View Full Version : How do you detangle wet hair?

February 15th, 2018, 08:03 PM
I use a wide tooth plastic comb to detangle wet hair. I would like to know how you detangle your hair.
Is buying a tangle teezer (teaser) worth it? What about a wet brush?
I do not own a single brush, I usually use plastic and wooden combs.
Sorry for the multiple posts and questions. I am serious about my hair game again after falling off the bandwagon for a while. I don't want to post all my questions in one thread, hence the different posts per topic.

February 15th, 2018, 08:14 PM
Wide tooth comb. I would do it in the shower with the conditioner in my hair, then again after it was towel dried. In the past, that was the only way I could get all the knots out.

Jo Ann
February 15th, 2018, 09:31 PM
I'm constantly finger-combing my hair in the shower--when I rinse out the shampoo, the conditioners and the oil. It seems to help.

I don't comb my hair after the shower until I put in my leave-in conditioner and oil (and curl style milk if I use it). I comb from the top down (no tangles or snarls, after all the finger-combing in the shower--the leave-in and oil is like icing on a cake).

If I just rinse out my hair, I use a leave-in and oil, but comb from the bottom up, starting at the ends and work my way to the roots.

February 15th, 2018, 09:54 PM
Wide tooth comb. I would do it in the shower with the conditioner in my hair, then again after it was towel dried. In the past, that was the only way I could get all the knots out.

Thanks for sharing. And love your two bulldogs :-) <3

February 15th, 2018, 09:55 PM
I'm constantly finger-combing my hair in the shower--when I rinse out the shampoo, the conditioners and the oil. It seems to help.

I don't comb my hair after the shower until I put in my leave-in conditioner and oil (and curl style milk if I use it). I comb from the top down (no tangles or snarls, after all the finger-combing in the shower--the leave-in and oil is like icing on a cake).

If I just rinse out my hair, I use a leave-in and oil, but comb from the bottom up, starting at the ends and work my way to the roots.

Good technique. so you just use your fingers then? No comb or brush?

Groovy Granny
February 15th, 2018, 09:58 PM
I use a Vented Wet Brush (https://www.amazon.com/Beauty-Wet-Epic-Quick-Brush/dp/B01BE8XJOK/ref=sr_1_5_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1518757038&sr=8-5&keywords=vented+wet+brush) and LOVE it!
It is amazing on dry hair as well, and in Winter to combat static from the plastic I use the BBB version.

February 15th, 2018, 10:12 PM
I don't do any wet detangling. Too much damage, and my curls respond by wrapping themselves around the comb or other curls and tying themselves in knots. Might simply be a curly hair problem. Maybe not. But it's not fun.

I use a seamless plastic, medium tooth comb; I don't own a brush. Detangling only happens on dry hair that has a little oil in it; daily, and both pre- and post-wash. Some leave-in conditioners work for detangling too, but my hair loves oils and it's cheaper to use something already on hand in the kitchen than buy another product.

February 15th, 2018, 10:20 PM
I use a Vented Wet Brush (https://www.amazon.com/Beauty-Wet-Epic-Quick-Brush/dp/B01BE8XJOK/ref=sr_1_5_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1518757038&sr=8-5&keywords=vented+wet+brush) and LOVE it!
It is amazing on dry hair as well, and in Winter to combat static from the plastic I use the BBB version.

Have you used tangle teezer? How does the vented hair brush compare to it?

February 15th, 2018, 10:22 PM
I don't do any wet detangling. Too much damage, and my curls respond by wrapping themselves around the comb or other curls and tying themselves in knots. Might simply be a curly hair problem. Maybe not. But it's not fun.

I use a seamless plastic, medium tooth comb; I don't own a brush. Detangling only happens on dry hair that has a little oil in it; daily, and both pre- and post-wash. Some leave-in conditioners work for detangling too, but my hair loves oils and it's cheaper to use something already on hand in the kitchen than buy another product.

Me neither, I never detangle in the shower, although my reasons are different. Which oil do you use?

February 15th, 2018, 10:33 PM
I detangle before I shower. I use my fingers and a Mason Pearson Sensitive brush. I also put a bit of oil on the ends before showering.
I used to detangle in the shower with a tangle teaser-type brush and conditioner, but that seemed to give me much more breakage, no matter how gentle I was.

February 15th, 2018, 10:37 PM
I detangle before I shower. I use my fingers and a Mason Pearson Sensitive brush. I also put a bit of oil on the ends before showering.
I used to detangle in the shower with a tangle teaser-type brush and conditioner, but that seemed to give me much more breakage, no matter how gentle I was.

What about after you shower? Does your hair not knot when it's washed?

February 15th, 2018, 11:13 PM
Loads of conditioner in the shower!

February 15th, 2018, 11:21 PM
Me neither, I never detangle in the shower, although my reasons are different. Which oil do you use?

Either coconut or grapeseed, depending on what my hair seems to want. My scalp only likes coconut oil, but my length likes both. Grapeseed oil usually gets layered on top of aloe gel after washes or to fix coconut crunchiness. Occasionally I'll use olive oil on my ends, but not often since it can make my scalp itch.

February 15th, 2018, 11:31 PM
What about after you shower? Does your hair not knot when it's washed?

I only rinse my hair with water most washes, then put some conditioner on the ends, and I don't really move my hair/head around that much while I'm washing - so it doesn't have a chance to tangle much. If I was piling it on top of my head or flipping it a lot or something, it might tangle more! :lol:

February 16th, 2018, 12:54 AM
I don't. I wait until my hair is dry- especially now that I'm about classic length. It takes absolutely forever to detangle wet and the detangling constantly generates new tangles. And in the shower with conditioner is no better for me.

February 16th, 2018, 01:10 AM
I wait until my hair is dry too, If I try to detangle while wet my hair is crazy knotty and I get more breakage/shedding. I tend to separate it in half then half again so there's less hair clumped together and it doesn't take as long to dry.
When it's dry I finger detangle and it's smooth and effortless again :) I have no chance of detangling in the shower even with conditioner, just results in breakage for me.

February 16th, 2018, 01:20 AM
I use a wet brush and/or wide tooth comb.

February 16th, 2018, 01:41 AM
For me, the thick and curly tangle teaser is a must. I use a lot of conditioner on my hair then slowly brush it with the TT from the ends and work my way up :flower:

February 16th, 2018, 02:40 AM
Loads of conditioner in the shower!

I second this :) I use a lot of conditioner on my length and let it soak for a while, which leaves my hair drastically softer and smoother, making it effortlessly super easy to gently and briefly run my plastic wide tooth comb through it after the shower. Then I run my wooden brush through it at night (and mornings) and it’s also a breeze.

February 16th, 2018, 03:03 AM
Loads of conditioner in the shower!

Agreed! My initial detangle is when I apply my conditioner, then I detangle again out of the shower when my hair is full of leave in, and also very wet. Detangling post-shower really helps me with product distribution.

I use a wide tooth comb in the shower, and a modified Denman brush outside the shower. I hope to try the shower Wet Brush soon. :o

February 16th, 2018, 04:29 AM
The same thing works for me. Usually, when I rinse conditioner, the tangles come out right with it. Brushing or combing my hair when wet usually turns it into shed city.

February 16th, 2018, 04:39 AM
I detangle in the shower under the water after I have conditioned. I have kinky coily hair, and detangling on dry hair is just asking for unnecessary breakage.

Once my hair is half way dry, I’ll finger detangle just to catch some way ward shed hairs.

February 16th, 2018, 04:39 AM
I use a wide tooth plastic comb to detangle wet hair. I would like to know how you detangle your hair.
Is buying a tangle teezer (teaser) worth it? What about a wet brush?
I do not own a single brush, I usually use plastic and wooden combs.
Sorry for the multiple posts and questions. I am serious about my hair game again after falling off the bandwagon for a while. I don't want to post all my questions in one thread, hence the different posts per topic.

I just (a number of weeks ago) discovered a "wet detangler" aka Wet Brush dupe. I got rid of my wide tooth combs, for real. I now when I need to wash, pre-detangle dry with a Tangle Teezer (to save my drain). There is a drain stopper in there, but it helps! And then after washing my hair goes into the (microfiber) towel and then I use my Wet Brush dupe. It is a game changer for me, literally.

I used to need to use very moisturizing conditioners so I wouldn't have too many tangles otherwise the WT comb would hurt when I combed through. I don't have this with the "wet detangler", not at all, it just glides through without tugging at my scalp or snagging.

February 16th, 2018, 04:58 AM
I put conditioner on my hair and then detangle/comb it under running water. I use a shampoo comb from Eternally In Amber (https://www.eternallyinamber.com/collections/shampoo-combs).

February 16th, 2018, 05:27 AM
I use my fingers after conditioner.

Ligeia Noire
February 16th, 2018, 06:33 AM
I only use the tangle teezer on dry hair. It is not effective on my hair while wet. Can't sense the knots. Same with wide tooth combs. I bought an expensive EIA one that I never use. I only detangle after washing with my hair properly moisturized and full of slip. I comb with my cheap 5 year old conair comb. Part my hair in two sides and start from the bottom up. My hair texture is 2b/2c so I am unable to detangle if I let it dry uncombed.

February 16th, 2018, 07:36 AM
I only use the tangle teezer on dry hair. It is not effective on my hair while wet. Can't sense the knots. Same with wide tooth combs. I bought an expensive EIA one that I never use. I only detangle after washing with my hair properly moisturized and full of slip. I comb with my cheap 5 year old conair comb. Part my hair in two sides and start from the bottom up. My hair texture is 2b/2c so I am unable to detangle if I let it dry uncombed.

When it's wet and comes out the towel, I divide my hair into 2 as well, and then detangle each side with my "wet detangler" aka Wet Brush 1.49 euro dupe. I still can't believe that; that was 1.49 well spent. OMG OMG that is such a great feeling for the cheapskate in me. LOL! :lol:

Jo Ann
February 16th, 2018, 07:57 AM
Good technique. so you just use your fingers then? No comb or brush?
Yes, just fingers. They are handy, after all :p

My boys, especially Youngest Dear Son, complain enough about all the bottles I have in the shower (even though I cut back to just my Hello Hydration conditioner and an ancient bottle of baby oil...oh, and the facial scrub...and the body wash...maybe another conditioner...) :shocked:

Jo Ann
February 16th, 2018, 08:01 AM
I put conditioner on my hair and then detangle/comb it under running water. I use a shampoo comb from Eternally In Amber (https://www.eternallyinamber.com/collections/shampoo-combs).

It makes finger-combing so much easier, because the running water is helping to straighten your hair while you finger-comb!

February 16th, 2018, 08:58 AM

It makes finger-combing so much easier, because the running water is helping to straighten your hair while you finger-comb!
And it gets super slippery! The tangles just fall out of my hair (but then again my hair is pretty short, so not a lot of tangles). It was the best method for detangling when my hair was long.

Ligeia Noire
February 16th, 2018, 09:03 AM
Lapushka that's amazing. I can't tell you're pleased.

February 16th, 2018, 12:10 PM
Finger combing and then a wide-tooth comb when it's about 75% dry.

Joyful Mystery
February 16th, 2018, 03:21 PM
After years of trying various implements to detangle my hair, I've discovered my hair likes combs with denser teeth. It's strange for sure but whatever makes my hair happy.

February 16th, 2018, 07:53 PM
Loads of conditioner in the shower!

Doesn't combing in the shower cause you to lose more hair? or is that a myth?

February 16th, 2018, 07:53 PM
That's great. I don't think it can work with my hair type though. Maybe a bit of argan oil, but nothing else.

February 16th, 2018, 07:55 PM
I only rinse my hair with water most washes, then put some conditioner on the ends, and I don't really move my hair/head around that much while I'm washing - so it doesn't have a chance to tangle much. If I was piling it on top of my head or flipping it a lot or something, it might tangle more! :lol:

I'm glad this works for you. I could never do that!

February 16th, 2018, 07:55 PM
I don't. I wait until my hair is dry- especially now that I'm about classic length. It takes absolutely forever to detangle wet and the detangling constantly generates new tangles. And in the shower with conditioner is no better for me.

I comb damp hair. It seems to work the best for me.

February 16th, 2018, 07:56 PM
I wait until my hair is dry too, If I try to detangle while wet my hair is crazy knotty and I get more breakage/shedding. I tend to separate it in half then half again so there's less hair clumped together and it doesn't take as long to dry.
When it's dry I finger detangle and it's smooth and effortless again :) I have no chance of detangling in the shower even with conditioner, just results in breakage for me.

I prefer damp hair for detangling, but dry hair works too. Never wet hair though!

February 16th, 2018, 07:57 PM
I use a wet brush and/or wide tooth comb.

Which one do you prefer? Which causes less shedding?

February 16th, 2018, 07:58 PM
For me, the thick and curly tangle teaser is a must. I use a lot of conditioner on my hair then slowly brush it with the TT from the ends and work my way up :flower:

In the shower?

February 16th, 2018, 07:59 PM
I second this :) I use a lot of conditioner on my length and let it soak for a while, which leaves my hair drastically softer and smoother, making it effortlessly super easy to gently and briefly run my plastic wide tooth comb through it after the shower. Then I run my wooden brush through it at night (and mornings) and it’s also a breeze.

I also use a wooden comb night and morning. But I don't comb in the shower, or when hair is very wet.

February 16th, 2018, 08:00 PM
Doesn't combing in the shower cause you to lose more hair? or is that a myth?

Not me. Up until two washes ago, it was the only way I was able to detangle my hair without massive breakage. There was no way anything was going through my hair dry.
WTC and loads of conditioner were my friend. Then I would use WTC after I towel dried too but it was easy then, and no breakage, or extra shedding.

February 16th, 2018, 08:00 PM
Agreed! My initial detangle is when I apply my conditioner, then I detangle again out of the shower when my hair is full of leave in, and also very wet. Detangling post-shower really helps me with product distribution.

I use a wide tooth comb in the shower, and a modified Denman brush outside the shower. I hope to try the shower Wet Brush soon. :o

Doesn't combing in the shower/when dripping cause hair loss?

February 16th, 2018, 08:01 PM
The same thing works for me. Usually, when I rinse conditioner, the tangles come out right with it. Brushing or combing my hair when wet usually turns it into shed city.

I agree completely!

February 16th, 2018, 08:03 PM
I detangle in the shower under the water after I have conditioned. I have kinky coily hair, and detangling on dry hair is just asking for unnecessary breakage.

Once my hair is half way dry, I’ll finger detangle just to catch some way ward shed hairs.

My college roommate had the same hair type as you (4c) and did what you do. She once fell asleep after a shower, and requested me to help her detangle it dry. I tried but it couldn't be done. Finally I had to spray it, then use a lot of leave in, and then I was able to brush it.

February 16th, 2018, 08:05 PM
I just (a number of weeks ago) discovered a "wet detangler" aka Wet Brush dupe. I got rid of my wide tooth combs, for real. I now when I need to wash, pre-detangle dry with a Tangle Teezer (to save my drain). There is a drain stopper in there, but it helps! And then after washing my hair goes into the (microfiber) towel and then I use my Wet Brush dupe. It is a game changer for me, literally.

I used to need to use very moisturizing conditioners so I wouldn't have too many tangles otherwise the WT comb would hurt when I combed through. I don't have this with the "wet detangler", not at all, it just glides through without tugging at my scalp or snagging.

Please tell me if it is this one: https://www.amazon.com/Wet-Brush-Original-Detangler-Hair/dp/B01CKCIO4Y/ref=pd_sim_121_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01CKCIO4Y&pd_rd_r=N34339Z222PZGJZ0B4ZC&pd_rd_w=E1iTs&pd_rd_wg=Tu3a8&psc=1&refRID=N34339Z222PZGJZ0B4ZC

Which causes lesser shedding, tangle teezer or wet brush or wide tooth comb? That's the one for me.

I never brush my hair. I bought a bbb but it didn't work. I don't own a brush, but own many combs.

February 16th, 2018, 08:07 PM
I put conditioner on my hair and then detangle/comb it under running water. I use a shampoo comb from Eternally In Amber (https://www.eternallyinamber.com/collections/shampoo-combs).

The link won't open. Let me try to search for it.

February 16th, 2018, 08:07 PM
I use my fingers after conditioner.

How do you get the tiny knots out with your fingers?

February 16th, 2018, 08:08 PM
I only use the tangle teezer on dry hair. It is not effective on my hair while wet. Can't sense the knots. Same with wide tooth combs. I bought an expensive EIA one that I never use. I only detangle after washing with my hair properly moisturized and full of slip. I comb with my cheap 5 year old conair comb. Part my hair in two sides and start from the bottom up. My hair texture is 2b/2c so I am unable to detangle if I let it dry uncombed.

Okay, guess I better not buy it then.

February 16th, 2018, 08:09 PM
Yes, just fingers. They are handy, after all :p

My boys, especially Youngest Dear Son, complain enough about all the bottles I have in the shower (even though I cut back to just my Hello Hydration conditioner and an ancient bottle of baby oil...oh, and the facial scrub...and the body wash...maybe another conditioner...) :shocked:

Then how do you get the tiny knots out?

February 16th, 2018, 08:10 PM
Finger combing and then a wide-tooth comb when it's about 75% dry.

I comb at 50% dry :-)

February 16th, 2018, 08:10 PM
After years of trying various implements to detangle my hair, I've discovered my hair likes combs with denser teeth. It's strange for sure but whatever makes my hair happy.

My hair is like that, but when dry.

Jo Ann
February 16th, 2018, 09:55 PM
Then how do you get the tiny knots out?
On that rare occasion when I DO get a knot/tangle, I stop when I reach the tangle and work through it when I have my leave-in and coconut oil in after I'm out of the shower--assuming said tangle/knot has survived.

For the most part, any tangles or knots I have had are gone before I'm out of the shower--the ROO* is a big help!

*Rinse-out Oil thread: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=129191

Groovy Granny
February 16th, 2018, 10:19 PM
Have you used tangle teezer? How does the vented hair brush compare to it?
I hated the TT...it ripped through my hair :tmi:

You mentioned fine knots....the wet brush is awesome for them (on me at least) for wet or dry hair!
I haven't used my fine tooth comb for knots since using the wet brush....which glides through my hair.

February 17th, 2018, 04:03 AM
Doesn't combing in the shower/when dripping cause hair loss?

I've never heard that one before. I mean those hairs are already set to come out when you detangle right? I lose a very minimal amount of hair when I wash, like a quarter of a palmful, despite only detangling once a week. I think people think it's more because it comes out all at once, and not throughout the day.

I mean hair is more fragile wet when but that's why I detangle carefully to avoid breakage. My hair is also straighest wet which makes it easier to remove shed hairs. When I wet detangle I have maybe 2 snags? And they slip out easy! When I do it dry my shed increases because of all the breakage. There's hardly any bulbs at the end, just a bunch of snapped hair. Oh, the sound!

Separating dry curls, for me, makes me "lose" more hair. My sheds have a harder time coming out of the curls, creating tangles and snags.

February 17th, 2018, 01:27 PM
Please tell me if it is this one: https://www.amazon.com/Wet-Brush-Original-Detangler-Hair/dp/B01CKCIO4Y/ref=pd_sim_121_1?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B01CKCIO4Y&pd_rd_r=N34339Z222PZGJZ0B4ZC&pd_rd_w=E1iTs&pd_rd_wg=Tu3a8&psc=1&refRID=N34339Z222PZGJZ0B4ZC

Which causes lesser shedding, tangle teezer or wet brush or wide tooth comb? That's the one for me.

I never brush my hair. I bought a bbb but it didn't work. I don't own a brush, but own many combs.

Yep that's the one. I have a 1.49 euro "dupe" of it, but it works just as great. If you want a dupe, just look for a "wet detangler", exactly those words and you'll find a dupe of the Wet Brush.

BBB don't work for me either. ;)

I lose about as much hair with the Wet Brush dupe as with a WT comb. Not more because it is a brush or anything, if that's what you're concerned about.

February 17th, 2018, 02:42 PM
Yep that's the one. I have a 1.49 euro "dupe" of it, but it works just as great. If you want a dupe, just look for a "wet detangler", exactly those words and you'll find a dupe of the Wet Brush.

BBB don't work for me either. ;)

I lose about as much hair with the Wet Brush dupe as with a WT comb. Not more because it is a brush or anything, if that's what you're concerned about.

I looked on Amazon, I only see the wet brush. I think I'll buy it. I live in the US and don't know if I can find a dupe here.

Does the Wet Brush make your hair smoother than the WT comb? Does it get even the tiny knots out?

February 17th, 2018, 02:43 PM
I hated the TT...it ripped through my hair :tmi:

You mentioned fine knots....the wet brush is awesome for them (on me at least) for wet or dry hair!
I haven't used my fine tooth comb for knots since using the wet brush....which glides through my hair.

Ok, the TT is definitely out then. Maybe I should really invest in a new wet brush.

February 17th, 2018, 02:44 PM
I've never heard that one before. I mean those hairs are already set to come out when you detangle right? I lose a very minimal amount of hair when I wash, like a quarter of a palmful, despite only detangling once a week. I think people think it's more because it comes out all at once, and not throughout the day.

I mean hair is more fragile wet when but that's why I detangle carefully to avoid breakage. My hair is also straighest wet which makes it easier to remove shed hairs. When I wet detangle I have maybe 2 snags? And they slip out easy! When I do it dry my shed increases because of all the breakage. There's hardly any bulbs at the end, just a bunch of snapped hair. Oh, the sound!

Separating dry curls, for me, makes me "lose" more hair. My sheds have a harder time coming out of the curls, creating tangles and snags.

Okay, I see what you mean. I think since our hair types are different, what works for me may not work for you and vice versa.

February 17th, 2018, 03:10 PM
I looked on Amazon, I only see the wet brush. I think I'll buy it. I live in the US and don't know if I can find a dupe here.

Does the Wet Brush make your hair smoother than the WT comb? Does it get even the tiny knots out?

It gets it all out, very gently. You still have to detangle carefully though, bottom to top and hold your hand above the brushing (but even if you don't, it doesn't tug or pull). I still am careful, as with anything!

Someone on here mentioned Conair do a dupe. I don't know who that was anymore (sorry). But if you can get the real thing, go for it. Conair do a lot of different brushes, so be careful, it has to be a "wet detangler".

February 17th, 2018, 03:16 PM
I typically detangle in the shower. After squeezing most of the water out and applying leave ins I’ll finger detangle, and that’s basically it.

February 17th, 2018, 03:34 PM
Either with fingers or a shower comb. I keep it sectioned so it's easier for me.

February 17th, 2018, 03:39 PM
Okay, I see what you mean. I think since our hair types are different, what works for me may not work for you and vice versa.

Yeah of course! Always try and find a regime that works for you. Mine took ages to figure out, lol. :o

February 17th, 2018, 03:50 PM
Yeah of course! Always try and find a regime that works for you. Mine took ages to figure out, lol. :o

I totally get what you mean. It took until my 30s for me to "get" my hair. Outrageous if you think about it. That's why I think teaching kids early about their right texture if it's not bone straight is really key and a very nice thing to do!!!

February 17th, 2018, 03:56 PM
I totally get what you mean. It took until my 30s for me to "get" my hair. Outrageous if you think about it. That's why I think teaching kids early about their right texture if it's not bone straight is really key and a very nice thing to do!!!

Very true. I'm 28 and still don't know what my hair type is. It's straight till the ends, then it starts waving out. Also it's a bit different everyday. My roommate tells me my hair is straight, my colleague tells me its wavy LOL. My hair was quite curly as a child, so I have no idea what happened. My mom loved my curly hair, and is so disappointed that it's now less curly. I prefer my hair straighter though, so I'm very happy :-)

February 17th, 2018, 03:59 PM
Very true. I'm 28 and still don't know what my hair type is. It's straight till the ends, then it starts waving out. Also it's a bit different everyday. My roommate tells me my hair is straight, my colleague tells me its wavy LOL. My hair was quite curly as a child, so I have no idea what happened. My mom loved my curly hair, and is so disappointed that it's now less curly. I prefer my hair straighter though, so I'm very happy :-)

Have you ever hairtyped for real, on here? If not you could do it! Just shampoo, condition, gently pat dry and let dry without manipulating it (no combing, no brushing). Then take a picture of the back of your head, and post it here. We'll help you out! :D

February 17th, 2018, 04:03 PM
Have you ever hairtyped for real, on here? If not you could do it! Just shampoo, condition, gently pat dry and let dry without manipulating it (no combing, no brushing). Then take a picture of the back of your head, and post it here. We'll help you out! :D

Okay I can do it next week, maybe. I can't condition today because I will henna tomorrow. Hope henna wont impact my hair typing

February 17th, 2018, 04:09 PM
Okay I can do it next week, maybe. I can't condition today because I will henna tomorrow. Hope henna wont impact my hair typing

Henna normally loosens texture, but it upped my porosity to the point where I had more waves than before - no idea how that went, but it did that to me. So it depends on what henna does for your hair (smoothing, or roughening up the cuticle). I think my hair is just too F to handle henna properly.

February 17th, 2018, 04:13 PM
Henna normally loosens texture, but it upped my porosity to the point where I had more waves than before - no idea how that went, but it did that to me. So it depends on what henna does for your hair (smoothing, or roughening up the cuticle). I think my hair is just too F to handle henna properly.


Don't know if this imagine linking worked. I found a pic of my hair with no manipulation, but I'm sorry its not a great pic.

February 17th, 2018, 04:14 PM

Don't know if this imagine linking worked. I found a pic of my hair with no manipulation, but I'm sorry its not a great pic.

Never mind, it didn't work. I cant figure out how to post pics here.

February 17th, 2018, 04:15 PM
I hated the TT...it ripped through my hair :tmi:

You mentioned fine knots....the wet brush is awesome for them (on me at least) for wet or dry hair!
I haven't used my fine tooth comb for knots since using the wet brush....which glides through my hair.

Agreed dont use a TT they rip and break hair, now that I threw mine away I don;t see any splits like before, I swear they thinned my hair strands.

II use a wet brush and when it hits a knot it stops and I take out the brush and undo the knot or cut it. Wet brush never just rips through.

February 17th, 2018, 04:15 PM

Sorry for the empty post, my pics wont attach

February 17th, 2018, 04:19 PM
Have you ever hairtyped for real, on here? If not you could do it! Just shampoo, condition, gently pat dry and let dry without manipulating it (no combing, no brushing). Then take a picture of the back of your head, and post it here. We'll help you out! :D




Maybe the link will work

February 17th, 2018, 04:21 PM
I would say 1c/2a. Maybe 2a at best, going on the first picture (I had to squint LOL).

February 17th, 2018, 04:24 PM
I would say 1c/2a. Maybe 2a at best, going on the first picture (I had to squint LOL).

I agree, sorry for my bad pics. These were the only ones I found that were not front pictures.

I am PM'd you one with my face seen. I'm a bit hesitant to post on public forums. Sorry but I'm a bit internet shy :-)

February 17th, 2018, 04:29 PM
I agree, sorry for my bad pics. These were the only ones I found that were not front pictures.

I am PM'd you one with my face seen. I'm a bit hesitant to post on public forums. Sorry but I'm a bit internet shy :-)

Your hair waviness type is similar to mine. If you wear your hair shorter, I suspect you'd find your hair becoming wavier.

As for pictures from the back, don't worry about it. We usually only ever post the back of our heads anyway.

February 17th, 2018, 04:31 PM
Your hair waviness type is similar to mine. If you wear your hair shorter, I suspect you'd find your hair becoming wavier.

As for pictures from the back, don't worry about it. We usually only ever post the back of our heads anyway.

Yes. When my hair is short, its 1c till about the last 2 inches, then it forms one wurl / wave, like it has been deliberately curled at the end. It's quite strange.

February 17th, 2018, 04:43 PM
I agree, sorry for my bad pics. These were the only ones I found that were not front pictures.

I am PM'd you one with my face seen. I'm a bit hesitant to post on public forums. Sorry but I'm a bit internet shy :-)

Haven't seen a PM from you yet. :) But you can PM me if you want!

February 17th, 2018, 04:46 PM
Haven't seen a PM from you yet. :) But you can PM me if you want!

The pics wont load in the pm, I'm sorry.

I may need to try a different host, not imgur. I'll try posting in the test boards :-)

February 17th, 2018, 04:49 PM
The pics wont load in the pm, I'm sorry.

I may need to try a different host, not imgur. I'll try posting in the test boards :-)

Oh OK! :) That's fine.

February 17th, 2018, 07:04 PM
I use a Mebco detangling comb available at Sallys. I love that thing. After my shower I turban up my hair in a towel for a few minutes and then take it down and use my Mebco comb. I detangle and brush my hair before getting in the shower and never have tangles after a shower. I use a boatload of conditioner and rinse with my hair hanging down my back. I don't even need to start at the ends and work up. Years ago I had some issues with tangling when I was growing out color that I had corrected at a salon. I use a Wet Brush while my hair is air drying to make it straighter. It always goes up in a bun so I don't know why I bother other than to enjoy the time it takes my hair to dry and also brushing it during the drying process.

February 19th, 2018, 03:09 PM
Oh OK! :) That's fine.

I just bought the wet brush, along with the katrina flamingo clip from ulta (ficcare dupe). It arrives in a week, will report back then :-)

February 19th, 2018, 03:26 PM
I just bought the wet brush, along with the katrina flamingo clip from ulta (ficcare dupe). It arrives in a week, will report back then :-)

I will keep an eye on this thread; I'm eager to find out what you think. :)

February 19th, 2018, 05:01 PM
I will keep an eye on this thread; I'm eager to find out what you think. :)

Will do.

I learnt so many new things in like 2 weeks - freezing henna, can use shampoo and conditioner immediately after henna, ficcare clips, conditioners, wet brush etc. My newly acquired knowledge feels so good :)