View Full Version : Hair game - Just for fun - hairstyle the person above you
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October 27th, 2008, 01:23 PM
I've been hunting for a halloween costume on the web and have come across a forum post "dress the person above you." (would post a link but Ie has crashed since then and I can't find it again) Basically works like this - I think *insert previous posters name here* should wear *insert costume here *tomorrow or whenever* sometimes there is extra like wear it to the mall or to work etc.
Theres no pressure to actually wear it, some do and post pics others don't..
Anyway thought I'd borrow the idea and post it here as hairstyle the person above you. it might be a good opportunity to learn new updo's or styles, obtain new toys and have a bit of fun too. Again no pressure to actually wear the style suggested.
I'll start then, my hair is middle back length, wavy & dark brown. Give it your best shot?
October 27th, 2008, 01:47 PM
Oooh this sounds like fun! I had quite a time going through the new hairstyle dictionary ( and rediscovered some updos that I need to try out again!
I think you should wear this:
out of the house some day in the next week. (I think it'll work for your length.)
My hair's in my siggy, for reference. Anybody want to make me do something really challenging? :cheese:
October 27th, 2008, 01:51 PM
Hm...I think that you, Freznow, should wear a four strand rope braid sometime this week, with some kind of ornamentation (accent braid, alice band, fancy clippy things) :)
October 27th, 2008, 02:55 PM
Your turn, Periwinkle! I think you should do a dutch braid in your lovely, thick hair.
October 27th, 2008, 03:12 PM
I would never have done the 4 strand rope if not for you, periwinkle, thank you!
I couldn't wait :D I tried it out just now! (I'll wear it to school tomorrow or the next day, though!) Pics:
I was expecting the 4 strand rope to be a) hard and b) pointless (I mean, it should be just the same as the 2 strand, right?) But I found it to be neither! It was just as easy as a 2 strand, and it almost eliminated my taper! It's a bun that's eating the back of my head! (none of my other buns do that :lol:) And it looks so much more... ropey! (Side note, I like my butterfly, but my hair has now bent the fork after first use! Well, not too badly) And this type of braid makes a LOVELY coronet braid. (If only I could get those to stay on my head...)
I meant to give lizzyjo a KarenLynn knot - long or short - depending on which works better. If that fits into the flow of the thread alright :)
October 27th, 2008, 03:14 PM
lizzyjo, I think you'd look lovely with a Celtic Knot in your hair.
October 27th, 2008, 03:26 PM
Okay, darnit, I was on the phone and just noticed that you beat me to it, Freznow!
So you can have the Celtic Knot!
October 27th, 2008, 03:36 PM
I would give the girl above me "Sailor Moon" hair--ponytails with the little buns at the top. I have no explanation *shrug*
October 27th, 2008, 03:40 PM
ROFL! I'll have to do it and post photos!!!
October 28th, 2008, 04:11 AM
How about a nautilus ( for you, dor3girl? :)
October 28th, 2008, 11:04 AM
Thanks Freznow thats a great style, I had to use a couple of bobby pins to make it stay but I think it turned out ok. I've been wearing it all day and had a couple of hours outside wearing it too. I found it to be a lot easier to put in than it looked. (I love that rope braid too Freznow)
AprilElf do you think you could try some sort of crown braid? Before next week?
October 28th, 2008, 03:44 PM
Okay, no one kick me but I've been drooling over the amazing 5, 6 and 7 strand Dutch braids on this site TheStorm, if you're not up to it, play hot potato and throw it to someone else! I wanna see this one, pretty please!
October 28th, 2008, 09:24 PM
The person above me should wear a figure 8 bun, on thursday.
October 28th, 2008, 11:37 PM
The person above me - that would be you, Medievalhair :eyebrows: - should wear a sock bun tomorrow.
October 29th, 2008, 01:03 AM
Okay, no one kick me but I've been drooling over the amazing 5, 6 and 7 strand Dutch braids on this site TheStorm, if you're not up to it, play hot potato and throw it to someone else! I wanna see this one, pretty please!
Ok MischiefsMuse, I'll pass this one over to someone else, I'm pretty confident they are beyond my ability. I'll give them a go and maybe sometime in the future I'll figure them out.
Do you want to give me another to do or pass over to someone else?
October 29th, 2008, 02:32 AM
The person above me should let their hair flow loose tomorrow:)
October 29th, 2008, 08:55 AM
Ok MischiefsMuse, I'll pass this one over to someone else, I'm pretty confident they are beyond my ability. I'll give them a go and maybe sometime in the future I'll figure them out.
Do you want to give me another to do or pass over to someone else?
I think you should pick someone else to try one of the crazy multi-strand braids and they should throw something new at you :D (if they don't then I think you should try pin curls)
I like this game! :)
October 29th, 2008, 10:25 AM
Okay, no one kick me but I've been drooling over the amazing 5, 6 and 7 strand Dutch braids on this site TheStorm, if you're not up to it, play hot potato and throw it to someone else! I wanna see this one, pretty please
Ok MischiefsMuse, I'll pass this one over to someone else, I'm pretty confident they are beyond my ability. I'll give them a go and maybe sometime in the future I'll figure them out.
I think you should pick someone else to try one of the crazy multi-strand braids and they should throw something new at you :D (if they don't then I think you should try pin curls)
I like this game! :)
Nastasska, Your next in turn above me. can you try one of the amazing 5, 6 and 7 strand Dutch braids on
October 29th, 2008, 11:39 AM
Chinese bun!
My hair's a wee bit shorter and with fewer layers than in my siggy, and my type's under my avatar.
October 29th, 2008, 11:58 AM
How about a half up with your fav. barrett florenonite ?
October 29th, 2008, 12:12 PM
sock bun for Sahiba!!!
Jim :)
October 29th, 2008, 06:02 PM
Your hair looks so shiny and beautiful in that English braid! How about a herringbone?
October 29th, 2008, 08:21 PM
Vitalai, try to braid your hair and pin it up, so that it folds in half :) can try to do three normal braids, and braid then into one big one, I love doing that
October 29th, 2008, 11:25 PM
The person above me should let their hair flow loose tomorrow:)
Assuming this was meant for me, I didn't put my hair up today, and here's the proof:
This challenge was the last thing I expected, and I think a 7-strand dutch braid would almost have been easier! :wink: I'm not used to having it loose at this length. Still, it was interesting - thanks, nastasska! :flower:
fleurdelis, I'd like to see you with a Gibson Tuck tomorrow, please. :)
October 30th, 2008, 05:01 AM
sock bun for Sahiba!!!
Jim :)
shudder: I'll give it a try again but have always been a failure with it.
October 30th, 2008, 08:35 AM
The person above me should wear a figure 8 bun, on thursday.
Okay Medievalhair, you got your wish :) Took me a little while to get the loops even. Oh, and I don't know if you were being picky about figure 8 vs infinity since they're the same thing, just going different directions...Considering that my hair is nearly waist length, it sure doesn't amount to much when it's all rolled up :p
October 30th, 2008, 12:09 PM
How about a half up with your fav. barrett florenonite ?
Is it sad that I don't even own any barrettes? I was going to do a half-up infinity or something instead, by my hair's a wee bit too greasy for it. I'll do it after I next wash, then.
Okay Medievalhair, you got your wish :) Took me a little while to get the loops even. Oh, and I don't know if you were being picky about figure 8 vs infinity since they're the same thing, just going different directions...Considering that my hair is nearly waist length, it sure doesn't amount to much when it's all rolled up :p
What about a rope-braided bun?
October 30th, 2008, 02:10 PM
Sorry guys for interfering this but oh wow Teazel what gorgeous hair you got there!:heart:
( throwing a compliment and running in the corner to hide, hoping someone won't throw a style request back at me:uhh: )
October 30th, 2008, 07:07 PM
Vitalai, try to braid your hair and pin it up, so that it folds in half :) can try to do three normal braids, and braid then into one big one, I love doing that
Whee! This was fun! Little bits and pieces of my layers were escaping, but I'm happy with it overall.
Okeydokes, florenonite, how about something along the lines of Stardust ( by Isilya?
Also, Teazel, your hair is just stunning.
October 30th, 2008, 08:22 PM
TheStorm said:
AprilElf do you think you could try some sort of crown braid? Before next week?Oh gawd ... :rolleyes:
I waited till today to do this, since I have the day off work, and don't need to leave the house. :p
This is my fourth attempt at some sort of crown braid (only the third to make it to the 'pinned' stage). I still find them very difficult.
I thought I'd make this one a little easier for myself by halving the thickness of hair I had to work with and doing two braids. I divided my hair into 'top half' and 'bottom half'. The top half ended up thicker. Both braids start on the left and work around anti-clockwise.
My head feels funny - I'm not used to wearing it like this. :silly:
Vitalai - could you try a Poledra Bun? (I hope it works with your length ...) It's by icydove, and instructions are in her album here (
October 30th, 2008, 09:54 PM
Sorry guys for interfering this but oh wow Teazel what gorgeous hair you got there!:heart:
( throwing a compliment and running in the corner to hide, hoping someone won't throw a style request back at me:uhh: )
No getting away! Folded braid! :D
October 30th, 2008, 10:59 PM
Odango bun for you mira-chan like this one here (if you can).
October 31st, 2008, 01:32 AM
AprilElf, Wow That crown braid is amazing and gorgeous, I'm almost speechless.
Florenonite, I have done a Chinese bun for you, see below... Not very neat I know, I think my hair may be a little long for it because I had to wrap it around so many times strands and locks started to escaping all over the place, plus I have the whispy strands on my neck that I can do nothing about.
Diamondbell, I think for you I'll ask you to put your hair in two ponytails, somewhere above or around your ears. Top them off with a pair of brightly coloured and matching ribbons tied in great loopy bows. (wear it outside if you feel up to it)
October 31st, 2008, 09:02 AM
Sorry TheStorm - I don't have any bright ribbons :cry: :( - any other options? :)
October 31st, 2008, 09:26 AM
Ok, no problem - Stick with the two ponytails just use something different in the top of them, scrunchies, bright elastics, clips or laces, whatever you want or have to hand really? Just try to find something thats bright and easy to see.
October 31st, 2008, 09:34 AM
I don't think anyone's given Mira-chan a style, so ... Elling woman ( braid!
October 31st, 2008, 09:36 AM
Diamondbell did.
October 31st, 2008, 10:26 AM
Odango bun for you mira-chan like this one here (if you can).
I don't think anyone's given Mira-chan a style, so ... Elling woman ( braid!
Luckily I've done both.
Tapioca, Rose bun for you. :D
October 31st, 2008, 11:46 AM
Now that's the spirit mira-chan ,and I know I need of of yours. Sock bun's pic. before Wednessday ... promise .
And Aisha ,how about an infinity bun by next weekend?:eyebrows: No escaping :pins: :)
October 31st, 2008, 11:49 AM
Now that's the spirit mira-chan ,and I know I need of of yours. Sock bun's pic. before Wednessday ... promise .
And Aisha ,how about an infinity bun by next weekend?:eyebrows: No escaping :pins: :)
oh my gosh you like to torture dont you:tongue: ok ill have to find out what this infinty bun is and ill try
October 31st, 2008, 11:58 PM
Now that's the spirit mira-chan ,and I know I need of of yours. Sock bun's pic. before Wednessday ... promise .
And Aisha ,how about an infinity bun by next weekend?:eyebrows: No escaping :pins: :)
Ok here is my best try,after 100 times I got this:laugh:
November 1st, 2008, 04:15 AM
OMG, :agape: how could you be so quick? And how did you manage to fix a pencil in this thick bun? And how did you get this shine?
Now I am even more nervous to post my sock bun ... which is just not coming right.
November 1st, 2008, 06:33 AM
Ok, no problem - Stick with the two ponytails just use something different in the top of them, scrunchies, bright elastics, clips or laces, whatever you want or have to hand really? Just try to find something thats bright and easy to see.
:D ;)
That was nice mira-chan and Aisha25
November 1st, 2008, 11:40 AM
OMG, :agape: how could you be so quick? And how did you manage to fix a pencil in this thick bun? And how did you get this shine?
Now I am even more nervous to post my sock bun ... which is just not coming right.
I was trying all the day :lol: The pencil was not enough my hair was falling out of this:p. Just try your best.. look at mine:o
:D ;)
That was nice mira-chan and Aisha25
I love this style Diamondbell your hairs are soooo pretty and long Please put in your album:D
November 1st, 2008, 02:13 PM
That looks good Diamonbell, I think blue is a great colour to go with dark hair.
November 1st, 2008, 05:19 PM
My eyes are spinning right you suggest a style and then the person must do it and show the photo??
I know, I the first message. :cheese:
Ford Landau (Australia) Picture (
November 1st, 2008, 07:56 PM
My eyes are spinning right you suggest a style and then the person must do it and show the photo??
Yep, thats generally the idea of it, have fun.
November 2nd, 2008, 01:07 AM
Would the person above me care to try a Bunny Tail, or Hair Knot?
Alternative version for shorter hair at the bottom of this page. (
November 2nd, 2008, 01:39 AM
Can you do something Regency styled? I can't find any good reference pictures - but they were often styled off greco-roman hairstyles. :-D
Kind of like this (as a very general reference point):
November 2nd, 2008, 06:46 AM
Yep, thats generally the idea of it, have fun.
No recs for me? 23" stretched, layers, 3a/b curls. :eyebrows:
Corvette leaf spring (
November 2nd, 2008, 08:02 AM
Spekla I think your hair is perfect for french/dutch pigtails;)
November 2nd, 2008, 08:52 AM
Speckla I think your hair is perfect for french/dutch pigtails;)
Can I cheat and show a picture that was taken in September? I can't braid and someone at work did this for me. I want two braids along the side of my head.
Ford wiki specifications (
November 2nd, 2008, 04:00 PM
renarok, I think a Gibson Pompadour ( would look stunning on you. Can you try it, please? :eyebrows:
November 2nd, 2008, 04:25 PM
Teazel You haven't been given a "style". I wanted to give someone the gibson tuck
My hair is too long for it. Yours is WAY too long.
If you are up to it i'd love to see the lace braid on you.
I am hair illerate. I am not great at any but am willing to give it a shot.
November 2nd, 2008, 05:56 PM
Gretchen_hair- you should do a rose bun (a rope braided bun)! :)
There's a great rope braid tutorial here:
I should mention that one thing I cannot do is french braid (I've tried and tried- I think that part of my brain is missing or something).
November 3rd, 2008, 05:51 AM
Would the person above me care to try a Bunny Tail, or Hair Knot?
Alternative version for shorter hair at the bottom of this page. (
Here you go AprilElf, one bunny tail knot thingie, I did the full long version, hope it's ok for you. I'm wearing it all day, it's actually staying put amazingly well most buns and such things normally fall out of my hair fairly quickly.
Arylkin - I'd like you to try the below style please, back to the Anime theme - if you want more pictures search for "Miyu" or "Vampire Princess Miyu"
November 3rd, 2008, 07:16 AM
TEAZEL I want to thank you so much for the hours of frustration . I really wanted to successfully complete this yesterday but I was only able to make a mess.
I will keep trying and hopefully I will be able to post a pic of my best effort at a Gibson Pompadour.
It is the pompadour part that is hard for me. I think if I put a little back combing in it would be easy, but I want to make it hair friendly.
I hope everyone else is having fun with this hair "throwdown".
November 3rd, 2008, 09:01 AM
Fun game! :D
Can someone give me a challenge?
November 3rd, 2008, 11:09 AM
TheStorm- I'll do my best!
Ok Hypnotica! I know you're talented at updos, so I'm going to give you three choices to pick from:
one ( %26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN)
three (
I really like how the first one looks, but I have no idea how to do it...
November 3rd, 2008, 11:42 AM
TheStorm- I'll do my best!
Ok Hypnotica! I know you're talented at updos, so I'm going to give you three choices to pick from:
one ( %26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN)
two ( %26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN)
three (
I really like how the first one looks, but I have no idea how to do it...
One and two are the same updo?
November 3rd, 2008, 11:51 AM
One and two are the same updo?
Sorry- this ( is supposed to be the second one. :)
November 3rd, 2008, 06:57 PM
TheStorm said:
Here you go AprilElf, one bunny tail knot thingie, I did the full long version, hope it's ok for you. I'm wearing it all day, it's actually staying put amazingly well most buns and such things normally fall out of my hair fairly quickly. one!
Your hair is longer than I thought. :)
SeaPhoenix, I'm still working on a Regency hairdo for you. I tried this one ( the other day, but it was not a success - I need to figure out what to do with my extra length. I'll look at some other options. ;)
November 3rd, 2008, 07:03 PM
Teazel You haven't been given a "style". I wanted to give someone the gibson tuck
My hair is too long for it. Yours is WAY too long.
If you are up to it i'd love to see the lace braid on you.
I am hair illerate. I am not great at any but am willing to give it a shot.
Well, gretchen_hair, I gave the lace braid my best shot, but you'll have to mark this one as an Epic Fail. The top and front of my head is the thinnest, OMG-I'm-going-baldest, finest hair I have, and after much effort I've wound up with an unqualified mess. Baby silvers are sticking up wildly - not unlike Morag's avatar - ain't no way you're getting a photo of this, I can tell you that! :scared:
But thank you for the challenge, anyway. At least I know the Lace Braid is Not For Me. :o :wink:
TEAZEL I want to thank you so much for the hours of frustration . I really wanted to successfully complete this yesterday but I was only able to make a mess.
I will keep trying and hopefully I will be able to post a pic of my best effort at a Gibson Pompadour.
It is the pompadour part that is hard for me. I think if I put a little back combing in it would be easy, but I want to make it hair friendly.
I hope everyone else is having fun with this hair "throwdown".
Hehehe! I hope you can console yourself by picturing me sweating over the b*d#%*m! lace braid. You have my sympathy, but I do really think the style would look great on you! :agree: Good on you for persevering. :flowers:
I'm exhausted, but I'm up for another style if someone wants to give me one. :) (I fear french braids, by the way!)
November 3rd, 2008, 07:04 PM
TheStorm said:Nice one!
Your hair is longer than I thought. :)
SeaPhoenix, I'm still working on a Regency hairdo for you. I tried this one ( the other day, but it was not a success - I need to figure out what to do with my extra length. I'll look at some other options. ;)
Ooh nice set of instructions! I can't wait till my hair is long enough again to do things like that!
November 3rd, 2008, 09:57 PM
Okay, I got this challenge done sooner than I expected! :) I found a different Regency style here - olde_fashioned ( on Live Journal
This worked really well with my hair length and type. Now I know what those little nape curlies are for! :p
Just to be clear, the first pic was taken half-way through the 'do, and not intended to be a style in itself! Heh, heh.
(LOL! You can see the web page with the instructions on my open laptop!)
There are a couple more pictures in my album (
Now, SeaPhoenix, you are above me ... could you do something like this (
November 3rd, 2008, 10:40 PM
Okay, I got this challenge done sooner than I expected! :) I found a different Regency style here - olde_fashioned ( on Live Journal
This worked really well with my hair length and type. Now I know what those little nape curlies are for! :p
Just to be clear, the first pic was taken half-way through the 'do, and not intended to be a style in itself! Heh, heh.
(LOL! You can see the web page with the instructions on my open laptop!)
There are a couple more pictures in my album (
Now, SeaPhoenix, you are above me ... could you do something like this (
Very elegant! :-D Haha - in another 2 years or so I should be able to do something like that too! Can't wait!!! :-)
As for the one you've assigned :-) I'll go dig out all my itty bitty hair claw clips and see what I can do (as soon as I figure where they are all at. Somehow they seem to migrate in opposite directions from each other. Claw clips are definitely not herd beasts!)
November 5th, 2008, 09:54 AM
What about a rope-braided bun?
Florenonite, I did the rope-braided bun as pigtail buns but forgot to take a picture before I took them down for bed! I'll try to remember to do them again this weekend...
November 5th, 2008, 12:16 PM (
Sorry ,it's the best I could do :oops:
November 5th, 2008, 12:37 PM
Very pretty sahiba!
AprilElf, now I'm tempted to do that style some time too.
November 5th, 2008, 07:20 PM
Thanks for trying Teazel>! I am still working on the rope braid.
Maybe i am not coordinated enough. HA
After several attempts at the ropebraid
/rose bun. I did a french braid. My new avitar is the final results.
I will keep trying at the rose bun and post once i get it.
November 6th, 2008, 11:32 AM
Am I the only one who's lost now? lol, This is quite the crazy game of hair tag! Teazel, I'd like to redeem your miserable failure with the lace braid with something similar, but much easier (at least in my opinion). This time, part your hair wherever you like (center, side) and take the part back to the crown of the head. You'll be using the front half of your hair from your ears to crown for this. Might be helpful to bun the rest for now. Work with one side at a time and do the 'French' twist from temple to crown on each side. you can put the tails in rope or English braid. Once you've got that done, you can put it all up in one of your favorite buns or leave it down (though I seem to recall that you don't do that often). If my instructions aren't clear, let me know and I'll take pictures to demo :)
November 6th, 2008, 02:59 PM
I'll give it a go, MischiefsMuse! Will let you know if I run into trouble - thanks! :)
Oh, and a style for you? How about a flipped bun? :eyebrows:
November 6th, 2008, 03:34 PM
I know, I know. I've been challenged with a rose bun. I'm working on it. Teaching myself how to rope braid first.
November 6th, 2008, 06:46 PM
Ta daaaa! :D I did it! I did it! It's a bit messy and I had to use a little claw clip to help hold things together, but it worked on the first try. Woot!
November 6th, 2008, 10:21 PM
Ta daaaa! :D I did it! I did it! It's a bit messy and I had to use a little claw clip to help hold things together, but it worked on the first try. Woot!
Messy , If you want to see a messy bun see my sock bun. I think its very neat.
November 7th, 2008, 11:12 PM
Am I the only one who's lost now? lol, This is quite the crazy game of hair tag!
MischiefsMuse, You're not the only one who's lost - I'm lost too. I think we need ideas to bring a little order to the place?? (sitting here with pen & paper, idea hunting) Also it keeps getting to the stage where people are dropped out because when they post their style the person below doesn't give them a new style to do and they then get lost as as more posts get made.
In the meantime I'm still free to be styled again, sahiba, I'd like you to put your hair into a single french braid if you can please.
November 8th, 2008, 08:17 PM
I'll give it a shot. :)
November 9th, 2008, 12:50 AM
I don't have any suggestions for making the game clearer, sorry ... :confused: But will keep it in mind and let you know if I do.
sahiba has her challenge, so it's back to you TheStorm!
Have you tried the Equilibrium Bun (
November 9th, 2008, 12:57 AM
AprilElf for you, how about a coronet braid (English braid wrapped around the head) with a ribbon?
November 9th, 2008, 05:32 AM
mira-chan: How about an Arwen braid (
ETA: I tried Isilya's Stardust hairstyle, as recommended to me by someone on this thread, and my hair's too short for it :( I get a silly kind of stump rather than an elegant chignon.
November 9th, 2008, 05:49 AM
How about a french braid tuck for you, florenonite? (French braid your hair as usual, leaving it a little loose at the neck. Divide the hair just under your braid, and tuck the end up into it. Pin in place, or use a hairstick.) :)
November 9th, 2008, 04:47 PM
mira-chan: How about an Arwen braid (
ETA: I tried Isilya's Stardust hairstyle, as recommended to me by someone on this thread, and my hair's too short for it :( I get a silly kind of stump rather than an elegant chignon.
I tried. Tried is the operative word. No coordination plus multi strand braid was a no go. I did a 5 strand version because 7 or 9 is too much when I can't even do a 5 strand.
I present you with the total mess that resulted.
Teazel, how about trying the Victorian Updo (
November 10th, 2008, 12:43 AM
Aye, aye, cap'n mira-chan. :D Picture (!
For you... the Topsy Bun (, please!
November 10th, 2008, 09:27 AM
, so it's back to you TheStorm!
Have you tried the Equilibrium Bun (
AprilElf I have tried to do the Equilibrium Bun about 4 times today and have come to the conclusion that my hair is just not quite long enough for it to hold, I only get half way with the twist before I put the stick it and it just drops out. Sorry, Do you want to give me something different to try?
November 10th, 2008, 09:51 AM
Rose bun success!
Once I figured out how to rope braid, the rest was a sinch. Being held with two VK sticks. And it held nice and comfy all day.
What's next?
November 10th, 2008, 10:18 AM
XD I kind of want to try this, ut sadly, my hair is faaaaaaar too short for anything. D:
November 10th, 2008, 12:03 PM
How long is your hair GlassEyes? I'm sure we could find something for you if you wanted.
November 10th, 2008, 06:01 PM
How long is your hair GlassEyes? I'm sure we could find something for you if you wanted.
I'm not sure you could. My hair is just barely past my chin curly, and about an inch or two from APL pulled straight in the back. That doesn't take my layers into account either, and I have a ton.:shrug:
I can't even do a braid yet. :(
November 10th, 2008, 06:37 PM
I can't even do a braid yet. :(
Aw. :grouphug: You can give me a style, if you like, even if we can't style you! :) So far I've had:
loose hair
lace braid (fail!)
bun with french twisted sides
Victorian updo
Tapioca, would you like to try a flipped bun? (As long as you haven't been given it already. I'm getting lost!)
November 10th, 2008, 10:08 PM
GlassEyes, I have one for you that you ought to be able to do at your length. Take a section of hair about 1 inch long, and maybe 1/2" wide from each temple and braid them. If they're long enough, band them together at the back of your head... if not, just wear them down. (looks way cool).
me: 37", thick, wavy... any suggestions?
November 10th, 2008, 10:35 PM
Tapioca ,your bun looks gorgeous .
Sorry I'm still practicing my french braid. Would be posting it soon .
November 11th, 2008, 12:33 AM
Good luck with the French braid, sahiba! I'm crossing my fingers for you. ;)
Really pretty rose bun, Tapioca! The sky's the limit, now that you can rope braid ... right?
And what a gorgeous Victorian Updo, Teazel. Your barette sets it off beautifully. :flower:
I hope you can play with us and give Kiraela's style a go, GlassEyes. :D
Kireala, can you do a Log Roll (
And here is my Coronet Bun (er, Braid ... Bun ... Thingy... )-
mira-chan said:
AprilElf for you, how about a coronet braid (English braid wrapped around the head) with a ribbon?
I used mira-chan's instructions (version 1 ( and went with a Scottish theme in hairtoys. I used some tartan patterned bias binding as ribbon braided into the length. It was a bit thin, though, so didn't show up that well. The kilt pin with thistle on top is pure decoration, it's not holding anything in place.
TheStorm - Oh, pity about the Equilibrium Bun. :(
How about a Spirit Bun (
Do you know what? I think this could be quite a useful thread for the Hair Dictionary Size Chart
November 11th, 2008, 10:43 AM
Well, I did it. It's not pretty, by any means, and I lost the cable for the camera in the move, so no pic, but I did it :)
AprilElf, how about a half-up Infinity bun?
November 11th, 2008, 01:23 PM
GlassEyes, I have one for you that you ought to be able to do at your length. Take a section of hair about 1 inch long, and maybe 1/2" wide from each temple and braid them. If they're long enough, band them together at the back of your head... if not, just wear them down. (looks way cool).
Tried it before.
Thanks to my layers and shortness, they either a) curl themselves (it's really an odd spectacle) or b) don't reach the back.
I'll just wait to join you guys. Hopefully it on't be too long before I can. :)
November 12th, 2008, 12:52 PM
Here you go AprilElf, I hope that it is right. I used a length of brown ribbon to get a little more thickness to the braid, it made it stay behind the sticks better.
GlassEyes, How about you wear a nice alice band or tie a ribbon around your hair like a headband? Failing that we'll have to find you a silly hat to wear :)
November 12th, 2008, 07:41 PM
I second the vote for the silly hat.
November 12th, 2008, 10:01 PM
Awesome TheStorm! :thumbsup: The ribbon is a nice touch.
I'm doing my half-up infinity for Kiraela tomorrow.
November 12th, 2008, 11:15 PM
Seems like a fun can I join though? I'm a little confused as to where to start or with whom? :o
November 13th, 2008, 09:41 AM
Just join in and don't worry about it, give the person who put the last post on here a hairstyle to do.
November 13th, 2008, 10:14 AM
AprilElf and The storm ,your pictures are gorgeous.
Braid overdue ,sorry but still trying. :run:
November 13th, 2008, 10:51 AM
Emichee, how about twin braids?
November 13th, 2008, 11:08 AM
Will do the twin braids asap :p
AprilElf and The storm ,your pictures are gorgeous.
Braid overdue ,sorry but still trying. :run:
Ok, sahiba I saw you have hip length hair. I bet crown braids would look stunning.
(The easy ones maybe, I can't do the other ones either ;))
November 13th, 2008, 08:18 PM
Aye, aye, cap'n mira-chan. :D Picture (!
For you... the Topsy Bun (, please!
Topsy bun, done!
AprilElf, Great coronet bun!
Kiraela, picture or no, Heidi braids for you!:D
November 14th, 2008, 09:17 AM
Folded bun is fail. My hair's pretty long, but it's so thick that I can only go around one-and-a-half times with a bun. I think I need more than that for the folded.
November 14th, 2008, 09:33 AM
Will do the twin braids asap :p
Ok, sahiba I saw you have hip length hair. I bet crown braids would look stunning.
(The easy ones maybe, I can't do the other ones either ;))
:no: Not fair , my french braid is hardly comming out well and I'm yet to post its picture (long long overdue...I know) ,how to make a crown braid now :wail: .
November 14th, 2008, 09:40 AM
Folded bun is fail. My hair's pretty long, but it's so thick that I can only go around one-and-a-half times with a bun. I think I need more than that for the folded.
Then how about a French braid, Tapioca? I bet it looks stunning with your thick hair :heart:
Fun thread! :D
November 14th, 2008, 10:03 AM
Wow, I forgot about this thread! I am loving all the great styles. I have today off so maybe I will try and complete my challenge per Teazel of a Gibson tuck. I may have to cheat a little and use some power tools.
November 14th, 2008, 01:18 PM
:no: Not fair , my french braid is hardly comming out well and I'm yet to post its picture (long long overdue...I know) ,how to make a crown braid now :wail: .
Thats why I mentioned the easy ones ;), twin braids wrapped around that is.
Ok here are my twin braids, my hair was oiled so excuse the grease please (rhymes)
I still can not braid all the way down because of my layers that eventually end up too short, the left on made it further :p
November 14th, 2008, 01:20 PM
Nice topsy bun mira-chan btw. , I don't even know how to do it..:o
November 14th, 2008, 01:31 PM
I'm not sure you could. My hair is just barely past my chin curly, and about an inch or two from APL pulled straight in the back. That doesn't take my layers into account either, and I have a ton.:shrug:
I can't even do a braid yet. :(
Could you do this one already?¤t=IMG_0162.jpg¤t=IMG_0161.jpg
A loop with a twist underneath
November 14th, 2008, 01:41 PM
Nice topsy bun mira-chan btw. , I don't even know how to do it..:o
Thank you. :)
I didn't know how to do it either but Teazel was nice enough to give me instructions linked when she gave me the hairstyle to do.
November 14th, 2008, 01:43 PM
Wow Emichiee your hair looks cute in double braids,great topsy bun mira-chan very nice:D
November 14th, 2008, 06:35 PM
Yeah, I love your looong braids Emichee!
mira-chan and sahiba - Thanks for your comment about the coronet bun. :)
I'm inspired to give the Topsy bun a go now. I picked up one of those plastic loop things while on holiday, and half-heartedly tried using it once (without success), but haven't touched it since. :confused:
renarok said:
I have today off so maybe I will try and complete my challenge per Teazel of a Gibson tuck. I may have to cheat a little and use some power tools.:D 'Power tools'! That made me laugh out loud!
Here is the Infinity Bun Half-up I wore yesterday for Kiraela.
:blossom: Aisha - how about a Japanese bun ( for you? I bet that would look awesome with your hair. :)
There's a paragraph at the bottom of the page about a variation on the style that gives a diamond shape to the bun, which is really nice. Either way is fine, though.
November 14th, 2008, 08:11 PM
ok here is the japanese bun my best,thank you for the instructions too:D
Here it is better now more clear:)
November 14th, 2008, 09:31 PM
Oh what an exciting game! I'm not sure if should be for aprilelf since she wasn't given anything but.. that's who it will be for lol!
I want something HIGHLY elvish inspired and and.. somewhat/half-ish down
I like fantasy themes heehee :D
I have hip length, thick and curly! (oh and hair that refuses to comply!)
November 14th, 2008, 09:32 PM
Well, here is my attempt at a gibson tuck. In the time it took to complete this and grab my camera, the entire structure slipped down about 3 inches.
November 14th, 2008, 10:33 PM
Your Gibson tuck is still very cute renarok.
And please guys , no more style for me for now as I am two style currently overdue.Actually my french braid is ready,but I want to post both my styles together.
November 16th, 2008, 01:58 AM
Nice one Aisha and renarok! :thumbsup:
SearMeCarefully said:
I want something HIGHLY elvish inspired and and.. somewhat/half-ish downI went to the Imaginary Styles website for inspiration and found Elrond's Prologue 'Do (, then added two tendrils of hair in front of the ears (as in Arwen's Flight to the Ford style) to make it more feminine.
And to reciprocate, SearMeCarefully, could you do a 4-strand rope braid like this ( :) (You're not directly above me, but you're the next in line for a style!)
November 16th, 2008, 02:06 AM
AprilElf, this is amazing! Wow. :inlove:
Who wants to style my hair? :o Maybe something to play with my first Flexis, which I just received (put a picture in my album) :)
ETA: the forum won't let me play around with pictures today... So no Flexi in my album yet :( Just put a picture on my blog on the forum.
November 16th, 2008, 12:28 PM
Nice one Aisha and renarok! :thumbsup:
SearMeCarefully said:
I went to the Imaginary Styles website for inspiration and found Elrond's Prologue 'Do (, then added two tendrils of hair in front of the ears (as in Arwen's Flight to the Ford style) to make it more feminine.
And to reciprocate, SearMeCarefully, could you do a 4-strand rope braid like this ( :) (You're not directly above me, but you're the next in line for a style!)
Oh I totally love that! Okay I'll try that one out, lol my comment to you made me want to try an elvish thing myself so I tried the Arwen braid O_O yeah.. it was hard/frustrating lol
November 16th, 2008, 02:12 PM
Well done, renarok! :applause:
AprilElf - knockout, as usual. :thud:
Isa-belle, I'd love to give you a style. :) You know I like your hair up, so... if you can do it, I'd like to see a bunned french braid, please. If that's not doable (goodness knows I can't french braid to save myself), a flipped bun would be great.
November 16th, 2008, 02:54 PM
Ooooh! I think I wanna play. Is it too late to join in? I tried to read through most of the thread and it looks like fun.
November 16th, 2008, 05:50 PM
Ooooh! I think I wanna play. Is it too late to join in? I tried to read through most of the thread and it looks like fun.
It's never too late :)
Try this one :
The Spanish Lady, its not as hard as it looks I tried it once, it has similarities to the Gibson styles.
April Elf your braiding skills are amazing!!! :eek:
And amazing Japanese Bun Aisha! I think it looks best with a lot of hair.
November 16th, 2008, 07:16 PM
And amazing Japanese Bun Aisha! I think it looks best with a lot of hair.
Oh thank you so much:D
November 16th, 2008, 08:12 PM
Tried it before.
Thanks to my layers and shortness, they either a) curl themselves (it's really an odd spectacle) or b) don't reach the back.
I'll just wait to join you guys. Hopefully it on't be too long before I can. :)
What about bantu knots? They look really cool on very curly hair and I think they'd work on your length just fine.
I should add that I've always wanted to try them, but I am afraid I would look like Medusa with my length!
November 16th, 2008, 08:12 PM
It's never too late :)
Try this one :
The Spanish Lady, its not as hard as it looks I tried it once, it has similarities to the Gibson styles.
Alright, I think I can do that.
So :) to join the fun!
November 16th, 2008, 08:26 PM
Can I join? I need ideas for APL, medium thickness hair.
November 16th, 2008, 08:37 PM
Can I join? I need ideas for APL, medium thickness hair.
How about a flipped and braided ponytail? That'd be like if you used a topsytail and braided the length. That should be feasible! Or maybe make 3 braids and braid them together?
I'm down to give something a try. F.Y.I. all potential suggesters: I can't do much in the way of french/dutch braiding myself (I can do it on others but I have to find help for that on my own head) because my hair won't cooperate too much when I try to gather more sections on the way down. :p Something else may be possible though.
November 16th, 2008, 09:06 PM
How about a flipped and braided ponytail? That'd be like if you used a topsytail and braided the length. That should be feasible! Or maybe make 3 braids and braid them together?
I'm down to give something a try. F.Y.I. all potential suggesters: I can't do much in the way of french/dutch braiding myself (I can do it on others but I have to find help for that on my own head) because my hair won't cooperate too much when I try to gather more sections on the way down. :p Something else may be possible though.
TOO easy! Gumball, can you do a Yulia-Tymoshenko style coronet braid for me? You can do an English one.
November 16th, 2008, 09:11 PM
TOO easy! Gumball, can you do a Yulia-Tymoshenko style coronet braid for me? You can do an English one.
That's the one braid that goes up and over the head yeah? I can see if my hair is long enough at least!
November 16th, 2008, 09:31 PM
It's never too late :)
Try this one :
The Spanish Lady, its not as hard as it looks I tried it once, it has similarities to the Gibson styles.
Alright, here is is:
This was fun to do. I didn't curl the bottom though.
I think I like this updo enough that I will wear it sometime. I bought a vintage fork on Ebay that is similar to the fan-shaped one on the dressytresses website. It's not as big, but it's ornately carved and should set this style off nicely. I did try a whale-tail fork, but it looked sillly so I opted for the fancy barrette.
I'm way too confused to figure out who's next in line...
Has anyone made a bunnytail? Not too challenging, but I have never done one myself. Could be fun to try.
November 16th, 2008, 09:46 PM
TOO easy! Gumball, can you do a Yulia-Tymoshenko style coronet braid for me? You can do an English one.
Best I could do with my current length and thickness. :hmm: Not quite long enough to go all the way up the sides, around the top, etc. C'est la vie!
November 16th, 2008, 09:50 PM
Joyfulmom4 it looks awesome on you! You should definetly wear it some time! :agree:
The barette goes nicely with it, it almost looks like a comb.
I think you could pick any of the last people that posted. I don't have a current challenge either ;)
Gumball it looks great, I never noticed how curly your hair is btw. :)
I am wearing a braid right now and tried wrapping it around..don't get very far either..:confused:
November 16th, 2008, 10:01 PM
Joyfulmom4 it looks awesome on you! You should definetly wear it some time! :agree:
The barette goes nicely with it, it almost looks like a comb.
I think you could pick any of the last people that posted. I don't have a current challenge either ;)
Gumball it looks great, I never noticed how curly your hair is btw. :)
I am wearing a braid right now and tried wrapping it around..don't get very far either..:confused:
Emi, that doesn't sound right. Supposedly YT has waist length hair and you're classic.
November 16th, 2008, 10:02 PM
Best I could do with my current length and thickness. :hmm: Not quite long enough to go all the way up the sides, around the top, etc. C'est la vie!
I LOVE the juxtaposition of the curls and the smooth braid. Lovely work. I have to go to bed now (early class tomorrow) but will do the topsy braid tomorrow.
November 16th, 2008, 10:07 PM
<snip>Gumball it looks great, I never noticed how curly your hair is btw. :)
I am wearing a braid right now and tried wrapping it around..don't get very far either..:confused:</snip>
Thanks, Emi! I keep most of the curls well hidden. They pop out on the baby hairs on the sides of my head and right there at the nape.
Isn't it weird? I always thought my hair had some length to it. Maybe it's the thickness, but it makes me feel like I have a bigger head than I already do! :o
November 16th, 2008, 10:08 PM
I LOVE the juxtaposition of the curls and the smooth braid. Lovely work. I have to go to bed now (early class tomorrow) but will do the topsy braid tomorrow.
Thank you very much, Tangles! The braid was still cooperative when I took the pins out so it's on its way to being my braid for the night. Hehe. Good luck in class!
November 16th, 2008, 10:10 PM
Emi, that doesn't sound right. Supposedly YT has waist length hair and you're classic.
Yulia uses extensions. There is no way her hair can wrap around in a braid that thick at waist. My hair did not reach around the head like that till it was classic length. Even then to wrap it going all around the head you need to braid in the direction the hair will wrap.
November 17th, 2008, 01:01 AM
I just found our camera! It turns out my mum has been hiding it. I will do my style tomorrow.
Vitalai - could you try a Poledra Bun? (I hope it works with your length ...) It's by icydove, and instructions are in her album here.
Anybody who wants to can have a go at this style (
November 17th, 2008, 01:14 AM
I just found our camera! It turns out my mum has been hiding it. I will do my style tomorrow.
Anybody who wants to can have a go at this style (
If only a friend of mine was a member! I haven't remotely got skills to do this on myself, but I did this on one of my friend's a few weeks back.
November 17th, 2008, 08:22 AM
Isa-belle, I'd love to give you a style. :) You know I like your hair up, so... if you can do it, I'd like to see a bunned french braid, please. If that's not doable (goodness knows I can't french braid to save myself), a flipped bun would be great.
Teazel, thank you! I love French braids, but have never bunned any. Hopefully I'll have time to do a French braid bun, and take a picture, tomorrow morning. :)
November 17th, 2008, 09:14 AM
Joyfulmom4 it looks awesome on you! You should definetly wear it some time! :agree:
The barette goes nicely with it, it almost looks like a comb.
I think you could pick any of the last people that posted. I don't have a current challenge either ;)
Thanks. That was fun.
I found a great style in this YouTube video, but the stylist uses backcombing when he does it. Seems to me it could probably be done w/o the back-combing? Wanna try? (the first one, that looks like a bow)
November 17th, 2008, 12:19 PM
Thanks. That was fun.
I found a great style in this YouTube video, but the stylist uses backcombing when he does it. Seems to me it could probably be done w/o the back-combing? Wanna try? (the first one, that looks like a bow)
It will just "hang" more if I don't tease it I guess. I'm on it :p
November 17th, 2008, 03:54 PM
Ok I have was very difficult though and it does NOT look neat! :lol:
Major problem was securing those bow like hair just wanted to fall down into one big loop...securing with bobby pins wont work since my hair is still too thick at that part to be held by a bobby pin...(maybe I should buy gigantic BPs?) so I used claw clips, which hold it well but it does not spread out the bow like a bobbypin.
I tried pinning the hair up and spread but it looks messy, also once in a bow I still have loads of ends that I flipped up and and down twice and wrapped the around once.
First try:
Second try:
I would love to wear this..I just can't seem to spread my hair out neat and stay in loop is too heavy to stay up on my head. Any ideas on how to keep it in place?:(
November 17th, 2008, 05:14 PM
Ok I have was very difficult though and it does NOT look neat! :lol:
Major problem was securing those bow like hair just wanted to fall down into one big loop...securing with bobby pins wont work since my hair is still too thick at that part to be held by a bobby pin...(maybe I should buy gigantic BPs?) so I used claw clips, which hold it well but it does not spread out the bow like a bobbypin.
I tried pinning the hair up and spread but it looks messy, also once in a bow I still have loads of ends that I flipped up and and down twice and wrapped the around once.
First try:
Second try:
I would love to wear this..I just can't seem to spread my hair out neat and stay in loop is too heavy to stay up on my head. Any ideas on how to keep it in place?:(
Wow, it's very pretty. And your updos look particularly elegant b/c you have such a lovely slender long neck.
I think for this style I might try some sort of alligator style clip/clamp to hold the bows. And possibly slick them with some aloe vera gel or something. I also thought that for someone with longer hair like you (or me)the middle part that folds over could be used to wrap around the bows. After pinning or clipping the bows under, then take the tail and fold it down over the center, divide it in two and wrap each side beneath the bow and back up over the top again. I don't know if this would ruin it or would provide more stability and some lift to the bows. Those were just thoughts I had as I watched the video.
Drat. I am so curious I might just have to try this myself!
I went shopping with my Spanish Lady do and unfortunately I didn't pin those deco braids well enough, so they kept breaking free and sticking out akimbo. Now I undid that style and stuck a new fork into some misguided attempt at an infinity bun. It's an unnamed lump of a bun, but the fork is awesome. Got it from the swap board; a Quattro wooden fork w/ an incredible blue end on it. Gorgeous! :D
Off to fiddle w/ my hair and see if I can do anything w/ that bun style I gave you. :D
November 17th, 2008, 05:27 PM
Topsy braid: the braid part is actually 3 little braids woven together. Unfortunately, the topsy part eats up a lot of my length.
November 17th, 2008, 06:48 PM
So I finally did my Poledra Bun ( I have layers, so they poke out, not as smooth as icydove's. Anybody know of a good way to secure this style? I have a whole bunch of bobby pins criss-crossed on the bottom. It's not visible in the picture, but it's obvious in real life.
I got a better picture!
I don't know why it's so big, even know I resized it.
November 18th, 2008, 09:36 AM
:agape: Emichiee, I can't believe you actually did it. Its awesome.
Vitalai :bowtome: You were great.:)
November 18th, 2008, 09:41 AM
This is my long overdue french braid. The twist in between the braid is from the bun which I just opened and did the braid. (
This is the best cheater's crownbraid I could do. Sorry for this blunder. (
I know it looks silly but it would just not stay with the pins so I had to use mini claw clips.
November 18th, 2008, 10:03 AM
your hairs is looking very beautiful and sooo shiny and black I am loving them very much right now:crush: I love this braids in your hair yaar:wink:
This is my long overdue french braid. The twist in between the braid is from the bun which I just opened and did the braid. (
This is the best cheater's crownbraid I could do. Sorry for this blunder. (
I know it looks silly but it would just not stay with the pins so I had to use mini claw clips.
November 18th, 2008, 02:45 PM
It's sad how long hair needs to be for a real crown braid. I think it would need to be between classic and knee for it to really work properly. :( I can't believe I thought Yulia Tymoshenko's was real! But Sahiba you seriously have some of the shiniest hair on here!
November 18th, 2008, 03:28 PM
It's sad how long hair needs to be for a real crown braid. I think it would need to be between classic and knee for it to really work properly. :( I can't believe I thought Yulia Tymoshenko's was real! But Sahiba you seriously have some of the shiniest hair on here!
You'd need anywhere between tailbone and classic length for it. I have a 4" circumference, though with taper, I could wrap my paraid around like that since a couple of inches above classic.
November 18th, 2008, 03:51 PM
Can I join the game? This looks like fun!
November 18th, 2008, 04:02 PM
UNASPENSER I think your hair would look fabulous in Yvaine's updo
Tag your it:)
Meatball Head
November 18th, 2008, 04:33 PM
hmmm...figure 8? lol sorry i'm not too good with the names, i just do them and call them pretty bun-ish tihngies *sweatdrop* lol
November 18th, 2008, 05:38 PM
Whoooa, sahiba! Your hair looks so shiny!
November 18th, 2008, 05:41 PM
Here's my figure-8:
Meatball Head your hair is so pretty I'd like to see you do a lovely french twist :)
November 18th, 2008, 05:55 PM
You'd need anywhere between tailbone and classic length for it. I have a 4" circumference, though with taper, I could wrap my paraid around like that since a couple of inches above classic.
In addition to braid thickness, it might depend on how long "classic" is for the wearer. I'm at tailbone, nearly classic, but since I'm only 5'1" tall, my "classic" isn't as long as some. I think it's maybe about 40", but that's me trying to measure myself blindly, so I don't know how accurate that is. If it's right, you've got 5" more than me and that would probably be enough to make it work. I tried a quick test of this style (very fast and messy) and it falls short on me. My circumference is 4" also, but not much of a taper. To do make the braid go all the way around, I have to place it pretty far to the back, which looks silly and not like a true crown. Too bad. I thought it looked rather nice. :(
November 18th, 2008, 05:58 PM
Renarok, you're next then, right? How about a bun made with two french braids?
November 18th, 2008, 06:13 PM
Vitalai! *pounce* Would you try a peacock twist (AKA demi french twist) for me, please? Just do a french twist and, instead of tucking the length in, either leave it hanging out the top or curl the ends, if you're into that sort of thing. I think the style would work well with your layers. :)
Anyone want to give me a style?:silly:
November 18th, 2008, 06:21 PM
Here is my very fast two french braids into a bun
November 18th, 2008, 06:24 PM
Teazel you are a very tough person to suggest a style for. I am boggled by the number of beautiful styles in your siggy pic.
How about a braided figure 8, I always think those look so beautiful, and it wont wear out your arm muscles.
November 18th, 2008, 10:05 PM
In addition to braid thickness, it might depend on how long "classic" is for the wearer. I'm at tailbone, nearly classic, but since I'm only 5'1" tall, my "classic" isn't as long as some. I think it's maybe about 40", but that's me trying to measure myself blindly, so I don't know how accurate that is. If it's right, you've got 5" more than me and that would probably be enough to make it work. I tried a quick test of this style (very fast and messy) and it falls short on me. My circumference is 4" also, but not much of a taper. To do make the braid go all the way around, I have to place it pretty far to the back, which looks silly and not like a true crown. Too bad. I thought it looked rather nice. :(
My taper does help me do this style earlier. I'm past classic now, at upper thigh. Classic was 42" on me and I could do that style at 40" if I moved the braid closer to the crown and started braiding from the side of the head in the direction of the opposite side of the head. On me the braid being further back looks fine but then my head shape is a bit more long than wide.
I'm sure you can do that style using two braids instead of one. So that's your new assignment. :D
November 18th, 2008, 11:46 PM
I'm up for something else with my limited skills. Just in case I'll repeat where my lack of skills come in: I can't french or dutch braid myself because sections don't agree with my fumbly fingers. Herringbones are a little difficult at the moment, too.
November 19th, 2008, 12:22 AM
Vitalai! *pounce* Would you try a peacock twist (AKA demi french twist) for me, please? Just do a french twist and, instead of tucking the length in, either leave it hanging out the top or curl the ends, if you're into that sort of thing. I think the style would work well with your layers. :)
Anyone want to give me a style?:silly:
I haven't done this style in awhile. I really like it. It's easy, so I might substitute it in some days instead of a ponytail. Thanks for the challenge, Teazel! :flower:
(Why is it so huge?? I resized it nice and small. :confused:)
I'm up for something else with my limited skills. Just in case I'll repeat where my lack of skills come in: I can't french or dutch braid myself because sections don't agree with my fumbly fingers. Herringbones are a little difficult at the moment, too.
How about the Swirly Bun (
November 19th, 2008, 01:08 AM
Nicely done, Vitalai! :applause I'm glad if I reminded you of a useful style. :) Oh, and your picture is fine - maybe your cache needs clearing out?
And here's my challenge from Renarok....
I haven't done a braided figure 8 before. I'll be doing it again, yay! :)
November 19th, 2008, 01:19 AM
How about the Swirly Bun (
Here's my best attempt. Something about the logistics of it just aren't working with whatever I try to do. Everything I've attempted hasn't held well and this was the best one I could muster! :o
November 19th, 2008, 02:30 AM
Lots of great styles to catch up on here! Wow!
joyfulmom4, your Spanish Lady 'do is wonderful! :thud:
Vitalai, thanks for doing the Poledra Bun. It looks really funky and edgy. :) When I did this style I started with a ponytail and secured the twisty bits with lots of bobby pins poked up underneath and into the pony elastic.
sahiba, your styles look great - you have very pretty hair! :blossom:
Vitalai's challenge on page 14 (double reverse roll) has gone unclaimed, so (what the heck?!) I'll give it a go. :D
Hey Gumball! Sorry to toss you another challenge so soon, but you're above me and I'd love to see what a Flipped Cinnabun looks like on you. :p
November 19th, 2008, 09:57 AM
Wow this has really taken off, I've been away from it for a week or so. Anyway I'm back and free to be given new a style to do...
November 19th, 2008, 11:54 AM
<snip>Hey Gumball! Sorry to toss you another challenge so soon, but you're above me and I'd love to see what a Flipped Cinnabun looks like on you. :p</snip>
I gave it a shot. The only instructions I found used a fork, but I don't have any so bobby pins were my weapon of choice. Here it is! :D
November 19th, 2008, 05:22 PM
Gumball, the styles look great! The buns are very smooth and shiny!
Vitalai, thanks for doing the Poledra Bun. It looks really funky and edgy. :) When I did this style I started with a ponytail and secured the twisty bits with lots of bobby pins poked up underneath and into the pony elastic.
Hmm, next time I do it, I'll try that. The twisted bits kept coming loose, so I had to make an "X" with my bobby pins for each one.
Wow this has really taken off, I've been away from it for a week or so. Anyway I'm back and free to be given new a style to do...
How about a braided Chinese bun?
Anybody want to give me a challenge?
November 20th, 2008, 07:13 AM
Teazel your fancy figure 8 turned out beautiful.
November 20th, 2008, 10:09 AM
Teazel I did your suggestion of a bunned French braid. Thank you! It was smart, comfy, and secure. I wore it on a trip to London (just got back to France), so I couldn't take a picture, but the style was great for a busy day - I secured it with a Flexi :) I'll be sure to take some pics next time I make it!
November 20th, 2008, 10:10 AM
Anybody want to give me a challenge?
Vitalai, how about a braided half-up? :)
November 20th, 2008, 10:11 AM
Anybody want to give me a challenge?
Try this one please:) if you can do a braid at the bottom instead of bun but if you cant its ok;)
November 20th, 2008, 10:16 AM
I'm ready to try something new?
November 20th, 2008, 10:18 AM
I'm ready to try something new?
Ok well since me and isa-belle did same person ill move mine to you joyfulmom do same as I told her to do with a braid for at the bottom of the hairs;) this one
November 20th, 2008, 11:03 AM
Aisha25 - I want to see a low infinity bun on you.
Anyone want to hairstyle me?
November 20th, 2008, 12:06 PM
ok low infinity bun I try my best with this one
November 20th, 2008, 12:24 PM
Ok well since me and isa-belle did same person ill move mine to you joyfulmom do same as I told her to do with a braid for at the bottom of the hairs;) this one
This is pretty. I hope I can master this one b/c I really like updos that have some extra fullness in them. They're more soft and flattering for my features. Will try. And pics to come.
November 20th, 2008, 12:34 PM
Gumball, the styles look great! The buns are very smooth and shiny!</snip>
Thank you very much! I kind of liked the flipped bun. I'll have to see about a better way of securing it in the future.
November 20th, 2008, 12:35 PM
Aisha25 - wow, that's fast! Such a pretty bun, too, just like I pictured it would be with your hair. :D
PS - still waiting for someone to hairstyle me. Pretty please?
November 20th, 2008, 01:27 PM
Princess Leia buns :silly: for you, KarenLynn!
Just kidding, unless you really want to. If not, how about a rosette bun?
November 20th, 2008, 02:31 PM
Wonky and sagging, but here they are:
November 20th, 2008, 04:11 PM
Can anyone give me a more difficult assignment? APL is sooooo hard to find creative things for.
November 20th, 2008, 05:33 PM
Can anyone give me a more difficult assignment? APL is sooooo hard to find creative things for.
How are you with french braids? I've seen some gorgeous variations that don't require really long hair. You could try an asymmetric french braid with the ends tucked. It looks very classy.
November 20th, 2008, 05:34 PM
Can anyone give me a more difficult assignment? APL is sooooo hard to find creative things for.
How about this? Dutch braid two braids, braid to the ends and then pin then ends to the opposite braid. For more difficulty, tape (sew around them) them with ribbon.
November 20th, 2008, 05:35 PM
Aisha25 - wow, that's fast! Such a pretty bun, too, just like I pictured it would be with your hair. :D
PS - still waiting for someone to hairstyle me. Pretty please?
Thank you so much I was doing nothing at that moment so thats why I was so fast;)
November 20th, 2008, 11:09 PM
I'll be up for another project, again with the aforementioned limits. Haha.
November 21st, 2008, 08:58 AM
This is cute:
Who's next? Wanna try it?
November 21st, 2008, 12:33 PM
Ok well since me and isa-belle did same person ill move mine to you joyfulmom do same as I told her to do with a braid for at the bottom of the hairs;) this one
Here's my attempt:
I wasn't sure if you meant for the bun to be replaced by a braid left down or bunned. My hair was looking a little messy and the braid wasn't quite symmetric, so I went for the bun. I had a new hairtoy to try out anyway. Size XL Flexi-8. I really like my new toy.
November 21st, 2008, 12:36 PM
Here's my attempt:
I wasn't sure if you meant for the bun to be replaced by a braid left down or bunned. My hair was looking a little messy and the braid wasn't quite symmetric, so I went for the bun. I had a new hairtoy to try out anyway. Size XL Flexi-8. I really like my new toy.
Beautiful wow:thud: I am so glad I gave you this style its so lovely in your hair and I am in love with this toy very nice job:thumbsup:
November 21st, 2008, 01:05 PM
Beautiful wow:thud: I am so glad I gave you this style its so lovely in your hair and I am in love with this toy very nice job:thumbsup:
Thank you! I liked the way this styling method created some soft fullness at the front.
I just got the Flexi-8 and so far I really like the way it is designed. The pin has a couple of tiny grooves in it so it holds without slipping (but doesn't catch on my hair) and the pin is attached, so you can't lose it. I'm quite happy with mine. I think it would be a great hairtoy for your hair too. The XL is good for long thick hair.
November 21st, 2008, 01:28 PM
Okay, I'm back from a long time of having no time to do stuff!
joyfulmom4, how about an orchid bun (
Now, who's got one for me? I have Latin Convention this weekend - with Latin Academy reunion, so I may even wear it there. ;) Maybe something that can show off the length...? What shall I do, O Next Poster Who Shall Decide My Updo Fate?
November 21st, 2008, 06:45 PM
Ooo, I've got one for you freznow! :D
Do a high ponytail and divide it into three. Make two rope braids from the left and right sections. Leave the middle section loose. Braid a ribbon into each of the rope braids if you want.
Claiming immunity from another challenge! :p - I still have to do the double reverse roll thingy. Failed in the attempt yesterday, but hair was being particularly uncooperative. It may be a couple of days before I get time to try again.
November 22nd, 2008, 08:47 AM
joyfulmom4, how about an orchid bun (
I'm not sure I did this one correctly. It's pretty, but it looks way different from the rest of the pics in the orchid bun thread (it most certainly doesn't resemble a "cervix bun" in any way :o)
I tried with sticks first but could not make it stay up. That's an 8" long black walnut fork. It did the job!
November 22nd, 2008, 10:01 PM
I'm not sure I did this one correctly. It's pretty, but it looks way different from the rest of the pics in the orchid bun thread (it most certainly doesn't resemble a "cervix bun" in any way :o)
I tried with sticks first but could not make it stay up. That's an 8" long black walnut fork. It did the job!
That's beautiful! It looks kind of like a figure 8 bun to me from the angle it's taken at. Wow your hair is pretty.
November 23rd, 2008, 01:41 AM
Here is the braided Chinese Bun for Vitalai, It's not a great pic I know, I took it late Friday night and the light wasn't very good. I wore it all day friday and it stayed in great.
I'm free for a new style too now.
Right, who's next? Gumball.
Split your hair into two as if making a pair of ponytails, put a band in one to make it into a loose ponytail, roughly behind the ear. The other side braid, again starting from behind the ear and put a band in it about three quarters of the way down.
Hope that makes sense?
November 23rd, 2008, 06:18 AM
joyfulmom4 and TheStorm loved your beautiful pictures.:)
Gumball ,you are so quick and perfect with your challanges that I'm envying you.Can you do braided chinese bun with fish tail braids for me? (P.S.) I hope its a challange)
November 23rd, 2008, 07:02 AM
Here is the braided Chinese Bun for Vitalai, It's not a great pic I know, I took it late Friday night and the light wasn't very good. I wore it all day friday and it stayed in great.
I'm free for a new style too now.
Right, who's next? Gumball.
Split your hair into two as if making a pair of ponytails, put a band in one to make it into a loose ponytail, roughly behind the ear. The other side braid, again starting from behind the ear and put a band in it about three quarters of the way down.
Hope that makes sense?
This looks great. Glad it held well all day.
I'm still waiting for someone to do the sock bun with the braided accent (like the video here: ) Would you like to try this one next?
November 23rd, 2008, 07:04 AM
That's beautiful! It looks kind of like a figure 8 bun to me from the angle it's taken at. Wow your hair is pretty.
Yeah, I thought it was kinda like a figure 8 too. Funny, I could never get figure 8's to work out right either. Maybe I need to try to make an orchid bun??? lol! Thanks for the compliment.
November 23rd, 2008, 10:57 AM
<snip>Right, who's next? Gumball.
Split your hair into two as if making a pair of ponytails, put a band in one to make it into a loose ponytail, roughly behind the ear. The other side braid, again starting from behind the ear and put a band in it about three quarters of the way down.
Hope that makes sense?</snip>
I'm not sure if I'm getting it quite right. Are you meaning pigtails that look entirely different from one another?
joyfulmom4 and TheStorm loved your beautiful pictures.:)
Gumball ,you are so quick and perfect with your challanges that I'm envying you.Can you do braided chinese bun with fish tail braids for me? (P.S.) I hope its a challange)
Those braids have confounded me for an eon. We'll see if I can get around to it.
November 23rd, 2008, 02:42 PM
pigtails that look entirely different from one another? Yep, one braided one not. If thats ok for you anyway.
November 23rd, 2008, 03:26 PM
I'll give my challenge-taker two options.
1. If you have the head band thingee, the Eowyn updo:
2. If your hair is long enough (at bsl, mine isn't) the Psyche knot (with or without hair adornment):
I too am up for a challenge. I have bsl hair, or close to it. Not all the hairs are quite there yet. Um, I can do a (okay) french braid, but it takes a while, my arms fall asleep. (anyone know a way around that?)
November 23rd, 2008, 03:42 PM
pigtails that look entirely different from one another? Yep, one braided one not. If thats ok for you anyway.
Just showered so my hair is all damp, but once it finally dries I could give it a shot. It's within my abilities after all.
November 23rd, 2008, 07:23 PM
Joyfulmom4-:thud: Your hair is amazing! It looks absolutely gorgeous in both updos. I'm glad Aisha gave her challenge to you!
Here is the braided Chinese Bun for Vitalai, It's not a great pic I know, I took it late Friday night and the light wasn't very good. I wore it all day friday and it stayed in great.
I'm free for a new style too now.
It looks great! I'm glad it stayed in well.
Vitalai, how about a braided half-up?
I thought it was pretty cool that I have reddish-brown highlights in these pictures. My braid's kind of wonky and twisty. I will have to work on braiding more evenly.
I too am up for a challenge. I have bsl hair, or close to it. Not all the hairs are quite there yet. Um, I can do a (okay) french braid, but it takes a while, my arms fall asleep. (anyone know a way around that?)
I have the same problem when doing rope and herringbone braids. If my arms stay up too long, they start hurting. I just kind of hold what I have so far braided with one hand and rest my arms a bit. That doesn't help much, does it?
How about this style (
I'm up for a style!
November 23rd, 2008, 07:30 PM
I thought it was pretty cool that I have reddish-brown highlights in these pictures. My braid's kind of wonky and twisty. I will have to work on braiding more evenly.
Oh my! The highlights are incredible. Get me some sunglasses please! :cool:
For another do, can you french braid sideways across the front? Not sure I'm explaining that but what I mean is to part the front from the back, ear to ear, then french braid the front section across from one side to the other. I loved the way it looked when my hair was shorter, but I can't seem to manage this do anymore (too clumsy with longer length, though someone more adept could probably do it).
November 23rd, 2008, 08:24 PM
Here's mine. Pigtails with only one side braided:
Ignore the off center picture frame in the background. It has since been straightened. Hehe. I don't think the herringbone suggestion will be too feasible for me right now. Sorry sahiba. :dizzy:
Vitalai your hair looks awesome as always! That style has some serious shine to it. :cool:
November 23rd, 2008, 08:38 PM
Those are some awesome curls, gumball!
(Perhaps I can escape undetected and challenge free? Doubt it!)
November 23rd, 2008, 08:41 PM
Those are some awesome curls, gumball!
(Perhaps I can escape undetected and challenge free? Doubt it!)
Aww thanks! It was in a damp braid since I showered this morning and pretty much until right before I gave that style a shot. Since you kind of asked for a rain check (yes I'm taking it as that) then you can slide... For now! ;)
November 23rd, 2008, 08:47 PM
Whoa to the curls!!!
November 23rd, 2008, 08:48 PM
How about a compromise? I'll think of it as a hair assignment...due after Thanksgiving?
November 23rd, 2008, 08:50 PM
Sounds good. Since I get good bouts of brainfarting when I have to think of something on the spot sometimes then let's leave your challenge nice and open to whomever feels like suggesting something pending a result at some point around the end of the week. Hehe.
November 23rd, 2008, 08:53 PM
Oh no...I'm doomed, aren't I?
November 23rd, 2008, 10:43 PM
Vitalai ,your hair looks awesome. :thud:
Gumball I loved your curls .:applause
November 24th, 2008, 02:51 AM
Wow Gumball I've always wanted to see your hair! It's awesome; it looks so healthy and shiny! Anybody want to suggest something for me? Athough my hair's wavy/curly, it can go into 'tamed' styles. I'll do my best to do whatever you throw at me!
November 24th, 2008, 04:45 AM
This seems like fun! :)
I love your waves/curls, goldenwaves! :) So I would like to see you wearing a very loose french braid, showing of the curls... Like "Oh, I tried to make a french braid, but my hair is so curly it just wouldn't do". I guess that's a though one for a 2c, but your signature picture suggests that it could be done. :)
Someone challenge me? :)
November 24th, 2008, 08:59 AM
Solsara, here's a challenge:
half-up braided bow
section front from back
comb front section up to crown
divide front section into L and R side
braid each side
now take each braid and form a loop as if to tie a bow
clip them into place (rather than actually tying a bow)
looks like you have a braided bow at the crown, with two braided loops and the braided ends hanging down with the rest of the hair
November 24th, 2008, 11:14 AM
Wow Gumball I've always wanted to see your hair! It's awesome; it looks so healthy and shiny! Anybody want to suggest something for me? Athough my hair's wavy/curly, it can go into 'tamed' styles. I'll do my best to do whatever you throw at me!
That's really sweet of you goldenwaves! I do wish the canopy was a little healthier than it is. Hehe. For you how about a dutch classic? Is that doable?
November 24th, 2008, 01:00 PM
Tag, Gumball. :wink: For you, a ponytail wrap, please.
Make a ponytail and tie it.
Take a small section of hair from underneath and plait it.
Put a finger through one wrap of the hair tie and hold it open. Wrap the plait around the ponytail once or twice, then pull it down through the hair tie loop you've held open.
Tidy it up so the plaited section hangs down under your ponytail - it can be undone at this point to blend with your hair.
I'm up for another style! :)
November 24th, 2008, 01:02 PM
Teazel, a woven bun for you!
I'd like another style suggestion too.:)
November 24th, 2008, 01:05 PM
Teazel, a woven bun for you!
I'd like another style suggestion too.:)
How about braid flip:D mira-chan
November 24th, 2008, 01:09 PM
Tag, Gumball. :wink: For you, a ponytail wrap, please.
Make a ponytail and tie it.
Take a small section of hair from underneath and plait it.
Put a finger through one wrap of the hair tie and hold it open. Wrap the plait around the ponytail once or twice, then pull it down through the hair tie loop you've held open.
Tidy it up so the plaited section hangs down under your ponytail - it can be undone at this point to blend with your hair.
I'm up for another style! :)
I'll definitely give that a whirl. Woo another style that seems to need loose hair! Haha. I should be able to get a picture posted later tonight when I've got time to do it. :) Prepare for some fluff later!
November 24th, 2008, 05:45 PM
Thank you for the compliments. :)
Gumball- Love those curls! Funky style! :D
For another do, can you french braid sideways across the front? Not sure I'm explaining that but what I mean is to part the front from the back, ear to ear, then french braid the front section across from one side to the other. I loved the way it looked when my hair was shorter, but I can't seem to manage this do anymore (too clumsy with longer length, though someone more adept could probably do it).
I've never been able to do those braids. I tried last night, and I just can't position my hands right. It becomes all loose. I even tried youtube. I'll keep practicing.
I'm up for a new style in the meantime.
November 24th, 2008, 07:09 PM
Teazel, a woven bun for you!
Thank you, mira-chan! I tried this bun a while back and it didn't go well, so I'd forgotten about it. This time it worked better, though it still doesn't look quite like it should... maybe my hair's too long. Anyway, without further ado....
Vitalai, I'd like to see your woven bun, please! I think you've got enough length. :)
November 24th, 2008, 07:32 PM
Teazel, I think the woven bun looks great.
November 24th, 2008, 07:48 PM
Teazel, the bun looks great! It looks like it's supposed to. :) We have about the same length and it works fine for me.
November 24th, 2008, 08:08 PM
Thank you for the compliments. :)
I've never been able to do those braids. I tried last night, and I just can't position my hands right. It becomes all loose. I even tried youtube. I'll keep practicing.
I'm up for a new style in the meantime.
Vitalai - how about doing the "Double Figure 8"? It should look like"88" (next to each other)! :)
November 24th, 2008, 08:33 PM
Oh Teazel that looks Beautiful!
I'd like to play, but my hair is only a little past shoulder length. Anyone willing to give me a hairdo? I realize it won't be as fun as all you ladies with the wonderful long long hair.
November 24th, 2008, 08:39 PM
Thanks very much, joyfulmom4, mira-chan, and MBonn! :disco:
Vitalai, if you'd rather do Diamondbell's challenge instead, that's fine. :)
November 24th, 2008, 09:37 PM
I've been popping in to read this thread even though I haven't had anything to post over the last few days, but I still feel very behind ... :cool:
Let me just say "YAY" for all the adventurous hairdos! :D
I had a second attempt at the Double Reverse Roll ( style. I just haven't got the French braiding technique in hand, and this really put me in a sweat! :confused:
I can see what I did wrong now ... :rolleyes: I didn't part the hair on the top properly as I braided sections in.
And my four-strand braid went all wonky too (even though I tried to pull it straight for the second pic). So I ended up bunning it - 'cos that's my comfort zone, heh heh!
Teazel - I want to see some long braids. :eyebrows: Could you do a Dutch braid? (Or twin Dutch braids, if you want - whatever you prefer.)
November 24th, 2008, 10:46 PM
AprilElf your style turned out beautifully! What enviously thick hair, too. Hehe. I've got your suggestion here, Teazel! Taking a shot of this one proved to be the biggest challenge. :)
November 24th, 2008, 11:03 PM
Teazel , that bun looks gorgeous.
I love your hair AprilElf .What thickness.:agape:
November 24th, 2008, 11:12 PM
How about this style (
I'm up for a style!
The ends are hideous. I couldn't stand the pins poking me in the head, so I couldn't wear it out.
I'll be back with a challenge.
November 25th, 2008, 02:22 AM
Thanks very much, joyfulmom4, mira-chan, and MBonn! :disco:
Vitalai, if you'd rather do Diamondbell's challenge instead, that's fine. :)
Oops! Sorry! Teazel, I didn't see the challenge you had given to Vitalai ! :)
November 25th, 2008, 03:39 AM
Diamondbell, I have no idea what your hair looks like, but I'd like you to try the bridal bun Good luck!
November 25th, 2008, 08:47 AM
Diamondbell, I have no idea what your hair looks like, but I'd like you to try the bridal bun Good luck!
Oh my goodness! I hope I can do it! And could you do the double figure 8 (it should look like "88")goldenwaves ?
November 25th, 2008, 09:49 AM
Teazel, gorgeous woven bun! Aprilelf, I am positively drooling over the thickness of your braid.
This thread moves so fast and everyone is doing great with their assignments! :)
Anyone wants to style me again? I should be able to take pics this time, as this week is far less hectic than the last ;)
November 25th, 2008, 11:37 AM
OK, here's my latest, the scarf-braided sock bun. Since noone else picked this up and I didn't have a current challenge, I opted to do this one myself. I am so pleased with the results. I've had four compliments already today. One compliment was even from my dd who prefers shorter hair and likes to tell me I should cut mine. ;)
November 25th, 2008, 12:18 PM
So, this is my braided bow. I had to give it a couple of tries before it turned out ok. And please excuse the hairpin, I pushed it in a bit more after seeing this photo. :) (picture clickable) (
Isabelle, what about a Retro Twist (
November 25th, 2008, 12:20 PM
So, this is my braided bow. I had to give it a couple of tries before it turned out ok. And please excuse the hairpin, I pushed it in a bit more after seeing this photo. :) (picture clickable) (
Isabelle, what about a Retro Twist (
That's really really pretty, SolSara! The hairpin issue happens to me sometimes, too.
*runs and hides*
November 25th, 2008, 12:35 PM
So, this is my braided bow. I had to give it a couple of tries before it turned out ok. And please excuse the hairpin, I pushed it in a bit more after seeing this photo. :) (picture clickable) (
Isabelle, what about a Retro Twist (
That looks great.
November 25th, 2008, 04:08 PM
Teazel - I want to see some long braids. :eyebrows: Could you do a Dutch braid? (Or twin Dutch braids, if you want - whatever you prefer.)
Amazing double roll thing you did there, AprilElf! How I wish my hair was as thick as yours.
I did the dutch braid last night before bed, I was so nervous/excited about it. :rolleyes: DH helped me by ensuring the sections separated properly, and prompting when my fingers got confused.
Oh, the end of the braid is twisted sideways in this photo; I have a lot of taper, but it doesn't fizzle out quite as miserably as that. :)
Thank you for the challenge! I might have a go at a french braid, now. :cheese:
Gumball, your wrapped ponytail looks great! I'm pleased! :D
Thank you for your compliments on the woven bun, sahiba and Isa-belle. :flower: (I'm still hoping for a photo of a bunned french braid, Isa-belle! :wink:)
That's a phenomenal sock bun, joyfulmom4, and a lovely scarf. No wonder you got compliments!
November 25th, 2008, 04:48 PM
Oh you did it! Awesome work, Teazel! That's so cool that your DH helped you out. :applause
SolSara - your braided bow is so cute. And joyfulmom4, I love your big be-ribboned bun. :D
Thanks everyone for the compliments on my last effort. :)
November 25th, 2008, 04:51 PM
Teazel, the dutch braid looks fabulous. I love how your haircolor looks as it softly changes along the length.
I'm ready for a new challenge now. Anyone? Btw, I just got two new antique/vintage combs in the mail. I'd love to have a style I could wear a pretty comb in. The combs are the upright type combs with four short prongs that stand up on the back of a bun or other style. They're like the big mantilla comb in my hairtoys album, only much smaller. I don't think I could come up with a style that I'd actually wear the big mantillas in (though I'd try one for fun). If anyone has a style suggestion for me, using either the big or little vintage combs, I'd *love* to try it.
Who else wants an assignment?
November 25th, 2008, 04:54 PM
AprilElf your style turned out beautifully! What enviously thick hair, too. Hehe. I've got your suggestion here, Teazel! Taking a shot of this one proved to be the biggest challenge. :)
I like this. Wish I could see the ponytail base closer up. It looks really pretty. Simple elegance. :)
November 25th, 2008, 08:39 PM
Thanks Teazel and joyfulmom4! It really is simple elegance. If only I wore my hair loose more often. Haha. I could braid the length one day and wear it like that.
November 26th, 2008, 12:14 AM
Great styles, everybody!
I can't do the woven bun either. My layers are making it impossible to wrap, and I can't seem to bobby pin my ends down. Very frustrating.
Well, I'm up for another style. :D
November 26th, 2008, 12:26 AM
I just had to pop in again because I failed to mention how awesome your dutch braid looks, Teazel! It's just stunning!
November 26th, 2008, 12:27 AM
I think I may be up for something new.
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