View Full Version : Would protein overload alone cause split ends?

July 16th, 2017, 11:35 AM
I'm back again, Because we're having an issue. So I've been using two conditioners with some kind of protein and coconut oil for awhile now, Knowing my hair was protein sensitive but it seemed 'okay' until recently. I found my hair just felt bad for a few weeks and I realized it was protein overload. In my hair it gets dry, brittle but also oily and like something has built up. It seemed almost simultaneously with protein overload that my hair suddenly was full of split or just damaged/weird ends and I wouldn't normally call my hair split prone, I kind of brushed it off as maybe I wasn't paying enough attention, or they're just getting old now plus I wear my hair down all the time. But is it possible the protein overload(Which probably has been going on longer than it should have) caused my hair to split by being brittle and breaking off? Because I've been using the same routine for years as I do now(minus the extra conditioner) and I've never found many split ends before(Maybe 10-15 a year). I know I've S&D around month ago and only found a couple weird ends, So it's just weird and made me worried about my hair that SO many showed up suddenly :( .

July 16th, 2017, 02:54 PM
I'm sorry to say I don't know about protein overload, but I hope someone else chimes in soon!

There was a time a couple of years ago when I searched and searched and could not find one split end, and then all of a sudden, there was hundreds. I have no idea why. I put it down to having not looked properly the first time.

July 16th, 2017, 03:06 PM
I'm sorry to say I don't know about protein overload, but I hope someone else chimes in soon!

There was a time a couple of years ago when I searched and searched and could not find one split end, and then all of a sudden, there was hundreds. I have no idea why. I put it down to having not looked properly the first time.

It's very possible I could have missed them because the night I found so many I took several hours while I watched a movie and looked at EVERY end, I almost feel like I should have trimmed and it would have been quicker(But I'm going for fairy tale ends so, meh). Though it's unusual for me to miss things because I'm particular and I just glanced at my hair and saw like 10 off the bat.

July 16th, 2017, 03:26 PM
I know what you mean, I think of myself as an attentive person so I was shocked when I noticed my hair was suddenly littered with them having only looked recently. I could have looked in bad light the first time, but also I don't think I really knew what I was doing back then.

Also, sometimes when I think I have a ton of split ends I look closer and its actually lint.

July 17th, 2017, 04:23 AM
I think maybe also things you've overlooked? It could be that the ends are a little dry and they are more prone to splitting! I'm not excluding that from the equation. Try and throw as much moisture at it as you can. See what happens.

I generally don't buy products with a lot of either (moisture or protein); just generally pretty balanced stuff. Not like extra protein or anything like that, and it's never (so far) been an issue for me. I do moisturize a *lot* and I have yet to find splits.

July 17th, 2017, 05:18 AM
I do moisturize a *lot* and I have yet to find splits.

Just out of interest, what form does this moisturising take - do you oil your ends daily with coconut oil? Just curious because I'd love to try whatever it is you're doing.

July 17th, 2017, 06:49 AM
When i used protein regularly my ends started breaking off as i combed even had a lot of splits too,have since stopped using it then switched to moisturising conditioner(only occasional use)and it has stopped happening..i rarely use conditioner now since my experience only when i clarify once a month but the splits are no longer an issue for me,not sure if protein causes it but it seems it did for me..

July 17th, 2017, 07:27 AM
Just out of interest, what form does this moisturising take - do you oil your ends daily with coconut oil? Just curious because I'd love to try whatever it is you're doing.

No I wash weekly, do WCC (double conditioning, sometimes even 1 mask, 1 conditioner or 2 masks) and then I do the LOC/LCO method for styling, which is layering a leave-in, an oil/serum and gel/cream to lock in moisture for the week. I am just not split-prone with these methods.

July 17th, 2017, 10:41 AM
I think my hair is just super sensitive to protein while already being dry to begin with. It seems like if I use products with even the slightest amount of protein it'll cause overload very soon after using it. I've had this issue MANY times by accidentally getting the wrong shampoo or conditioner(Even a VO5 shampoo gave me issues once). It seems like I should know better by now

Suppose the only way to know is to avoid it and see how it is in a few months and making sure I S&D thoroughly.

August 7th, 2017, 08:52 PM
Yes, a protein overload can cause lots of damage and split ends to the hair. I only use a light protein conditioner once a week, and my hair comes out just fine. I mainly just use products that are based on moisture. Make sure if you going to use products with protein in it apply lots of moisture over it to balance it out.

August 7th, 2017, 09:41 PM
It's been a month now since I took care of the protein overload(And got a new brush), I haven't found one split since. So either the protein did cause it or my hair just needs time to split xD