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February 5th, 2018, 08:13 PM
Hola to my lovely peeps!

I've been searching around for any threads of this sort, and I haven’t really found any. Most of the ones I’ve come across are just question threads, and I wanted to provide a place for the chemically straightened haired ladies to come and converse. You can think of this thread as a “cousin” thread to the Kinky 4’s thread.

So welcome! to the ladies who chemically straighten their hair, and even chemically perm or curl theirs!

Edit: I have added an addition to this thread called the Relaxed Hair Series. It is a full-in depth analysis of how to care for relaxed hair, and how to continue to maintain and retain as much length as possible.
The Series starts on page 26, post #225, with the introduction starting on post # 256.

everyone is free to hop on in here and share any and everything.

I am definitely not a hair expert, or stylist, or a trichilogist (although I love anything hair sciency), but I’ve managed to grow my hair to a decently long length (although to me my hair is never long enough), and I’ve stuck with some methods and principles that work, as well as finding new ones to try.

Note: Let me know if there’s a thread like this somewhere out there (Mods).

February 5th, 2018, 08:56 PM
Oh and pictures! PLEASE! I love hair pictures! Everybody is encouraged to flood this place with hair pictures and progress pictures!

February 5th, 2018, 09:05 PM
At the moment for myself, my biggest concern right now is manipulating protein and moisture content. I know hair differs from person to person, but I find generally speaking most relaxed haired ladies overshoot their protein applications.

I’m just speculating, but I think internally getting your protein from food sources and supplements, and iron, will take care of needs to apply protein treatments frequently. At the moment I consume 130-160 grams of protein a day, and I find that too frequent of protein treatments gives me a bit of a protein overreaction (protein sensitive).

After that is where the moisture comes in. Quite a few ladies overlook how crucial moisture is. Even if you might be a bit over moisturized, I find with gentle manipulation (detangling) and backing off completely of the heat tools, small toothed combs, and high tensions hair styles, your hair will usually hold its integrity.

The 90/10 and 80/20 rules for moisture vs. protein are very good rules to keep in mind, but I wish to tweak it a bit and say 90/10 is better. With 90 being a very good moisturizing percentage (frequency), and 10 being a moderate to light protein treatment (also frequency), with maybe a heavy protein reconstruction treatment once or twice a year at most.

Again, this is all speculation, and my thoughts on the matter.

February 6th, 2018, 03:01 AM
At the moment for myself, my biggest concern right now is manipulating protein and moisture content. I know hair differs from person to person, but I find generally speaking most relaxed haired ladies overshoot their protein applications.

I’m just speculating, but I think internally getting your protein from food sources and supplements, and iron, will take care of needs to apply protein treatments frequently. At the moment I consume 130-160 grams of protein a day, and I find that too frequent of protein treatments gives me a bit of a protein overreaction (protein sensitive).

After that is where the moisture comes in. Quite a few ladies overlook how crucial moisture is. Even if you might be a bit over moisturized, I find with gentle manipulation (detangling) and backing off completely of the heat tools, small toothed combs, and high tensions hair styles, your hair will usually hold its integrity.

The 90/10 and 80/20 rules for moisture vs. protein are very good rules to keep in mind, but I wish to tweak it a bit and say 90/10 is better. With 90 being a very good moisturizing percentage (frequency), and 10 being a moderate to light protein treatment (also frequency), with maybe a heavy protein reconstruction treatment once or twice a year at most.

Again, this is all speculation, and my thoughts on the matter.

Yaaaay!!! I am very lightly relaxed (texlaxed you might say). It looks as if I am still natural, and I experience about 50% shrinkage. I use a light protein conditioner after every wash (currently every fortnight). Currently using ORS Replenishing Conditioner and it works pretty well for me

February 6th, 2018, 02:27 PM
Yaaaay!!! I am very lightly relaxed (texlaxed you might say). It looks as if I am still natural, and I experience about 50% shrinkage. I use a light protein conditioner after every wash (currently every fortnight). Currently using ORS Replenishing Conditioner and it works pretty well for me

I really enjoy ORS replenishing conditioner because while it’s technically classified as a protein treatment, I find it’s more or less a balancing treatment, if anything else.

February 6th, 2018, 02:34 PM
Could you share your routine please, Autobots?

February 6th, 2018, 02:48 PM
Could you share your routine please, Autobots?

Seconding this! Do you and YvetteVarie stretch your relaxers at all, or do you touch up regularly? And do you notice a difference with the two textures?

I've grown out a relaxer 5 times, but I never paid much attention to my hair and it was always kept short. Seeing relaxed routines does make me wonder if I could every grow my hair with one.

February 6th, 2018, 03:43 PM
Could you share your routine please, Autobots?

Sure thing!

Here’s the routine I’ve been keeping up with since Christmas and New Years:

I CWC, either everyday or every other day. I keep the shampoo on my scalp and conditioner on my ends. Depending on if my scalp is getting dry I’ll let the conditioner make its way to my scalp because it doesn’t cause itchiness. (Shampoo is sulfate free because I suffer from eczema, but sometimes I’ll use a sulfate shampoo and be alright)

My hair is extremely fine so about once a month or once every two months I’ll clarify, to get rid of buildup.

Deep condition when it’s needed. (Maybe 4x a month) I typically can tell when I need it because the weather will make my hair go funky, But with the amount of conditioning washing I do I don’t need it very often.

I’ll do one or two hard protein treatments a year

For relaxer day and the week proceeding a relaxer, I’ll shampoo my hair with a chelating shampoo in place of my regular shampoo every other day, to get the PH of my hair back to normal, and to keep removing as much calcium deposits as I can. This is also when I’ll be more generous with the deep conditioning, and follow up with a hard protein treatment.

I manage to stretch my relaxers to twice a year, and if a corrective relaxer is needed I’ll have one done.

I oil my scalp every two to three days, and oil my ends after every wash. I mainly use coconut oil for my ends and mid shaft. For the oil mixture I put on my scalp, I mix jojoba, coconut, and essential oils like rosemary, or citronella. During the summer months when I sweat a lot more I’ll do a few ACC rinses to calm my scalp.

Sleep in a satin bonnet every night.

I don’t use heat, and I don’t delve too much into high tension styles, wigs, or weaves.

Other than that, my hair routine is fairly simple.

February 6th, 2018, 03:49 PM
Seconding this! Do you and YvetteVarie stretch your relaxers at all, or do you touch up regularly? And do you notice a difference with the two textures?

I've grown out a relaxer 5 times, but I never paid much attention to my hair and it was always kept short. Seeing relaxed routines does make me wonder if I could every grow my hair with one.

I stretch about 6 months between each relaxer, but depending on some years where I have large amounts of growth I’ll add in a third relaxer day to the year. I’ll do a corrective relaxer whenever I need one, and I typically won’t know when I’ll need it until months have passed and I’m having trouble with two varying textures that I can no longer work with. The corrective relaxers are rather random, so I don’t worry too much about constantly applying chemicals.

And I definitely notice a difference. When detangling I notice the comb slows down going through the more textures areas, and towards the bone straight parts it just glides right through.

Last year I had a very hard time detangling. I had the very textured new growth coming in, the textured parts that didn’t take well to the relaxer, and my pin straight parts, so I was dealing with three different textures. That’s when I decided to apply a corrective relaxer because I was experiencing so much tangling. And that’s the main reason why I try to keep an eye on varying textures.

February 6th, 2018, 04:04 PM
Although I do find no issues touching up regularly or every 2-3 months. The key in doing that, is removing as much of the calcium build up as you possibly can. Which is why I encourage people to buy the bottles of neutralizing shampoos to keep throughout the year. That initial week after relaxer day, I’ll encourage people to wash their hair 1-2 more times in that week, because the washing after the relaxer, you never really get it all out even if the color indicator turns white.

After that you can go about your deep conditioning or protein treatments however you wish, but I find a deep conditioning treatment helps the most, but that is just my own speculation.

Same for lye formulas too.

February 7th, 2018, 04:28 AM
Seconding this! Do you and YvetteVarie stretch your relaxers at all, or do you touch up regularly? And do you notice a difference with the two textures?

I've grown out a relaxer 5 times, but I never paid much attention to my hair and it was always kept short. Seeing relaxed routines does make me wonder if I could every grow my hair with one.

I stretch my relaxers for at least 4 months. Currently I am working on relaxing twice a year, June and December. My last relaxer was in November. Visually my textures do not look different, but I can feel this difference especially once I have at least an inch of new growth. I use a no lye box kit, and self relax, and always do a mid step protein treatment. Like I said earlier, I am very lightly texlaxed, most people assume I have natural hair.

My current routine:
I shampoo my hair once every 2 weeks. I am not particular about the shampoo, as I switch between sulphates and sulphate free, though I think I will stick to sulphate free now. I currently deep condition with ORS Replenishing conditioner. I apply Dax black hair grower as my leave in and seal with shea butter. I style my hair in a goddess braid or a bun. I only comb my hair after wash day, the rest of the time I finger detangle. I sleep in a satin scarf or bonnet. I do not use heat. I have been stuck on APL since I gave birth to my son (microtrimming damage sustained during pregnancy), but I started actively growing out my hair this year, and I think by the end of March I will be BSB or close to BSL.

February 7th, 2018, 05:34 AM
I stretch my relaxers for at least 4 months. Currently I am working on relaxing twice a year, June and December. My last relaxer was in November. Visually my textures do not look different, but I can feel this difference especially once I have at least an inch of new growth. I use a no lye box kit, and self relax, and always do a mid step protein treatment. Like I said earlier, I am very lightly texlaxed, most people assume I have natural hair.

My current routine:
I shampoo my hair once every 2 weeks. I am not particular about the shampoo, as I switch between sulphates and sulphate free, though I think I will stick to sulphate free now. I currently deep condition with ORS Replenishing conditioner. I apply Dax black hair grower as my leave in and seal with shea butter. I style my hair in a goddess braid or a bun. I only comb my hair after wash day, the rest of the time I finger detangle. I sleep in a satin scarf or bonnet. I do not use heat. I have been stuck on APL since I gave birth to my son (microtrimming damage sustained during pregnancy), but I started actively growing out my hair this year, and I think by the end of March I will be BSB or close to BSL.

I stretch about 6 months between each relaxer, but depending on some years where I have large amounts of growth I’ll add in a third relaxer day to the year. I’ll do a corrective relaxer whenever I need one, and I typically won’t know when I’ll need it until months have passed and I’m having trouble with two varying textures that I can no longer work with. The corrective relaxers are rather random, so I don’t worry too much about constantly applying chemicals.

And I definitely notice a difference. When detangling I notice the comb slows down going through the more textures areas, and towards the bone straight parts it just glides right through.

Last year I had a very hard time detangling. I had the very textured new growth coming in, the textured parts that didn’t take well to the relaxer, and my pin straight parts, so I was dealing with three different textures. That’s when I decided to apply a corrective relaxer because I was experiencing so much tangling. And that’s the main reason why I try to keep an eye on varying textures.

Thank you, both. This is really very interesting, and I'll be lurking in this thread for updates, lol! One last question from me: is it easier to relax after a longer stretch? Since there's more visible new growth?

Happy growing to both of you. :o

February 7th, 2018, 07:20 AM
Autobots and Yvette-
What are your go-to hairstyles
And bedtime hairstyle?

February 7th, 2018, 08:53 AM
Autobots and Yvette-
What are your go-to hairstyles
And bedtime hairstyle?

Mostly a lazy wrap bun. Although lately These past few days I’ve been rocking a Bweeta’s Bun, ever since I saw TorrinPage put up the video.

For bedtime it’s usually flat twists.

February 7th, 2018, 08:59 AM
Totally clueless type question! Is a relaxer the same idea as a perm? As in straitening instead of curling? Or is it a completely different process?

February 7th, 2018, 09:02 AM
Thank you, both. This is really very interesting, and I'll be lurking in this thread for updates, lol! One last question from me: is it easier to relax after a longer stretch? Since there's more visible new growth?

Happy growing to both of you. :o

Happy growing to you too Chomsky!

And I would say more new growth equals a better chance of not overprocessing. But some ladies can relax very evenly and not let it deep into already relaxed hair. I am not one of them, but I’m not too particularly worried about the bits of relaxer that get on previously relaxed hair, because it helps straighten out the previous application if it didn’t take too well.

Although it can be more difficult after a longer stretch, because tangling, and such, and it’s a greater chance the relaxer might not process all of the new growth if there’s a lot of it. If you’re like Yvette and like to retain a good bit of texture then it’s not a problem. But if you’re a bone straight relaxer person like myself then it can be.

I find that if I have a bunch of new growth, it’s a good idea to straighten it out as much as possible before relaxing. This last relaxer I tried something new. The week before relaxing I washed, conditioned, and then flat ironed my hair and kept the straight style until relaxer day. I found that my hair took completely, way better than many previous ones where I’d just have all my new growth and older ends taken down from a braid out. It just gets much straighter on flat ironed hair. Although do moisturize the ends and mid shaft up until relaxing, and protect the hair will jelly or grease as usual.

February 7th, 2018, 09:04 AM
Totally clueless type question! Is a relaxer the same idea as a perm? As in straitening instead of curling? Or is it a completely different process?

Yea pretty much the same thing just opposite a perm. Both chemicals get in and restructure the hair disulfide bonds. It’s the mechanical manipulation that gives the hair the desired shape or look. For perming it’s the curlers or rods, and setting the hair that give it the curls, and for relaxing it’s the mechanical motion of smoothing out the hair once the chemical has been applied that straightens the hair.

And the question wasn’t clueless! I like answering questions.

February 7th, 2018, 09:21 AM
Yea pretty much the same thing just opposite a perm. Both chemicals get in and restructure the hair disulfide bonds. It’s the mechanical manipulation that gives the hair the desired shape or look. For perming it’s the curlers or rods, and setting the hair that give it the curls, and for relaxing it’s the mechanical motion of smoothing out the hair once the chemical has been applied that straightens the hair.

And the question wasn’t clueless! I like answering questions.

Thank you :)

I got the impression it was a similar process just with different desired end result, but I really wasn't sure!

February 7th, 2018, 09:21 AM
I already posted a picture in the monthly check in thread for 2018, but I suppose I can give a current status one for this month too.

https://i.imgflip.com/244lsl.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/244lsl)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

Tried to find the brightest color gradient to show where my ends are. If you look close enough theyre right where my pajama pants end, which is hip for me. My shirt ruffling up doesn’t help much either for getting a good shot.

Currently I’ve been babying the middle of my hair since I constantly part it there to apply product, and it’s been suffering from overmanipulation. So far the middle is looking a bit thicker.

I know my ends aren’t the neatest, or the thickest, but I don’t mind. Once I hit classic or at least a few inches from classic I’ll start microtrimming.

February 7th, 2018, 09:23 AM
Thank you :)

I got the impression it was a similar process just with different desired end result, but I really wasn't sure!

No problem!

Sometimes the ingredients differ, but they still you the same desired effects.

February 7th, 2018, 09:54 AM
And here’s my Bweeta’s bun I’ve been trying out lately.

https://i.imgflip.com/244oyg.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/244oyg)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

I am a member of the puny bun club, but I’m content with how it turns out. This is actually the best one so far.

February 7th, 2018, 12:38 PM
And here’s my Bweeta’s bun I’ve been trying out lately.

https://i.imgflip.com/244oyg.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/244oyg)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

I am a member of the puny bun club, but I’m content with how it turns out. This is actually the best one so far.
That looks fab :)
I tried beets buns last year - it was an exploding disaster for me!

February 7th, 2018, 12:58 PM
I am more than willing to join this thread! I've been looking for this thread for a long time now. I also stretch out my relaxers too to about 4 months. Right now, I'm stretching it as long it can go. It's been 7 months since my last relaxer! I am really surprised and happy that my hair has stayed straight for this long! But I can admit it that I do have a very good grain of hair. It's more on the curly side rather than the kinky end. But I have to admit it that my hair and curls are very thick! So, that's why I feel I need the relaxer so that it can my more manageable.

February 7th, 2018, 02:51 PM
Well that’s darling, Autobots

February 7th, 2018, 05:58 PM
That looks fab :)
I tried beets buns last year - it was an exploding disaster for me!

Did it not want to stay up? So far, the first twisted parts, keep constantly falling down, so I hurry up and start looping the braids so it can stay.

February 7th, 2018, 06:01 PM
I am more than willing to join this thread! I've been looking for this thread for a long time now. I also stretch out my relaxers too to about 4 months. Right now, I'm stretching it as long it can go. It's been 7 months since my last relaxer! I am really surprised and happy that my hair has stayed straight for this long! But I can admit it that I do have a very good grain of hair. It's more on the curly side rather than the kinky end. But I have to admit it that my hair and curls are very thick! So, that's why I feel I need the relaxer so that it can my more manageable.

Yay! Come on in!! I too have been looking for this ever since I joined. And I never really saw anything. Just questions pertaining to it.

Personally for you, When do you find the absolute breaking point is for stretching?

February 7th, 2018, 06:04 PM
Well that’s darling, Autobots

Thanks proo.

I wanted to this on air dried hair, but it would’ve been even tinier than the damp bun.

February 7th, 2018, 10:50 PM
Kind of been examine my hair lately because I’m trying to figure out a good combo of what to use on my hair. Before I explain the few concoctions I made, I’d like to know if the other relaxed ladies, have fine hair?

The five or so years I was natural, the fine texture of my hair wasn’t so bad because the curls worked together to create some extra thickness. With the packed diameters of hair together it didn’t feel so bad, but I’ve always been able to really feel how fine my hair is when it’s wet. It practically feels like butter. Even with moisture and protein pretty leveled. And whether natural or relaxed.

To give an idea of how fine my hair has always been, take a cotton ball, kind of pull it apart (don’t rip pieces off, keep the cotton ball intact), until it’s rather flat and even. Now pull it apart some more, keeping it even, and that’s how fine and soft of a texture of hair I have. I absolutely love it because even sopping wet it’s extremely light weight, and when dry, even at this length, it completely weightless. Being relaxed really shows how fine my hair is, but it just calls for more gentle detangling.

I used to think I needed a bunch of protein, but it’s really just how my hair is. I have Dutch/Irish blood in my family, maybe 3-4 generations back, and it shows up in my dad, his mom, and in my hair. And I absolutely love it.
Which is one reason I do not trust anyone but my husband to handle my hair. Espeacially stylists. Haven’t been to a salon in over a decade but the times I remember, the ladies would comb so hard and take so much hair out. My mom has a heavy hand too. So I’ll probably be destined to always do my own hair which I’m perfectly fine with and prefer.

The problem however, of finding something that isn’t heavy to wash, deep condition, and condition with. I think I’ll always love comes, but they weigh my hair down instantly. Deep conditioners tend to do the same. Most times I just put it up anyways so I rarely pay attention to it. Not too hard to do buns, but I like them to look soft and fluffy. The worst of the worst conditioner will always be Garnier. Everything about it. Stays caked on my hair, dries it out, way to coney.

Herbal essences is amazing but I have to clarify more often and I typically don’t like to clarify that much. They make for good deep conditioners mixed with coconut oil.

The more high end deep conditioners like Shea Moisture, It’s a 10, Jason, or Dove are very good but I use them maybe twice a month.

At the moment I’ve made about three products that I’ve tested and I like so far.

First one is a clarifying/Acidic rinse. Mixed a small bit of my neutralizing shampoo, with ACV, and witch hazel. Calms my scalp and gets off most of the dirt and fluff.

Second is a very watered down Aussie conditioner I use as a moisturizer

Daily wash for my hair is ginger water, coconut oil, and a dab of Shea Moisture sulfate free shampoo for a bit of suds. (Washed with this tonight, absolute amazing. Nice light smell, hair is moisturized, and I don’t have to follow up with conditioner I use the watered down conditioner for detangling and leave-in.

I’ve made enough batches to last me well into the fall semester of when school starts, and then I’ll branch of and try some more light, revised products. For school since it will be hot and I’ll be sweating I might switch back to the Shea Moisture 100% coconut oil shampoo and conditioner, and possibly the leave in as well. I really like that line. It’s very light and moisturizing.

So far I’m liking everything.

As far as oils go, I can’t leave oils in my hair other than jojoba, coconut, and maybe essentials such as jasmine, or peppermint, or eucalyptus. My hair doesn’t like olive oil, so typically I’ll do a hot oil treatment in the cold months maybe once or twice here and there and then lightly shampoo and condition.

February 8th, 2018, 07:59 AM
Happy growing to you too Chomsky!

And I would say more new growth equals a better chance of not overprocessing. But some ladies can relax very evenly and not let it deep into already relaxed hair. I am not one of them, but I’m not too particularly worried about the bits of relaxer that get on previously relaxed hair, because it helps straighten out the previous application if it didn’t take too well.

Although it can be more difficult after a longer stretch, because tangling, and such, and it’s a greater chance the relaxer might not process all of the new growth if there’s a lot of it. If you’re like Yvette and like to retain a good bit of texture then it’s not a problem. But if you’re a bone straight relaxer person like myself then it can be.

I find that if I have a bunch of new growth, it’s a good idea to straighten it out as much as possible before relaxing. This last relaxer I tried something new. The week before relaxing I washed, conditioned, and then flat ironed my hair and kept the straight style until relaxer day. I found that my hair took completely, way better than many previous ones where I’d just have all my new growth and older ends taken down from a braid out. It just gets much straighter on flat ironed hair. Although do moisturize the ends and mid shaft up until relaxing, and protect the hair will jelly or grease as usual.

That's a really neat observation about straightening when you've got a lot of new growth. I'm guess it's because the hair is already in the desired fashion, without needed excessive smoothing, but I've no idea, haha.

And your hair has really thickened up in the middle!

February 8th, 2018, 09:01 AM
That's a really neat observation about straightening when you've got a lot of new growth. I'm guess it's because the hair is already in the desired fashion, without needed excessive smoothing, but I've no idea, haha.

And your hair has really thickened up in the middle!

Yay! It’s noticable!!! Now I won’t be so self conscious when I let it down lol.

And if I could eventually find the science behind getting the hair a bit straighter before processing I would, but so far it’s mostly just speculation.

Everyone’s hair is a bit different, but I’ve read a lot of stories of ladies hair not taking too well to the relaxer, myself included, so I’d chalk it up to the hair not being smoothed enough, or the curls are very tightly packed, and the relaxer (being a strong chemical as it is), probably isn’t processing enough.

February 8th, 2018, 12:54 PM
Kind of been examine my hair lately because I’m trying to figure out a good combo of what to use on my hair. Before I explain the few concoctions I made, I’d like to know if the other relaxed ladies, have fine hair?

The five or so years I was natural, the fine texture of my hair wasn’t so bad because the curls worked together to create some extra thickness. With the packed diameters of hair together it didn’t feel so bad, but I’ve always been able to really feel how fine my hair is when it’s wet. It practically feels like butter. Even with moisture and protein pretty leveled. And whether natural or relaxed.

To give an idea of how fine my hair has always been, take a cotton ball, kind of pull it apart (don’t rip pieces off, keep the cotton ball intact), until it’s rather flat and even. Now pull it apart some more, keeping it even, and that’s how fine and soft of a texture of hair I have. I absolutely love it because even sopping wet it’s extremely light weight, and when dry, even at this length, it completely weightless. Being relaxed really shows how fine my hair is, but it just calls for more gentle detangling.

I’ve just skimmed through the thread, I have nothing to offer in the way of relaxing. I just wanted to chime in on the “fine” hair. Fine hair (not density) type the actual strand of hair is the smallest in diameter and is thin and smooth, compared to medium or thick which tend to be thicker and coarser. Put a strand between your fingers. If you can’t feel it (strand) your hair is fine. Fine hair is softer in general, also more fragile and more prone to hair breakage. It is actually one of the worst hair types to have if you are not careful with it and use any chemicals since fine hair breaks down faster than other hair types.

February 8th, 2018, 05:33 PM
I’ve just skimmed through the thread, I have nothing to offer in the way of relaxing. I just wanted to chime in on the “fine” hair. Fine hair (not density) type the actual strand of hair is the smallest in diameter and is thin and smooth, compared to medium or thick which tend to be thicker and coarser. Put a strand between your fingers. If you can’t feel it (strand) your hair is fine. Fine hair is softer in general, also more fragile and more prone to hair breakage. It is actually one of the worst hair types to have if you are not careful with it and use any chemicals since fine hair breaks down faster than other hair types.

I’ve known what fine hair is for years now.

I was explaining how it typically behaves from day to day. (My hair at least)

I know I run a risk chemically processing my hair. And until I can’t grow it any longer, I’m going to see how long I can get it. I think I’ve done a decent job so far.


February 8th, 2018, 08:00 PM
I’ve known what fine hair is for years now.

I was explaining how it typically behaves from day to day. (My hair at least)

I know I run a risk chemically processing my hair. And until I can’t grow it any longer, I’m going to see how long I can get it. I think I’ve done a decent job so far.


My apologies. I wasn't intending a direct comment to your hair directly, just a wide and general comment regarding fine hair you mentioned in your comment. Whether it is processed hair in the form of; coloring, bleaching, relaxing, perming, hair ironing etc has damage potential...Fine hair (I have myself) does not stand up as well as those with medium to thick hair (curly, wavy or straight). Not that it won't damage but thicker hair is a bit stronger.

A friend of mine, who went "natural" some time ago, had fine super tight curls but was having hair loss along with broken and split ends. She had cut her hair shorter and decided to kick the relaxer and let her hair grow out. She is in her 40's and has been relaxing her hair since 13/14, that is a very long time. She didn't realize how much hair she lost until she looked back at a picture in her late 20's.

She now visits Dominicans, talk about people that can make hair straight without any chemicals. Lots of heat, but you'll be in the salon all day :)

February 8th, 2018, 08:31 PM
My apologies. I wasn't intending a direct comment to your hair directly, just a wide and general comment regarding fine hair you mentioned in your comment. Whether it is processed hair in the form of; coloring, bleaching, relaxing, perming, hair ironing etc has damage potential...Fine hair (I have myself) does not stand up as well as those with medium to thick hair (curly, wavy or straight). Not that it won't damage but thicker hair is a bit stronger.

A friend of mine, who went "natural" some time ago, had fine super tight curls but was having hair loss along with broken and split ends. She had cut her hair shorter and decided to kick the relaxer and let her hair grow out. She is in her 40's and has been relaxing her hair since 13/14, that is a very long time. She didn't realize how much hair she lost until she looked back at a picture in her late 20's.

She now visits Dominicans, talk about people that can make hair straight without any chemicals. Lots of heat, but you'll be in the salon all day :)

Ahh. I understand. Thanks for clearing that up for me. No harm taken.

Believe me, at first I thought something was wrong with me for the longest when I compared my hair to folks who have thicker hair. But alas, just genetics I suppose. Being relaxed I still retain that fluffy volume from the ethnic qualities of my hair, but I will be honest, it’s definitely not as volumous as my natural curls .

I will always say cudos for the ladies who decide to switch back to natural. I started relaxing my own hair at maybe 12/13 myself. With the supervision of my mom. Then took a break for about five years grew out my natural curls, had a blast with them in high school, but wanted to learn how to care for relaxed hair(since I still had no idea how to) so I switched to relaxing somewhere around when I graduated high school.

Granted I’ll probably go back to natural again sometime in the future. But I’m going to see how long I can get with relaxed hair.

I think I had a Dominican blowout once on my natural hair some years ago. That rounded brush really did a number on my hair, but it managed to stay straight for about a week and a half.

February 9th, 2018, 06:54 AM
I have realised the relaxer is less damaging for me than heat or excessive manipulation. When I first went natural in 2014, I decided to flat iron my BSB hair for an event. My hair looked great that night but over the next few months I experienced major split ends and breakage. I ended up trimming back to SL to get rid of the damage. Then soon after I had bounced back from that, I ended up experiencing a good bit of breakage. It turned out I was overstretching my hair when I was bunning, and that was damaging my hair. When I am relaxed, I do not need to use heat to get my hair straight or to stretch my hair too much when I protective style. I am definitely retaining length better now as well, and will probably grow to MBL this year if I stay focused. So to me, a relaxer is the lesser of the evils i face.

February 9th, 2018, 08:36 AM
I have realised the relaxer is less damaging for me than heat or excessive manipulation. When I first went natural in 2014, I decided to flat iron my BSB hair for an event. My hair looked great that night but over the next few months I experienced major split ends and breakage. I ended up trimming back to SL to get rid of the damage. Then soon after I had bounced back from that, I ended up experiencing a good bit of breakage. It turned out I was overstretching my hair when I was bunning, and that was damaging my hair. When I am relaxed, I do not need to use heat to get my hair straight or to stretch my hair too much when I protective style. I am definitely retaining length better now as well, and will probably grow to MBL this year if I stay focused. So to me, a relaxer is the lesser of the evils i face.

That’s super interesting.
I think in order ranging from very damaging to least damaging would go like this for me personally:

1. Manipulation
2. Heat styling
3. Relaxing

There’s just no way around over manipulation, so I definitely agree with you on it being fairly damaging.

With heat sometimes it’s a hit or a miss. I either can retain enough moisture to keep the style and it still be in okay shape when I wash, or I’m having to compensate with extra moisture for like a week.

With relaxing, so long as I manage to neutralize completely, and do a protein treatment and follow up with a bunch of moisture, my hair holds up fine. I’ve kind of found a way to make sure relaxer day is the day where I don’t suffer from immense damage and the week or weeks thereafter.

February 9th, 2018, 12:02 PM
Yay! Come on in!! I too have been looking for this ever since I joined. And I never really saw anything. Just questions pertaining to it.

Personally for you, When do you find the absolute breaking point is for stretching?

Yay! Thank you for the warm welcome! :) Yeah, also seeing questions about it too, and I've also asked questions about it myself.

Personally for me, When I find the absolute breaking point for stretching I try to stretch no longer than 4 months usually but I do have to say, "From July of last year up until now I haven't had a relaxer since!" So, it's been 7 months since my last relaxer! And, my hair isn't breaking off or anything. It is staying straight as I blow-dry it straight and flat-ironing it. I really amazed at how long it's been! Well, I can admit it that I do have a good grain of hair. It is more like on the loose curly side rather the tight curly end. My hair is not like type 4 or anything. It's more like type 3a I think. I could never understand about the different hair types.:)

February 9th, 2018, 02:28 PM
Ahh. I understand. Thanks for clearing that up for me. No harm taken.

Believe me, at first I thought something was wrong with me for the longest when I compared my hair to folks who have thicker hair. But alas, just genetics I suppose. Being relaxed I still retain that fluffy volume from the ethnic qualities of my hair, but I will be honest, it’s definitely not as volumous as my natural curls .

I will always say cudos for the ladies who decide to switch back to natural. I started relaxing my own hair at maybe 12/13 myself. With the supervision of my mom. Then took a break for about five years grew out my natural curls, had a blast with them in high school, but wanted to learn how to care for relaxed hair(since I still had no idea how to) so I switched to relaxing somewhere around when I graduated high school.

Granted I’ll probably go back to natural again sometime in the future. But I’m going to see how long I can get with relaxed hair.
I think I had a Dominican blowout once on my natural hair some years ago. That rounded brush really did a number on my hair, but it managed to stay straight for about a week and a half.

How is worn, is a matter of choice and lifestyle and what is convenient. She is one of my favorite YT Channels, GreenBeauty. She's more focused on "natural" hair but she delves into other things about hair, scalp, growth etc. I think you would enjoy her, and other ladies. I know you mentioned some science type topics which she has. You have to poke around her channel. I think a lot of ladies would just enjoy her knowledge in general. I think she is so awesome. :)



February 9th, 2018, 07:05 PM
How is worn, is a matter of choice and lifestyle and what is convenient. She is one of my favorite YT Channels, GreenBeauty. She's more focused on "natural" hair but she delves into other things about hair, scalp, growth etc. I think you would enjoy her, and other ladies. I know you mentioned some science type topics which she has. You have to poke around her channel. I think a lot of ladies would just enjoy her knowledge in general. I think she is so awesome. :)



Oh yes! I absolute love her channel! I’m subscribed to it. And I love her hair.

February 9th, 2018, 07:30 PM
Yay! Thank you for the warm welcome! :) Yeah, also seeing questions about it too, and I've also asked questions about it myself.

Personally for me, When I find the absolute breaking point for stretching I try to stretch no longer than 4 months usually but I do have to say, "From July of last year up until now I haven't had a relaxer since!" So, it's been 7 months since my last relaxer! And, my hair isn't breaking off or anything. It is staying straight as I blow-dry it straight and flat-ironing it. I really amazed at how long it's been! Well, I can admit it that I do have a good grain of hair. It is more like on the loose curly side rather the tight curly end. My hair is not like type 4 or anything. It's more like type 3a I think. I could never understand about the different hair types.:)

I too can’t really decipher what my curls pattern is. I couldn’t really tell what it was when I was natural, and I was younger so I had no idea about how to classify it either.

But four months sounds great for a stretch.

February 9th, 2018, 09:11 PM
So I caved guys. Had some money to spare, and I just had to try out some more Shea Moisture brands. I’ve kind of been able to control my inner product junky, but alas, she is very alive. I never really cared about Shea Moisture, and didn’t really go for all the hype, but my curiosity has bested me, so I’ll be trying out a few brands this year.
https://i.imgflip.com/24az7p.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/24az7p)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

Going from left to right:

Basic coconut oil, because I was running out of it anyways. About 3$ at Walgreens.

Restorative conditioner I actually watered down, and tried as a leave in after tonight’s wash. I really like it. Quite a bit of a slip, and doesn’t go on too heavy despite watering it down. Love the smell too. 3$ at Walgreens.

High porosity co-wash I actually wanted to try for some weeks because I saw it online and wanted to try it out. I used it as a deep condition, and saran wrapped my hair, then placed hot towel over my head and covered with an old beanie. Definitely something I’ll keep in my stash. I noticed my ends didn’t dry as quickly after I rinsed and air dried. They typically dry a bit quickly since they’re the oldest. Hair feels a bit weighed down, but Not too much. 11$ at Sally’s.

The curl and shine conditioner I have yet to use. But I’ll probably water that down too and use it as a leave in. 3$ Walgreens.

Of course the ORS treatment. Love this treatment. Very good protein/moisture treatment and fairly balanced. I know Yvette likes this one too. Ah-mazing. 1.79$ at the local beauty supply store.

That’s it......for now :eyebrows:

February 10th, 2018, 03:06 AM
I am going to get my hair done today after work. I'm pretty excited, as I love this salon. They specialise in natural hair, which means they will be great when handling my highly textured relaxed hair. Its a major treat as they are quite expensive. I will definitely enjoy someone else doing my hair for me though. Will upload pictures on monday

February 10th, 2018, 06:33 AM
I am going to get my hair done today after work. I'm pretty excited, as I love this salon. They specialise in natural hair, which means they will be great when handling my highly textured relaxed hair. Its a major treat as they are quite expensive. I will definitely enjoy someone else doing my hair for me though. Will upload pictures on monday

Please do!!! I wanna see!!

How much do they charge?

February 10th, 2018, 12:31 PM
AutobotsAttackYeah, I know whatcha mean about not knowing what your curls pattern is. I didn't know for many years too. Up until I joined here at the LHC site. That's when I learned all about different hair types. Oh, I've been relaxed since I was 6 years old! That's when my mom used a kiddy perm on my hair like TCB. Because, I was so young at the time, and I'm now 46. So, I haven't been natural for many years now. Now, maybe sometime in the future I may go natural and just wear my natural curls but for right now I prefer to have straight hair.

Yes, I know. Four months is great and a long time to stretch, isn't it? I know another lady on www.youtube.com name Shimahair21 that always stretches her relaxers out to at least 9 months or a year, and just last year in December she did an updated video on her doing her recent relaxer, and she did mention that she experienced some breakage after stretching a year an a half!!! And, her hair either Tailbone length or Classic Lemgth! Now, she had to trim it up to Hip Length because of the breakage. That's what I'm afraid of the setbacks and breakage after all of that hard work of growing your hair out to long lengths. Then, it breaks off from waiting too long to get it relaxed. That's why I believe in stretching no longer than 4 months, and if I start experiencing breakage then I'm going to go back to doing it every 6 to 8 weeks instead.

February 10th, 2018, 12:41 PM
So I caved guys. Had some money to spare, and I just had to try out some more Shea Moisture brands. I’ve kind of been able to control my inner product junky, but alas, she is very alive. I never really cared about Shea Moisture, and didn’t really go for all the hype, but my curiosity has bested me, so I’ll be trying out a few brands this year.
https://i.imgflip.com/24az7p.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/24az7p)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

Going from left to right:

Basic coconut oil, because I was running out of it anyways. About 3$ at Walgreens.

Restorative conditioner I actually watered down, and tried as a leave in after tonight’s wash. I really like it. Quite a bit of a slip, and doesn’t go on too heavy despite watering it down. Love the smell too. 3$ at Walgreens.

High porosity co-wash I actually wanted to try for some weeks because I saw it online and wanted to try it out. I used it as a deep condition, and saran wrapped my hair, then placed hot towel over my head and covered with an old beanie. Definitely something I’ll keep in my stash. I noticed my ends didn’t dry as quickly after I rinsed and air dried. They typically dry a bit quickly since they’re the oldest. Hair feels a bit weighed down, but Not too much. 11$ at Sally’s.

The curl and shine conditioner I have yet to use. But I’ll probably water that down too and use it as a leave in. 3$ Walgreens.

Of course the ORS treatment. Love this treatment. Very good protein/moisture treatment and fairly balanced. I know Yvette likes this one too. Ah-mazing. 1.79$ at the local beauty supply store.

That’s it......for now :eyebrows:

I can also admit it that I'm a hair product junky too! I love trying out new hair products! Let me know what you think of the Shea Moisture products. Because, I've also been wanting to give them a try for a long time too! Because of all the hype I've hearing about it. Oh, I'm just like you and Yvette when talking about loving the ORS Replenishing Conditioner! It is an excellent protein/moisture balancing treatment! I use that once a week, and after every time I do my relaxer.

February 10th, 2018, 07:44 PM
I can also admit it that I'm a hair product junky too! I love trying out new hair products! Let me know what you think of the Shea Moisture products. Because, I've also been wanting to give them a try for a long time too! Because of all the hype I've hearing about it. Oh, I'm just like you and Yvette when talking about loving the ORS Replenishing Conditioner! It is an excellent protein/moisture balancing treatment! I use that once a week, and after every time I do my relaxer.

Well I’ve tried all of them since buying them. I was due for a protein treatment so I used the ORS.

I clarified because the products werent feeling right at first.

Mixed some witch hazel and ACV to clarify. Deep conditioned with ORS.

Used the cowash to was the deep condition out. It really does a good job with getting the cuticle layers to lay down. Not too heavy, but I water it down due to fine hair.

The Shea restorative conditioner is better suited to be a deep condition for me. It’s rather heavy.

The curl and shine conditioner I used for a leave in. REALLY like how it feels. Felt nice, didn’t weigh my hair down.

Overall my hair took a long time to dry which I like. The moisture isn’t leaving my hair so quickly. Saw good amounts of shine, and my hair was super soft to the touch.

The curl and shine will probably be another staple product.

February 12th, 2018, 03:07 AM
Please do!!! I wanna see!!

How much do they charge?

After all my excitement, it turned out my appointment hadnt been booked. I was mad when I left, it was a 20km drive in the rain to go and be told I would only be fitted in after those who had their appointments booked, which would involve a 3 hour wait. They are pricy for her ($35+), considering that most hairstylist charge a maximum of $20 for braids.

I ended up doing a henna treatment on saturday instead. My curls were popping, my hair was shiny and my ends felt thicker. I think I will do henna a bit more frequently, especially deep into a stretch.

February 12th, 2018, 04:49 AM
AutobotsAttackYeah, I know whatcha mean about not knowing what your curls pattern is. I didn't know for many years too. Up until I joined here at the LHC site. That's when I learned all about different hair types. Oh, I've been relaxed since I was 6 years old! That's when my mom used a kiddy perm on my hair like TCB. Because, I was so young at the time, and I'm now 46. So, I haven't been natural for many years now. Now, maybe sometime in the future I may go natural and just wear my natural curls but for right now I prefer to have straight hair.

Yes, I know. Four months is great and a long time to stretch, isn't it? I know another lady on www.youtube.com name Shimahair21 that always stretches her relaxers out to at least 9 months or a year, and just last year in December she did an updated video on her doing her recent relaxer, and she did mention that she experienced some breakage after stretching a year an a half!!! And, her hair either Tailbone length or Classic Lemgth! Now, she had to trim it up to Hip Length because of the breakage. That's what I'm afraid of the setbacks and breakage after all of that hard work of growing your hair out to long lengths. Then, it breaks off from waiting too long to get it relaxed. That's why I believe in stretching no longer than 4 months, and if I start experiencing breakage then I'm going to go back to doing it every 6 to 8 weeks instead.

I’ll have to watch her YouTube videos. I don’t think I’ve heard of her before. But now I think I have a new channel to subscribe to.

And I understand a lot about the breakage, that you’ve spent well hard earned money on, and expended tons of patience for, only to not get where you’d hope to be. I find that very frustrating. I think it gets even more frustrating, the longer your hair starts to get as well. So I definitely feel you on that.

I think the longest I’ve ever gone was about a year. I had small amounts of breakage here and there, but when I actually relaxed, my mom did it, and the mechanical damage of her parting and applying the relaxer, took out so much hair, that my hemline was extremely crooked. Needless to say, I never let my mom relax my hair again lol.

February 12th, 2018, 04:56 AM
After all my excitement, it turned out my appointment hadnt been booked. I was mad when I left, it was a 20km drive in the rain to go and be told I would only be fitted in after those who had their appointments booked, which would involve a 3 hour wait. They are pricy for her ($35+), considering that most hairstylist charge a maximum of $20 for braids.

I ended up doing a henna treatment on saturday instead. My curls were popping, my hair was shiny and my ends felt thicker. I think I will do henna a bit more frequently, especially deep into a stretch.

Sorry about the mixup. Glad you managed to still pamper yourself :)

You know, after all this time, I have yet to try henna. Mostly because I don’t know much about it.

Does it cause any buildup or anything?

February 12th, 2018, 08:48 AM
Why does stretching relaxers cause breakage?

February 12th, 2018, 03:55 PM
Why does stretching relaxers cause breakage?

Mainly because you’re dealing with two different textures. The more textured hair tends to tangle up quite a bit regardless of how much you moisturize it. The more straighter parts tend to be easier to manage, but they can very well tangle too from the hair sitting higher up. It isn’t so much the hair itself, as it is just parting it, and trying to detangle it. The hairs kind of cobweb together and act similar to velcro. It happens to natural haired ladies, as well. It’s mostly just the nature of ethnic hair, and even curly haired folks too. So finding a happy medium to how long you can stretch helps a bunch. It’s much less of a problem when your hair is one even texture, no matter your ethnicity.

February 12th, 2018, 04:21 PM
AutobotsAttackOh, ok cool! I'm glad to hear that the products worked out best for your hair! Oh, I also love using the ORS Replenishing Conditioner as my protein treatment too. I use that once a week, and also when I do my relaxer treatments. I also find that co-washing helps the cuticle to lay down much better too, and it also moisturizes my hair really good! That's why I love co-washing just about every single day. Except for on the weekends.

I also love deep conditioning my hair with the good old-fashioned Queen Helene Cholesterol Conditioning Cream as well! Now, that really helps to keep relaxed hair moisturized! I also use that once a week as well. I love to use Isoplus Wrap Lotion as my leave-in. It really gives my hair lots of shine!

February 12th, 2018, 04:37 PM
AutobotsAttackOh, ok cool! I'm glad to hear that the products worked out best for your hair! Oh, I also love using the ORS Replenishing Conditioner as my protein treatment too. I use that once a week, and also when I do my relaxer treatments. I also find that co-washing helps the cuticle to lay down much better too, and it also moisturizes my hair really good! That's why I love co-washing just about every single day. Except for on the weekends.

I also love deep conditioning my hair with the good old-fashioned Queen Helene Cholesterol Conditioning Cream as well! Now, that really helps to keep relaxed hair moisturized! I also use that once a week as well. I love to use Isoplus Wrap Lotion as my leave-in. It really gives my hair lots of shine!

I too like to frequent co-wash. I don’t really do it as much as I used to since I’m very active, and eventually I get the itches.

I do CWC more often now. The first condition is just to counter the shampoo. Second condition I get a bit more up on the hair shaft. I stop about just above the ear.

I can always count on Isoplus too for a good roller set. Haven’t done one in ages, which now makes me want to see how they will turn out. Thanks for putting the thought in my head Dark40 lol

February 12th, 2018, 04:38 PM
AutobotsAttack, Ok. Yeah, I'm subscribed to her. She has some really great and interesting videos on how to grow relaxed hair to extreme lengths! I really felt sorry for her that she had to cut off a few inches from it being "booty length" in December of last year when she did her fresh relaxer treatment. She had to cut it up to hip length. But it is still gorgeous though! And, it looks like her hair is beginning to grow back already. :) In her videos she also introduces her hair product line as well. I think it's called, "Shimahaircare." You can buy her product line at amazon or at her website. I forgot what her website is. I will have to look it up for you. I tihnk it is: www.shimahaircare.com.

She has her moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, leave-in treatment, her shimahair oil, and a couple of other new products that just came out as well like shea butter I think. But yeah, check out her channel and website I think you will really like it! :)

February 12th, 2018, 07:57 PM
AutobotsAttack, Ok. Yeah, I'm subscribed to her. She has some really great and interesting videos on how to grow relaxed hair to extreme lengths! I really felt sorry for her that she had to cut off a few inches from it being "booty length" in December of last year when she did her fresh relaxer treatment. She had to cut it up to hip length. But it is still gorgeous though! And, it looks like her hair is beginning to grow back already. :) In her videos she also introduces her hair product line as well. I think it's called, "Shimahaircare." You can buy her product line at amazon or at her website. I forgot what her website is. I will have to look it up for you. I tihnk it is: www.shimahaircare.com.

She has her moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, leave-in treatment, her shimahair oil, and a couple of other new products that just came out as well like shea butter I think. But yeah, check out her channel and website I think you will really like it! :)

I skimmed through a bit of her videos. Lovely hair she has.

I think she also has two beauty supply stores in Florida.

I think I might give the oil a try too. I did watch the video of her explaining the breakage she had from that long stretch. I can feel her frustration, but she did seem to take it well and understood it was a possibility.

February 13th, 2018, 07:28 AM
Sorry about the mixup. Glad you managed to still pamper yourself :)

You know, after all this time, I have yet to try henna. Mostly because I don’t know much about it.

Does it cause any buildup or anything?

As long as you rinse it out properly it doesn't cause build up. It does deposit colour though, so if you do not want your hair colour to change, its not a good choice for a treatment.

February 13th, 2018, 07:29 AM
AutobotsAttack, Ok. Yeah, I'm subscribed to her. She has some really great and interesting videos on how to grow relaxed hair to extreme lengths! I really felt sorry for her that she had to cut off a few inches from it being "booty length" in December of last year when she did her fresh relaxer treatment. She had to cut it up to hip length. But it is still gorgeous though! And, it looks like her hair is beginning to grow back already. :) In her videos she also introduces her hair product line as well. I think it's called, "Shimahaircare." You can buy her product line at amazon or at her website. I forgot what her website is. I will have to look it up for you. I tihnk it is: www.shimahaircare.com.

She has her moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, leave-in treatment, her shimahair oil, and a couple of other new products that just came out as well like shea butter I think. But yeah, check out her channel and website I think you will really like it! :)

I think I will watch her channel tonight. I'm intrigued

February 13th, 2018, 08:07 AM
As long as you rinse it out properly it doesn't cause build up. It does deposit colour though, so if you do not want your hair colour to change, its not a good choice for a treatment.

I don’t think I’d mind the color change. I’ll probably do it maybe next year or so. Still need to research up on it.

February 13th, 2018, 02:48 PM
Thanks for the explanation on breakage, Autobots-
That situation speaks to me since I have 2 very different natural textures.
Stretching the kinky part has helped the overall health significantly-
Do any y’all doobie wrap?

February 13th, 2018, 05:29 PM
Thanks for the explanation on breakage, Autobots-
That situation speaks to me since I have 2 very different natural textures.
Stretching the kinky part has helped the overall health significantly-
Do any y’all doobie wrap?

I used to when my hair wasn’t as long as it is now. Occasionally I do, but I rarely find myself needing it unless I’m trying to preserve a straight style.

February 14th, 2018, 07:22 AM
these are pictures from my last wash day, and my protective style:

February 14th, 2018, 06:26 PM
these are pictures from my last wash day, and my protective style:

I like the protective braids. I can’t even braid my hair lol.

The henna just seeps through the braids as well? That’s nice.

Very pretty braids on the bottom picture too. I like the light brown color. How long do you typically keep them in?

February 14th, 2018, 07:22 PM
AutobotsAttack, Oh, I also love doing frequent co-washes too! They don't hurt neither your hair or scalp. You are just keeping them both moisturized. I've read somewhere on another long hair website at: www.longhaircareforums.com that a lady said she co-washes her hair 5 times a week, and she deep conditions twice a week. After reading that I decided to give it a try, and when I did my me and my hair started loving it very much! And, I also started to see rapid hair growth too!!! I was also still able to stretch out my relaxers to 4 months too! And, within that 4 month period I was gaining or retaining 2 inches of new growth!!!

Oh yeah, I bet you do always count on Isoplus for good roller sets. I do too, and I also love doing wraps with Isoplus as well. I haven't done a wrap in ages myself. I also bet that you haven't done a roller set in ages too. I love doing them, and they are a much healthier way of drying your hair rather than blow-drying. I bet you would love to do one just to see how it will turn out. I do them all of the time. Well, I'm planning on doing my relaxer on tomorrow. I can't wait to see the end results on how it's going to turn out. I will keep you posted. Oh, you're welcome on me putting that thought in your head about doing a roller set AutobotsAttack lol

February 15th, 2018, 02:31 AM
I like the protective braids. I can’t even braid my hair lol.

The henna just seeps through the braids as well? That’s nice.

Very pretty braids on the bottom picture too. I like the light brown color. How long do you typically keep them in?

I actually got someone in to braid my hair. I can braid, but I'm too slow so I like getting someone to do it.

It did seep into the braids, but next time I will do henna on loose hair for even coverage.

I will try to keep them in for 2 months. I am not good at keeping in styles for long

February 15th, 2018, 08:02 AM
I actually got someone in to braid my hair. I can braid, but I'm too slow so I like getting someone to do it.

It did seep into the braids, but next time I will do henna on loose hair for even coverage.

I will try to keep them in for 2 months. I am not good at keeping in styles for long

I typically can’t keep a braid style in long either. My scalp just get incredibly itchy for whatever reason.

February 15th, 2018, 08:59 AM
I’ve posted this elsewhere, it’s an incredibly easy, fast way to wrap-
I comb hair straight down all around cousin itt-style,
put a hairnet on, lunch lady style,
then begin wrapping, tucking the hair into the net as I go until it’s all in there.
In the past I’ve then wrapped it fairly tightly in a silk scarf
but since crocheting a wrap cap, I use that;
so it goes on over the net, then I spin it around a couple of times in the direction of the wrap to get things tighter and smooth.
The whole process takes less than a minute! It’s very comfy, low manipulation and no pins.
I do this on dry or almost dry hair.

February 15th, 2018, 10:40 AM
I skimmed through a bit of her videos. Lovely hair she has.

I think she also has two beauty supply stores in Florida.

I think I might give the oil a try too. I did watch the video of her explaining the breakage she had from that long stretch. I can feel her frustration, but she did seem to take it well and understood it was a possibility.

I'm glad you skimmed through many of her videos. She has lots. She has a video discussing that black people can grow long hair. I like the video where she does a demostration on how she relaxes her hair, and what kind of relaxer she uses.

Yes, she does have a beautiful head of hair. Yes, all of her products are based in Florida. She lives there. I really wish that I can afford her oil to to try. I'm living on a budget. Yeah, she did a live stream video that I joined her on the discussion about her breakage from her last relaxer, and how frustrated she was. Yes, she did take it well. I guess because she knows that her hair will grow fast, and back to "Booty Length."

February 15th, 2018, 01:08 PM
Checking in, today I've just relaxed my hair with Bantu Regular Strength Relaxer, and I've deep conditioned with my ORS Replenishing Conditioner. It came out amazingly bone straight! Now, I'm sitting here with it wet, and I'm letting it air-dry up to 6 or 7 hours. I can't wait to see the end results!

February 15th, 2018, 01:46 PM
I’ve posted this elsewhere, it’s an incredibly easy, fast way to wrap-
I comb hair straight down all around cousin itt-style,
put a hairnet on, lunch lady style,
then begin wrapping, tucking the hair into the net as I go until it’s all in there.
In the past I’ve then wrapped it fairly tightly in a silk scarf
but since crocheting a wrap cap, I use that;
so it goes on over the net, then I spin it around a couple of times in the direction of the wrap to get things tighter and smooth.
The whole process takes less than a minute! It’s very comfy, low manipulation and no pins.
I do this on dry or almost dry hair.

That sounds neat actually.

I can’t crochet, but it’s nice you made a wrap cap. The best I can do is sew.

February 15th, 2018, 01:47 PM
Checking in, today I've just relaxed my hair with Bantu Regular Strength Relaxer, and I've deep conditioned with my ORS Replenishing Conditioner. It came out amazingly bone straight! Now, I'm sitting here with it wet, and I'm letting it air-dry up to 6 or 7 hours. I can't wait to see the end results!

How long does it take you to relax your whole head?

February 15th, 2018, 02:46 PM
How long does it take you to relax your whole head?

It takes me only 15 minutes, and I apply it using only my fingers without the gloves too. As I'm applying I do the smoothing out as I apply. So, that I don't suffer any scalp or skin irritations. 15 minutes for the kind of relaxer I use recommends, and the good part about it is my hair doesn't need much relaxing product or time at all. Because, it's not kinky or tight curls. It has a loose curl.

February 16th, 2018, 02:40 AM
It takes me only 15 minutes, and I apply it using only my fingers without the gloves too. As I'm applying I do the smoothing out as I apply. So, that I don't suffer any scalp or skin irritations. 15 minutes for the kind of relaxer I use recommends, and the good part about it is my hair doesn't need much relaxing product or time at all. Because, it's not kinky or tight curls. It has a loose curl.

That sounds very simple.

At the moment it takes me about 20mins. My last session did.
Before I tried straightening my hair, a week prior, it would take me 30 mins.

I use my fingers too. The little wooden stick doesn’t get the job done, and the gloves make it hard for me to feel what I’m doing.

February 16th, 2018, 05:18 AM
Checking in, today I've just relaxed my hair with Bantu Regular Strength Relaxer, and I've deep conditioned with my ORS Replenishing Conditioner. It came out amazingly bone straight! Now, I'm sitting here with it wet, and I'm letting it air-dry up to 6 or 7 hours. I can't wait to see the end results!

I also can't wait to see the results. How often do you relax, and do you a lye or no-lye relaxer?

February 16th, 2018, 01:54 PM
That sounds very simple.

At the moment it takes me about 20mins. My last session did.
Before I tried straightening my hair, a week prior, it would take me 30 mins.

I use my fingers too. The little wooden stick doesn’t get the job done, and the gloves make it hard for me to feel what I’m doing.

Yes, it's very simple.

Wow, 20 or 30mins is a long time to be relaxing. Yeah, I had learned about applying it with the fingers from licensed beautician. It is a lot easier to work with your fingers rather than with the wooden stick. You're right. It doesn't do the job at all, and yes the gloves make it harder for you to feel what you are doing.

February 16th, 2018, 02:04 PM
I also can't wait to see the results. How often do you relax, and do you a lye or no-lye relaxer?

I bet you can't wait to see the results! I usually relax every 4 or 5 months but I'm beginning the thick now that I really to do it a lot sooner. Like 6 weeks. Like what most relaxers require. I always use no-lye relaxer or no base relaxer. Since I use the one that's called, "Bantu," it is the regular strength no base relaxer. That's all my hair really needs. Nothing stronger than that, and then on top of that I color as well. I know that's another whole thread...lol but I do put 2 different types of chemicals on my head every 4 or 5 months. I always spread out my chemical treatments so that my hair doesn't get damaged or dried out.

February 16th, 2018, 09:51 PM
Yes, it's very simple.

Wow, 20 or 30mins is a long time to be relaxing. Yeah, I had learned about applying it with the fingers from licensed beautician. It is a lot easier to work with your fingers rather than with the wooden stick. You're right. It doesn't do the job at all, and yes the gloves make it harder for you to feel what you are doing.

Yeah, I’ve been trying to speed it up so I’m not irritating my scalp. Flat ironing beforehand helps. Hopefully I get it down to 15 mins, including the smoothing out process.

The normal kit doesn’t do a good job of straightening my hair, but I still use it because I don’t work fast enough to use the super strength kit.

I’ll try eventually. Probably just time myself until I get it

February 17th, 2018, 04:58 PM
Yeah, I’ve been trying to speed it up so I’m not irritating my scalp. Flat ironing beforehand helps. Hopefully I get it down to 15 mins, including the smoothing out process.

The normal kit doesn’t do a good job of straightening my hair, but I still use it because I don’t work fast enough to use the super strength kit.

I’ll try eventually. Probably just time myself until I get it

Yeah, me too also like to speed it up so that I don't suffer and scalp irritations or burns. I really hate the feeling of scalp irritations or burns. Especially, if you leave it on for 20min or so. Yes, I've also learned that everybody can't use the normal strength relaxer. Because, it doesn't straighten their enough. They would have to use a stronger strength like mild or super strength.

I remember back in 1994 I tried this brand called, "Optimum Care," super strength relaxer, and soon after I blow-dried it my hair started falling out in the back! At first, I had armpit length hair, and then after the fall-out ended up with shoulder length hair. So, since then I haven' used Optimum Care anymore.

February 18th, 2018, 12:45 AM
Yeah, me too also like to speed it up so that I don't suffer and scalp irritations or burns. I really hate the feeling of scalp irritations or burns. Especially, if you leave it on for 20min or so. Yes, I've also learned that everybody can't use the normal strength relaxer. Because, it doesn't straighten their enough. They would have to use a stronger strength like mild or super strength.

I remember back in 1994 I tried this brand called, "Optimum Care," super strength relaxer, and soon after I blow-dried it my hair started falling out in the back! At first, I had armpit length hair, and then after the fall-out ended up with shoulder length hair. So, since then I haven' used Optimum Care anymore.

I will never use Dark and Lovely relaxers. Even at a regular strength it really did a number on my scalp.

I use Africa’s Best with the oil leave in, or Hawaiian Silky no base.

ORS is okay but my hair doesn’t really take to it, nor does it take to the Pink brand.

February 18th, 2018, 04:02 PM
I will never use Dark and Lovely relaxers. Even at a regular strength it really did a number on my scalp.

I use Africa’s Best with the oil leave in, or Hawaiian Silky no base.

ORS is okay but my hair doesn’t really take to it, nor does it take to the Pink brand.

Me neither never use Dark and Lovely from any strength either. Me and my mom don't like it. My grandmother and cousin likes it but I don't. Oh, I used to use Africia's Best Olive Oil Relaxer, it did me a great job is straightening! I could never trust Hawaiian Silky. Oh, I've also tried the Pink brand as well. It was ok.

February 18th, 2018, 05:40 PM
Me neither never use Dark and Lovely from any strength either. Me and my mom don't like it. My grandmother and cousin likes it but I don't. Oh, I used to use Africia's Best Olive Oil Relaxer, it did me a great job is straightening! I could never trust Hawaiian Silky. Oh, I've also tried the Pink brand as well. It was ok.

I know some ladies don’t have good experiences with a no base relaxer. Espeacially Hawaiian Silky. I’ve seen half and half reviews. Some swear by it, others hate it.

Lye relaxers don’t get my hair as straight as I like, but it doesn’t deposit too much calcium onto my hair which I like.

No lye relaxers (depending on the brand), get my hair very straight and I work fast enough so my scalp is okay, but you really have to put in work in order to get all the calcium deposits off. Most people think that one wash following a relaxer with the neutralizer is it, but I’d highly suggest washing with the neutralizer like two or three more wash cycles, because sometimes the color indicator can still show pink. Even after a solid week post relaxer.

February 18th, 2018, 09:36 PM
I know some ladies don’t have good experiences with a no base relaxer. Espeacially Hawaiian Silky. I’ve seen half and half reviews. Some swear by it, others hate it.

Lye relaxers don’t get my hair as straight as I like, but it doesn’t deposit too much calcium onto my hair which I like.

No lye relaxers (depending on the brand), get my hair very straight and I work fast enough so my scalp is okay, but you really have to put in work in order to get all the calcium deposits off. Most people think that one wash following a relaxer with the neutralizer is it, but I’d highly suggest washing with the neutralizer like two or three more wash cycles, because sometimes the color indicator can still show pink. Even after a solid week post relaxer.

Yes, you are right. Some ladies don't have the experience with a no base relaxer. Like, Hawaiian Silky. I'm going to have to check out their reviews. I do like their detangling spray! I always use it for blow-drying. I have never tried or used Lye relaxers. Because, I've always felt that they irritate or burn the scalp more than no-lye relaxers. You are very right about doing 2 or 3 subsidings after your relaxer application, and if your hair feels a bit dry you can apply a deep moisturizing conditioner afterwards. That's what I do.

February 19th, 2018, 01:56 AM
I’m really curious, does relaxing hair work differently from rebonding? Everyone i’ve seen with rebonded hair, regardless of their initial hair texture, has super sleek and shiny hair after, and they can grow their hair long without the W shaped hemline. However, with many people with relaxed hair, you can still tell if their initial hair texture was kinky as it doesn’t have that sleek straight look even after relaxing, and hemlines tend to fairytale or become W shaped very quickly. Why is that so? Can someone enlighten me?

February 19th, 2018, 04:22 AM
I’m really curious, does relaxing hair work differently from rebonding? Everyone i’ve seen with rebonded hair, regardless of their initial hair texture, has super sleek and shiny hair after, and they can grow their hair long without the W shaped hemline. However, with many people with relaxed hair, you can still tell if their initial hair texture was kinky as it doesn’t have that sleek straight look even after relaxing, and hemlines tend to fairytale or become W shaped very quickly. Why is that so? Can someone enlighten me?

From what I’ve researched about rebonding so far, I’d say the chemicals used to straighten the hair have different ingredients from that of a relaxer.

I’ve noticed that’s the ladies who have hair types of the 1a-2c who use them, to straighten out some waves or bumps. I think if they used a relaxer it would be way too much, since they’re hair is already on the more straighter side. The ladies I’ve seen also do it with 3a-4c hair also do it too, and the results look very very nice.

With a rebonding treatment, you don’t have to work as fast because the chemicals aren’t nearly as concentrated as a relaxer. With a relaxer you need to work quickly and swiftly, and try not to go over 30 total minuets within the process at a salon or at home. With a rebonding treatment, your hair can still keep its integrity while having the chemicals on it for up to 6-8 hours at a salon or at home.

A relaxer typically is made with a lye base. If it’s no lye the main ingredient is Calcium Hydroxide. Super high Ph, immediately starts processing the hair.

A rebonding treatment is pretty much like Japanese straightening, or something similar to a blowout. The chemicals they use have a different formula altogether, usually it’s a sodium base, or ammonia, and then a keratin treatment is used afterwards with the heat to straighten. and the application of heat after a rebonding process is also something used to help reset and straighten the hair.

Another difference with relaxers is that it’s completely up the user on how straight she wants it. Some use relaxers just to loosen up the curl, others can relax bone straight like I do. Which is why you will see some women still retaining that kinky texture. Usually because they want to keep it. The rebonding process seems to give pin straight hair every time with no room for keeping texture. Although I’m sure you could ask probably.

As for the hemline, I think a few things come into play. First being able to remove deposits. No lye relaxers have the highest Ph, and deposit very large amounts of minerals like calcium or potassium ont the hair. Makes it feel grimy, and dries it out. The major task with this is being able to neutralize and chelate to get all those deposits off. Most people will neutralize once right after a relaxer, and that’s it. But it’s very likely there’s still deposits on the hair. To be safe, I will wash 2-3 more times within the week to make sure it is all gone. And it usually is because I can feel a difference. A lot of relaxed ladies also have an issue with doing tight hair styles, excessive heat, pulling the hair too tight, not protecting it, etc. I don’t have a very thick hemline, and my ends tend to fairytale as well, but most if not all of it has come from just normal wear and tear, and me having fine hair as it is already. I used heat last week for the first time in about two years.

It’s all about how you treat your hair after the chemical process. There’s plenty of ladies who relax and have thicker hemlines, and ladies who do rebonding processes with not so thick hemlines or fairytale ends as well. Depending on what products you use on the hair will depend on how much shine you can get as well. Some hair can seem shinier due to how split ends are there or lacktherof.

With a rebonding treatment the Ph of the chemicals is much lower, it usually contains ammonium, and not nearly as much mineral deposits are left. If any at all. It’s mostly the heat that does the job of straightening.

So both processes do straighten the hair with a chemical, one just uses heat as the the “resetting” towards the end. And you typically have to not get your hair wet for 3-4 days. Relaxers contain a much higher Ph, use a bit more harsher chemicals, can be lye or no lye, and don’t require heat, and you can wash your hair as soon as you like, and you can vary how straight you wish for your hair to be.

So they’re definitely more similar than different.

Both come in kits for at home applications too. Relaxers are a bit more cheaper.

I choose to self relax because it’s quicker, and much more cheaper. If I could afford to go to a professional for rebonding id definitely try it.

My hemline could always do with some attention, and I will slowly start microtrimming to thicken it up, but I’m happy my hair has gotten this long, and is in decent health.

Hopefully I’ve answered all your questions, and you found some of it helpful.

February 19th, 2018, 12:08 PM
From what I’ve researched about rebonding so far, I’d say the chemicals used to straighten the hair have different ingredients from that of a relaxer.

I’ve noticed that’s the ladies who have hair types of the 1a-2c who use them, to straighten out some waves or bumps. I think if they used a relaxer it would be way too much, since they’re hair is already on the more straighter side. The ladies I’ve seen also do it with 3a-4c hair also do it too, and the results look very very nice.

With a rebonding treatment, you don’t have to work as fast because the chemicals aren’t nearly as concentrated as a relaxer. With a relaxer you need to work quickly and swiftly, and try not to go over 30 total minuets within the process at a salon or at home. With a rebonding treatment, your hair can still keep its integrity while having the chemicals on it for up to 6-8 hours at a salon or at home.

A relaxer typically is made with a lye base. If it’s no lye the main ingredient is Calcium Hydroxide. Super high Ph, immediately starts processing the hair.

A rebonding treatment is pretty much like Japanese straightening, or something similar to a blowout. The chemicals they use have a different formula altogether, usually it’s a sodium base, or ammonia, and then a keratin treatment is used afterwards with the heat to straighten. and the application of heat after a rebonding process is also something used to help reset and straighten the hair.

Another difference with relaxers is that it’s completely up the user on how straight she wants it. Some use relaxers just to loosen up the curl, others can relax bone straight like I do. Which is why you will see some women still retaining that kinky texture. Usually because they want to keep it. The rebonding process seems to give pin straight hair every time with no room for keeping texture. Although I’m sure you could ask probably.

As for the hemline, I think a few things come into play. First being able to remove deposits. No lye relaxers have the highest Ph, and deposit very large amounts of minerals like calcium or potassium ont the hair. Makes it feel grimy, and dries it out. The major task with this is being able to neutralize and chelate to get all those deposits off. Most people will neutralize once right after a relaxer, and that’s it. But it’s very likely there’s still deposits on the hair. To be safe, I will wash 2-3 more times within the week to make sure it is all gone. And it usually is because I can feel a difference. A lot of relaxed ladies also have an issue with doing tight hair styles, excessive heat, pulling the hair too tight, not protecting it, etc. I don’t have a very thick hemline, and my ends tend to fairytale as well, but most if not all of it has come from just normal wear and tear, and me having fine hair as it is already. I used heat last week for the first time in about two years.

It’s all about how you treat your hair after the chemical process. There’s plenty of ladies who relax and have thicker hemlines, and ladies who do rebonding processes with not so thick hemlines or fairytale ends as well. Depending on what products you use on the hair will depend on how much shine you can get as well. Some hair can seem shinier due to how split ends are there or lacktherof.

With a rebonding treatment the Ph of the chemicals is much lower, it usually contains ammonium, and not nearly as much mineral deposits are left. If any at all. It’s mostly the heat that does the job of straightening.

So both processes do straighten the hair with a chemical, one just uses heat as the the “resetting” towards the end. And you typically have to not get your hair wet for 3-4 days. Relaxers contain a much higher Ph, use a bit more harsher chemicals, can be lye or no lye, and don’t require heat, and you can wash your hair as soon as you like, and you can vary how straight you wish for your hair to be.

So they’re definitely more similar than different.

Both come in kits for at home applications too. Relaxers are a bit more cheaper.

I choose to self relax because it’s quicker, and much more cheaper. If I could afford to go to a professional for rebonding id definitely try it.

My hemline could always do with some attention, and I will slowly start microtrimming to thicken it up, but I’m happy my hair has gotten this long, and is in decent health.

Hopefully I’ve answered all your questions, and you found some of it helpful.

That was really informative! I’ve always wondered how ladies retained texture with relaxers, I didn’t know that it was possible to vary how relaxed the hair gets. With rebonding, i’ve found that hair sometimes develop a permanent kink if bent at a particular point (for eg in a ponytail) if done too soon after the process. Does that happen with relaxing? And does relaxing also cause hair to become very rubbery and elastic when wet? Sorry i have so many questions!

February 19th, 2018, 12:55 PM
Beeboo123, I think I can answer your questions. I'm sure one of the ladies here will correct me and give you the full run down later.

When you relax your hair it goes through a smoothing process. Where you literally smooth the hair straight while the relaxer in on your hair. Generally, the better the smooth the straighter the hair will get. There's other factors too, but the smoothing process is meant to set the hair, from what I understand. Since the hair is set straight the chemicals then do their thing.

I've had no problem ponytailing straight after a relaxer, I've sat their in front of the hairdresser and ponytailed with no comment. You just have to be careful because it's a tad delicate.

Oh and if the hair is kept well, it just feels like normal. My hair never felt any different than washing my curly hair. A bit dry on the first day, but that's all.

February 19th, 2018, 01:43 PM
Beeboo123, I think I can answer your questions. I'm sure one of the ladies here will correct me and give you the full run down later.

When you relax your hair it goes through a smoothing process. Where you literally smooth the hair straight while the relaxer in on your hair. Generally, the better the smooth the straighter the hair will get. There's other factors too, but the smoothing process is meant to set the hair, from what I understand. Since the hair is set straight the chemicals then do their thing.

I've had no problem ponytailing straight after a relaxer, I've sat their in front of the hairdresser and ponytailed with no comment. You just have to be careful because it's a tad delicate.

Oh and if the hair is kept well, it just feels like normal. My hair never felt any different than washing my curly hair. A bit dry on the first day, but that's all.

I would agree with Chomsky. You can pony as much as you like. As soon as you like.

Ditto for if the hair is kept well, there shouldn’t be a rubbery or over stretchy feeling. Typically if it is, a very hard protein treatment followed up by a mask or deep condition is needed.

And I agree with the straightening part. You can keep a relaxer on the hair and never smooth, and quite a bit of the curls and texture will still be there.

February 20th, 2018, 06:08 AM
Experiencing some growth!

The longest parts are maybe 1-2inches from TBL

https://i.imgflip.com/24xwo8.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/24xwo8)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

They might be difficult to see, but they are starting to get on the first white stripe of my shorts. I’ll probably wear these for progress pictures.

Hemline is doing a bit better.

February 20th, 2018, 07:13 AM
Experiencing some growth!

The longest parts are maybe 1-2inches from TBL

https://i.imgflip.com/24xwo8.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/24xwo8)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

They might be difficult to see, but they are starting to get on the first white stripe of my shorts. I’ll probably wear these for progress pictures.

Hemline is doing a bit better.

Congrats! You’re going to reach TBL in no time at all

February 20th, 2018, 07:41 AM
Its interesting to see you dislike Dark and Lovely. I use it with no issues at all. The ORS was too weak for my hair. It was too underprocessed for my liking. I have never tried the others.

Experiencing some growth!

The longest parts are maybe 1-2inches from TBL

https://i.imgflip.com/24xwo8.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/24xwo8)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

They might be difficult to see, but they are starting to get on the first white stripe of my shorts. I’ll probably wear these for progress pictures.

Hemline is doing a bit better.

Wow, thats amazing retention. You are definitely going down as one of my long hair inspirations

February 20th, 2018, 08:11 AM
Its interesting to see you dislike Dark and Lovely. I use it with no issues at all. The ORS was too weak for my hair. It was too underprocessed for my liking. I have never tried the others.

Wow, thats amazing retention. You are definitely going down as one of my long hair inspirations

Dark and Lovely gets my hair super straight, but even when basing my scalp and the edges, it’s like it eats right through the jelly and starts irritating my scalp. I’m not sure what concentration they have their relaxers at, but even when going fairly quickly it just burns immediately.

And I agree about ORS. Doesn’t do much for getting me straight enough.

And thank you! Can’t wait to start fixing up this ragged hemline of mine.

February 20th, 2018, 08:13 AM
Congrats! You’re going to reach TBL in no time at all

I need to distract myself from constantly doing length checks. Seems like almost after every wash I snap a picture to observe the length. Pretty much the same every time. I had been gone for quite a while and I was mostly busy with school and training, which takes my mind off of my hair.

Eventually I’ll get distracted and start focusing on something else again. Anything that keeps my fingers out of my hair.

February 20th, 2018, 09:33 PM
I need to distract myself from constantly doing length checks. Seems like almost after every wash I snap a picture to observe the length. Pretty much the same every time. I had been gone for quite a while and I was mostly busy with school and training, which takes my mind off of my hair.

Eventually I’ll get distracted and start focusing on something else again. Anything that keeps my fingers out of my hair.

I usually do length checks once a month. Because, mine don't seem to change either. That is also because my hair grows a half an inch per month. Yes, I know whatcha mean about getting distracted, and your mind thinks about doing something else other than hair.

February 22nd, 2018, 07:28 AM
I also find myself doing length checks pretty often. So I hope having this protective style will distract me as I gain more length.

AutobotsAttack and Dark40, which protective styles are your go tos? Especially when you are close to getting your next relaxer?

February 22nd, 2018, 01:36 PM
I also find myself doing length checks pretty often. So I hope having this protective style will distract me as I gain more length.

AutobotsAttack and Dark40, which protective styles are your go tos? Especially when you are close to getting your next relaxer?

Usually flat twists. Mostly to just keep my new growth separated, so there’s not so much tangling going on. If I’m not in the mood to keep flat twists in for a while, ill have my mom cornrow my hair and keep those in for a week or two. But I won’t start doing those protective styles until like month five or six. The earlier months I’ll just do bun variations.

February 22nd, 2018, 08:48 PM
I also find myself doing length checks pretty often. So I hope having this protective style will distract me as I gain more length.

AutobotsAttack and Dark40, which protective styles are your go tos? Especially when you are close to getting your next relaxer?

Mostly my protective styles before relaxing is ponytails or 2 braids.

February 25th, 2018, 10:44 PM
Bought some Shea butter. That seems to be the only oil/butter I haven’t used for a while.

Not sure if this is “true” Shea butter. It’s not the green or the yellow colored one just opaque white.

https://i.imgflip.com/25avis.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/25avis)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

https://i.imgflip.com/25avjr.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/25avjr)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

I’ve melted down half and mixed it in a few products I bought today. Feels super good on my skin and face.

It doesn’t melt down into a liquid quickly. Takes almost 30 mins for it to become liquified. So I just managed to soften it and whip it into other things. The remaining half I use for my skin.

Was 6$ at Target. Hopefully this will last me at least three to four months.

February 26th, 2018, 02:56 AM
Bought some Shea butter. That seems to be the only oil/butter I haven’t used for a while.

Not sure if this is “true” Shea butter. It’s not the green or the yellow colored one just opaque white.

https://i.imgflip.com/25avis.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/25avis)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

https://i.imgflip.com/25avjr.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/25avjr)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

I’ve melted down half and mixed it in a few products I bought today. Feels super good on my skin and face.

It doesn’t melt down into a liquid quickly. Takes almost 30 mins for it to become liquified. So I just managed to soften it and whip it into other things. The remaining half I use for my skin.

Was 6$ at Target. Hopefully this will last me at least three to four months.

I love shea butter. I use mine mainly for sealing. It helps my hair stay moisturised for longer, so I end up stretchingmy washes to every 2 weeks instead of every week. Which reminds me, I need to go buy some more shea butter in case of the zombie apocalypse

February 26th, 2018, 11:23 AM
I love shea butter. I use mine mainly for sealing. It helps my hair stay moisturised for longer, so I end up stretchingmy washes to every 2 weeks instead of every week. Which reminds me, I need to go buy some more shea butter in case of the zombie apocalypse


If you get a giant one save me some for the zombie apocalypse too.

Yay for Shea butter! :rockerdud

February 26th, 2018, 11:27 AM
I’m going to try and start stretching my washes again. Try lol.

I mostly CWC and only wash my scalp, but sometimes I don’t feel like washing daily or every other day.

But I have a finicky scalp, and washing frequently keeps all the sweat and grime away which usually gives me the itchies.

It’s also heavy pollinated where I live and that makes my eczema flare up including irritating my scalp. So I’m trying to figure out how I can stretch washes and still keep my scalp clean.

February 28th, 2018, 07:29 AM
I really hate these braids that I have on. They make my skin itch, they are a handy tool for my son to take revenge on me. Most of all, I really miss my hair. I cant wait for the long Easter weekend so I can get rid of them and pamper my hair

February 28th, 2018, 11:42 AM
I really hate these braids that I have on. They make my skin itch, they are a handy tool for my son to take revenge on me. Most of all, I really miss my hair. I cant wait for the long Easter weekend so I can get rid of them and pamper my hair

Do you use a synthetic blend for your braids?

March 1st, 2018, 06:41 AM
Do you use a synthetic blend for your braids?

Yes, I used synthetic hair this time. But I think next time I will stick to my own hair to save my sanity

March 1st, 2018, 08:38 PM
I’m going to try and start stretching my washes again. Try lol.

I mostly CWC and only wash my scalp, but sometimes I don’t feel like washing daily or every other day.

But I have a finicky scalp, and washing frequently keeps all the sweat and grime away which usually gives me the itchies.

It’s also heavy pollinated where I live and that makes my eczema flare up including irritating my scalp. So I’m trying to figure out how I can stretch washes and still keep my scalp clean.

I really wish that I can stretch out my washdays but I can't. Because, I noticed that my scalp gets oily daily, and I do like to keep a clean fresh scalp and hair. I had those days when you sweat too from working out. I mostly co-wash and shampoo once or twice a week.

March 2nd, 2018, 02:28 PM
I really wish that I can stretch out my washdays but I can't. Because, I noticed that my scalp gets oily daily, and I do like to keep a clean fresh scalp and hair. I had those days when you sweat too from working out. I mostly co-wash and shampoo once or twice a week.

Yea me too. I typically train very frequently. Haven’t been lately due to a few injuries, and money being tight. I always experience salt deposits on my hair around the roots. Makes them feel extremely hard even when wet.

I can stretch to two or three days, but that seems to be all I can do. I used to stretch for about a week, but I just can’t anymore.

March 2nd, 2018, 05:58 PM
Found a cool blog post explaining removing product buildup. Lots of sciency stuff too lol


March 3rd, 2018, 09:45 PM
Yea me too. I typically train very frequently. Haven’t been lately due to a few injuries, and money being tight. I always experience salt deposits on my hair around the roots. Makes them feel extremely hard even when wet.

I can stretch to two or three days, but that seems to be all I can do. I used to stretch for about a week, but I just can’t anymore.

Awwwww. I'm so sorry to hear about your injuries, and money being tight. Yeah, I know the feeling on that one. You always experience salt deposits? Hummmm, I've never heard of that happening to anyone before. I always love a clean scalp and hair. I can stretch to 3 days too. No longer than that. I can't stretch for a week anymore either. My hair becomes soooo greasy.

March 5th, 2018, 05:59 AM
I removed my braids this weekend. I couldn't stand the itching anymore. Last night after washing my hair, I realised my hairline has been totally wrecked by the braids.


Back to stage 1 of getting my hairline back. And as much as I love my husband, I won't be getting braids done for a really long time even for his sake

March 5th, 2018, 02:45 PM
I removed my braids this weekend. I couldn't stand the itching anymore. Last night after washing my hair, I realised my hairline has been totally wrecked by the braids.


Back to stage 1 of getting my hairline back. And as much as I love my husband, I won't be getting braids done for a really long time even for his sake

I know how you feel. It seems like the itching gets more intense as I get older. I didn’t really have this problem when my mom would braid my hair up as a kid.

Sorry about your hairline. Is it breakage? Or too much tension?

March 5th, 2018, 02:49 PM
Awwwww. I'm so sorry to hear about your injuries, and money being tight. Yeah, I know the feeling on that one. You always experience salt deposits? Hummmm, I've never heard of that happening to anyone before. I always love a clean scalp and hair. I can stretch to 3 days too. No longer than that. I can't stretch for a week anymore either. My hair becomes soooo greasy.

Concerning salt deposits.
It usually effects athletes, or people with higher salt content in their sweat. Sometimes you can actually see it. Once the sweat evaporated it’ll leave a white film on the skin or even scalp. Usually leaves after a shower.

A few of the guys that go to the gym I go have the same issue. It can be more troublesome for some than others. I mostly sweat from my scalp, and armpits so that’s where most of the issue comes from.

It’s not as bad as it once was though.

March 5th, 2018, 08:15 PM
Concerning salt deposits.
It usually effects athletes, or people with higher salt content in their sweat. Sometimes you can actually see it. Once the sweat evaporated it’ll leave a white film on the skin or even scalp. Usually leaves after a shower.

A few of the guys that go to the gym I go have the same issue. It can be more troublesome for some than others. I mostly sweat from my scalp, and armpits so that’s where most of the issue comes from.

It’s not as bad as it once was though.

Oh, ok. I see. Yeah, that is true that you can see it in your sweat. I also sweat in my scalp too. If I workout everyday I have to wash my hair and scalp every single day too. Thank goodness it's not as bad as it was once though.

March 6th, 2018, 04:20 AM
I know how you feel. It seems like the itching gets more intense as I get older. I didn’t really have this problem when my mom would braid my hair up as a kid.

Sorry about your hairline. Is it breakage? Or too much tension?

I think its tension. My hairline has been very fragile since I had post partum shedding

March 6th, 2018, 03:18 PM
I think its tension. My hairline has been very fragile since I had post partum shedding

Ahhh. Anything you’re gonna be using to baby it back? Or just kind of leave it alone for a bit?

March 7th, 2018, 04:40 AM
Ahhh. Anything you’re gonna be using to baby it back? Or just kind of leave it alone for a bit?

I will use shea butter to smooth my hair down, but I'm focusing on babying it now. No more tension, and lots of moisture

March 7th, 2018, 04:37 PM
I will use shea butter to smooth my hair down, but I'm focusing on babying it now. No more tension, and lots of moisture

I’ve tried Jamaican black castor oil once, but that stuff is just waaaaay too thick.

March 8th, 2018, 11:28 PM
Has anyone used carrot oil?

I haven’t really used it if at all, I think I used a blend once that had a bit of carrot oil in it. Can’t remember how my hair acted when I used it.

March 13th, 2018, 06:13 AM
Hi everyone. My hair is looking like such a horrible mess whenever I try to bun, so I have hidden it under a wig. I feel tempted to shave it all off

March 13th, 2018, 06:14 AM
Has anyone used carrot oil?

I haven’t really used it if at all, I think I used a blend once that had a bit of carrot oil in it. Can’t remember how my hair acted when I used it.

I have never used carrot oil. Interested in learning more about it

March 13th, 2018, 08:46 PM
Has anyone used carrot oil?

I haven’t really used it if at all, I think I used a blend once that had a bit of carrot oil in it. Can’t remember how my hair acted when I used it.

Yes, I've used carrot oil before. I don't use it that often though. But it has worked my hair lots of wonders!

March 13th, 2018, 08:47 PM
Hi everyone. My hair is looking like such a horrible mess whenever I try to bun, so I have hidden it under a wig. I feel tempted to shave it all off

Oh no, don't do that. I know, sometimes the way our hair behaves makes us want to cut or shave it all off. Maybe you can try to condition it. Hope that helps.

March 13th, 2018, 08:51 PM
Hi everyone, I'm planning on relaxing my hair tomorrow using the ORS Relaxer in Normal Strength. I've been using this relaxer for 3 years now, and it always works my hair lots of wonders!!! It really gets my hair very straight like the way I want it! I also love all of the products that comes in the kit as well. Especially, the Creamy Aloe Neutralizing Shampoo and the Replenishing Conditioner. I always love to use that conditioner as my light protein/moisturizing conditioner. Instead of a strong protein treatment.

March 14th, 2018, 08:39 PM
Yes, I've used carrot oil before. I don't use it that often though. But it has worked my hair lots of wonders!

I’m thinking about using it for a pre-poo or just a hot oil treatment.

March 14th, 2018, 08:40 PM
Hi everyone. My hair is looking like such a horrible mess whenever I try to bun, so I have hidden it under a wig. I feel tempted to shave it all off

I agree with Dark40, don’t cut it.

Is it just not staying in a bun? Or is it frizzy or tangled?

March 14th, 2018, 08:41 PM
Hi everyone, I'm planning on relaxing my hair tomorrow using the ORS Relaxer in Normal Strength. I've been using this relaxer for 3 years now, and it always works my hair lots of wonders!!! It really gets my hair very straight like the way I want it! I also love all of the products that comes in the kit as well. Especially, the Creamy Aloe Neutralizing Shampoo and the Replenishing Conditioner. I always love to use that conditioner as my light protein/moisturizing conditioner. Instead of a strong protein treatment.

Let us know how it turns out.

I always save the little packets of stuff, can’t tell you how many moisturizing lotions I have from relaxer kits that I haven’t used lol. I like little setting lotion packet ORS has. I never use it, but I’m thinking about starting to do roller sets. I suck at them, and would like to start teaching myself.

March 15th, 2018, 08:00 PM
Let us know how it turns out.

I always save the little packets of stuff, can’t tell you how many moisturizing lotions I have from relaxer kits that I haven’t used lol. I like little setting lotion packet ORS has. I never use it, but I’m thinking about starting to do roller sets. I suck at them, and would like to start teaching myself.

I did it! It turned out gorgeous with lots of healthy shine!

Yes, I also always save the little packets of stuff too. I let my mom use the moisturizing lotions. She loves them! I also have lots of the setter lotion packets of the ORS too. I was thinking the same thing in getting back into doing roller sets and also wraps. I suck at them too, lol. Yes, you gotta start teaching yourself on how to do those roller sets.

March 15th, 2018, 08:19 PM
I'm not planning on doing another relaxer treatment until another 6 weeks from now.

March 16th, 2018, 01:08 AM
I'm not planning on doing another relaxer treatment until another 6 weeks from now.

So how did this application go? Smooth?

March 16th, 2018, 01:17 AM
I made a “guide” of sorts to put here. Most of the ladies here know all this stuff, but to anyone else who comes into this thread who needs some general info, it’ll be in here. I’ll add to it as I gather more info.




March 16th, 2018, 04:14 PM
So how did this application go? Smooth?

The application process went very well, and smooth! I let my mother do it for me. Because, I wanted her to make sure she got every curl pattern out from the roots, and she did! My hair at the roots came out very straight and smooth! She also took time for the smoothing out process as well. That's why it came out so straight.

March 25th, 2018, 12:50 PM
The application process went very well, and smooth! I let my mother do it for me. Because, I wanted her to make sure she got every curl pattern out from the roots, and she did! My hair at the roots came out very straight and smooth! She also took time for the smoothing out process as well. That's why it came out so straight.

Apologies. I’m just now reading this, but I’m glad it went well!

The only reason I don’t let my mom relax my hair anymore is because she’s rather rough and heavy handed. Does a good smoothing job, but she isn’t as gentle as she could be.

March 25th, 2018, 12:52 PM
I’d love to see/know what all you guys buy when you do a product haul, or things you buy and stock up on for some months.

I’m going to go shopping soon, and I’m gonna try out some more things I’ve been wanting to try, and switch it up.

I’d love to see anything new you guys try out. Whenever you get the chance or would like to.

March 26th, 2018, 05:21 AM
Hi everyone, I'm planning on relaxing my hair tomorrow using the ORS Relaxer in Normal Strength. I've been using this relaxer for 3 years now, and it always works my hair lots of wonders!!! It really gets my hair very straight like the way I want it! I also love all of the products that comes in the kit as well. Especially, the Creamy Aloe Neutralizing Shampoo and the Replenishing Conditioner. I always love to use that conditioner as my light protein/moisturizing conditioner. Instead of a strong protein treatment.

I haven't gone further nto the thread, but how did your relaxer go? I also love the ORS shampoo and conditioner. Its only the relaxer that I am not a fan of.

March 26th, 2018, 05:29 AM
I’d love to see/know what all you guys buy when you do a product haul, or things you buy and stock up on for some months.

I’m going to go shopping soon, and I’m gonna try out some more things I’ve been wanting to try, and switch it up.

I’d love to see anything new you guys try out. Whenever you get the chance or would like to.

I'll probably go shopping for products soon. I'm running out of shampoo and conditioner. But my routine is so simple, I barely use anything new.

March 26th, 2018, 05:33 AM
I am still wearing a wig. My hair is looking better after a couple of deep conditionings and some shea butter therapy. I will look for hair scissors as well so that when I relax I will do a light trim. My hair line is also recovering well. The only solution for me now is to just avoid getting sewins and braids. I will stick to the wig regimen, especially now when we are going into winter

March 26th, 2018, 07:31 AM
I am still wearing a wig. My hair is looking better after a couple of deep conditionings and some shea butter therapy. I will look for hair scissors as well so that when I relax I will do a light trim. My hair line is also recovering well. The only solution for me now is to just avoid getting sewins and braids. I will stick to the wig regimen, especially now when we are going into winter

That’s good to hear your hair is doing better!

March 26th, 2018, 11:28 AM
I haven't gone further nto the thread, but how did your relaxer go? I also love the ORS shampoo and conditioner. Its only the relaxer that I am not a fan of.

The relaxing process went very well! I let my mother put it in for me, and the rest like shampooing and conditioning I did on my own. I also love the ORS shampoo and conditioner too. Why aren't you a fan of the relaxer? I've read and have heard from a lot people on here not liking the ORS relaxer. Me and my mom loves it.

March 28th, 2018, 08:46 AM
The relaxing process went very well! I let my mother put it in for me, and the rest like shampooing and conditioning I did on my own. I also love the ORS shampoo and conditioner too. Why aren't you a fan of the relaxer? I've read and have heard from a lot people on here not liking the ORS relaxer. Me and my mom loves it.

I don't like the relaxer just because it doesn't have any effect on my hair. No other reason. If I could find it in super strength, I would probably use it

March 28th, 2018, 08:33 PM
I don't like the relaxer just because it doesn't have any effect on my hair. No other reason. If I could find it in super strength, I would probably use it

Oh, ok I see. Yeah, if you can find it in the super strength it might do your hair a lot better than the normal strength. I love the effect it has on my hair and my mom's hair. And, both of our hair is very thick but hers is courser than mine. Mine is more on the curly side. I really wish I knew where you could find it in the super strength.

March 28th, 2018, 09:16 PM
Oh, ok I see. Yeah, if you can find it in the super strength it might do your hair a lot better than the normal strength. I love the effect it has on my hair and my mom's hair. And, both of our hair is very thick but hers is courser than mine. Mine is more on the curly side. I really wish I knew where you could find it in the super strength.

Are there beauty supply chains in your area? Sometimes they have them. Some Walgreens or CVS stores have them as well as Walmart. Not all of them do sadly.

March 29th, 2018, 08:46 AM
Are there beauty supply chains in your area? Sometimes they have them. Some Walgreens or CVS stores have them as well as Walmart. Not all of them do sadly.

In my country, I can only find the regular strength.

March 30th, 2018, 09:38 PM
Are there beauty supply chains in your area? Sometimes they have them. Some Walgreens or CVS stores have them as well as Walmart. Not all of them do sadly.

Yes, there are a lot of beauty supply chains in my area. I mostly purchase my strength at Walmart. It's a lot cheaper there. Yes, you are right. Not all of them have them so sadly.

March 30th, 2018, 09:39 PM
In my country, I can only find the regular strength.

Which country do you live in?

March 31st, 2018, 06:22 AM
In my country, I can only find the regular strength.

Ahh I see.

March 31st, 2018, 06:31 PM
In my country, I can only find the regular strength.

There is an online store that you can purchase the extra strength version. You can get it at: www.amazon.com.

April 8th, 2018, 11:50 PM
I bought this new line of conditioners from a brand I’ve never heard of.

It’s AMAZING! Super moisturizing. And very light weight. It’s eco friendly and the bottles are made from recycled plastic as well.

I got the coconut oil and Ylang Ylang, and MuruMuru butter with rose conditioners. 9$ at Walgreens.
https://i.imgflip.com/2809u8.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2809u8)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

I also bought the Mielle Mint deep conditioner. It’s got a very very strong mint scent which I kind of don’t like but I don’t mind all that much. It’s supposed to be a balancing deep conditioner and it does the job very well. It actually feels a bit better than the ORS replenishing Pak, so I think I’ve found a new replacement!

https://i.imgflip.com/280a25.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/280a25)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

I’ve also switched to witch hazel diluted with water as a replacement for shampoos. I use it as a daily rinse and it’s very saoftening and calming on my scalp.

That’s all I’ve bought for this round but I do want to try one of the Deva Curl products

April 9th, 2018, 04:45 PM
So I relaxed after about 5 months. I cut it a month short just because. I have been doing length checks so I knew about where my hair was going to fall.

https://i.imgflip.com/2822ug.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2822ug)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

I think I’ve made it to TBL, so I’m gonna call it for now. I think I’ll be able to make to classic length by Christmas or the end of December.

I used the Dr.Miracle’s regular strength, and it surprisingly got all of my new growth straight. I left the neutralizing shampoo on for 25 mins so I only had to rinse one more time and the water ran clear. I did a deep conditioning treatment with the Mielle organics protein/moisture balance, and then deep conditioned with the Shea Moisture with heat for 40 mins. I dried a little and then snapped this picture.

My hair is still pretty wet, but the middle part is doing better. I took this picture a few days ago when my hair was drier
https://i.imgflip.com/282387.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/282387)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)
That thinning spot has been thickening up a bit.

I’ve stopped detangling with a comb out of the shower and only finger detangle so it’s cutting down on the damage fairly well.

April 11th, 2018, 05:59 PM
Here’s a review of a few popular articles that debunks the correlation of relaxers and fibroids.

As I also suspected there’s too many illogical conclusions, not enough logical correlations, random guesses, and the research that has been conducted doesn’t seem to follow any structure. Things such as hormone changes, family history, genetic diseases, birth control or other contraceptives and their side effects are never taken into consideration.

April 13th, 2018, 08:36 AM
Which country do you live in?

Sorry I had gone for a mini break. I live in Zimbabwe

April 13th, 2018, 08:38 AM
So I relaxed after about 5 months. I cut it a month short just because. I have been doing length checks so I knew about where my hair was going to fall.

https://i.imgflip.com/2822ug.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2822ug)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

I think I’ve made it to TBL, so I’m gonna call it for now. I think I’ll be able to make to classic length by Christmas or the end of December.

I used the Dr.Miracle’s regular strength, and it surprisingly got all of my new growth straight. I left the neutralizing shampoo on for 25 mins so I only had to rinse one more time and the water ran clear. I did a deep conditioning treatment with the Mielle organics protein/moisture balance, and then deep conditioned with the Shea Moisture with heat for 40 mins. I dried a little and then snapped this picture.

My hair is still pretty wet, but the middle part is doing better. I took this picture a few days ago when my hair was drier
https://i.imgflip.com/282387.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/282387)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)
That thinning spot has been thickening up a bit.

I’ve stopped detangling with a comb out of the shower and only finger detangle so it’s cutting down on the damage fairly well.

Your hair looks absolutely amazing. Its definitely thickening up. Thank goodness you didn't cut your hair

April 13th, 2018, 08:44 AM
Sorry for the multiple posts. I have been feeling so sleepy, I forgot to multi-quote. Anyway, I am getting close to my 26 weeks post relaxer mark. I will do my touch up beginning of May, to get ready for my SIL's graduation. Lengthwise, I am close to BSL now. Like an inch away close. I'm super excited, because once I get there, that will be my longest length ever. It seems I am still on track for MBL by the end of this year. That's all with me. I am currently wearing wigs to minimise manipulation, and its working well.

April 13th, 2018, 11:56 AM
Your hair looks absolutely amazing. Its definitely thickening up. Thank goodness you didn't cut your hair

Aww thank you :)

Yea I kind of had a scissor happy thought

April 13th, 2018, 11:56 AM
Sorry for the multiple posts. I have been feeling so sleepy, I forgot to multi-quote. Anyway, I am getting close to my 26 weeks post relaxer mark. I will do my touch up beginning of May, to get ready for my SIL's graduation. Lengthwise, I am close to BSL now. Like an inch away close. I'm super excited, because once I get there, that will be my longest length ever. It seems I am still on track for MBL by the end of this year. That's all with me. I am currently wearing wigs to minimise manipulation, and its working well.

Yay! Congratulations! Let us know how the process goes

April 21st, 2018, 01:55 AM
I'm planning to do my relaxer next weekend. It will be around 26 weeks since my last relaxer by then. I'm doing henna today to give my hair a strength boost to prepare for the relaxer.

April 21st, 2018, 05:43 AM
I'm planning to do my relaxer next weekend. It will be around 26 weeks since my last relaxer by then. I'm doing henna today to give my hair a strength boost to prepare for the relaxer.

My next relaxer I’m going to try Cassia. I’m not familiar with henna or Indigo, and I want to try something that’s colorless of low color for the first time. But can’t wait to see the progress! Do you think you’ll be closer to MBL?

April 26th, 2018, 05:50 AM
My next relaxer I’m going to try Cassia. I’m not familiar with henna or Indigo, and I want to try something that’s colorless of low color for the first time. But can’t wait to see the progress! Do you think you’ll be closer to MBL?

Well, I'm not seeing a colour difference with the henna yet.

I hope I will be 1 inch from BSL. APL to BSL has been annoying. It has taken too long. Anyway, the relaxer is planned for saturday afternoon. Fingers crossed it goes well

April 26th, 2018, 10:18 AM
Well, I'm not seeing a colour difference with the henna yet.

I hope I will be 1 inch from BSL. APL to BSL has been annoying. It has taken too long. Anyway, the relaxer is planned for saturday afternoon. Fingers crossed it goes well

I’m sure you’ll be there! You probably already are!

April 26th, 2018, 09:08 PM
Sorry I had gone for a mini break. I live in Zimbabwe

That's okay. I apologize too. Because, I had gone on a mini break too. Oh, ok. I've never heard of such a place. I bet you don't get certain products like we get here in the USA.

April 27th, 2018, 06:41 AM
That's okay. I apologize too. Because, I had gone on a mini break too. Oh, ok. I've never heard of such a place. I bet you don't get certain products like we get here in the USA.

We definitely do not. What will be available (American products) will be ridiculously expensive

April 27th, 2018, 11:20 AM
That's okay. I apologize too. Because, I had gone on a mini break too. Oh, ok. I've never heard of such a place. I bet you don't get certain products like we get here in the USA.

It’s actually very beautiful over there. They have lovely highlands and Forest areas as well as Savannahs.

April 27th, 2018, 09:24 PM
We definitely do not. What will be available (American products) will be ridiculously expensive

I bet...lol. Is there a way you get(American products) online at: www.amazon.com
Or at: www.ebay.com
There are a lot of excellent American products sold online, and a lot of them work lots of wonders on my relaxed hair!

April 30th, 2018, 04:47 AM
It’s actually very beautiful over there. They have lovely highlands and Forest areas as well as Savannahs.

I may feel prejudiced because it's home, but it is very beautiful here. The view of the Victoria Falls (one of the Seven wonders of the world) is spectacular from our side of the Zambezi river.

I bet...lol. Is there a way you get(American products) online at: www.amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com)
Or at: www.ebay.com (http://www.ebay.com)
There are a lot of excellent American products sold online, and a lot of them work lots of wonders on my relaxed hair!

With duty and tax on import it, it still gets ridiculously expensive. I will just work with what we have available.

So I finally relaxed on Saturday. I trimmed off most of my progress because the hair was so thin. So I am just below APL again. My haor seems to have gotten straighter than I would normally prefer. I will see if its straight after I wash my hair this weekend, and probably get it flatironed. I didn't do any length shots, will see if I can manage to do a few tonight. I think after this, I will do my relaxer once a year, and also trim once a year.

April 30th, 2018, 03:25 PM
It’s actually very beautiful over there. They have lovely highlands and Forest areas as well as Savannahs.

Oh, I bet it is beautiful over there, and also have lovely highlands and Forest areas as well as Savannahs. I love Forest areas!

April 30th, 2018, 03:28 PM
I may feel prejudiced because it's home, but it is very beautiful here. The view of the Victoria Falls (one of the Seven wonders of the world) is spectacular from our side of the Zambezi river.

With duty and tax on import it, it still gets ridiculously expensive. I will just work with what we have available.

So I finally relaxed on Saturday. I trimmed off most of my progress because the hair was so thin. So I am just below APL again. My haor seems to have gotten straighter than I would normally prefer. I will see if its straight after I wash my hair this weekend, and probably get it flatironed. I didn't do any length shots, will see if I can manage to do a few tonight. I think after this, I will do my relaxer once a year, and also trim once a year.

Oh yes, I can understand that. You gotta work with what you got and what's available.

What kind of relaxer did you use on Saturday? Awwwww, what a shame that you had to trim off your progress because it was so thin. Ugh, I hated it when mine was at APL. That was an unusual length for me. It felt so short to me. I'm sure that your hair will regain it's length back and more again soon. Yes, I also think that doing a relaxer once a year and trimming once a year is enough to do. I do my relaxers 3 or 4 times a year.

June 3rd, 2018, 05:52 PM
So I’ve reached 31 inches. Almost halfway to classic from BCL.

Pictures will be coming soon. I did share a couple in some other threads though.

I decided to participate again in the braids challenge at least until the end of this year.

June 4th, 2018, 07:52 AM
So I’ve reached 31 inches. Almost halfway to classic from BCL.

Pictures will be coming soon. I did share a couple in some other threads though.

I decided to participate again in the braids challenge at least until the end of this year.

Congratulations on the progress.

I haven't been feeling well lately, so haircare has gone to the bottom of the priorities list.

June 5th, 2018, 10:18 AM
So I’ve reached 31 inches. Almost halfway to classic from BCL.

Pictures will be coming soon. I did share a couple in some other threads though.

I decided to participate again in the braids challenge at least until the end of this year.

Congratulations on reaching your milestone! I'm looking forward to reaching hip length at the end of this year. :D

June 5th, 2018, 12:36 PM
Congratulations on the progress.

I haven't been feeling well lately, so haircare has gone to the bottom of the priorities list.

I hope you feel better!

June 5th, 2018, 12:37 PM
Congratulations on reaching your milestone! I'm looking forward to reaching hip length at the end of this year. :D

Hip length is in bag for you. I think you’ll make it since you’re already at waist.

June 5th, 2018, 03:13 PM
Hip length is in bag for you. I think you’ll make it since you’re already at waist.

I think so too. Thank you very much for your confidence. My hair grows really fast. Especially, in the summer months. Well, I'm actually between MBL and waist but I still think that I will make it there at the end of the year without any trims. Because, I'm on the, "No Trimming Challenge."

June 5th, 2018, 08:01 PM
I think so too. Thank you very much for your confidence. My hair grows really fast. Especially, in the summer months. Well, I'm actually between MBL and waist but I still think that I will make it there at the end of the year without any trims. Because, I'm on the, "No Trimming Challenge."

Any time. Without the trims it’ll go much quicker. I haven’t trimmed my hair since I started growing my hair out. I don’t think I’ll trim until classic. Which I’m okay with.

June 6th, 2018, 09:40 AM
Any time. Without the trims it’ll go much quicker. I haven’t trimmed my hair since I started growing my hair out. I don’t think I’ll trim until classic. Which I’m okay with.

Yes, that's what I've been hearing about here online. That when you are trying to let your hair grow out you shouldn't trim as often. Maybe only once or twice a year. Yes, I think for you until you reach classic is a good idea to trim. I'm glad that I'm okay with no trims until I've reached my goal. Because, I very rarely get splits or scaggly ends. I've also learned that trimming often is a, "Myth." That does not help your hair to grow any faster, and I've known that through my experience. I would trim my hair every 2 months, and it kept on getting shorter. Or, it was staying the same length. This was before I joined here at the LHC.

July 25th, 2018, 08:44 AM
Hi guys, its been a while since I was last here. I have been in and out of hospital for the past 5 weeks, so haircare was almost zero. But I have managed to grow back to BSB. Not bad at all. I am also pregnant, and if this one goes like the last, my hair will grow like crazy, then I will have some serious post partum shedding. So, no more relaxers for a while though I am not transitioning to natural or anything like that. I will just wait until my hair is in a happy place.

How has everyone else been doing?

July 25th, 2018, 10:04 AM
Hi YvetteVarie! Welcome back!:) I was wondering where have you been. I'm so sorry to hear that you were in the hospital for a while. I'm glad that you are much better now. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! :D Yes, I've heard for many years that when you are pregnant your hair grows a lot faster like crazy but after having the baby you go through a tremendous amount of shedding. But you'll be fine. Your hair will grow back. Yes, stay away from the relaxers for a while until your hair gets back to it's happy state again. I also haven't been relaxing for the last 4 or 5 months either. Not that I'm transsioning to being natural either but it's just that I'm shocked at how long the straightness of my hair has been lasting a very long time!!! All I have to do is wash it and go. I've been noticing as I'm getting older that my hair type and texture have changing or reverting back to it's natural state! Which is between wavy/curly!

July 30th, 2018, 12:30 PM
Hi guys, its been a while since I was last here. I have been in and out of hospital for the past 5 weeks, so haircare was almost zero. But I have managed to grow back to BSB. Not bad at all. I am also pregnant, and if this one goes like the last, my hair will grow like crazy, then I will have some serious post partum shedding. So, no more relaxers for a while though I am not transitioning to natural or anything like that. I will just wait until my hair is in a happy place.

How has everyone else been doing?

Glad to see you pop in again!

Glad to see all went well with the baby. Your hair will be back to normal in no time!

I’ve been okay. Been particularly participating in the braid challenge. Trying to go all the way until Christmas. Think I’ve been holding steady for maybe 2 months now.

I’m close to 34 inches of hair. So a little passed TBL. Hopefully by Christmas I can be a few inches away from classic. My goal is 40” and then I’ll be spending some time microtrimming.

August 4th, 2018, 01:18 AM
Although I do find no issues touching up regularly or every 2-3 months. The key in doing that, is removing as much of the calcium build up as you possibly can. Which is why I encourage people to buy the bottles of neutralizing shampoos to keep throughout the year. That initial week after relaxer day, I’ll encourage people to wash their hair 1-2 more times in that week, because the washing after the relaxer, you never really get it all out even if the color indicator turns white.

After that you can go about your deep conditioning or protein treatments however you wish, but I find a deep conditioning treatment helps the most, but that is just my own speculation.

Same for lye formulas too.

Hello, I under process my hair once every six months. I also use a ide wooden comb to detangle my hair. In my opinion it works better than a wide tooth plastic comb. I moisrurize and seal every 2 to 3 days. I stoped using coconut oil because my hair felt dry. The one thing that also helped was filtered water for rinsing my hair. I need to find a filter for my shower. I also use a satin pillow case, and satin bonnet.

August 4th, 2018, 01:23 AM
Hello, I texlax my hair once every 6 months. I use a wide tooth wooden comb for detangling. I rinse my hair with filtered water. Moisturize & seal my hair every 2 to 3 days. I also use a satin bonnet & pillow case. I just recently had a setback, so I'm moisturizing and sealing more often.

August 4th, 2018, 11:05 AM
Hello, I texlax my hair once every 6 months. I use a wide tooth wooden comb for detangling. I rinse my hair with filtered water. Moisturize & seal my hair every 2 to 3 days. I also use a satin bonnet & pillow case. I just recently had a setback, so I'm moisturizing and sealing more often.

Keep up the good work!

Keep us posted on progress!

August 4th, 2018, 05:40 PM
Hi all, I did a relaxer treatment today after it has been 4 months. Now, I'm back at waist length again after I had to trim off 2cm a month ago.

August 4th, 2018, 05:44 PM
Hi all, I did a relaxer treatment today after it has been 4 months. Now, I'm back at waist length again after I had to trim off 2cm a month ago.

That’s awesome!

August 4th, 2018, 10:10 PM
Recent photo update.

https://i.imgflip.com/2fb74b.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2fb74b)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

The red line indicates Classic length. Think I’m about another 6 inches away. Trying to be patient.

That thinning spot is continuing to fill In nicely.

August 5th, 2018, 09:21 PM
That’s awesome!

Thank you! :)

August 5th, 2018, 09:22 PM
Recent photo update.

https://i.imgflip.com/2fb74b.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2fb74b)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

The red line indicates Classic length. Think I’m about another 6 inches away. Trying to be patient.

That thinning spot is continuing to fill In nicely.

Congratulations on your new milestone! Yes, that thinning spot is filling in nicely.

August 6th, 2018, 08:41 AM
Recent photo update.

https://i.imgflip.com/2fb74b.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2fb74b)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

The red line indicates Classic length. Think I’m about another 6 inches away. Trying to be patient.

That thinning spot is continuing to fill In nicely.

That was the first thing I noticed. Thank goodness you didn't trim off all your hair. Is classic your ultimate length?

August 7th, 2018, 11:08 AM
That was the first thing I noticed. Thank goodness you didn't trim off all your hair. Is classic your ultimate length?

My Ultimate length is around mid thigh, but I think I’ll microtrim and maintain for quite a while.

im glad I didn’t cut as much as a I wanted to. I actually did a 1/2 inch trim so I think that helps my hemline a bit too

October 28th, 2018, 09:54 AM
Hi ya'll! I'm newly relaxed and currently enjoying it very much. Today is relaxer day after being almost six months post. I'm having trouble controlling breakage in the middle of my hemline. I think this may be due to stretching. How do you all handle it?

October 28th, 2018, 01:10 PM
Hi there! :) Welcome to the thread! Yes, if you stretch relaxers too long it can cause breakage. That's what I've heard and have seen on others. I never stretch out my relaxers no longer than 3 or 4 months. But during my stretching I make sure I use heavy duty conditioners, and keeping it moisturized with oils and creams.

October 28th, 2018, 04:09 PM
Hi ya'll! I'm newly relaxed and currently enjoying it very much. Today is relaxer day after being almost six months post. I'm having trouble controlling breakage in the middle of my hemline. I think this may be due to stretching. How do you all handle it?

It can be a lot of things, but even with long amounts of stretching, I’ve found that my hemline would thin in that area from manipulating it too much.

If you section your hair, it should come down to how you section it. Instead of the basic four parts, split your hair in half horizontally, and split that section in 3. Less hair you have in a part the less tension you need to detangle it.

Keep adding moisture to that area if it’s prone to dryness. Maybe relax that section last if you find that it’s sensitive.

Not sure if you use combs or brushes but also maybe try just finger detangling that part of your hair, and then you can use a wide tooth comb for the rest of your hair that isn’t as sensitive.

I had the same problem too. Manipulation from any utensil was severely breaking off the middle of my hemline.

Here’s a before picture:
https://i.imgflip.com/2l6jo9.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2l6jo9)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

My hemline had broken off up to near BSL in the middle.

Here’s about 4-5 months afterwards of just finger separating/detangling:
https://i.imgflip.com/2l6jt4.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2l6jt4)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

I still have a slight bit of thinning in that area, but it’s mostly filled in.

So I’d say see if over manipulation of a factor (you have to observe your hair for some weeks, and notice which hairs are shed vs.broken), and probably throw in some more frequent protein treatments since you’re relaxed now.

October 28th, 2018, 07:31 PM
It can be a lot of things, but even with long amounts of stretching, I’ve found that my hemline would thin in that area from manipulating it too much.

If you section your hair, it should come down to how you section it. Instead of the basic four parts, split your hair in half horizontally, and split that section in 3. Less hair you have in a part the less tension you need to detangle it.

Keep adding moisture to that area if it’s prone to dryness. Maybe relax that section last if you find that it’s sensitive.

Not sure if you use combs or brushes but also maybe try just finger detangling that part of your hair, and then you can use a wide tooth comb for the rest of your hair that isn’t as sensitive.

I had the same problem too. Manipulation from any utensil was severely breaking off the middle of my hemline.

Here’s a before picture:
https://i.imgflip.com/2l6jo9.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2l6jo9)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

My hemline had broken off up to near BSL in the middle.

Here’s about 4-5 months afterwards of just finger separating/detangling:
https://i.imgflip.com/2l6jt4.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2l6jt4)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

I still have a slight bit of thinning in that area, but it’s mostly filled in.

So I’d say see if over manipulation of a factor (you have to observe your hair for some weeks, and notice which hairs are shed vs.broken), and probably throw in some more frequent protein treatments since you’re relaxed now.

Autobots, my hair looks exactly like your before picture. My stylist says that I should cut it to where it's thin but I don't really want to lose all that length at once. Your pictures have given me hope.

Are/Were you microtrimming to even out your hemline? If you were, how much/how often were you trimming? Did you only trim when you did your relaxers?

October 28th, 2018, 07:37 PM
Autobots, my hair looks exactly like your before picture. My stylist says that I should cut it to where it's thin but I don't really want to lose all that length at once. Your pictures have given me hope.

Are/Were you microtrimming to even out your hemline? If you were, how much/how often were you trimming? Did you only trim when you did your relaxers?

I actually hadn’t trimmed my hair in years since starting to grow it out. Nearly 4 years ago. I did do a recent trim on that last update picture towards the top of this page. But that was like 2 months ago.

That doesn’t mean you don’t have to trim. If anything you can do a quarter inch trim. Whatever time you feel like doing it. If you want to trim after a relaxer I’d say go for it just to keep track of your trimming.

Or you can opt to not trim, for however long you want, and then trim waaaaay later. Maybe 1/2 inch to an inch or whatever feels comfortable for you. If you do trim your hemline will look a lot cleaner than mine does for sure.

November 12th, 2018, 07:01 AM
Thank you Autobotsattack.

A question for the relaxed ladies... How do you know when your hair is completely processed? My hair is currently texlaxed (as you can see in my picture) and I want to go straight but I'm not sure how to know when my hair is straight/processed enough.

November 12th, 2018, 12:03 PM
Thank you Autobotsattack.

A question for the relaxed ladies... How do you know when your hair is completely processed? My hair is currently texlaxed (as you can see in my picture) and I want to go straight but I'm not sure how to know when my hair is straight/processed enough.

If you want your hair straighter or completely processed it's best to leave the relaxer on for 15 minutes, and in the meantime during the 15 minutes I always check the straightness of my hair. I try not to leave in the relaxer no longer than 15 minutes. Or, you will have overprocessed hair.

November 13th, 2018, 03:43 PM
If you want your hair straighter or completely processed it's best to leave the relaxer on for 15 minutes, and in the meantime during the 15 minutes I always check the straightness of my hair. I try not to leave in the relaxer no longer than 15 minutes. Or, you will have overprocessed hair.

So once you see your hair is straight, you just rinse it out and neutralize? I ask because it looked straight when I rinsed but after rinsing, I noticed some waviness still.

Maybe I should patch test a strand?

November 13th, 2018, 06:01 PM
So once you see your hair is straight, you just rinse it out and neutralize? I ask because it looked straight when I rinsed but after rinsing, I noticed some waviness still.

Maybe I should patch test a strand?

Yes, always do a patch test a strand first, and yes, once you see it straight then rinse it out and neutralize. Since you Texlax how long did you leave the relaxer in? I've seen people that Texlax only leave the relaxer in their hair for 8 minutes. Especially, if they still want some texture to it. But if you want it pin straight you leave on for 15 minutes. Or, however long the instructions say.

November 14th, 2018, 05:21 AM
What's the longest you have stretched your relaxers for? I'm currently at 7 months since my last relaxer. I will probably relax next year in June

November 14th, 2018, 08:19 PM
So once you see your hair is straight, you just rinse it out and neutralize? I ask because it looked straight when I rinsed but after rinsing, I noticed some waviness still.

Maybe I should patch test a strand?

To an extent, my hair never truely gets straight.
Most of the insanely bone straight hair relaxed hair done by stylists, is done with a comb. In a sense they “straighten” the hair out even more by running a comb through it. The problem with that is that it becomes not so practical, the longer your hair gets. There’s no way not going to damage or tangle my hair by doing that.

What I’ve done is let whatever current relaxer I’m applying, overlap a bit onto the hair that didn’t straighten out from the last relaxer. Even with smoothing I still don’t get my hair completely straight. So I just rely on a bit of overlap, which usually gets the rest of my hair completely bone straight.

November 14th, 2018, 08:48 PM
What's the longest you have stretched your relaxers for? I'm currently at 7 months since my last relaxer. I will probably relax next year in June

I stretch me relaxers out to 4 or 5 months. I can't stretch too long. Because, I start to notice a lot of abnormal shedding or hair loss. That's great that you've stretched yours out for 7 months since your last relaxer! I really wish I could stretch mine out for a year. I know that I would have some much hair loss, and I enjoy having the straightness. My hair is so thick! And, my curls get's thicker as it grows out. You remind me of this girl I'm following on Facebook and Youtube. Her name is, "Shimahair21." She always stretches her relaxers out to 9 months. Between last year is this year she had stretched her relaxers out for 2 years but she explained in her "Live videos," that she experienced a lot of breakage. :( At first she had CL hair, and then she showed were she had to cut her hair off up to her waist. :( I was really disappointed. But I'm hoping that it all grew back now.

November 17th, 2018, 01:03 PM
Yes, always do a patch test a strand first, and yes, once you see it straight then rinse it out and neutralize. Since you Texlax how long did you leave the relaxer in? I've seen people that Texlax only leave the relaxer in their hair for 8 minutes. Especially, if they still want some texture to it. But if you want it pin straight you leave on for 15 minutes. Or, however long the instructions say.

I want my hair to be as straight as possible without unnecessary damage. I feel texlaxed hair doesn't work well for me in terms of hair care and styling. I'll try doing a patch test and seeing what happens. Part of me wants to go to a stylist and get it professionally done but I'm afraid they'll over process or damage my hair.

However, I don't want to do it at home and overprocess my hair because I have to keep doing corrective relaxers.

What's the longest you have stretched your relaxers for? I'm currently at 7 months since my last relaxer. I will probably relax next year in June

I've found I can only stretch 3-4 months before I start encountering a lot of breakage and matting.

To an extent, my hair never truely gets straight.
Most of the insanely bone straight hair relaxed hair done by stylists, is done with a comb. In a sense they “straighten” the hair out even more by running a comb through it. The problem with that is that it becomes not so practical, the longer your hair gets. There’s no way not going to damage or tangle my hair by doing that.

What I’ve done is let whatever current relaxer I’m applying, overlap a bit onto the hair that didn’t straighten out from the last relaxer. Even with smoothing I still don’t get my hair completely straight. So I just rely on a bit of overlap, which usually gets the rest of my hair completely bone straight.

Maybe I'll try that on my next relaxer day. I don't need my hair bone straight but I'd like it pretty straight if that makes sense. Your hair is probably my goal since it still has a little texture and thickness to it.

November 17th, 2018, 05:19 PM
I want my hair to be as straight as possible without unnecessary damage. I feel texlaxed hair doesn't work well for me in terms of hair care and styling. I'll try doing a patch test and seeing what happens. Part of me wants to go to a stylist and get it professionally done but I'm afraid they'll over process or damage my hair.

However, I don't want to do it at home and overprocess my hair because I have to keep doing corrective relaxers.

I've found I can only stretch 3-4 months before I start encountering a lot of breakage and matting.

Maybe I'll try that on my next relaxer day. I don't need my hair bone straight but I'd like it pretty straight if that makes sense. Your hair is probably my goal since it still has a little texture and thickness to it.

I don't blame you on that note. I always like for my hair to be as straight as possible too. Or, I love it bone straight. Well, I always like to do mine at home. Because, I think some hair stylists do cause more damage than you would yourself. Yeah, texlax doesn't work for me either. They have some really good relaxers out there that won't cause damage! I use the one that's called, "ORS(Organic Root Stimulator) with olive oil in it, and that always protects my hair from damage or breakage, and i also love to use some of their other products too. Like, their light protein conditioner that comes with the kit.

November 18th, 2018, 01:32 PM
I don't blame you on that note. I always like for my hair to be as straight as possible too. Or, I love it bone straight. Well, I always like to do mine at home. Because, I think some hair stylists do cause more damage than you would yourself. Yeah, texlax doesn't work for me either. They have some really good relaxers out there that won't cause damage! I use the one that's called, "ORS(Organic Root Stimulator) with olive oil in it, and that always protects my hair from damage or breakage, and i also love to use some of their other products too. Like, their light protein conditioner that comes with the kit.

I've heard great things about that relaxer! I think I'm going to try it out.

Because I'm treating this next relaxer as a virgin relaxer, would it be bad to brush the relaxer through my hair? I wouldn't do it when I'm doing touch ups of course, but I'd really like to get the length straight.

November 18th, 2018, 08:27 PM
I've heard great things about that relaxer! I think I'm going to try it out.

Because I'm treating this next relaxer as a virgin relaxer, would it be bad to brush the relaxer through my hair? I wouldn't do it when I'm doing touch ups of course, but I'd really like to get the length straight.

Oh yesssss, that relaxer is the bomb! You should give it a try, and they come in 2 or 3 different formulas for different hair types and textures. I always get the one for, "normal hair." I the other formulas are mild and super, and the normal one gets my hair all over very straight!!! Yes, I think since you're treating this as a virgin relaxer you can brush it through your hair. Especially, since you would the length straight.

November 18th, 2018, 09:43 PM
I've heard great things about that relaxer! I think I'm going to try it out.

Because I'm treating this next relaxer as a virgin relaxer, would it be bad to brush the relaxer through my hair? I wouldn't do it when I'm doing touch ups of course, but I'd really like to get the length straight.

Just comb in small sections. Pre-part beforehand. Super time efficient

November 20th, 2018, 06:42 AM
Oh yesssss, that relaxer is the bomb! You should give it a try, and they come in 2 or 3 different formulas for different hair types and textures. I always get the one for, "normal hair." I the other formulas are mild and super, and the normal one gets my hair all over very straight!!! Yes, I think since you're treating this as a virgin relaxer you can brush it through your hair. Especially, since you would the length straight.

Just comb in small sections. Pre-part beforehand. Super time efficient

Thank you both for all the advice. I plan on patch testing some time this week.

Can't wait to see how it turns out!

November 20th, 2018, 05:07 PM
Thank you both for all the advice. I plan on patch testing some time this week.

Can't wait to see how it turns out!

You're welcome! :) Keep us posted on how it turns out!

November 25th, 2018, 11:23 PM
Installed box braids mixed with twists.

Current length when braided:
https://i.imgflip.com/2nfy07.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/2nfy07)

Aloe Vera juice to moisturize, Used flaxseed gel to braid/twist, and unsalted butter to seal,

January 20th, 2019, 03:57 PM
I'm just checking in saying that 2 weeks ago I've relaxed my hair, and now it's 2" below my waist! I am so excited that it has stretched to below WL!

January 20th, 2019, 03:58 PM
Thank you both for all the advice. I plan on patch testing some time this week.

Can't wait to see how it turns out!

You're welcome for the advice. Keep us posted on how it turns out!

February 22nd, 2019, 06:53 AM
Length check: on damp stretched hair

Once again, my middle area is thinning out due to sensitivity.

When it’s dry and Unstretched it looks like this:

So not too bad when dry, but nonetheless, still noticeable when damp.

I think there’s a couple of reasons this happens.
1. I can’t reach or see the crown/back of my head very well, so often times I’ll miss an area that’s tangled and it’ll go untangled for some days and cause breakage.
2. Since I can’t see that area very well, I might not be applying enough product leading to dryness.

Either way, I’m just going to continue to be gentle with that area, and do my best to apply more product to those sensitive areas, and do a bit more protein treatments.

Once I reach Classic, or nearly there, I’ll start trimming and maintaining there for a while to let my hemline thicken up.

February 22nd, 2019, 08:06 AM
Length check: on damp stretched hair

Once again, my middle area is thinning out due to sensitivity.

When it’s dry and Unstretched it looks like this:

So not too bad when dry, but nonetheless, still noticeable when damp.

I think there’s a couple of reasons this happens.
1. I can’t reach or see the crown/back of my head very well, so often times I’ll miss an area that’s tangled and it’ll go untangled for some days and cause breakage.
2. Since I can’t see that area very well, I might not be applying enough product leading to dryness.

Either way, I’m just going to continue to be gentle with that area, and do my best to apply more product to those sensitive areas, and do a bit more protein treatments.

Once I reach Classic, or nearly there, I’ll start trimming and maintaining there for a while to let my hemline thicken up.

wow your hair is lovely :heartbeat and I am amazed at how long you have been able to grow it while using relaxers.

I used to chemically straighten my hair (Japanese Hair Straightening treatment) and I could never grow past APL. I would always end up with a chemical cut or my ends would be so bad that when I would go in for my next treatment, the stylish would snip those ends off. I honestly didnt think it was possible to grow long hair while treating hair with relaxers but you are certainly proof that it is possible! I also did mistreat my hair badly; dye, flat iron, curling iron, blow dry etc and never really deep conditioned it. I was just so clueless really.

February 22nd, 2019, 08:41 AM
Length check: on damp stretched hair

Once again, my middle area is thinning out due to sensitivity.

When it’s dry and Unstretched it looks like this:

So not too bad when dry, but nonetheless, still noticeable when damp.

I think there’s a couple of reasons this happens.
1. I can’t reach or see the crown/back of my head very well, so often times I’ll miss an area that’s tangled and it’ll go untangled for some days and cause breakage.
2. Since I can’t see that area very well, I might not be applying enough product leading to dryness.

Either way, I’m just going to continue to be gentle with that area, and do my best to apply more product to those sensitive areas, and do a bit more protein treatments.

Once I reach Classic, or nearly there, I’ll start trimming and maintaining there for a while to let my hemline thicken up.

It's growing steadily along, that's always good, especially with such harsh products as relaxers! Good job! :)

February 22nd, 2019, 11:28 AM
wow your hair is lovely :heartbeat and I am amazed at how long you have been able to grow it while using relaxers.

I used to chemically straighten my hair (Japanese Hair Straightening treatment) and I could never grow past APL. I would always end up with a chemical cut or my ends would be so bad that when I would go in for my next treatment, the stylish would snip those ends off. I honestly didnt think it was possible to grow long hair while treating hair with relaxers but you are certainly proof that it is possible! I also did mistreat my hair badly; dye, flat iron, curling iron, blow dry etc and never really deep conditioned it. I was just so clueless really.

Well, thank you so much!

Believe me, I didn’t start out treating my hair nicely either. I always colored it, relaxed it, AND straightened it, which led to it never growing past my neck. I wasn’t too keen on stylists back then, as I am now, so I’d “trim” my hair on my own, but it mostly just cutting chunks of hair off to try and style it.

My main concern now is focusing on removing the ionic deposits as quickly and thoroughly as possible, and then following up with consistent protein treatments. If I keep that in check I tend to not have problems.

My main issue now is just the fine texture of my hair. Whether I’m relaxed or natural is just very fine and delicate, so I often times go back and forth between gauging how much to manipulate it, and how much I shouldn’t. But I’m always caught in a crossroads because I have a sensitive scalp which likes to be washed a bit regularly, but I have fine individual strands that like to be left alone.

Can’t have your cake and eat it too I guess lol.

February 22nd, 2019, 11:31 AM
It's growing steadily along, that's always good, especially with such harsh products as relaxers! Good job! :)

Thanks! Needing to be more patient, but it’s getting there.

April 14th, 2019, 10:12 AM
I was interested in buying Matcha Butter. Rarely heard of it until I tried a Deva Curl Mask that was full of it. My hair likes it, but it is on the heavier side, so I’m thinking about making cutting it with an oil to lighten it up. Has anyone tried Matcha Butter?

April 14th, 2019, 04:48 PM
No, I've never tried Matcha Butter. Never heard of it. First time hearing about it.

April 14th, 2019, 06:57 PM
I was interested in buying Matcha Butter. Rarely heard of it until I tried a Deva Curl Mask that was full of it. My hair likes it, but it is on the heavier side, so I’m thinking about making cutting it with an oil to lighten it up. Has anyone tried Matcha Butter?

My hair isnt relaxed, my hair is curly and therefore dry and so it needs a ton of moisture. For me, my absolute favorite conditioning mask is Melt Into Moisture which is a matcha butter conditioning mask. It is the only treatment that makes my hair buttery soft. Anything else I have used has been fine but nothing comes close in terms of moisturizing and softening my hair.

So I am definitely a fan of matcha butter but I have never purchased just pure matcha butter. Would be interested to know how it works for you if you do try it. I might give it a go as well.

April 15th, 2019, 01:21 AM
My hair isnt relaxed, my hair is curly and therefore dry and so it needs a ton of moisture. For me, my absolute favorite conditioning mask is Melt Into Moisture which is a matcha butter conditioning mask. It is the only treatment that makes my hair buttery soft. Anything else I have used has been fine but nothing comes close in terms of moisturizing and softening my hair.

So I am definitely a fan of matcha butter but I have never purchased just pure matcha butter. Would be interested to know how it works for you if you do try it. I might give it a go as well.

There’s a few Etsy shops that I see have them. Although I might go with amazon, since I can get more for a bit less, minus shipping as well. I’ll keep you updated.

April 15th, 2019, 06:38 AM
Hey everyone. It's been ages since I was last on this thread. My last relaxer was a year ago. I found out I was pregnant soon after, and gave up relaxing for the duration of the pregnancy. I'm currently considering whether to relax now, or wait until June, and relax once a year from then on. My hair thrives when I stretch my relaxers, and since I texlax, there's no line of demarcation since my relaxed texture and natural texture are similar. I only relax to make my hair less bulky (I have a lot of hair).

AutobotsAttack, your hair is progressing well in getting filled in. And I'm interested in learning more about matcha butter (but I know I will never use it since I won't find it on my side of the world)

April 15th, 2019, 03:42 PM
Hey everyone. It's been ages since I was last on this thread. My last relaxer was a year ago. I found out I was pregnant soon after, and gave up relaxing for the duration of the pregnancy. I'm currently considering whether to relax now, or wait until June, and relax once a year from then on. My hair thrives when I stretch my relaxers, and since I texlax, there's no line of demarcation since my relaxed texture and natural texture are similar. I only relax to make my hair less bulky (I have a lot of hair).

AutobotsAttack, your hair is progressing well in getting filled in. And I'm interested in learning more about matcha butter (but I know I will never use it since I won't find it on my side of the world)

Hey! Welcome back! :) Yes, you haven't been in here for a while now. Wow, you haven't relaxed your hair in a year??? I wish that I could stretch mine out that long! I would have some much breakage. I have to at least relax 2 or 3 times a year. My hair thrives too when I stretch my relaxers out to the 3 or 4 months. During the stretching periods all I do is co-wash and deep condition. Well, it's really good to have you back with us! :)

April 16th, 2019, 03:47 AM
Hey! Welcome back! :) Yes, you haven't been in here for a while now. Wow, you haven't relaxed your hair in a year??? I wish that I could stretch mine out that long! I would have some much breakage. I have to at least relax 2 or 3 times a year. My hair thrives too when I stretch my relaxers out to the 3 or 4 months. During the stretching periods all I do is co-wash and deep condition. Well, it's really good to have you back with us! :)

I had been busy evicting DS2 from my body this year. Getting used to the sleepless nights was a lot but I'm back now.

I had always been interested in stretching my relaxers for this long, but this was completely unintentional. I was more in the benign neglect camp. I would shampoo, deep condition then get cornrows for a month. My pregnancy was horrible, and I had little energy for anything except growing the baby, and cuddling DH and DS1. But I'm back now and ready for serious hair growing.

April 19th, 2019, 08:47 PM
I had been busy evicting DS2 from my body this year. Getting used to the sleepless nights was a lot but I'm back now.

I had always been interested in stretching my relaxers for this long, but this was completely unintentional. I was more in the benign neglect camp. I would shampoo, deep condition then get cornrows for a month. My pregnancy was horrible, and I had little energy for anything except growing the baby, and cuddling DH and DS1. But I'm back now and ready for serious hair growing.

Oh, ok I see. What is DS2? Yeah, I know whatcha mean about getting through those sleepless nights. I've also always been interested in stretching my relaxers for this long too. Yes, I'm sure that it was unintentional. I bet it was more in the benign neglect camp. It's a good thing you shampooed, deep conditioned and got the cornrows for a month. Awwww, I'm so sorry that you had a horrible pregnancy, and I bet you did have little energy for anything except growing the baby, and cuddling DH and DS1. I'm glad to see you back now and ready for some serious hair growing.

May 14th, 2019, 12:52 AM
Quick check in. I shared this post in another thread as well. Someone was saying they can’t see it, but it looks fine to me.

Figured I’d post my most recent length shot. Can’t remember when I took this, but it around late April? I wanna say.

About 2-2.5 inches from Classic.

May 14th, 2019, 12:55 AM
@Yvette Marie, I actually found out Matcha is a green tea, that’s ground down and added to various Butters. Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, MuruMuru Butter, Etc.

I tried a sample of it from an Etsy store, and just mixed it with a small bit of Shea Butter I have on hand. It’s fairly softening, for what it’s worth. I don’t rinse the Shea Butter out, I just add a small amount in sections through out my hair and put it up, until wash day.

May 14th, 2019, 01:19 AM
Another update on current hair care practices:

Things that are working for me:

•shampooing roots only
•Scalp massages
•keeping my hair separated. E,g braids, twists.
•applying Shea Butter. Queen Shea is the best!
•going back to frequent washing. My scalp is too sensitive to not to.
•keeping my scalp clean, no products directly on scalp
•drying hair with micro fiber towel
•making smaller sections when detangling
•egg protein treatment (yolks only)

Things that are not working for me:
•stretching washes farther than 3 days
•hair forks (certain ones. Anything more than two prongs will inevitably snag)
•coconut oil (protein buildup)
•ACV rinses (just not needed anymore)

My whole regimen, isn’t even really a regimen anymore. I just give my hair and scalp what it needs according to any symptoms I’m experiencing like itchy scalp, dry ends, hair clumping together, buildup, etc.

I recently had a bad scalp flare up due to the seasons changing, but it’s calmed down quite a bit now that the weather isn’t all over the place.

Hopefully I’ll be seeing Classic by the time my next semester of classes starts. So excited! After that it will be my first official micro trim, and from then on I will be working on thickening up my ends and maintaining for a bit. Then my next stop will be Thigh length, or just above knee. We will see.

May 14th, 2019, 03:37 AM
@Yvette Marie, I actually found out Matcha is a green tea, that’s ground down and added to various Butters. Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, MuruMuru Butter, Etc.

I tried a sample of it from an Etsy store, and just mixed it with a small bit of Shea Butter I have on hand. It’s fairly softening, for what it’s worth. I don’t rinse the Shea Butter out, I just add a small amount in sections through out my hair and put it up, until wash day.

That's so cool. I feel tempted to infuse green tea into the oils I use to whip my shea butter and see what happens

Another update on current hair care practices:

Things that are working for me:

•shampooing roots only
•Scalp massages
•keeping my hair separated. E,g braids, twists.
•applying Shea Butter. Queen Shea is the best!
•going back to frequent washing. My scalp is too sensitive to not to.
•drying hair with micro fiber towel
•making smaller sections when detangling
•egg protein treatment (yolks only)

Things that are not working for me:
•stretching washes farther than 3 days
•hair forks (certain ones. Anything more than two prongs will inevitably snag)
•coconut oil (protein buildup)
•ACV rinses (just not needed anymore)

My whole regimen, isn’t even really a regimen anymore. I just give my hair and scalp what it needs according to any symptoms I’m experiencing like itchy scalp, dry ends, hair clumping together, buildup, etc.

I recently had a bad scalp flare up due to the seasons changing, but it’s calmed down quite a bit now that the weather isn’t all over the place.

Hopefully I’ll be seeing Classic by the time my next semester of classes starts. So excited! After that it will be my first official micro trim, and from then on I will be working on thickening up my ends and maintaining for a bit. Then my next stop will be Thigh length, or just above knee. We will see.

I agree shea butter is the best thing ever. It has made this relaxer stretch so easy. It's been over a year since my last relaxer, and I am still finding it easy to manage the new growth thanks to shea butter and keeping my hair in a stretched state. It has also made hair care so simple, I simply wash, condition and then apply shea butter on damp hair and braid it up for the week. I hope I will be grazing BSL by my birthday in a couple of weeks. I'm about a centimeter away so I'm hoping I will make it by then.

I have bought my relaxer kit for my next touch up. Considering buying another one, because when I last stretched for 6 months, one kit wasn't enough to cover all my new growth.

May 14th, 2019, 09:10 AM
That's so cool. I feel tempted to infuse green tea into the oils I use to whip my shea butter and see what happens

I agree shea butter is the best thing ever. It has made this relaxer stretch so easy. It's been over a year since my last relaxer, and I am still finding it easy to manage the new growth thanks to shea butter and keeping my hair in a stretched state. It has also made hair care so simple, I simply wash, condition and then apply shea butter on damp hair and braid it up for the week. I hope I will be grazing BSL by my birthday in a couple of weeks. I'm about a centimeter away so I'm hoping I will make it by then.

I have bought my relaxer kit for my next touch up. Considering buying another one, because when I last stretched for 6 months, one kit wasn't enough to cover all my new growth.

I just realized I spelled your username wrong. My bad lol.

Keeping new growth stretched helps a ton as well. And keeping it separated. I use every last bit of relaxer on my new growth. Sometimes I have to buy a second one next time around if I run out as well. I’m learning to use roughly the same amount, and just part in smaller sections. That way everything gets smoothed out evenly. I once tried this “new growth” only relaxer kit from ORS, it covered about one section out of four, and I was kind of mad at myself for thinking it was anywhere near the amount I typically get.

May 14th, 2019, 03:32 PM
Sure thing!

Here’s the routine I’ve been keeping up with since Christmas and New Years:

I CWC, either everyday or every other day. I keep the shampoo on my scalp and conditioner on my ends. Depending on if my scalp is getting dry I’ll let the conditioner make its way to my scalp because it doesn’t cause itchiness. (Shampoo is sulfate free because I suffer from eczema, but sometimes I’ll use a sulfate shampoo and be alright)

My hair is extremely fine so about once a month or once every two months I’ll clarify, to get rid of buildup.

Deep condition when it’s needed. (Maybe 4x a month) I typically can tell when I need it because the weather will make my hair go funky, But with the amount of conditioning washing I do I don’t need it very often.

I’ll do one or two hard protein treatments a year

For relaxer day and the week proceeding a relaxer, I’ll shampoo my hair with a chelating shampoo in place of my regular shampoo every other day, to get the PH of my hair back to normal, and to keep removing as much calcium deposits as I can. This is also when I’ll be more generous with the deep conditioning, and follow up with a hard protein treatment.

I manage to stretch my relaxers to twice a year, and if a corrective relaxer is needed I’ll have one done.

I oil my scalp every two to three days, and oil my ends after every wash. I mainly use coconut oil for my ends and mid shaft. For the oil mixture I put on my scalp, I mix jojoba, coconut, and essential oils like rosemary, or citronella. During the summer months when I sweat a lot more I’ll do a few ACC rinses to calm my scalp.

Sleep in a satin bonnet every night.

I don’t use heat, and I don’t delve too much into high tension styles, wigs, or weaves.

Other than that, my hair routine is fairly simple.

Thank you :) Very interesting routine :)

May 14th, 2019, 03:37 PM
Another update on current hair care practices:

Things that are working for me:

•shampooing roots only
•Scalp massages
•keeping my hair separated. E,g braids, twists.
•applying Shea Butter. Queen Shea is the best!
•going back to frequent washing. My scalp is too sensitive to not to.
•drying hair with micro fiber towel
•making smaller sections when detangling
•egg protein treatment (yolks only)

Things that are not working for me:
•stretching washes farther than 3 days
•hair forks (certain ones. Anything more than two prongs will inevitably snag)
•coconut oil (protein buildup)
•ACV rinses (just not needed anymore)

My whole regimen, isn’t even really a regimen anymore. I just give my hair and scalp what it needs according to any symptoms I’m experiencing like itchy scalp, dry ends, hair clumping together, buildup, etc.

I recently had a bad scalp flare up due to the seasons changing, but it’s calmed down quite a bit now that the weather isn’t all over the place.

Hopefully I’ll be seeing Classic by the time my next semester of classes starts. So excited! After that it will be my first official micro trim, and from then on I will be working on thickening up my ends and maintaining for a bit. Then my next stop will be Thigh length, or just above knee. We will see.

So, you wash often because your scalp is sensitive? I have a sensitive scalp too and thought then I should try to wash less...?

May 14th, 2019, 05:00 PM
Another update on current hair care practices:

Things that are working for me:

•shampooing roots only
•Scalp massages
•keeping my hair separated. E,g braids, twists.
•applying Shea Butter. Queen Shea is the best!
•going back to frequent washing. My scalp is too sensitive to not to.
•drying hair with micro fiber towel
•making smaller sections when detangling
•egg protein treatment (yolks only)

Things that are not working for me:
•stretching washes farther than 3 days
•hair forks (certain ones. Anything more than two prongs will inevitably snag)
•coconut oil (protein buildup)
•ACV rinses (just not needed anymore)

My whole regimen, isn’t even really a regimen anymore. I just give my hair and scalp what it needs according to any symptoms I’m experiencing like itchy scalp, dry ends, hair clumping together, buildup, etc.

I recently had a bad scalp flare up due to the seasons changing, but it’s calmed down quite a bit now that the weather isn’t all over the place.

Hopefully I’ll be seeing Classic by the time my next semester of classes starts. So excited! After that it will be my first official micro trim, and from then on I will be working on thickening up my ends and maintaining for a bit. Then my next stop will be Thigh length, or just above knee. We will see.

This is an interesting routine! I also have to wash frequently too! Or, I will end up with greasy hair and scalp after 3 or 4 days.

May 15th, 2019, 10:51 AM
So, you wash often because your scalp is sensitive? I have a sensitive scalp too and thought then I should try to wash less...?

I’ve tried washing less, or stretching my washes, makes it worse. It’s due to mostly just sweating. I live in Texas, where it’s either hot or just raining, and often times I have to go outside, so I have no option but to sweat. Frequent washing helps remove salt deposits, and dead skin. I once dealt with dry scalp, but it’s more or less morphed into sensitivity from frequently sweating, dirt buildup, dead skin, and whatever products manage to get on or near my scalp.

May 23rd, 2019, 06:23 PM
So does anyone have favorite protective styles for their relaxed hair?
I’ve completed my “braids until 2019 challenge”. Although I hadn’t even really noticed.
Kind of done with doing braids as my protective style.

Been wanting to do crochet braids, or box braids with extensions, but the box braids are gonna take a minute and I have no idea how heavy they will feel. It’s been over 4-5 years since I’ve had box braids, and even longer since having crochet braids, or a weave. Not really into the idea of going the weave route though.

May 24th, 2019, 04:41 AM
So does anyone have favorite protective styles for their relaxed hair?
I’ve completed my “braids until 2019 challenge”. Although I hadn’t even really noticed.
Kind of done with doing braids as my protective style.

Been wanting to do crochet braids, or box braids with extensions, but the box braids are gonna take a minute and I have no idea how heavy they will feel. It’s been over 4-5 years since I’ve had box braids, and even longer since having crochet braids, or a weave. Not really into the idea of going the weave route though.

With your length you can do box braids without extensions. Weaves are horrible IMO. I always lose my hairline when I get a weave. My favourite protective style currently is 2 dutch braids. But my hair is acting weird now when I try to do them.

Tomorrow after 60 or so weeks since my last relaxer, I'm going to do a touch up. I had been toying with the idea of transitioning to natural hair again, but I don't have the time or energy. So I will do my usual texlax. I'm also doing research on relaxing because it's been so long since my last relaxer. Wish me luck

May 25th, 2019, 12:59 AM
With your length you can do box braids without extensions. Weaves are horrible IMO. I always lose my hairline when I get a weave. My favourite protective style currently is 2 dutch braids. But my hair is acting weird now when I try to do them.

Tomorrow after 60 or so weeks since my last relaxer, I'm going to do a touch up. I had been toying with the idea of transitioning to natural hair again, but I don't have the time or energy. So I will do my usual texlax. I'm also doing research on relaxing because it's been so long since my last relaxer. Wish me luck

If you need any help or opinion with your relaxer process I’m always here.

I think I might just start cornrowing a bit more frequently. To be honest I’m kind of done with single braids for a while. Even the bigger ones. I’ll come back to them eventually, but for now I’d definitely be considering cornrows.

Btw, I’m just now noticing your Avatar picture, you’re hair is flourishing really nicely!!

May 25th, 2019, 01:00 AM
Article on peppermint oil that helps promote hair growth. Pretty interesting:

May 25th, 2019, 04:51 AM
Article on peppermint oil that helps promote hair growth. Pretty interesting:

I use peppermint oil with the Inversion method. It's in the oil-mixture I massage with. :) It smells fantastic :)

May 25th, 2019, 09:23 PM
I use peppermint oil with the Inversion method. It's in the oil-mixture I massage with. :) It smells fantastic :)

I’ve been meaning to get more peppermint oil soon.

May 26th, 2019, 06:38 AM
Small batch of Shea Butter mixed with Almond oil, and MuruMuru Butter.

May 26th, 2019, 08:42 PM
Article on peppermint oil that helps promote hair growth. Pretty interesting:

Yeah, I've heard on www.youtube.com that peppermint oil is excellent for hair growth! I've been wanting to get some for a long time. I love using all kind of essential oils for hair growth on my hair! I'm gonna definitely get me some.

May 27th, 2019, 06:24 AM
If you need any help or opinion with your relaxer process I’m always here.

I think I might just start cornrowing a bit more frequently. To be honest I’m kind of done with single braids for a while. Even the bigger ones. I’ll come back to them eventually, but for now I’d definitely be considering cornrows.

Btw, I’m just now noticing your Avatar picture, you’re hair is flourishing really nicely!!

Thank you so much for the compliment. It means a lot coming from you since you are one of my hair inspirations.

The relaxer went pretty well. I do have a bit of shedding, but I think its post partum shedding finally coming with a vengeance. I will take a picture of my progress tonight

May 27th, 2019, 06:25 AM
Small batch of Shea Butter mixed with Almond oil, and MuruMuru Butter.

That looks so good. How do you whip your butters? You have just reminded me I need to whip a new batch of shea butter

May 27th, 2019, 02:54 PM
That looks so good. How do you whip your butters? You have just reminded me I need to whip a new batch of shea butter

I do the double broiler method. And cut the Shea Butter with an oil.
I typically use Almond Oil, and just whip them together while the Shea Butter is still melted. Then I let it solidify a bit, and use it.

May 27th, 2019, 02:55 PM
Thank you so much for the compliment. It means a lot coming from you since you are one of my hair inspirations.

The relaxer went pretty well. I do have a bit of shedding, but I think its post partum shedding finally coming with a vengeance. I will take a picture of my progress tonight

Thank you for the kind words :)
And I’m glad everything went well.
Will be patiently waiting for progress update.

June 3rd, 2019, 05:38 AM
It's update time. My picture is blurry because of camera quality. But I am claiming BSL and now setting my new goal at MBL

June 3rd, 2019, 11:36 AM
It's update time. My picture is blurry because of camera quality. But I am claiming BSL and now setting my new goal at MBL

You go Girl!!!
You’ll be at MBL in no time.
Wonderful progress!!

June 19th, 2019, 09:17 PM
So I’ve been reuniting myself with my first love, which is Almond Oil.
Hands down has to be the lightest oil ever, and my hair gets extremely soft from using it.
I get the Almond Oil from 3cayG. Her shop is awesome.

I recently did a deep treatment with Almond Oil and Herbal Essences LTR, oh my goodness it was awesome! My hair separated nicely, and most of my shed hairs came out easily.

I haven’t been putting any on my scalp, for scalp massages, since it’s not really needed, but my ends absolutely love Almond Oil.

June 19th, 2019, 09:18 PM
What’s everyone’s detangling regimen? More or less just asking out of curiosity. With my hair being so long now, I can’t really use a brush or a comb. Though the tangles I was worrying about from going hair tool free aren’t as bad as I thought they were. They inevitably slide out during my washes.

June 20th, 2019, 12:01 PM
Mine are less. Since I wash my hair 3 times a week I don't have any problems with tangles. With my WL hair I still use a comb and a brush. But I guess what works for you use it, and if going hair tool free works for you that's fine but with my thick hair I need some type of hair tool. BTW, I haven't had a relaxer since the end of January of this year!!! I shampooed and deep conditioned my hair 2 days ago, and blow-dried it. I blow-dried it very straight, and it came out very straight looking like I have just gotten a fresh perm or a relaxer! I was in total shock! So, I'm thinking that I may be able to stretch my relaxer for another whole month or 2. Or, a year? Or, I'm thinking or feeling with my hair type I may not even need a relaxer anymore?

June 21st, 2019, 02:51 PM
Mine are less. Since I wash my hair 3 times a week I don't have any problems with tangles. With my WL hair I still use a comb and a brush. But I guess what works for you use it, and if going hair tool free works for you that's fine but with my thick hair I need some type of hair tool. BTW, I haven't had a relaxer since the end of January of this year!!! I shampooed and deep conditioned my hair 2 days ago, and blow-dried it. I blow-dried it very straight, and it came out very straight looking like I have just gotten a fresh perm or a relaxer! I was in total shock! So, I'm thinking that I may be able to stretch my relaxer for another whole month or 2. Or, a year? Or, I'm thinking or feeling with my hair type I may not even need a relaxer anymore?

Congrats on possibly going natural!

It’s been a while since I blow dried. I think mine is on its last leg. Doesn’t really want to work on the high setting anymore lol

June 21st, 2019, 07:07 PM
Congrats on possibly going natural!

It’s been a while since I blow dried. I think mine is on its last leg. Doesn’t really want to work on the high setting anymore lol

Thank you! I haven't completely decided yet of going natural. I guess you can say that I'm partially natural. Because, I haven't had a relaxer since the end of January. You haven't blow dried in a while? Wow! Why do you say you think yours is on it's last leg? Oh no, you definitely don't ant to work on the high setting anymore lol I always work on the high setting after every wash but I always let my hair air dry up 100%. Then, I blow dry on high setting for only 5 minutes. lol

June 23rd, 2019, 10:40 AM
Thank you! I haven't completely decided yet of going natural. I guess you can say that I'm partially natural. Because, I haven't had a relaxer since the end of January. You haven't blow dried in a while? Wow! Why do you say you think yours is on it's last leg? Oh no, you definitely don't ant to work on the high setting anymore lol I always work on the high setting after every wash but I always let my hair air dry up 100%. Then, I blow dry on high setting for only 5 minutes. lol

I’ve had it since middle school/high school years. I do the high setting in bursts, but it doesn’t want to work on the high setting, so I figured it’s time for a new one. Plus it’s really old, and has paint marks on it from us redoing our bathroom some time ago. Think I forgot to move it when we did the cabinets. I don’t use the high setting from start to end when I blow dry. Most of us on here don’t anyways. I just do short bursts towards my roots to stretch them out.

June 23rd, 2019, 11:13 AM
I’ve had it since middle school/high school years. I do the high setting in bursts, but it doesn’t want to work on the high setting, so I figured it’s time for a new one. Plus it’s really old, and has paint marks on it from us redoing our bathroom some time ago. Think I forgot to move it when we did the cabinets. I don’t use the high setting from start to end when I blow dry. Most of us on here don’t anyways. I just do short bursts towards my roots to stretch them out.

Wow! Ok, yeah that is a long time to have had it. I've had mine since 2008. I just love the old-fashioned hand blow dryers! Especially, when you get the small-tooth comb, a wide-tooth comb, and a brush. I've also been using my blow dryer of high setting since high school, and it always left my hair pin straight with or without a relaxer. It always made my hair look like it was freshly straightened or relaxed. Yes, you are right. Most of us here don't blow dry our hair on high setting. My mom blow dries her hair on low setting first, and then she'll put it on the high setting and back and fourth.

June 24th, 2019, 06:56 AM
What’s everyone’s detangling regimen? More or less just asking out of curiosity. With my hair being so long now, I can’t really use a brush or a comb. Though the tangles I was worrying about from going hair tool free aren’t as bad as I thought they were. They inevitably slide out during my washes.

I use a widetooth comb plus fingers. Still works fine since I'm not at your lengths

June 26th, 2019, 03:38 PM
Wow! Ok, yeah that is a long time to have had it. I've had mine since 2008. I just love the old-fashioned hand blow dryers! Especially, when you get the small-tooth comb, a wide-tooth comb, and a brush. I've also been using my blow dryer of high setting since high school, and it always left my hair pin straight with or without a relaxer. It always made my hair look like it was freshly straightened or relaxed. Yes, you are right. Most of us here don't blow dry our hair on high setting. My mom blow dries her hair on low setting first, and then she'll put it on the high setting and back and fourth.

If I could get my roots to stay straight That would be awesome. I think because it’s extremely humid here, and I sweat a lot, that they revert back, especially when I’ve been stretching for so long.