View Full Version : Sebum to tips? Possible?

June 16th, 2017, 01:11 PM
Is it possible to spread oil started at roots down the entire hair shaft to the tips? Has anyone ever done or tried this? What would the perceived benefits be? I've been experimenting with stretching washes and it seems like my hair oil is getting further down my hair stands then it ever has been before? My hair is 24 inches long. I have been using my boar bristle brush to try to distribute.

June 16th, 2017, 01:36 PM
People who use the water-only or (no water) sebum-only method call this "full sebum coverage". It is considered a good thing. It's achieved through scritching, massaging, and preening. Google "water only smp" and you'll get a good explanation of what that means :)

June 16th, 2017, 01:37 PM
The only thing I know of is using a BBB, which you're already doing. Maybe you could finger comb too?

June 16th, 2017, 02:11 PM
Lots of people use a BBB for this. If it is possible depends mostly on your scalp. Mine doesn't produce enough to oil the whole length...or even half or a third of my length and I actually oil my scalp lightly. (Most people keep the oil off their scalp, but really there are no set rules)

June 16th, 2017, 02:32 PM
I was researching natural shampoos and came across water only... I guess the two are connected through the transition period?

June 16th, 2017, 02:40 PM
Way back when I did Water Only, I'd say I got some sebum to the tips, but not as much as they needed. I also always had a high-to-low sebum gradient over my hair, so I supplemented the ends with additional oil. I think my hair was roughly hip length at the time, about 33" as we measure it here (I've got a short torso).

Obviously, with very short hair, it's possible to get sebum all the way to the ends if you're producing the stuff in any quantity. But there's probably a point beyond which you don't make enough to satisfy the ends, which would vary by oil production, hair condition, how much your hair absorbs and how well the sebum spreads along it, how you wash it, and about a zillion other things.

ETA: There's no reason you necessarily need to transition through any particular shampooing method to WO, but there is definitely a transition period for almost everyone. It's one of those things that works well for some people, is OK but not great for some people (like me), and absolutely awful for some people. If you're interested, try it, but know that it usually takes about 8 weeks before you're past the super greasy phases that anyone without a dry scalp will get. Also, if you start shedding badly or get an itchy scalp or other signs of sebhorreic dermatitis, it's not worth continuing. Some people are prone to fungus preying on their scalp oils and react to it, while other people simply don't have troubles with that kind of thing. Ultimately, it's about finding out what your hair and scalp ACTUALLY like, not about trying to get them to do what you think is best.

June 16th, 2017, 03:56 PM
Is it possible to spread oil started at roots down the entire hair shaft to the tips? Has anyone ever done or tried this? What would the perceived benefits be? I've been experimenting with stretching washes and it seems like my hair oil is getting further down my hair stands then it ever has been before? My hair is 24 inches long. I have been using my boar bristle brush to try to distribute.

If your hair is short enough? Sure. Not if it is classic length though, or you'd have to be willing to not wash it for a long time.

June 16th, 2017, 08:29 PM
I'm entertaining the idea of water washing, but I'd love to see if a sebum covering would help my frizz... My hair is very oily, but if it gets any longer I don't think I'll stand a chance at getting the ends covered in sebum. I've read that your hair will balance out its oil production so I'm wondering if I can do it before that happens.

June 17th, 2017, 01:04 AM
Lots of people use a BBB for this. If it is possible depends mostly on your scalp. Mine doesn't produce enough to oil the whole length...or even half or a third of my length and I actually oil my scalp lightly. (Most people keep the oil off their scalp, but really there are no set rules)

I also don't produce much sebum. I guess since my scalp is now producing what it needs since I wash it once a month. I'm thinking of going back to lightly oiling my scalp. What oil do you use? I've tried organic virgin coconut oil but my scalp isn't happy with it so much.

June 17th, 2017, 01:13 PM
For some people, just lightly rubbing the ends (or braid tassel) on scalp or forehead transfers some of the oils to the ends.

June 17th, 2017, 02:18 PM
I also don't produce much sebum. I guess since my scalp is now producing what it needs since I wash it once a month. I'm thinking of going back to lightly oiling my scalp. What oil do you use? I've tried organic virgin coconut oil but my scalp isn't happy with it so much.

I like coconut on the length, but like you I find it is too much on the scalp. My favourite for scalp oiling is Nightblooming Triple Moon. I am using the Hinoki right now, but I have to be super careful since it super easy to over-do.

June 17th, 2017, 02:55 PM
I like coconut on the length, but like you I find it is too much on the scalp. My favourite for scalp oiling is Nightblooming Triple Moon. I am using the Hinoki right now, but I have to be super careful since it super easy to over-do.

Thanks for this. It's good to know what works for you since I used to do this and i'm doing this again for the hot summer days to come. Good to know I can always come back to triple anointing oil. Hinoki sounds really nice. I've been currently misting my scalp in the morning and also adding it to my lengths as well. So far so good. Here's what i've been brewing in my hair tonic :lol: ;


I love it that I can experiment with the ratios and find one that gives me good results and as well give me that spa like scents i've enjoyed from Nightblooming. Every time I go to the natural organic markets I have to buy one or two essential oils to the current ones I have. Eventually, if I continue on this path I'll have a lot of ingredients like Nightshade does with her concoctions. Since i'm using the EOs for misting the highest ratio I put in my mix is drinking water and then a small ratio of distilled white vinegar to give my hair extra shine. It's fun to experiment as I get different end result each new recipe I come up with. :)

June 18th, 2017, 01:07 AM
Eventually, if I continue on this path I'll have a lot of ingredients like Nightshade does with her concoctions. Since i'm using the EOs for misting the highest ratio I put in my mix is drinking water and then a small ratio of distilled white vinegar to give my hair extra shine. It's fun to experiment as I get different end result each new recipe I come up with. :)

Yeah, it does really grow. XD Here's my essential oils drawer:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/xK68y0ER7jZXPlRjQoGLRYhNgIl6FV94onUbPIeKiZwaA8SooB Xct_LS_D5wPWaw2kPP4nkBTGUUbPha00aceAjzceILFCMxEodZ J6qHOEJAJPkyalxhkB9lWmTsNjMRG-eys7VQpNZxrNEoeLtGQmusHiS3BkNxWYb5wRRYoweCI-D5m4d91AM_NjlgSrhx02Vk_kITvtu3AHAXmdlFnYnRCgNnsFfI KAuCS7C7zJW8O53eW4VshWpoTBsiqkQTwzYjgdQGxSglFW5Qzt MEMi9dEYkucDyAU1ZE9_h7EoHie4o7yt_RCoqVzD8GUJaEmmdq JmwQ22SWWYv6f5uN2p1i1F1o2W-qOI8fN9HK1TQ6xM7140mZDjDGmivzwN1iK7gkaV872a7dJzKB-X1fnhGD6NnkvpcDBTyWPO78ySuubp1ZnF-wF_gL6jB7EWm0CQPU9gKlfncGRtbhEm95jkUjwv0EMlEgv5Akf 8mcvnyCfdnZRJJGCXT8UxxGJILValuJZcoYfObvwz0ut4jRiQb Q80S_hdnXyEUuQKpbRGvrYw_FZEXCFnhfLBSw2awH8b40Vkmrb jrxrJeVN5clvDfPEsYVXfRXm5dJfWF7bdCQBlZ6rft6vg=w478-h358-no

July 13th, 2017, 01:58 AM
For some people, just lightly rubbing the ends (or braid tassel) on scalp or forehead transfers some of the oils to the ends.

^^I do this.

July 13th, 2017, 05:18 AM
Anyone with acne or acneprone skin - do you notice the rubbing hair against your face to transfer sebum causes acne? I am so traumatized about my acne I avoid anything that I suspect could cause breakouts. (Although realistically I wash my hair so often, almost daily, so the hair should be pretty clean and shouldn't cause breakouts.)

July 13th, 2017, 06:17 AM
Anyone with acne or acneprone skin - do you notice the rubbing hair against your face to transfer sebum causes acne? I am so traumatized about my acne I avoid anything that I suspect could cause breakouts. (Although realistically I wash my hair so often, almost daily, so the hair should be pretty clean and shouldn't cause breakouts.)

I decided to cancel my quest due to the amount of time this would take. BUT in regards to your comment... a friend of mine was going wo with me and she had like a cyst on her scalp which, without touching it, lost all the hair on it so now she has a little round bald spot on top of her head! There are now some hairs growing back into it though thank goodness! But she is acne prone. I thought maybe it also could be a toxin leaving her scalp?!

July 13th, 2017, 06:20 AM
My hubby decided to go wo and it's been an oasis of scalp health for him however! He has very short hair, but loves his nightly boar bristle brush from me every night ;) he has had scalp acne, but now it's clearing up! Who knew? He was previously using castile bc everything seemed to be irritating his scalp. He was also very itchy.