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October 30th, 2017, 10:10 AM
What are your goals for this next year? Changing things up or keep on keeping on?

2017 was a year to ignore my hair. Well, mostly. I worked on making my own shampoo bars and conditioner. I will always play with the recipes, but they are practically perfect for me right now. In 2018 I am hoping to get back to having fun with my hair. I am a SAHM and just started volunteering one day a week at our local bargain shop, so I have been taking the time to look nicer than my everyday get up. I have been changing up my hair toy more often, but still do the same basic bun. My goal this year is to change up the toy and style more regularly. I also want to detangle my hair more. Just this year I got my migraines under control which means less bedhead, plus the conditioner finally got my tangles and mats under control as well. I've just been lazy and put it up and detangle once, often twice, a week before washing.

Since I am a DIYer at heart, I want to try making a mousse. I found a recipe to make a gel and someone mentioned putting it in a soap foaming dispenser to turn it into a mousse. The ingredients are a little spendy, so it will be far into 2018 before I get them, but I do hope to tackle it next year. I also want to tackle a detangle spray with no cones, light enough to use semi daily, and conditions. Oh, and I also want to play with clay and herbs to make a clarifying cleansing mask. I have not clarified my hair for over a year with no build up (I have zero clue how or why it is possible!) so I'm not sure I need it, but if I start doing my purple strip in my hair again, I'll need to do it before doing the bleach bath. Which brings me to the next goal. I want to color my hair. I'm not sure about doing the purple stripe or doing headful of henna. I need to decide what route to go and if it is henna, what herbs to combine with it and which brand to choose.

2018 Hair Goals
1. Try a wider variety of styles and toys on the day I volunteer.
2. Detangle daily (when not going curly)
3. make a hair mousse
4. make a detangling spray
5. make a clarifying cleansing hair mask
6. Decide between henna and purple hair. Then follow through.
7. Finish no trim 2018 challenge. (and sign up for 2019)
8. Get to FTL!!!!

October 30th, 2017, 10:17 AM
You’re fast! My goal is to just let my hair grow, stop cutting it, and to stop buying hair products. I’m aiming for FTL too!

October 30th, 2017, 10:31 AM
- Carry on with benign neglect, no weird products n dyes & heat or trimming - just growing.
- Hoping for Armpit by the end of 2018
- Learn / Attempt / practice a few hair styles / up-dos n braids etc. seeing as that's part of the reason to grow it long!

October 30th, 2017, 10:45 AM
You’re fast! My goal is to just let my hair grow, stop cutting it, and to stop buying hair products. I’m aiming for FTL too!
Have you joined the no trim challenge? I find it pretty easy to not trim. Is it tempting for you or easy as well?
If you mean fast as in I started this early, now is the time to think about what you want to accomplish in the next year! Or maybe it was just because I did not set any goals this last year so I'm not thinking about finishing any of those up! lol

- Carry on with benign neglect, no weird products n dyes & heat or trimming - just growing.
- Hoping for Armpit by the end of 2018
- Learn / Attempt / practice a few hair styles / up-dos n braids etc. seeing as that's part of the reason to grow it long!
being able to put your hair in a bun/updo and forget it is the best part of being a longhair!

October 30th, 2017, 11:12 AM
At the end of 2018 I will have gone 3 years and 5 months without trimming, and have gone from ear length, to... should be hip, as I'm currently waist when stretched/mbl curly. So my goal is just continue to not trim and... ok that's all lol. 2018 might be my final year without trimming, and then I'll have the huge decision of what to do next...

October 30th, 2017, 11:14 AM
I'm in the no trimming challenge for the 2nd part of 2017 atm, but I think I may join the microtrimmers after New Years! If I don't trim and grow at the same rate as I'm doing now, I should reach my ultimate goal of TBL by August, but if I microtrim to maintain a nicer hemline I think it might take a bit longer, but I'm hoping I still will reach TBL by the end of 2018.

Otherwise - simplifying my routine, I guess. I've tried so many things in the past years (even before joining LHC, I was a lurker for years!!) and now I have a complicated routine that actually works - so I want to stream line it. Oil-based body wash (with no conditioner!!) worked wonderfully on my hair, but gave me static hair, so I'm currently trying Pantene 2in1 shampoo instead (:eek:). I'm thinking I may be moving towards quick 10 sec pre-poo with conditioner or baby oil + Pantene 2in1 during the week and a OCWC or OCWCDT (lol what) coconut oil + conditioner + shampoo + conditioner + possibly deep treatment once a week or less to treat my hair every once in awhile. I like having spa days, but my job and work out schedules are gruelling so I don't have time to OCWC often, even though it makes my hair soooo nice.


- Microtrim
- Hit TBL
- Simplify routine (possibly 2in1 shampoos+baby oil and the odd OCWC day)

October 30th, 2017, 11:16 AM
My 2018 hair goal?
Um, more length. I want to hit APL. Given that i am not quite touching shoulders yet, this is a big ask. But, I shall try.
Using more Ayurvedic ingredients in my hair.
Protective styling.

Jo Ann
October 30th, 2017, 11:20 AM
My goals are:

To microtrim every 30-60 days (once/month or once/every two months) as my thickness travels down.
Microtrim should not be greater than 1/4"
Classic length would be nice, but I'll take what I can get (TBL is achievable--cL would be better :p )
Work on finishing up my stash of old conditioners and serums
Enjoy my hair no matter what the length

October 30th, 2017, 11:49 AM
I joined the no trimming challenge, so my first goal is to Not trim my hair no matter how bad the layering will end up looking.

My second goal is to get to at least APL.

Other than that, i have no more goals. I know i won't be caring for my hair more than benign neglect allows me to and i know i'm gonna keep dying my hair black/dark brown color.

I just want to keep my hair as healty as possible while keeping it the color i like and i want to reach a point where i can put it all up, be it in a braid or ponytail.

October 30th, 2017, 11:56 AM
good luck girls :cheer:
my goals are:
microtrimming 1 cm every 3 months to get rid of my thin ends
growing my layers and baby hairs
deep conditioning weekly
reach hip length

October 30th, 2017, 12:39 PM
I want to hit knee length by the end of the year.
Microtrimming whenever I feel like it.

October 30th, 2017, 12:51 PM
Have you joined the no trim challenge? I find it pretty easy to not trim. Is it tempting for you or easy as well?

Yup I have joined it, but I think I will end up allowing myself 2 trims of maximum 2 inches each that year. My problem isn’t with trims though. I get tempted to make big chops very very easily...

October 30th, 2017, 12:51 PM
Ideally I'd like to be past the tricky getting past shoulders phase and on the way to armpit length :) I'd also rather like to even out some of these pixie layers. Pretty modest really!

October 30th, 2017, 12:56 PM
By mid summer, I'd like to cut off a huge chunk of damage & get rid of the last of my layers/ even up my hemline. I'm hoping by then, my scalp issues will be under control & I'll have more of a routine. After the chop, I'm hoping all of my hair will be at least waist length by the end of the year, but I have no idea how fast or slow my hair grows. I'm hoping also that I'll finally be able to break the awful habit of counting my shed hairs.

October 30th, 2017, 12:59 PM
My goal is to finally make waist length and to trim on a more regular basis. My problem seems to be not trimming for a very long time and then having to cut off a lot of inches to make my hair look better. So I think with regular small trims that will be avoided. Maybe every 4 months and not more than an inch max per trim. That would be a total of 3 inches over a year. If all goes according to plan I would juuuuust make waist at the end of the year. Sigh...

The condition of my hair is MUCH better now due to all my trimming of dyed and damaged ends from this year so I am hoping it will be an easier grow out this time around.

October 30th, 2017, 01:10 PM
My goal is to have my hair touch my jeans. Whether it's only the waistband and only by a centimeter, or if I reach TBL, I just want my hair to be that long.

October 30th, 2017, 01:26 PM
My goal is to just let it grow and see what happens :D Also No trims in 2018.

October 30th, 2017, 01:35 PM
I might do the no trim challenge or spend this year trimming to have my layers catch up. I only have one set of layers that is 2 inches shorter so it wouldn't take that long to get a full hem. I am still undecided.

Big goal is to reach tailbone

October 30th, 2017, 02:27 PM
Ooh okay so this year I joined LHC, had a big chop (unwanted due to hairdresser) and dyed last in April. I've been learning lots of hairstyles and trying to change up my routine to see what works.

For 2018 my goals are:

1. No trimming 2018 in order to reach classic - currently Hip+ then microtrimming to maintain classic and thicken the hemline until the end of 2018.
2. Find an oil which works well in my hair - I tried coconut and olive oil but both are.. ehh. Not loving them. I have a coney moroccan oil which I like but might try a Nightblooming one to see if it's any better.
3. Consistently put my hair in a plait every night for bed on satin pillowcase. I've been getting into this routine although it's hit and miss sometimes.
4. Keep my hair up when out in a protective style - I've been pretty consistent with this for the last few months so want to keep this going.
5. Vary my hairstyles and learn new ones - I've been trying to change my bun most days, I mostly do nautilus since it's quick and easy but I'd be happy with myself if I vary it at least twice per week.
6. Grow out the dye - I'm at that really awkward stage where virgin hair is obvious and at eyebrow length

October 30th, 2017, 02:32 PM
I have simple goals for 2018. A bit of microtrimming and a bit of growing, and general hair pampering. And not to worry too much about length any more.

October 30th, 2017, 02:33 PM
Same as this year: treat it kindly, eat well, exercise, and keep trimming every 6 weeks to maintain a neat hemline. I should be at classic by summer, and hope soon thereafter to be able to fashion a true coronet braid.

October 30th, 2017, 04:24 PM
I cut my hair from classic back to hip in November 2016.

Grew back to TBL this year.

Next year, next stop: classic!

And then we'll see. ;)

Chiquita Banana
October 30th, 2017, 04:47 PM
I cut from barely-at-classic to mid-back last December and I've been growing it out since. My goal for 2018 is to keep on growing, while protecting my hair in buns and braids. I want to try different buns instead of just throwing it up into a LWB every day. I also wear my hair in side braids but want to get better at french and dutch braids in 2018. I'd love to get back to tailbone length.

October 30th, 2017, 10:52 PM
By the end of 2018 I think I'd like to be at knee...if I decide to grow there. Which, well, let's be honest, I probably will.

October 31st, 2017, 01:00 AM
let´s see if I reach class/ftl and beyond. also hope to get rid of the braid taper, at least the most of it. oh and... hopefully I will buy some cassia obovata or black hena :P

October 31st, 2017, 01:26 AM
Hoping to get from BSL to waist length! It might sound like a lot, but I'm pretty short :p

October 31st, 2017, 01:34 AM
Lots of great goals in here!

I also want to keep up a healthy lifestyle and grow more. I am at the top of my brastrap and I'm growing pretty quickly considering I chopped from TBL to Chin in Jan 2016 and I've had three cuts and two trims. Hopefully, I can keep it up and make waist by the end of 2018! I have weird layers and bangs I'm growing, so I can't commit to no trimming, because S&Ds are too hard at this length, but I will commit to no cutting. I've got my scalp problems contained, but I do want to keep doing weekly oil treatments and ACV rinses after every shampoo.

October 31st, 2017, 03:19 AM
my hair goals are:

-waist length by the end of 2018
-solid bsl by April
-no trimming for the first half of the year
-no coloring or bleaching
-use heat styling only on special occasions
-learn more intricate braids and protective styles
-eat well, stay hydrated, exercise and hopefully lose some weight too!

I think my most important goal is finally gaining some length. I've been stuck in APL-heck for what feels like forever, and I'd love to get out of this rut! I'm at 24.5" now, and waist is only 29"-- I hope I can grow 4.5 inches in the next year!

October 31st, 2017, 03:45 AM
I'd like to get to BCL. That may sound like a lot, but I'm almost at hip already and the distance from hip to BCL is not very long in my body. I've realized that I have a pretty short lower body, thanks to LHC. And I'm short anyway. Milestones between hip-classic/fingertip are not very far away. If I don't trim too much, I could be at BCL somewhere in the end of summer / beginning of autumn 2018. But it might also take longer than that since I feel like I need to start microtrimming to improve my hemline. So my goal is to get to BCL by Christmas 2018. :popcorn:
I'm so excited about the next year, since my hair will be longer than it has been in years!

October 31st, 2017, 09:06 AM
Resisting the urge to cut it all off, ha ha.

October 31st, 2017, 09:17 AM
I should hit BSL unstretched sometime next spring, so I'd like to spend 2018 creeping into the midback abyss. I don't plan to trim but once it gets a bit longer I may do a compact cut to maintain a v hemline. Or I might just leave it alone.

I'd also like to stick with benign neglect as much as possible and focus on using things up rather than buying more.

October 31st, 2017, 09:17 AM
My goals for 2018 :
-enjoy hair and don't focuse on length so much
- no trimminng first half of 2018
- hit TBL maybe

October 31st, 2017, 09:28 AM
-Reach classic
-Regular S&D
-Learn new hairstyles
-Measure my hair monthly to get some statistic on the growth rate

October 31st, 2017, 09:44 AM
Reach classic and maintain at that level to look fab on my wedding in October

October 31st, 2017, 10:53 AM
At this point, based on how this year has gone, I think next year's goals for me will be:

-Keep up with the S&D! I'm in the no-trimming challenge which I think will be easy, but I need to keep snipping off individual splits regularly or my hair turns into a mess.
-Put my hair UP when it's up! I started wearing my hair up just about every single day this year, but somewhere in the middle of it all I got really interested in braids.... So while my hair was technically contained and being protected from tangles, my ends have been taking a beating the past few months from being left to hang and swish around more often. So I need to put my hair up onto my head to really protect it.

And I think that's all I've had on my mind lately. Mainly just keeping it healthy and letting it grow. :)

October 31st, 2017, 03:46 PM
My goal for 2018 is to be reaching Hip length at the end of the year without any trims. I've joined the No Trim Challenge as well. I will just keep on keeping on doing what I've been doing for the year of 2017. I will only do S&D's, and no trims. I am trying to grow my hair out to my ankles.

October 31st, 2017, 04:16 PM
Hi all. I'm just 9 days out from a DIY buzz cut as a result of damage from too much bleaching and dying so my 2018 goal is to be more kind to my hair than I've been the last goodness knows how long.

I will likely have to get my hair evened up as it grows out which could hold me back but it's necessary.

I'm not sure I could totally forgo the dye but it would really help if I could stop for 6 months at least.

The longest period of time I've gone without dying my hair is 18 months in 24 years!

I was 15 and growing out black dye because no hairdresser would strip it. I'm not sure if it was cut during that time but it was already longish for me probably collar bone length.

I'd like to grow out to shoulder length as I've never really had long hair for more than a year or two.

I remember a photo taken with santa when I was about 5-6 and my hair looked fantastic: a glossy mid brown, shoulder length and a slight wave at the ends. I'd like to get to that length again but my natural colour has lightened from all the bleach and dye so I might be mousy brown with some silver. Ooh sorry for the essay 😂

October 31st, 2017, 07:30 PM
Hmm, goals... There's a lot I'd like to accomplish actually.

1. Get my scalp issues under control and regain some thickness! I lost at least 1/2 inch a couple years ago and haven't been able to get it back yet.
2. Trim every month to get a thicker hemline while creeping towards classic.
3. Achieve classic length finally! A little longer would be nice too. :)
4. Have more fun with updos and such. The temptation to cut was strong this year.
5. Throughout it all, keep the length in good condition. Baby those ends!

I think that's about it. Good luck, everyone!

October 31st, 2017, 10:24 PM
My goals:

1. benign neglect wear in updo
2. close to waist by July 2018
3. use no heat, air dry, warm coconut oil treatments/make it healthiest
4. no trimming

October 31st, 2017, 10:35 PM
My goals:

1. benign neglect wear in updo
2. close to waist by July 2018
3. use no heat, air dry, warm coconut oil treatments/make it healthiest
4. no trimming

November 1st, 2017, 04:16 AM
- learn to braid
- nail down a routine that works and actually stick to it re: washing
- take my damned vitamins...

And if I can do all of those, hopefully make classic by Christmas!

November 1st, 2017, 08:11 AM
No trimming until July 1. Then I hope to be able to cut all one length at chin or longer if I've grown that much.

November 1st, 2017, 09:38 AM
- consistently wear satin sleep cap
- wash, condition, condition routine
- weekly hair masks for moisture
- Hit MBL!!! *Fingers crossed*

November 1st, 2017, 10:13 AM
My 2018 goals are:
1) to get more length, I might make tailbone if I'm lucky,
2) to keep growing out my fringe, which is currently chin length and so annoying, and
3) to stop picking at my split/damaged ends. I know it doesn't help them but I just can't seem to help myself!

Also hello LHC! First post ever! :waving:

November 1st, 2017, 12:47 PM
I am not going to set a length goal this year, I would like to make BSL by the end of 2018, but I think I'll be setting myself up for disappointment if I don't make it.

So my goals for this year are:
-maintain 1x/week wash LCO routine
-no trimming, may cut in bangs, TBD
-continue to take my multivitamins
-benign neglect

I'll keep it simple for now :)

November 1st, 2017, 12:50 PM
My 2018 goals are:
1) to get more length, I might make tailbone if I'm lucky,
2) to keep growing out my fringe, which is currently chin length and so annoying, and
3) to stop picking at my split/damaged ends. I know it doesn't help them but I just can't seem to help myself!

Also hello LHC! First post ever! :waving:

Welcome Kitke! If you think you can resist going crazy, I'd invest in some good hair cutting scissors so that you can do S&D and prevent yourself from picking at your ends.

November 1st, 2017, 02:53 PM
My 2018 goals are:
1) to get more length, I might make tailbone if I'm lucky,
2) to keep growing out my fringe, which is currently chin length and so annoying, and
3) to stop picking at my split/damaged ends. I know it doesn't help them but I just can't seem to help myself!

Also hello LHC! First post ever! :waving:
welcome:hifive:same here,i can't help myself too

November 1st, 2017, 04:24 PM
My hair goals for 2018 are:

1. Reach BCL by next Summer, and hopefully reach TBL by end of 2018
2. Begin trimming a bit more. I plan to trim 1/2" every three months again instead of 1/4"
3. Maintain/trim even more frequently (likely second half of year) to finally have my hair one length again (about 3 more inches to trim out)
4. Learn to do more buns, since I really only do the same one all the time lol.
5. Find more hair products that my hair responds well to, I think I want to try some new shampoo/conditioners
6. Have a longer braid. I want where I tie my braid off to reach HL, right now I tie it off at MBL with the ends inbetween WL and HL. I don't think my braid will grow that much in a year with my planned trimmings, but we'll see. :)

November 2nd, 2017, 07:31 AM
Thank you Eastbound&Down and Amiraaah ! I do own a pair of hair scissors, but I just forget to sit down and take time to S&D when I'm home, and then I end up playing with my damaged ends in lectures & classes instead. It's a bit of a losing fight!

November 2nd, 2017, 08:23 AM
If I hit classic this month can I be at knee in 2018? (I'm short and have smol legs) ? Cause that would be my goal :)

November 2nd, 2017, 09:09 AM
Hopefully I'll reach waist in March or April :o

November 2nd, 2017, 09:25 AM
1. Grow it.
2. Enjoy it.

November 2nd, 2017, 02:44 PM
1. Reach waist by about August, def by end of year
2. Trim to an even hemline, getting rid of layers
3. Continue growing out dye and fringe
4. Trim worst of dye off (approx 3")
5. Learn to do French and Dutch plaits, as well as more than just a cinnabun (!)
6. Try jojoba, camelia, abyssinian and argan oils
7. Exercise

November 2nd, 2017, 06:17 PM
I don't know, I'm kind of running out of all the goals I had in mind back in 2013. I guess stay in the waist-hip range and trim out the last bits of dye and see how a blunt hem is... Maybe save up for some reaaaally nice hair sheers.

November 2nd, 2017, 06:58 PM
Pretty much keep up with what I am currently doing, which is hardly anything besides micro trimming occasionally, S&D occasionally, thoroughly applying conditioner before getting hair wet/showering, scalp only shampooing and afterwards rub oil on wet hair. Haven't had time for much hair care the past few months, so I find that this routine works the best for me lately, plus it's more cost effective for shampoo and conditioner compared to what I used to do.

school of fish
November 2nd, 2017, 07:37 PM
Hmmm... maybe *this* year I'll get those layers grown out...? Or near enough? I totally overestimated last year and thought I'd be there by now, haha!! :p

November 2nd, 2017, 07:41 PM
1. Reach waist length by the end of 2018.
2. Have a perfect hemline.
3. No heat styling

November 2nd, 2017, 09:02 PM
My goal is to primarily focus on keeping my hair healthy! It has never stayed in good shape because I've always abused it with bleach and flat irons. So the plan is to only use heat tools for special occasions, like holidays.

So cool reading everyone's goals. I'm excited to see what 2018 brings!

November 2nd, 2017, 09:58 PM
My goal is to work on strengthening my fine hair, it's perhaps breaking a bit more than I'd like so I'm gonna try out henna and protein treatments, see if that helps.
And to stretch my washes from once every three days to once a week.

November 3rd, 2017, 12:05 AM
I'm sure I'll think of more, but:

Become proficient at Dutch braids
Finish No Trim 2018
Hit Waist if possible
Try at least one new hairstyle a month
Use every hair toy I own
Wear it up somehow at least half the week

November 3rd, 2017, 12:44 AM
I want my hair to be at least waist length in June for my wedding and if it could be hip by next December, that would be amazing!

November 3rd, 2017, 01:32 AM
1, I think hip is doable, I expect tailbone would be pushing it but we'll see.

2, Stick with what I know works instead of experimenting and messing with things that don't need to be fixed. It's boring at times sure, but it works.

3, Be more paitenct and take breaks from it

November 3rd, 2017, 02:00 AM
Repair damage and continue to grow out dye.

November 3rd, 2017, 03:06 AM
I remember a photo taken with santa when I was about 5-6 and my hair looked fantastic: a glossy mid brown, shoulder length and a slight wave at the ends. I'd like to get to that length again but my natural colour has lightened from all the bleach and dye so I might be mousy brown with some silver. Ooh sorry for the essay ��

Hello :D You know, I don't think your hair would've lightened from bleach since it will only affect already grown out hair - not the state in which your hair is coming out of your scalp, if you get me? It won't affect your roots. Sort of like - if you cut your hair, it will keep growing since the roots are unaffected, but if you pluck your hair you may damage your roots and the hair will eventually stop growing there. Dye and bleach is like a "cut" not a "pluck".

So, if you stick with it and don't dye for a long while as your hair grows, your may find that your hair is still a glossy mid brown. Perception of hair colour can change with length, at least for me! The first decimetre (4 inches?) of my hair looks dishwater blonde while the lengths are a golden light blonde with some platinum. It could also be that the lighting in the old Santa-photo makes your hair look darker than it really was. My hair frequently looks darker in certain lightings, and sometimes I even look strawberry blonde! ETA: hormones can make your hair change colour as well. Usually it darkens over time - ex: my hair went from white blonde to light blonde during puberty - but it can also darken - ex: my hair went from auburn to white blonde in infancy

Finally, if you find that you really want to dye but don't want the damage that often go with it, you could try out deposit dyes, or herbal dyes henna and indigo. There's a whole sub-forum on herbal hair stuff on here. Short version of herbal hair dyes is, henna is a very permanent orange dye that doesn't damage your hair at all - usually it's quite good for your hair! Indigo on the other hand is similar but a bluish black colour. You can, for example, layer indigo over henna and achieve a brown colour, but your result will vary depending on your original hair colour (more so than with commercial dyes) so it's difficult to predict the exact outcome. Head over to the Recipes, Henna, and Herbal Haircare (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/forumdisplay.php?f=21) sub if you're interested, and read up on it a lot before trying - it is very very permanent and can't even be bleached out successfully a lot of times!

More on topic - I have another goal! Learning how to french crown braid. Seriously, I suck at it.

November 3rd, 2017, 11:25 PM
For the year 2018 I would like to

- join the no trimming challenge for 2018. I no longer want to get rid of my hair layers. They look good with curls. And since I stopped using shampoo, heat styling, and dry combing my end are in a better shape.
- buy nothing for my hair . I already have oils and conditioners (my HG Pantene conditioner was on 40% sale so I bought 8 bottles) that can last me for the whole year, and a lot of hair ties and scrunchies.
- stick to sleeping on the silk pillow case in a high bun. I have been lazy about it.
- may be reaching hip length by end of the year. It will be the first time in my life to grow my hair that much. It never passed the waist mark before.

November 4th, 2017, 12:17 AM
I have one more layer in my hair. I've resolved to cut my hemline to that last layer in December. I'll probably lose 3 inches. Sadly. But then my hemline will be consolidated.

Then for 2018, like Breezy:

1. Benign neglect.
2. No trims for the year.
3. Heat styling only if I have a special occasion.
4. Find the treatments that make it most healthy. I'm in good stead now, but without trimming, I want to keep it that way.
5. I'm below BSL right now, so my first and foremost goal is to make up what I cut off in December and hopefully more. Maybe WSL?

November 4th, 2017, 01:01 AM
Moisturize and baby my hair; hoping to reach waist in 2018. Joined the no trim until July 2018 challenge. I still have layers, but I want to see a lot of progress in length.

November 4th, 2017, 01:45 AM
Hopefully get past classic bUT I want to thicken the ends. Ill show you guys before I cut 4". I want to go way longer like knee but the taper is so disappointing not sure if I can have it look right.

November 4th, 2017, 03:35 AM
Well I reached my 2017 goal of waist but cut back to bsl, so I suppose it’s to get back to waist.

I think my main goal though should be just to forget about it. I’ve spent too much time over the past four years worrying about hairloss, sheds, thin ends blah blah blah. I’m boring myself haha.

I shall continue to take steps to keep the hairloss at bay, but this next year shall be the year of acceptance. :)

November 4th, 2017, 04:01 AM
So 2017 went about as well as expected. I have basically ignored my hair all year and have just made it to classic (wet). So I’m thinking a rinse and repeat for 2018. I’m already in the no-trim challenge for the whole year, we will see how long I can go. The curls are happy with the benign neglect deal we have going on, so no changes there.

1. Classic when dry and curly...possibly going to take at least 6 months at this rate.
2. Try and figure out more styles that work under hard hats, so I can switch it up occasionally.
3. Actually use some of the toys I have tucked away...for home, not for work.

November 4th, 2017, 05:52 AM
May be I will get waist length by the end of 2018.
I still have not found my suitable shampoo.
I will continue oiling my hair, no trim, no heat or dye.
I'm shampooing twice a week instead of once.

November 4th, 2017, 07:03 AM
I'm going to try for hip by this time next year. I'm solidly at waist right now so I think it's doable! Also wearing my hair up in more than just a lazy wrap bun everyday

November 4th, 2017, 07:27 AM
May be I will get waist length by the end of 2018.
I still have not found my suitable shampoo.
I will continue oiling my hair, no trim, no heat or dye.
I'm shampooing twice a week instead of once.

In my search for the suitable shampoo, I found out that no shampoo was the best answer. May be you need to give it a try.

November 4th, 2017, 07:32 AM
This is my progress thus far, I'd like to reach waist in 2018.


November 4th, 2017, 09:09 AM
2017 when great, I started at about Mid-back length and am ending at hip length. My goals for 2018 are to at least hit classic length (I'm planning on getting a trim on New Years to even out the hem). I get really lucky with my average hair growth rate of almost an inch a month.

November 4th, 2017, 09:33 AM
My goal for 2017 was to reach waist, which I did in August.

For 2018 I would love to reach hip and maintain until the bulk of my damage and taper is trimmed out.

H o n є y ❤
November 4th, 2017, 10:01 AM
My goal is to reach APL and hopefully even BSL by the end of 2018.

November 4th, 2017, 10:09 AM
Hit classic length
Learn more buns
Make syndet and conditioner bars again
Expand my hairtoy collection

November 4th, 2017, 10:16 AM
I'd like to maintain at waist since I have lots of regrowth trying to catch up. It's around 6 inches from my ends, so about a year to a year and a half til my hemline looks thicker. No big deal since I prefer my hair at waist for the moment.

November 4th, 2017, 11:18 AM
I don't think that no shampoo will work for me. my scalp is getting more oily, It doesn't smell well without shampoo as well.

Joyful Mystery
November 4th, 2017, 12:49 PM
No trimming and hopefully reach waist by the end of the year.

November 4th, 2017, 03:03 PM
No trimming for 6 months. Chop back to 21 inches in june-july (for a change and to get rid of damage) Use flat iron a little less :D. Grow to waist by the end of the year again.

November 4th, 2017, 05:11 PM
My first goal for 2018 is to be able to post that I had to move my hair to sit down.
It's not too far off as I am less than 3" from the chair now !

November 4th, 2017, 05:16 PM
My 2018 hair goals:
- wear it up at least 3 days a week
- deep condition once a week
- protein/veggie smoothies and exercise
- learn more updos
- continue heat-free styling methods
- use up my stash and then stick with a simple routine
- reach APL by end of 2018

November 4th, 2017, 08:56 PM
My 2018 goals are:
1) to get more length, I might make tailbone if I'm lucky,
2) to keep growing out my fringe, which is currently chin length and so annoying, and
3) to stop picking at my split/damaged ends. I know it doesn't help them but I just can't seem to help myself!

Also hello LHC! First post ever! :waving:

Hi Kitke!:) Welcome to the forum! My goal for year of 2018 is to gain my length too. I have a good feeling that I'll make it to hip length by the end of the year. I'm at WL now. Another thing is to do only S&D's throughout the year. No trimming for me. That's because I don't ever have any split ends.

Happy growing!:D

November 5th, 2017, 08:59 AM
My 2018 hair goals:

- microtrim every other month instead of every month
- get dialed in to healthy eating and exercise (not just to get healthy hair, but hey, it's a nice side effect!!)
- get creative with putting my hair up
- attempt making my own shampoo, maybe?

If my hair grows at the same rate as it has been, I think I can get to BSL/MBL by the end of the year. :)

November 5th, 2017, 10:31 AM
1. Benign neglect, keep SD at bay, bun my hair and forget about it
2. Micro-trim every 3 months to thicken the hemline
3. Get used to my hair length (longest ever)
4. Reach classic length by the end of 2018

November 5th, 2017, 02:19 PM
All the severe bleach damage gone
All virgin collarbone length by the end of 2018 with hopefully no layers

November 12th, 2017, 07:44 AM
2018 goals:
1. Trim twice (April and October)
2. Weekly deep condition
3. Less heat, more braids
4. According to my length chart (which seems a bit off but W/E) I could be BSL by May so I think that will be my ultimate end goal of 2018. To be comfortably and securely at BSL working toward waist.

Other than that, I am just so excited to be almost at getting my hair up into braids. I missed that sooooo much. If my hair was bothering me before I cut it (usually when studying) I could just pull it all back into an english braid and it was perfect. Now it is just barely in 2 braids.

November 12th, 2017, 10:03 AM
1. No trimming 2018!
2. Wash hair only once a week (or twice if not possible)
3. Cut out all silicones and sulfates.
4. Grow out bangs.
5. Wear a protective style (braids) as often as possible.
6. Only finger comb unless I buy a wooden brush.
7. Reach solid BSL by end of 2018.

November 12th, 2017, 10:45 AM
Keep my hair in a bun most of the time when I'm home.
Learn to do a simple braid on my own hair.
Wear one often when going out.
Cut down on the ponytail - go for braid, bun or hair out.
Comb my hair every day so I don't end up with a tangled mess after literally a week of not combing (happened several times this year)
Keep up with microtrimmings and S&D.
Hopefully also gain some length.

November 12th, 2017, 12:27 PM
1. Trim once in September.
2. Wash hair only once a week (or twice if not possible)
3. Cut out all silicones and sulfates.
4. Grow out bangs.
5. Wear a protective style (braids) as often as possible.
6. Only finger comb unless I buy a wooden brush.
7. Reach solid BSL by end of 2018.

YAY growing to BSL! Where are you at right now?

Groovy Granny
November 12th, 2017, 01:06 PM
Mine is just a continuation of 2017:

If it ain't broke, I don't fix it :lol:

- Vary my styles and rotate through my hair toys daily = IN HAIR TOY TIME OUT :patrol:
- Dust on the full moons as needed
- Trim on seasonal changes quarterly to maintain hemline between waist and hip
- Weekly shampoos and quarterly clarifying
- MOISTURE: joico moisture s&c / oil damp ends / biosilk lite serum for humidity frizz & winter dryness
- BBB daily in winter to combat dryness
- Rosewater & glycerin spritzes to refresh summer wurls

November 13th, 2017, 07:39 PM
My goals for 2018 are pretty much: continue what I have been doing with my hair which is CO a couple of times a week and wear it up or braided and see how long it will grow :)

November 13th, 2017, 09:51 PM
More length and a more aggressive style. Basically I'm going full Viking. Not sure precisely what that means with my growth, pattern, and density, but the style will develop as the length increases.

I refuse to be homeless bearded Jesus.

November 14th, 2017, 04:01 AM
1. No more hair dye (already started)
2. Baby my ends, oil my hair and so deep moisture treatments more often
3. No big chops, only microtrimming every 3 or 4 months
4. Learn how to do more up do's, no more ponytails
5. Reach APL and maybe even BSL. By the end of 2018 my hair should be the longest it has ever been

This feels like New Year's hairsolution :)

November 14th, 2017, 06:58 AM
YAY growing to BSL! Where are you at right now?
I am at APL! I'm hoping for around 6 inches of growth from now until the end of 2018 as I've decided to do no trimming 2018! So excited :)

November 14th, 2017, 07:24 AM
I am at APL! I'm hoping for around 6 inches of growth from now until the end of 2018 as I've decided to do no trimming 2018! So excited :)

I am just a bit past shoulder length, but my hair has been speed growing the past few months. So I am hoping that it will continue this trend. Happy growing!

November 14th, 2017, 08:27 AM
For me, 2017 has been a year of growing out and recovering from 2016 dyes damage. I tried henna, but I stopped using it in june since my curls started dissapiaring... And I really want them back!!! I just want to keep growing, since this year I decided that I'd like to hit TBL or even classic someday, being my ultimate goal that lenght with 100% natural and healthy hair.

So, to sum up:

- No trimming for 6 months + 6 moths, just doing S&D
- Hit Hip by summer, may be full hip /BCL by the end of the year!
- Keep growing my dye, henna and layers (sigh*) and recover my hair from dye damage.
- Discover the best conditioners/oils for myself, I'm still trying different ones.
- Keep away from dyes/henna!

That's all :D

November 16th, 2017, 05:06 AM
My 2017 goal was to be nicer to my hair and reach solid waist - not so great on those although I am almost at waist again :)

2018 goals -

- Regular S&D but no trimming during the first half of the year and then see how ends are doing.
- Continue wearing it up lots and minimal straightener use
- I hope to hit solid waist and be approaching hip by the end of 2018 but who knows :)

November 16th, 2017, 05:12 AM
My hair goal is to hopefully reach waist by December 18’
Treat it better as in:
-Deep condition every week
-Coconut oil prepoo
-Massaging my scalp every night and morning
-Microtrim/S&D whenever I think about it.
-Being able to do more buns with hairsticks.

November 19th, 2017, 08:38 AM
To reach BSL :-)
My hair is almost APL (I think I'll be there in February 2018 ). My body is quite long and my hair grows slowly so it's been taking ages. I've managed not to trim it since October 2016 and I won't cut unless I see split ends. I was also battling hair fall again but it has stopped now. I don't think I'll ever grow longer than BSL as my hair is really baby fine. I'm enjoying my hair a lot at the moment.

November 19th, 2017, 09:17 AM
- micro trim out more bleach
- reach classic or longer
- do regular SMT/DT, I got lazy with that
- gain the thickness I had back before bleach, it's coming back just slowly :)

November 19th, 2017, 12:12 PM
Pass APL even my shortest hairs ... might be asking too much though as those are just past chin length (fringe/bangs)

November 20th, 2017, 06:52 AM
No trims for 2018
Try to get from APL to BSL
Experiment to find the best oils/products to add moisture to ends and get scalp even more healthy

November 20th, 2017, 08:22 AM
Microtrimming, mostly, and perhaps a little growing. I have reached my major goal of knee length :) Anything more is just icing on the cake.

November 20th, 2017, 02:29 PM
I'm hoping to get to BSL+ from benign neglect. My hair grows pretty quickly and I've gotten pretty good at ignoring it lately...I've resisted any cuts (other than fringe trims to keep myself occupied when I get restless with style) since April, which is the longest I've gone in years without touching scissors (on the main length) or getting a professional appointment!

November 21st, 2017, 03:28 PM
My goals for 2018 are pretty simple. :)
Reach hip curly/TBL stretched.
Dust/microtrim 30-60 days to encourage thick hemline.
Enjoy my hair. :heartbeat

November 21st, 2017, 06:21 PM
Get back to hip, should be sometime this year. [Edited, should read sometime NEXT year :p]
Keep the ends moisturized and happy.
Ignore my hair other than above, stay away from scissors for the most part, let it alone to grow.

November 21st, 2017, 08:53 PM
Would like to reach BSL by the end of next year including some trimming, or virgin APL with a lot of trimming. I just really want to make APL for now, and never go shorter than that again, holy crap.

November 22nd, 2017, 02:55 AM
I was thinking about it quite a lot actually. I know I want to grow to waist but what's next? This is the longest my hair has ever been.
I think I will keep growing but with more regular trims, I wish my ends were super fresh and happy all year.

November 22nd, 2017, 07:46 AM
For the first time in years, I have hair goals.

I am going to grow out the breakage from a matted nape. I will also see if I can get to waist length. :)

November 22nd, 2017, 01:56 PM
My 2018 hair goal is to grow out my blunt bangs to hopefully chin length and get the rest of my hair that is now at hip length to half way down my bum, or TBL. The longest I have ever had my hair was a little past BSL when I was in high school then after years of experimenting I decided to give up coloring and cutting except for my bangs. Now I have hip length virgin hair and just want to grow out my blunt bangs. Good luck to everyone on their goals!

November 23rd, 2017, 03:13 AM
This year I was mostly focused on finding a routine and understanding how to best style, and on addressing the two main problems that my hair had: dryness and tangles. I think I have found some answers, so next year will be more about growing the hair. I need to find a way either to micro-trim for real and not just chop off 2 inches every time, or having no need to trim it at all, although I have reservations on no-trim because my point still tend to be dry. Anyway, growth goal. I would like to hit waist.

November 23rd, 2017, 08:59 PM
-- No trims for the year of 2018. I made it this year, so let's see how far it will go.
-- Reach hip or hip+. I was there last Christmas, but an incident with a hairdresser changed that. I miss that length. I'm at ~waist when wet or stretched right now, so that should be doable.
-- Wear my hair up more. I've gotten lazy and started wearing braids more often, which in addition to being bad for my hair, are not safe for work.

November 23rd, 2017, 11:43 PM
I'm sure I'll think of more, but:

Become proficient at Dutch braids
Finish No Trim 2018
Hit Waist if possible
Try at least one new hairstyle a month
Use every hair toy I own
Wear it up somehow at least half the week

Now that I've got some new biological information, I'd like to add one more!

Find a routine to bring out my waves.

victorian girl
November 24th, 2017, 08:38 AM
My goals:
- APL by summer, BSL by the end of 2018
- eat well (and gain some much needed weight!), reduce stress levels, continue with my health-checks
- trim if needed (I've been neglecting a lot)
- find and follow a realistic (!) and healthy haircare routine
- brush my hair more gently and detangle before brushing
- wear it up (!!!)
And finally, of course, no more big chops!
Good luck to everyone here, you're all so amazing and inspiring, of course you can do it:magic:

November 24th, 2017, 02:19 PM
Grow out the haircut I just got. She took off a bit more than i wanted, It looks good, but shorter than I like. APL right now. Wear my hair up and do more deep conditioner treatments.

November 24th, 2017, 05:58 PM
I've just come to the realization that I have been combing out more hair than is normal. So I definitely have a few goals for 2018.

-I'm going to wet bun for 12 months. I'm re-incorporating olive oil as a sealant into my regimen and going back to exclusively cowashing.
-As an effect, this means that I'll also be avoiding heat for a year as well.
-This decision was made just 17 seconds ago: I'm going to avoid trimming for the year also.

I plan on trimming in December '17 for a fresh start, but I hope that my goals will help me reach TBL by the end of 2018. I want to re-gain my incredible thickness back; I think flat ironing is the reason for the lack. And I want to find fun and interesting way to keep my hair bunned up. I'm so glad this question was asked.

November 24th, 2017, 06:22 PM
I only have one- maintain at FTL and attempt to thicken up my hemline. Maybe later I'll post a picture here and come back at the end of 2018 and see if there's a noticeable difference...

November 25th, 2017, 07:45 PM
1. To get my scalp eczema under control (as right now it has been an ongoing struggle, and I just want for things to finally get a whole lot better with my scalp, and stay that way).

2. Cowash my hair - with an actual co-wash (not regular conditioner) more for greater moisture retention (I plan to go shampoo less for as long as I can starting tomorrow, which is my next wash day). So, I plan to primarily stick with co-washes or cleansing comditioners, when it comes to cleaning my hair and scalp, from tomorrow going forward.

3. Only use cream stylers in my hair (in order to keep my naturally dry, hair well moisturized) and no use of any gel in my hair (unless it's super necessary).

4. I will be exclusively going back on the Curly Girl Method starting tomorrow and will stick with such all the way into 2019 and longer! As, I am giving up products that contain silicones, parabens, mineral oil, waxes and all CG non-approved ingredients for good! The CG method is what I feel helps my hair look and feel it's best overall, and plus, I get way less buildup too on my scalp and on my hair as well, by utilizing this method, I have definitely found.

5. I will not be using direct heat of any kind on my hair at all for a whole year. I will be sticking with bunning my hair, and plan to stick with wearing my hair up in its natural state, for the entire year of 2018. As, I am already wearing my hair up into a bun everyday and I like that it's quick, easy, and I experience hardly any shedding and no breakage from doing so whatsoever.

6. Sticking to a largely Ayurvedic hair care regimen, which I find is most beneficial to the overall health and shine of my hear, plus, Ayurvedic herbs actually keep my hair growing stronger and growing longer better than anything else out there.

November 26th, 2017, 12:27 AM
My goal is to get my shortest hairs to chin, and since there will be layers that maybe some of it will be even longer. Overall benign neglect and just trying not to go crazy on that wait XD

November 26th, 2017, 01:34 PM
1. Sleep in braid and nightcap every night.
2. Wash hair twice weekly.
3. Make one year heat free in April 2018.
4. Complete no trim 2018.
5. Hit waist, grow out bangs to cbl.
6. Perfect my hair care routine.

November 26th, 2017, 02:16 PM
My next year goal is achieving waist length hair, transitioned to WO and are pretty low maintenance. I would love to get rid of layers but my hair grow to slow so I must do with healthy hair :D
I would love to be able to wash my hair weekly. I hate my oily scalp.
It' snot quite hair goal but I woult also want to get better at making hair toys.

November 26th, 2017, 03:10 PM
My goal is not to cut my hair when it gets fragile at winter in a cold climate. I try to wash it less often and make more masks. I have not taken the best care of my hair during the last few months, there has been so much other things.

November 27th, 2017, 05:44 AM
2017 was the year of the waist length, 2018 will be the year of the hip length!

Take longer view of hair instead of monthly obsessing over length (getting better at this at last).

Trim 1" every 6 months, same as always, to strengthen my hem over time and grow out the layers.

Dream about TBL in 2019. :meditate:

Enjoy it every day right now. :love:

November 27th, 2017, 02:14 PM
1. Sleep in braids & satin scarf every night.
2. No heat/bleach for 2018!
3. Microtrim as needed, no more than once every 6 weeks.
4. Do the inversion method properly with homemade growth oil once a month.
5. Deep treatments 1-2x a week.
6. Limit wash days to once a week or once every 1.5 weeks.
7. Oil ends daily/once every 2 days. Baby those ends.
8. Scalp massage at least 3x a week. Preferably daily.
9. Have waist length curls by Christmas 2018. :happydance:

November 29th, 2017, 03:30 AM
I'm aiming for baby steps.
Get to solid, healthy, good condition TBL, or classic at whatever condition it gets there (uncertain which I prefer to pursue).
Comb less or more gently.
Try not to pull out hair as much/at all.

November 30th, 2017, 10:10 AM
My goals for the coming time are mainly to just let it grow. I know I can reach BSL if I don't trim at all from where I am at the moment. I once was in Argentina and it grew from about CBL to almost waist in 1,5 year because I was too afraid to go to any hairdresser, and I didn't even take care of it at that time in life

-Growing without a lot of trims. Preferably none at all. Reach BSL.
-Solve scalp problems
-Pay attention to my diet
-Handle hair gently when combing
-Pay attention to my hair and treat it so that it won't dry out (oil treatments, moisturize with mucilage herbs)
-Keeping it simple, I've done so much research on hair this year and I'm now sort of settled on some kind of routine, would like to just stick with something and leave it at that for a while.

Kellwise Gamgee
November 30th, 2017, 10:23 AM
To resist letting my hairdresser trim my hair so I can actually make it to waist!!! She cut it back 4" last time and I'm almost back there. It's hard to resist when she comes to the house to cut my hubby and sons hair!

Ligeia Noire
November 30th, 2017, 07:07 PM
Grow to calf and maintain thickness.

December 1st, 2017, 08:21 AM
It sort of depends whether or not I get married this year, but I'd like to:
1. Grow to knee length (only about 5 inches to go)
2. Dye my ends a fun colour, probably turquoise or purple
3. Cut back, maybe to classic length

Honestly, I just want to grow to knee length to say I did it, because I'm already getting to the point where I think it's getting a little too long for me. Funnily enough, my initial goal for growing my hair was to have it as long as possible on my wedding day, and if things go according to plan, we might get married next summer.

December 8th, 2017, 07:36 PM
If I hit classic this month can I be at knee in 2018? (I'm short and have smol legs) ? Cause that would be my goal :)

How fast does your hair grow?

December 8th, 2017, 07:42 PM
Hmm, goals... There's a lot I'd like to accomplish actually.

1. Get my scalp issues under control and regain some thickness! I lost at least 1/2 inch a couple years ago and haven't been able to get it back yet.
2. Trim every month to get a thicker hemline while creeping towards classic.
3. Achieve classic length finally! A little longer would be nice too. :)
4. Have more fun with updos and such. The temptation to cut was strong this year.
5. Throughout it all, keep the length in good condition. Baby those ends!

I think that's about it. Good luck, everyone!

You are so lucky to be creeping around classic! Yeah, when I first joined the LHC 7 years ago I set my goal to hip length. Now, I've set it much longer to ankle length. Which is where I hope to be in 5 years from now. Because, my hair only grows 1.5 inches every 3 months. Or, 1 and 1 half inch every 3 months.

December 8th, 2017, 07:43 PM
Hmm... nothing that different from last year except maybe actually reach my goal length. And I think I just might! But to do that I probably should not trim, but once which I will either do at then end of this year/Jan. 1st or on my birthday, April 25th. So, goal for 2018:
1. Trim once.
2. Be extra gentle! Fingercomb over brushing and ripping out tangles
3. Wear hair up often.
4. Love and enjoy hair always.
5. Reach tailbone length!!

December 8th, 2017, 08:26 PM
Hmm...goals for 2018:

1. Hit APL. The abyss of shoulder+ is driving me crazy
2. Try no trims and see how I like it. Maybe take the challenge, maybe not.
3. Figure out a decent routine that I can actually stick too
4. Try to stretch dying my hair out more then every 6 weeks. Slowly work towards no dye.

December 9th, 2017, 12:54 AM
1. Finally reach waist
2. No trims
3. Wear hair up/braided more to prevent tangles

December 9th, 2017, 05:02 AM
1. Reach BSL
2. Make ends nice and even
3. Trim off around 8 cm

Nothing exciting.

December 9th, 2017, 08:18 AM
1. Treat it more gently. I'm not giving up wearing it down or in braids, and I suspect that those are some primary sources of damage, BUT I can definitely wear my sleep bonnet EVERY night and comb more gently. (I've been relying on the TT to glide over tangles after I get the worst of them out, rather than really taking the time to properly detangle. :shake: I bought a wide tooth comb again and I'm going to try to stick to a 3 step fingers/comb/TT process.)

2. CLASSSSICCCCC!!!!! I think I can safely expect it by Christmas 2018. :cheer:

December 9th, 2017, 10:53 AM
1. To reach BSL (1 Inch to go!)
2. To trim and maintain my length until my hair becomes thicker, less damaged
3. To stop blow drying my hair, let it air dry instead
4. To finally accept my natural waves, hopefully they are not too frizzy at BSL
5. If my hair is too frizzy at BSL, maybe I still need to grow it out

December 9th, 2017, 10:55 AM
Grow out as much of my natural hair colour as possible.

December 9th, 2017, 02:43 PM
I'm going to be optimistic here.... BSL by 31 Dec 18. I think if my growth stays consistent I might make it, or I'll be really close.

December 9th, 2017, 05:14 PM
Since im growing out from a pixie, and my hair grows rather fast with supplements, im hoping to make it past cbl length, and be able to start doing short braids, using a flexi clip, and maybe transition to using shampoo bars once ive used up my current product stash. :cheese:

December 10th, 2017, 04:48 AM
So i am adding one more..
Do not touch my hair with Dye. :D

December 10th, 2017, 08:21 AM
good luck and best wishes to everyone! i hope you all reach your goals this upcoming new year!

as for me, my goals for 2018 are:
- hot oil hair treatments once a month
- make my own shampoo and conditioner
- become an actual vegetarian and work out more (for a healthier body, mind, and hair!)
- inversion method once every week
- wash my hair once every week
- start taking biotin (again + other vitamins)!

December 10th, 2017, 10:34 AM
2018 goal - reach BSL ?
Definitely pass APL
I don’t know if I’m aiming too high with the BSL as my hair hasn’t hit APL yet

December 10th, 2017, 10:37 AM
I don't know. I really want to ditch the dye. This may mean keeping a shorter cut to keep trimming off the old dye.

Lady Stardust
December 28th, 2017, 04:00 PM
I plan to:

- trim 2 - 3 inches over the year to get rid of the last of my pixie layers, so that means trims of at least half an inch every 3 months
- regular henna glosses rather than full strength henna and see how I get on with it
- regular deep conditioning (as long as that isn't too heavy while my hair is short)
- focus on enjoying my hair at whatever its current length is
- take note of what I like about my hair at different lengths as it grows so I have a point of reference if I want to cut back in the future
- wear protective updos when my hair has grown long enough

I have a length goal in mind for next year but don't want to commit to it, because if I don't get there it'll be for a good reason! I might decide to maintain for a few months or more if I find a length I really like.

December 28th, 2017, 04:13 PM
-No trims!
-No more bleach!
-Overnight oiling the ends and nape before a shampoo day
-Progress photos
-Hopefully grow 6 more inches! :)

December 28th, 2017, 05:12 PM
To maintain BSL and trim off all the damaged hair every month x

December 28th, 2017, 10:38 PM
To get from45" to 50" that much closer to knee :)

December 29th, 2017, 06:20 AM
Well, 2017 was a year of benign neglect - mostly neglect, if I'm honest. I washed, put in some leave-in, dried, and braided. Sometimes I'd leave it in the same braid for days! :oops: It grew from...er, i'm not sure. Just past APL to waist, or thereabouts. Now that it's at waist, though, 1) I can actually make buns work, and 2) it probably needs a bit more looking after if I want to keep growing (I'd love to hit BCL)


1) do my usual twice-yearly 1cm-ish trim. That seems to keep things ticking over nicely.
2) Take the time to apply leave-in conditioner AND oil to my hair after every wash, and do a thorough/proper job. It makes such a difference to how soft and nice my lengths and ends are.
3) BRUSH MY DANG HAIR. Stop losing my dang hairbrush! :doh:
4) Make a fresh braid every night for sleep, and do a fresh updo every morning for day wear. I'm gonna need to get good at buns again.
5) Maybe occasionally actually do some hair treatments? I'd like to see what cassia does for me.

Everyone I know already thinks I'm super precious about my hair (how??? I literally wash it once every 7-10 days and chuck it in a braid!!! Buzz cuts are more effort to maintain than that!) They ain't seen nothin' yet!

Oh, and occasionally actually post on here instead of just lurking. When my hair was shorter I just wanted to forget about it, but now (after several long years) my hair is back to its former length and without any of the dye, so I get to enjoy it again :crush:

December 29th, 2017, 08:15 AM
My goal for 2018 is to hit classic length by year end and minimize breakage on the top of my head due to having to wear a hat/ball cap at work.

December 29th, 2017, 09:53 AM

Trim twice (June and December)
Reach APL
Maintain bangs (fringe)
Decide on maintaining or growing out my undercut

December 29th, 2017, 03:29 PM
2017 was a pretty good hair year for me! I went from approximately BSL to HL, so hopefully I can keep up that growth! My other goals are:

Stick with S&D and no trims!
Start doing oil treatments again, at least once a month
No more low ponytails!
Try new hairstyles
Bun my hair more
Stick to a healthy, balanced diet because healthy food = healthy body = healthy hair!

My growth chart says I should hit tailbone, but classic is a stretch for the end of 2018, so my goal is to be happy wherever I end up! If I hit classic, I think I'll leave the no-trim 2018 challenge and maintain my length to get rid of some of my old layers.

December 29th, 2017, 05:06 PM
My goals...
Trim probably once, at the beginning of the year.
Build on my collection of sticks and clips.
Continue to learn some more bun and braid styles.
As for growth, I'd love to get to the top of my pants. That looks like about 4" so maaaaybe I could be a bit more ambitious. I have never tracked my growth but I just *feel* like it grows faster than average. Tailbone would be fun but I'm just going to focus on the other stuff and the growth will happen.

December 30th, 2017, 03:43 AM
My hair goals for 2018...

1. To trim twice, in july and 31 december. Doing S&D of course.
2. To learn more hairstyles to motivate me to wear my hair up more often, esp with braids
3. To hit hip by july, and hopefully BCL by the end of 2018!!
4. To keep growing my damaged hair avoiding all kind of dyes/henna, etc
5. To try to wash my hair less often (I do sport everyday and I kind of need washing it often, but I'll try to wash it every 3 days or so...)
6. To keep taking care of my hair with oils, hair treatments, etc

December 30th, 2017, 04:29 AM
1. keep up with s&d but dont get too obsessive
2. Get to waist if I'm lucky (almost APL now)
3. Keep co-washing (find a good clarifying shampoo for every few months)
4. Microtrim rather than big trims
5. DO NOT CHOP OUT OF BOREDOM or because I'm feeling down
6. Enjoy every length as they come and don't be too stressed

December 30th, 2017, 04:35 AM
Hit tailbone.

So carry on with x current wash and condition routine as it's working really well. Continue with oil experiments which have worked fab so far now I've given up on coconut oil and relegated it back to the kitchen.
No trims, occasionally s&d as needed.

December 30th, 2017, 04:47 AM
... to be longer than I was a year ago... :)

December 30th, 2017, 04:53 AM
1. no trims for 2018
2. hopefully thicken up my hair a bit
3. keep up oiling/conditioning

December 30th, 2017, 07:08 AM
No trims for 2018. I'm hoping to get to knee. :pray:

December 30th, 2017, 07:42 AM
My hair goals for 2018 are:

1. Learn to properly braid my hair;
2. Stay between TBL and Classic, with a thicker hemline.


Lilac Blossoms
December 30th, 2017, 09:15 AM
1. no trims in 2018.

2. healthier diet- this is an overall goal, but obviously if it helps grow healthier hair, it's a nice perk!

3. try to reduce damage, which I already know will be difficult since my experiment with Ariel-red hair has proved disappointing and I am now considering blue or purple... which would mean BLEACH.

4. make it to (at least) hip length from waist.

5. make effort to wear my hair up and protected more often- this is difficult for me as I have very little time to get ready in the morning, and I am not very well practiced at many hairstyles, which brings me to...

6. learn how to do French and Dutch braids on my own head which do not look like they were done by a concussed monkey.

December 30th, 2017, 12:40 PM
My hair goals for 2018 are to thicken up my hemline by microtrimming and growing my hair to a solid hip length. I have a lot of layers and crumbling damaged ends, but I’m already hip when stretched so my goals are possible.

December 30th, 2017, 06:24 PM
My goals are:
One more 1" trim to even up the ends
One more olaplex treatment
No trimming for at least 6 months
Keep healthy with oil and deep conditioning treatments before washing
Rice water rinse once a week
Wear more protective styles
Eat healthy
I am going to have twins next year so try and keep the hair fall from that to a minimum...try
It's at wl hoping to get to tb but health of the hair is really important this year.

December 30th, 2017, 09:02 PM
Well I think I can reach bsl. Maybe. Besides that-
No more dye
Maybe two minimal trims 1/4 inch
Use less heat styling
Continue growing out my bangs

December 30th, 2017, 09:04 PM
Eat better
Take care of myself
no trims for the first half
take care of my curl pattern
drink more water


December 31st, 2017, 05:06 AM
My goals for 2018 are to make it to tbl stretched, do micro trims but only take one inch off over the whole year.

I am going to learn one new bun and then actually use it.

I'm also going to continue to grow the colour down further, if I want colour I'm just going to do the underlights, I'm feeling OK with it at the moment but I'm not going to restrict myself to go fully bleach free

For 2017 I made it to hip, I've blended my hair colour, and I restrained myself from getting scissor happy and have trimmed between one and two inches over the year.

December 31st, 2017, 07:17 AM
My goal for 2018

- start oiling my hair (haven't done it for last 3 years)
- have thicker and healthier hair

Groovy Granny
December 31st, 2017, 09:46 AM
I actually don't have any new goals :hmm: if it ain't broke, don't fix itas the saying goes ;)

So I will continue with my HG products and routine for my hair to stay happy ....and just enjoy it :crush:

Aunt Rapunzel
December 31st, 2017, 11:31 AM
Groovy Granny, your hair is so beautiful!

I don't really have any hair goals. I'll just see where the year takes it. :o I'd love to be at classic length by next Christmas. But I don't have any goals toward that end...just a wish list. ;)

December 31st, 2017, 11:35 AM
My hair is currently variable... I want it to all be BSL and maaaybe my BSL gets to waist? Maybe.

December 31st, 2017, 07:45 PM
Ooh good luck to everyone!

My goals are to thicken up my hair (the strands have gotten fairly thin due to stress) and to get as much length as possible. I'd like to be able to trim off all of my chemically processed ends, but I'm not as concerned as that as my first goal.

December 31st, 2017, 07:47 PM
I'm getting kind of excited about growing my hair longer in 2018. It's been around shoulder length for a year (by choice). I think I'm ready to go long again.

Groovy Granny
December 31st, 2017, 08:58 PM
Groovy Granny, your hair is so beautiful!
Thank you :o
Yours is very pretty also!

December 31st, 2017, 09:43 PM
... to be longer than I was a year ago... :)

That's a goal I can get behind! Here's to success!

January 1st, 2018, 08:57 AM
2018 hair goals:

1. regularly scheduled clarifying, chelating, and deep conditioning sessions.
2. get a new silk sleep cap
3. micro-trim on scheduled days

January 1st, 2018, 04:05 PM
I have a goal that I know will be a real challenge for me: Stick to a routine and products that I know work for me (aka my HG's I suppose) and resist the urge to screw around with new stuff all the time. This will mean a few things:

1) Give away or find alternate uses for the products I have lying around that I only use out of guilt.
2) Write out a routine on my blog.
3) Make lists of things I use regularly and can restock, things I can keep around as tried-and-true special treatments, and things I can actively seek out (possibly branching into skin care).

Wish me luck--I'll need it.

January 1st, 2018, 07:36 PM
My hair goals for 2018:

1. Wear it braided more often, especially when I'm at home.
2. Do hot oil and deep treatments every other Sunday.
3. No heat except for my bangs.
4. No trimming for at least 6 months, and maybe longer.
5. Finally get past BSL and hopefully close to waist. (28 inches should be how much I can grow at my current rate, but 30 inches is waist on me.)
6. Eat healthy, exercise, take my vitamins and drink plenty of water. :)

January 2nd, 2018, 03:08 AM
Goals for 2018:

Learn to braid
According to my calculations I should reach APL within the year so that will be my length goal

I guess that's it :)

Dancing Giant
January 2nd, 2018, 06:43 AM
I want to continue regularly oiling my hair and I would like to reach BSL at the end of 2018. At the moment, my hair is between CBL and APL and with my growth rate that should work out quite well. Also, I joined the no-trimming and the wearing the hair up challenges for 2018. I hope that I can keep up with these. And later in the year, when my hair is long enough, I want to learn new updos and braiding techniques.

January 2nd, 2018, 02:32 PM
I'm about at shoulder length now, so I want to reach APL
Learn more about keeping my scalp healthy ... I really know nothing
Take vitamins nightly and drink enough water
Deep condition regularly
Get a silk pillowcase
Learn protective styles to wear at night

January 2nd, 2018, 02:49 PM
Grow out these layers! Get my ends thicker :o

January 2nd, 2018, 04:41 PM
I'd love to reach tailbone length sometime in 2018!

January 3rd, 2018, 08:36 PM
I'd like to get my shortest layers to chin length and NO TRIMMING!

January 3rd, 2018, 10:23 PM
Well I'm bsl stretched so hopefully growing to waist and after that as long as I can get it and trying to keep it moisturized

January 4th, 2018, 10:09 AM
My hair is just past shoulder, my goals are:

1. Reach BSL
2. No trims (only s&d)
3. No dyeing

Been lurking for weeks, first post!

January 4th, 2018, 11:23 AM
Currently at BSL, want to get to waist this year. Big focus right now is to repair the damage, deep condition weekly. Do S&D, and home micro trims - avoid the salon!!!! I also am going to trim my adult daughters hair at home instead too, it's also BSL. We just started using some leave in conditioner, deep conditioners, and some castor oil masks. I want to try tea rinses also.

January 4th, 2018, 11:27 AM
No shampoo and no dyes for me! I've been dying it blue for the entire year of 2017 and stopped in July/August so dying is REALLY tempting right now. :(

Lilac Blossoms
January 4th, 2018, 01:50 PM
No shampoo and no dyes for me! I've been dying it blue for the entire year of 2017 and stopped in July/August so dying is REALLY tempting right now. :(

I hear you... after a few months of failed experiments with bright red, I was strongly considering blue or purple... but I'm also attempting no trims for 2018 and hoping to hit hip, so I'm going to try my hardest to deal with the dark brown roots, bright red from roots to ears, and lighter brown all down the length. It looks awful, LOL.

January 19th, 2018, 01:21 PM
-stretch washes down to one per week
-reach APL
-gradually transition from pure henna treatments to 50/50 henna/cassia mix for a more golden-coppery hue (I'm hoping if I increase the cassia just a bit each time I do a treatment, I can get a nice ombre effect as it grows :D )
-develop a full hair care routine that uses only stuff I mix myself, focusing on using by-products of other processes, like rice rinsing water, excess kombucha SCOBY, whey liquid from cheese making, re-using tea leaves, that sort of thing.
-maybe learn to make a nice gentle shampoo bar (I recently started making body soap and it's really fun)

Good luck to everyone else! :)

July 8th, 2018, 07:47 AM
We're more than halfway thorough the year now! How's it going for everyone? :)

-Reach classic
-Regular S&D
-Learn new hairstyles
-Measure my hair monthly to get some statistic on the growth rate

Two more cm to classic :)

I'm starting to do S&D more regularly now.

I've learnt some new hairstyles and am planning to learn more :)

I do measure my hair every month.

Ligeia Noire
July 8th, 2018, 10:38 AM
I have learnt how to french braid, so that is a plus, it is still hard with this tangly prone hair
I need to s&d more if I want to not trim until god knows
I am already at top calf, which was my goal for this year, so, hopefully I will reach solid calf by December.

July 8th, 2018, 11:50 AM
We're more than halfway thorough the year now! How's it going for everyone? :)

Two more cm to classic :)

I'm starting to do S&D more regularly now.

I've learnt some new hairstyles and am planning to learn more :)

I do measure my hair every month.

Congratulations on reaching another milestone! :) Yeah, I do a lot of S&D's throughout the year too. I just take off 1cm every 3 or 4 months, and I don't lose any length at all. I had to trim back to MBL from Waist Length 3 weeks ago. Because, my ends looked and felt very dry. But it's much better now. So, I'm creeping right back down to Waist Length again! :D I'm really hoping by the end of this year I will have reached Hip Length without any trims. I'm not going to trim again until next year sometime. Or, whenever I need to again.

July 8th, 2018, 12:22 PM
I joined the no trimming challenge, so my first goal is to Not trim my hair no matter how bad the layering will end up looking.

My second goal is to get to at least APL.

Other than that, i have no more goals. I know i won't be caring for my hair more than benign neglect allows me to and i know i'm gonna keep dying my hair black/dark brown color.

I just want to keep my hair as healty as possible while keeping it the color i like and i want to reach a point where i can put it all up, be it in a braid or ponytail.

Ehh, i Did trim to even up my layers, i also probably won't get to APL, but i won't be far from it at the end of the year i assume. I also stopped dyeing my hair, which isn't a bad thing.

daisy rei
July 8th, 2018, 12:33 PM
Hmm, my goals for this year are simply to learn how to french braid and take a monthly length photo for the next six months. Maybe I should attempt S&D every once and a while, but so far I've noticed very minimal split ends since my last trim.

July 8th, 2018, 03:29 PM
My goals...
Trim probably once, at the beginning of the year.
Build on my collection of sticks and clips.
Continue to learn some more bun and braid styles.
As for growth, I'd love to get to the top of my pants. That looks like about 4" so maaaaybe I could be a bit more ambitious. I have never tracked my growth but I just *feel* like it grows faster than average. Tailbone would be fun but I'm just going to focus on the other stuff and the growth will happen.

Well, the trim didn't happen. Haha!
I've definitely bought some toys.
I'm continuing to learn more styles, always.
And I'm already at the top of my pants! So I guess I grew 4" in six months? That's like 2/3" per month, right? That's pretty good I think. I wonder if I always grow that fast. I actually feel like I wasn't growing that fast in the first part of the year and only recently has it felt like it picked up a bit.
We'll see what the second half holds.
Maaaaaybe a trim?
Maybe not. ;)

July 8th, 2018, 03:48 PM
Keep my hair in a bun most of the time when I'm home.
Learn to do a simple braid on my own hair.
Wear one often when going out.
Cut down on the ponytail - go for braid, bun or hair out.
Comb my hair every day so I don't end up with a tangled mess after literally a week of not combing (happened several times this year)
Keep up with microtrimmings and S&D.
Hopefully also gain some length.
I wear my hair stick most of the time - also when going out. Tried braiding but kinda forgot to do it because I found it a bit hard to braid my own hair properly. Perhaps I should put some effort into it again.
I comb or brush my hair most days to detangle but a couple of days without is not a problem because it doesn't tangle much in a bun.
Trimmed 3 times this year but joined the no trim club so no more before the end of the year.
Did gain 5-6 cm at least + what I trimmed away so pretty ok growth. I hope to gain a bit more than that now that I won't be trimming any more.

July 8th, 2018, 03:53 PM
Ooh okay so this year I joined LHC, had a big chop (unwanted due to hairdresser) and dyed last in April. I've been learning lots of hairstyles and trying to change up my routine to see what works.

For 2018 my goals are:

1. No trimming 2018 in order to reach classic - currently Hip+ then microtrimming to maintain classic and thicken the hemline until the end of 2018.
2. Find an oil which works well in my hair - I tried coconut and olive oil but both are.. ehh. Not loving them. I have a coney moroccan oil which I like but might try a Nightblooming one to see if it's any better.
3. Consistently put my hair in a plait every night for bed on satin pillowcase. I've been getting into this routine although it's hit and miss sometimes.
4. Keep my hair up when out in a protective style - I've been pretty consistent with this for the last few months so want to keep this going.
5. Vary my hairstyles and learn new ones - I've been trying to change my bun most days, I mostly do nautilus since it's quick and easy but I'd be happy with myself if I vary it at least twice per week.
6. Grow out the dye - I'm at that really awkward stage where virgin hair is obvious and at eyebrow length

I forgot about this thread!! Well to review:

1. I'm in no trimming second half - I trimmed half an inch in February in a panic because my hair felt like it had stopped growing. Not as bad a chop as it could have been but still wish I hadn't done it! However my hair is TBL now so I'm well om the way to classic! Although not sure I'll reach it by the end of the year, my growth is unpredictable.
2. The oils I still use the Moroccan one, I tried a few more but none of them worked as well - I guess my hair loves cones.
3. Ah! Okay I've had a satin pillowcase every night and I put my hair in a plait usually about 3 days of the week.
4. Yes - I've kept it in protective styles mainly, although I've probably had it down a bit more often with my Instagram.
5. Definitely varied hairstyles, I post a new one on Instagram most days and have learned a lot!
6. Still growing out the stupid dye :P

I wonder how these answers will change by the end of the year :D

July 8th, 2018, 04:20 PM

My goal for 2017 was to reach waist, which I did in August.

For 2018 I would love to reach hip and maintain until the bulk of my damage and taper is trimmed out.

I'm approximately 4 inches from hip. And I'm not trimming for the rest of the year. I think I'll reach hip!

July 8th, 2018, 04:39 PM
I forgot about this thread to be honest :p I enjoyed reading everyone's recent responses, it sounds like everyone is making good progress with their goals for this year!

My hair goals for 2018 are:

1. Reach BCL by next Summer, and hopefully reach TBL by end of 2018
2. Begin trimming a bit more. I plan to trim 1/2" every three months again instead of 1/4"
3. Maintain/trim even more frequently (likely second half of year) to finally have my hair one length again (about 3 more inches to trim out)
4. Learn to do more buns, since I really only do the same one all the time lol.
5. Find more hair products that my hair responds well to, I think I want to try some new shampoo/conditioners
6. Have a longer braid. I want where I tie my braid off to reach HL, right now I tie it off at MBL with the ends inbetween WL and HL. I don't think my braid will grow that much in a year with my planned trimmings, but we'll see. :)

Update on my goals:

1. I reached BCL in June! Not too sure if I will reach TBL by years end yet.
2. I trimmed in Jan, April and July so far, and am now trimming 1/2"
3. I have just started maintaining... let's see how that goes. :p I think I have about 2 inches now to trim out, which I expect to hopefully be able to still trim out by the end of the year.
4. I know how to do the celtic knot bun and the pansy bun now, but I really still only do the nautilus most days. I want to try to do a new/different bun than my nautilus maybe once a week? If I do this successfully I might actually alternate my buns by the end of the summer :p
5. Not really successful with finding products that my hair likes. Don't have money right now either to purchase any more soon, so I doubt I will meet this goal.
6. I now tie my braid off at WL, and my ends are past HL so my braid has definitely grown :)

July 8th, 2018, 04:55 PM
Re: 2018 Hair Goals

Hit classic length
Learn more buns - check
Make syndet and conditioner bars again
Expand my hairtoy collection - check

I'm inches from classic so I'll hit it before Christmas, as planned. Syndet and conditioner bars... Okay so I've been cheap and lazy.

July 8th, 2018, 09:00 PM
My biggest goal this year has been to grow from jaw to past sl, and no trimming at all until winter solstice. On that day I'll be evening out these layers!

I did just make it to shoulder this month, and I promise I haven't trimmed!

July 8th, 2018, 11:13 PM
I don't know, I'm kind of running out of all the goals I had in mind back in 2013. I guess stay in the waist-hip range and trim out the last bits of dye and see how a blunt hem is... Maybe save up for some reaaaally nice hair sheers.

I had forgotten about this but I've been making good progress. I got my really nice hair sheers, I've stayed between waist-hip and I pretty much have a straight blunt cut right now (that I don't like). I also decided to have the last bit of dye cut off before my birthday in November.

July 8th, 2018, 11:14 PM
- No trimming for 6 months + 6 moths, just doing S&D
- Hit Hip by summer, may be full hip /BCL by the end of the year!
- Keep growing my dye, henna and layers (sigh*) and recover my hair from dye damage.
- Discover the best conditioners/oils for myself, I'm still trying different ones.
- Keep away from dyes/henna!

That's all :D

Doing good with the no trim challenges so far!

I'm at hip since may, will be close to BCL by the end of the year...

Of course I haven't touched henna nor dyes. My hair has improved so much in the last 3-4 months too!

Nightblooming products were a great discover for me, I'm also in love with the avocado oil.

So... doing great by now :)

July 9th, 2018, 01:00 AM
I did not have much goals for this year other than trim more frequently. Right now I have a few for next 6 months:
- dust the ends every other month
- start weaker henna mix (going to try 10% for half a year) hopefully for more gingery/strawberry color
- stop measuring (just check the length in December)

July 9th, 2018, 01:29 AM
Shooting for TBL by the end of the year. My hair grows fast so I could probably reach BCL? but I'd rather trim off the last of my bleached bits and there's a couple inches left.
I want to get better about brushing my hair daily since it causes a lot of mid-shaft breakage when I don't and then yank through it when I'm in a rush.
Really my main goal is just to NOT CUT IT ALL OFF, since I always get frustrated and do a big chop when I hit waist. :scissors: :boohoo:

July 9th, 2018, 09:11 AM
Congratulations on reaching another milestone! :) Yeah, I do a lot of S&D's throughout the year too. I just take off 1cm every 3 or 4 months, and I don't lose any length at all. I had to trim back to MBL from Waist Length 3 weeks ago. Because, my ends looked and felt very dry. But it's much better now. So, I'm creeping right back down to Waist Length again! :D I'm really hoping by the end of this year I will have reached Hip Length without any trims. I'm not going to trim again until next year sometime. Or, whenever I need to again.

Thank you, but I still have two more cm to go before reaching it :)

July 9th, 2018, 09:30 AM
My ultimate goal is to take real care of my hair. To accept my natural color and texture. By the end of 2018 I’d like to have good quality, SL hair.

July 9th, 2018, 11:56 AM
Jas, I follow you on IG! Took me a little while to figure out who it was since your IG handle is different from your username here but then I saw it in your sig. I enjoy seeing all your styles over there!

July 9th, 2018, 12:52 PM
2017 was the year of the waist length, 2018 will be the year of the hip length!

Take longer view of hair instead of monthly obsessing over length (getting better at this at last).

Trim 1" every 6 months, same as always, to strengthen my hem over time and grow out the layers.

Dream about TBL in 2019. :meditate:

Enjoy it every day right now. :love:

Wanted to come back and remind myself... ok! I hit hip length but then did a drastic 3" trim after months of micro trimming and being frustrated at my ragged ends. So I achieved that goal, and look forward to achieving yet again by around Christmas. Well worth it.

And by cutting I achieved the end goal of a better hemline that I wanted (but initially thought would take me more time).

Keeping it braided for the 3 month challenge while I wait.

Still obsessing about it but still doing better also. Enjoying it every day, especially with my oils and oil blends :love:

July 10th, 2018, 06:20 AM
Jas, I follow you on IG! Took me a little while to figure out who it was since your IG handle is different from your username here but then I saw it in your sig. I enjoy seeing all your styles over there!

Ahh thank you! Yeah I try to learn styles - I usually attempt them for the first time once and take a pic so they can be quite messy but I'm sure over time I'll get the hang of it more :D what's your handle? I'll follow you!

Great progress on the goals everyone, looks like everybody is progressing!

July 10th, 2018, 08:17 AM
My new goal is no trimming until I'm classic length! I've been too trim happy this year lol.

July 10th, 2018, 08:59 AM
My goal is back of the knees! Even out my hemline, and learn to not be afraid of scissors! Im also on the hunt to buy and find my perfect dream products that’ll kick up the health of my hair tremendously

July 10th, 2018, 08:59 AM
Double post.

July 10th, 2018, 09:27 AM
Fix up the mess my last trim caused.

My goal is to go back to the soft U hemline I had. Not the almost "V" shape I have now. Gonna take a while for it to grow back.. :sad

Dancing Giant
July 10th, 2018, 11:24 AM
I haven't been on this site for a couple of months now and a lot of things happened to my hair. I cut off a lot of inches and dyed the bleached ends back to my natural hair colour. My current goal for 2018 is to just let it grow and chop the bleached ends off at the end of the year. Then I can finally grow my hair long without worrying too much about the bleach-damage.

July 10th, 2018, 02:09 PM
I have a few hair goals for 2018. First is to get past shoulder-length. I also have decided to stop using bleach and instead dye my hair with a demi-permanent dye. Which means saying good-bye to highlights and embracing a darker color, but I've noticed a huge difference in the condition of my hair. Also I've made a goal to air dry and wear it up on a regular basis. So basically, to take better care of it all around.

July 10th, 2018, 03:26 PM
Ahh thank you! Yeah I try to learn styles - I usually attempt them for the first time once and take a pic so they can be quite messy but I'm sure over time I'll get the hang of it more :D what's your handle? I'll follow you!

Great progress on the goals everyone, looks like everybody is progressing!

I'll pm you. I post a lot of hair stuff but pics of my kids and stuff, too. :)

July 10th, 2018, 04:26 PM
My goal is to prevent damage by handling my hair gently.

July 10th, 2018, 07:42 PM
I'm sure I'll think of more, but:

Become proficient at Dutch braids
Finish No Trim 2018
Hit Waist if possible
Try at least one new hairstyle a month
Use every hair toy I own
Wear it up somehow at least half the week

Now that I've got some new biological information, I'd like to add one more!

Find a routine to bring out my waves.

So far so good I suppose!

Become proficient at Dutch braids
Finish No Trim 2018
Hit Waist if possible
Try at least one new hairstyle a month
Use every hair toy I own
Wear it up somehow at least half the week
Find a routine to bring out my waves

My routine isn't perhaps giving me my optimal waves, but it's done enough that I can see them all the time now! I'm sure with more time they'll get stronger on their own as well, since I'm no longer being cruel to them :laugh:

July 10th, 2018, 07:49 PM
So far so good I suppose!

Become proficient at Dutch braids
Finish No Trim 2018
Hit Waist if possible
Try at least one new hairstyle a month
Use every hair toy I own
Wear it up somehow at least half the week
Find a routine to bring out my waves

My routine isn't perhaps giving me my optimal waves, but it's done enough that I can see them all the time now! I'm sure with more time they'll get stronger on their own as well, since I'm no longer being cruel to them :laugh:

I don't know if you're silicone free or not, but I found the thing that enhanced my waves (and it was unintentional) the most was going silicone free. I think the silicone must have weighed them down somehow.

July 11th, 2018, 03:21 PM
I want to trim off all the old dye damage and figure out exactly how yo get the bangs I want from my hairdresser. I'm looking forward to my next trim so I can get rid of the layers and some of the damage.

July 12th, 2018, 06:17 PM
I don't know if you're silicone free or not, but I found the thing that enhanced my waves (and it was unintentional) the most was going silicone free. I think the silicone must have weighed them down somehow.

Mhmm! For the last six months or so! And that's helped a ton. I don't even need to use leave ins with hold to really see my waves (see the last photo in my signature)! Of course if I want them to be very clear and strong I need to do the whole leave in thing.

July 12th, 2018, 09:26 PM
Hopefully I'll reach waist in March or April :o

Nuh-uh, I was way too scissor happy :lol: Maybe... I don't know, December? I haven't measured or taken photos in ages, I have no idea how far I am. Pretty far, probably...

July 12th, 2018, 10:24 PM
My goal is to reach BSL. I have the feeling I won’t, I’m pregnant, due October. Last time I had a baby I lost a lot of hair post-birth. I am afraid the same will happen this time around! It’s the reason I chopped off my hair (into a mum bob, chin length oops)... then I dyed it last year. It’s all a ton of regret now anyway. But onward and upward!
- NO trims
- NO heat (I rarely use it anyway but am going to go without completely)
- reduce my washing from 3x a week down to 1.
- hopefully reach BSL, or try at least!

July 12th, 2018, 10:32 PM
Almost classic hope to be slightly beyond by 19.

July 15th, 2018, 05:29 PM
my goal is to hopefully get my hair to shoulder length and to do my best to stop using heat products on my hair!

Crna Kosa
July 15th, 2018, 05:49 PM
My goal is to learn new updos and braids( I'm not really good at braiding ) , protect and grow my hair out :).

July 16th, 2018, 02:23 PM
I trimmed at the beginning of the year and since have been pretty hands off due to depression. I won't be trimming again until the end of 2019. That said, I'd like to be more intentional about the following:
S&D monthly
Go back to washing once a week rather than twice
No heat
Wear it contained more
In the winter get back to just cowashing
Remember to take my vitamins, ACV shots and spoon full of PB daily
Monthly treatments

I've been very lazy and am hoping to be near classic by the time we go back to Disney in April.

July 16th, 2018, 05:19 PM
If I treat my hair very, very nicely hopefully I'll be at waist length by the end of the year! I'm so excited, I want it now!

July 16th, 2018, 06:25 PM
For 2018 I'm:
~ taking really good care of my hair (oil and rosemary essential oil on scalp, conditioning the ends before washing it 2x/week)
~ taking a low dose of biotin every two or three days, nothing crazy
~ pretending I'm already at my goal length and,
~ benign neglect

Joyful Mystery
August 30th, 2018, 12:58 PM
No trimming and hopefully reach waist by the end of the year.

I trimmed in May and will not reach waist by the end of this year. That's okay! After going 1.5 years without trims I've decided to return to my usual trimming schedule of every 6 months. I should be able to reach MBL by the end of the year. :)

It's almost time to start thinking about goals for next year. ;)

August 30th, 2018, 01:18 PM
My goal is to reach hip. I'm about 2 inches away and not trimming til January.

August 30th, 2018, 02:57 PM
Just let it grow and eventually even out and thicken my hemline. I have a very deep U hemline. The “U” part is thigh length, yet where the U begins is reached at the bottom of my rear end. I’ve never had an even hemline in my life so that’s gonna be interesting :) I wonder what I’m gonna like more and if I’m gonna regret it

Groovy Granny
August 30th, 2018, 04:00 PM
Mine is just a continuation of 2017; If it ain't broke, I don't fix it!

- Vary my styles and rotate through my hair toys daily = IN HAIR TOY TIME OUT :patrol:
- Dust on the full moons as needed
- Trim on seasonal changes quarterly to maintain hemline between waist and hip
- Weekly shampoos and quarterly clarifying
- MOISTURE: joico moisture s&c / oil damp ends / biosilk lite serum for humidity frizz & winter dryness
- BBB daily in winter to combat dryness
- Rosewater & glycerin spritzes to refresh summer wurls

I actually don't have any new goals :hmm: if it ain't broke, don't fix itas the saying goes ;)

So I will continue with my HG products and routine for my hair to stay happy ....and just enjoy it :crush:

Well, I couldn't recall WHAT I posted, and when I looked back found that I actually forgot I posted at all.....and posted a second time...in less detail :p

We are now in the second half of the year,and I have stayed true to my goals :flower:

What I did not mention was LENGTH....because I 'thought' I was at my end goal of WAIST ;)

But I caught a case of LHC-itis....and grew past that on to HIP .....and then to BCL for my 5 year anniversary here :joy:

I don't plan to grow to TBL +...but time will tell :eyebrows: and I expect I will stay true to my goals until 2019 because....If it ain't broke, I don't fix it :wannabe:

August 30th, 2018, 09:19 PM
My goal is to gain enough thickness in my ends to be able to start growing again in 2019- I've been maintaining all of 2018 and I'm just about ready to move on, lol.

August 31st, 2018, 04:31 AM
- learn to braid
- nail down a routine that works and actually stick to it re: washing
- take my damned vitamins...

And if I can do all of those, hopefully make classic by Christmas!

Well, we're two-thirds through 2018, I still can't braid to save myself, and I'm still not taking my vitamins, but I've mastered scalp washing and alternate that with a full-length CWC/ACV rinse every 3-4 days, and I'm brushing classic already. So my plan for the rest of the year is to maintain here and keep working on that braiding...

August 31st, 2018, 05:49 AM
It's almost september, but this is what I want to keep doing for the rest of the year :)

- No trimming, just SD
- Deep condition everytime I am home for a wash day, if I am traveling, at least do some pre-poo with oil or conditioner
- Herbal gloss once a month
- Wear hair up, sleep with a braid

Cricket Master
August 31st, 2018, 12:48 PM
For the rest of the year I am just going to focus on:
Staying out of the habit of shampooing my hair every day, while still keeping my hair clean.
S&D regularly to eliminate split ends.
Wearing buns more often to protect my ends.
Learning more easy bun styles to avoid monotony and wasting time.

Singing Skies
August 31st, 2018, 02:08 PM
Since there are only 4 months left of this year (counting September) my goals are to:
-Stop going to the hair salon and let them take care of my hair
-Use more oil treatments and deep conditioning every month
-Using warm/cool air for blowdrying, since I can't NOT use heat
-Get one trim because my ends are messed up
-Keep my hair moisturized

August 31st, 2018, 10:53 PM
My goals are:
- no heat for the rest of the year
- start tracking what I’m doing and find a good routine
- learn some more protective hairstyles

September 21st, 2018, 04:05 PM
I want to lay off heat tools as I was overusing them in the past, use heat protectant, leave in conditioner and deep conditioner, keep getting trims, and possibly achieve WL hair.

September 21st, 2018, 04:29 PM
2018 is almost over, but before it is, I would like to upgrade my haircare by starting to use silk pillowcases more. I doubt I'll completely abandon the cotton ones, but I'd at least like to try smoother ones for a change.

September 29th, 2018, 10:13 AM
-Reach classic
-Regular S&D
-Learn new hairstyles
-Measure my hair monthly to get some statistic on the growth rate

-I've reached classic.
-I'm now doing S&D more regularly.
-I'm learning new hairstyle thanks to the ABC-hairstyle challenge.
-I'm measuring my hair monthly.

September 29th, 2018, 05:43 PM
1. Treat it more gently. I'm not giving up wearing it down or in braids, and I suspect that those are some primary sources of damage, BUT I can definitely wear my sleep bonnet EVERY night and comb more gently. (I've been relying on the TT to glide over tangles after I get the worst of them out, rather than really taking the time to properly detangle. :shake: I bought a wide tooth comb again and I'm going to try to stick to a 3 step fingers/comb/TT process.)

2. CLASSSSICCCCC!!!!! I think I can safely expect it by Christmas 2018. :cheer:

1. I think I've been gentler with my hair, but not necessarily in the ways listed. I've been wearing it down less and generally being careful. But I've ultimately decided that it might be better to sleep with my hair loose, and that the comb was doing more harm than good. So this goal changed mid-year I suppose. :p

2. YESSSSSS! And this was the main one. :)

October 1st, 2018, 09:59 PM
I would love to grow until the back of my knees! That’s my ultimate favorite length and I’m not rushing so thank goodness, just enjoying my hair do it’s thangy thang :) I noticed my hair had a sudden growth spurt, but as always, as soon as summer ends it stops and doesn’t budge whatsoever. I honestly think it may take me another two years to get there

October 5th, 2018, 09:23 PM
In the last 3 months ish of 2018, I want to:
-Use oils on my hair again
-No trimming
-No more damage to my hair, work on getting my hair healthy again
-Air drying my hair
-Hopefully grow another 1.5 inches? :D

October 13th, 2018, 10:44 PM
-- No trims for the year of 2018. I made it this year, so let's see how far it will go.
-- Reach hip or hip+. I was there last Christmas, but an incident with a hairdresser changed that. I miss that length. I'm at ~waist when wet or stretched right now, so that should be doable.
-- Wear my hair up more. I've gotten lazy and started wearing braids more often, which in addition to being bad for my hair, are not safe for work.
Well, I've had to trim a few times, but I'm now at BCL and only a couple of inches from Wrist Length. I'm still working on not wearing braids as often.
Added goal: stop wearing pony tails. They are simply a mess for me now.