View Full Version : Long Hair is "Unmodern"

Quiet Sky
September 8th, 2017, 02:50 AM
Anyone else gets these or similar annoying comments? Months of it from my mom wore me down and I cut my hair, which I discussed in another thread.

September 8th, 2017, 03:09 AM
Yes most people consider it old-fashioned and I'm okay with that...I have no qualms with looking old-fashioned at all. :)

September 8th, 2017, 03:34 AM
Yes, so I'm old fashioned. Do I care? Nope. I'm continuing the long haired tradition of my ancestors, they had long hair for hundreds, if not thousands of years. And it feels right and natural - and normal. No-one was telling them they were old-fashioned...

September 8th, 2017, 03:52 AM
Give it a few weeks and anything is unfashionable, particularly in the world of hair fashion.

This is all part of growing up and deciding what YOU want to be and what YOU want to look like. You have to do what makes you happy. Sometimes that involves taking a ribbing from someone who doesn't see the world quite the way you see it. But if you're happy with who you are it's much easier to stand up for yourself.

In my part of the world long hair, as in BSL or WL, is in at the moment. Several books on braiding has become very popular and has sold well. Hip length or longer is usually though of as "very/too long" or hippie-like. Very long hair is more often than not thought of as very time consuming. Whereas those of us who's there knows that we most likely spend less time styling and washing than them, and definitely WAY less on visits to salons...

This'll get easier the older you get.

September 8th, 2017, 05:21 AM
Fashion is fickle.
If you follow hair fashion you have to cut to a pixie one year and have to have hip length hair the next year.
Do your own thing and you cycle into fashion at a certain point anyway :cool:

September 8th, 2017, 05:23 AM
Crazy. Both Long and short styles are both modern and old fashioned.
You could have a tight crop or a sleek bob or which look very modern now but also at the same time scream of the 20s or 60s - the 20s are now nearly 100 yrs ago.
Or a bowl cut was very popular a few years ago, think super Model Agnes Dean - but actually that was like a medieval male hair cut - I suppose its modern if on a woman.
Even Mowhawks and bits shaved is 80s punk or possibly even Viking style. In the 1700s people had crazy big hair - but these were wigs - their actual head was shaved to avoid lice & smelly dirtiness & so their wigs looked better etc.
I think Elizabethan women also used to shave the front of their hair off because high foreheads were fashionable.

If you watch any trashy programs like The only way is Essex, the housewives of somewhere rich, Made in Chelsea (UK telly)- nearly all the women have perfectly quaffed medium long hair (About Mid Back to bum) or hair extensions to get that look.

Pop Bands like Haim have reasonably long hair.

Look on Pinterest and instagram there are lots of people with crazy long hair, looking Glamping Ready with flower crowns and Viking Faux Hawks, Supermodels on Catwalks quite often have Long hair.

And ironicallly there are so many admittedly historical programs on UK telly about Vikings, Versaille, Queen Victoria now - that braiding & super long hair is in fact very current and fashionable.

Thanks to Media and Culture and maybe some deep inherited ancestral consciousness we put symbols and meanings to everything so it's very difficult to avoid making judgements about the way people appear. They may be treated differently if their dressed in white or red, if their hair is messy or neat, if they have a big tattoo on their face, what accent they have when they speak, what words they use etc.

So there can be something about super long natural hair that might say 'Victorian' or possibly religious cult, but it's also kind of 70s and Hippy and
long Hair is still capable of being very edgy you could dye it it/ curl it / viking plait it with some shave bits/ just wear edgy clothes with it.

Basically do what you like with your hair its yours & don't listen to people who try to force you into something that's not for you.

- although just to play devils advocate....sometimes it is difficult to see yourself objectively and you may become comfortable and stuck in a certain way unable to see or contemplate any other option.
Other people may be able more objective and are trying nicely to tell you something new might suit you better. For example if you grew a fringe really long to hide your face as some kind of coping mechanism because you weren't very confident and you hunch up and hide behind it whenever your nervous & you just get comfortable doing that. But your floppy fringe means your skin gets greasy and spotty so you hide even more & people ignore you because you want to hide and be ignored but that just makes you even more unconfident.
Then your mum and your sister and some of your friends keep telling you you'd suit short hair & the look you have at the moment is doing you no favours. If you don't listen to them you can remain comfortably you, and behave in the ways you were always used to. If you did listen to them perhaps you'd be insulted, perhaps you'd be angry that your coping mechanism had gone, but perhaps you'd not be able to hide away and people would talk to you more so you'd gain confidence and your spots would clear up and you'd realise you were actually very pretty and perhaps they were right to tell you a certain look didn't suit you.

So maybe look at fashion, take other's advice into consideration, but ultimately it's your decision to work out how comfortable you are with how you look and what makes you happy.

September 8th, 2017, 05:23 AM
If we were all to listen to what " fashion" is saying...:rolleyes:
I dreamt about having long hair my entire life and I always had short. Giving in when people around me were saying " you won't look good, it's not for you" and there it comes: soon you will be too old for having long hair;).
Spending time here gives me strength to fight and grow and keep going. I'm 37 years old, I will reach my goal length ... probably in 2 years, and I don't intend to cut it short after 40!

September 8th, 2017, 05:30 AM
I haven't heard any 'old-fashioned' comments, but I get the impression from some people that they find long hair too girly and think it's cooler to have shorter, almost androgynous haircuts.

September 8th, 2017, 05:53 AM
Anyone else gets these or similar annoying comments? Months of it from my mom wore me down and I cut my hair, which I discussed in another thread.

Oh, I think there's plenty of things to call long hair if you aren't particularly "fond" of it. Just say to your mom. Look I know you don't like it, but *I* like it and that's what should matter, be if fashionable or not.

And don't buy into that. I mean look at celebs like Angelina Jolie, how long has she had her long hair for now?

September 8th, 2017, 06:00 AM
I'm not modern at all. People have a lot to say about my style in general and that's their problem. Not mine.

September 8th, 2017, 06:07 AM
I've heard before that long, blunt cut hair is boring and old-fashioned. But that seems to be changing at least where I live, hairfashion is becoming more natural. But like Dendra said, short hair is usually thought to be cooler and more "edgy". I think long hair can't be old-fashioned because it has timeless beauty. Hairtrends may change but long hair never goes out of style! ;)

And I couldn't care less about looking modern.

September 8th, 2017, 06:47 AM
Things go in and out of fashion. Is it "unmodern" then or just "pre-modern"?

September 8th, 2017, 08:00 AM
Yes heard the many comments and heard this one too.if its seen as not modern or fashionable then i must have been out of fashion for years,i will continue to as well why? because i like being different and long hair is seen as different to many even though hair has been growing on humans heads since the beginning of time..

September 8th, 2017, 08:15 AM
I've never heard that IRL. But that may be because I'm relatively young and and nothing about me is old fashioned in any way ... That said, I could care less about what others say or think. I have friends that follow trends and 'fashion' religiously and I personally find *that* old fashioned :D Who cares, do you, have fun and live life, that's all that matters.

Also, mom can so totally be told to mind their own business ;) Even my six year old has done that to me - made me laugh and love her even more.

September 8th, 2017, 09:07 AM
... and I should want what is "modern" hair? ;)

I want *modern* anesthetics for dental care and modern medical treatments. That kind of thing. But hair? Modern does not matter.

September 8th, 2017, 09:25 AM
I'm willing to bet that long hair (like in the 70's) will make a comeback. Extensions sales will go through the roof, and even Walgreens will start selling them. Just a hunch since trends tent to repeat every few generations.

czech it out
September 8th, 2017, 10:14 AM
Things go in and out of fashion. Is it "unmodern" then or just "pre-modern"?

Love this!

September 8th, 2017, 10:27 AM
I've noticed long hair has started to come back into vogue. A see a lot of young women (my age--32--and younger) growing long hair, and not like "long" hair but truly long hair, BSL or often classic/butt length.

I've also noticed braiding has become very fashionable, particular french braiding and pancaked braids (pancaked braids seem extremely popular.)

Finally, I've seen a lot of products on the shelves these days oriented toward long hairs, like hair oils, seamless combs, and "no-break" ponytail holders--as well as (mostly cone-filled) shampoos

I feel a little sad that I took a break right when it was about to become popular--makes me look like a johnny come lately instead of a trend setter. ;-)

September 8th, 2017, 10:42 AM
I've been looking around at styles on the Internet because I'm ready to change mine up a little, and really - it seems that anything goes except hair longer than waist length. No site that I've seen is promoting that. That may well be because people with extra-long hair aren't coming to the salon to have it maintained. Hair cutting and styling is a business, after all. If you don't want to give your business to that business, it's nobody's business.

September 8th, 2017, 11:05 AM
As far as I'm aware neither short nor long hair is unmodern. There's a huge hair industry selling hair extensions etc. It's all to make hair appear thicker and longer.

September 8th, 2017, 11:22 AM
If someone told me long hair is unmodern, I'd just grin and say, "Really? Never mind tailbone, then. I'm growing mine to the floor."

September 8th, 2017, 11:24 AM
Modern aka CONFORM!

September 8th, 2017, 11:27 AM
Love this!

Hehehe I was going to say this exact thing! Loooooove this too!

September 8th, 2017, 11:34 AM
I'm not modern at all. People have a lot to say about my style in general and that's their problem. Not mine.

Yes! ALL this!!!

I'm unmodern too. Nothing about me is "normal". My blessed husband who married me at NORMAL loved me then and loves me now that I don't "obey" what's cool or modern. He joked with me awhile ago and said everything I like alternative. It took me aback for a minute while I thought about it, but he was right. I looked at him and said that I didn't mean to be. His response was a sweet "I know." As if liking different styles or living life inordinately is a bad thing...

Just do what you like. Long hair certainly doesn't hurt anyone and to the people who love it so rarely get to see it, LET ALONE have it for themselves.

September 8th, 2017, 11:37 AM
Modern aka CONFORM!

That doesn't seem fair. Can't a person see a modern hairstyle and decide "I like that!"?

September 8th, 2017, 12:15 PM
I'm a beauty admirer so I just adore anything beautiful modern or unmodern . People here say that long hair is old-fashioned and only red-neck people and people from the old time wear it really long . That long hair makes you look old or even scary like Sadako from the Ring =)) . I just grow to mind all those ridiculous comments since I start to care for my hair properly . The more I love my hair , the more those comments hurt me . But every time I feel sad , I go on LHC and my hair mood lifts immediately . You guys are awesome . I'm pretty contradicting . Now I wanna grow my hair as long and healthy and beautiful as possible but then I see a cool haircut I'm like "OMG I'm so ready to get that haircut . Bring out the scissor . Chop my hair off ! " I never consider myself fashionable something and now that I plan to grow my hair long , I wanna keep it as natural as possible : no trim unless necessary , no dye , no heat ... . I want that silky shiny long, natural-looked hair like those asian women from the old time . If it makes me unmodern ,old-fashioned whatsoever, be it !

September 8th, 2017, 12:57 PM
Do you aspire to be modern in your hairstyle? If that's important to you then that's OK.

Are you sure your mother knows what modern is? Mine certainly doesn't. Well, not any more than I do.

My (80year old) father keeps telling me my hair was nicer short, and when I was younger (well duh). I say "I'm happy with it" and try to ignore him.

September 8th, 2017, 01:28 PM
That doesn't seem fair. Can't a person see a modern hairstyle and decide "I like that!"?

Yes, hair is after all....hair. Wear it as you like it.

September 8th, 2017, 01:38 PM
I love (translation: am frequently annoyed) that some people really think trends are some sort of law of nature, that not being modern is somehow a terrible thing to be. So what if it's not "modern?" In my eyes, if something is good then it's good, and that's entirely subjective. Save "modern" for important things like social equality and curing cancer....if long hair is wrong then I don't want to be right! I just don't care. ;)

September 8th, 2017, 01:39 PM
Fashion is fickle.
If you follow hair fashion you have to cut to a pixie one year and have to have hip length hair the next year.
Do your own thing and you cycle into fashion at a certain point anyway :cool:

< This. In the 90s shaved heads were 'in' for guys (never did that - yuk!). Now it's buns. Men that follow fashion are struggling to grow enough hair to be 'in', and some of the results are hilarious. Women's hair fashions have the same basic problem, i.e. human hair doesn't actually grow fast enough for the same person to always be in fashion!!!

September 8th, 2017, 02:07 PM
Quiet Sky - my parents complained about my long hair for decades.

Just ignore others. It is your hair after all.

September 8th, 2017, 02:09 PM
Women's hair fashions have the same basic problem, i.e. human hair doesn't actually grow fast enough for the same person to always be in fashion!!!

Lol, true!

September 8th, 2017, 02:58 PM
I've noticed that long hair on woman has been really popular in the last few years! Maybe the people who say it's not modern are jealous. I think it depends on how you wear it too. I'm sure my bun is not modern. Oh well!

September 8th, 2017, 03:11 PM
I don't give a hoot whether long hair is modern or in style. I'm a long hair lifer and that's that. I also have very straight hair. As an adult I decided my natural straightness is just fine and I have no intention to ever try to get waves or curls regardless of what is "in".

September 8th, 2017, 03:28 PM
I've noticed that long hair on woman has been really popular in the last few years! Maybe the people who say it's not modern are jealous. I think it depends on how you wear it too. I'm sure my bun is not modern. Oh well!

I've noticed this too! Often when I'm out and about, I'll notice that my hair isn't the longest in the vicinity.

September 8th, 2017, 03:37 PM
Crazy. Both Long and short styles are both modern and old fashioned.
You could have a tight crop or a sleek bob or which look very modern now but also at the same time scream of the 20s or 60s - the 20s are now nearly 100 yrs ago.
Or a bowl cut was very popular a few years ago, think super Model Agnes Dean - but actually that was like a medieval male hair cut - I suppose its modern if on a woman.
Even Mowhawks and bits shaved is 80s punk or possibly even Viking style. In the 1700s people had crazy big hair - but these were wigs - their actual head was shaved to avoid lice & smelly dirtiness & so their wigs looked better etc.
I think Elizabethan women also used to shave the front of their hair off because high foreheads were fashionable.

If you watch any trashy programs like The only way is Essex, the housewives of somewhere rich, Made in Chelsea (UK telly)- nearly all the women have perfectly quaffed medium long hair (About Mid Back to bum) or hair extensions to get that look.

Pop Bands like Haim have reasonably long hair.

Look on Pinterest and instagram there are lots of people with crazy long hair, looking Glamping Ready with flower crowns and Viking Faux Hawks, Supermodels on Catwalks quite often have Long hair.

And ironicallly there are so many admittedly historical programs on UK telly about Vikings, Versaille, Queen Victoria now - that braiding & super long hair is in fact very current and fashionable.

Thanks to Media and Culture and maybe some deep inherited ancestral consciousness we put symbols and meanings to everything so it's very difficult to avoid making judgements about the way people appear. They may be treated differently if their dressed in white or red, if their hair is messy or neat, if they have a big tattoo on their face, what accent they have when they speak, what words they use etc.

So there can be something about super long natural hair that might say 'Victorian' or possibly religious cult, but it's also kind of 70s and Hippy and
long Hair is still capable of being very edgy you could dye it it/ curl it / viking plait it with some shave bits/ just wear edgy clothes with it.

Basically do what you like with your hair its yours & don't listen to people who try to force you into something that's not for you.

- although just to play devils advocate....sometimes it is difficult to see yourself objectively and you may become comfortable and stuck in a certain way unable to see or contemplate any other option.
Other people may be able more objective and are trying nicely to tell you something new might suit you better. For example if you grew a fringe really long to hide your face as some kind of coping mechanism because you weren't very confident and you hunch up and hide behind it whenever your nervous & you just get comfortable doing that. But your floppy fringe means your skin gets greasy and spotty so you hide even more & people ignore you because you want to hide and be ignored but that just makes you even more unconfident.
Then your mum and your sister and some of your friends keep telling you you'd suit short hair & the look you have at the moment is doing you no favours. If you don't listen to them you can remain comfortably you, and behave in the ways you were always used to. If you did listen to them perhaps you'd be insulted, perhaps you'd be angry that your coping mechanism had gone, but perhaps you'd not be able to hide away and people would talk to you more so you'd gain confidence and your spots would clear up and you'd realise you were actually very pretty and perhaps they were right to tell you a certain look didn't suit you.

So maybe look at fashion, take other's advice into consideration, but ultimately it's your decision to work out how comfortable you are with how you look and what makes you happy.

Also briefly in regency era short hair(Very similar to a bob), Or at the very least shorter curled bits in the front on women was in fashion( I found a hilarious article once from a newspaper about how many woman now regret cutting their hair because long hair was in fashion again! :D). Most people would consider the late 1700/early 1800s to be quite old, Also in civil war era America I've heard stories of woman cutting their hair shorter to be more "practical". Could even say Egyptians who often shaved all their hair off would fall under this catagory. To say over hundreds of years that long hair was universally in style is way too general, I'm sure it varied from region to region, Even between families to occupation or financial status . Looking through old photos I saw just as many variations in hair length and styles as you could see now(I saw a woman from the 1880s who had straight shoulder length hair!)

September 8th, 2017, 04:00 PM
I'm a beauty admirer so I just adore anything beautiful modern or unmodern . People here say that long hair is old-fashioned and only red-neck people and people from the old time wear it really long . That long hair makes you look old or even scary like Sadako from the Ring =)) . I just grow to mind all those ridiculous comments since I start to care for my hair properly . The more I love my hair , the more those comments hurt me . But every time I feel sad , I go on LHC and my hair mood lifts immediately . You guys are awesome . I'm pretty contradicting . Now I wanna grow my hair as long and healthy and beautiful as possible but then I see a cool haircut I'm like "OMG I'm so ready to get that haircut . Bring out the scissor . Chop my hair off ! " I never consider myself fashionable something and now that I plan to grow my hair long , I wanna keep it as natural as possible : no trim unless necessary , no dye , no heat ... . I want that silky shiny long, natural-looked hair like those asian women from the old time . If it makes me unmodern ,old-fashioned whatsoever, be it !

I used to feel that way during the awkward stages of growing out my hair, especially because it's iii and it takes a long long time before you can *do* anything with it, like bun it (had to wait to hip length), so you're stuck in limbo a long long time and then short cuts start to look alluring.

But you can do it; I'm sure of it! :D

September 8th, 2017, 04:09 PM
As far as I'm concerned the only proper response to "your long hair looks 'unmodern'" is "Thank you!"

Sure, I'm very fond of electric power and running water. And many (not all, imo) 'modern' medical advances get my vote.

But for the most part, the world can keep its 'modern' well away from me, thanks.

How I dress and wear my hair is nobody's business but my own. This stand sometimes has to be stated, flat out, in no uncertain terms. Stated only once, ideally; but repeated as often as necessary if others continue to feel they have the right to choose my personal style for me. Because yeah, no.

September 8th, 2017, 05:50 PM
I've been looking around at styles on the Internet because I'm ready to change mine up a little, and really - it seems that anything goes except hair longer than waist length. No site that I've seen is promoting that. That may well be because people with extra-long hair aren't coming to the salon to have it maintained. Hair cutting and styling is a business, after all. If you don't want to give your business to that business, it's nobody's business.

I agree. I remember the show 'What Not to Wear.' I loved that show and was comical at times. Nick, the hairdresser (Bumble and Bumble) would always suggest a haircut and color. Very talented. Many would resist and eventually give in. There was a woman who had hair down to her butt, maybe longer and wouldn't let him take off anything. Due to her religious beliefs. She held her ground and he told her, just a little trim. It was no. I agree. It is a business, a million dollar business. I have yet to see any salon promote growing out hair and keeping it natural. Cutting, coloring and perming, straightening are always in style.

To the OP. Is long hair not modern? In this day and age where anything goes and people want to change their looks often, well, at least in the USofA, growing long hair would take patience which many people don't have and bore easily.
That is why long hair is as one poster mentioned, timeless. Not easy to get and takes time which is why hair beyond waist is not always in style. Long hair never goes out of style.

September 8th, 2017, 05:57 PM
I don't give a hoot whether long hair is modern or in style. I'm a long hair lifer and that's that. I also have very straight hair. As an adult I decided my natural straightness is just fine and I have no intention to ever try to get waves or curls regardless of what is "in".

Hah, yes this! During my tween years I really wished I had curls (or at least waves) but thankfully braidwaves just about kept me appeased - heat curls never held and I couldn't be bothered to do too much to my hair anyway. Now I just enjoy my own hair, and appreciate waves and curls on others :)

September 8th, 2017, 06:31 PM
What is incredibly 'un-modern' is telling someone else what to do with a part of their body. IF we were to follow every silly passing fad, we'd all have to run out, right now, & get those ridiculous wavy eyebrows.

September 8th, 2017, 07:06 PM
My acting coaches here in NYC keep trying to get me to cut my hair..they tell me its too "old fashioned" haha I was like nope..I am not cutting this unless I sign a contact for a high paying gig!

September 8th, 2017, 08:50 PM
my mum always says long hair makes me look like a socially awkward homeschooler. Tbh I don't care, I'm gonna have long hair if I want it.

Wildcat Diva
September 8th, 2017, 10:01 PM
Yay, I'm old fashioned!

September 8th, 2017, 11:02 PM
my mum always says long hair makes me look like a socially awkward homeschooler. Tbh I don't care, I'm gonna have long hair if I want it.
:agape: You should really correct her on that... those are fighting words. I *AS AN ACTUAL HOMESCHOOLER* was shocked at how awkward university students (my first public education) were! :draw: I've dealt with more bullying (from all ages-my whole life) because of my education than i think most kids who got treated like sheep did.
I grew up faster.
:flower: and my hair was super short back then, pixie sometimes. I've only now changed it. Never found a long-haired homeschooler, even among us religious groups.

What is incredibly 'un-modern' is telling someone else what to do with a part of their body. IF we were to follow every silly passing fad, we'd all have to run out, right now, & get those ridiculous wavy eyebrows.
yeah, really! aren't we all past that by now? the immaturity of people is staggering...

Quiet Sky - my parents complained about my long hair for decades.

Just ignore others. It is your hair after all.

Glad you didn't listen!

September 9th, 2017, 12:11 AM
Well, by the view i see when i go iut to town, at least in my country, somewhat long hair is a trend (down to waist). I don't see too many short (talking pizie to chin lenght hair here) haired girls around.

Undercuts are in for guys though.

But it'll change soon. Fashion never stays in one place, but it also repeats itself a lot. There is nothing old fashioned it's just that a certain trend is waiting for it's turn to be "in" again.

September 9th, 2017, 01:08 AM
I don't get it. If long hair is unfashionable, what's with all the extensions and magazine articles on how to grow long hair?

September 9th, 2017, 03:50 AM
My friend told me my hair looked grunge the other day (after noting that he still wears anoraks), made me giggle. I actually looked in the mirror (rare event) and I thought it looked like a Fu Manchu clip set in the 70's

September 9th, 2017, 04:32 AM
I'm kinda getting the feeling your mum may be having issues letting you go.... she possibly hasn't realised you're now an adult? If it wasn't your hair she may be nagging you about something else?
I think your mammy is struggling to let go of the reins... (i may be completely off the mark obvs)

Be who you want to be. Not who your mum, your siblings, or society wants you to be. Life is short, live it your way... :heartbeat

September 9th, 2017, 06:16 AM
That doesn't seem fair. Can't a person see a modern hairstyle and decide "I like that!"?

Not when the original poster (who I was addressing) was pressured into cutting her beyond beautiful hair that she was happy with.

September 9th, 2017, 06:21 AM
my mum always says long hair makes me look like a socially awkward homeschooler. Tbh I don't care, I'm gonna have long hair if I want it.

Idk any socially awkward homeschooers... My hubby is one lol he's a universe college teacher and lab manager LOL everyone perpetuates this myth though zero people seem to experience this "look" as a real homeschooler... no one knows he's homeschooled till someone rails on it and then they're shocked hahaha

though he did have nearly waist length hair all one length (texture and color of alicia silverstone in Clueless) "swoon" when I started dating him Bahahahaha

school of fish
September 9th, 2017, 07:37 AM
I believe these sorts of perceptions are highly dependent on the circle of community/society/culture in which an individual lives. Across the globe there are circles that have rather narrow parameters of aesthetic acceptance, and circles that have very wide ones.

I'm lucky to live in a family and greater community that has a live-and-let-live attitude to personal aesthetics. Sure, everyone has their opinion, but people generally don't try to herd each other into a particular look - like tends to find like naturally. I don't get any pushback from people who don't like my length, even though I have no doubt there are some who don't like it or approve. They're as allowed to their opinion as much as I am to allowed to wear my hair how I choose ;)

It's a much harder row to hoe when your circle has more restrictive expectations. Your own mettle gets tested more, and you have to make decisions weighing individual desire against a smoother path. Depending upon your situation, that decision can be a tough one.

Ultimately it's your choice, but I recognize that choice doesn't automatically get appreciated or accepted, which brings friction to day-to-day living. Maybe in time the people in your circle will live and let live, maybe not - time will tell...

Certainly you'll get support here, if not in your real-life circle :)

September 9th, 2017, 08:22 AM
Given what is passing for modern socially right now, I'm very happy to look like a throwback hippie.

September 9th, 2017, 11:04 AM
Not when the original poster (who I was addressing) was pressured into cutting her beyond beautiful hair that she was happy with.

O.k.; I see what you're saying.

When I cut my hair, I got some comments that essentially boiled down to "now you're just like everybody else", which I take exception to. I wanted my hair this length for a constellation of reasons, and I'm entitled to it. Every long bob out there doesn't look like every other long bob. We've all got our individual textures and ways of styling.

September 9th, 2017, 11:48 AM
You're so right! My favorite haircut is a French Bob with bangs lol I could have it, but hubby really loves long hair. Lucky him cause my second favorite hair is waist length one length LOL and I had the bob hair style when he met and married me! He's the most supportive spouse about me growing my hair long hahaha

For me modern is what I did day in and day out while a hairdresser. Although I had clients with really long hair that got what I called "dust trims." I'd hold their hair and show them how much I was thinking before cutting and they could relax knowing I wasn't going to "be creative" hahaha I was the only hairdresser with these type of cuts. I never chopped off a teens long hair either. It's impossible to put it back on but it's easy for me to cut another inch even if it's ten times. I'd do it.

Often times long one length teens OR mom's would come in wanting to look more modern. I'd keep their length started by giving them what I called volume layers. I must've had a hundred ladies with a varation of that haircut lol but it looks different on everyone and keeps their hair long!

I saw a meme on pinterest that reminded me of this thread:


Robot Ninja
September 9th, 2017, 01:23 PM
Don't half the Cardassians have long (fake) hair? Or are they not arbiters of style anymore? I dunno, I can't keep up.

That doesn't seem fair. Can't a person see a modern hairstyle and decide "I like that!"?

There's a difference between getting a modern haircut because you see it and like it and getting one because everybody else is doing it and you're a slave to trends.

What is incredibly 'un-modern' is telling someone else what to do with a part of their body. IF we were to follow every silly passing fad, we'd all have to run out, right now, & get those ridiculous wavy eyebrows.

Shush, I like those eyebrows. At least you can wash them off and you'll still have eyebrows when the trend has passed, unlike all those women who have next to no eyebrows because they plucked them into oblivion in the '90s.

September 9th, 2017, 03:36 PM
I think if hair is longer than classic length, it doesn't look modern. That doesn't mean it isn't gorgeous though :). Today most girls want to have long hair and use extensions to achieve it. If you look at magazines out this month you'll find articles that say things along the lines of "Cher hair is back." But I think long hair, to a certain length, is always in style.

The "lob" has just been so trendy because it's easy to take care of, and with SO many women bleaching and dying their hair, they can't really maintain healthy, long beautiful hair. So the lob it is.

September 9th, 2017, 03:47 PM
I've been thinking about this topic a bit and I dunno - isn't the freedom to dress and style ourselves as we please nowadays and to be "unique" really a part of being "modern" anyway? :) There are SO many "modern" hairstyles and types of fashions out there that it's really hard to truly define what "modern" is supposed to look like anyway. I mean, I've walked outside wearing a circlet and tunic before and honestly nobody batted an eye. :p

September 9th, 2017, 05:13 PM
Don't half the Cardassians have long (fake) hair? Or are they not arbiters of style anymore? I dunno, I can't keep up.

I don't know about arbiters of style, but I'm fairly sure the Klingons had longer hair than Cardassians (and much more of it). I'd love to have Klingon hair, just without it being a wig :crush:

Edit: I now realise you probably meant the Kardashians :oops: oops! In which case I have nothing to add, because I haven't a clue about them.

September 9th, 2017, 06:49 PM
To be fair, "modern" tends to conjure a fairly standard image that would not look out of place on "The Jetsons" tv show. Since we have a bit more variety in real life, I'm inclined to not particularly care about my hair being modern.

Besides, give it 6 months and short or bald will be the height of edgy fashion and we will once agin be the strange hippy mob. You can be modern, fashionable or comfortable; not all three.

September 9th, 2017, 07:10 PM
I don't know about arbiters of style, but I'm fairly sure the Klingons had longer hair than Cardassians (and much more of it). I'd love to have Klingon hair, just without it being a wig :crush:

Edit: I now realise you probably meant the Kardashians :blush: oops! In which case I have nothing to add, because I haven't a clue about them.
It's OK, Klingon males definitely have thud-worthy hair. And they are way better than any Kardashians!

September 9th, 2017, 07:13 PM
It's a trend these days here. I see many woman with long healthy hair.

Robot Ninja
September 9th, 2017, 07:17 PM
I don't know about arbiters of style, but I'm fairly sure the Klingons had longer hair than Cardassians (and much more of it). I'd love to have Klingon hair, just without it being a wig :crush:

Edit: I now realise you probably meant the Kardashians :blush: oops! In which case I have nothing to add, because I haven't a clue about them.

From what little we saw of Cardassian women, most of them seemed to have long hair (wigs) that they wore up. Actually it might be time for a DS9 rewatch, taking special note of the hairstyles; most of the Bajoran women also wore updos and some of the Starfleet officers had some nice ones too.

But yes, I did mean the Kardashians, I just hate celebrity culture so I call them Cardassians because I would totally watch a reality show about Cardassians.

September 10th, 2017, 08:12 AM
I get that so often you have no idea. Funnily enough, it's usually from the middle-aged mums who themselves have very unmodern views about, say, sex ed, modesty and so on. The younger women are more amazed at how long it is, the elderly women might reminisce about when their hair was that long.

September 10th, 2017, 08:25 AM
Gul Dukat, Garak and Damar in ---- The Jersey (ba)Jor

September 10th, 2017, 09:41 AM
Honestly, long hair being "unmodern" is a feature, not a bug, as far as I personally am concerned.

I'm in the SCA, and one of my many research rabbit holes is historical hairstyles. My persona is a 14th C. London merchant (thus middle-class) woman, so I try to focus on the way 14th C. women of at least decent financial means would have worn their hair. There isn't a lot of extant art depicting middle-class people, but a middle-class woman would likely have done her level best to look as much like a noble lady as possible without running afoul of sumptuary laws (which were sort of irregularly enforced anyway), so yeah.

As far as my life outside historical recreation, I just lack the give-a-d*mn (among other things I lack) regarding whether my hair is fashionable or not. ;)

(I do recognize, however, that not everyone has the luxury of not caring what other people think of their hair. :grouphug: )

September 10th, 2017, 10:09 AM
Honestly, long hair being "unmodern" is a feature, not a bug, as far as I personally am concerned.

(I do recognize, however, that not everyone has the luxury of not caring what other people think of their hair. :grouphug: )

This is exactly true. I wasn't always in a mental place to not care what others thought. And I now feel as you do, I reject modern hairstyles and like having a nonmodern one. Though I never set out to look unmodern hahaha

In posting here my hope is giving the original poster a morale boost to begin her own journey of not giving a whollop what others think of her outrageously gorgeous unmodern hair.

September 10th, 2017, 03:07 PM
I think it is sad that people think they need to control their loved ones by making them feel bad about how their hair, clothes, whatever looks. As a mother I cant imagine telling one of my daughters she couldnt have short hair if that is what she wanted. (We all have very long hair)

I never get anything but positive comments about my hair. I think that probably has a lot to do with where I live. Long hair never goes out of style where I live.

September 10th, 2017, 03:30 PM
From what little we saw of Cardassian women, most of them seemed to have long hair (wigs) that they wore up. Actually it might be time for a DS9 rewatch, taking special note of the hairstyles; most of the Bajoran women also wore updos and some of the Starfleet officers had some nice ones too.

But yes, I did mean the Kardashians, I just hate celebrity culture so I call them Cardassians because I would totally watch a reality show about Cardassians.

Ooh, the last time I watched any Star Trek series in its entirity was pre-LHC; I like the idea of a hairstyle-rewatch! Hah, I too would definitely watch a reality show about Cardassians :D

Gul Dukat, Garak and Damar in ---- The Jersey (ba)Jor
:rollin: awesome!

[/Back to the topic]
Honestly, I find it astonishing that in modern society - which professes to be all about individual choice - people not only care whether someone has a 'modern' hair/clothing/anything style, but care so much that they feel the need to tell them in a derisive way. There are a few hairstyles nowadays that I think are ridiculous, a couple of which are in my opinion bordering on repulsive, but I keep those thoughts to myself and certainly do not put people down for choosing those styles! I suppose if a family member chose such a hairstyle, I would probably have to voice that I disliked it (as we always ask each other's opinions, even if we don't necessarily intend to act on them) but not go on about it. Honestly, people who put others down are usually only driven to do by their own insecurities, and their comments reflect more on them than on their victim(s).

September 10th, 2017, 09:58 PM
Honestly, people who put others down are usually only driven to do by their own insecurities, and their comments reflect more on them than on their victim(s).

Excellent point!

September 11th, 2017, 05:08 AM
I think it is sad that people think they need to control their loved ones by making them feel bad about how their hair, clothes, whatever looks. As a mother I cant imagine telling one of my daughters she couldnt have short hair if that is what she wanted. (We all have very long hair)

I never get anything but positive comments about my hair. I think that probably has a lot to do with where I live. Long hair never goes out of style where I live.

Yes yes yes! Another mother here too. My young daughter had done the classic cutting the front of her hair. Now I don't want her taking and using my hair scissors however. But I ended up having to cut in bangs for her to make her hair not look chopped up in the front.

Of course she got complimented on her new bangs, but she knew they were a result of not listening to me. So I think she had a bad association with them even though she did look SUPER cute.

But then years later seeing a pic of herself with them she still hates them lol so maybe I was projecting the reason she disliked her bangs. While I have religious beliefs about having long hair (not ultra long, just rather longer then a bob) I wouldn't expect my children to believe the same things. I love my children and Lord knows what I did to my own hair growing up hahaha

I too never get any negative attention about my hair, but it's bc it's admired. Very thick, wavy, and naturally red and of course very long till last year when I became sick. (I thought it would be easier to care for shorter; wrong!) I never appreciated is uniqueness growing up.

Anyhow I want my daughter, like my own mother, to know I trust her judgment, choices, and style to be hers, not mine or anyone else's. I would feel so terrible to make my daughter do something to her appearance she's not super EXCITED about! My mom let me get my first perm at ten years old. It continues to be a wonderful memory and really cute hairstyle on me back then. I doubt my mom wanted her baby with classic length virgin hair (which is perfect in her eyes LOL) to go get a perm lol but she loved me, and let me.

Maybe the word supportive comes to mind when I think of my mother. She accepts me no matter how religious I am or how weird my hair has been hahaha!

Oh I have a fun idea to help original poster! Ask your mom (in jest of course) if you can pick out her next hairstyle! Then maybe she'll realize how much your current style just doesn't feel like you? and how scary it is to have someone else choose your hairstyle! Sometimes us mom's just are TRULY unaware we are not helping!

Have we told you your hair is still swoon worthy and super gorgeous??? You have been genetically blessed haha

September 11th, 2017, 11:26 AM
Ooh, the last time I watched any Star Trek series in its entirity was pre-LHC; I like the idea of a hairstyle-rewatch! Hah, I too would definitely watch a reality show about Cardassians :D

Currently on Season 3 of TNG. Deanna's hair is awesome, especially since I just realized it's not a wig and is her natural texture.

To the OP, your hair is beautiful. My mother also tri s to get me to cut my hair. I know how bad the pressure can be. Let me know anytime you need someone to bolster your resolve. It's your hair, not hers. You care for it. Do what makes you happy.

The general pressure to look "modern" is rediculous. You want short hair? Cut it. You want long hair? Grow it. It's nobody's business what you do with your body.

September 11th, 2017, 11:51 AM
Nick, the hairdresser (Bumble and Bumble) would always suggest a haircut and color. Very talented. Many would resist and eventually give in.

I haaaaaaaaaaaaated every time that would happen. Yes, sometimes the haircut looked better. Sometimes it was just "cut because long isn't trendy", I thought. I always swore that if I ended up in a situation like that, I would walk out and abandon everything rather than let them cut my hair short. At least the hairdresser they used in the later seasons was more willing to listen to the participants and work with them, rather than talk them into what he thought.

September 11th, 2017, 12:13 PM
I love "unmodern". I love lots of time frames in history with their own and unique styling for hair, clothes, etc. I couldn't care less if people thought I was not modern, lol. I'd consider it a compliment, really. I don't want to be like everyone else. There are enough of them...

I am happy in this little long hair niche. Well, my hair is not at all that long at the moment and I doubt I can grow it so long for it to look "unmodern", but I wish I could.

Robot Ninja
September 11th, 2017, 12:35 PM
Currently on Season 3 of TNG. Deanna's hair is awesome, especially since I just realized it's not a wig and is her natural texture.

Wikipedia says she did wear hairpieces most of the time, but yes, it's her natural texture and it's lovely. And then they went and straightened her hair for her guest appearances on Voyager because of course what is "modern" three centuries in the future just happens to coincide with what is fashionable when the show is airing :rolleyes:

And speaking of modern hairstyles, you would think that in 300+ years someone would have invented some kind of awesome futuristic hairpin so Janeway's bun wouldn't be falling out every time the ship encountered some minor turbulence....

September 11th, 2017, 12:43 PM
And speaking of modern hairstyles, you would think that in 300+ years someone would have invented some kind of awesome futuristic hairpin so Janeway's bun wouldn't be falling out every time the ship encountered some minor turbulence....

We need to do a little time travel and help her with that!

September 11th, 2017, 01:15 PM
Wikipedia says she did wear hairpieces most of the time, but yes, it's her natural texture and it's lovely. And then they went and straightened her hair for her guest appearances on Voyager because of course what is "modern" three centuries in the future just happens to coincide with what is fashionable when the show is airing :rolleyes:

And speaking of modern hairstyles, you would think that in 300+ years someone would have invented some kind of awesome futuristic hairpin so Janeway's bun wouldn't be falling out every time the ship encountered some minor turbulence....

:rollin: this is so true! Although to me her bun is already a marvel (how does it stay there?!?! Any loose bun on my head just droops and pulls ALL the scalp hair with it!) so I have sometimes imagined what device she uses to put it up [presumably] so quickly, as it's her daily style :hmm:

Yeah, I got confused with Troi's hair because Marina Sirtis has said* that the only time we saw her real hair (on TNG) was during the first episode. It was still fairly impressive though!
*I cannot for the life of me remember the source, interview/bonus material/commentary or what

It's just occurred to me that the species I remember having long hair - in TNG at least - tended to be the primitive, less developed species (as viewed by the Federation) or have a more 'outdated' way of life, e.g. the Klingons' code of honour, the human equivalent of which (chivalry) is long gone. However, I would have to do some research to back that up! What a chore(!) :lol:

Robot Ninja
September 11th, 2017, 01:53 PM
It's just occurred to me that the species I remember having long hair - in TNG at least - tended to be the primitive, less developed species (as viewed by the Federation) or have a more 'outdated' way of life, e.g. the Klingons' code of honour, the human equivalent of which (chivalry) is long gone. However, I would have to do some research to back that up! What a chore(!) :lol:

That's because the truly civilized civilizations were all up to date with the '80s and hair that is too long is hard to pouf up to epic '80s proportions. Troy had to do the front-pouf thing with hairclips or maybe a headband, even with curly hair, but look at Crusher in the early seasons; she had that lion's mane thing down to a science. Meanwhile, the Klingons are all running around with triangle-head, in desperate need of a good conditioner.

The Maple Leaf
September 11th, 2017, 06:12 PM
I don't have much to add to this thread, other forumites have covered most important points. I'll just add my two cents and say that I hope you won't allow your mother to wear you down into doing what she would like you to do in the future. It's your hair and she shouldn't get any say. I strongly suggest that you resume growing your hair and if your mother says anything, to tell her something like, "I know your opinion on my hair but I don't share it. It's my hair, I like it very long, I regret cutting it the last time, and I don't intend to do so again. In the future, please don't try to influence how I wear my hair. If you can't say something nice about it, please don't say anything at all."

Being "in" or "modern" is IMO not a reason to modify one's look. There is nothing inherently wrong with looking dated. Giving up a look you like or that you find comfortable or practical because it is out of style is conformist; I certainly don't mean to shame those who like to follow fashion or those who happen to like a look that is currently "in", but society should not expect anyone to conform to current trends. Conformity for its own sake is a Cold War value, not a digital age value. People should not feel bound by the shackles of artificial values that have no moral added value. A person who looks the same at 50 as they did in high school should have their choices respected as much as one who looks like someone out of Vogue.

- although just to play devils advocate....sometimes it is difficult to see yourself objectively and you may become comfortable and stuck in a certain way unable to see or contemplate any other option.
Other people may be able more objective and are trying nicely to tell you something new might suit you better. For example if you grew a fringe really long to hide your face as some kind of coping mechanism because you weren't very confident and you hunch up and hide behind it whenever your nervous & you just get comfortable doing that. But your floppy fringe means your skin gets greasy and spotty so you hide even more & people ignore you because you want to hide and be ignored but that just makes you even more unconfident.
Then your mum and your sister and some of your friends keep telling you you'd suit short hair & the look you have at the moment is doing you no favours. If you don't listen to them you can remain comfortably you, and behave in the ways you were always used to. If you did listen to them perhaps you'd be insulted, perhaps you'd be angry that your coping mechanism had gone, but perhaps you'd not be able to hide away and people would talk to you more so you'd gain confidence and your spots would clear up and you'd realise you were actually very pretty and perhaps they were right to tell you a certain look didn't suit you.

So maybe look at fashion, take other's advice into consideration, but ultimately it's your decision to work out how comfortable you are with how you look and what makes you happy.

I think people should generally avoid commenting on other people's appearance choices, even if their comments are well-meant. OK, maybe sometimes, if there is reasonable and probable grounds to suspect a real problem (e.g. there is evidence that a person is being coerced into looking a certain way, or there's a possible health problem that could be solved that would enable a person to e.g. improve the grooming of their hair and thus look better), there might be some grounds to very kindly, carefully and diplomatically point something out to someone, but in general, if someone seems content to look the way they do, I don't think it's appropriate to point out how they might look better. There is nothing wrong with being "stuck in" a certain appearance - there is no need to comtemplate change if one is happy with one's appearance. Even if one might "more objectively" see how another person looks (and I think at the end of the day, how good a person looks is always at least somewhat subjective), the important thing is that the wearer is satisfied with their own appearance, rather than the beholder. Making even well-meant comments on how a person "might look better" generally runs the risk of that person feeling pressured to conform to other people's standards. I would thus be wary of making unsolicited comments to people about how they might improve their appearance unless there was a really good reason.

September 11th, 2017, 10:08 PM
I don't care people's opinions anymore. When they compliment me fine, when they say it looks girly old woman or whatever I dont care.

My hair is my mine and nobody has the right to put me down for a hair reason. Im growing it long and love being ancient because moder concept of beauty is just so fake and unrealistic!!!!!!!!!

September 12th, 2017, 12:20 AM
If we were all to listen to what " fashion" is saying...:rolleyes:
I dreamt about having long hair my entire life and I always had short. Giving in when people around me were saying " you won't look good, it's not for you" and there it comes: soon you will be too old for having long hair;).
Spending time here gives me strength to fight and grow and keep going. I'm 37 years old, I will reach my goal length ... probably in 2 years, and I don't intend to cut it short after 40!

I have a similar story. "You look so young in short hair" (says mom). Meh! I grew out my hair because I didn't want it on my neck (perimenopause) and just kept it on top of my head and forgot about it. I finally got what I wanted after a couple years. Longer hair than I had ever had since I was 4-years-old. I was lucky that my salon lady (having given me up for dead after 2 years) LOVED my hair rather than wanting to cut it off because I'm in my 50's. She was thrilled to play with it and though I don't give her the business I used to, she encouraged me to keep it. And I trust her implicitly. She's never steered me wrong and won't. :)

I agree that spending time here helps too. I don't care if some of my extended family look askance at my long hair. Pfffffffffffffttttttttt! I look forward to having long gray hair when I have enough to let go of my hair color. Ages ago, my salon lady told me me only color the growth. Don't pull it through the rest, which is why my hair healthy despite hair color every 6-8 weeks.

Stay strong and happy growing!

Anyone else gets these or similar annoying comments? Months of it from my mom wore me down and I cut my hair, which I discussed in another thread.

Yes, for much of my life. That voice in my head wouldn't let me grow it and keep it.

Hang in there. Visit LHC often and look at the members' beautiful long hair and all the toys they have and you'll come away inspired.

I recently learned to embrace the hippy I always wanted to be. I'm going to be my own person. I wished I had learned that in my 20's or 30's, but I know it now. I don't know how old you are, but don't waste any more time conforming to an industry that makes its livelihood on changing trends every 6 months or a year.

Happy growing!

Given what is passing for modern socially right now, I'm very happy to look like a throwback hippie.

September 12th, 2017, 03:42 AM
My acting coaches here in NYC keep trying to get me to cut my hair..they tell me its too "old fashioned" haha I was like nope..I am not cutting this unless I sign a contact for a high paying gig!

Good for you!! You can always style it to suit a certain part for auditions & 'improve' on the style with a chop if necessary when you get the part & they pay you a hefty sum. In history even when short hair was fashionable say the 20s, there were still hairstyles for longer haired ladies, like two side buns (think less extreme Princess Laya).

But if they make you start off with a sleek short & modern & good luck styling that for the Game of Thrones milk maid audition.

September 12th, 2017, 04:47 AM
People will definitely recognise a messy bun but they can't even imagine how one can create a cinnamon bun!

September 12th, 2017, 09:47 AM
I think how you wear your hair is kind of like clothing. Some styles are classic and never go out of style, like long beautiful hair and skirts that hit just below the knee. Other styles are trendy; here today, gone tomorrow. There's nothing wrong with choosing classic over trendy. And there's nothing wrong with choosing trendy, either. You get to choose how you present yourself! Don't give that power to anybody else unless they're paying you, and it's worth it to you.

September 12th, 2017, 10:09 AM
I think how you wear your hair is kind of like clothing. Some styles are classic and never go out of style, like long beautiful hair and skirts that hit just below the knee. Other styles are trendy; here today, gone tomorrow. There's nothing wrong with choosing classic over trendy. And there's nothing wrong with choosing trendy, either. You get to choose how you present yourself! Don't give that power to anybody else unless they're paying you, and it's worth it to you.

Beautifully put :cheer::heartbeat:wethree:

I wonder if I can get someone to pay me to not cut my hair... haha

September 12th, 2017, 11:34 PM
Your mom seems to be coming from the perspective that following trends is how one should present themselves.

She's wrong.

There have been many sayings through the years, about leaders and followers. To be an outlier, to set your own style regardless of whatever is trendy for the moment, requires you to be a leader.

Relatively few are comfortable putting themselves in that position.

If you are, then good for you!

September 16th, 2017, 12:05 AM
Long Hair is "Unmodern"

I don't give a crap about fashion or what is "modern". Neither in hair, clothes or interior design. :o

September 16th, 2017, 07:21 AM
I don't care people's opinions anymore. When they compliment me fine, when they say it looks girly old woman or whatever I dont care.

My hair is my mine and nobody has the right to put me down for a hair reason. Im growing it long and love being ancient because moder concept of beauty is just so fake and unrealistic!!!!!!!!!

Yes! And can I add modern is expensive?! To think of ALL the tools, products, and time I needed to CONFORM my hair to be modern looking... I don't know how i kept it all up!

Yes modern world my hair is a huge pouf. I'm not going to "jennifer aniston" it sleek anymore lol (I'm showing my age referring to her haha)

September 16th, 2017, 10:54 AM
I have never conformed in any way, so I don't really concern myself with peoples' opinions. I already don't conform to modern womens' clothing. I'm already rebelling by keeping my hair with its natural texture - it's "unprofessional" and gets banned in American schools and even South Africa (what?!). What difference does it make if I grow it long...it's my God-given hair and I like it, so people can't convince me that it's inferior...

Jo Ann
September 16th, 2017, 01:27 PM
For what it's worth, there was a movie actress during the 1930's named Ann Harding who had long hair:


Her hair didn't stop her from getting movie roles; as a matter of fact, she usually wore it in some very beautiful and creative buns!


Don't let your drama teacher/coach steer you toward the beauty salon to get it cut for the sake of *ahem!* versatility!

September 16th, 2017, 01:30 PM
For what it's worth, there was a movie actress during the 1930's named Ann Harding who had long hair:


Her hair didn't stop her from getting movie roles; as a matter of fact, she usually wore it in some very beautiful and creative buns!


Don't let your drama teacher/coach steer you toward the beauty salon to get it cut for the sake of *ahem!* versatility!

Oh, how beautiful she was! And gorgeous hair, too. She would have been going against the grain as well, having long hair in those days.

Aunt Rapunzel
September 16th, 2017, 03:39 PM
Oh, how beautiful she was! And gorgeous hair, too. She would have been going against the grain as well, having long hair in those days.

For sure. Dorothy Lamour had absolutely gorgeous, long, thick black hair - it was probably classic length, anyway....And studio executives basically told her that if she wanted to make any more movies with them she had to cut her hair. So in 1940 she had it cut to shoulder-length. Her hair had been so famous that it made all of the papers when she had it cut. (I wasn't around at the time. ;-) I just love old films, and trivia.) The articles said that she cried when it was being cut. :( That's so sad.

September 16th, 2017, 04:01 PM
For sure. Dorothy Lamour had absolutely gorgeous, long, thick black hair - it was probably classic length, anyway....And studio executives basically told her that if she wanted to make any more movies with them she had to cut her hair. So in 1940 she had it cut to shoulder-length. Her hair had been so famous that it made all of the papers when she had it cut. (I wasn't around at the time. ;-) I just love old films, and trivia.) The articles said that she cried when it was being cut. :( That's so sad.

While we're on old movie star's hair. I've always loved something about Lilian Gish's, It seemed to be about tailbone during her career(but looked shorter often because of curls). I wonder if that kind of frizzy/messy curls and waves would ever fly in hollywood these days.

September 16th, 2017, 06:52 PM
I don't really care whether long hair is considered "fashionable", since I long hair make me feel more like myself (I don't know if I explained myself properly, I mean that with short hair I might look good, but wouldn't feel good).
That said, hair trends change basically every other day and I don't want to be the kind of person that one week gets that super fancy pixie cut some celebrity showed on the red carpet, and the next week gets extensions. Nothing bad about wanting to be modern, but that seems just a waste of energy to me :shrug:

September 16th, 2017, 08:23 PM
To my face, nobody has said it. BUT, it drives me absolutely BONKERS when I read "look years younger with THIS short hair cut!" Um... NO. My hair will never EVER be that short, just because your advertising said so! Long hair is the best! If unmodern is the way to go, so be it!

September 16th, 2017, 08:36 PM
To my face, nobody has said it. BUT, it drives me absolutely BONKERS when I read "look years younger with THIS short hair cut!" Um... NO. My hair will never EVER be that short, just because your advertising said so! Long hair is the best! If unmodern is the way to go, so be it!

Many people said to me, when I had very short hair, that I looked younger. Which is pretty counter intuitive if you think I had the exact same cut as my grandma :rolleyes:

September 16th, 2017, 08:50 PM
I just read through this whole thread; it's like Cardassians, hippies, and homeschoolers, oh my! :rollin: Totally cracked me up!

September 16th, 2017, 10:30 PM
While we're on old movie star's hair. I've always loved something about Lilian Gish's, It seemed to be about tailbone during her career(but looked shorter often because of curls). I wonder if that kind of frizzy/messy curls and waves would ever fly in hollywood these days.
Nope! They'd attack that with a flat iron. Such a shame too.

September 17th, 2017, 03:59 AM
Yes, long hair is totally unmodern and that's exactly why the trendy millenials are keeping the hair extensions market extremely busy... ;)

September 17th, 2017, 04:12 AM
hmmm....it seems i dont have any qualms about it being "unmodern" :p even more of a reason to grow it long, it's a little more unique to me

September 17th, 2017, 07:39 AM
There are many examples of celebrity type people with long hair, and a few out in the wild. It's uncommon, sure, but unmodern doesn't make a lot of sense as a criticism to me personally. Maybe this is just a viewer's perception of what's unmodern and what's not, and their propensity to tell other people what they should do. Even if it were, though, I'm in agreement with many here.. so what if it's unmodern? There are other ways to fit in, when necessary.

September 17th, 2017, 08:39 AM
I think, yeah, that bun I wear all the time makes me look like a retired ballerina, so maybe I like the look. :shrug: Who really cares. Sometimes I wouldn't mind a change myself, but then I start to think about it realistically, like maintenance of a short style... and: no! I'll stick to my old lady bun. ;)

September 18th, 2017, 03:21 PM
I think, yeah, that bun I wear all the time makes me look like a retired ballerina, so maybe I like the look. :shrug: Who really cares. Sometimes I wouldn't mind a change myself, but then I start to think about it realistically, like maintenance of a short style... and: no! I'll stick to my old lady bun. ;)

There is something so classy about long hair... a ballerina bun...

The thing that kills me on LHC is that we all seem to watch long hair come and go with gusto! One minute a person had knee length, next a purple pixie- nothing in btwn! maybe we're the extremely trendy people?! Haha

September 19th, 2017, 09:39 AM
"Modern" changes daily. Once you hit the magical age of 60, you realize that you can relax and just be yourself. In fact a friend of mine once said that, "the older you get, the more like yourself you get". Wise words...

September 19th, 2017, 11:57 AM
They're just jealous that they can't have long and healthy hair. You be you!

September 19th, 2017, 02:23 PM
My daughter says to me one day, "Mom, I have to learn to do a ballerina bun for dance class." She says there aren't alot of girls who can do it because they all have short hair! Ballerina buns are so cute! But of course, one must have long enough hair for it.

@Aleina, they can have long and healthy hair, they just think it's too old-fashioned and that somehow the rest of us long-hairs aren't keeping up. I dunno. I think it's silly and yes, you be you! :)

September 20th, 2017, 06:25 PM
Well I live in the middle east were long hair is never not desired. But I hear what you are saying. They want it long and straightened, coloured, permed all at the same time, and others just cut it according to the new trend. Media and the fashion industry is always coming up with new trends to trick you into following them. Makeup, hair color, clothes, shoes and accessories. It is their job to keep the money coming, even if this means manipulating people's minds. I don't follow trends, I just buy and wear what suits me. And sometimes I coincide with the latest fashion ;)