View Full Version : Lack of Growth...?

January 11th, 2018, 02:24 PM
Hi everyone,
So I'm back online after taking a break. I'm wondering how you all stay motivated and optimistic about growing your hair even when it seems like nothings changing?
I've been growing my hair for a while now and I feel like I've made no progress despite not dying or heat styling, or towel drying etc. and very rare and only slight trims.

Here are pictures of my hair in April 2017 (taken at a closer angle): https://imgur.com/a/r8uRL
and photos of my hair taken today, January 2018: https://imgur.com/a/FC0VE

In both photos my hair is just washed and left to air dry as usual- no styling, but I seem to have lost most of my waves too :/

I see others with such lovely long hair and it makes me really sad and disheartened with the whole growing process. Will I ever see a difference?

January 11th, 2018, 02:42 PM
I can see a difference - looks to be grazing waist length now, whereas before it was tickling just below APL. Do you measure? Number differences are a lot easier to manage. I will admit, it's not a large change. Does your hair feel dry, ever? Do you trim frequently?

As far as I know, it's common for hair to become less wavy/curly the longer it gets due to the added extra weight.

January 11th, 2018, 02:43 PM
Do you mostly wear your hair down? It can become damaged by rubbing against clothing, chair backs etc. Wearing it up in protective styles goes a long way to keeping it protected and letting it grow longer.

January 11th, 2018, 02:58 PM
I can see a difference - looks to be grazing waist length now, whereas before it was tickling just below APL. Do you measure? Number differences are a lot easier to manage. I will admit, it's not a large change. Does your hair feel dry, ever? Do you trim frequently?

As far as I know, it's common for hair to become less wavy/curly the longer it gets due to the added extra weight.

I haven't measured frequently, but I might start. My hair feels dry sometimes, so I occasionally use a little olive oil on the ends.
I only I've only had two trims between April 2017 and December 2017 (only about 1 1/2 inch in total). I don't plan on trimming this year though.

January 11th, 2018, 02:58 PM
Do you mostly wear your hair down? It can become damaged by rubbing against clothing, chair backs etc. Wearing it up in protective styles goes a long way to keeping it protected and letting it grow longer.

I do wear my hair down a lot :/ maybe I should try having it up more. Are there any particular styles you would recommend?

January 11th, 2018, 03:02 PM
Buns using a hair stick or a hair fork are very protective (anything using elastics is not kind to hair). The Nautilus bun or the Lazy Wrap bun are good simple buns to try. There are tutorials for these on You Tube.
Also sleeping with your hair in a silk or satin sleep cap is wonderful for minimising tangling, which is also not good for hair.

January 11th, 2018, 03:18 PM
I would recommend picking a patterned shirt to wear when you take hair photos. Take them from the same angle wearing the same shirt every time. Then you will see differences. You can join the seasonal growth project thread.

January 11th, 2018, 03:21 PM
Looks like a normal amount of growth, from BSL to almost waist in about 9 months. It takes a lot to grow hair, because it often goes very slowly, at 1/2 inch a month, and if you trim in between... for sure it is going to take you even longer.

Groovy Granny
January 11th, 2018, 03:32 PM
That looks like pretty good growth for having trimmed 1.5" in 8 months; you would have gained 4' with no trims.

I agree measuring in some fashion will help you feel like you have gained, though the longer you get the more buns you can do and you will feel it.

Happy growing :cheer:

January 11th, 2018, 03:43 PM
Chiming in to agree that looks like a good amount of growth for 9 months especially with trims!

January 11th, 2018, 04:40 PM
That looks like pretty good growth for having trimmed 1.5" in 8 months; you would have gained 4' with no trims.

I agree measuring in some fashion will help you feel like you have gained, though the longer you get the more buns you can do and you will feel it.

Happy growing :cheer:

Yes, this exactly! It looks like you were upper BSL or between APL and BSL in April, and now you're in the middle of the midback abyss or even bottom of it.

While going by milestones is all well and good, I'm personally of the mind that having both hard numbers from measurement and visual milestones to see growth is a great way to go. For me it's nice having that numerical backup when I'm feeling like my hair hasn't grown at all.

Also, using my mediocre measuring skills and your little freckle on your left shoulder to the top of your shoulder as a "standard": in April you were 2.5 StF (shoulder to freckles) from the freckle down. In January you're 4 StFs! I have no idea what that is in inches, but it's clear growth and pretty good for 8 months minus 1.5"!

January 12th, 2018, 02:25 AM
Thank you everyone for your responses. I'll be measuring my hair today to keep better track of it, I'll measure again at the end of the year to see what my growth is like with no trims.

I had a go at a nautilus bun too, but I'm useless at updos and I don't seem to have enough hair for it, so for now I'll just be putting it up however I can manage with my hair stick and ribbons (but avoiding elastics) and see how that goes. I'll also be trying to stretch my washes to once a week- partly to see if it helps, and partly for convenience.

and @Corvana, using the freckle as a reference point is actually a great idea. I never thought of that! it does make the growth easier to see :) thank you!

January 12th, 2018, 12:12 PM
Hi everyone,
So I'm back online after taking a break. I'm wondering how you all stay motivated and optimistic about growing your hair even when it seems like nothings changing?

I stay motivated by remembering that I'm growing out damage, and by focusing on the health of my hair, not the length... because healthier=longer, eventually, but it takes AGES.

Groovy Granny
January 12th, 2018, 12:20 PM
Thank you everyone for your responses. I'll be measuring my hair today to keep better track of it, I'll measure again at the end of the year to see what my growth is like with no trims.

I had a go at a nautilus bun too, but I'm useless at updos and I don't seem to have enough hair for it, so for now I'll just be putting it up however I can manage with my hair stick and ribbons (but avoiding elastics) and see how that goes. I'll also be trying to stretch my washes to once a week- partly to see if it helps, and partly for convenience.

and @Corvana, using the freckle as a reference point is actually a great idea. I never thought of that! it does make the growth easier to see :) thank you!

I also use body markers for milestones...be it a mole or roll ;)

At your length a cinnamon bun with claw /alligator clips will work; with your stick a LWB starting with 1 finger then wrap the rest around the base and increase the number of fingers as you grow (I never use my thumb because my hair slips too much).

You got it girl :cheer:

January 12th, 2018, 02:04 PM
I think we are our own worst critic some times. I can certainly see growth. It does seem your waves are bit less, but that could many things - and I'm no expert. For me, sometimes a clarify or hot oil treatment will bring back the curls. I would agree, that you nearly at waist now, and it looks great. Looks to be in good condition. Don't give up, we are here for you.

January 12th, 2018, 02:13 PM
Your hair looks gorgeous, hang in there...I measure my hair monthly, it helps a lot:).

January 13th, 2018, 05:38 AM
So I measured my hair and I'm currently at 26 inches (just a bit over) and waist is about 30 inches on me- hip around 35. So I'm hoping to hit waist by the end of the year, and hip by the end of next :)

I intend to measure again at the end of the year to see the progress in numbers. I also ordered a 2 prong hair fork which I'm excited to try out- I'm hoping it will offer more stability than the single stick I currently have.

The main issue I seem to be having with my buns so far, except that I'm generally useless at them! Is that the ends stick out and look really awkward. Any suggestions on how to get around this?

January 13th, 2018, 08:31 AM
So I measured my hair and I'm currently at 26 inches (just a bit over) and waist is about 30 inches on me- hip around 35. So I'm hoping to hit waist by the end of the year, and hip by the end of next :)

I intend to measure again at the end of the year to see the progress in numbers. I also ordered a 2 prong hair fork which I'm excited to try out- I'm hoping it will offer more stability than the single stick I currently have.

The main issue I seem to be having with my buns so far, except that I'm generally useless at them! Is that the ends stick out and look really awkward. Any suggestions on how to get around this?

Yes coil it up to the end, the very end, and tuck the ends under your bun.