View Full Version : Hello!

June 28th, 2017, 11:53 AM
Hello everyone,
I'm obviously new here, and I have some questions. I'm not sure how to start, though.
So, about my hair(?) : I have long, curly hair. Now, I am the only person I've met with my type of curls. I have long, soft ringlets, but they have volume. Most people I know, have curls that are harsh and tight. Could it be because I have thinner hair?
Also, I don't even know what colour my hair is. It's completely virgin hair but it lacks colour stability to be honest.
For example, next to brunettes (black to light brown) I look like a redhead, faint, but gingery. Next to blondes, my hair is dark strawberry blond, but next to actual gingers I'm just a golden dark blond. I have no clue.
In the morning sunlight, which is the most neutral kind of light (not like the fire red sun of the evening) my hair is warm copper mixed with golden tones. In dark places and indoors with or without artificial light my hair looks brownish blond and under the water turns fire red. Any ideas? People usually call me blond when they first meet me, but lately I've been getting comments like ''You look like a redhead''. So, what?

About my routine: I wash my hair everyday, because it gets dry and it hurts if I leave it more than that. My roots can get kinda oily. I put conditioner and mask every day and I shampoo it with light shampoo. I put oil twice a week and detangle it when it's drowned in hair mask. That's it pretty much I think.
Nice to meet you, and let me know who else has that kind of curls!

June 28th, 2017, 12:37 PM
Welcome! :)

Look up curly hair (3b) on YT sometime, you'll find more than a few girls (even guys) with curls like yours.

A picture would be handy if you want us to look at your hair color.

June 28th, 2017, 01:18 PM
Hi merida99! I'm new here too. Have you checked out the hair typing guide? You can search the forums for threads with your type and that helps you learn a lot about what other types with your hair are saying too! :)

Your hair is a spectrum! Awesome! :D Mine is too. It's like my natural hair is brown/black, but the sun turns my hair auburn... of course I personally turned my hair blonde a year ago, but that's another story.

Post a picture if you can or link to one.

Have you tried dry shampoo or ACV washes instead of typical shampoo and conditioner? Those are both helpful to extend wash time. :)

Groovy Granny
June 28th, 2017, 11:19 PM
Welcome ~ I hope you will find all you are seeking here for happy growing :cheer:

June 29th, 2017, 01:16 AM
Welcome and happy growing!

June 29th, 2017, 02:45 AM
Welcome! :)

June 29th, 2017, 05:57 AM
Welcome! Sounds like you have a very beautiful and interresting hair colour!

June 29th, 2017, 08:24 AM
Welcome! :)

June 30th, 2017, 10:15 PM
Welcome! I'm new too! That sounds exactly like my natural but I'm usually called red head before blonde! I started to dye it to give it the extra pop so people only say ginger now!! I have thin hair too so I understand the struggle with keeping it healthy! instead of washing it every day try getting a bristle brush to move those oils down the hair shaft, it works more me now and has really helped me only wash my hair every 3 days!

July 8th, 2017, 08:43 AM
Hello and welcome! :)

July 8th, 2017, 10:54 AM
Sorry for being absent, I didn't have internet connection for a while! I'll try to find some pictures and post them as soon as possible. Nice to meet you!