View Full Version : Hair Loss, Please Help

June 2nd, 2017, 07:10 PM
Hello, I'm new here and am not sure where to start. I've been a lurker for some time but was always to afraid to make a post. This is a bit of a long story, so I apologize, I'm just really desperate for some advice and reassurance. My hair loss struggles started about 2 years ago. I was very sick with severe stomach problems for about a year and could not keep any food down. I lost 20lbs and was 76lbs at my lowest. Once we finally got it under control and I was able to start eating again, my hair began falling out and fell out for 6 months. Hundreds upon hundreds of hairs a day. It really, really traumatized me. Once I gained the weight back and had been eating healthy for a while, it stopped and for 3 months I barely lost anything. A few in the morning. A few in the shower and I thought it was all over. But then it went back up again, not to the extent it was before, but definitely up. I've been to several derms(most who did not care and barely gave me the time of day), but one did diagnose me with Seborrheic dermatitis(sp?). My scalp doesn't seem to bad though and looks nothing like the pictures I've seen. Ever since this started I've gotten into a really horrible habit of counting all of my shed hairs and it controls my life. How much hair I lose effects my mood and my whole day. I have really severe anxiety and this has completely taken over my life. My shedding is all over the place. Some days I pull out 40 hairs, the next day it could be 80. It just seems like so much and its more than what I pulled out after my hair loss episode first stopped. I just don't know what to think. I'm so scared and I'm 22 years old and I'm so tired of crying over this and it consuming my life. I'm really, really sorry if this was super long. I'm just very desperate.

June 2nd, 2017, 07:27 PM
First off, welcome :blossom:

I'm really sorry you've been having these problems and I completely understand why this would be so stressful for you.

If it's any consolation, 40-80 hairs a day doesn't necessarily seem like excessive shedding to me, but given your history I can see why you might worry about it. It's good that you've been able to see a dermatologist, but I am wondering if the anxiety and stress this is causing you might be something you could talk to someone like a therapist or counselor or even just someone you trust about. Maybe you are already doing this, but I know that for me it's just as important that I get support in maintaining my mental well-being as it is my physical health. Also stress itself can be a part of the problem (which if you're already stressed is just one more thing to stress out about, I know this from experience).

If you are experiencing excessive hair loss there are certainly things here that might be worth trying out, but it seems like the first thing to tackle might be the anxiety that it is causing you, as long as the basics like plenty of good food, staying hydrated, and some physical activity as you are able are covered.

June 2nd, 2017, 07:41 PM
Thank you very much:heart:
I talk to my boyfriend about it everyday. Hes been with me through this whole ordeal and he tells me he doesn't think it's gotten any thinner. I had him measure my ponytail 6months ago(got that idea from here hehe) and I had him measure it the other day and he says its gotten a tiny bit thicker, but I'm always scared he's measuring it wrong or something. I just don't know what normal is for daily shedding anymore and what I pull out just seems like so much. I usually pull out like 20 something in the shower, sometimes 30 and when I was a teenager I literally never pulled out hair in the shower. I try really hard to eat healthy(green smoothies, fish, lean chicken, oatmeal, fruits, veggies, etc) and I take a multivitamin and D3 everyday and I've been trying to exercise more. I just want to be able to wash my hair and brush and not be so scared of every hair that falls out. I just want this nightmare to be over and my boyfriend thinks that it is but how do we know that. How do I know whats normal for me to pull out everyday?

June 2nd, 2017, 07:48 PM
Your average person loses 100 hairs on their head, give or take probably 50 hairs. Some people lose more, others lose less. And you won't necessarily lose the same amount every day, one day a person might lose 90 and then lose 60 on the next, then 100 on the third day. Based on what described I think you're fine but I completely understand why you're worried after what you've been through.

Aunt Rapunzel
June 2nd, 2017, 07:57 PM
I'm so sorry that you went through such an ordeal. I agree with the others that the amount of hairs you're talking about losing on a daily basis does sound like it's within the normal amount of daily loss - but I can fully understand why it's so disturbing to you, after all you've gone through! Do you use a wide-tooth comb to gently ease out any tangles? Babying your hair for a while might help to minimize the hair fall. There are some great deep-conditioning masks that can also help strengthen your hair, too. I'm new here, too, so I'm still finding my way around - but I know that there's a thread with some great recipes for DIY deep-conditioners. And I wonder if wearing it up on a daily basis might be a good idea for a while. Just some ideas. :)

And welcome to the Long Hair Community! I'm already finding this to be a very warm and welcoming place!

June 2nd, 2017, 07:59 PM
Thank you very much:heart:
I talk to my boyfriend about it everyday. Hes been with me through this whole ordeal and he tells me he doesn't think it's gotten any thinner. I had him measure my ponytail 6months ago(got that idea from here hehe) and I had him measure it the other day and he says its gotten a tiny bit thicker, but I'm always scared he's measuring it wrong or something. I just don't know what normal is for daily shedding anymore and what I pull out just seems like so much. I usually pull out like 20 something in the shower, sometimes 30 and when I was a teenager I literally never pulled out hair in the shower. I try really hard to eat healthy(green smoothies, fish, lean chicken, oatmeal, fruits, veggies, etc) and I take a multivitamin and D3 everyday and I've been trying to exercise more. I just want to be able to wash my hair and brush and not be so scared of every hair that falls out. I just want this nightmare to be over and my boyfriend thinks that it is but how do we know that. How do I know whats normal for me to pull out everyday?

Did you use to comb or brush your hair as a teenager more often before washing your hair? That might've been why you didn't find loose shed hairs in the shower that often. You most likely got rid of them while you combed or brushed them out.

June 2nd, 2017, 08:11 PM
First I just want to than you all so much for replying. Having people to talk to really does help. You are all very sweet:heart:
@akurah: I've just read so many posts on here about people losing 10 hairs a day or something really low and seeing what I pulled out made me feel like theres no way that could be normal. I have longish dark hair and it looks like a horror movie in the shower and I feel like I'm pulling out strands here or there all day.
@Aunt Rapunzel: Thank you very much. It's been a very rough past couple of years and I find myself being so scared of everything after getting sick and losing my hair. I've tried to not count before but then not knowing makes me worry more. It's a mess. I have to wash my hair every day otherwise I lose twice as much, I think it's because of my scalp, it gets really oily. But I always let it air dry after the shower and then gently comb once I make sure it's dry and then I put it up in a half ponytail thing. (I don't know how to make a bun) and sleep with it that way. I'd really like to learn how to braid it. I feel like that might help me not mess with it as much. Out of sight out of mind.
@gthlvrmx: I had SUPER thick hair as a teenager and I would brush it in the morning, before shower then let it air dry and brush it again. I don't brush it before my shower anymore. I only comb it at night now.

June 2nd, 2017, 08:17 PM
I'm pretty sure I lose around 100 to a bit more of hair a day myself. And because I don't like detangling or brushing, when I finally do get around to it, massive amounts tend to come out because they didn't come out earlier in the week.

June 2nd, 2017, 08:35 PM
http://i1174.photobucket.com/albums/r620/KlutzyChy/IMAG0015_zpsx8doy9iq.jpg (http://s1174.photobucket.com/user/KlutzyChy/media/IMAG0015_zpsx8doy9iq.jpg.html)

I took this first picture 6 months ago(the one with the brown)

http://i1174.photobucket.com/albums/r620/KlutzyChy/IMAG0058_zpsru0latc3.jpg (http://s1174.photobucket.com/user/KlutzyChy/media/IMAG0058_zpsru0latc3.jpg.html)

And this one a couple days ago.

Does it look likes it gotten thinner to you guys? My boyfriend says if its still hair loss then it would be thinner after the 6 months, so what do you all think? please be honest. It just feel like theres not a lot there. I'm so very sorry to be asking so many questions. I'm just very desperate to put this all behind me.

Aunt Rapunzel
June 2nd, 2017, 08:41 PM
It doesn't look any thinner to me. As a matter of fact, it looks very full and healthy! Gorgeous!

June 2nd, 2017, 08:48 PM
Frist, welcome to the forum!:) I'm so sorry for your ordeal. Hair loss daily is normal for the average person. Like they've always said, 'An average person is suppose to loose up to between 50-100 hairs a day. It doesn't happen all at once. It happens over a period of days. But you're doing the right thing by eating healthy. Have you tried taking vitamins for hair, skin, and nails??? I take them all of the time, and they have helped me tremendously with my hair shedding or hair loss. Because, I take several medications that causes my hair to shed, and the vitamins has helped me out really!!!

ETA: No, it doesn't look like it got thinner to me at all. In fact, it looks like it got fuller and thicker. It's gorgeous!

June 2nd, 2017, 08:50 PM
Your hair looks thicker in the second photo to me. It covers your back, shoulder to shoulder.

June 2nd, 2017, 08:52 PM
@Aunt Rapunzel: I just burst into tears(happy tears). You have no idea, I have been ashamed of my hair for so, so long and for you to say that it looks gorgeous, it means so much. It's very nice to hear. I don't often hear nice things about my hair anymore. (My family would always point out how thin its gotten) and it really discouraged me and made me worry more.

June 2nd, 2017, 08:59 PM
@Dark40: Thank you very much :heart: I take a multivitamin every day, but do you think it would be better to buy a vitamin specifically for hair, skin, and nails? I'm so sorry you had to deal with shedding from medications but I'm very happy to hear you were able to find a solution! I seriously would never wish hair loss on my worst enemy.
@gthlvrmx: That makes me feel better. My boyfriend always tells me that it's okay and that it's over, but hes supposed to say that. But my family always points out how thin it is and I have such bad anxiety and worry so much that it makes me feel like they must be right and that its still happening, so it's comforting to hear from someone else that they think it's all okay.

June 2nd, 2017, 09:03 PM
Your hair really is very lovely :flower:
It looks very full and shiny to me

June 2nd, 2017, 09:15 PM
I am so sorry for your hairloss. Sincere sympathy for you!! Do you dye your hair at all? When I dyed my hair, it fell out in clumps!!! When I stopped dying my hair the extreme clumps of hair stopped falling out. I still do loose hairs tho when I brush and wash my hair. That is normal. I do wash my hair everyday with diluted shampoo and wash out conditioner.. I think the scalp massaging with warm water while washing my hair-- strengthens the hair follicles where they attach to the scalp. I still do loose hairs everyday, not sure how many, but the clumps of hair fall out stopped a few months after my hair dye grew out. Your photo looks like your hair is dyed which is why I asked, but please forgive if it is the lighting or flash.
Also, drink alot of water and protein is your best friend. For me, I eat red meats a couple of times a month for the iron/B vits and energy it gives me. I know there are veggies and other meats that have protein in them, and I eat them, but I still have more energetic the days after eating more red meat.

Good luck! If all else fails, Rogaine helped my mom to grow back her hair in her 60's. She went almost bald, and used Rogaine faithfully everynight, quit dying her hair, and was very gentle with her scalp.. It grew back curly and salt and pepper!! Not super thick, but at least she didn't have to wear a wig anymore. Best of luck to you!! :blossom::blossom:

June 2nd, 2017, 09:23 PM
@Ophidian: I just woke my boyfriend up with happy tears. No one has said such nice things about my hair in such a long time. I have cried about my hair almost every day for months. Thank you so, so very much!

June 2nd, 2017, 09:30 PM
No, it doesn't look thinner. I wish I could tell you to "stop obsessing" and you would stop obsessing. But really - life is about so much more than hair.

June 2nd, 2017, 09:31 PM
@LongCurlyTress: Thank you very much for being so kind. Once my hair started falling out, I stopped dying it, blowdrying it, straightening it, everything. I did just have my hair dyed about a week ago, to try and make myself feel, well more like myself again, but that was the first time in a year and a half/two years. I have to wash every day and am really struggling to find a good shampoo to use. If I use a sulfate one like herbal essences, it really irritates my scalp, but the sulfate free one I've tried don't seem to rinse out completely and leave this weirdish sticky residue on my scalp. Do you have any suggestions? I actually rarely eat red meat, do you think it might help to try and have it more often, like once a week? Salt and pepper is such a pretty hair color. I'm so glad to hear your mom was able to grow her hair back, I bet it's beautiful!

@spidermom: I know. It's just life hasn't been very kind to me. I had a very rough childhood. A lot of physical/emotional abuse, I lost my mother at 14, my fathers never been in the picture, and a lot more, and this was just another thing on top of everything else. Because of everything that's happened, I get very scared easily and have bad anxiety, not just about hair, but about everything. I'm just very desperate for a normal, peaceful life. After all I've been through, it's very easy for things that may not seem like a big deal to others, to affect me a great deal, because there has been so much bad thats already happened. It's very hard for me to not obsess because I'm so used to bad things happening that I'm scared that they'll keep happening. It's hard to explain, but I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.

June 2nd, 2017, 09:37 PM
Hair multivitamins does not do anything except make expensive pee. It can also give you acne. If you are eating a balanced diet and taking a multivitamin, that's more than enough unless otherwise instructed by a doctor.

Aunt Rapunzel
June 2nd, 2017, 09:44 PM
I think the hair vitamin is different for each person. For me, I've seen a marked difference (for the positive) since I started taking the Nature Made "Hair, Skin, and Nails" formula. I wait until they're buy one get one free on sale. And I've not experienced any breakouts whatsoever, thankfully! Now, I also started making sure that I drank a LOT of water, and I try to eat a very healthy diet...So it may well be a combination of things...But I've been very happy with my hair vitamins.

June 2nd, 2017, 09:57 PM
Breakouts are the last thing I need! I'm so terrible at drinking water. I'm aiming for at least one bottle a day atm (that's good for me), so once I get into the habit of drinking more, I'll ask my bf to pick me up some hair vitamins to see if they might help a bit (hopefully). I try to eat as healthy as I can given our budget, and being in Ohio we don't have fancy health food stores, we have Walmart lol.

June 2nd, 2017, 10:42 PM
@LongCurlyTress: Thank you very much for being so kind. Once my hair started falling out, I stopped dying it, blowdrying it, straightening it, everything. I did just have my hair dyed about a week ago, to try and make myself feel, well more like myself again, but that was the first time in a year and a half/two years. I have to wash every day and am really struggling to find a good shampoo to use. If I use a sulfate one like herbal essences, it really irritates my scalp, but the sulfate free one I've tried don't seem to rinse out completely and leave this weirdish sticky residue on my scalp. Do you have any suggestions? I actually rarely eat red meat, do you think it might help to try and have it more often, like once a week? Salt and pepper is such a pretty hair color. I'm so glad to hear your mom was able to grow her hair back, I bet it's beautiful!

You are so welcome!! I use this Kirkland sulfate free shampoo (I add water to the bottle after a few uses so there is bit of room in the bottle to add the water) and the conditioner on my length only, not on the scalp area... allegedly this is generic for Pureology shampoo and conditioner. I get mine at Costco, but you can still purchase it online on Amazon. Here is the Amazon link and some google links for reviews:
https://www.google.com/search?sclient=psy-ab&site=&source=hp&q=Kirkland+shampoo+and+conditioner&oq=Kirkland+shampoo+and+conditioner&gs_l=hp.3..0l2.2743.7954.0.8363. .9697.0j1j7j1j1j0j1j0j2j1.14.0....0...1.1.64.psy-ab..20.14.9526.0.ftBySGykmR4&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.&biw=1366&bih=610&dpr=1&ech=1&psi=7DwyWcW0MMrejwTvhY_gBA.1496464650555.4&ei=7DwyWcW0MMrejwTvhY_gBA&emsg=NCSR&noj=1


Unfortunately, my mom passed away several years ago from a series of heart attacks, but her hair was really pretty!! :) They say coconut oil massages on the scalp also nourish the scalp area and provide some nice oils for the scalp which strengthen the follicles. You can read up on the many magical uses for coconut oil if you don't already know about this. It really does work! I had a receeding hairline in my temples after having my son and I used coconut oil in my temples. The hairs did grow back, sparsely, but they did grow back white!! LOL!! :cheer:

Be careful with Herbal Essences... that one dries out my hair and frizzes it, but some people like it.

June 2nd, 2017, 10:59 PM
Oh Honey,

Your hair looks thick and healthy and lovely. I don't think you need to spend another minute worrying about it, honestly. Eat well, get plenty of sleep and take good care of your overall health, and your hair will be perfectly fine.

I'm praying that you make a full and complete recovery from the illness that has plagued you, and begin to find peace and joy in your life. :flower:

June 3rd, 2017, 12:19 AM
I have erratic sleep cycle.Stress is off roof.It takes toll in my hair.

My hair loss is terrible and affects my mood in a big way.

I am trying to take biotin 5000 mcg everyday.

Having dermatitis in summer ...so cant wash frequent.

My scalp has huge issues.

June 3rd, 2017, 12:26 AM
Hi there. Like a lot of others here, I really think you don't need to worry as much as you are. I feel like I've been through a few things somewhat similar to you, so hopefully I can offer some advice.

Firstly, I just wanted to say that in your pictures, your hair does not appear any thinner to me. I looked pretty closely, and neither your ends nor your scalp area seem thinner at all, in fact your ends look a bit thicker. The second picture, your hair may have a little less volume but that has more to do with it being fluffy than how much of it you have.

Anyway. I went through a period over a few years where I lost probably nearly half my thickness, caused by a combination of things mainly including stress and rapidly dropping weight via an eating disorder. Unfortunately I have not really gained much hair back, BUT my shedding has mainly stopped, and luckily, I still have a totally normal amount of hair! You say your hair is ii, which is within a completely normal range. The number of hairs you're shedding also seems to be normal. With your health back on track, your hair should be able to recover just fine. Whether or not your previous thickness is restored, you can still treasure what you have, which looks very healthy btw.

As far as health goes, I am so glad that you're doing better! Water definitely is a good thing to consume plentifully. It's basically the fountain of youth! Also I don't think red meat per se is necessary, as long as you're getting enough protein and eating an overall balanced diet. But that's just me, and I'm not a dietician. Unfortunately it took me a long time for my body to entirely recover from lack of nutrition so it may be the same for you, but I really hope not. Just keep up the good work with your healthy habits!

And, as far as counting your shed hairs.... I say this gently and sincerely, but I really do mean it: I think you should make a wholehearted effort to not allow yourself to do that. I have trichotillomania (OCD-related thing where you pluck out your own hair), so I understand the compulsion and the anxiety that can go around your hair. But believe me, it will only bring you stress to play into it further! If you can, just don't let yourself get to the point of counting. Think about the process you go through before you do it, and remove the step in your routine right before it, if possible. Just drop the hairs right in the trash before doing anything else, and don't worry. You can look at the balk of hair and get a pretty good estimation just by eyeballing it, believe me. Or you can post a picture on here and ask us if we think it's a lot!

Overall, your hair situation is looking pretty good to me.

June 3rd, 2017, 08:45 AM
@LongCurlyTress: I'll have to give the shampoo a try! Thank you so much for the suggestion. The one I'm using now (Trader Joes Tea Tree) leaves this sticky residue on my scalp. It's so frustrating! I'm so sorry to hear that. Sending so much love your way. I losy my mom too so I know how hard that is. Would coconut oil be okay to use with my Seb. Derm.? I read that oils were a big no no for that. Herbal essences was a nightmare for me. I thought it was working at first but it dried the hell out of my scalp.

@Reyn127: It's really nice to find someone who can understand some of what I've been through and where I'm coming from. I'm so sorry you've had to struggle with eating disorders, but I sincerely hope that it's all behind you now and that you've made a full recovery <3. I've struggled a lot with being comfortable in my own skin and I'm trying really hard to get to that point. I got bullied a lot as a child, by my family and by people at school, and it made me get to this point where I would try and make everything perfect(hair, skin, teeth) and it was a really bad point in my life and now I'm trying to embrace what I look like naturally but it's been hard after dealing with hair loss and scalp issues, and weight issues.
People look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I count my shed hairs, but I only started after the hair loss because I was scared it would start up again. I've heard of trichotillomania and I'm sorry you have to deal with that. If it's anything like my obsessive behavior with counting my shed hairs, I know how much that can consume your life and affect everything you do. I hope that one day soon you'll be able to overcome that and that it will be nothing more than a bad memory. If you ever need anyone to talk to, please let me know! I know how much venting really helps me, especially when its to someone who can relate to what I'm going through.

@Deborah: Thank you so very much. I have had the worst morning and what you said was so kind and it really helped to put a much needed smile on my face. You all are so sweet and supportive. :heart:

June 3rd, 2017, 09:00 AM
@spidermom: I know. It's just life hasn't been very kind to me. I had a very rough childhood. A lot of physical/emotional abuse, I lost my mother at 14, my fathers never been in the picture, and a lot more, and this was just another thing on top of everything else. Because of everything that's happened, I get very scared easily and have bad anxiety, not just about hair, but about everything. I'm just very desperate for a normal, peaceful life. After all I've been through, it's very easy for things that may not seem like a big deal to others, to affect me a great deal, because there has been so much bad thats already happened. It's very hard for me to not obsess because I'm so used to bad things happening that I'm scared that they'll keep happening. It's hard to explain, but I hope you can understand where I'm coming from.

I do. I come from a very difficult background, too. I have found that doing my best to focus on the positive has helped me a lot. It was a struggle. My thoughts were always trying to travel down a dark path, and I'd have to wrestle them over to something else. It's not so much of a struggle at 60+, but it was in my younger years. Start practicing on focusing on what you want now for peace later. Example - "Oh no, I think I might be losing my hair again," stop yourself, repeat like a mantra "my hair is beautiful, I'm losing exactly the right amount" because you know it's normal to shed out old hairs, then grow new ones. Then turn your attention to something you like - anything. Music, a hobby, baking, gardening - whatever occupies your mind and hands and makes you happy.

June 3rd, 2017, 09:34 AM
@Natashap: I'm sorry to hear about your scalp issues! I'm currently struggling with mine as well and have yet to find a solution. I wish you all the best in finding something to get everything under control and back to normal again. It really is a nightmare to deal with. I used to have a really bad sleep schedule as well. Up all night, would go to bed at like 7 in the morning, wake up at 2. It was a mess. I just couldn't sleep. I have bad anxiety and every hour that would go by I would feel this pressure of okay you need to fall asleep now, it's getting later. My sleep is back to normal now. This may sound odd, but what really helped me was to sleep with the light on and to not look at the clock. When the light was on, I could kind of trick my mind into thinking that it was still daylight and that it was earlier than it actually was and it really helped to calm me down and take the pressure off. Also, if you have the habit of looking at your phone or computer before bed like I do, maybe try to find something else like a book. I find when I've been starting at a screen for a while, it makes it even harder for me to fall asleep and my mind ends up racing more.

@spidermom: I'm sorry to hear that you've also been through your share of struggles, but it seems like you learned so much from your past and I'm happy to hear that you were able to find a positive way to cope and move on. I really have been doing my best, I just feel like I'm trying to tackle so many things at once. I've been trying to focus on my health by eating healthy, I'm trying to develop a good skin care routine and cut back on makeup, and I'm trying to exercise more. I still worry so much about my hair also because I still have the scalp issues I'm struggling with and am scared that that might make me shed more. But I really have made some improvements, I'm so different than just from a year or two ago. I was that person who always made sure everyone else was okay and happy, and I completely forgot about myself, and unfortunately the people that I cared about were not good people and did not treat me the same way I did them. But I have since cut out as many toxic people from my life as I can and I'm really just trying to focus on me, which is huge. I've tried to get into coloring and I really like drawing mandalas, but then I get into the habit of comparing what I do to someone elses. I hope that one day I can put all of this behind me and get into the same mindset that you seem to have.

June 3rd, 2017, 10:10 AM
@LongCurlyTress: I'll have to give the shampoo a try! Thank you so much for the suggestion. The one I'm using now (Trader Joes Tea Tree) leaves this sticky residue on my scalp. It's so frustrating! I'm so sorry to hear that. Sending so much love your way. I losy my mom too so I know how hard that is. Would coconut oil be okay to use with my Seb. Derm.? I read that oils were a big no no for that. Herbal essences was a nightmare for me. I thought it was working at first but it dried the hell out of my scalp.

Hi... yes, loosing our moms is horrible... I deal with this loss by just thinking that she is still watching over me... and the proof is when I find a penny on a bad day, I see a rainbow when I am feeling lonely... something good happens to me that is unexpected... like a cute top from Ross that I had tried on a couple of months ago is now marked down to $2.49.. say what??? Anyways, if you look for signs your mom is still watching over you, it helps alot. I ask her for strength and wisdom all the time to make good decisions since she helped me think things through alot back when.

Re your hair... I would ask your doctor for their thoughts about coconut oils oon Seb. Derm. I have read that unrefined coconut oils... also a huge tub from Costco is $ 18!! Anyways... it is a cureall for many, many skin problems... but please consult your dermatologist first just to be safe.

I once read a fb joke that said... itchy skin? c oil... frizzy hair? c oil.... boyfriend acting up? C oil...lol..... Hope this made you laugh!!!

June 3rd, 2017, 10:32 AM
@LongCurlyTress: Awe, that really is such a beautiful, positive way of coping with loss. I've always dealt with it by not dealing with it. I try not to think about her, but maybe it would be healthier to give what you say you do a try.

There was a coconut oil shampoo that I used to use before all of this happened, maybe I'll pick that up and see if its any better. I certainly hope so! It's only $8.00 and I think sulfate free too.

Hahaha, that really did make me laugh. Maybe I should use some on my boyfriend!

June 3rd, 2017, 10:56 AM
@LongCurlyTress: Awe, that really is such a beautiful, positive way of coping with loss. I've always dealt with it by not dealing with it. I try not to think about her, but maybe it would be healthier to give what you say you do a try.

There was a coconut oil shampoo that I used to use before all of this happened, maybe I'll pick that up and see if its any better. I certainly hope so! It's only $8.00 and I think sulfate free too.

Hahaha, that really did make me laugh. Maybe I should use some on my boyfriend!

I think the best curative properties for C oil are in the unrefined c oil pure... in the tub. Not sure how this shampoo works. If it is Suave C shampoo...that frizzed my hair out... it says no silicones or sulfates on the bottle, but it sure frizzed and tangled my hair horribly, although others swear by it.

this is the c oil I use on my ends, but also in my hair temples/hairline.... you can eat this stuff too!! lol...

c oil reviews on google

Glad you liked my c-oil joke!! LOL...

I think the worst part for me of loosing my mom is the abandonment I felt when she died, although she died from heartattacks... when I was 5 months pregnant in January, 1991, had just gotten married the previous June, and she died on my birthday!!! ARUGGHHH!! She would never leave me if there was a way she could still watch over me and my family... so at times I do feel her presence near me. I was standing in line at Costco... (I must be there alot!! LOL) and I was talking to a lady behind me who said she was a medium..... she said both my parents (my father died 10 years later from congestive heart failure after a quad bypass) floated around college courses classrooms, but they floated in and around me keeping an eye on me and my family. Who knows if this is true, but it sure reassured me that I was not alone and she/they are still watching over me. Let yourself grieve for loosing your mom. It is painful, but the pain does ease up after you allow your feelings out... it really helps to cry and cry and cry. Hugs to you!!! :grouphug::grouphug: and then go watch come comedians or comedies on Netflix. :)

June 3rd, 2017, 11:54 AM
@LongCurlyTress: It's actually the OGX brand coconut milk shampoo. It's the first sulfate free shampoo that I had ever tried and I really loved it before, so I'm hoping it will agree with my scalp. We actually just bought some coconut oil at the store the other day for cooking, would that be okay to use on my scalp for the oil treatment do you think?

I always wondered what would be harder to deal with, losing a parent that you were close to, or one that you weren't close with. My mother committed suicide when I was 14 and we were not close at all. She didn't want to be a parent, and for most of my life she was not a part of it. I lived with my grandparents until she got pregnant with my little brother when I was 10. We always fought and she made it clear that she blamed me for ruining her life. She was very depressed and didn't want kids and took it out on me. I know what you mean about the abandonment! I resented her for a very, very long time afterwards. There was a lot I went through that I felt like could have been avoided had she stayed and raised me right. I'm so sorry about what you went through, it sounds like such a horrible ordeal! So many things hitting you all at once. But she sounds like she was a wonderful woman and it sounds like you two had a lovely relationship, so I'm happy to hear that < 3 Hugs to you too sweetie.

Watching things like Rick & Morty or South Park always help me!

June 3rd, 2017, 12:22 PM
@LongCurlyTress: It's actually the OGX brand coconut milk shampoo. It's the first sulfate free shampoo that I had ever tried and I really loved it before, so I'm hoping it will agree with my scalp. We actually just bought some coconut oil at the store the other day for cooking, would that be okay to use on my scalp for the oil treatment do you think?

I always wondered what would be harder to deal with, losing a parent that you were close to, or one that you weren't close with. My mother committed suicide when I was 14 and we were not close at all. She didn't want to be a parent, and for most of my life she was not a part of it. I lived with my grandparents until she got pregnant with my little brother when I was 10. We always fought and she made it clear that she blamed me for ruining her life. She was very depressed and didn't want kids and took it out on me. I know what you mean about the abandonment! I resented her for a very, very long time afterwards. There was a lot I went through that I felt like could have been avoided had she stayed and raised me right. I'm so sorry about what you went through, it sounds like such a horrible ordeal! So many things hitting you all at once. But she sounds like she was a wonderful woman and it sounds like you two had a lovely relationship, so I'm happy to hear that < 3 Hugs to you too sweetie.

Watching things like Rick & Morty or South Park always help me!

This link will help you with the ingredients in the OGX shampoo or any other shampoo you try.

I would still email your doctor to find out their thoughts about c oil on your scalp with your skin condition.

I am so very sorry to hear about your mom. Stay strong!! Huge hugs to you!! It does help to go talk to a therapist to deal with life. It is like getting to know and understand your life with a trained listener and this helps to learn how to deal with life's setbacks and disappointments. :blossom: Good luck to you!!

June 3rd, 2017, 04:08 PM
Hair needs a good, steady diet. You losing so much weight is key in all of this.

Also, your SD needs to be under control as well. So keep using the medicated shampoo until there isn't a flake left. Trust me on that (I have it too). Nizoral 2% is a really really great shampoo. You can leave it in 5 to 10 min. (as my instruction leaflet says). And do wash 2x a week with it, as instructed.

It will grow back, really it will! :flower:

And BTW, welcome! :)

June 3rd, 2017, 04:42 PM
@lapushka: Thank you so much for your advice & support. :heart: I've been struggling with my hair loss and scalp issues for about 2 years now and am so desperate to get it all under control and put this behind me. I think atm my scalp is the only thing that I need to figure out. My weight and diet are under control now, I'm actually the most I've ever weighed! I take a multivitamin & D3 every morning, and try to eat as healthy as I can (green smoothies, fish, chicken, lots of veggies & fruits); I'm thinking that it's my scalp being so messed up that is causing my extra shedding. I've been using the Nizoral for about a week and a half now but for the past two days its made my scalp feel drier/itchy but I still have flakes coming up. I don't get any big flakes, just little tiny ones and I've never experienced the crusting, or scalp pimples, but it definitely gets super oily, and it feel like this waxy residue on my scalp. I've been washing with the nizoral everyday because I find if I stretch my washes, even one day, my scalp freaks out and starts spitting out hair and I have yet to find a shampoo to use when I'm not using the medicated one. Do you have any suggestions? I certainly hope it will all grow back! I had the thickest hair as a kid and it makes me so sad to deal with all of this. When you get your scalp under control what do you do to keep the SD from coming back?

Lady Stardust
June 3rd, 2017, 06:25 PM
Hi KlutzyChy1

I'm sorry to hear that you've been through so much stress and trauma. Your hair looks beautiful, thick and healthy, I would be proud to have hair like yours.

I completely understand why you worry about any shed hairs after what you've been through. You're doing everything you can for your health and you have a wonderfully supportive boyfriend, and I'm confident that things have taken and will continue to take a turn for the better.

Time is a great healer, gradually your hair loss experience will be further and further behind you and one day you'll find that you're not thinking about it every day, and eventually it will just be something that happened in your past.

I don't have the right experience to be able to make shampoo recommendations, except that you said a sulphate free shampoo once made your hair feel sticky. I've had that before when there were residual cones that the sulphate free shampoo was too gentle to remove, so one clarifying wash with a sulphate shampoo solved that for me.

Wishing you lots of luck x

June 3rd, 2017, 07:01 PM
@Lady Stardust: Thank you so very much. That sincerely means so much to me. I try so hard to be gentle with it and to take care of it, so struggling with hair loss and scalp issues is so frustrating! 1 step forward, 2 steps back. I feel like if I could get my scalp under control and reduce the shed from that, that over time I'd be able to eventually stop counting my shed hairs, and know what's normal, and hopefully some day not even think about it at all. I just feel like that time is so far away.

If I shampoo twice with the sulfate free ones, I find they don't leave the residue on my scalp, but I feel like with washing every day and scrubbing twice, that's so much manipulation and I don't want to irritate my scalp anymore. I was able to get my SD under control before and then I maintained with a tea tree shampoo and barely lost any hair then, but now that same shampoo makes me shed loads and my scalp is still a mess. My scalp has a mind of it's own!

Thank you so much for your support. It seriously helps so much to have people to talk to who can understand what I'm going through.:heart:

Lady Stardust
June 3rd, 2017, 07:16 PM
@Lady Stardust: Thank you so very much. That sincerely means so much to me. I try so hard to be gentle with it and to take care of it, so struggling with hair loss and scalp issues is so frustrating! 1 step forward, 2 steps back. I feel like if I could get my scalp under control and reduce the shed from that, that over time I'd be able to eventually stop counting my shed hairs, and know what's normal, and hopefully some day not even think about it at all. I just feel like that time is so far away.

If I shampoo twice with the sulfate free ones, I find they don't leave the residue on my scalp, but I feel like with washing every day and scrubbing twice, that's so much manipulation and I don't want to irritate my scalp anymore. I was able to get my SD under control before and then I maintained with a tea tree shampoo and barely lost any hair then, but now that same shampoo makes me shed loads and my scalp is still a mess. My scalp has a mind of it's own!

Thank you so much for your support. It seriously helps so much to have people to talk to who can understand what I'm going through.:heart:
You're welcome x I hope you can find a routine that suits you. It will get easier, focus on the positive, for instance how many good things you are doing for your health and for your hair, take heart when your boyfriend when reassures you, celebrate the small milestones, even if it's just one day when things feel better. Eventually, it will be better.