View Full Version : Hello

March 30th, 2018, 03:58 PM
I found the Long Hair Community a few nights ago. My husband told a friend I joined a "hippie hair club!" He is a child of the sixties so what can I say?

We both decided to go for longer hair a few months ago and have been trying to take better care of what we each have.

Last night I measured our hair according to the instructions on this site. Although his looks shorter because it's curlier I had the sneaking suspicion we might be close to the same length.

We were both at 22 inches!

I have had somewhat longer hair before. I think the longest was waist level in my twenties, (is that WL?) but I have a short waist.
My hair has been every length in between and shaved completely off at one dire point.

I think my hair is just past APL and nearing BSL now. Its gonna take me a while to get all these abbreviations down.

Have had fun looking around on the site and on the forum. Beautiful hair pictures.
Looking forward to learning and growing here!

March 30th, 2018, 04:08 PM
You can start your journeys from the same starting point - that's great! :D

WL = waist length. There's a whole thread of newbie threads in this newbie section, along with an explanation of the abbreviations.

Welcome! :D

March 30th, 2018, 04:09 PM
Welcome here, and happy growing to you :)

Lady Stardust
March 30th, 2018, 04:32 PM
Hippie Hair Club, I like it!

Welcome, see you around the site.

March 30th, 2018, 08:31 PM
Hi and welcome!

Groovy Granny
March 30th, 2018, 10:12 PM
Welcome ~ happy you joined us :waving:

'Hippie Hair Club' sounds right to me :flower: :lol:

Good on you both growing it long :thumbsup:

My hubby tried when I started growing in 2013 from chin ....and he only made it to neck then cut it ;)

Happy growing :cheer:

March 31st, 2018, 11:33 AM
Hello and welcome! :)

March 31st, 2018, 01:46 PM
Thanks to all of you! :)

My hair was classic length when I was 3 years old. Thought about aiming for WL but I think I'd like to know what its like to have the classic length as an adult.