!!!

October 30th, 2008, 11:44 PM
Hi all!!!
Today I was looking on dreamweaverbraiding.com at the different braid instructions and I realised that I've never actually made a french braid, only dutch braids. I figured it would be pretty easy but... nothing doing I cant do it!!!!
Can you guys give me hints?? Its so weird... Everyone tells me dutch braids are HARDER than french but I cant do french AT ALL!!!!
Thank youuuu

October 30th, 2008, 11:56 PM
Maybe these instructions (http://www.wannaseehow.com/culture/french.html) would be easier to understand?

You could also try searching youtube for videos of french braiding hair. It's a lot easier to understand how to do something when someone's actually showing you.

I hope that helps. :flower: