View Full Version : Am I destined to have Lego hair?

February 19th, 2018, 02:31 PM
Hi everyone

I’m at that point where I don’t know what to do with my hair anymore and keep thinking how great it would be to have short, worry free curly hair that took no effort. I don’t think I’ll cut it because my hair never behaved when it was short and I always ended up looking like I had Lego hair 😂 ......but still it’s tempting

All updos seem to irritate me, pull my hair, catch on things like zips, car roof (if wearing high bun), make me too warm or are just downright uncomfortable, and leaving it loose gets in my way, gets knotted and looks flat for first few inches (virgin) and bushy the rest of the way down.

Desperately trying not to make the mistake of cutting it but it’s suddenly bugging the hell out of me so benign neglect isn’t easy right now. How do I get through this?

February 19th, 2018, 02:39 PM
Hi everyone

I’m at that point where I don’t know what to do with my hair anymore and keep thinking how great it would be to have short, worry free curly hair that took no effort. I don’t think I’ll cut it because my hair never behaved when it was short and I always ended up looking like I had Lego hair �� ......but still it’s tempting

All updos seem to irritate me, pull my hair, catch on things like zips, car roof (if wearing high bun), make me too warm or are just downright uncomfortable, and leaving it loose gets in my way, gets knotted and looks flat for first few inches (virgin) and bushy the rest of the way down.

Desperately trying not to make the mistake of cutting it but it’s suddenly bugging the hell out of me so benign neglect isn’t easy right now. How do I get through this?

Try learning a side braid! It's lose, so it doesn't pull, but it's out of the way, so you don't have to worry about getting it caught in everything. If you can learn a braid or something similar, you'll be used to it in a couple weeks, and then you can start learning other comfortable hairstyles. Good luck!

February 19th, 2018, 02:45 PM
Try learning a side braid! It's lose, so it doesn't pull, but it's out of the way, so you don't have to worry about getting it caught in everything. If you can learn a braid or something similar, you'll be used to it in a couple weeks, and then you can start learning other comfortable hairstyles. Good luck!

Hi ipickee...I should have clarified, it’s side and Wednesday Addams style braids that catch on zips....yeeeouch!

February 19th, 2018, 02:57 PM
"Lego" hair? I can only visualize that ☺

February 19th, 2018, 03:29 PM
Whatever you do, go to the 2-week rule thread, and give yourself a couple weeks to think about it; never do anything (especially cutting the hair) on impulse. I'm glad you alarmed us!

Maybe you can cut an inch back, and see if you still have the same issue, or grow a little longer still and see if maybe the issue resolves itself; those are two roads to take.

Desperately trying not to make the mistake of cutting it but it’s suddenly bugging the hell out of me so benign neglect isn’t easy right now. How do I get through this?

I don't know... Maybe expand your updo styles?

February 19th, 2018, 03:57 PM
Have you tried the French Twist, or a Gibson Tuck? There are YouTube tutorials. A tucked French braid would look good too :)

February 19th, 2018, 09:13 PM
Lego hair???? LOL

Do you mean those styles that have heavy bangs and its kinda straight ish?

Its a nice style on some but don't anticipate on something especially if it has a not so good connotation on you.

Are u willing to play with heatless curls? Maybe some lenght remove or what about some face framing layers? Maybe trying a new color?

February 20th, 2018, 03:11 AM
Bandanas to keep it out of your face; my FIL didn’t know my hair colour for the first 5 years that he knew me.

Learn how to French/Dutch braid the top and either pony or bun the tail.

Gibson tuck, and French twist; enjoy these while you can. They get hard at longer lengths.

Curly hair has this stage where it’s just a pain in the neck. Mine was ear to about waist. Yours will hopefully be a lot shorter (fingers crossed). I wore a bandana of various colours and a mix of braids and pigtails for about 6 years until I realised it was past the frustrating stage and at a length where I could start to play a little.

Just remember why you started growing, and realise that if you cut back, you have to go through this stage again. Patience, and practice. It will get easier, you just need to wait this stage out.

February 20th, 2018, 05:24 AM
What is lego hair?

February 20th, 2018, 05:36 AM
Hi ipickee...I should have clarified, it’s side and Wednesday Addams style braids that catch on zips....yeeeouch!

Hey Flossiebell, if your hair is just about BSL, then you are only just beginning to get used to have to accommodate longer hair, and you do. When I have my hair in a side braid, I am very aware of it, from whot clothes I wear, to earrings, to zippers, to the sink when washing my hands. It becomes a matter of habit ;) I would try to get used to the braids or check out that Gibson tuck! Good luck!

February 20th, 2018, 06:53 AM
Lego hair???? LOL

Do you mean those styles that have heavy bangs and its kinda straight ish?

Its a nice style on some but don't anticipate on something especially if it has a not so good connotation on you.

Are u willing to play with heatless curls? Maybe some lenght remove or what about some face framing layers? Maybe trying a new color?

Hahaha, no I haven’t got straight or even ish hair. It’s wavy/curly but it would always look nice at hairdressers but next day it would look like a chunky ‘helmet’ no matter what I did with it lol

February 20th, 2018, 11:02 AM
I got lego hair too. I have to either keep it really, really short or long enough to put it up. I'm growing out a pixie (again) and its at a terrible stage. Hopefully it will be long enough for a pony tail by the time hot weather gets here.
Even when longer though, its still pretty wild but its easier to deal with then short and misbehaving.

February 20th, 2018, 11:11 AM
I got lego hair too. I have to either keep it really, really short or long enough to put it up. I'm growing out a pixie (again) and its at a terrible stage. Hopefully it will be long enough for a pony tail by the time hot weather gets here.
Even when longer though, its still pretty wild but its easier to deal with then short and misbehaving.

That is so true, it’s either v short or long enough to put up. Our hair is all or nothing isn’t it? Lol
Hope you manage to tame it before summer is here. Good luck!

February 20th, 2018, 11:57 AM

Sorry I did not have a good picture of the back of my head. I was fitting a jacket.

It sounds as if we have hair of similar lengths. As you can see I've only just begun to wear it in a ponytail, a French twist, and whatever the heck I did with the yellow shirt.

Learning the options available to us is a process. I've not yet mastered braiding.

But I do these types of styles on a regular basis. It holds my hair out of my face. Keeps it contained. Especially on windy days.

February 20th, 2018, 02:16 PM
A very catchy title, lol! makes me smile when ever I see it!

February 20th, 2018, 07:41 PM
Lego hair???? LOL

Do you mean those styles that have heavy bangs and its kinda straight ish?

What is lego hair?

This is what comes to mind when I think of Lego hair :pinktongue:

February 22nd, 2018, 02:09 PM
Hahahaha I was thinking it’s more like the ‘old fashioned’ Lego hair! 😀

I can’t post a pic of what I mean. Not sure if its a permissions thing....so have posted link below.

https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=safari&hl=en-gb&ei=PTCPWtOYIubPgAat4J_wBA&q=lego+hair&oq=lego+hair&gs_l=mobile-gws-serp.3..41j0l4.11712.12796..13499...0....81.500.7. .........1..mobile-gws-wiz-serp.......0i71j33i160j0i22i30.dBBDw6kw0SY%3D#imgr c=iW9HMGB42_102M: