View Full Version : Introductions are in order

October 15th, 2017, 08:06 AM
Hello everyone!
I signed up here in 2013 but something went sideways during that time and signups weren't processed for a while, so I ended up at Untamed Tresses instead. I asked questions, found answeres and ended up with a routine I kind of liked. Then there was problems accessing the forum, and I kind of left it, and that was that.... until I had new questions, and there was no forum anymore for me to find.

Turns out, I still had access to this one.;) So, here I am, posting and getting back into the long hair discussions.

My hair is kept at BCL because it's very thin from heavy shedding. The shedding is mainly from stress and it will take a while for that to pass. The hair has thick strands with a bit of give before it breaks, and thanks to my care I have almost no split ends or breakage.
My skin is dry and so is my scalp and that is my main concern at the moment.
My hair is wirly with some zig-zag and curls as well. It will never look good straigt, so I don't even try anymore. Let it be wild!

I've gone from regular shampoo and conditioner, to sulfate free and cone free, to no conditioner except coconut oil and catnip mistings, and herbal washing. It's the herbal washing that has brought me back here... still trying to find the right mix.

I dye my hair black using henna with PPD. I'm not allergic and may hair is dye resistant, so that is the only way that works... until I tried it on my herbal washed hair with lots of buildup and the new growth turned dark brown to fade to red. Oh well... next time I'll use more than one 10 gram pack for my hair.

So... that's me. If you remember me from Untamed tresse, please say hello! And if you don't then say hello anyway :)

October 15th, 2017, 08:23 AM
Welcome! :)

I would personally be careful with PPD-henna, but if it works, hey it works. It's (for me) the combination between a "normal" dye and a "natural" dye that doesn't go down well. I switched back and forth for a while but that didn't work out too great for me, but well... that's me (I should say that clearly).


October 15th, 2017, 01:18 PM
I would personally be careful with PPD-henna, but if it works, hey it works. It's (for me) the combination between a "normal" dye and a "natural" dye that doesn't go down well. I switched back and forth for a while but that didn't work out too great for me, but well... that's me (I should say that clearly).

I did a lot of research on PPD henna after I tried and tried and tried to make henna + indigo work. The only kind of dye that actually stays in my hair is henna... all other molecules just wash out. I signed up to find out what went wrong with my henna + indigo trials since a lot of searches turned up this forum. Thanks to the other forum I finally had gone through all the options, including Lush black henna bars, and found out that dye resistant hair like mine has very few options. The amount of PPD in the black henna for hair is very low once it's been mixed, and I use less than what is recommended for my lenght because I make a cream with guar gum flour. The way I see it, regular hair dye is full of chemicals, some very close to PPD in its molecular structure.

As long as it works for me, I'm fine using it, but I'm always careful. Always!

I'm not against chemicals - they have their uses, but with skin that is dry or get dry very easily, avoiding it in my personal grooming seems important. I still use regular shower cream, though I might stop once I get my herbal shampoo working, and I use regular washing up liquid and all that.

I remember your name, lapushka, from before and value your input. I hope that you and the others here will help me unlock my opersonal hair washing routines, because that's why I'm here this time. :)

October 15th, 2017, 02:24 PM
I remember your name, lapushka, from before and value your input. I hope that you and the others here will help me unlock my opersonal hair washing routines, because that's why I'm here this time. :)

I get now why you use PPD-henna, though it's generally not recommended. I guess I just didn't understand. Well, I sort of did, but I knew it was bad for me mixing regular with natural. YMMV, as we say here. :)

And thank you so much! :) I hope you can establish a good routine quickly, and do stay once you have that down pat. I'm sure there's lots of other threads to participate in.

October 15th, 2017, 02:36 PM
Hello, and welcome here :)

October 15th, 2017, 04:21 PM
Hello and welcome!:)

October 15th, 2017, 04:23 PM
Hello everyone!
I signed up here in 2013 but something went sideways during that time and signups weren't processed for a while, so I ended up at Untamed Tresses instead. I asked questions, found answeres and ended up with a routine I kind of liked. Then there was problems accessing the forum, and I kind of left it, and that was that.... until I had new questions, and there was no forum anymore for me to find.

Turns out, I still had access to this one.;) So, here I am, posting and getting back into the long hair discussions.

My hair is kept at BCL because it's very thin from heavy shedding. The shedding is mainly from stress and it will take a while for that to pass. The hair has thick strands with a bit of give before it breaks, and thanks to my care I have almost no split ends or breakage.
My skin is dry and so is my scalp and that is my main concern at the moment.
My hair is wirly with some zig-zag and curls as well. It will never look good straigt, so I don't even try anymore. Let it be wild!

I've gone from regular shampoo and conditioner, to sulfate free and cone free, to no conditioner except coconut oil and catnip mistings, and herbal washing. It's the herbal washing that has brought me back here... still trying to find the right mix.

I dye my hair black using henna with PPD. I'm not allergic and may hair is dye resistant, so that is the only way that works... until I tried it on my herbal washed hair with lots of buildup and the new growth turned dark brown to fade to red. Oh well... next time I'll use more than one 10 gram pack for my hair.

So... that's me. If you remember me from Untamed tresse, please say hello! And if you don't then say hello anyway :)

You are so lucky to have hair that is BCL! As long as I've been a member here I have always wished that my hair was as long as HL or TBL. But now it's WL, and I know that someday soon it will get there. My long term goal is to let it grow as long as to my thighs or ankles.

October 15th, 2017, 06:48 PM
Welcome! :blossom:

October 16th, 2017, 03:17 AM
Hi to you newcomer and hi to everyone reading my comment because I have a question regarding henna.
So I see that Lush has black hena. Your thoughts for us regarding Lush black hena? https://de.lush.com/henna (Germany) and http://www.lushusa.com/Search-Show?q=Henna (USA)

October 16th, 2017, 07:49 AM
Hi to you newcomer and hi to everyone reading my comment because I have a question regarding henna.
So I see that Lush has black hena. Your thoughts for us regarding Lush black hena? https://de.lush.com/henna (Germany) and http://www.lushusa.com/Search-Show?q=Henna (USA)

I haven't used it more than once, but my hair is so resistant to dye that it just turned dark brown, not black. It was OK to use, but the lemony smell was too much for me as well. Try it, see if it works for you and the smell isn't too much. Grind it to a fine powder, mix it like henna and use it. Pretty easy that way.

And thanks to all the welcomes :)

October 16th, 2017, 10:58 AM
Hi to you newcomer and hi to everyone reading my comment because I have a question regarding henna.
So I see that Lush has black hena. Your thoughts for us regarding Lush black hena? https://de.lush.com/henna (Germany) and http://www.lushusa.com/Search-Show?q=Henna (USA)

I wouldn't use anything from Lush regarding henna. I'd instead go with BAQ and make your own mix if you're up to it. In Germany you can also find Logona henna, the pre-mixed boxes, *far* better!

October 17th, 2017, 09:31 AM
Welcome! :)