View Full Version : When impatience snags your hair...

May 16th, 2017, 01:01 PM
I am terrible about posting anywhere, and frequently will just disappear from sites for months or longer when life gets in the way, so for all intents and purposes I am new, but I did post shortly after my almost 3 year old's birth with hair growth pictures!
Anyway, I figured I needed to come and get my ridiculous grief over my impatience out of my system somewhere where others would understand. Since I posted over 2 years ago now, I had managed to get from BSL to just barely past my hips. I measured my hair the weekend before last and my length was 36.5", ponytail circumference was 3.5" at the nape of my neck, but it thinned out considerably toward the end, from 2" to just nothing really at the last 2" of my length. I also had some weird gaps and "missing chunks" so to speak due to growing out the last of some layering from an inverted bob in 2012, postpartum hair loss in 2014, and a recent bout of shedding that is just now slowing down (hypothyroid, so if I get out of routine at all, or fail to cope with stress...) I figured it was time to cut some and even things up since the tangles were becoming impossible and washing/conditioning was no joyride, either. After all the measuring and examining, I decided to have 4-6" cut off, depending on what my hairdresser thought bout the questionable 2", leaving me enough to still easily wrap in a bun with a hairstick. My first mistake was not being deliberate about making an appt. I walked in because I was in town and trying to save some time and gas now that we live 30 minutes from the nearest town. My second mistake was allowing someone who I know, but is not *my* hairdresser to cut my hair because I was there anyway and my hairdresser had a family emergency. She combed through my hair and confirmed the damage was pretty bad to about the 6" mark, so there went my denial. When she showed me where she planned to cut, I agreed, because I have been using my hand to help confirm measurements when no tape is around for a long time, and the measurement was accurate. We talked about family and other small talk, and I mentioned that I needed to start oiling my ends more regularly and doing castor oil treatments again after neglecting to do so for months through our move and all that stress - she said, "Oh, don't do that! It isn't necessary." Ummm, ok. I only started gaining significant length after doing these things along with more protective styles and kinder combing, but whatever. When I looked in the mirror after she finished, the length looked a bit fishy. When I tried to put my hair back up, it was confirmed, she took more than she indicated she planned to take. I measured when I got home, and got 28". She whacked off 8". Adding insult to injury, once I washed my hair that evening, the trim isn't that neat - it looks pretty choppy.

All in all, I know it's my own stupid fault, and I know "it's just hair, it will grow back" but 2 inches of hair is 4-5 months of growth, and 4-5 months of being annoyed by having to replace slipped pins or elastics poking out of my slippery hair when one hairstick will hold the whole mess once it is long enough. I should have been less afraid to trim it myself. I suspect that I will be doing so from now on! Here's hoping that by this time next year, I'll be back at 36" with no damage, and no desire to go have it "fixed"!

Thanks for a listening ear!

Kat-Rinnč Naido
May 16th, 2017, 01:12 PM
So sorry :grouphug:
Good luck growing again. Don't ever let any hairdresser steal your passion for long hair. You can achieve your dream of having long hair.

May 16th, 2017, 01:34 PM
Oh no queenanne, I'm so sorry. It's difficult but try to stay positive, I'm sure most of us have had our hair mauled by hairdressers, I know I have.

Don't blame yourself or your 'impatience'; it is totally legitimate to want to save time and gas and get your hair cut at your convenience. It was not your fault that your hairdresser did not understand you/made a mistake.

Keep growing and all will be well again soon.

May 16th, 2017, 03:16 PM
Oh no! Many of us have had the same problem with hairdressers. Be patient, baby your hair, time will fly past and soon it will look better than ever. ((Hugs))

May 16th, 2017, 03:53 PM
4 to 6 inches is a lot in and of itself. But you agreed she cut there where she wanted to cut... 2 inches more isn't that... much. But it is 4 months of growth. Indeed it is!

All in all, I know it's my own stupid fault, and I know "it's just hair, it will grow back" but 2 inches of hair is 4-5 months of growth, and 4-5 months of being annoyed by having to replace slipped pins or elastics poking out of my slippery hair when one hairstick will hold the whole mess once it is long enough. I should have been less afraid to trim it myself. I suspect that I will be doing so from now on! Here's hoping that by this time next year, I'll be back at 36" with no damage, and no desire to go have it "fixed"!

Anyway, happy growing to you.

We've all been there! :)

May 16th, 2017, 04:05 PM
That sucks, but there is nothing you can do now. You can however feel upset about it, I still do about my bad salon experience. Shame that the cut isn't even well done. The best tip I ever got here is just not go back to a salon ever. Just learn to self trim. I do this now. When my hairdresser took off way to much length I thought, well at least I start with healthy thick ends now. I also still feel very relieved that I don't have to stress about going to the hairdresser anymore.

May 16th, 2017, 05:51 PM
Thanks everyone. I do keep telling myself that the ends will be a lot thicker now, as long as I don't have any new distractions to help me procrastinate about good habits with my routine, lol! Oct '16 to mid-April were so busy with prepping to move, moving and putting in a 7K square foot garden that I just let other things slide, including my hair and exercise. It has become painfully obvious the last several weeks that I need to remember my priorities! :D :blossom: :queen:
