View Full Version : The day I banish my hairdryer

December 12th, 2017, 08:38 PM
So my old routine was to wash my hair at night, blow dry it straight and then sleep on it; all in the effort to wake up to smooth, sleek, straight-ish hair.

Today is the day I decided to wash my hair in the morning instead, which I didn't dare to do before in fear of it frizzing up and looking like a big poof, and leave it to airdry. I think the result is not as terrible as what I thought.

The only thing is due to damage, continuous brushing and forcing it straight previously, so most of my curl is lost. I really hope to embrace this more natural less harmful routine and get my curls back.

do you guys have any good suggestions on how to get natural wave and curl back?

Im so sorry to make a whole thread about this but it was something I wanted to share and it's a big thing for me, since I always insisted on washing it at night and blow drying it.

Jo Ann
December 12th, 2017, 08:57 PM
Try the LOC method: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=118167

(http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=118167)The curls and waves should be back in no time!

Groovy Granny
December 12th, 2017, 09:09 PM
Your hair looks like it has a lot of wurl potential...very pretty!

For my LOC I use a pea size dab of conditioner my my damp ends post shampoo, then a few drops of oil, followed by a few drops of serum .
*My hair is very fine and wispy and creams/gels are just too heavy.

Give it a little scrunch and air dry = curls.

* I can't stand a cold/damp scalp so I use a warm-cool blow dry on my scalp only all year round.
In Summer I use a diffuser on it because I have curl explosions in humidity lol
If it is very hot then I will air dry because it s cooling and dries pretty fast.

December 12th, 2017, 10:28 PM
Moisture and time were key for me. I used to blow dry with a brush, (this might make some cringe!) holding the blowdryer so close to my hair that it could touch my brush. Naturally, my wurl went away after a while. Doing SMT's really helped to bring back texture, as well as using conditioner twice each time I wash it. That, and over time (for me, years) my hair has gone from sorta straight ish, to wavy/curly. SMT's showed me my wave pattern, back when I couldn't get my hair to curl at all. I like to sleep with wet hair to get wave but no poof, also. (My hair gets frizzy before it totally dried.) I wonder if sleeping on it is like scrunching it a lot? Good luck with your curls, and have fun experimenting!

December 12th, 2017, 10:35 PM
Your little wave is cute... keep it up! Your hair will thank you. My hair improved SO much when I stopped using blowdryers/heat tools.

December 13th, 2017, 03:20 AM
I really like your wave too, its so pretty! Great job on giving up the blow-fryer I did it 5 years ago and never looked back:)

December 13th, 2017, 03:58 AM
I have wavy hair too. You can still blow dry, just "diffuse" your hair with a diffuser attachment.

What I do is; I towel dry for about 30-45 min. then I style my hair (LOC/LCO method - link is given up above and in my signature). Then I air dry for 2 to 4 hours, and only then do I diffuse, and all it takes then is 5 min. I do this on a Sunday, so I get no interruptions while air drying (Sunday is restday in this country for a lot of people still).

A blow dryer is fine. As long as you can hold your hand (or a more sensitive part of you) in the airstream without it burning, the temperature is fine to use on the hair also.

Good luck!

December 13th, 2017, 09:05 AM
Thank you so so much for all of your comments.

At work my colleagues were shocked and asked me if I got a perm. I got a lot of complements and they said my hair made me look like I had a lot of style and energy, which was nice.

The only thing is my hair is low porosity and I have read the LOC method would be too heavy for my hair?? Is that right? I'm not sure, I've never would any method outside of shampoo and conditioner.

December 13th, 2017, 09:07 AM
I never had many split ends, but after I stopped using a dryer I don't get any. I never used high heat, but it appears that letting it dry naturally is way better for our hair.

Some splits to no splits is a pretty great result.

December 13th, 2017, 10:18 AM
Thank you so so much for all of your comments.

At work my colleagues were shocked and asked me if I got a perm. I got a lot of complements and they said my hair made me look like I had a lot of style and energy, which was nice.

The only thing is my hair is low porosity and I have read the LOC method would be too heavy for my hair?? Is that right? I'm not sure, I've never would any method outside of shampoo and conditioner.

My hair is low porosity as well. The key is (and you'll read that in the thread itself), is not to use too much product for each layer, a pea to small coinsize amount per layer will be enough for your length. I'm not kidding!