View Full Version : Secret Santa/Gift Exchange - Please PM Darkhorse1 to participate!

October 28th, 2008, 11:37 AM
I love this group/forum!!
I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit (christmas is a very hard time for me and my family as we lost loved ones on Christmas day).

So, would anyone here be interested in a Secret Santa? I think it'd be great to be international!!

We would have to set a spending limit, and what to include--ie, Hair stuff, stuff from where you live, etc. Maybe those who wish to participate can include stuff they'd like to recieve?

Just a thought! :D

October 28th, 2008, 11:58 AM
Very good idea!! I would love to participate.

October 28th, 2008, 12:03 PM
Count me in :) I don't have many people to buy for, so it's always nice to send and receive another present!

October 28th, 2008, 01:55 PM
i would be interested:)
i love to collect children's books from around the world in different languages:)

October 28th, 2008, 02:11 PM
I don't celebrate Christmas, but I'm all for a joy sharing swap :gift:

October 28th, 2008, 02:17 PM
I'm a Hanukkah girl myself, but I love sending presents to people, so count me in!

October 28th, 2008, 02:17 PM
I'm in! Sounds like fun!

October 28th, 2008, 02:19 PM
I'm with you Darkhorse1. This could be what I need to keep my spirits up for the holidays. Count me in!

October 28th, 2008, 02:46 PM
Another one here too :) Is it going to be just for hair toys or anything at all?

October 28th, 2008, 02:47 PM
I will be celebrating Yule (Pagan) so I think it would be marvelous to have a winter time joy swap. I surely want in on this!

October 28th, 2008, 02:47 PM
I would love to be part of a holiday gift exchange here!

I have been part of such exchanges online in the past, and have several key points of interest to share, if you don't mind sharing my experiences.....

1) Keeping one's giver/givee identities secret during the process if fine, but one should NOT maintain the secret when packing up & sending their gift. Too many things can happen to packages in transit. One needs to know whom to talk to in such events! Also - one usually wants to know whom to thank on a more personal level than thanking a unknown "ghost" when they are thrilled with their gift. Believe me!

2) It's been done on one v-BB like ours where I'm a member one way, and another on a different v-BB.

The first Board had the admins run the event, and they knew who was partnered to whom. On the second Board there was one person elected to run it, and he kept it completely to himself, without the owner(s)/admins/mods knwoing anything. It ran nicely, smoothly, but there was a great degree of trust between board memebers - like there is here. Both worked just fine.

In both cases - the giver included his/her name with a card in the gift package, so the giver knew who to thank. Up 'till one received his/her gift, however - no one knew who had been assigned to give a gift to whom. This works dandy. And one can still give personal thanks both online and offline, should they so choose (PM or snail mail).

It takes weeks for packages to get to their international destinations during the holiday season... so if one is to happen here this year - it must be started right away! People must mail their packages to far-off international givee partners by December 5th (a Friday) this year in order to ensure delivery by December 31st. People must understand that their gift may be coming from the furthest part of the world from them... and it may be late. A few will find their gifts arrive later than Christmas... and possibly not 'till early in the New Year. Don't panic and don't feel badly: It's BOUND to happen!
I was the recepient in once case of an Australian giver who was self-admittedly a bit slack (in Ozzie slang) in getting my prezzie out in the post, then he left it to his wife to do, and she didn't see the need to rush about it, so it arrived here in mid-January. On the other hand: It was ONE FAB GIFT!!!!! And I still cherish it - 3 years later!
I, on the other hand, was assigned a different Aussie as my giftee, and I got his gift to him by December 10th, I think it was IIRC.

The first Board assigned gifters and giftees by an unknown method - they never said how they determined that.

The second Board used a random-pick computer program (the guy in charge was a programmer). His wife (not a Board member, and had had no contact with any of us, and didn't know a thing about any of us) ran the actual program and notified everyone so even he didn't know who had whom, 'till after the gifts were posted with thanks. She registered on that Board just to be able to PM everyone.

The first Board did the exchange 2 or 3 years running; the second Board did it twice. Neither Board did it last year... nor has mentioned doing it again this year.

To the best of my knowledge, no one ever complained or was sorry they'd participated.

In ALL cases, the giver included his/her name on a card with the gift sent. In ALL cases the receivers posted their thanks... and (in almost all cases) pix of the gifts.

In neither case was any rule/s defined for the gifts other than it had to cost not more than $__ or equivalency, and that it had to be family-friendly as was the Board from whence it came.

If one wanted to do something here, it could be stipulated that gifts must relate to the appropriate hair of the giftee, and that givers must pay attention to that.
But it need not be hair-related, either.

As the receiver (giftee) from about 3 or 4 times... it is the most fun when my gift (1) came from abroad, or (2) was handmade. That rocks like nothing else!!!

I don't recall any gift exchange online, like this, where one spent more than US$25, and it has been a little as US$10.
Remember - one has to factor the cost of shipping into this... and shipping from, say, NJ-to-Oz can cost QUITE a bit of money!!

In once case - I bought an Aussie several musical CDs that he'd lost to his exwife in their divorce, that he still missed/mourned... and I bought from a big Aussie website, so shipping was far less and I could send him much more.
In another case - I sent another Aussie a "Taste of New Jersey package" consisting of real original Salt Water taffy form Atlantic City, a few different bottles of various Jersey- and NY-made stouts, a t-shirt saying "Somebody in New Jersey loves me!", another that said "I survived the New Jersey Turnpike" (or was it the Garden State Parkway???), and a few assorted other NJ-specific items.
A Brit once received a "Taste of Philadelphia-NYC corridor" package containing some bottles of Pabst Blue Ribbon and similar beers, t-hsirts from Philly, NYC, and Newark NJ, frozen soft pretzels with mustard packets, recipes of how to make bona fide Philly cheese steak sandwiches (complete with a jar of Cheese Whiz) and authentic Philly hoagies, and a few other items.
A German got a nice hand-embroidered human-to-werewolf tapestry -- sort of a miniature, reminiscent of the Bayuex tapestry. (we knew each other also from a werewolf fan board besides the other board)

I've received a beautiful small hand-done painting, a lovely coffee table picture book of Frazier Island & a Toyota 4x4 sponsored Frazier Island Clean-up logo, a nice pedestal mug from Harrods (that were dirt-cheap on some sort of sale, or so I was told), a bottle of Appleton's that wasn't regular issue but Reserve for family only (she knows the family), and a fine pair of gloves that I love to wear.

So that gives you ideas of what one might expect.

If someone else is willing to run a gift exchange, I'd be glad to take part in it! :D

October 28th, 2008, 02:50 PM
Pssssssssst: If we have a gift exchange here, and an Aussie happens to draw my name - I LOOOOOOVE TimTams (esp. the double chocolate), Cherry Slice, and Violet Crumbles more than almost anything else in the world! ;)

just sayin'.....


October 28th, 2008, 03:15 PM
I celebrate New Years but would be happy to join on this.

I did this before and I believe the money limit on the last one was about $20 US.

October 28th, 2008, 03:32 PM
ooh! I'd love to sign up, I love getting goodies in the mail.

October 28th, 2008, 03:38 PM
I'd love to be part of this, I love buying presents and I love mail too :)

October 28th, 2008, 03:41 PM
I love gift exchanges! Will there be a questionnaire?

October 28th, 2008, 04:52 PM
Sounds like fun, I'm in!

October 28th, 2008, 04:59 PM
I'm not very religious, but I love to give and get presents, and the holidays are still one of my favorite times of year! Count me in!

October 28th, 2008, 06:02 PM
Wow! Glad there are many that are interested.

I could try to organize it, but I'm not sure how I'd go about picking the 'secret gift giver' for each person.

If there is someone who wants to organize it, let me know--if not I can try to do this...tehehehe. Stephanie B gave lots of great info!

Hmm. I think we could make it hair toys plus----maybe some neat hair toys, plus other things the person likes? And something specific to their location? (if you get an international exchanger?)

So, PM me with your name, location and interests/what you like. I figure I can take names up until the second week of November, and then we need to get going or else packages will be late. :)

Also, anyone with tips on how to pick the secret gift giver would be awesome! I may put a seperate thread for the 'secret santa/gift giver exchange' here, so I can just get a list of the interested folks, what you are looking to get and where you live. That might be easier than PMs :D

October 28th, 2008, 06:06 PM
For those interested in participating for our 'Secret Holiday Exchange" (is that politically correct?), please list the following:

1.Your user name
2.What you'd like to recieve
3.Where you live

Let's make the spending limit no more than $20.

Removing myself as I am financially challenged ;)


October 28th, 2008, 06:21 PM
1. Chromis
2. I like knitting, cooking, local lore, things made of natural materials, and of course hair sticks and forks for a few pointers
3. Ontario, Canada

October 28th, 2008, 06:28 PM
1. mira-chan
2. Things specific to location are always great. I collect hand fans if that is of help. Hairtoys may hair will not eat are always welcome. Anything purple or orange.:D
3. New York City

One more note people usually like a choice of whether to ship domestic only, international only or both ok.

4. Both ok. :D

October 28th, 2008, 06:54 PM
1) AmaiaIsabella
2) I like hair toys or anything penguin related. I'm obsessed with penguins :D
3) Miami

and as suggested by mira-chan:
4) I'm okay with international or domestic, provided what I'm shipping out is not so heavy. But I think with a $20 limit, we should be fine!

October 28th, 2008, 06:54 PM
OOOH I'm in!!! I'm in!!!! This will be the first year I've been able to do this! YAY!

October 28th, 2008, 06:56 PM
Ok, here goes me....

1. Rymorg2
2. I collect stuffed frogs, love anything celtic, any hair toys-mostly forks although I just got a graydog on BIN and I think I'm going to have to look into more sticks too, natural products since I'm chemically sensitive, love anything purple, pink, black, red
3. KY
4. Should be fine for either as long as it's not too heavy as well.

October 28th, 2008, 07:14 PM
1. CurlyNinja
2. Anything made/related to where the gift-giver is from is amazing; my favorite colors are purple and green; I have a sort of whimsical/simple/delicate personal style
3. New York City


4. I am willing to ship anywhere!

October 28th, 2008, 07:42 PM
1. dancingmegs
2. Food, wine, locally made products of almost any kind. Gardening stuff, bath goodies, jewelry (but not earrings. I have stretched lobes). My favorite colors are red, pink, and green. Me personal style is simple, not at all cute, but feminine.
3. Seattle
4. I'll ship anywhere.

October 28th, 2008, 07:52 PM
This would be fun! Hope it's OK that I'm fairly new... I promise to be reliable.

1. ClareDee
2. I like tons of stuff. Barrettes or other hair toys for my length, stationery, smelly things, floral or tree/leaf designs, anything made locally where you live (or gives a taste of where you live), handcrafted things, cats and birds (seperately) :) ETA: No earrings please - I can't wear 'em. ETA: Sorry I keep adding stuff. I just want to give lots of options to make it easy breezy: I also like socks, chocolate, pop-up cards/books, decorations that can be hung up. Even part of your local newspaper? That sounds weird maybe, but it's always interesting to see this stuff from other countries.
3. Ireland
4. Yes, I'll ship internationally. I will kinda have to :D

October 28th, 2008, 08:05 PM
Awesome! I'm writing this all down. Feel free to send me PMs now as I've set up a folder specific for this.

CUT OFF DATE WILL BE NOVEMBER 7th so I can do the draw and send everyone their intended giftee, so you have time to shop and send

I'm hoping everyone is ok with this being international. I think it'd be fun to get gifts from different locations. For international senders, don't feel pressured to send heavy items as I know it's pricey to send, and send the most financially acceptable method. If a package takes longer, I'm sure the giftee will understand.

October 28th, 2008, 08:07 PM
All those interested, please put your names and fill out questionare on sign up sheet. Will be closing this November 7th so we can get our shopping and packages out.

October 28th, 2008, 08:09 PM
I love to give gifts!! This year the holidays are going to be hard, my family including my DH are in another state.

October 28th, 2008, 08:09 PM
oooh sounds fun!!! Where can I sign up?:p

October 28th, 2008, 08:12 PM
1. saracuda
2. anything, really. I collect license plates, I love food and recipes, and I have 4 dogs. I like hair forks.
3. Colorado, USA
4. I'll ship anywhere

October 28th, 2008, 08:15 PM
All those interested, please put your names and fill out questionare on sign up sheet. Will be closing this November 7th so we can get our shopping and packages out.

What sign up sheet? Where?

Tip: If you want someone else to randomly assign gifters to giftees - ask your husbnad or bf. Or a neighbor. SOmeone you trust, but who won't spill the beans and ruin YOUR surprise. :D
There's my final two cents' worth.

October 28th, 2008, 08:27 PM
1) gdimoonbeam
2) anything hair, cats, nature, from your area, cooking, hand made, home made, best kept long hair secret:eyebrows:.
3) Columbus, Ohio
Will ship anywhere.

I think it's great to have a reference page to get an idea of what to send even though I have a feeling there will be a lot of similarities.

Pegasus Marsters
October 28th, 2008, 08:47 PM
1) Pegasus Marsters
2) Anything Disney related (Particularly Disney Princess. Favourite princesses are Belle and Ariel. Favourite Disney Movies: Little Mermaid, Beauty And The Beast, Lion King. If you have access to a Disney Store in the US they have lots of things that we don't get over here, so that would be awesome but their stuff can be pricey so don't feel honour bound or anything, haha.), fantasy related things (fairies, mermaids, unicorns, pegasus, dragons, vampires), anything elephant related (I like African elephants best), stationary items are fun (Particularly fun and interesting pens, or really pretty notebooks). Stuffed animals are fun. I can't wear any jewellery that isn't sterling silver or real gold, as I'm allergic to base metals. Hats, scarves and purses are always fun. I love fairytale related things too! ^.^ Favourite colours are pink and blue. If you manage to combine any of these things (disney stationary items, for example) then I'd be extra thrilled. No pressure, of course. :lol:
3) England
4) International is fine.

I just realised my list is really long and might sound like I'm yelling "GIMME GIMME GIMME!" but I wanted to include lots of things just to make life easier for my gift-giver. I have people in my life who are impossible to shop for so I like to throw lots of things out there so I don't become one of them. :silly: Besides that the more I list then the more potential I have to be surprised! ^.^ Pegs likes surprises!

Darkhorse: Do you want us to send you our postal addresses so you can distribute them along with this information?

October 28th, 2008, 09:10 PM
Hey Pegasus--you can PM me your address and I'll send everyone their respective giftee's addresses and what they like. Should be fun! :) I've made a special folder for this, so I can just print things off.

October 28th, 2008, 09:13 PM
Ps- PLEASE LIST ALL THINGS YOU LIKE!! The more you give ideas for, the easier it is for shopping. Don't worry about sounding like you want too much.

Also, thanks for those who are adding things you can't use. Please make sure you list any food allergies (nuts) or so forth to help those who are shopping for ya :)

October 28th, 2008, 09:44 PM
1) Xanthippe
2) Things I would enjoy: funky homemade hair toys (like with feathers or silly things), any hair toys really though (but I have dark hair, so I prefer hair toys that stand out from that), bracelets of all kinds (I have small wrists, so don't worry about sizing), buttons with funny sayings (pieces of flair), hair sticks of all kinds (lighter color is better for me), anything related to Harry Potter, intriguing photographs of architecture or nature or just around your neck of the woods, blank journals, filled journals (hahaha!), science toys, puzzles of all types, jewelry, fashion scarves, surprise me! Oh, I like puns too. I read a lot too and I'm into social dancing (two step, waltz, etc.). I'm a physics grad student, if that gives you any ideas.
My favorite colors are deep red, dark purple, black, white, or any combination of those four. I wear silver, but I do not wear gold. I am not usually a fan of orange or yellow, but I could be persuaded. I have pierced ears which are sensitive to nickel. Please don't send me food.
3) Texas
4) I'll ship anywhere! Is it lame that I'd be super excited about shipping a package to another country? :silly:

October 28th, 2008, 10:20 PM
I hope I'm not to late
1. Medieval Hair
2.I like Disney prinncess things(favorite princesses Jasmin, Belle, Ariel), Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, journals, harps(irish looking), Handmade things, hairsticks or forks(metal or dymond wood), homemade hair products, scrapbook things(paper, stamps, pens), Medieval things(clothes, jewellery), books about medieval history. My favorite colors are black, hunter green, dark brown, light and dark grey. I like butterflies, fluer da lis, hearts, horses, lions, rain, chocolate, forests, celtic things, angels, willowtree, leaves.
If you get me earrings, they must be either sterling silver or gold, and 2 sets for double pirecing.

3.USA, Virginia

4. Domestic only

October 28th, 2008, 11:07 PM
Thanks folks! Just remember, when sending me contact info via PM, make sure you include your 'gift list'. Makes it easier when I'm printing stuff off ;)

October 29th, 2008, 12:07 AM
Oooh, exciting!

2. hair toys, knitting, jewelery, crafts or ornaments of any kind, bits of local culture, anything medieval or "elvish" or fantasy. I also like really personal stuff, like a CD that has particular meaning to you (with a note about how it affects you or your favourite tracks, etc.)...that sort of thing.
3. Vancouver, BC, Canada
4. I will ship anywhere :)

October 29th, 2008, 02:52 AM
1 - Monsterkitti
2 - Anything hair related that would work for BSL. I love photographs so anything random photographed you like might be fun :) Anything snuggly that feels nice, hats, scarves socks :) Anything fun and homemade. Love jewelery especially earrings, not allergic to anything metal wise. Stationary is always fun, pens,notebooks :)
3 - England
4 - Will ship anywhere

October 29th, 2008, 04:58 AM
Yay, I'll join this year too:)

1 Nini

2 Loves reading, hairstuff, I prefer "proper" colors, no pastels on me thank you very much:p, local stuff (candy, souvenirs, food). I don't really wear much jewelry. Other loves include: music (I play the violin/fiddle), food (cooking and eating)

3 Norway

4 Will ship anywhere!


October 29th, 2008, 05:31 AM

I am not sure if gifts will just stick to hair stuff, so I am adding a bit else...

I love hair sticks and forks. I don't have many yet. I can't really use plastic sticks as my hair snaps them fairly quickly. I am a belly dancer, so any hair goodies that would be dramatic against long dark hair on stage would be terrific! Feathers, sequins. you know... But plainer stuff for everyday is awesome also!

In addition, I love frogs and toads, I am nuts for them. Oh, and I love stripey stocks, ankle to calf high are best. I have a hard time finding nice ones.

I would be willing to ship anywhere. This sounds like fun!

October 29th, 2008, 05:37 AM
2.BPAL :D (yep-I'm officially addicted)or a hair fork
4.I'll ship world-wide

October 29th, 2008, 06:46 AM
1. Islandgrrl
2. My favorite color is green. I love hair forks, yoga, knitting, sea turtles and humpback whales; the only jewelry I wear is earrings; warm fat socks, scarves or anything that will keep me warm is amazing; I am hopelessly (and happily) addicted to coffee. Please, nothing heavily scented & no candles. :)
3. Whidbey Island, Washington.
4. Domestic or International is fine.

October 29th, 2008, 07:48 AM
Aside to Islandgrrl: I must need more coffee this morning. I first read "sea turtles and humping whales"... then I realized, as I was aghast, it said "humpbacked whales". LMAO Thank goodness I re-read it. OMG! :o

I am definitely IN for this. :D

1. Stephanie Blaine

2. I'd love anything made in or related to the specific location of the giver; that's always great!

Hair toys - well, obviously ;) but please take careful note of my hair in my profile and/or my blog, coz it's super-baby-fine and thin.

I'm also particularly fond of "feels-really-goood-against-my-skin" things: warm & snuggly; soft & silky; plush & velvety, etc.

Colors I LOVE BUT CAN'T WEAR: yellow, orange, rust-brown-red, lime green, turquoise & teal.
Second-Thoughts Note: Colors I love but can't wear are okay if they're at the back of my head - for example a hair toy that won't clash with tops of the colors I can/do wear; and many of those colors will look great in my dark hair.

Colors I wear very well: cool & neutral reds, royal blue, navy, dark pinks & magenta, emerald & forest greens, warm browns with golden tones, black.

If you come from a location known for unusual critters - I do have a VERY LARGE (hundreds!) stuffed animal collection consisting of only realistic-looking (accurate) plushy critters. EXs: I have a 4 1/2 foot tall/high llama & an almost-as tall/high pony and a similar-sized unicorn. I don't have a good realistic-looking platypus, yet, nor a 'roo, nor a wallaby. I had a 5 1/2 foot tall gorilla, once - but finally gave in to begging for over a decade, and gave it away to a neice, a few years back. I have almost every known sea creature - but not yet a stuffed squid. I have an entire family of beavers (5) and chipmunks (2) - and a zillion brown & black bears... but still no grizzly. Polar bears - yes, several. Most of my polar bears have backpacks and skis & ski poles. Then there's the oddball polar bear in a striped 1920s swim suit & floppy beach hat from the same era. :rolleyes: She just haaaaaaas to be 'different'. :rolleyes:

I enjoy unusual food items, and have no known food allergies.
I love good stouts (beer) & any rare good, strong coffee beans.

And of course, bonus points to anyone who can combine more than one of these "likes" into one present.

3. Orange (Essex county) New Jersey USA

4. I'll ship anywhere. The furthest away, the most fun.


This is gonna be so much fun! :cheese:

PM with my address & a copy of this list coming, DarkHorse.

Thank you, DarkHorse, for organizing this, and on such short notice! :joy::happydance::cheer::blossom:

October 29th, 2008, 07:51 AM
1) DarkChocolate
2) children's books from around the world,a small penguin, flute sheet music(tunes from other countries,Broadway musicals,classical music),I love anything Smurfs and Strawberry Shortcake too.

no candles as I am afraid to light them:)
I play the flute so the sheet music would come into use:)
3) a suburb of Boston,MA
4) I'll ship anywhere

October 29th, 2008, 07:59 AM
2.Hmmm, something from where the giver is from tops my list. I love cat's, horses, peacocks for the animal kingdom. I'm very into hair toys. Really big on music! I'm an avid reader... Top colors in no particulare order are blue, green, yellow. No food allergies but allergic to things scented with raspberry. Strange I know. I collect shot glasses. I crochet, go to ren faires and larp. Can't thnk of anything else...
3.Massachussetts, USA

October 29th, 2008, 08:01 AM
I really enjoyed the mail exchange that we had. I afraid as much as I would like to, I'm just not able to participate in this one. If I have extra money I know I really need to be able to bless my son with a gift.

I'm not working right now. :(

October 29th, 2008, 08:04 AM
I'm not picky, I would enjoy something that reflects the giver's native locale, I am somewhat smell sensitive, hair goodies are always fun.
OK to ship internationally, would actually prefer!!

October 29th, 2008, 08:48 AM
WOW! This is great! So far, these are the following for the gift exchange/secret holiday swap:
ravenreed (need your location)

Holy smokes! That's great!! Will make for a great gift exchange. As I said, next Friday I will be making the 'draws'. My goal is to place all names into a hat and pick 2 at a time and those will be your exchangees. If anyone has a different idea, let me know :) My other thought would be for me to pick the first name, then the next name picked is that person's secret giftee, etc. That may work better as that way, it will keep the ball rolling, so to speak. I hope we keep even numbers! :)

For those who haven't already, please send me your full desire list, and your address and real name :) Include any allergies to items so it helps those shopping for ya!!!

October 29th, 2008, 08:51 AM
Just letting you know 'the method' for choosing:
Will put all names in a hat. I will pick first, then whomever I get, I will the pick for that person and so forth :)

Unfortunetly, that means I'll know who has 'me', but that's ok. It'll still be fun :)

October 29th, 2008, 08:55 AM
Shanara--I'm sure you could participate! Gifts from the heart are also appreciated--are you crafty?

Please use the sign up post here and send me your wish list and address via PM. I have 23 names so far and I'm closing this Friday November 7th So we can get shopping and sending :)

October 29th, 2008, 09:08 AM
1. Tapioca
2. Hair toys. I have uber-thick hair, and I usually need the largest size of whatever. No danglies, please. I love Dr. Seuss, Firefly/Serenity, reading, crochet, and milk chocolate. I also love dragonflies and silver jewelry. I have several nice chains, so maybe just the pendant. No earrings; I never wear them. I also like bath-y pampering stuff and herbal teas. I also like kitschy little things, especially things that are kinda like toys for grown-ups. I have a wooden alligator and some wind-up teeth on my desk at work. That kind of thing. Clothing, I'm a size 24, shoe size 12. Extra-extra tall. Emphasis on the extra. (As in 6'4".) I'd also love some isotoner-type gloves that are missing the ends of the fingers and have an attached mitten. Know what I'm talking about?
3. Californ-eye-ay
4. Both is fine

October 29th, 2008, 11:42 AM

2.I like long walks in the park...holding hands ...lol ok seriously..

some favorites: black & white photography, art stuff, postcards, horses, kittys, hairtoys:whistle:, hippies, anything from the 60s, skateboarding, something from where you are from, anything that is handmade, mix cds... that is all that I can think of for now :)

3.Andalusia, PA

4. Both is fine

October 29th, 2008, 11:59 AM
1. Katkero
2. I'm allergic to detergent and parfums so if you want to give soap or shampoo: no detergents and parfum please. I like scents for my oilburner (no floralscents) or room mists. I also like candles.
I prefer wooden or metal hairtoys. Beads are also welcome because I like to make my own hairsticks. I do tearinses with red or coppercolored teas.
Actually I'm happy with whatever you send me.
3. Brussels Belgium
4. I don't mind shipping everywhere.

October 29th, 2008, 01:51 PM
As I said, next Friday I will be making the 'draws'. My goal is to place all names into a hat and pick 2 at a time and those will be your exchangees. If anyone has a different idea, let me know :) My other thought would be for me to pick the first name, then the next name picked is that person's secret giftee, etc. That may work better as that way, it will keep the ball rolling, so to speak. I hope we keep even numbers! :)

Just letting you know 'the method' for choosing:
Will put all names in a hat. I will pick first, then whomever I get, I will the pick for that person and so forth :)

Unfortunetly, that means I'll know who has 'me', but that's ok. It'll still be fun :)

Could you please clarify this ^ process?

Suggestion: It is both easier to assign AND more fun if you do not just partner up people into simple pairs.
Instead, just assign Person#7 to buy for Person #20, and Person#20 to buy for Person#17, and Person#17 to buy for Person#9, and Person#9 to buy for Person#16, and so forth. This way, you only need to draw names out of your bowl/hat only once - and just keep rolling forward 'till there's no more names left to draw, and everyone will have been assigned a person to buy for.

If you want it - you can still have the mystery and fun of waiting... if you just ask someone else you can trust (or some LHCer who's not participating) to draw the assignments and PM everyone. It's free to join here... so it's not a hardship to ask them to join, although it's a bit of a favor to ask them to draw names & send PMs... but not terribly much.

ETA: If you do it the way I'm describing, it's irrelevant if there are an even, or an odd, number of participants. ;)

October 29th, 2008, 01:58 PM
3.Andalusia, PA
Hey, Jess! I grew up in Fox Chase!! :D

My parents still live in northeast Philly, as do most of my family who are still living.

(greater northeast Philadelphia, for the rest of you... and nearby Andalusia)

October 29th, 2008, 02:01 PM
1. Angelthadiva
2. Likes: Something special from your region. Modest hair sticks (no feathers, dangly/metal thingies. My hair likes to break things; sticks need to be at least 6.5”. Notice hair type/length). I would like some Amish pins. My favorite color is purple and I like snuggly, soft things (scarf, mittens, socks). I love jewelry (gold or silver) is fine I wear both and mix and match. I’m a huge chocolate fan, and like pretty, girly looking things. I also collect Angels. Dislikes: stuffed animals and religious jewelry.
3. Michigan, USA
4. Will ship internationally

* Allergies:
Nut, can have peanut/peanut butter (thank God)! :D
Animals (fur and feathers)
Scent Sensitivities

October 29th, 2008, 02:07 PM
Suggestion: It is both easier to assign AND more fun if you do not just partner up people into simple pairs.
Instead, just assign Person#7 to buy for Person #20, and Person#20 to buy for Person#17, and Person#17 to buy for Person#9, and Person#9 to buy for Person#16, and so forth. This way, you only need to draw names out of your bowl/hat only once - and just keep rolling forward 'till there's no more names left to draw, and everyone will have been assigned a person to buy for.

Ooh, I second this! I think a circle of giving would be more fun! Then it's a surprise who you're getting your present from!

October 29th, 2008, 02:46 PM
My method would be to put all names in a hat. Then, I'll pick first, and that will be my giftee (to give to), then the next person I pick with be for the person I'm giving to to give to.

So, let's say I picked a name 'sally', that would be my giftee. Then, I'd draw again and get 'jane' and sally would give to jane and so forth. So, the last person to draw will have me as their giftee.

That way it goes in a circle, rather than pairing people up. Does that make sense? :D

October 29th, 2008, 02:47 PM
Ps, closing in on THIRTY participants!!! This is great and really making me get into the holiday mood :)

October 29th, 2008, 04:45 PM
Just a quick question: we won't know who the person buying for us is until we receive the present, right? But we're obviously going to know who we are getting a present for?

I can't wait! This is a great idea, Darkhorse1 :)

Redheaded Raven
October 29th, 2008, 04:47 PM
Okay, count me in! I love gift exchanges.
1. Redheaded Raven
2. Likes: Hair Scarves, the longer the better. I like lightweight , natural fabrics and soft. Blues, browns, greens, purples I like wooden or horn or even shell (love natural) hair toys, but allergic to metal. No food, way too many allergies. Nothing that is scented in anyway. I love books, think Jan Austin, Elizabeth Gaskell, and Poetry like Elizabeth Barrett Browning I also like journals. I collect Tea pots and cups with saucers. Pictures and photos of nature and nice scenes, very into pre-rafaelite prints. I am very into nature, but being a girly girl. I love turtles and baby marine life. I would love almost any handmade products, like knitted or crocheted something. I love snoods, and amish type caps. Any thing celtic and fairy or native american. I just wanted to give a good range of choices.:D

3. East Texas
4. Would love to ship overseas

Ohhhh I am so excited!:cheese:

October 29th, 2008, 05:22 PM
Hey, Jess! I grew up in Fox Chase!! :D

My parents still live in northeast Philly, as do most of my family who are still living.

(greater northeast Philadelphia, for the rest of you... and nearby Andalusia)

It's a small world! Most of my family lives in the Northeast as well. I have cousins in NJ and my DF's family is from there too. I wonder if we ever crossed paths lol

October 29th, 2008, 06:03 PM
This sounds like fun! Count me in!

1. Dolly

2. I would enjoy hair sticks (shorter variety.....about 5-6 inches, because I don't have much hair), not picky about style, but prefer not too "fussy"......dying to have a good quality smallish hair fork......also enjoy scrunchies, horn combs....ooooh, and some pretty sparkly hair pins (some that I can wear kind of "embedded" when I wear my hair all curly).....I am not very hard to please, actually.....I collect angels and enjoy items from different countries/cultures....

3. I live in Louisiana

4. Will ship anywhere

October 29th, 2008, 06:53 PM
This sounds like fun.
1. xrosiex

2. Anything would be fine. My favorite color is pink. I like hair stix, forks and scruchies. Soft things [ mittens, scarfs, socks]. I love handmade things.

3. Michigan

4. I will ship anywhere

October 29th, 2008, 08:17 PM
Shanara--I'm sure you could participate! Gifts from the heart are also appreciated--are you crafty?

Please use the sign up post here and send me your wish list and address via PM. I have 23 names so far and I'm closing this Friday November 7th So we can get shopping and sending :)

I have a week, so I'm trying hard to figure what I am able to do....I think I'm approved for unemployment so that will be a blessing.

October 29th, 2008, 08:19 PM
This is GREAT!
Please remember to PM me with your full address/name and want list This'll make it easier to organize. :)

I'm glad to do this for you all--as I said, Xmas is a rough time of year, and to me, the spirit of Christmas is doing something to share with others--so, this is making me feel very happy :)

To the poster who asked, yes, you will know who you are shopping for of course, but you won't know who is shopping for you---unless you wish to know---we could let those shopping for their intended let them know once the package is ready to be sent out. I would advise all members to use a tracking method--you can still send a parcel by surface, but get a number so if the parcel goes missing, you can re-coup the loss. I believe via Canada Post, this will happen for US/over seas parcels regardless.

And please! Don't be afraid to list as much as you like!! And what you can't use/allergies. The more information, the easier your shopper can find you stuff :)

October 29th, 2008, 08:25 PM
2.BPAL :D (yep-I'm officially addicted)or a hair fork
4.I'll ship world-wide

Hehehe, your wish list is awfully specific! :lol:

October 30th, 2008, 08:45 AM
I doubt I can participate, (boo!) but in various exchanges I've been in that have gone smoothly, I can highly recommend using elfster.com as a great way to pair people up.

October 30th, 2008, 09:04 AM
Sounds like a grear plan. count me in. (yes I'll PM too.)

One request tho please - no pairs of socks.... thats what I got off my works secret santa last time I did one of these lol.


October 30th, 2008, 10:14 AM
Hi, what's the final date for submission for the secret santa?:)

October 30th, 2008, 10:28 AM
NOVEMBER 7th is the cutoff date. I will contact all of you in regards to who is shopping for who on Saturday evening

October 30th, 2008, 10:30 AM
For those who wish to participate, you MUST contact me with wish list, full mailing address and username. I won't be checking these as much as my PMs. If you don't PM me, you may miss the fun! :D

October 30th, 2008, 11:01 AM
Please do not respond to this thread.

As time goes on, I am getting busier, so I need people to PM me with their username, full names and full wish list for Secret Santa.

I have a 7 page word document already printed out of those interested. The confirmed user names involved with our secret holiday swap are: (confirmed means they have PMed me with information needed, listed above)

medieval hair
redheaded raven
katkero (I need your wish list though!)
Jessthe Mess

If you want to participate and don't see your name, please:
PM me with your username, full name and address and full wish list. Failure to do this might result in you not being able to join this time around.

I won't be checking the threads, so please PM me.

Thanks! :)

October 30th, 2008, 11:02 AM
Dark Chocolate
now confirmed :)

October 30th, 2008, 10:53 PM
It's a small world! Most of my family lives in the Northeast as well. I have cousins in NJ and my DF's family is from there too. I wonder if we ever crossed paths lol
My dads family came from west Philly. When our house sells I'll be moving to Royersford. Any long hair sightings may be us!

October 31st, 2008, 01:50 AM
Hey gang, after reviewing my finances, I won't be able to participate in this, but I will still organize it! I hope you all have fun :)

October 31st, 2008, 03:55 AM
Yay - finally found the list. Couldn't see it yesterday for some reason.

1. Kaeri
2. Hair stuff preferrably (my collection of bits is pitifully small atm) otherwise anything thats not socks or a keyring :P
3. West Yorkshire, UK

October 31st, 2008, 08:34 AM

We all oughta organize a metro-Philly-area LHC get-together sometime after the holidays, and after the winter..... I'd be willing to organize that.

Meeting up for a few hours of fun is another thing I've done in the past with Internet friends from BB 'sites like LHC. It can be TONS of fun!!

gdimoonbeam - my father grew up on the 3200 block (IIRC) of Euclid Avenue in West Philly...
but he graduated from Overbrook High in 1949 (just celebrated his 78th birthday last week). :agape:

Jess - I'm 22 years older than you. OMG :eek::blueeek: I'm your mother's age! :sad:

I'm so old! :shocked:

October 31st, 2008, 08:38 AM
Hey gang, after reviewing my finances, I won't be able to participate in this, but I will still organize it! I hope you all have fun :)

Oh, that's too bad, DarkHorse1! :sad:

Thank you for organizing this! :D

October 31st, 2008, 09:45 AM
Yay - finally found the list. Couldn't see it yesterday for some reason.

1. Kaeri
2. Hair stuff preferrably (my collection of bits is pitifully small atm) otherwise anything thats not socks or a keyring :P
3. West Yorkshire, UK

Can we assume from your profile pic that you like Firefly? (Go Browncoats!)

October 31st, 2008, 10:26 AM
1. Beldaran
2. I'm open to pretty much anything. I trim my hair back to waist, so that's where it's staying, if that helps to imagine what size toys would work. I like anything that's black, red or silver. I also like nearly any shade of purple and blue, and dark green.
3. I'm in Minnesota (so stuff shipped to me in December will likely freeze in transit)

October 31st, 2008, 01:25 PM

Stephanie B--no worries. I just can't commit to something then back out, so I'll just organize it. I'm pretty organized, so it's fun! :)

November 1st, 2008, 09:20 AM
1. easternsunrise
2. I love hair sticks and forks. I prefer gold, dark greens, and earth tones as far as color goes. I do however like dymondwood in just about any color. I love any handcrafted products. I love perfumes like bpal and Possets. The only scents I don't really care for are strong musks and strong florals. (my current fav is Halloween from Possets) I love sweet food-like scents. I knit and love crafts.
3. I'll ship anywhere!

November 1st, 2008, 12:20 PM
Hey all,

If you wish to participate in the holiday gift exchange, please PM me with your information. I cannot keep checking threads for posts. Takes too much time.

If you don't PM me, you won't be able to take part. Sorry, but it takes a lot of time to copy and paste the info from PMs as it is, let alone check the threads.

Closing date is Friday, November 7th. So, those who are still interested, PM me with your user name, real name, full address and your wish list.

Thank you! We have 36 peeps so far!!! Will be putting up a list on Monday for those who are confirmed in the swap.

November 3rd, 2008, 04:53 AM
1: ChocoholicBec

2: Hair toys (!!!). Something from the giver's region. Boxes (pretty ones). Books (Preferably in English, French or Hebrew, as those are the only languages I speak!) or something to do with books like a bookmark. Something historical (not major This Is A Goblet From 1587 Which Was Used By Queen Elizabeth, just like a booklet on the history of the area) Anything handmade. Small dolls.
My favourite colours are blue (soft warm blues, not bright turquoise), green and deep reddish-orange.

3: Adelaide, Australia

4: I am willing to ship anywhere and everywhere!

Thanks so much for organising this, Darkhorse. You're awesome!

ETA: I'd rather nothing religious. :)

November 3rd, 2008, 06:23 AM
Hehehe, your wish list is awfully specific! :lol:

I am too easy to please :D

November 3rd, 2008, 09:21 AM
I'm so glad I could do this for you gals!

This is the confirmed list of those who have PMed me with details. If you don't see your name on this list, and still wish to participate, please PM me

medieval hair
Curly Ninja
Redheaded Raven
Stephanie B
Pegasus Marsters

Wow! This is going to be loads of fun!
If you still wish to participate, please PM me with your information--name, username, address and wish list. Cut off date is this Friday, November 7th

November 3rd, 2008, 09:33 PM
We could move this to the east coast social group. Do we need to wear red carnations so we can recognize each other!!! ;-)

November 4th, 2008, 03:26 AM
Oooo, fun! Thank you for organising this, Darkhorse! :)

1) AprilElf
2) I like: hair toys, the colour blue, fairies, reading, movies, stationery, chocolate, music, the Lord of the Rings, souvenirs from around the world, and I don't wear earrings.
3) New Zealand
4) There probably won't be much choice in the matter, for me ;) ... but I'll post a present anywhere!

November 4th, 2008, 05:56 AM
Awww....darkhorse, sorry you can't participate.....but THANK YOU :flowers: :grouphug: for organizing it!!! :cheese:

November 4th, 2008, 08:45 AM
Now confirmed are:

Closing date is Friday, November 7th, 2008. I will contact all members by PM to let them know who their gifttee is by Saturday, November 8th, in the evening.

November 4th, 2008, 10:50 AM
We could move this to the east coast social group. Do we need to wear red carnations so we can recognize each other!!! ;-)

I often think to myself when I am on my way to work if there are any LHC'ers that I pass. There have been a lot of Long Hair Owners that I pass. We should have a button that we all wear, so we can pick each other out of a crowd!:cool:

November 4th, 2008, 05:24 PM
(Preferably in English, French or Hebrew, as those are the only languages I speak!) or something to do with books like a bookmark. Something historical (not major This Is A Goblet From 1587 Which Was Used By Queen Elizabeth, just like a booklet on the history of the area)
Oh, well... forget it then.

I'll just find somebody else upon which to bestow this lovely old Russian book that Peter I "the Great" gave to Mary II when he left ENgland back in the 1690s. Don't mind that she dies of smallpox shortly thereafter - you can't catch it from an old book... I think. LMAO :rollin:

j/k of course

i think i need dinner ... or else i've gone just plain nutz

November 4th, 2008, 07:24 PM
I often think to myself when I am on my way to work if there are any LHC'ers that I pass. There have been a lot of Long Hair Owners that I pass. We should have a button that we all wear, so we can pick each other out of a crowd!:cool:

A button would be neat. I would sport one.

November 5th, 2008, 03:12 AM
I'd love to join!

1 Lavenderblue
2 Natural hair/body care (I would love to get stuff which is not available in the Netherlands)
candles, hair toys, I love deep bright colors, I'm not really a pastel type but most of all I love getting a surprise :)
3 The Netherlands
4 I'll ship anywhere :)

November 6th, 2008, 08:24 AM
I'd love to join too!

1. Yogachic

2. Wishlist: Top of my list would be hair forks or hair sticks, wood, dymondwood or metal would be fine. I have been eyeing up the aquapearl Keytlo, in any bright color like red, yellow or blue.
I have dark hair so I like bright colors, no pastels. size: 5 -6 inches.

Camellia oil, boxwood comb.
I like hair friendly scrunchies, elastics, wide tooth combs.

Something warm like fuzzy, soft, cozy socks or mittens. I live where it gets bitter cold and the winter is slowly making its way in.

Handcrafted items.

I do not wear jewlrey, and I'd rather not get anything religious. I do not dye my hair, so no henna or cassia.

Will ship anywhere.

November 6th, 2008, 10:12 AM
Closing date is tomorrow. There is still time if you wish to participate! We have almost 40 people!! Send me PMs if you are interested.

November 6th, 2008, 10:42 AM
i would love to participate as well!!!

November 6th, 2008, 10:48 AM
1. hair toys! for when my hair is long enough
2. wooden/bohn/horn comb.. ive never had any before
3. anything handmade!!! i loove things made by hand ie. blankets, toys, figurines, anything really!!

November 6th, 2008, 10:34 PM
Sorry, this is now closed. If you didn't get your PM to me in time, maybe someone will do this next year?

November 7th, 2008, 02:58 AM
I can't wait!
This should be quite fun!

November 7th, 2008, 07:09 AM
Yay! I'm excited for this as well. When should we find out who our giftee is?

November 7th, 2008, 08:16 AM
Later today, I think... certainly soon.

DarkHorse1 is oging to PM everyone with the person they will buy a gift for.

I can't wait!!

I'm excited!

This is a great fun way to kickstart the Holiday season! :yay::cheese:


Thinking about FOOD already! :/
banana, cheese... cookies and holiday goodies..... lol

November 7th, 2008, 08:55 AM
Hey gals! I'm just waiting for confirmation from 1 person--for some reason, when I copy and pasted the info, her username got lost. I'm pretty sure I know it's xrosiex, but I've PMed her to confirm. I already did the draw, so once she confirms, I will PM you all with your giftee!!

My cats helped me with the draw last night ;)

This is the confirmed Secret Santa Group If you don't see your name here, it means you failed to PM me with your personal information/username/gift list in time

medieval hair
Curly Ninja
Redheaded Raven
Stephanie B
Clare Dee
Pegasus Marsters
xrosex--waiting on confirmation of username
Dark Chocolate

WOW! That's awesome we have 41 peeps!!!

Will be sending PMs this afternoon or once xrosiex confirms her username. I am going to leave it up to you all if you wish to keep your secret santa a secret (ie, who you are giving to). I would venture to let the giftee know once you are sending it, just so you know if it didn't get there---the odds of international parcels getting to the intended by Xmas is low, so don't rush your shopping ;)

Those who missed out, hopefully next time!

November 7th, 2008, 08:58 AM
Later today, I think... certainly soon.

DarkHorse1 is oging to PM everyone with the person they will buy a gift for.

I can't wait!!

I'm excited!

This is a great fun way to kickstart the Holiday season! :yay::cheese:


Thinking about FOOD already! :/
banana, cheese... cookies and holiday goodies..... lol

Fooood...... *zombie moan* Foooooddd!

I'm fasting for my wisdom teeth extraction this afternoon and you tempt me with thoughts of seasonal goodies! :p

November 7th, 2008, 09:01 AM
Rats. forgot that by the end on 7th Nov would be earlier with most of you being US, sent mine in a couple of hours ago.

Darkhorse - appologies for sending you a PM too late.

Ah well. Next time maybe.

November 7th, 2008, 12:36 PM
I feel really bad about those who missed the cut off, but I want to let everyone know their giftee so they can start shopping and get their items mailed off before the Christmas rush.

Still waiting for xrosiex to confirm her user id. I've sent her a PM, so I'm sure she'll confirm later today.

November 10th, 2008, 06:26 AM
Aw, shucks. I missed this! It sounds like a lot of fun!!!!