View Full Version : Hello! I'm new!

May 15th, 2017, 08:39 PM
Hiii! I'm Corvana, or Corvie, or Cor, or whatever. No it's not my real name, just a character name from a few MMOs that I really loved!

I found out about this forum from someone on youtube's 5 year video about growing their hair out that was in my recommendations! I figured I'd swing by for some moral support, since I've been growing out my pixie for a bit now!

The last time I shaved the sides of my head was approximately a year to 9 months ago. I didn't write it down or anything, and didn't take any pictures then so I'm not 100% sure. I do know that in March of 2016 the top of my hair was JL, and was the longest I'd had it since the end of 2012! Around 2015 I was getting a little tired of my short hair, and debated letting it grow out again. Since I've always been a notorious hair-cutter when I'd hit about BSL or SBL, I gave myself a long time to really think it over. But while I really adored the ease of short hair (it looked cute as soon as I woke up about 95% of the time, the only exception being when it was really clean, because then it was very light and fluffy), I missed being able to braid my hair or put it in a bun or something. It didn't help that my best friend/roommate has the most beautiful 1a/b/m/iii MBL hair that I saw day in and day out :crush:

My hair is still CBL, but it has hit APL two or three times now. I've been cutting it when a good portion of my undersides (the parts previously shaved for my mohawk) hit SBL. I just can't stand how uneven the underside is, and the SBL milestone for undergrowth has been a good way to keep myself from removing ALL of my current length in a fit of impatience. My current shortest length is my temples hitting at about JL, and second shortest is maybe 1-1.5" from SL. So close!! Both to having everything even, and for the current length difference between my layers.

I'm not 100% sure on how fast my hair grows, as I've never really measured it, but if I use the metric of "from the hairline and down the back" and add in the ~6" I've cut to even my lengths, then I get a good foot a year. But that's very very guess-y, and I don't like the margin of error. I do know that it grows rather fast, since I'd need to shave it very regularly to keep the sides and/or back short. I usually would shave it with no guard to prolong the time between cuts, and would still have a good inch or so before a month was up. But I think it may slow a bit the longer it gets!

Anyway! Hello! I've been perusing the forums probably all day, and finally got around to posting :laugh:

May 15th, 2017, 09:00 PM
Welcome! :D

May 16th, 2017, 04:20 AM
Welcome to the forum! :)

May 16th, 2017, 05:48 AM
Welcome! :)

May 16th, 2017, 07:36 PM
thank you for the welcome!!

Kat-Rinnč Naido
May 17th, 2017, 05:13 AM
Hello and welcome:flower:

May 17th, 2017, 05:36 PM
Hello and welcome! :)