View Full Version : Head/Hair scarves?

April 11th, 2017, 02:47 AM
This is probably a stupid question, but I'm looking to buy some scarves to wear to bed at night for when I do overnight styles (like wet pin curls for example). I see girls on YT use these all the time, but when I google head scarves, hardly anything comes back. Most results will be neck scarves, i.e. long rectangular cloths when I need square ones. I'm guessing I'm just using the wrong terminology? The word bandana brings back more square shape fabric, but not as many as I'd have thought. Even results from China are minimal, and they usually cover everything.

P.S. I live in Australia, so American stores most probably aren't an option for me. Even if they offer international shipping, U.S. sellers tend to charge absurd P&P costs.

April 11th, 2017, 02:56 AM
I think what you are looking for are "Silk Sleep caps" or "Sleep scarves" Hope it helps!

April 11th, 2017, 02:56 AM
Try "satin bonnet" instead ^^
Or if you really want a scarf, I think any satin, slippery scarf should work (I have one, the not too wide but really long type).

April 11th, 2017, 02:57 AM
The brand I just found out about are called SILKE. try and google them and see if they come up. They are a london brand.

April 11th, 2017, 03:03 AM
I think what you are looking for are "Silk Sleep caps" or "Sleep scarves" Hope it helps!

The results for those terms are more shower cap shaped. I'm looking for scarves, like this (skip to 10:26).


April 11th, 2017, 04:05 AM
Try searching for square hijabs (islamic headveils). Especially turkish women tend to wear lots of square hijabs in silk/satin. This google search (https://www.google.se/search?q=square+turkish+hijab+online+shop+australi a&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=-ajsWM-qFuvKgAaLt5CoAg) should provide you with a list of Australian sites that sell hijabs in various sizes and forms. Had a look at a few of them and there should be plenty of options for you to look at.

April 11th, 2017, 04:26 AM
search for silk or satin scarves you'll prob have more luck, I prefer a silk cap. You want silk or satin as they reduce static. I find the silk actually seems to add a nice shine to my hair too. You can warp your hair in a long shaped scarf. Just do a youtube share for head wrap techniques.

Etsy is prob your best bet, shop around for the best postage prices.. here's one but they want $20 shipping, but shop around there. Often if you get from closer to home, the postage is much cheaper.

April 11th, 2017, 08:14 AM
This will get you to more American Western Wear, but try searching for silk wild rags. They are big and beautiful, and while meant for a person's neck, they are more than big enough to accommodate.

April 11th, 2017, 03:28 PM
I'd look in some thrift stores, personally.

April 11th, 2017, 04:23 PM
I bought a couple plus size silk/satin nighties at the thrift store for a couple bucks each. I just cut the size square i wanted and edged it with a zig zag stitch on my sewing machine (I wasn't concerned about it being pretty). If you have a serger that woupd be easiest but you could hand sew it too. I know it's not what you're asking for but I searched and came up empty so that was my solution. I also made a satin pillowcase out of a nightie. Good luck.

April 11th, 2017, 06:54 PM
search for silk or satin scarves you'll prob have more luck, I prefer a silk cap. You want silk or satin as they reduce static. I find the silk actually seems to add a nice shine to my hair too. You can warp your hair in a long shaped scarf. Just do a youtube share for head wrap techniques.

Etsy is prob your best bet, shop around for the best postage prices.. here's one but they want $20 shipping, but shop around there. Often if you get from closer to home, the postage is much cheaper.

Oh believe me, another reason I want to try these is because of all the various styles you can find on Youtube. I can't find the clip, but 5 minute crafts (the channel) had a segment of headscarf styles and the scarf itself looked silky and gorgeous. But the most I can personally find are very basic looking with basic patterns.

I'll try all the suggestions posted here. Thank you! More than anything, it's probably just Australia being a PITA like always. It's hard to find a lot of things here.

April 11th, 2017, 09:23 PM
Definitely see if you can pick some up cheaply at a thrift/vintage store in your area! Hay_jules also makes a great suggestion to repurpose garments. If you've got fabric stores local to you and prefer something not previously used, silk charmeuse is lovely and light, but strong enough to hold your pins in place. You'd just need to buy enough to make a square the size you like and finish the edges.

April 11th, 2017, 09:57 PM
I personally really, really do not like sleeping in the bonnets with elastic. I just had too many problems with them... when I first bought mine, the elastic was way too loose, so I tightened it, but then it bugged me, and still didn't stay on. In addition they're so poofy.

I ended up buying one of these:


The one they shipped me was black, not gold, but I don't know what you're likely to get. I actually use mine a little differently... I braid my hair and slip this over it, pulling one of the strands through the top of my braid and then tying it to keep it on the length of my hair. But I've also successfully used it as a sleep bonnet.

April 11th, 2017, 10:57 PM
Thank you! More than anything, it's probably just Australia being a PITA like always. It's hard to find a lot of things here.
Trust me, I feel your pain, I'm in New Zealand. Large postage fees are a fact of life, because you can't get anything local.

April 12th, 2017, 02:43 AM
I've had a hard time getting any online too, if I do find something it's ridiculous postage.

However, every time I go to a thrift store I find so many silk scarves (and I go to lots of thrift stores, lol)

Your best bet would to have a look locally *hugs* it's hard getting things in Australia from overseas

April 12th, 2017, 08:33 AM
Is this store of any use to anybody here?


April 12th, 2017, 10:13 AM
I found this YouTube head scarf tutorial and in one of them she used a long sleeve silk shirt thrift store find as a scarf...no cutting or sewing, just used the shirt as is. It's worth considering as you could potentially pick up a few for super cheap.


April 12th, 2017, 01:28 PM
I think you'll like this one. http://tznius.com/ Lots of instructions for different ways to tie scarves.

April 13th, 2017, 02:14 AM
I tried searching simply 'square scarf' and that turns up a lot, so I guess I answered my own question again, LOL.

April 13th, 2017, 05:39 AM
Square scarves are really uncommon in Aus, Etsy is probably your best bet. You get some options if you search 'Square silk scarf'.

April 13th, 2017, 06:12 AM
Square scarves are really uncommon in Aus, Etsy is probably your best bet. You get some options if you search 'Square silk scarf'.

Found quite a few sellers of them on eBay actually. Some are really pretty. :)

April 13th, 2017, 06:12 PM
I was going to suggest googling "square head scarf" but I see you are already searching with "square" as a search term.
If you're interested, you can actually use the long rectangular ones for sleeping as well, with a little adaptation. It probably means carefully wrapping the ends flat around your head again. It can be done so that it's not too bunchy in any one place and comfortable for sleeping. The long rectangle shaped scarves often don't need to be tied at all, their length and the wrapping holds them on.

April 14th, 2017, 12:54 AM
Just a little google searching tip that some of you may already know, if you put your search terms in quotations ("square silk scarf") it will only bring up exact matches...no partial matches as standard searches do. It might make it a little easier to narrow your search.

April 14th, 2017, 04:50 AM
Try typing hair scarves on YouTube, looks like the ladies use silk or satin scarves and they look easy to do.