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December 14th, 2017, 09:01 PM
So I've got a few dilemmas here I'm not sure it's normal

... I feel like I could S&D every single day and I would never ever get rid of split ends. Like there's always a lot. And I spend my entire days wearing protective hairstyles. I never use heat. I sleep on fake satin (not as good as satin but better than not). I condition my hair. And I don't know why but it's always full of split ends and white dots and it's like what the heck do I do to you Bailey??!!!

And then the length. I'm pretty much at classic length now. But it's so tapered and my hair is already thin and then I keep having to trim off taper so I when I'm like ''Yay I'm at this length now'' i have to set myself back a bit because it just naturally ends up with only like a few hairs at the ends. And I don't do anything to cause this.

It sucks cause I'm finally at classic and I don't wanna have to cut freaking 3 inches offf


Everytime I comb or finger detangle my hair you always hear ''tic tic tic'' like it breaks or something?? And like it's as if I can't even poke my hair without it breaking? Like I can't even pass my fingers through it without hearing some snaps even though 2 seconds before I told myself to be careful..

It's so frustrating cause some girls around me have long hair too and theirs are thick and don't have these problems and they're the ones getting all the compliments and all of this is very frustrating

I'm sorry cause it's like the 6th time I've made a post of despair here and I don't want to sound whiny it's just sometimes I find it sucks a lot :( :boohoo:

December 14th, 2017, 09:24 PM
I had the split end problem, too. I wish I'd never heard of S&D because if I hadn't been doing that, I might have been more satisfied with my hair. I like wearing it shorter now.

December 14th, 2017, 09:34 PM
I think Spidermom is onto something... I can't help but feel like a big part of our dissatisfaction comes from a) hyper-focusing on our own perceived flaws and b) comparison to others.
... :hmm: Maybe that's true for more than just hair...

I was spending time with friends recently, and had my hair in a ponytail, pulled over my shoulder... I kept spotting tons of split ends and it was an active effort to stop looking at my hair (doesn't that drive you nuts when you see splits and can't snip them?) And later one of my friends praised how healthy my hair looked! :o Sometimes it's all about perspective. It's easy to look at your hair and see only the flaws... But it's important to remember what you love about your hair (and yourself as a whole).

Are you enjoying the length you are at? What course of action would lead to the least amount of heartburn?

Lately I've started embracing the idea that neither I nor my hair will ever be perfect. So I strive to be better than yesterday, knowing that some days, there will be setbacks. Wishing you positive thoughts. :blossom:

December 14th, 2017, 09:36 PM
Yes, sometimes it does just suck a lot. I see girls around me here who have hair at waist or hip and who chemically straighten it and always leave it down- and ride around on motorbikes with their hair down! If I did that, mine would be so destroyed, and I'd never get the knots out. I would never have gotten it past BSL. But we're just not all the same, and neither is our hair. Your hair is probably much more of an accomplishment than that of some of the girls around you, and some of them probably just take theirs for granted.

Do you think your hair needs protein, or maybe more moisture? It sounds like maybe you need more of one or the other, or maybe both.
I put so much moisture into my hair these days, if I tell non-LHC'ers even a fraction of what I put in my hair, I'm pretty sure they think I'm insane.

December 14th, 2017, 09:50 PM
You guys maybe go right...


Yes, sometimes it does just suck a lot. I see girls around me here who have hair at waist or hip and who chemically straighten it and always leave it down- and ride around on motorbikes with their hair down! If I did that, mine would be so destroyed, and I'd never get the knots out. I would never have gotten it past BSL. But we're just not all the same, and neither is our hair. Your hair is probably much more of an accomplishment than that of some of the girls around you, and some of them probably just take theirs for granted.

Do you think your hair needs protein, or maybe more moisture? It sounds like maybe you need more of one or the other, or maybe both.
I put so much moisture into my hair these days, if I tell non-LHC'ers even a fraction of what I put in my hair, I'm pretty sure they think I'm insane.

I mean I don't put all that much moisture in my hair (I don't leave conditionners in more after a shower...I make sure to rinse it off...) because my hair is so thin and if there's leaves-in left in it it will just be flat and like a toddlers hair :(

December 14th, 2017, 10:14 PM
I have learned to peacefully coexist with my split ends, and there are many. S&D drives me insane with no visible results. :shrug:

I guess I should add a disclaimer that I've never had a split 'travel up the hair shaft' in any major way like people warn about. Like the longest split I've ever had was maybe an inch long, once. If I had split ends that were multiple inches long I might feel differently...

December 14th, 2017, 10:28 PM
Like I've been doing S&D a lot since yesterday. Which is good, I guess I needed it.

But now I dunno if it's just a tricky effect but my ends seems even thinner.

I might have to trim off. I was so happy to be at classic.

Just whatever :sad

December 14th, 2017, 10:40 PM
It's possible your hair is at terminal length. I encounter something similar with my beard, no matter how long I've grown or how much care it just won't progress successfully beyond a certain length.

Having said that, hair breakage and so forth can be an issue of nutritional and even hormonal issues. And chemicals as well.

Start with the basics. Washing and diet.

How often do you wash your hair and with what? Do you conditions? Do you use plastic combs? Do you detangle? Etc.

And diet. Hair is made of proteins and protected by oils called sebum. I remember one of the simple remedies from years ago was to eat jello, the gelatin supported healthy hair and nails.

And health. Thyroid is a common issue, as are hormone disrupters like soy products. What do you eat?

December 14th, 2017, 11:05 PM
It's possible your hair is at terminal length. I encounter something similar with my beard, no matter how long I've grown or how much care it just won't progress successfully beyond a certain length.

Having said that, hair breakage and so forth can be an issue of nutritional and even hormonal issues. And chemicals as well.

Start with the basics. Washing and diet.

How often do you wash your hair and with what? Do you conditions? Do you use plastic combs? Do you detangle? Etc.

And diet. Hair is made of proteins and protected by oils called sebum. I remember one of the simple remedies from years ago was to eat jello, the gelatin supported healthy hair and nails.

And health. Thyroid is a common issue, as are hormone disrupters like soy products. What do you eat?

My hair has often been tapering like this before and the length has always still progressed... I don't think (and sure hope not) that this would be terminal.

I wash my hair only twice a week with 98% natural shampoo with no sulfate no paraben no sillicones. I use macademia deep repair mask. I detangle and use wide tooth combs.

And I eat enough nutriments I even take these hair gummies that have vitamin e vitamin c and biotin in.

December 14th, 2017, 11:25 PM
Sounds like your hair is lacking in protein. What is your hair routine like? Do you deep-condition? Have you tried laminating your hair with gelatin? It makes strands stronger, and makes hair appear thicker. Sometimes, genetics play a huge part, once it gets tona certain length, it all falls apart and there’s nothing you can do.

December 14th, 2017, 11:41 PM
Well I've only got a couple things to add: are you sure your shears are sharp? My last trim in June was with shears that were losing their sharpness, and oh man do I have splits to contend with now! Using shears that aren't sharp enough will cause a rough cut that will be more prone to splitting.

And the other thing is, you've got fine hair according to your profile. My son and best friend both do as well, and their hair both is like spider silk. Delicate delicate delicate. They both do their best to be gentle, but it's the nature of the beast that they have a harder time combating breakage and splits. But not having fine hair myself, perhaps there's something there that I'm missing! I'm usually the one recommending things to the both of them lol. Have you looked for some help in the fine hair threads here? There might be something useful to you!

December 15th, 2017, 12:02 AM
I mean I don't put all that much moisture in my hair (I don't leave conditionners in more after a shower...I make sure to rinse it off...) because my hair is so thin and if there's leaves-in left in it it will just be flat and like a toddlers hair :(

What if you just use a leave in for your ends, which are the most fragile? Your hair is long enough that I would think you can put something just in the ends without getting it up near your scalp.

December 15th, 2017, 12:27 AM
Only apply leave in to the ends. If the hair goes flat from leave ins, wear it up. You should be wearing it up every day all day for the most part anyway. Fine hair NEEDS to be protected. Take it from me. I’m fine and WAVEY. Without moisture my hair is a wreck and with moisture it’s flat and somewhat limp. But that’s the nature of it. I wear it up, the roots look great and I don’t have to look at my ends. Maybe your hair just needs moisture...
have you done the moisture protein balance test? I’m betting you need moisture.

December 15th, 2017, 12:27 AM
- try micro trims (less than half a cm or quarter of an inch every month)
- look for conditioners with cones, they coat your strands in moisture, how about conditioners with proteines (keratine)?
- stop reading adverts that tell you to use like a "the size of rice so you won't weight that hair down".
- hair up! even at home when you do nothing try at least a normal english braid if you have head aches.
- check your combs or brushes. a rough comb can ruin your hair in no time and you don't even know it until it's too late!
- you may be clumsy or rushing. I hear some tic-tic when I detangle sometimes.fine hair is very breakable, so no matter how much you condition, you may still break it at an abnormal rate

December 15th, 2017, 04:58 AM
How do you finger detangle? Finger detangling is not ripping your fingers through in a comb-style motion (better to use a comb then because fingers really "hook" the hair). Finger detangling is separating the strands to get sheds out. So please be mindful of that. :) :flower:

I think maybe you need to moisturize your hair a bit more. Heavier masks, maybe even conditioning twice, or doing the rinse-out oil method and even using the LOC/LCO method. The links to all of that are in my signature, if you want to check it out. I have no other answer for you than combatting splits and therefore dryness with plenty of moisture! :flower:

December 15th, 2017, 05:14 AM
So I've got a few dilemmas here I'm not sure it's normal

... I feel like I could S&D every single day and I would never ever get rid of split ends. Like there's always a lot. And I spend my entire days wearing protective hairstyles. I never use heat. I sleep on fake satin (not as good as satin but better than not). I condition my hair. And I don't know why but it's always full of split ends and white dots and it's like what the heck do I do to you Bailey??!!!

And then the length. I'm pretty much at classic length now. But it's so tapered and my hair is already thin and then I keep having to trim off taper so I when I'm like ''Yay I'm at this length now'' i have to set myself back a bit because it just naturally ends up with only like a few hairs at the ends. And I don't do anything to cause this.

It sucks cause I'm finally at classic and I don't wanna have to cut freaking 3 inches offf


Everytime I comb or finger detangle my hair you always hear ''tic tic tic'' like it breaks or something?? And like it's as if I can't even poke my hair without it breaking? Like I can't even pass my fingers through it without hearing some snaps even though 2 seconds before I told myself to be careful..

It's so frustrating cause some girls around me have long hair too and theirs are thick and don't have these problems and they're the ones getting all the compliments and all of this is very frustrating

I'm sorry cause it's like the 6th time I've made a post of despair here and I don't want to sound whiny it's just sometimes I find it sucks a lot :( :boohoo:

Nothing useful to add... I'm just feeling the same way today.
So much effort, while other people get to enjoy their hair more, spend less time caring for it, and end up with something better looking than me.
Same with my skin... avoiding the sun all my life and some random sun-worshipping pal has a much more even, healthier pretty pink shade, while i'm stuff with my uneven hue, dark circles, acne spots, and so on. Rant day.

December 15th, 2017, 05:17 AM
I think moisture and protein treatments, mixed with a trim; makes tapered skinny ends come back to life and the whole appearance looks fuller. You could even go a step further and add one or a few long layers right at the bottom to give the illusion of fullness. S &D isn’t for everyone. I’ve seen some women here who, although they reach their goal length, their hair is full and looks great but then they have these tapered ends for like two inches and can’t part with getting a trim, but then they finally do and it looks way better. You could also try catnip for split ends or tapered ends but the truth is , the majority of people’s end will be tapered and thin if not cut off and brought back to life. You could even do a dusting so it’s not a “trim” per se but really more of a clean up of tapered ends. Your hair will grow past the trim . If it grew that long already, it will continue to grow and will be full at the bottom eventually , as you continue to trim off the taper.

Jo Ann
December 15th, 2017, 05:41 AM
If your splits aren't very long (less than, say, 1/2"), I would microtrim--maybe 1/2" the first time, to get the splits under control, then 1/8"-1/4" for a couple of months to get the rest under control. It's better than losing 3" all at once, you'll still gain length, and your hemline will gradually thicken.

Just my :twocents:

December 15th, 2017, 06:04 AM
I feel you on the splits. I now make it part of my morning when I brush to snip off five splits. Otherwise I will spend an hour on it and come out with a stiff neck and very grumpy. At first this went snipsnipsnipsnipsnip and then snipsnipsnip snip snip. And now sometimes it goes snip...snip...snip snip....snip which is a vast improvement! This took a rather long time, but it is making a difference!

Also, when I was growing to here, I liked to grow a couple of inches *past* the milestone length and then trim back to that. It is just a mental trick because sometimes it feels nicer to be like yep tailbone! instead of yeah alllllmost tailbone.

December 15th, 2017, 08:33 AM
Yeah Chromis you told me about that in my Skype group :) I thought maybe I should do that too.

And my scissors are okay, it's scissors to cut hair. I haven't done much to them that could have damaged it.

I do moisture sometimes with clear aloe vera gel. This doesn't make my hair thinner or wear them down. I don't know if clear aloe vera gel is recommended?

And I know my hair is fine but I don't want them fine :( It's so unfair. I just KEEP getting comments about how thin it is. How about complimenting me for having to my thighs for crying out loud. I guess the compliments all go to others. Until I turn into a mad disney villain. WHATEVER.

December 15th, 2017, 08:59 AM
I just KEEP getting comments about how thin it is. How about complimenting me for having to my thighs for crying out loud.Ignore the comments. Your peers may be at an age where they don't think much about what they say.

Adults usually don't make negative comments about other peoples' appearance. :shrug:

December 15th, 2017, 09:43 AM
Ignore the comments. Your peers may be at an age where they don't think much about what they say.

Adults usually don't make negative comments about other peoples' appearance. :shrug:

It's just since years I've been in public places where I have to stand there hearing other girls getting compliments on their hair when they don't do nothing specific to it, and they have the same/shorter hair than me.

At the end of school, we had nominations where we would vote for our classmates to be in certain categories. In the category ''longest hair'', most of the girls that were chose had shorter hair than me.

December 15th, 2017, 10:12 AM
Yeah I hear you. Mine is mid back length. I do search and destroy quite often, using good quality salon shears. I think it may have to do with my hypothyroidism. Even with the medication, it cannot possibly be the same as just being normal in the first place, plus all the other RX I'm on. Also, I admit I dye it. Even though I use the weakest developer I can get away with to lay down the black color, it's still developer. I trimmed my layers last month. The splits are back. YARGH! I could sacrifice a little length IF it will make an appreciable difference, but I'm not chopping it all off after all this work. Trying to think what the best option is.

December 15th, 2017, 10:16 AM
It's just since years I've been in public places where I have to stand there hearing other girls getting compliments on their hair when they don't do nothing specific to it, and they have the same/shorter hair than me.

At the end of school, we had nominations where we would vote for our classmates to be in certain categories. In the category ''longest hair'', most of the girls that were chose had shorter hair than me.

To be fair... When people ask me about hair care (which has happened maaaaybe twice), I usually try to keep my answer to ten seconds or less. "Oils & aloe gel" or something to that effect. If I'm feeling cheeky, "I don't cut it often." No one honestly wants to hear the litany that would pour forth if I tried to sum up everything I've gleaned from trial & error & LHC over the years. So I guess my question for you would be... How do you know they don't do anything specific to care for their hair? I feel like it would be borderline TMI to tell people that I spend an evening every two weeks or so to do a deep treatment, or how I handle my hair after the shower, or how I prepare my hair for bed... etc... So maybe the girls just don't feel comfortable saying they spend a lot of effort on their hair.

And in my area, heat styling (either with hair dryer or straightener) is very popular, and tends to make the hair appear shiny/smooth, which temporarily disguises damage, even though it cumulatively causes more. So maybe their hair is not as healthy as it looks at first glance, either. It's really for the best not to compare yourself to them, though. The important thing is whether you enjoy your hair. :o

December 15th, 2017, 11:18 AM
My hair splits easily too. Anytime I touch it...finger detangle, braiding, heck even putting a stick through a bun I will hear snapping. I moisturized to the point of over doing it and it didn't help in the slightest. I have no idea how to add protein without getting damage since protein seems to cause issues for me. My advice is to trim, trimming will help keep your hair from snapping since your ends wont catch while you are working with it. Since you seem to be happy with your current length right now, maybe take a few month to maintain and microtrim to gain health instead of length.

December 15th, 2017, 12:35 PM
I second Beeboo123. You might lacking of protein in your diet, and in your hair. You might need to start doing protein treatments once a month.

December 15th, 2017, 03:08 PM
Honestly, it took me years and years to get to the point where I had few splits. We're talking 6-7 years since I joined LHC. I had it to the point where the ends were probably grown a while after I had joined, when I had gotten most of the experimentation out of my system, and the results of some more disastrous early experiments had been grown out and cut away. And I still had splits (just not very many, maybe 1% of all the hairs?) and my ends were thinner than I wanted. Oh, and leave-ins all make my hair sticky.

Some hair splits readily, and that's just what happens to it when it encounters the realities of life. You do what you can, you trim them away, but those 7-year-old ends have been through a lot and they might split. That's OK. Same with taper -- you do what you can, but if your hair sheds out at lots of lengths instead of only when it gets to its max, or if it sheds more relative to the number of strands you have compared to your no-taper-hair-idol, you're going to have some taper.

I'd like to say I made peace with it. I think I did. But then I needed to make myself look radically different and cut my hair off. So who knows?!

December 15th, 2017, 03:11 PM
To be fair... When people ask me about hair care (which has happened maaaaybe twice), I usually try to keep my answer to ten seconds or less. "Oils & aloe gel" or something to that effect. If I'm feeling cheeky, "I don't cut it often." No one honestly wants to hear the litany that would pour forth if I tried to sum up everything I've gleaned from trial & error & LHC over the years. So I guess my question for you would be... How do you know they don't do anything specific to care for their hair? I feel like it would be borderline TMI to tell people that I spend an evening every two weeks or so to do a deep treatment, or how I handle my hair after the shower, or how I prepare my hair for bed... etc... So maybe the girls just don't feel comfortable saying they spend a lot of effort on their hair.

And in my area, heat styling (either with hair dryer or straightener) is very popular, and tends to make the hair appear shiny/smooth, which temporarily disguises damage, even though it cumulatively causes more. So maybe their hair is not as healthy as it looks at first glance, either. It's really for the best not to compare yourself to them, though. The important thing is whether you enjoy your hair. :o

Wether they care for it or not, doesn't stop the fact that some teachers would go behind girls with hair to their midbacks saying ''Wow your hair is so long!'' and I was standing right close to the teacher with my braid going to the bottom of my back.

Once a woman said ''Wow your hair's pretty long!'' to a girl with her hair not even to her breasts and I was standing right beside with my braid to my belly button I was like ???

Like at this point it was like a huge joke against me

December 15th, 2017, 03:13 PM
I second Beeboo123. You might lacking of protein in your diet, and in your hair. You might need to start doing protein treatments once a month.

I eat enough protein. Like, a lot.

December 15th, 2017, 03:15 PM
What happens to me sometimes is I say something like "back when my hair was at waist length [...]" and the person will say something along the lines of "but that's now" or "like now?". I think it has happened twice and one of them was a relative *facepalm*
Like, literally, it's down my butt crack, lady, that's not my waist xD

December 15th, 2017, 03:20 PM
What happens to me sometimes is I say something like "back when my hair was at waist length [...]" and the person will say something along the lines of "but that's now" or "like now?". I think it has happened twice and one of them was a relative *facepalm*
Like, literally, it's down my butt crack, lady, that's not my waist xD

My relatives keep pointing out how thin my hair is and when I tell them ''It's not that bad'' or ''I've seen many other people have it thinner than me. Mine is correct'' they go compare me to my cousin who has thicker hair than me.

Like my cousin doesn't do anything specific for her hair and I'M the one on LHC and everything. But of course: my cousin here, my cousin there, blah blah blah...''but she has really thick hair'' ok so? I'm a joke or what? To heck with me and my hair growth journey because she has thicker hair?

December 15th, 2017, 03:22 PM
Wether they care for it or not, doesn't stop the fact that some teachers would go behind girls with hair to their midbacks saying ''Wow your hair is so long!'' and I was standing right close to the teacher with my braid going to the bottom of my back.

Once a woman said ''Wow your hair's pretty long!'' to a girl with her hair not even to her breasts and I was standing right beside with my braid to my belly button I was like ???

Like at this point it was like a huge joke against me

Maybe if the other girl's hair was loose and yours was braided, hers registered as "long" and yours was not as obvious, since it was braided? I wouldn't worry too much about it though - part of growing long hair is growing a thick skin so that rude or insensitive, unthinking comments bounce right off. You can have the inner satisfaction that your hair IS longer, whatever anyone else says.

December 15th, 2017, 03:25 PM
And it's like I don't want to start bawling to them that I'm growing my hair the longest possible and it's basically my main goal in life so far and that I'm on a website full of people growing their hair like me and that it's basically our hobby and that we are all really into it and that my hair growth journey is like my main occupation/motivation and how I've been growing and progressing since years and such

Like I don't wanna just spill all that out all at once in one big sentence with an upset shaking voice around the dinner table during a family supper because that would just be really awkward right?

Like you guys understand where I'm coming from but other people, if they saw me spill all that out, all defending myself, red-faced, about this ''hair-growth journey'' I'm just gonna seem like I'm crazy or foolish, they're just going to be like ........ ''ooookay'' and judge me

December 15th, 2017, 03:27 PM
And it's like I don't want to start bawling to them that I'm growing my hair the longest possible and it's basically my main goal in life so far and that I'm on a website full of people growing their hair like me and that it's basically our hobby and that we are all really into it and that my hair growth journey is like my main occupation/motivation and how I've been growing and progressing since years and such

Like I don't wanna just spill all that out all at once in one big sentence with an upset shaking voice around the dinner table during a family supper because that would just be really awkward right?

Like you guys understand where I'm coming from but other people, if they saw me spill all that out, all defending myself, red-faced, about this ''hair-growth journey'' I'm just gonna seem like I'm crazy or foolish, they're just going to be like ........ ''ooookay'' and judge me

Mmmm... yeah, but you can complain to us, though :) We understand. :grouphug:

Just keep on growing long hair, it's the best revenge :D

December 15th, 2017, 03:28 PM
My relatives keep pointing out how thin my hair is and when I tell them ''It's not that bad'' or ''I've seen many other people have it thinner than me. Mine is correct'' they go compare me to my cousin who has thicker hair than me.

Like my cousin doesn't do anything specific for her hair and I'M the one on LHC and everything. But of course: my cousin here, my cousin there, blah blah blah...''but she has really thick hair'' ok so? I'm a joke or what? To heck with me and my hair growth journey because she has thicker hair?

Lol, I hear ya. My grandma keeps repeating how my mom didn't get her good hair and mentioning who got "good" hair. Hers is quite coarse, about 1c, and very thick, and my moms is 1a, fine and normal amount I guess, but it's so fine and straight it looks thin, so she repeats how my mom has "bad" hair. Then the other day she went on to say how much my hair falls and suggesting stuff to put on it.
Meh, it really isn't just your relatives... I remember years ago a friend saying something like "you used to have such thick hair, what happened?".
In my mind I was thinking that rather than lose hair, it just got less wavy and puffy, but whatever, I prefer to drop the subject before defending it and looking (to them) like I'm defending a lost cause and feeling conscious about it and "not accepting the truth".

December 15th, 2017, 03:41 PM
Mmmm... yeah, but you can complain to us, though :) We understand. :grouphug:

Just keep on growing long hair, it's the best revenge :D

One time during a family reunion my second cousin was over and it was the first time I met him, I was really happy. Then my aunt made a comment about me ''having no hair'' (it was an hyperbole/figure of speech, like an exageration, to say that my hair was thin) but like it was really insulting to be told that? She just looked at me like ''And you have no hair'' and I started defending myself spilling out and stuttering the ponytail circumference method to explain that my hair was actually medium according to this scientific method and such and my family would just compare me to my cousin and there I was standing up with my face all red and she looked at me and said I looked like (a family member I really don't wanna be like) when I was having an angry face like that.

And it upset me more and I started talking about my hair growth journey, my voice all unwillingly loud and high pitched with upsetness and she was like ''why don't you go to college or university instead of studying hair growth?''

And my second cousin was there and was seeing me for the first time and he was seeing my all upset but I think he got sympathy for me cause after that he asked me kindly to talk more about the circumference method.

But yeah...

I know my aunt cares about me and I can text her and talk to her if I feel upset but I never dared to go back on this cause I don't wanna explain to her just HOW much this hair growth thing means a lot cause I know that I will look weird

My cousins are all normal and I'm here like ''Heyyyyy my biggest hobby, goal in life and thrive is... hair growth!!! Hehh!! :silly:

December 15th, 2017, 03:50 PM
One time during a family reunion my second cousin was over and it was the first time I met him, I was really happy. Then my aunt made a comment about me ''having no hair'' (it was an hyperbole/figure of speech, like an exageration, to say that my hair was thin) but like it was really insulting to be told that? She just looked at me like ''And you have no hair'' and I started defending myself spilling out and stuttering the ponytail circumference method to explain that my hair was actually medium according to this scientific method and such and my family would just compare me to my cousin and there I was standing up with my face all red and she looked at me and said I looked like (a family member I really don't wanna be like) when I was having an angry face like that.

And it upset me more and I started talking about my hair growth journey, my voice all unwillingly loud and high pitched with upsetness and she was like ''why don't you go to college or university instead of studying hair growth?''

And my second cousin was there and was seeing me for the first time and he was seeing my all upset but I think he got sympathy for me cause after that he asked me kindly to talk more about the circumference method.

But yeah...

I know my aunt cares about me and I can text her and talk to her if I feel upset but I never dared to go back on this cause I don't wanna explain to her just HOW much this hair growth thing means a lot cause I know that I will look weird

My cousins are all normal and I'm here like ''Heyyyyy my biggest hobby, goal in life and thrive is... hair growth!!! Hehh!! :silly:

Maybe just keep your hair hobby to yourself? If someone is rude about your hair, just say something like "Well, I like it" or "Thanks for your opinion". Remember that not everyone is going to like your hair, and some will be rude enough to say so. Just smile and go on your merry way. If they don't like your hair, it's their problem - not yours. Be cool like a cucumber and sail calmly through the ctiticism. We all get it, whether we have thick hair or thin. We're growing it for ourselves, not others.

December 15th, 2017, 04:04 PM
Maybe just keep your hair hobby to yourself? If someone is rude about your hair, just say something like "Well, I like it" or "Thanks for your opinion". Remember that not everyone is going to like your hair, and some will be rude enough to say so. Just smile and go on your merry way. If they don't like your hair, it's their problem - not yours. Be cool like a cucumber and sail calmly through the ctiticism. We all get it, whether we have thick hair or thin. We're growing it for ourselves, not others.

I just trimmed all of a sudden omg!!!!! I just trimmed off the ends. I'm at still at classic?? Probably not...Ahhh my face is all red!!!!

December 15th, 2017, 04:05 PM
I'm magically still somewhat at classic... whaaaat??? Uuuhh. I trimmed off the overly tapered ends.

December 15th, 2017, 04:06 PM
I just trimmed all of a sudden omg!!!!! I just trimmed off the ends. I'm at still at classic?? Probably not...Ahhh my face is all red!!!!

Well, enjoy your nice fresh ends! And next time remember the two week rule, ie: don't do anything sudden to your hair unless you have thought about it for two weeks first and decided you still want to do it :)

December 15th, 2017, 04:06 PM
xD I would advice to put the scissors down at this point. Congrats on your fresh ends, though.

December 15th, 2017, 04:08 PM
Well, enjoy your nice fresh ends! And next time remember the two week rule, ie: don't do anything sudden to your hair unless you have thought about it for two weeks first and decided you still want to do it :)

I trimmed off more than 2 cm and it still looks roughly the same....

December 15th, 2017, 04:11 PM
I trimmed off more than 2 cm and it still looks roughly the same....

Sounds good! :D

December 15th, 2017, 05:59 PM
Man I don't know if it's just because its my time of the month (tmi sorry) but I just feel so down about this hair journey these days :( I used to feel so positive and happy that I was pretty much at classic (when I grab my hair and stick to to my body behind I can technically bring them around my bum... its just that if I don't actually grab my hair to do that it will just float all over when i walk and it just sits and goes sideways on top of my bum but i can still take it with my hand and force it straight and you can see I'm technically at classic.. even with the trim I still kinda am...)

But I dunno I just feel so... down... I remember when I was about 16 years old at APL... I was like ''omg I'm so far from (Idk...hip length)''... and now I'm like omg...I'm so far from knee... I mean... if I'm technically at classic now... it might take two years for knee...2 years... or more cause I might get taper....god...it's so long.. and if I want to have a perfect full hemline it's going to take longer... and I might want to grow to ankle...Just uughh... so many.....years...

And I feel like I'm not officially happy until I'm at a certain length...I thought I would be SOOO happy at where I am now..and I am but...I still think ''but I would be happier if it was even longer''... it doesnt stop.. it's depressing... :sad

Sorry I just feel very negative right now :(

December 15th, 2017, 06:09 PM
38 cm / 15 inches for calf length...

Jo Ann
December 15th, 2017, 06:49 PM
Quit kicking yourself, CB!

*adopts Fred and Ginger voices* Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again! *ends Fred and Ginger voices*

As my siggy says: Baby steps! Remember, each month, you are getting closer and closer to your goal!

December 15th, 2017, 11:58 PM
One time during a family reunion my second cousin was over and it was the first time I met him, I was really happy. Then my aunt made a comment about me ''having no hair'' (it was an hyperbole/figure of speech, like an exageration, to say that my hair was thin) but like it was really insulting to be told that? She just looked at me like ''And you have no hair'' and I started defending myself spilling out and stuttering the ponytail circumference method to explain that my hair was actually medium according to this scientific method and such and my family would just compare me to my cousin and there I was standing up with my face all red and she looked at me and said I looked like (a family member I really don't wanna be like) when I was having an angry face like that.

And it upset me more and I started talking about my hair growth journey, my voice all unwillingly loud and high pitched with upsetness and she was like ''why don't you go to college or university instead of studying hair growth?''

And my second cousin was there and was seeing me for the first time and he was seeing my all upset but I think he got sympathy for me cause after that he asked me kindly to talk more about the circumference method.

But yeah...

I know my aunt cares about me and I can text her and talk to her if I feel upset but I never dared to go back on this cause I don't wanna explain to her just HOW much this hair growth thing means a lot cause I know that I will look weird

My cousins are all normal and I'm here like ''Heyyyyy my biggest hobby, goal in life and thrive is... hair growth!!! Hehh!! :silly:

Most people don’t want to hear about things they’re not interested in. It’s a people problem, not you. I’ve seen the photos of your hair that you posted in the blonette thread, your hair isn’t thin at all. Plenty of people say hurtful things without thinking. At times like these, it’s best to ignore them. You know they’re wrong anyway, no need to try to convince them that they’re wrong. If someone told you that you have 3 arms, you wouldn’t try to argue to prove that you have two, right? It’s the same thing.

Also, it’s YOUR hair, it’s for YOUR enjoyment. People don’t like your hair? So what, as long as you like it? If they have negative comments, that’s not going to make you enjoy having your classic length hair any less. If you’re after positive comments and praise, you’re in for a long wait, most people don’t care very much about hair, to them it’s just something that grows out of heads time. You don’t need validation to grow your hair long, just grow it because you like it. We’re all going to get stupid comments about our hair, whether it is too long, too short, too thin, or too thick. Life is too short to try to please people other than yourself.

December 16th, 2017, 01:15 AM
Just do the old LHC trick of putting it up and forgetting about it for a few days/weeks/months. It's still growing!

Find another interest apart from your hair, that will be very helpful for you on your hair growing journey.

December 16th, 2017, 03:49 AM
Quit kicking yourself, CB!

*adopts Fred and Ginger voices* Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again! *ends Fred and Ginger voices*

As my siggy says: Baby steps! Remember, each month, you are getting closer and closer to your goal!

Each month @.@

I do notice a difference with my length compared to this summer. When I'm in the shower. It feels longer as its sticks to my body with water.

December 16th, 2017, 03:50 AM
Most people don’t want to hear about things they’re not interested in. It’s a people problem, not you. I’ve seen the photos of your hair that you posted in the blonette thread, your hair isn’t thin at all. Plenty of people say hurtful things without thinking. At times like these, it’s best to ignore them. You know they’re wrong anyway, no need to try to convince them that they’re wrong. If someone told you that you have 3 arms, you wouldn’t try to argue to prove that you have two, right? It’s the same thing.

Also, it’s YOUR hair, it’s for YOUR enjoyment. People don’t like your hair? So what, as long as you like it? If they have negative comments, that’s not going to make you enjoy having your classic length hair any less. If you’re after positive comments and praise, you’re in for a long wait, most people don’t care very much about hair, to them it’s just something that grows out of heads time. You don’t need validation to grow your hair long, just grow it because you like it. We’re all going to get stupid comments about our hair, whether it is too long, too short, too thin, or too thick. Life is too short to try to please people other than yourself.

Hehe thanks, that's true. :) Btw the pic you saw my hair was probably fluffy, I mean it gets fluffy easily and seems fuller but it's just an effect :P

December 16th, 2017, 03:52 AM
Just do the old LHC trick of putting it up and forgetting about it for a few days/weeks/months. It's still growing!

Find another interest apart from your hair, that will be very helpful for you on your hair growing journey.

Once I was counting down the centimeters for my hair to reach my belly button and at some point I forgot to look at the progress. Then one day I noticed my hair was even PAST my belly button and I was like ''When did this happen???'' :P

December 16th, 2017, 06:47 AM
I had that happen! I had not measured in a long time, I knew it was a bit longer, but I was astounded when one shed hair measured more than 36 inches! Happy dance!

Keep your hair growing hobby to yourself - talk about it here where people are supportive. In Real Life, not so much. It opens a door to criticism and comments.

Create a response to use when people make the remarks about your hair, like 'Thank you so much!", with a smile. And just leave it at that. It's not "the right response" when people say unhelpful or snarky things, but it does give you a come back, rather than just standing there feeling hurt.

December 16th, 2017, 09:34 AM
And it's like I don't want to start bawling to them that I'm growing my hair the longest possible and it's basically my main goal in life so far and that I'm on a website full of people growing their hair like me and that it's basically our hobby and that we are all really into it and that my hair growth journey is like my main occupation/motivation and how I've been growing and progressing since years and such

Like I don't wanna just spill all that out all at once in one big sentence with an upset shaking voice around the dinner table during a family supper because that would just be really awkward right?

Like you guys understand where I'm coming from but other people, if they saw me spill all that out, all defending myself, red-faced, about this ''hair-growth journey'' I'm just gonna seem like I'm crazy or foolish, they're just going to be like ........ ''ooookay'' and judge me

Are you wearing your hair up a lot, or leaving it be? You might get a lot less flack if you start wearing it up more. If that's what you want, of course, because it's not for everyone.

And why would you have to defend yourself in the first place? Is anyone attacking you for having long hair?

Alex Lou
December 16th, 2017, 09:48 AM
You need to grow your hair for yourself. Most people do not appreciate hair past a certain length and you are past it for most people. If compliments are most important to you then keep your hair shorter and back comb it or whatever is fashionable. The girls who follow the standard trends will always get the most compliments.

Also, could your family be saying the bald and thin comments on purpose because they know they'll get a rise out of you?

You should also have other interests, hobbies, goals in life besides hair.

December 16th, 2017, 11:59 AM
Are you wearing your hair up a lot, or leaving it be? You might get a lot less flack if you start wearing it up more. If that's what you want, of course, because it's not for everyone.

And why would you have to defend yourself in the first place? Is anyone attacking you for having long hair?

They attack me for having thin hair

December 16th, 2017, 12:00 PM
You need to grow your hair for yourself. Most people do not appreciate hair past a certain length and you are past it for most people. If compliments are most important to you then keep your hair shorter and back comb it or whatever is fashionable. The girls who follow the standard trends will always get the most compliments.

Also, could your family be saying the bald and thin comments on purpose because they know they'll get a rise out of you?

You should also have other interests, hobbies, goals in life besides hair.

Well I do have other interests haha but goal-wise I'm pretty lost except for that :P

December 16th, 2017, 12:01 PM
I had that happen! I had not measured in a long time, I knew it was a bit longer, but I was astounded when one shed hair measured more than 36 inches! Happy dance!

Keep your hair growing hobby to yourself - talk about it here where people are supportive. In Real Life, not so much. It opens a door to criticism and comments.

Create a response to use when people make the remarks about your hair, like 'Thank you so much!", with a smile. And just leave it at that. It's not "the right response" when people say unhelpful or snarky things, but it does give you a come back, rather than just standing there feeling hurt.

I should think of a comeback, yeah. :P

You're at term? How long is your hair? :O

December 16th, 2017, 12:02 PM
Well according to your hair stats you have normal hair, not thin. Your hair might be fine, but that isn't the same as thin.

December 16th, 2017, 12:14 PM
Well according to your hair stats you have normal hair, not thin. Your hair might be fine, but that isn't the same as thin.

It's ii but it's like 2.5 inches circumference

December 16th, 2017, 01:17 PM
They attack me for having thin hair

Honestly? And what do people say, then? And who is it that says these things to you, anyway.

December 16th, 2017, 02:32 PM
Honestly? And what do people say, then? And who is it that says these things to you, anyway.

Well my aunt told me I had no hair.

December 16th, 2017, 02:52 PM
CreatureBaileywell my mom just told me i have no hair and that i should cut it to chin:(

December 16th, 2017, 02:55 PM
CreatureBaileywell my mom just told me i have no hair and that i should cut it to chin:(

"If I have no hair, then what would I be cutting?"

December 16th, 2017, 04:08 PM
"If I have no hair, then what would I be cutting?"

omg haha this is the best response LOL

and yeah, forget what other people think..that's a problem they have with themselves, not worth the time or effort. From what you describe, CreatureBailey, your hair sounds lovely, classic length! That is goal hair to many, many people.

December 16th, 2017, 04:16 PM
omg haha this is the best response LOL

and yeah, forget what other people think..that's a problem they have with themselves, not worth the time or effort. From what you describe, CreatureBailey, your hair sounds lovely, classic length! That is goal hair to many, many people.

Thanks haha :) Though I'm officially going to say I'm at classic around the 10th of Janurary when my hair vitamin gummies are finished. :)

December 16th, 2017, 04:32 PM
I should think of a comeback, yeah. :P

You're at term? How long is your hair? :O

Yes, come up with something you can just *say* without it sounding like your feelings are hurt. A chipper little reply that might even puzzle them. You don't want to get into a discussion or argument, just to stop the conversation about hair.

Yes, I'm at term. My hair was about 2.5 inches circumference but for unknown reasons appears to have thickened to 3 inches. No clue, it looks thinner to me! I don't know exactly when I got to term, I'd been growing from a "boy cut" starting in about 1989 or so. Then in 2005 I got upset with my hair and chopped off 8 inches. Huge mistake. Never again. Been just letting it do its thing ever since. I don't measure length at all now. Fairytale ends, around classic, a *few* racer hairs to mid-thigh.

Good luck. People can be so annoying.

December 16th, 2017, 04:34 PM
Yes, come up with something you can just *say* without it sounding like your feelings are hurt. A chipper little reply that might even puzzle them. You don't want to get into a discussion or argument, just to stop the conversation about hair.

Yes, I'm at term. My hair was about 2.5 inches circumference but for unknown reasons appears to have thickened to 3 inches. No clue, it looks thinner to me! I don't know exactly when I got to term, I'd been growing from a "boy cut" starting in about 1989 or so. Then in 2005 I got upset with my hair and chopped off 8 inches. Huge mistake. Never again. Been just letting it do its thing ever since. I don't measure length at all now. Fairytale ends, around classic, a *few* racer hairs to mid-thigh.

Good luck. People can be so annoying.

Maybe you're not term yet?

And you joined in 2005. I was a little 7yo kid! :O That's interesting. This place was here when I was in first grade.

December 16th, 2017, 06:25 PM
My hair has been feeling somewhat thicker lately. I don't do S&D even though I had seriously thought of starting it. So long as I keep a post-wash light oil like TreSemme's Marula oil and/or L'oreal Detangler Moisture spray, things seem to be going really well!

December 16th, 2017, 07:37 PM
Other than the comments, you could be describing my hair. It snaps really easily, I can't seem to finger detangle without at least one hair snapping, and I have splits and splits and splits..... The bottom 4 inches of my hair are always thinner, dry, tangly, and basically somewhat ratty no matter how long or short I have my hair. It can grow, as long as I protect it and microtrim and s&d, but the bottom is always worse than the rest. I do oil the ends, and they no longer feel like straw the way they did before I learned LHC ways. They're still not great, though.

Someone around the forum said something very intelligent: damage is cumulative. Unless a hair has had absolutely no abrasion or stress its whole life all the way growing down, there's going to be some cumulative damage. If your hair is particularly sensitive to damage, it's going to show up more. We can protect our hair a lot, but at a certain point the hairs are going to split and break when they've had too much damage. More protective styles and habits just mean it's going to hit that spot farther down. The ideal is to keep figuring out what causes of damage to eliminate to keep that spot moving farther and farther down.

Someone else noted that if a hair is very damaged and fragile, even if you trim it or s&d it, it's just going to split again soon, because the hair is very fragile. That's where micro trims come in, because they can cut it at a slightly stronger spot before it breaks off, but because it's going to split again soon due to its fragility, one doesn't want to cut too far up. That would just be counterproductive.

It never ceases to amaze me how mean and cruel people can casually be about other's appearances. There are so many prejudices about specific kinds of hair. Part of the reason I love the LHC is that it showed me how every type of hair under the sun can be beautiful if you just open your mind to it. It's just too bad for the people that can't see that kind of beauty in the world. You do what pleases you with your hair, and never mind others' opinions about it. :blossom:

ETA: I agree with the put it up and forget about it advice. It's like watching a pot boil, or grass grow. It won't do it while you're looking at it. And while you're looking at it, you're probably holding it, combing it, manipulating it, and giving it more opportunities to get damaged. (This coming from someone who actually was watching a pot boil last week and getting frustrated that it wasn't!) Putting it up can also make it look deceptively bigger, depending on the hairstyle you choose.

December 16th, 2017, 11:24 PM
Also if you wear it up people will be so much less likely to make the negative comments about how long or thick or thin your hair is.

December 17th, 2017, 02:28 AM
Well my aunt told me I had no hair.
My response would definitely be something along the lines of:
"Ermmm.. how do I have no hair...!?" And swing my braid around to the front or do a bun drop or at least point at the undoubtedly visible bun. This is hair. Also, your aunt is rude.

I'm going to give my 2 cent about the split end problem: I too have lot's of broken ends and some split ends and instead of wasting my time with endless S&D I decided to go for microtrims ever month to get rid of the bulk of them and accepting the fact that they exist and will exist.

I also have a feeling that it's the same problem as owning one of those super magnifying mirrors for the face. You start to see every single minute imperfection in the skin, all the pores and you start obsessing over it. Nobody sees your skin up that close and it's impossible to get rid of pores. If you have spots or wrinkles you get to see every single detail and I can imagine that this can make people constantly dissatisfied with themselves. I know this would happen to me so I don't own any of those mirrors.

The point I'm making is that it's probably the same with the hair - you see your braid tassel centimeters away from your eyes and you see every single flaw! Striving for perfection will take away the joy of reaching the goal/ milestones. I was super obsessed with my hair too about 5ish years ago but ultimately there are more important things in my life that I try focus my energy on. My hair is still very important but not my main focus.

Wishing you best of luck! :blossom:

December 17th, 2017, 04:31 AM
Well my aunt told me I had no hair.

Just like that? No conversation in front or after that? She just came out and said that to you?


Seems a little odd to me that she would say that "justlikethat", but if she did, boy that is *evil*.

I think you need to have some responses ready for when people talk about your hair. Maybe then it will get easier to bear, and easier on you. :flower:

December 17th, 2017, 04:32 AM
Hey guys, just saying I read all your comments and I appreciate them all, even if I don't respond to every single one. You all have good advice. It's nice to find people to understand me about this thing but after all it is LHC :P <3

December 17th, 2017, 07:00 AM
For a comeback to anyone who tells you you have no hair, I would probably channel my most snarky friends (this is where attitude comes in handy). I'd toss the hair and say "Whatever, you're clearly blind" and then change the subject abruptly and pointedly. I am usually not rude like that at all, but sometimes it is simply the most appropriate and effective response. If they can't taunt you about it, it's not fun anymore.

December 17th, 2017, 07:59 AM
I think it is harder when it is older relatives. It is not always appropriate to be snarky and there is often a power/age differential in play. Especially given that the OP is younger and therefor already less likely to be taken seriously by demeaning relatives no matter what she says or does.

I find for that it is better to make the topic very boring for them.

Aunt Edna: Ugh, when are you going to do something with that rat's nest!?
Patient longhair: I like it just fine like this Aunty! Hi Sally, mind passing the peas!
Aunt Edna: But it is so thin!
Patient longhair: Oh, thanks! Wow, these peas are really good this year.

Basically I agree with the advice to just randomly say thank you at them, even though you know it was not a compliment. Mostly because it is one of the few responses that won't make you look bad. In this case, I think making it boring is probably your best bet. The trouble with that kind of relative is even if they couldn't find something to pick on about your hair, it would be something else. Like the job/school thing. Or your weight. (I have a couple of weight aunties. Sweet mother of awkwardness! I am either too thin or too fat for them, sometimes even when my weight has not changed at all. And yes, they really are very, very blunt about it. "Chromis, why you so fat now!?" "Chromis, you too skinny now, you sick?!" and my answer is pretty much "Huh, thanks, hadn't noticed! So, how is Cousin So-and-so?")

December 17th, 2017, 08:23 AM
I think we agree on the basic point, which is make it boring/not fun to criticize the longhair. You're absolutely right that there are times when snark isn't appropriate. I think it may depend not only on the relationship, but also the personality of the criticizer. Thank you for describing an alternate way to do this. :flower:

December 17th, 2017, 09:24 AM
To what ever comment...

"Thank you ! My hair makes me happy and I love it"

December 17th, 2017, 10:20 AM
I think it is harder when it is older relatives. It is not always appropriate to be snarky and there is often a power/age differential in play. Especially given that the OP is younger and therefor already less likely to be taken seriously by demeaning relatives no matter what she says or does.

I find for that it is better to make the topic very boring for them.

Aunt Edna: Ugh, when are you going to do something with that rat's nest!?
Patient longhair: I like it just fine like this Aunty! Hi Sally, mind passing the peas!
Aunt Edna: But it is so thin!
Patient longhair: Oh, thanks! Wow, these peas are really good this year.

Basically I agree with the advice to just randomly say thank you at them, even though you know it was not a compliment. Mostly because it is one of the few responses that won't make you look bad. In this case, I think making it boring is probably your best bet. The trouble with that kind of relative is even if they couldn't find something to pick on about your hair, it would be something else. Like the job/school thing. Or your weight. (I have a couple of weight aunties. Sweet mother of awkwardness! I am either too thin or too fat for them, sometimes even when my weight has not changed at all. And yes, they really are very, very blunt about it. "Chromis, why you so fat now!?" "Chromis, you too skinny now, you sick?!" and my answer is pretty much "Huh, thanks, hadn't noticed! So, how is Cousin So-and-so?")

Totally unrelated but thank for saying I'm young hahahaha I'm still a teenager but only for less than 2 months and I don't want to!!! D: But you're funny hahaha :P

December 17th, 2017, 10:28 AM
I think I'm just gonna say that thin hair is easier to grow extra long since it's not too heavy.

December 17th, 2017, 10:28 AM
(No offense it's just what thick haired people have told me)

December 17th, 2017, 01:36 PM
Totally unrelated but thank for saying I'm young hahahaha I'm still a teenager but only for less than 2 months and I don't want to!!! D: But you're funny hahaha :P

I hope that sounded okay! It is in your profile, I didn't mean to be like you are sooooo young or something, just I know that situation and how much of a drag it is! And it is really a lot different when it is family instead of friends or friends of friends. I think too maybe people wouldn't know that Canadians do not tend to be super confrontational too, so it would be even more out of place up here.

I'd tell you it will get better in ten years, but twenty years later and the weight comment was still very first thing out of Auntie N's mouth. Like literally, right after the word Hi before even asking how was our trip or how are we doing :lol: I think I have just gotten better at knowing how ridiculous it is and figuring out how to wiggle off the topic faster. She's fine once I get past that bit, but I still am just like who thinks this is a reasonable thing to tell someone?! (Well, Auntie N, obviously, and also Auntie A, and....)

If they are really terrible and it is not socially acceptable to make a fuss I pretty much start a monologue about my pets and garden. Other hobbies like painting or drawing are potentials for this too or neat books you've been reading. Heck, even talking randomly about some book you really like works out okay for this. (Also, I feel like it is sneaky fair turnabout for how often people talk television at me even after I have politely said I don't really watch it.)

December 17th, 2017, 01:45 PM
I hope that sounded okay! It is in your profile, I didn't mean to be like you are sooooo young or something, just I know that situation and how much of a drag it is! And it is really a lot different when it is family instead of friends or friends of friends. I think too maybe people wouldn't know that Canadians do not tend to be super confrontational too, so it would be even more out of place up here.

I'd tell you it will get better in ten years, but twenty years later and the weight comment was still very first thing out of Auntie N's mouth. Like literally, right after the word Hi before even asking how was our trip or how are we doing :lol: I think I have just gotten better at knowing how ridiculous it is and figuring out how to wiggle off the topic faster. She's fine once I get past that bit, but I still am just like who thinks this is a reasonable thing to tell someone?! (Well, Auntie N, obviously, and also Auntie A, and....)

If they are really terrible and it is not socially acceptable to make a fuss I pretty much start a monologue about my pets and garden. Other hobbies like painting or drawing are potentials for this too or neat books you've been reading. Heck, even talking randomly about some book you really like works out okay for this. (Also, I feel like it is sneaky fair turnabout for how often people talk television at me even after I have politely said I don't really watch it.)

I really liked that you said I was young hahaha. :) I think next time I get told something bad bout Bailey I'm gonna let it loose and flowing all over and I'm just gonna be like "..Mkay."

December 18th, 2017, 11:09 AM
I eat enough protein. Like, a lot.

Ok, you might need to start weekly light protein treatments.

December 18th, 2017, 11:59 AM
Ok, you might need to start weekly light protein treatments.

Like what? What kind of protein?

December 18th, 2017, 12:12 PM
Like what? What kind of protein?

You can try this product by ORS Replenishing Conditioner. Or, this other product called, NuHair Protein Treatment." The ORS Replenishing Conditioner can be used a weekly treatment. Because, it's a light protein treatment. But the NuHair Protein Treatment should only be used once a month. They both really help me!!!

December 18th, 2017, 03:20 PM
Like what? What kind of protein?

Hey, I'm so sorry that I give you one of the wrong products to try. It is called, "Nutress Hair." It's going to say, "Protein Pack." You can buy the little packets or the bigger jar at anyone of your local beauty supply stores.

December 18th, 2017, 05:20 PM
I think Spidermom is onto something... I can't help but feel like a big part of our dissatisfaction comes from a) hyper-focusing on our own perceived flaws and b) comparison to others.
... :hmm: Maybe that's true for more than just hair...

I was spending time with friends recently, and had my hair in a ponytail, pulled over my shoulder... I kept spotting tons of split ends and it was an active effort to stop looking at my hair (doesn't that drive you nuts when you see splits and can't snip them?) And later one of my friends praised how healthy my hair looked! :o Sometimes it's all about perspective. It's easy to look at your hair and see only the flaws... But it's important to remember what you love about your hair (and yourself as a whole).

Are you enjoying the length you are at? What course of action would lead to the least amount of heartburn?

Lately I've started embracing the idea that neither I nor my hair will ever be perfect. So I strive to be better than yesterday, knowing that some days, there will be setbacks. Wishing you positive thoughts. :blossom:

This, I recently have distance myself from my hair a bit(My throwing myself into another obsession basically) and now it's growing like crazy and I'm not even concerned that it might not be perfect anymore because I'm not always thinking about it. I'm enjoying it as it is instead of comparing it to someone else

December 18th, 2017, 07:33 PM
Hey, I'm so sorry that I give you one of the wrong products to try. It is called, "Nutress Hair." It's going to say, "Protein Pack." You can buy the little packets or the bigger jar at anyone of your local beauty supply stores.

Might look at that. I hope it won't make my hair stiff tho, like overly proteinated?

December 18th, 2017, 07:34 PM
This, I recently have distance myself from my hair a bit(My throwing myself into another obsession basically) and now it's growing like crazy and I'm not even concerned that it might not be perfect anymore because I'm not always thinking about it. I'm enjoying it as it is instead of comparing it to someone else

It was easier to forget 'bout my hair while I was in high school...

December 19th, 2017, 10:13 AM
Might look at that. I hope it won't make my hair stiff tho, like overly proteinated?

The Nutress I wouldn't use but only once a month, and the ORS Replenishing Conditioner you can use once a week. If you don't use them too often they won't overproteinate your hair...lol :D

December 19th, 2017, 12:31 PM
Might look at that. I hope it won't make my hair stiff tho, like overly proteinated?

Totally depends on your hair. It's worth a try. If your hair gets too stiff and tangly, then yes, it made your hair over-proteined. Moisturize with an SMT and don't use the product again for a good long time, and maybe dilute it with conditioner when you do. If your hair feels nice and strong and bouncy after, then it's probably just what you needed.

If you're prepared for what overproteined feels like and how to counter it, it's not a thing to fear. It's when you're not prepared and you keep using the product, making it worse and worse, that you can end up with damage.

December 19th, 2017, 01:57 PM
I think my hair is also just very fine too. Um. I'm guessing there's no way to make hair coarser?

December 19th, 2017, 02:02 PM
Wellll......henna makes my hair noticeably thicker, but it also turns it red. I am finding cassia also makes it a little thicker too, and it doesn't change the colour for me. It gives gold-yellow tones for super light haired folks though. It won't make it like jump a thickness classification, but it does make a bit of difference. It is also super permanent. Sedr is giving me some thickness too, but I have not used it as much/long.

December 19th, 2017, 03:40 PM
It was easier to forget 'bout my hair while I was in high school...

CB, have fun with your hair. We are all here because we enjoy hair. We share a passion. Let it be an expression of yourself but not by and of itself. It is attached to a wonderful person. You sound happy and fun. :)

December 19th, 2017, 04:47 PM
CB, have fun with your hair. We are all here because we enjoy hair. We share a passion. Let it be an expression of yourself but not by and of itself. It is attached to a wonderful person. You sound happy and fun. :)

Awww thank you you're so sweet :D :grouphug: