View Full Version : This is Silly BUT!! ..

May 15th, 2017, 08:10 PM
I was searching for a thread earlier but couldn't find one on this subject but ... you know what really bothers me!? I always wear a protective style but ... I absolutely cannot stand my little dorsal fin I got going on behind my neck LOL. Does anyone else have that problem? I swear its heredity. Ive seen people get it removed before with plastic surgery on youtube!

I love wearing my hair up obviously but I simply cannot stand this dorsal dolphin looking thing on the back on my neck. I feel like everyone stares at it! haha. Maybe its all in my head. But i cannot stand it. I think its called a Dowagers Hump. Or a Buffalo Hump. But lordy I cannot stand it. If it wasnt for work, I would be wearing turtlenecks when wearing my hair up! lol. Ive always had it too. When I was skinny. When I was chunky. When I was normal weight . Its always been there! ughhhhhh rant over lol.

Does anyone on LHC have that problem? Or am I the only weirdo lol. If you have it, what do you do to cover it up? I live in a hot environment so Im limited. haha! **DORSAL FIN, BE GONE POOF**


May 15th, 2017, 09:11 PM
Is this (http://healthosphere.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/dowagers-hump.jpg) what you mean?

But you say it's on your neck, so I'm not quite sure. Are you be to find a photo of something similar online?

May 15th, 2017, 09:21 PM
Is this (http://healthosphere.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/dowagers-hump.jpg) what you mean?

But you say it's on your neck, so I'm not quite sure. Are you be to find a photo of something similar online?

Yes! That's it. I think it can vary from neck to upper upper back depending on if someone's neck is short or not lol. Mine is higher. You can kinda see it in my avatar . I'll try and find a photo . It drives me nuts ! I feel so deformed lol

May 15th, 2017, 09:34 PM
If it's any consolation, judging by the photo Fern posted, it's not something I would ever notice unless pointed out. :)

May 15th, 2017, 09:36 PM
I have one of those, I'm not sure there's much can be done about it. All my sisters have it too, maybe it's genetic? Anyway, though it's annoying, I grin and bear it.

May 15th, 2017, 10:07 PM
The things we humans worry about. :( So long as something isn't impeding me physically, I don't think on imperfections very often.

May 15th, 2017, 11:08 PM
I have one of those, I'm not sure there's much can be done about it. All my sisters have it too, maybe it's genetic? Anyway, though it's annoying, I grin and bear it.

Mine too! My sisters mother and grandma . My hair usually hides it but now that I'm wearing it up a lot, it's in full view . No fair! *welp*

May 15th, 2017, 11:09 PM
Thanks ladies ! Oh the things that bother us . Sheesh !!! I need a back support too lol

May 15th, 2017, 11:30 PM
Go to a massage therapist who handles real work, not the spa. Or a chiropractor, physical therapist or similar. Ask if your issue is head forward posture.
It's commonly called tech neck these days.
Awareness of posture will mitigate it considerably.

May 15th, 2017, 11:53 PM
Maybe with Alexander technique

May 16th, 2017, 03:57 AM
To my understanding this is at least partially a posture problem. But honestly I can almost quarantee people are not looking at your neck/shoulders region and think of a fin.

ETA: Ahh, the knowlegeable Truepeacenik beat me! Listen to her rather than me, she has education on human anatomy.

May 16th, 2017, 04:14 AM
My mum had this too! Not sure if she still does. Her doctor advised it was postural, and perhaps due to the fact that she is large-busted and so has extra weight to carry up there. Some new more supportive bras helped her out.

May 16th, 2017, 08:47 AM
I'm with truepeacenik on this as well. I understand that specific exercises may also help.

Some of it may be structural - that bit you can't do much about, but any aspect of it that is behavioral/muscular can certainly be improved!

I also agree with the above posters who said nobody is looking at the back of your neck. It probably bothers you more than anyone else on the planet. Definitely do go ahead and work on improving it if you like, if you can find a good bodyworker/trainer/therapist, but don't stress too much over it in the meanwhile. Your body will probably thank you in other ways too after working on your posture and getting your muscles worked on.

May 16th, 2017, 08:56 AM
I second the suggestion about massage therapy and/or chiropractic work! I went to school for massage therapy and practiced for a few years. The SCM muscles on the sides to towards the front of your neck are more than likely tight, and a deep tissue therapist could work to relieve the tension. My husband has had "tech neck" since I met him. He's a software developer, so it's not a surprise! He recently started doing stretching exercises with resistance bands to improve his posture, and it's definitely helping.

May 16th, 2017, 09:07 AM
I agree, I think it's posture-based. I've got a bit of that too, and I'm sure slouching at my laptop right now isn't helping it.

May 16th, 2017, 09:29 AM
Large chest here too and I've got the "hump!" My gramma is the same way. I've impeccable posture by the way ;) I hate mine too. Hubby thinks it's funny lol

May 17th, 2017, 05:49 PM
Thanks ladies! I needed that pick-me-up. I have always been hard on myself but when I gain weight, my back and shoulders and neck show up right away and make my little hump look worse! LOL. Oh how I wish I was a teenager again. Sigh... :magic: I think I will try a posture alignment brace though. After some of you mentioned posture, I googled it and looked into that and it seems it might help , along with some bodywork stretching. I can only hope! :P