View Full Version : Odd very thick "wire like" hair !

September 4th, 2017, 05:59 AM
Hello everyone!!
im new here and I have been reading around to see if someone else had posted anything like this before with no luck!
so, I'm 40 and I have long (waist) black hair; my hair is thick typical South American. in the last couple of weeks I have been quite stressed and I started playing with my hair , noticing that I have lots of wire like hairs ...lot like pubic hair :( I have also noticed that when I run my nail and thumb along the (thick) strands the break or split in te middle ...it's terrible!!
i have bought a hair mask and also some Aran oil for my pretty hair which still feels and looks quite awesome!!
my late husband liked me with long hair, reasons why I don't want to cut it, plus I really like having it this long and being able to put it up or down as I wish :)
thank you all for reading and I appreciate any suggestions or advice
kind regards

September 4th, 2017, 06:38 AM
Welcome to the forum. :)

Even if you have F hair, for instance, can you have M or C hairs on you. It's normal.

Have you gone gray, perhaps, and are the gray hairs the thicker ones?

Thick hair (like "pubic" hair) is coarse hair, and is also quite normal. I also wouldn't compare them to pubes though (they can't grow that long for one).

Try to stop focusing as much on the difference in texture, and look at your hair as a whole, stop "picking it apart" and viewing each individual hair. It's of no use and is only going to stress you out further.

Give your hair some TLC, and just keep growing. :)

September 4th, 2017, 06:44 AM
Thank you Iapushka!!
You are so right! Like I said I have been a bit under stress and so my poor hair /scalp has suffered!
I have been getting grey hairs too! And those too have different textures , some are very fine and some very coarse, too.
Thanks again and I will follow your awesome advice!

September 4th, 2017, 06:50 AM
There's a thread somewhere here entitled 'Monster strand' which describes pretty much that type of hair, with quite a few responses from others who also have them.

I have blonde hair, which ranges from almost translucently fine to medium, with quite a few of those monster strands in there. Because they're a bit kinky/curly they seem more prone to damage if you assault them individually - e.g. if you run your nail and thumb down whatever is an ordinary hair for you, it might curl anywhere from loosely to very tightly, but if you do the same to a monster strand, it's more likely to snap or split because the kinks are weaker spots in the protein structure. That's the theory I read behind why curly hair needs a lot more moisture and protein than straighter hair anyway, which seemed to make sense to me.

So basically don't worry, and try to enjoy your hair being more interesting than you previously thought! ;)

September 4th, 2017, 08:35 AM
I have a tiny bump on my scalp on the left side, a kind of cyst-like thing, but tiny and rock hard. It has a hair growing beside it, and it is thicker than pubic hair even, super black and *very* kinky coily. I just leave it be. It never gets longer than about 10 inches and it just... sometimes I find it in my hair, other times no, it's in there, but to go look for it specifically requires... *effort*. I mean... If you don't go looking for these hairs, you hardly find them, and so I just leave it be.

When I was about 15 and my hair had recovered from getting bald patches and falling out at 13/14 years of age (hormonal changes), I once got this massively thick short stumpy little hair with an enormous taper on the end. It was 2 inches long and stuck out straight up on the top of my head. It was too thick to get a fine tooth comb through (it always hurt when I combed there), so I just one day "saw it". It was a few mm diameter. No joke! I just yanked that one out because it was an aberration (and it hurt me). It left a crater of a dip into my head (3 to 4 mm wide). Luckily that went after a few days and hair grew back out normally from then on.

I don't suggest you yank out those hairs, because they will grow back in the same way. It's not the same.

September 4th, 2017, 10:48 AM
Almost everyone has some of those. I find these bizarre thick crinkled hairs in my part that contrast a lot with my otherwise fine and fairly straight hair. Some people even have sections with differing textures that need extra conditioning or similar to keep all the hair in good shape. Very normal and nothing to stress about.

September 4th, 2017, 10:58 AM
Odd for me would be the few fine wavy hairs in my head. The usual is medium kinky curls.

September 4th, 2017, 11:02 AM
I'm South American too, but almost all my hair is thick and coarse and curly/wavy. Compairing it to pubic hair isn't very nice (though accurate). My coarse hair gets brittle from too much protein. It makes it stiff and starts breaking moisture is the only thing that helps.

September 4th, 2017, 04:06 PM
My personal theory is that it is hormones/age as both me and my spouse have more and more of these kinds of hairs as we get older. Both of ours tend to show up around our hairline by our ears. Apparently there is nothing to be done but to ignore them and continue to take good care of the rest of our hair.

September 4th, 2017, 07:28 PM
Thats spot on! It's exactly how it feels! And that's the reason why I bought a nice mask and oil for my hair, because it felt thick and weak. Thank you for the response

September 4th, 2017, 07:33 PM
Ohh my!! What a story!!
I know I shouldn't pull them or anything and I completely blame it on my tension these days, but nevertheless is my action only. I kind of notice myself running my hand through my hair looking for those buggers! Main spot is my left side , the top (corner??)part I know we don't have cube heads, but so you get the idea, it's like my hand is attracted to that place.
I'm working in not pulling any more hair!

September 4th, 2017, 07:34 PM
Hmmm, that's interesting!!
I have the feeling that even though I moisturise with everywash I haven't added any extra treatments to my long hair...
Thank you

September 4th, 2017, 07:39 PM
Yes, I don't want to pull them all and end up with a quarter amount of hair left!
The story says that when I was a baby I got a shave (usually done to babies) and then my arenas noticed that my hair was growing in patches and so they shaved again and again! My hair they said got thicker since then...
I have delt with thick straight kind of hair always and the best part of having it this long is that it feels more docile as when it is shorter (over shoulder even)
I will look after my hair more ; once I was told by some Australian nurses at the Alfred hospital where my late husband was staying that my hair was like a "Disney princess" ��That has been the best compliment I got for it! So I better live it more, even the odd ones! LOL

September 4th, 2017, 07:41 PM
It's good to know that, and that's what I needed to share my particulars so I know now it's normal and what to do or NOt to do with them :)
Thank you

September 4th, 2017, 07:42 PM
I also find some baby like long soft hairs! They are so smooth and very string and healthy ;)

September 4th, 2017, 07:52 PM
I wrote a forum about this exact subject a week or so ago. xx

September 15th, 2017, 08:44 AM
I have a few of those too, I think it's normal