View Full Version : Help! Mystery Breakage? Aveda and other Color Depositing Shampoo/Conditioners

November 21st, 2017, 11:22 AM
Hello! I have been scouring the internet and cannot find any information regarding whats going on with my hair ;) so I want to post about my mysterious hair breakage and hope that someone can help with some advice or experience.
I started having breakage at my crown and hairline a few years ago, and tiny bits of hair would stick straight up. That never happened before. Then no matter what I did over the years I would still always have these little short one inch broken pieces, even when i wasnt dying and was growing out roots. Not *super* noticeable , but to me.
Then I decided to give up dye and grow it out, starting a Long Hair Journey ,which i didnt realize would be so difficult and frought with pitfalls!
I had finally grown out my hair, virgin! for over a year and was very happy with how healthy it was (even though the color is not great on me and when its that healthy it feels a bit limp and textureless) . Given that, my hair still felt weak, and there were alot of tiny broken hairs sticking straight up. But I had bleached ends that did not look good at all and were strawlike and tangly. I didnt want to dye it anymore, so I did alot of research and decided to try Aveda Clove Conditioner to even out the color - it looks better darker anyway.
I had heard from someone to leave it in dry hair for half an hour and it acts like a color mask. So i did that. When I washed it out, my hair felt so silky and when dried it was shiny and a gorgeous even medium brown color. I loved it! However upon closer inspection it looked like there was alottt of breakage! So I thought, well its probably the damaged blond parts that broke and thats partly why it feels healthier now? But it really looked like there were parts where it had broken, further up the shaft, where my hair was virgin. And even though the hair felt healthy, it felt much much thinner...especially toward the ends but also mid shaft. Then as I grew it out it got more and more straggly and jellyfish like. It was so thin and terrible that I went to a salon. By this time the Color deposit had worn off and I was back to weird ombre. The hairdresser had to cut probably 6 -7inches of hair, total, so basically all of the hair I had grown over that year, to make it look thick and healthy. She gave me a couple highlights and toned it and it looked great.
But after a trip to California, my hair didnt look good - whether it was the hard water, pool water, sun, etc... i saw in pictures that my whole head looked brassy and reddish and terrible! I was upset , wondering if it was the toner my new stylist had used. In a fit of crazyness, I bleached my whole head, myself, so I could put a light ashy toner on it. I know that was so dumb to do and I immediately regretted it. The color was what I wanted but My hair was totally fried! wasnt worth it...:)) So then I remembered this great product I used to use called Surya Henna, which had saved my hairs life in the past. I used the Henna cream in a rich brown color and my hair instantly became silky and beautiful again. Whew!!! However the color from this product fades so fast, which is ok because its not damaging and you can use it often. However I didnt want to use it all the time, so I started using Aveda Clove again, and since the color was a little ashy and the conditioner is so expensive, I went to Sally's Beauty and they recommended Argan Oil One n Only color depositing conditioners, and also one by Ion. I started using them both and they were great, made my color richer and prettier and healthier looking (faded brunette color over bleached hair can be kind of rough looking as you may know).
However I started to notice that after a few shampoos my hair would start going back to tangly gross damaged state- at that point using the Henna Cream would salvage it and make it nice again. But another thing I started noticing is it seemed like im having so much hair fall and breakage, at first i thought maybe its because my hair is so much darker so it looks like more hair is coming out in the shower... but I dont know , its starting to get that 'thin' scraggly look that it had before when I was using the Clove conditioner. Now at this point I could blame the breakage on the fact that its blonde and damaged underneath (but I have had blonde damaged hair that did not shed this much when properly cared for!at least not that I recall...). Or that my hair was kind of weak to begin with (which makes no sense because i take lots of vitamins, fish oil, and am a little bit of a health nut). But my fear is that the Color Depositing Conditioners I am using, along with possibly the Aveda Clove Shampoo,( which I also bought hoping it would add extra staying power to the color,), are causing my hair to break *alot* and thin out.Im experiencing alot of hair fall in the shower. I want to know if its these so that I can stop using them, but its hard to know for sure what it is because the damage is already done. Im trying not to be too disappointed but I thought my LH journey was going so well, and now its almost two years and Im back where I started with a damaged lob.... (;.;):violin:
I cant find any info about these conditioners and shampoo other than most people love them, and some people say that the Shampoo is drying.
Does anyone have any experience similar to mine, or any advice? Thank you soooo much and good luck everyone, with your fabulous hair!:love:

November 21st, 2017, 11:30 AM
First of all, have you gone to the doctor yet to rule out anything medically going wrong. Often thyroid issues can crop up, or other issues like iron shortage - it can all affect the hair, which is why it's important to have bloodwork done at least once in a while.

Second of all, I would stop the dye. Henna also. Especially when your hair is this fragile. Ion is a dye range, right?

November 21st, 2017, 03:16 PM
Hello, thanks for responding so quickly! i have had bloodwork done since my hair had originally started breaking - everything was fine. But not in the last year or so.
Thanks for that suggestion!although the virgin hair was nice and healthy aside from those funky little hairs on top.
Ion is a dye range - the conditioner im using is a color depositing conditioner that is supposed to be like a color masque... But i usually mix it with other conditioners and dont leave it on for too long. but I am sure it must have dye in it. I just assumed color deposit conditioners would not damage my hair the way dye does but it seems that may not be true! I think you are right and the best thing is just to stop everything and see what happens. My only concern about stopping the henna cream is it seems to be the ONLY thing that is keeping my hair healthy - before using it i could barely run my fingers through my hair, and afterwards it was silky and healthy feeling. After it washes out, my hair starts to get breakage-y and tangly again and I dont know how else to help its condition- nothing else seems to work the way that the henna cream does, even conditioners -and im hesitant to try any dyes with developer etc.
Here is the conditioner I use from ion http://www.sallybeauty.com/ion-color-solutions-color-pigments (http://www.sallybeauty.com/ion-color-solutions-color-pigments/SBS-302293,default,pd.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&adpos=1o3&scid=scplpSBS-302293&sc_intid=SBS-302293&utm_content=SBS-302293&gclid=Cj0KCQiAus_QBRDgARIsAIRGNGhbgZFTwEpFoTobHSIf qWhtGYniLz-PxlAaGuxw1K524Zd8AhW3oYUaAr12EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) and the other one http://www.sallybeauty.com/one-n-only-argan-oil-color-depositing-conditioner (http://www.sallybeauty.com/one-n-only-argan-oil-color-depositing-conditioner/ONEONL10,default,pd.html?list=Search_Results#q=arg an+color&start=1) , the aveda clove line https://www.aveda.com/esearch?form_id=perlgem_search_form&search=clove&gclid=CKnC4KDX0NcCFYmgswodOpMEBw&gclsrc=ds
The Surya henna cream I have used in the past with wonderful results, even when used under or over other dyes... https://www.suryabrasilproducts.com/pages/henna-creammy hair never feels healthier than when Im using this, and there are so many reviews out there that also say that- I have never read a bad review other than people saying the color didnt take or faded too much.
However maybe its having a reaction with the color conditioner? I have a sneaking suspicion its the Color Conditioners since my hair only really started the show breakage the first time I used the Aveda Clove. But I dont understand why it would do that and have only read positive reviews.
hope those links help anyone who may not be familiar with the products. Thank you!!!!!

November 21st, 2017, 03:21 PM
also just wanted to mention that in the farther past i have had a history with torturing my hair with dyes and styling, as an actress, and going back and forth from blonde to brunette constantly- tons of bleach, highlights, etc. I was super rough on it but somehow it always bounced back and I never had a real problem with it. Thats why its hard to believe that the color depositing dyes would do that to my hair (cause a large amount of breakage) - but maybe my hair just doesnt like them for some reason?

November 21st, 2017, 03:48 PM
also just wanted to mention that in the farther past i have had a history with torturing my hair with dyes and styling, as an actress, and going back and forth from blonde to brunette constantly- tons of bleach, highlights, etc. I was super rough on it but somehow it always bounced back and I never had a real problem with it. Thats why its hard to believe that the color depositing dyes would do that to my hair (cause a large amount of breakage) - but maybe my hair just doesnt like them for some reason?

Sometimes you can continue on on a path for a long time, with dyes and bleach and whathaveyou, but sometimes your hair says "enough is enough". And it seems like you're back to square one after bleaching again and dyeing. There is no such thing as a dye conditioner. Are you talking about a "color gloss"? I've only known dye conditioners as a DIY with veggie dyes like Manic Panic or the like.

November 21st, 2017, 05:09 PM
The Clove shampoo from Aveda is one of my favorites, I have it in my shower now. Haven't tried the Ion Color conditioner, but I've tried others (Tressa, Claypacs, Aveda, etc), and have not noticed any increased shedding from any of these myself. Not sure what it can be, if you're not shedding from some internal reason, it's possible that it could be some ingredient that's not agreeing with you. Maybe go back to something you know you didn't have an issue with before for a month or so, and see if you're still having the loss/ breakage issue?

November 22nd, 2017, 04:56 AM
When I said there's no such thing as dye conditioner, I meant, that I've heard from. Over here hair dressers often try and "trick" you into a semi by saying it's a "gloss", and you don't think of dye at all then. Maybe it's similar. But this is of course, my part of the world! :flower:

November 22nd, 2017, 05:21 AM
Dye shampoo and conditioners are products with some kind of deposit color in them, similar to a gloss. They are like purple shampoos but in natural colors.

The short hair you seen on the top of your head could have been new growth. As new hairs grow in, they often stick up until they get a bit longer and can lay flat. The thinning ends though do seem like breakage and in this I agree with Lapushka, sounds like your hair has simply had enough.

I would switch to strengthening shampoo and a conditioner for dry hair, something with protein to help prevent more breakage. What color of brunette are you? Its possible to achieve some shades of permanent brown with henna and indigo but you would not be able to bleach it again until all the indigo has been grown out and cut off or it could turn green.

You ever done a protein treatment or deep conditioning? The protein will help strengthen damaged hair and a deep conditioning will add some moisture. This would be a good place to start http://www.sallybeauty.com/aphogee-2-step-treatment-and-balanced-Moisturizer/SBS-670567,default,pd.html