View Full Version : Who trims their own hair and why?

The Maple Leaf
March 29th, 2017, 11:51 PM
I have been cutting my own hair for 17 years, with only one visit to a barber/hairstylist in that time, almost 15 years ago. I thought it would be interesting for those of us who don't go to a hairdresser's to share our reasons why. My reasons are:

1. I just don't enjoy the experience of sitting in a chair with a cape around my neck with someone toting sharp objects around my head and fretting that their instruments may not have been sterilized and may harbor infections.

2. I save money.

3. Even if I were to accept the expense of #2, I resent tipping and you're expected to tip hairdressers where I'm from.

4. I don't have to worry that they will do something different from what I want.

March 30th, 2017, 12:14 AM
I rarely go to hair dressers, the last time was 2 years ago. I have been self-trimming my bangs and my length since. My reasons are:
1. I really hate having to do small talk with the hair dresser. I know this is a lame reason, but it is a major factor for me. I am inherently antisocial
2. I am never quite satisfied with the cut I've received, and I end up saying I like it just to have the ordeal over with
3. Expensive

March 30th, 2017, 12:21 AM
I trim my own hair because I usually trim on whim. If i want to trim on full moon on midnight, i just trim it then. So I don't need an appointment. I also save time, money and if it goes wrong then I only have myself to blame.

March 30th, 2017, 12:29 AM
I do it myself cuz I know what i want and how I want it plus

1. I cant show my hair in public outside
2. I don't wanna waste so much time just to go walking to a far place and waste a whole day on something I can do at home
3. i rather spend the money on parfum
4. Everyone always cuts it wrong or i'm not clear enough or like my sister will cut too much off and say see it looks much better now :rolleyes:

March 30th, 2017, 12:58 AM
In me I trust.
Oh, and it's fun. I love cutting hair (mine or others).

Aunty Miki
March 30th, 2017, 01:14 AM
I do, then I go to Perfect Look or some other cheap place and get the mess fixed. Never had a problem with them cutting too much, either.

March 30th, 2017, 01:23 AM
I haven't yet but I've been inspired. I'll try it next time!

I have a kid who officially wants hair to the floor, and I'll still drag her in once or twice a year for a trim because she would never forgive me for doing the actual cutting of any amount. But she treats her hair like most kids do--terribly--so it needs the trimmings. Given that I had to bob it above her ears five years ago (she cut a huuuuge piece TO HER SCALP) and it's 27" long now, I'm not too unreasonable. :)

March 30th, 2017, 01:32 AM
I do, but I haven't done it in awhile. I need new and better shears.
1. It's expensive. I want to invest in a more expensive pair of shears at some point, and maybe an electric shaver for my bangs, but I won't until the first of the year challenge ends (June). I don't need to cut so there's no purpose at the moment. But I've been doing it myself for awhile and it's just cheaper this way.
2. I don't like having to go somewhere just to have something as small as 1/2" getting cut off, just to run the risk of them potentially cutting off more than I asked.
3. I never like the person cutting my hair. They're never nice. They never gain me as a client or do a great enough job that I want to return.
4. They always wanna use heat and wash and style my hair when they cut. And for some reason the way they cut -- forces you to need that. I can trim my own hair and it looks GREAT without being styled or straightened. But when a stylist does it, my bangs usually look HORRID and my hair needs to be blow dried. Rather not.

March 30th, 2017, 03:15 AM
I trim it myself because last time (years & years ago) I went to a shop they freaked out over having to deal with long hair and wanted to cut off too much. After that I decided I'd do my own trims because I trust myself not to trim too much of it off. I also don't have time for appointments and doing it myself I can fit it in easy to my schedule.

Coral Grimes
March 30th, 2017, 03:35 AM
I haven't set foot in a hairdressers in around 11 years, I feel like I would be shocked by the prices now! I have GAD and social anxiety so I always hated the small talk and felt incredibly awkward in the chair, just wanting it be over and not enjoying the experience at all. I was also put off by how many of them used scalding hot water, that is not pleasant on my scalp.

I have cut my hair from a bob to a short pixie many times and had no regrets but weirdly I am more apprehensive about doing a small trim on myself. I suppose now since I'm growing it I'm frightened of cutting too much off.

school of fish
March 30th, 2017, 04:57 AM
I've lost track of how long I've been self-trimming - it's got to be about 12 or 13 years at least. I do it for many of the same reasons others have mentioned.

1- First and foremost, I retain complete control and ownership over my own hair. I'm not at the mercy of miscommunication, someone else's bad day, or someone else's concept of what I might want ;)

2- It only costs the time that it takes to trim.

3- I'm not one for random small talk, so I don't have to look for things to chitchat about.

4- I know instinctively how much pressure my hair can take in washing/drying/styling so there's no cringing or yelping from aggressive manipulation of my strands.

5- It just seems silly having someone else do something for me that I know I can do myself - especially since my hair does best with frequent, as in monthly, microtrims. Going somewhere that often to get so little taken off would be expensive, incomvenient, and just plain non-sensical given that I can do it well on my own

6- I just enjoy it! I find it fun both knowing I have the wherewithall to care for my own hair completely and actually doing the physical trimming itself. I actually really look forward to my monthly trims :)

March 30th, 2017, 05:03 AM
I used to go to the hair salon for a trim but stopped because I couldn't afford regularly spending an obscene amount for a 1 inch trim at the "extra long female hair" rate. Why does that matter when I'm getting a straight across blunt cut anyway??

Plus I hate when salons cut off double the length you requested. That's happened to me too. Way too many times.

So my DH now cuts mine whenever I need a trim. I do my own micro-trims though.

March 30th, 2017, 05:24 AM
I started cutting my own hair when I got pregnant with my first child. I was sooo sick with him (severe hyperemesis gravidarum) that I couldn't leave the bathroom until he was born. I hated getting vomit in my hair so I chopped it all off super short. I don't really trim, I have wavy hair with a few curls and so my hemline is all over the place even if I get it trimmed straight.
Also, I have social anxiety, having to even make an appointment to get the haircut causes me anxiety attacks.

March 30th, 2017, 05:46 AM
I have been cutting mine on and off since my teens. With the occasional hair dresser visits in between, should the "bug bite me". I will be 45 this year. So that's quite a while.

My mom cuts her hair every 4 months, so 3x a year. And I am currently no-trimming for this year (and maybe next).

1. I just don't enjoy the experience of sitting in a chair with a cape around my neck with someone toting sharp objects around my head and fretting that their instruments may not have been sterilized and may harbor infections.

2. I save money.

3. Even if I were to accept the expense of #2, I resent tipping and you're expected to tip hairdressers where I'm from.

4. I don't have to worry that they will do something different from what I want.

Same reasons for me! I don't enjoy the small talk, either. I never know what to say! Besides, I have a disability and it is hard to get around for me (I depend on others to transport me, mainly my parents who are in their 70s). So even doctor's visits are draining, so every "outing" that can be nixed is great.

I do a compact cut for my hair whenever I trim (not right now). My mom does a blunt cut for hers (shoulder to APL). Oh, and she colors her own hair as well, has been doing that all her life!

March 30th, 2017, 05:55 AM
I have never gotten into the habit of 6-weekly trims; I just never remembered to book appointments. So I would normally ring and ask for an appointment within the next 2-3 days, since that was the only time frame I could commit to. It was about 50-50 if I got an appointment or not so the trimming was anywhere from 2 months to 1 year, depending on how it felt. By the time I started the no-trim challenge last year, I think I was up to about 2 years since my last trim anyway. From there, I just fell into trimming at the random intervals that I need/remember to.

Mostly just the time commitments of work never really allowed for regular appointments so I just stopped going. I never really had a bad salon visit, possibly because I didn't start seriously growing my hair until after I had drifted away from hairdressers in general. I just couldn't schedule them around my life.

March 30th, 2017, 08:41 AM
I've had too many instances of them doing what they want and not what I want. They cut off too much. So I quit going and cut my own hair.

March 30th, 2017, 08:43 AM
Once I learned how to cut my own hair, I managed to remove a constant low-level stressor from my life. Hairdressers are unpredictable, in more ways than one. If you find a good one, s/he might leave the salon and you either have to follow the stylist around or change to another one, and there's no telling if the new one will be any good. Also, I hate to be *that* customer--instructing them on every little thing, like how to blow-dry my hair, or to show them on a ruler how much to cut off. I don't want to micromanage the hairstylist or argue with them about their harebrained opinions about whether layering makes my hair look thicker.

Plus it's one less thing to schedule. Just going to the dentist twice a year is enough of a burden for me. Hell, if I could clean and inspect my own teeth like my dentist does, I totally would.

March 30th, 2017, 09:04 AM
I haven't been to a hair dresser since 2013, and these are the reasons:

1. Perhaps the top reason is how they treat my hair usually, they always have a hard time with it because of the curls. I've had my hair straightened, then cut which isn't helpful to me at all, as I never straighten my hair. They've also used thinning shears on me when I asked for layers. Anyway I never had a hair cut I actually liked mostly due to my curls, so I figured I could trim and cut my own hair, probably better, and for free too. At least I can understand my own hair :)

2. When I started growing my hair I promised I would no long go to hair stylists because I am way too impulsive, I might decide to get a hair cut simply because I'm there, especially when my hair was short (collarbone length).

3. When I trim, I usually also trim the straight ends off of some of my curls higher up the canopy. A hair dresser isn't going to do exactly what I want.

4. Something else I wouldn't like are all the products they use now that I am strictly sulfate and silicone free.

I never had a problem with hair dressers cutting off more than I wanted because I stopped going to hair dressers when I started growing my hair out, so all the cuts I got were when I had short hair and I was open to anything.

Also, eventually when I have finally grown out most of my wonky layers (created by bad bleach damage) I intend to find a decent good hair stylist that specializes in curly hair to give me curl enhancing layers because I think if I found a hair stylist who actually listened to me and my curls they could work wonders :)

March 30th, 2017, 09:51 AM
1. I get it the way I want it. I have bad experience with hairdressers...

2. It's cheaper.

3. It's a lot quicker.

4. I don't have to debate my routines such as only washing every other week, CO-washing and so on.

5. No uncomfortable small talk about stuff I don't care about.

6. No weird products or blowdryers in my hair.

7. No ripping through the hair with a plastic brush.

March 30th, 2017, 09:54 AM
I do and I have for quite a while. I think my last trip to a hairdresser was oh, 6 years ago? At least. But I will say, my last trip to one was a good one. The lady cut off less than I asked for because she really didn't feel like my hair was as bad as I thought. :D

I cut my own because -
1. I generally prefer the control over what's going on with my hair. If I want an inch off, I want to know that's all that's going to happen. I actually cut my own hair short and a few different times when it was shorter, so me doing it isn't much new really. Even though I did used to REALLY LOVE getting my hair washed and such by the right hairdresser - one who was gentle and took care with things, I loved going to them just because it was relaxing to me.

2. At my length I'd be scared to have anyone mess with it. I do NOT think all hairdressers are scissor happy people, but I have run across a few more that were, than not. Or that were very critical of longer hair (and I mean like, BSL to mid back length, at the time) and tended to either try to talk me into cutting shorter for the whole cut or who made comments about how it didn't look healthy because it was so "long and just hung there" to make you feel not great. I don't need to PAY for that and I'm not going to.

3. I don't feel like the search to find a good hairdresser or the extra cost anymore.

4. No one being rough on my hair. Even the couple ladies I went to that I liked, were rougher than I liked at times. My hair can't withstand the yanking through with a comb and harsh detangling and even the best people I went to, still had the tendency to do that.

March 30th, 2017, 10:08 AM
I cut my own hair too!

-I save a TON of money, and can guarantee that I won't get a haircut I don't want
-I hate the products most salons use, and they always try to push me into buying something extra, like shampoo
-I really hate the awkward small talk that's always involved.
-the last time I went, they freaked out over how long my hair was....lol (it's not even so long, I've been maintaining between waist and hip length for years, only recently did I decide to see how much longer it could grow).

March 30th, 2017, 10:17 AM
I cut my own hair too!

-I save a TON of money, and can guarantee that I won't get a haircut I don't want
-I hate the products most salons use, and they always try to push me into buying something extra, like shampoo
-I really hate the awkward small talk that's always involved.
-the last time I went, they freaked out over how long my hair was....lol (it's not even so long, I've been maintaining between waist and hip length for years, only recently did I decide to see how much longer it could grow).

Yes some chains (especially the one around the corner from us) are notorious for that.

March 30th, 2017, 10:18 AM
The main reason I do is probably because I'm quite picky, and hairdressers rarely actually give the cut I want. When I cut my hair short (bob?), the lady cut my layers like a mullet, and I absolutely hated it. The next time I went in I asked her to try to blend the front and the back better, since the side-view of my hair looked like a "staircase"- as if I had grown out a pixie cut. She instead just cut the side even shorter than the back, and I was even more annoyed at that lol. That was about two and a half years ago, and I am STILL trying to grow my hair to one length, but it blends a lot nicer now at least since its significantly longer. I've cut off about 4 inches off the back so far since then, and I think it will finally be one length again after a couple more inches.

Besides that reason, I am quite terrible at small talk. I also have a couple piercings on each ear that aren't fully healed yet, and I know that despite me telling them to avoid brushing/touching around my ears, they will probably still knock them because most hairdressers are quite aggressive with your hair and head. I also find it very awkward to not get your hair styled, because the couple last times I went to a hairdressers, they kept trying to insist that my hair should at least be blowdried or straightened or something in some way. I don't use any heat styling tools at all, and my hair is prone to damage, so it's rather annoying to try to convince them to not ruin your hair anymore than they already have. There is also just the simple fact I enjoy trimming my own hair, it makes me feel in control and accomplished :) and I get to know exactly how much of my growth I am cutting off each time.

March 30th, 2017, 11:27 AM
I've been cutting my own for the last decade or so. Mostly because it's easier and I can control the results. Having to make an appointment and go out for it is a hassle. I've got enough of that sort of thing to do that I've been neglecting anyway (eyes really need checked, for example). DIY for me!

March 30th, 2017, 11:52 AM
Once its long enough, its so easy to do! Feye's method, in particular. Its all I need!

Interesting all the comments about small talk. I have severe social anxieties; small talk with a stranger is terrifying to me. Avoiding it is a plus in my book!

March 30th, 2017, 12:24 PM
faster and easier, don't have to wait for an appointment, don't have to wait in the waiting room, don't have to drive to town, don't have to figure out childcare
save money
always get exactly the cut i want, no surprises! i've had so many terrible haircuts that were really expensive in the first place. layers that look like shelves, ugh!! i know how to get the shape i want without creating horrible problems in my hair
don't have to worry about other people's germs. sure they sterilize the scissors and combs, but not the capes or chairs, and what if they forget to sterilize, or what if the solution is too weak, or the tools are left in the sterilizer long enough etc. i don't want to pick up some weird fungal infection, etc! LOL
i'm scent sensitive, and my scalp can break out from strong products. i don't have to worry about that if i cut my own hair

i make sure all my hair tools are totally smooth, like i've sanded off any sharp edges on my combs, etc. do hairdressers even know to do that?

March 30th, 2017, 01:06 PM
I've been trimming it myself for about a year now.

My reasons are:

-1- It's super practical. I don't have to go through the trouble of making an appointment, going there, spending time at the salon, then coming all the way back home. It saves me time and money. At home, I can just wash my hair and be like "hmm. It needs a trim and I have a spare 10 minutes right now. Let's do this."

-2- At least I KNOW what result I'm going to get. Sometimes I don't cut 100% straight and I have to touch it up a bit, so I might end up cutting a centimeter more than planned; but that's nothing compared to excessive cuts I've had in the past, even though I clearly told them the exact length I wanted cut. They always cut more and it's annoying.

-3- I have my own hair scissors. They are specifically made for hair, and I only use them on my hair, nothing else. At the hairdresser's, I don't know how long she'd had her sheers and she uses them day in day out on tons of people with tons of different hair types. At least I know my own scissors are in pristine shape.

-4- Because it doesn't cost me anything, I can trim them as often as I like / or feel like it's necessary. If I had to pay a hairdresser each time, I'd obviously think twice before going for an extra trim in between. That's actually what ended up happening in the end before I started trimming myself: because of the cost + hassle of making an appointment and then make time to go there, I ended up putting it off for too long, which lead to extra damage. Whereas now I can just trim as soon as I feel it's needed, and my ends are now always in tip top shape.

Rebel Rebel
March 30th, 2017, 01:39 PM
I've trimmed my own hair for so long I can't remember when I started. Annoying things that stylists do are: take off more than you like, charge a lot for taking off so little and try to talk you into cutting off all of your taper/damage. Back in my salon color days, there were a few times I allowed them to cut it and it was usually filled with regret. The last time which was about 10 years ago, my stylist cut my sides in a sort of "shag" to "thicken" them up. All I wanted was a blunt trim. Stylists who think they know what's best for you, without consulting, are the absolute worst.

I can't stand to let anyone brush out my hair or shampoo/condition it. They simply are never gentle enough. There are a few exceptions but it's rare someone understands your personal needs. My hairdresser boyfriend and I have had many arguments along the way (haha ❤️) but he now has a better understanding of being gentle with my hair. A few times a year I let him deep condition or style it etc, but generally I like to do it all myself.

March 30th, 2017, 01:47 PM
It's free. Not only do you have to pay for the cut, but it costs money to get there (gas. bus fare, etc). Hairdressers are too rough, they rip through knots and use damaging scissor techniques. Also I don't like my hair to be touched. I know it'll turn out the way I want it to. And it's much quicker than having someone else do it!

March 30th, 2017, 03:31 PM
Because I can do it myself, on my own schedule, and not feel harassed during the process. I'm a bit socially anxious and the small talk, being watched by other patrons, having to explain what I want done to my hair, all of that makes me anxious. I don't want the extra washing/drying/styling done to my hair, so I'm getting charged for services I haven't received, I'm now being charged a length/handling fee on top of the cut, and I'm expected to tip on top of everything else. I'm complimented on my color and dye job and the condition of my hair - until they learn I've done it myself and I'm told it's so damaged and my hem is so split that I need a large trim to save my ratty hair. Because I've rarely left completely satisfied with my haircut and too often have left dissatisfied with a cut that takes losing length to recover from. Because I'm too shy and anxious to speak up if I'm uncomfortable or unhappy with how things are going, and I can't even tell what's going on that well with my glasses off. Because I moved away from the stylist I grew up with, who always gave beautiful results, and never found another half as good no matter where I went. Because I've yet to meet a stylist that doesn't snag my earrings even if I ask them to be cautious because they're fresh and sore. And because I can't be bothered to get my hair trimmed so often - for most of my life I just got it done spontaneously when I had the time and thought about it - about once or twice a year.

March 30th, 2017, 04:07 PM
I do.

The last time I took my long hair to a hairdresser for a trim (not talking about the GM salon visit) they tangled it so much from washing it aggressively that they couldn't get the tangles out and told me they would have to cut it back to shoulder length. I got angry and ranted that there was NO WAY they were going to cut it and that they had better detangle it. They did, but at a cost of about three hours and pulling a great deal of my hair out :(.


Plus I have social anxiety and loathe small talk, it just seems so pointless.... I don't like a stranger being so close to me either, it is expensive, they often cut way too much off...

It's so quick and convenient - and free - to cut it myself, so why wouldn't I ? :)

March 30th, 2017, 04:21 PM
I have been cutting my own hair for the past 5 years!:D I started cutting it myself because it was less expensive, I could control how much hair was cut off, and it wasn't too hard to do.

March 30th, 2017, 05:11 PM
I do. The last time I saw a hair dresser I asked for a jaw length A line cut and ended up with a straight across bob that was almost above my ears. :laugh:

It's cheaper, I can do it whenever I want and if I mess it up I only have myself to blame.

March 30th, 2017, 06:54 PM
Also another big plus for me is avoiding small talk, I'm very shy and having to chat with a stranger causes me so much stress and anxiety that I end up almost physically ill.

March 30th, 2017, 07:00 PM
I've been cutting my own, albeit very basically, for about a year now. I get social anxiety going to hairdressers, don't appreciate the small talk (I realise they're trying to be nice but my life is very boring, so I don't have much to say), and as many others have already said, you often receive something else to what you were imagining anyway. I'd always dread when my hair was due for a cut. Those tiny stools and large mirrors aren't the most flattering either, especially compared to the usually-petite hairdressers, I feel like a monster compared, LOL.

I'll have to look around the site for tips on self cutting. I'm still not perfect at it, even though I don't do anything fancy. For the first few months I was following this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLqRMH5nlcA) video but I don't know, after so long of doing it my hair seemed odd somehow length wise? Could anyone clarify whether this method is good or not? I think perhaps the back hair wasn't getting trimmed because it fell too short above the rest of my hair, but honestly I'm still not sure. My hair isn't nearly as long as hers; only a bit longer than shoulder length.

Groovy Granny
March 30th, 2017, 07:50 PM
I trim my own hair...after having been burned several times by stylists, I said NEVER AGAIN :steam
It saves time and money...and I get what I want...when I it is convenient for me.

March 30th, 2017, 08:33 PM
I've cut/trimmed my own hair for the past decade, long or short. Why? It's free and I do a better job since I know my hair and know exactly what I want.

March 30th, 2017, 10:15 PM
I've been trimming my hair myself for the last 4 years. The main reason is that I don't want to lose length and when I go to the hairdresser, they always cut more than I asked for. I think that if I had been going to the haidresser all this time, my hair wouldn't be anywhere near the length it is now.

March 30th, 2017, 10:19 PM
I have always cut my own hair even when it was a pixie. I can count 4 times in 50 years that I allowed someone else to cut my hair. I do a better job and I trust my self. I would rather do it badly than pay someone else to do it badly. I am also in control.

March 30th, 2017, 11:52 PM
I do.

The last time I took my long hair to a hairdresser for a trim (not talking about the GM salon visit) they tangled it so much from washing it aggressively that they couldn't get the tangles out and told me they would have to cut it back to shoulder length. I got angry and ranted that there was NO WAY they were going to cut it and that they had better detangle it. They did, but at a cost of about three hours and pulling a great deal of my hair out :(.


Plus I have social anxiety and loathe small talk, it just seems so pointless.... I don't like a stranger being so close to me either, it is expensive, they often cut way too much off...

It's so quick and convenient - and free - to cut it myself, so why wouldn't I ? :)

GM salon? Is there one in NZ or were you overseas? I'd love to visit a GM salon at least once.

I do both: trim myself and visit a salon every now and then when I want more cut off or just the experience of really nice ends (which I somehow don't get from self-trimming). I've been going to my stylist on and off for 21 years and she has never cut off more than I asked. Usually less. The same cannot be said for another stylist she once employed who gave me a 'trim' that took me from tailbone to BSL. I now know to ask for my stylist by name. She has long hair herself and has had most of the time I've known her so she 'gets' long hair even on 'older' women. And because I've been going to her for so long I'm okay with the small talk. Plus it's good practice for those times when I can't avoid social situations. Thankfully we don't need to tip where I live so the cost isn't outrageous.

March 31st, 2017, 12:45 AM
GM salon? Is there one in NZ or were you overseas? I'd love to visit a GM salon at least once.

I do both: trim myself and visit a salon every now and then when I want more cut off or just the experience of really nice ends (which I somehow don't get from self-trimming). I've been going to my stylist on and off for 21 years and she has never cut off more than I asked. Usually less. The same cannot be said for another stylist she once employed who gave me a 'trim' that took me from tailbone to BSL. I now know to ask for my stylist by name. She has long hair herself and has had most of the time I've known her so she 'gets' long hair even on 'older' women. And because I've been going to her for so long I'm okay with the small talk. Plus it's good practice for those times when I can't avoid social situations. Thankfully we don't need to tip where I live so the cost isn't outrageous.

In 2015 there was an LHC meet at the GM salon in New York and I had the great fortune of being able to be there :)

March 31st, 2017, 10:59 AM
I've never known the salon life at all. That's because

1) Health reasons; I've got a lot of allergies and I can't use any of their products at all. They'd be appalled at my current regimen of water rinses. Even their heat styling is too much for my skin.

2)It doesn't make economical sense to pay the top up prices set for type 3/4 hair just to water rinse my hair (if a hairdresser could be trusted and persuaded not to use their products) then get it cut in a way I don't want. Many want to use heat to straighten it before cutting. Others would cut it in a rounded shape that looks great worn out but wouldn't be suitable for every day wear plaiting/braiding. I mostly cut my hair braided/plaited because that's how I wear it. I've heard of a hairdresser speaking about how horrific she found such a practice. She's mainly thinking about how uneven it would look once straightened but I never straighten my hair.

3) I have ultimate control of how I cut and the time spent on the cut. It's all at my convenience. I don't have to wait on anyone's schedule. It's known that some hairdressers that specialise in type 3/4 hair don't run appointments on time. You could spend all day just to get your hair done, not because you necessarily chose a styling option that takes many hours but because that's how they run things. Mother booked an appointment to have her locked hair refreshed. She got there at 9am sharp when many businesses open and according to the sign posted on the door that was their normal business opening hour too. It was still shut when she got there. She waited a further hour until the place was opened up. They'd all partied the night before so they were slow to start the next day. I don't know why they couldn't have arranged all appointments to start at 10am and put a notice up to that effect.

4) I don't trust a hairdresser to pay attention to my well being. I've already had too many people disregard my allergies as it is. I've even heard a few horror stories where people have had relaxer put in their hair without their knowledge when they went to the hairdresser to get their thick kinky curly hair styled.

March 31st, 2017, 12:09 PM
I don't yet, but I definitely will be in the future. My last "trim" was in December of 2015, where they couldn't tell the difference between .5" and 2".

1) They never listen to how much you want off, and always try to pressure me into getting layers.

2) I have an anxiety disorder, and the small talk/along with the feeling of being trapped sets it off immediately.

3) They always rip brushes through your hair and are super pushy about getting it blow dried. Last time I got a cut I refused to have my hair blown out and they looked at me like I had two heads.

4) They always mess up my bangs when they go to trim them... I have a very specific way that I trim them.

5) The salons by me charge a "handling fee" for anyone with longer than BSL hair :rolleyes:

March 31st, 2017, 01:19 PM
I don't yet, but I definitely will be in the future. My last "trim" was in December of 2015, where they couldn't tell the difference between .5" and 2".

1) They never listen to how much you want off, and always try to pressure me into getting layers.

2) I have an anxiety disorder, and the small talk/along with the feeling of being trapped sets it off immediately.

3) They always rip brushes through your hair and are super pushy about getting it blow dried. Last time I got a cut I refused to have my hair blown out and they looked at me like I had two heads.

4) They always mess up my bangs when they go to trim them... I have a very specific way that I trim them.

5) The salons by me charge a "handling fee" for anyone with longer than BSL hair :rolleyes:

A handling fee? Seriously? Considering long hair takes less time to trim than a lot of shorter styles, that is outrageous.

Makes me realise how fortunate I am with my stylist. She never cuts more than asked, never washes my hair, and never blowdries my hair. I get what I want every time (except looking gorgeous which I'm always half-hoping for!)

March 31st, 2017, 01:39 PM
2) I have an anxiety disorder, and the small talk/along with the feeling of being trapped sets it off immediately.

3) They always rip brushes through your hair and are super pushy about getting it blow dried. Last time I got a cut I refused to have my hair blown out and they looked at me like I had two heads.

I forgot about how some hairdressers hurt you by brushing too hard. I was once a bridesmaid as a little girl and had my hair curled. I remember being in a lot of pain as the lady rolled the curlers SO tightly. The rollers were burning my scalp as well as the pain from the rollers being so tight. Being a timid little girl, I didn't say anything and just gritted my teeth. I still find it hard to speak up even today, especially if the hairdresser is extra friendly.

March 31st, 2017, 02:53 PM
I trim every six weeks to keep a perfect blunt hemline. No reason to pay someone to do what I can do myself.

April 1st, 2017, 12:19 PM
In 2015 there was an LHC meet at the GM salon in New York and I had the great fortune of being able to be there :)

How wonderful for you! (But how wonderful it would be to have a GM salon down under.)

April 1st, 2017, 12:37 PM
I only went to salons in the past for big haircuts, never for trims. They always did a great job and cut off less first to make sure I liked it. My bad haircuts came from friends and family members not listening to what I wanted. But the reason I don't like professional cuts is all the small talk. I get really nervous when asked personal questions about my life.

April 1st, 2017, 02:23 PM
I started cutting my own hair to save money, in my early twenties. Sometimes the haircut would come out horrible looking like a bird's nest, and my sister suggested I went to Supercuts, but I still persisted in cutting my own hair to save money (college student budget).
I did go to hair salons a couple years ago, the haircuts actually looked good, but I thought they were too expensive, so I didn't go back. I eventually tried Feye's self-trim method and the trim came out nice.
Now I have straight cut bangs, and also trim them myself, again to save money. I have to trim them often, or they start poking my glasses, I can't imagine going back to salons every week or ten days at most!

April 1st, 2017, 08:53 PM
So, did I ever tell you about the time I asked my husband to trim an inch off my hair?


Only took 4" to straighten that mess out.

April 1st, 2017, 10:04 PM
How wonderful for you! (But how wonderful it would be to have a GM salon down under.)

It surely would be fabulous! :D

Jo Ann
April 1st, 2017, 10:14 PM
So, did I ever tell you about the time I asked my husband to trim an inch off my hair?


Only took 4" to straighten that mess out.
Your Dear Husband and my Oldest Dear Son must have attended the same hair school! I had asked Oldest Dear Son to trim about an inch off mine--he said my hair was uneven (I had tried giving myself a U/V hemline a couple of months prior) so he evened my hemline out and THEN took off about an inch...I lost about 4-5" of length!

I trim mine to save money AND to get the proper length trimmed. I also discovered that, when trimming, Less is More. Saves money, too!

And small talk? I found launching into a discussion about politics is a GREAT way to avoid the small talk :face:

April 2nd, 2017, 01:29 PM
I know that i isn't that long, but this weekend can i officially say that i haven't been to a hairdresser in one year:D
I would love to continue with this and never go to a hair salon ever again :rolleyes:

1. Just too expensive
2. They always cut too much of
3. I hate the small talk
4. I enjoy cutting my own hair

Current length: ca. 33 inches:p

April 12th, 2017, 09:01 PM
I do, and for reasons that have all been mentioned above.

I have control over my hair: length, style, and treatment.
I don't have to pay ridiculous amounts for an all-one-length half-inch straight across trim.
I can do it at my convenience and spontaneously, even in the middle of the night, should I choose to do so. I don't have to travel anywhere or book any appointments.

Being able to trim frequently and in small amounts allows me to maintain the health of my ends and grow to longer lengths. Back when I needed to go to hairdressers, I kept getting "all the dead ends" chopped off and would lose 4-6 inches every time.

April 13th, 2017, 02:02 PM
I've been to a salon quite a few times in my life, but I've cut my hair a lot myself, also. I cannot stand someone's CLAWS digging into my scalp...they have obviously been told what a wonderful thing it is to rip into someone in that way. I had my hair frosted once....it took hours and I prayed the whole time that I wouldn't vomit before I left. I never did that again. I cut my hair a lot when I had a pixie, but that is also when I had my most salon visits. It has been 3 yrs now since I've been to a salon.

My reasons:
I can do it on the spur of the moment myself...so no waiting.
No cost.
No worry about how much they will cut.
No worry about ending up with layers.
No worry about CLAWS.
And I have never made myself feel like I need to vomit.
Did I mention I have a very tender head?
And can you see the look on their faces if I mentioned no heat, no shampoo, no product of any kind...only water?

April 13th, 2017, 02:13 PM
I do, and have done for years now. I've been to a hairdresser... once? In my life, actually. Mum used to cut my hair growing up and since I moved out, I've been doing it myself. The one time I actually had a hairdresser cut my hair was when I worked in a salon (nail tech) ^^'

It's so much cheaper, and I can easily get the style I like, or just a really tiny trim, like I usually do now :) I've been dying my hair myself as well, but I'm switching to henna/indigo now (which I might have my fiance help with).

April 13th, 2017, 03:35 PM
I get my hubby to trim my hair with a crea clip, I don't trust hair dressers anymore, I've had one too many disasters and they always cut more off than I would like. Hubby does a great job and is super fussy. I do my own fringe/bangs. No more stress when I get a trim! :blossom:

April 13th, 2017, 06:34 PM
I trim myself because I trust to trim what I want than a hairdresser would. They trim off entirely too much.

April 13th, 2017, 11:49 PM
I cut my own bangs in this week after a lot of you tube viewing and checking threads here for advice. I feel confident now that when it comes time for a trim I can do it myself. Mostly I just avoid hairdressers. It's time and money and organising I don't get round to most of the time. I've gone years with no visits just letting it grow, which is pretty much the normal for me. There have been 3 in my life I've actually felt 100% comfortable with. The first in my teens I could sit down, say 'do something new' and walk out with a perfect cut feeling amazing. Every other hairdresser I've tried that with I've walked out with exactly the same cut I had, just neater from the trim. The other two always listen and just do what I ask. In future I'll just do it myself.

April 14th, 2017, 10:00 AM
I won't go back to a salon. Never ever ever comes out the way I want. I can do my own micro trimming or I let my bf trim the hem with the clippers. It's not hard for him to make a straight line and take half an inch off so that's how I've been doing it. My hair grew the fastest that way.

April 14th, 2017, 10:36 AM
I trim my own hair because it's cheaper, I control how much I cut, and I don't have to deal with products being pushed at me, heat styling, etc.

April 14th, 2017, 10:44 AM
I have my mom trim my hair. I've heard too many horror stories on here, plus at my local Hair Cuttery they wash your hair first, and they do it like they're wringing out a towel.

April 14th, 2017, 11:55 AM
I get my hubby to trim my hair with a crea clip, I don't trust hair dressers anymore, I've had one too many disasters and they always cut more off than I would like. Hubby does a great job and is super fussy. I do my own fringe/bangs. No more stress when I get a trim! :blossom:
I forgot these things existed! I've always wondered if they were worth the money. I wonder how hard it would be to use on super fine fairytale ends...

April 14th, 2017, 07:58 PM
I do I've done Feyes method works pretty good. I don't trust salons they will most likely trim too much off.

April 14th, 2017, 11:11 PM
I trimmed my own hair this year because I could not be bothered to go to a salon to be honest. I just rationalise that I'm growing it out and it's a waste of money to get a simple trim without any styling or anything. I very rarely wear my hair down anyway so it's not a problem for me if I cut it unevenly.

April 15th, 2017, 02:20 AM
I have done it in past as anytime i went for a trim my hair was cut about 2 inches.

I have since then done my own.

My hair badly needs a trim and I dont want a pixie.


April 15th, 2017, 02:39 AM
1. They always cut more than I tell them too. (And I have tried many different salons).
2. I don't feel comfortable sitting covered in the chair, while starring at myself in the mirror, having to stand forced small talk.
3. They always try to push their expensive products on me.
4. I found I am doing a much better job myself. (I'm using Faye's method)

It's been over 10 years since my last visit to a hairdresser. :)

Ps. I'm sure there are many great hairdressers out there that I haven't met. I am just not in need of their services anymore.

April 15th, 2017, 04:24 AM
Ive never understood why my idea of how i want my hair to look and my hairdressers idea were so different.
I always wanted a messy, undone, natural style..... it seems i didnt need to get my hair cut every other month to achieve this. Who knew?! ;)
Not been to the hairdressers in a year and a half and i wont be going back..... *enlightened*

April 17th, 2017, 03:00 AM
I started trimming myself because of horrible salon experiences. With very blunt and ugly layering, hairdressers trying to cut in volume my making rows of shorter hair that would just stand straight up so it looked awfull. My last salon experience was the final drop, my hair was MBL length and I went in for a trim and discussed exactly what needed to be taken off but he went ahead and cut back to CBL. I was so sad, but then I found this forum out of frustration and love it here. So, now I just trim it myself and spend the saved money on hairtoys! :crush:

April 17th, 2017, 04:00 AM
It's just *easy*. In the comfort of your own home. No need to go out, find parking (which is a terrible situation around here in town as less and less cars are allowed). Yes there is a salon around the corner but it is busy traffic and maybe 2 parking spots and no I'm disabled so can't just walk to it, I have to have someone drive me. Wish they'd take that into account with their car-free zones in town (sigh, don't get me started :lol:). Anyway... it's just easier to get done at home.

My mom loves it. Although she won't be trimming mine for quite some time. She just last week trimmed (& colored) hers, about an inch (3 cm) every 4 months or so.

April 17th, 2017, 04:38 AM
I use to trim my own hair but the only reason I did was because I was trained for 6 years in Hairdressing, since I've been growing my hair though and its not past shoulders yet, I've only been letting a very trusted hairdresser touch my hair who understands that im growing it and it helping me keep on track. Once my hair is boob length again I will be probably going to get it healthy by myself though.

April 17th, 2017, 05:13 AM
1. I can control the products used and where they are used.
2. I don't get a itchy scalp, due to excess shampoo.
3. I don't hear "we should probably cut a little more...", "you could do some highlights, dye your hair..." (hairdressers go crazy with a virgin long hair)
4. I'm much more patient, gentle and know more about my hair than anyone else. Many hairdressers learn how to cut but not how to hear.
5. No men around while I'm grooming myself.

April 17th, 2017, 05:54 AM
5. No men around while I'm grooming myself.

Yes the salons I used to frequent in my youth were women-only. Men went to barbers, and we still had more than 3 barbers in our town. The "trend" these past few years is towards all-inclusive salons, men & women together. There's 1 barber shop still in our town (for 30.000 inhabitants), and that's the one my dad frequents. He won't go to an all-inclusive salon. He hates it. He's very old-fashioned (1950s mentality, no joke - he does help my mom with everything though, he's not that bad :lol: ;)).

I personally don't mind *so much* that there are men around, but since it is so different than in my youth, it feels a little alien to me (might be just me, IDK).

Because of my disability I am just glad I don't need to go through the hassle, you know. It's easier at home.

April 17th, 2017, 07:00 AM
lapushka, when I moved to the capital to study, I went to a salon and decided to do my first pedicure (outside home). A few minutes later, there I was with cotton balls between my toes and a guy right next to me, looking at a FHM magazine. It's not that I mind so much about it, it's doable, but uncomfortable. I do associate privacy with certain activities and certain people. There are private moments to have with men, private moments to have with all and some private moments are better between just us girls.

It's easier at home, indeed. And we can turn it into a jolly little spa. :)

April 17th, 2017, 09:17 AM
I trimmed my own hair just a few days ago. And my hair thanked me ever so graciously once I was done. She's predictable like that though; she'll do the same happy dance the next time she gets a trim - a year from now. I do a much better job than any stylist I've ever encountered so, of course, I trim my own hair.

-I understand the difference between a trim and a cut without having to glance back and forth between my hair and an open dictionary.

-I don't have to put $50 into the toilet and walk away just to glance at my ends and notice split after split after another freggin' split..... how did a "professional" miss all of these???

-I can avoid scissor happy hairdressers that assume any length past your shoulder simply must be full of dead ends. There's just no way all of this is healthy. Let me ask her what she uses to wash her hair (conditioner?!?) and demonize the way she cares for it (you air dry?!?!? You poor girl. Don't you know that that dry's the hair out/!) :undecided:bs:because this is just too abnormal to be a good thing.

-I'm anal about every cm so I know exactly how much is coming off and can trust myself to not have devious intentions.

-I hate scheduling hair appointments because they're never ready for me when my time arrives. And then it takes all day to get me out of that mf. And then I hear that they charge for longer lengths? AND that black salons charge even more if your hair is natural?? Pfftt. Screw that.

-I can't stand the laid-back-to-an-almost-negligent-degree atmosphere of (black) salons. Why must you choose the middle of MY hair appointment to eat your lunch? Letting the delivery boy stroll up with a large bag of food and then I have to piece two and two together as to why you haven't come back to my chair in 20 minutes - after I've just waited for 50. Just unprofessional. And this has happened at evvveeerryyy salon! And, sadly, non-black salons just have no idea what they're doing with my hair. It's like they're trying to style a head of snakes or something. Actually approaching my hair with a comb while it's still DRY shudder:. Or trying to trim it while it's WET :bigeyes:. Like, what is wrong with you??? lol.

-I'll never trust a woman to do my hair who could stand to take a few hair tips from me instead.

-I like knowing that I don't have to go to a stylist for anything. It would take a truly, truly special occasion (like my wedding or winning the Nobel Peace Prize) for me to feel that paying for a stylist is a good idea.

My hair is a body part. And, as with any other limb, I protect it dearly.

April 17th, 2017, 09:41 AM
I cut my hair too. I would find it reasonable to go to a saloon if I had short hair or layered, but it's neither, and it takes me literally 2 min to trim that u-line.

April 21st, 2017, 03:00 PM
I've never known the salon life at all. That's because

1) Health reasons; I've got a lot of allergies and I can't use any of their products at all. They'd be appalled at my current regimen of water rinses. Even their heat styling is too much for my skin.

2)It doesn't make economical sense to pay the top up prices set for type 3/4 hair just to water rinse my hair (if a hairdresser could be trusted and persuaded not to use their products) then get it cut in a way I don't want. Many want to use heat to straighten it before cutting. Others would cut it in a rounded shape that looks great worn out but wouldn't be suitable for every day wear plaiting/braiding. I mostly cut my hair braided/plaited because that's how I wear it. I've heard of a hairdresser speaking about how horrific she found such a practice. She's mainly thinking about how uneven it would look once straightened but I never straighten my hair.

3) I have ultimate control of how I cut and the time spent on the cut. It's all at my convenience. I don't have to wait on anyone's schedule. It's known that some hairdressers that specialise in type 3/4 hair don't run appointments on time. You could spend all day just to get your hair done, not because you necessarily chose a styling option that takes many hours but because that's how they run things. Mother booked an appointment to have her locked hair refreshed. She got there at 9am sharp when many businesses open and according to the sign posted on the door that was their normal business opening hour too. It was still shut when she got there. She waited a further hour until the place was opened up. They'd all partied the night before so they were slow to start the next day. I don't know why they couldn't have arranged all appointments to start at 10am and put a notice up to that effect.

4) I don't trust a hairdresser to pay attention to my well being. I've already had too many people disregard my allergies as it is. I've even heard a few horror stories where people have had relaxer put in their hair without their knowledge when they went to the hairdresser to get their thick kinky curly hair styled.

I totally agree with you on the note of not trusting a hairdresser to trim your hair. I trim or cut my own hair. Have been for a decade. Because, I what I want in style, and I what to cut off or not cut off.

April 21st, 2017, 03:09 PM
I trimmed my own hair just a few days ago. And my hair thanked me ever so graciously once I was done. She's predictable like that though; she'll do the same happy dance the next time she gets a trim - a year from now. I do a much better job than any stylist I've ever encountered so, of course, I trim my own hair.

-I understand the difference between a trim and a cut without having to glance back and forth between my hair and an open dictionary.

-I don't have to put $50 into the toilet and walk away just to glance at my ends and notice split after split after another freggin' split..... how did a "professional" miss all of these???

-I can avoid scissor happy hairdressers that assume any length past your shoulder simply must be full of dead ends. There's just no way all of this is healthy. Let me ask her what she uses to wash her hair (conditioner?!?) and demonize the way she cares for it (you air dry?!?!? You poor girl. Don't you know that that dry's the hair out/!) :undecided:bs:because this is just too abnormal to be a good thing.

-I'm anal about every cm so I know exactly how much is coming off and can trust myself to not have devious intentions.

-I hate scheduling hair appointments because they're never ready for me when my time arrives. And then it takes all day to get me out of that mf. And then I hear that they charge for longer lengths? AND that black salons charge even more if your hair is natural?? Pfftt. Screw that.

-I can't stand the laid-back-to-an-almost-negligent-degree atmosphere of (black) salons. Why must you choose the middle of MY hair appointment to eat your lunch? Letting the delivery boy stroll up with a large bag of food and then I have to piece two and two together as to why you haven't come back to my chair in 20 minutes - after I've just waited for 50. Just unprofessional. And this has happened at evvveeerryyy salon! And, sadly, non-black salons just have no idea what they're doing with my hair. It's like they're trying to style a head of snakes or something. Actually approaching my hair with a comb while it's still DRY shudder:. Or trying to trim it while it's WET :bigeyes:. Like, what is wrong with you??? lol.

-I'll never trust a woman to do my hair who could stand to take a few hair tips from me instead.

-I like knowing that I don't have to go to a stylist for anything. It would take a truly, truly special occasion (like my wedding or winning the Nobel Peace Prize) for me to feel that paying for a stylist is a good idea.

My hair is a body part. And, as with any other limb, I protect it dearly.

I totally agree with you on that note! LOL. I don't trust nobody to trim my hair these days. At the salon they always get entirely too scissor happy. The only things you might see me in salon for is hair coloring, and deep conditioning. But the other things like flat-ironing and styling I do all myself.

April 21st, 2017, 03:13 PM
lapushka, when I moved to the capital to study, I went to a salon and decided to do my first pedicure (outside home). A few minutes later, there I was with cotton balls between my toes and a guy right next to me, looking at a FHM magazine. It's not that I mind so much about it, it's doable, but uncomfortable. I do associate privacy with certain activities and certain people. There are private moments to have with men, private moments to have with all and some private moments are better between just us girls.

It's easier at home, indeed. And we can turn it into a jolly little spa. :)

I totally understand. Some activities I love to be just among women. Not that I'm *that* uncomfortable at the hairdresser, but still... It's not what I was used to when I was a child, so it's hard to grow out of that, I suppose. :)

May 5th, 2017, 05:45 PM
A hairdresser friend showed me in my early 20's how to do basic cuts. This has been a blessing, as I've cut my families hair for the last 18 years, which has saved us lots of money! (Family of 8 😊) It has however, been part of the reason that I've self sabotaged my hair growth efforts time and time again. It's too easy to grab the hairdressing scissors, and give myself a chop! I think if I had to book appointments, I may cut my hair less often. I've currently sworn off of self haircuts, and am giving this hair growth thing a go again:)

May 6th, 2017, 10:51 PM
I'm a professional hair stylist and am in the salon every week. Cost and time aren't an issue.

I trim my own hair for a variety of reasons. Some of which include:
1. I am now without layers, so it's simple enough to do myself.
2. I'm a control freak. Trimming myself resolves this issue. I control the exact amount cut.
3. I don't trust my coworkers.

May 6th, 2017, 11:38 PM
I have switched from having the salon do it to having my DBF do it because:
--my hairstylist doesn't understand what half or quarter of an inch is despite my showing her with my fingers
--I can get the exact shape I want (using the CreaClip)
--my DBF understands my goals and shares them
--convenience. No time in waiting rooms

May 7th, 2017, 11:56 PM
I trim it myself because i can approach a closer look for what i want than a regular stylist and dont feel awkward with the conversation and the unflattering lights music combo they usually have.

May 8th, 2017, 02:50 AM
I trim it myself, because I tend to be excessively bothered when unknown products are put on my hair (I'm a sulfate-free, cones-free, "natural"/organic enthusiast), and also because I'm way too lazy to go to a salon.
I also like being able to maintain my hair myself, without depending on somebody else to trim it. And hairdressers usually detangle my hair kind of harshly, combing from the roots down and fighting against tangles :(
However, I've never had any issues with stylists cutting off more than I asked. In fact, all of them showed me the amount of hair that they intended to cut and made sure that was what I wanted, before making any cut, which I really appreciate from them :o
I still need to practice my self-trimming technique though, since I do sometimes end up with a less-than-ideal uneven cut ... But I'm slowly getting better at it.

May 9th, 2017, 06:43 AM
I trim myself as well, have been for years. My hair is mostly one length (with a few face-framing fringes) so its very simple to trim it a couple of times a year to keep it at my preferred length. I don't feel the need to spend the money at a salon--they usually don't know what to do with long hair anyway!

May 9th, 2017, 04:03 PM
I'm allergic to most of what they use, so a salon trip usually ends in an asthma attack. Also, the stylists in my area cannot measure. I asked for a 1 inch trim and got an 8+ inch cut.

May 9th, 2017, 04:13 PM
Saves time!

May 9th, 2017, 06:57 PM
Every so often I will try a new hairdresser to see if I can develop sufficient trust in them. On the two occasions I've found someone with whom I developed trust/comfort, both of these people were at the end of their career and retired within a couple of years.

Luckily I learned to cut hair when I was in high school (about 45 years ago) and enjoy it, so I generally can keep up with my personal hair whims.

May 11th, 2017, 07:20 AM
I used to trim my own hair, but since I have given up my bangs I just have my DH trim my length. He is more patient than I am, it's free, and unlike some hairdressers he does not balk at the idea of cutting it in a straight line. He is also more cautious than I, and a firm believer in "less is more." That removes my temptation to chop off too much!

May 11th, 2017, 09:46 AM
I trust my husband before I'd trust a complete stranger. So he trims it for me when I ask.

May 12th, 2017, 05:59 AM
This will be the first year I ever trim my own hair and I'll be following Feye's Method.

1. Haircuts can be so expensive! Where I live I'm looking at 30 pounds which is just way too much money for me.
2. Hairdressers never listen to me and I always end up leaving the salon upset.
3. I think it's a good skill to have.

May 12th, 2017, 06:39 AM
I trim my own hair, have been doing it exclusively for well over 10 years, and before that I did it occasionally. I have my reasons but since they are mostly already covered here by others, I won't elaborate more than this. :)

May 12th, 2017, 07:39 AM
Free, less stressful, less time, easier. It's just all around better for my state of mind.

Cassandre Brave
May 12th, 2017, 02:47 PM
Well, I trim my hair myself, as I'm never satisfied by what a hairdresser do. ^^'
I always thought that hairdressers cut as much as they want to cut, and they never listen to their clients! >_< When I was a very young teenage, the hairdresser always cut as much as my hair re growth... I was so disgusted: all these months, waisted by a severe cut... :( Because of this I never had mermaid's tresses!

So then, I decided to take back control of my own hair!:cheese: Now, I do my S&D, cut my hair once every 3 or 5 months (depending on my timetable), sometimes I practize some "brûlage ā l'ancienne" (I can't remember the English term for that, sorry! A very helpful method when I have too much splits ends!)... :heartbeat
Since these decisions, my hair had some more inches! And it's probably continuing to grow! :Star:

The coolest things with self trimming: you spare money, you spare time if you need to cut them on a busy week-end (the hairdressing salons are full to bursting at weekends!), you can experience something new, etc...
So much advantages with self trimming! ♥

May 12th, 2017, 03:59 PM
We had a flyer delivered to our mailbox yesterday, haircuts for women $45 and for men, $30. Another good reason to cut my own hair....

May 15th, 2017, 05:14 AM
I see how much effort it takes to cut a nice, short, shaped, and styled haircut. I will never understand why trimming a small amount straight across costs so much more than all of that short haircut effort. $45, please!

May 15th, 2017, 05:35 AM
I enjoy cutting my hair! I put some music on and lock myself in the bathroom, sing, pose and all of that good stuff.

Also, things I don't like about the hairdressers:

1) The price
2) The fact they insist on blow drying
3) They comb your wet hair mercilessly
4) Small talk
5) I feel like I need to go with clean hair or they'll be grossed out when washing it (and I don't like washing clean hair, seems a waste)

Also I had a terrible experience with a hairdresser cooking my hair with straighteners once :doh:

May 15th, 2017, 05:39 AM
My mom cuts her own hair (Feye's method), and cuts mine (compact cut method) and she would do my dad's hair, where it not that he likes his barber and it's still "only" about €10. It would be different for my dad (a man's cut is not that easy) and she would need to get clippers again for my dad, so... as long as he can still go to the barber (he's in his 70s), it's fine.

May 15th, 2017, 06:12 AM
Lapushka, the compact cut is the one of the pony-tail, right? where do you place the pony-tail? crown, forehead?
and what's your opinion about layers?
I do Feye's because my hair are too short still for the compact method, but being a curly I wonder if layers would be a good idea for me, when I reach longer lenghts. I have also a creaclip in some drawer, waiting.

May 15th, 2017, 07:14 AM
Lapushka, the compact cut is the one of the pony-tail, right? where do you place the pony-tail? crown, forehead?
and what's your opinion about layers?
I do Feye's because my hair are too short still for the compact method, but being a curly I wonder if layers would be a good idea for me, when I reach longer lenghts. I have also a creaclip in some drawer, waiting.

I would not recommend compact cutting if your hair is shorter than BSL. I would go for waist length for sure.

You have 2 techniques. You either place the ponytail:

- on top of your head (overall longer layers)
- on top of your forehead (short to longest layers)

If you can't reach, then elastic band to where you can reach, then take the ponytail down and continue to band in the same way you were banding. That makes you able to cut it when it's longer than your hands can reach.

I use the latter method. I love it. I have hip+ length now and my shortest layers are about APL. So that gives you an idea on how short the shortest layers can get at this length. If your hair is shorter, that is going to be vastly shorter still.

May 15th, 2017, 08:27 AM
That would probably be my choice too, should I opt for layers, once I get to BSL. Have you ever had a blunter cut? do you ever miss a fuller hemline?

May 15th, 2017, 09:10 AM
That would probably be my choice too, should I opt for layers, once I get to BSL. Have you ever had a blunter cut? do you ever miss a fuller hemline?

I was blunt cut until I hit waist, and then the weight and lack of volume just got to me. It was either stay at waist or grow on layered, for me at least.

May 15th, 2017, 09:52 AM
So you'd say layers do increase volume? I never quite understood if it was a myth of hairstylists, who love layering just because they can, or it's true.

May 15th, 2017, 01:57 PM
So you'd say layers do increase volume? I never quite understood if it was a myth of hairstylists, who love layering just because they can, or it's true.

Not just that, to decrease the heaviness I feel from a blunt cut as well; it feels like a curtain, and heavy to me. YMMV of course. Not everyone likes layers. In fact, a lot of people do not.

May 15th, 2017, 02:15 PM
I currently don't trim my hair myself, but I like to have one of my family members do it.

1. I'm lazy and the hassle of having to get an appointment, get to the hair salon and then go back home isn't worth it to me.
2. I don't want anything fancy/special done to my hair, but even just getting your hair trimmed is so expensive. (Buying food > paying for an expensive trim. :P)
3. I get too scissor happy so I'd probably end up cutting off too much. >.<
4. After reading about so many horror stories about people who got way too much hair cut off when they asked for a small trim, I don't want to take the risk as I'm still really far from where I want my hair to be. I don't want to pay money to get upset/disappointed and I think my family members are doing a good job trimming my hair.

May 15th, 2017, 02:44 PM
I currently don't trim my hair myself, but I like to have one of my family members do it.

1. I'm lazy and the hassle of having to get an appointment, get to the hair salon and then go back home isn't worth it to me.
2. I don't want anything fancy/special done to my hair, but even just getting your hair trimmed is so expensive. (Buying food > paying for an expensive trim. :P)
3. I get too scissor happy so I'd probably end up cutting off too much. >.<
4. After reading about so many horror stories about people who got way too much hair cut off when they asked for a small trim, I don't want to take the risk as I'm still really far from where I want my hair to be. I don't want to pay money to get upset/disappointed and I think my family members are doing a good job trimming my hair.

How long is your hair currently? If it gets to be around APL, maybe Feye's self trimming method might start to work for you. :flower:

I let my mom trim mine with the compact cut method for layers. She doesn't just "freehand it".

May 15th, 2017, 03:39 PM
How long is your hair currently? If it gets to be around APL, maybe Feye's self trimming method might start to work for you. :flower:

I let my mom trim mine with the compact cut method for layers. She doesn't just "freehand it".

I'm a short person (around 160 cm) and have a short torso to boot so I'm at waist. :P Thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind! For now, I'm not too fussed about my family members "freehanding it" as the hemline isn't totally crazy, hehe. :)

May 16th, 2017, 11:03 AM
I started on the no trim thread, but during S&D I get frustrated at some sections because I'll find like 10 splits in a mix of about a clump of 20 hairs. I end up trimming the whole thing and do this in random spots.

Is that a lazy semi trim? I'm not exactly going for a hemline or anything yet, and don't really care too much what it looks like. Just growing and trying to keep what I've got. I've realized in doing this I have lost a bit of length this year. Maybe an inch or so. It was worth it.

Also, I've taught myself how to trim the breakage throughout my hair, and there is a ton of it!

May 16th, 2017, 11:12 AM
I trim my own bc I went to cosmetology school, so I can! Hehe I also believe anyone else can as well. ANY scissors from sallys will do the trick (but I do not recommend plastic handled scissors.) The only difference btwn me and other people is practice and techniques. YouTube is fine for techniques, so simply practice! Good hairdressers vs bad ones mostly don't lack skill (some certainly do...) But rather it's bc they don't listen to their clients wants for their hair! You will listen to yourself and only remove the "dust" at the bottom of your hem :)

May 16th, 2017, 12:14 PM
ANY scissors from sallys will do the trick (but I do not recommend plastic handled scissors.)

This is interesting Cherriezzzzz, how come you don't like the plastic handles ones?

going gray
May 18th, 2017, 10:14 AM
Haven't been to a salon in 3+ years, yes it's costly, but my biggest reason is, I'm also tired of hair stylists thinking I'm way to old for long hair. The catch phrase if "it's not doing me any favors" only makes me look older, not to mention the gray hair!!! (ha!)

The biggest point just consider all the money these so called "stylists" lose by us ladies all over the world doing our own trims & NOT coloring!!!

May 18th, 2017, 11:27 AM
I've been trimming my own ends for the past 2 years in order to gain length and slowly trim out old bleach and layers and growing out bangs. I don't plan on going back to the salon until the end of this year, when my hair is finally at/around hip with very little blonde left in it. Then I'll get layers put in and maybe some balayage.

It is really hard for me to gain length with fine hair when someone always feels the need to hack off over an inch every time I go in for a trim. Also I don't use heat on my hair or manipulate it much except combing, and they like to blast it and brush it to death and then heat style it.

May 18th, 2017, 04:14 PM
I've been cutting my own hair since like... 2012 at least. Mostly because the last time I'd gone I had wanted something rather specific and got something very very different. I didn't hate it, it was cute, but it wasn't what I wanted. I'd brought like 8 pictures, that showed several different angles, so it wasn't like there was much guesswork to do.

Plus since I was just cutting it into a pixie (from 2013-2016), it was easier for me to just do it myself. I know I'll get to a more awkward stage where it's harder to do myself, but I'm sure I'll be fine lol. I just don't see too much reason to go anymore, though!

May 18th, 2017, 07:12 PM
This is interesting Cherriezzzzz, how come you don't like the plastic handles ones?

Oh it's just the least in quality. That's the most important thing. When scissors cut hair they are essentially cutting roof shingles but hundreds of them. Does that help the visual for spilt ends?! LOL You want scissors made to cut hair so those "roof shingles" (outer hair cuticle) STAYS DOWN! My BF was trimming her own hair and kept getting damaged ends... and she's also growing long with me. I couldn't understand why till she informed me she trimmed with her ha hair with craft scissors. LOL I felt like a terrible friend for not asking her what she was using!

May 19th, 2017, 04:20 AM
I trim so I can save more length and money.

May 19th, 2017, 04:30 AM
I cut mine myself & avoid hairdressers like the Plague!

1. Where I live, most hairdressers are creative 'artistes' who want to impose their grand vision onto you.

2. Every time my hair was wrecked in my teens & early 20s, a hairdresser had been to behind the hair carnage.

3. The small-talk, chit-chatting & billion questions drive me nuts.

I trim it myself, & that way, I never lose 2" when I only wanted a 1/8" dusting. I am never tempted to do anything crazy at home, like bleach it all blonde, or get ombré or a bunch of stripey-looking highlights. For some reason, hairdressers always want me to go blonde.

May 19th, 2017, 05:48 AM
In me I trust.
Oh, and it's fun. I love cutting hair (mine or others).

Expanding on this, I've been "in the trim" (self and others) for over 35 years, so am right at home doing it. (Yeah, I know, there's a pun in there...) But whenever I've wanted to restyle my hair, I've gone to the hairdressers or barber. Often I'd even have to ask for more cut off, because I was paying for something different and wanted it to show change. But there were also times I'd have to redo the hem because of unevenness thanks to my wavies and curlies (especially at my nape if it was a bob).

So, to me, hairdressers are stylists that are handy sometimes. I've even been shown a few tricks from them just about every time I've gone to one (I'd be up front about who last cut my hair, often to their surprise, thus the sharing of ideas). But to be honest, I don't see myself going to a hairdresser again as I've "been there, done that" and now enjoy the simpler things.

Time/booking/chatting/money/care/ability/products/tools/outcome are also factors.

May 19th, 2017, 05:53 AM
I trim my own bc I went to cosmetology school, so I can! Hehe I also believe anyone else can as well. ANY scissors from sallys will do the trick (but I do not recommend plastic handled scissors.) The only difference btwn me and other people is practice and techniques. YouTube is fine for techniques, so simply practice! Good hairdressers vs bad ones mostly don't lack skill (some certainly do...) But rather it's bc they don't listen to their clients wants for their hair! You will listen to yourself and only remove the "dust" at the bottom of your hem :)

The drugstore shears might be good for hair up to ii, but if you have iii hair, I would go with the pro ones. For sure. I have some by the EU brand "Ultron" and they are a pro series. I got me the cheapest ones for around €50 and they are Japanese steel, razorsharp. I need them this sharp or they do not cut through my hair. The cheaper drugstore ones always "saw" through my hair, these ones just "cut" right on through the whole lot. And since I do compact cuts (ponytail cuts), it matters to me.

May 20th, 2017, 03:26 PM
I do. I have only done this since last October, a stylist hacked my almost APL length hair to my jawline. I was supposed to be a trim =(. Since then I just feel distrust for stylists (I had a great one but she moved). So I've been trying to cut my hair with season change (solstice or equinox). I've had to do some microtrims due to heat damage (same stylist who hacked my hair). I also just don't have $85 for a blowout and "trim". Since my hair is curly it has to be straightened for the cut. I also wear my hair straight most of the time. I HATE layers lol, my hair is very flyaway and floaty. So when I trim at home I can maintain a blunt cut easily. I have Fromm shears but I want nicer ones. Can someone give me an opinion if the "Jatai feather switch blade shears $83" at Sally Beauty are any good?

May 20th, 2017, 03:44 PM
I do. I have only done this since last October, a stylist hacked my almost APL length hair to my jawline. I was supposed to be a trim =(. Since then I just feel distrust for stylists (I had a great one but she moved). So I've been trying to cut my hair with season change (solstice or equinox). I've had to do some microtrims due to heat damage (same stylist who hacked my hair). I also just don't have $85 for a blowout and "trim". Since my hair is curly it has to be straightened for the cut. I also wear my hair straight most of the time. I HATE layers lol, my hair is very flyaway and floaty. So when I trim at home I can maintain a blunt cut easily. I have Fromm shears but I want nicer ones. Can someone give me an opinion if the "Jatai feather switch blade shears $83" at Sally Beauty are any good?

Why does your hair have to be straightened for a cut? Hmm, yeah I guess, those stylists are a better "deal", because curly hair stylists (who cut dry on curly hair) can be very expensive.

Don't know about the shears, but they sure sound good. I spent a little over €50 on my pro shears by Ultron (EU brand), and they are Japanese steel - that is a good pair of shears to have!!!

May 20th, 2017, 04:45 PM
It upsets my greatly that any hairdresser has cut more hair off then what is asked. I've always told ALL my clients that if anyone cuts off more then you ask refuse to pay AND get free products on your way out the door... that's such bad business. If any client of mine was nervous it's so simple to show them what you're going to cut! Pull the hair down to the bottom (wherever they told you to cut) and just show them beforehand. We have inches on our combs so I can show them the difference btwn an inch, half inch etc. Bc sometimes their inch isn't an actual inch lol It's so disappointing reading y'all's hairdresser stories :( I wish I could slap those scissors out of ppl's hands sometimes LOL

May 20th, 2017, 04:53 PM
Just came across this video on Facebook and I thought of this thread....

May 20th, 2017, 08:33 PM
Because hairdressers just love spreading lies and use them as excuses to be scissor happy!

May 23rd, 2017, 04:54 PM
I've never left a salon happy with my experience. I would rather do it myself. That way, if it ends up uneven, I have no one to blame but myself.

I've left salons in tears before. That's reason enough for me.

May 23rd, 2017, 07:17 PM
Has anyone used dollar store hair scissors? Are they any good?

May 24th, 2017, 06:42 AM
Has anyone used dollar store hair scissors? Are they any good?

I think they might be OK for S&D... but still, when it comes to scissors I would not get regular drugstore ones (dollar store or no). I would get the cheapest pro shears you can find. Mane choice has some great ones that are known, and obtainable in a regular store, I think. I'm from the EU, so Ultron brand shears are amazing if you're looking for good ones there. I don't know where you're from, so... :o

May 24th, 2017, 07:07 AM
I trim my hair and my kiddos' hair because it saves money, because I can squeeze it in at odd times, and because I love people's reactions when they find out I do our haircutting.

May 24th, 2017, 07:10 AM
Ha ha, oh yes, The Reaction! It seems to unfathomable to an avarage person that I don't go to a hair salon it's always a bit funny.

May 25th, 2017, 09:28 AM
I've stopped going to hairdressers because, no matter how little I said I wanted to have cut off, she'd always cut more. I got tired of feeling disappointed after the haircut and seeing inches of hair on the floor. I also like the idea of being able to care for my hair 100% myself--no more salon visits, no more salon colorings. I'm getting DBF to cut it using the CreaClip. I had him watch a video so he would see the point-trimming technique. Before the CreaClip he would cut too much off and also not cut it very evenly. I'm happy with the results now!

July 5th, 2017, 11:31 AM
I grow bored of always returning home disappointed after my visit to the hairdresser to just clean the split-ends... not. I wanted to grow my hair and went every three months and ended up at the same lenght as before. Now I trim it on my own and have only myself to blame if anything happens.

July 5th, 2017, 12:03 PM
The drugstore shears might be good for hair up to ii, but if you have iii hair, I would go with the pro ones. For sure. I have some by the EU brand "Ultron" and they are a pro series. I got me the cheapest ones for around €50 and they are Japanese steel, razorsharp. I need them this sharp or they do not cut through my hair. The cheaper drugstore ones always "saw" through my hair, these ones just "cut" right on through the whole lot. And since I do compact cuts (ponytail cuts), it matters to me.

Hahaha oh the visual I got reading your post! *sawing* indeed! Although I've compact cut my own hair last year to 18 inches, the very bottom of the lump on the back of my neck. It looked great lol

July 5th, 2017, 02:27 PM
I have trimmed my own hair for probably ten years now.
It started when I went to a salon to get blunt bangs cut in and the hair dresser said that it wouldn't suit my face shape so she wouldn't cut them. Being a shy teen back then I just let her do whatever she thought was better. When I got home I cut in the bangs myself. I have never in my life gotten so many compliments on my hair and on how much bangs suited me. Back then my hair was short (around shoulder/apl with layers) and I even managed to trim the back of my head without messing it up. Obviously I was doing a good enough job myself so after that I have never set foot in a hair salon. Freedom! :D

So my reasons are:

1. I have complete control over the results.
2. Free trims.
3. I can trim whenever I please.

I wouldn't have thought of it myself but the smalltalk/social anxiety part is a good point too. No need to worry about making an appointment or who will cut my hair.

July 6th, 2017, 09:57 AM
Hahaha oh the visual I got reading your post! *sawing* indeed! Although I've compact cut my own hair last year to 18 inches, the very bottom of the lump on the back of my neck. It looked great lol

LOL! Yeah, I've had my fair share of shears that sawed. I've had Hema shears, Kruidvat shears (drugstores here in Belgium) and they both did that to me. I even had shears from a set of clippers I once had (and sold). They did that too. I've had the Ultron shears for 10 years, and have not even had to sharpen them (dad did that to the drugstore ones messing up the blade closure). I would buy new ones from the same brand in a snap if ever these were damaged in some way. I absolutely love them.

Agnes Eliza
July 6th, 2017, 01:08 PM
I have cut my own hair since high school, perhaps going to a salon maybe five or six times in the interim with the hopes of finding a stylist who could not ruin my hair. Nope. You would think that they had never seen coarse, thick hair in their lives. And they always cut too much off. And most of them do not have ideas of taste that match my own, so they will want to inflict a style on me that is like The Rachel or something. Usually people assume I go to a stylist, and are surprised when they find out I do my own hair. Nobody understands my hair better than I do.

July 6th, 2017, 01:39 PM
I have never ever stepped foot into a hair salon. I don't trust them with their super sharp scissors and it costs way too much! I get my hubby to do it for me but I haven't trimmed for over 2 and a half years, so it's still all good!

July 7th, 2017, 08:25 AM
I began having DH trim my hair for me years ago for the sake of saving money. After finding LHC I added control over the amount of length coming off. I learned Feye's self trimming method here which is what allowed me to switch from DH trimming it to doing it myself. I did go to a salon a couple of years ago to get an undercut, and then a few months ago for an edgy pixie cut. Since that last one I gave myself another cut because the salon did not make it edgy enough, and now that I am growing it out I will stick to cutting it myself as much as possible so I have full control over how much is cut, and also for cheapness.

July 7th, 2017, 04:46 PM
I haven't been to a hairstylist in 13 years.

1) Experience has shown 9/10 don't know how to cut my hair well.
2) Two significantly bad experiences in the chair resulting in
3) Distrust of scissor wielding strangers.

I am confident there are lovely, talented, caring hairstylists out there. I'm just not one of those people who enjoy getting trendy styles or desire to have a style that needs to be maintained by someone else.

July 7th, 2017, 07:32 PM
I have never had a bad hairdresser. I had many good cuts back in the day. The problem was that I was not making good choices about styles.

About 16 years ago, I just started to let it grow. My husband trimmed it for me until I learned Feye's method. I have been trimming my own hair since about 2005.

The reason that I won't go back to a hairstylist is not that I don't trust them; I just don't actually know any good ones anymore. My favourites have all moved to different salons, and I don't know where.

I'm happy with doing my own trimming. I can do it any time of the day or night, and I'm happy with the result. Proper haircutting shears are a must.

July 7th, 2017, 09:19 PM
I do and have for a very long time. Usually if I go it is for a cut into a new style, not a trim. So:
*If I am just trimming my hair I can do it myself. Sometimes I have to correct and trim a bit more, but I'd rather save money for clothes than go get a trim and pay for it. I feel like I would be just fine getting a trim at a cheaper place and it wouldn't be so bad to spend IDK $15? Especially if it was just 2 or 3 times a year... but... I can just do it myself.
* I am pretty much never satisfied with haircuts I get from stylists. Sometimes even when it was one of the rare times I went for a trim! My hair has always been personal to me, but I feel like stylist never really listen. :/ There's been times I wish I could find a great stylist and go and get that dream haircut, but I just don't think that would ever happen! Plus my dream haircut is long and doesn't really involve a stylist! (just those magical pair of scissors that cut your hair longer...)
The last time I cut my hair from BSL to chin length, about six years ago, I went to a hairstylist. She did okay, I suppose it was like the picture I showed her, but then I ended up coming home and layering it myself with a razor. And I kept it trimmed short and layered myself for awhile until I started growing it out.
So here, basically: the few salon experiences I have are not satisfying. I am growing my hair long so I don't need a stylist when i can adequately trim it myself!

July 8th, 2017, 12:54 AM
I just started self-trimming and will probably keep it up for a while. I used to have a stylist who was used to me and my hair (knew to let me detangle it myself after washing, etc.), but then I moved and never bothered to find a new stylist. I'm not that good at being assertive when someone is ripping a comb through my hair, so I'd like to skip that. I don't mind skipping on the expense. I don't missing the sales spiel for the salon's products (which, sorry, I'm not going to buy, because I already have products that work for me and as I said in the "experimentation" thread, I don't feel the need to try other things while what I have works fine). And I've heard too many horror stories here about stylists who think "trim half an inch off" means "lop classic-length hair back to BSL." Plus right now I'm living overseas and don't want to have to deal with language barriers-- it seems like some of this stuff can be hard enough to get across when everyone has the same native language, forget when we're trying to get by in two different languages. So I figure I might as well do it all myself since I always just want a blunt trim straight across and I figure I can handle that. I've only done it once, but so far, so good?

July 8th, 2017, 01:20 AM
I've been trimming my own hair on and off for about 3+ years. I've never had a bad experience at a salon but I figure that for what I want, there's no point in paying a small fortune, and risking a bad haircut, when I can do it myself. That and I find it so satisfying to do for some reason?

July 8th, 2017, 02:34 AM
Both because of price and because then I can cut it however I feel like without layers being added, a comb being roughly pulled through it, and heat tools being used. That and it can be uncomfortable having a random stranger you have to attempt conversation with.

July 8th, 2017, 02:59 AM
I've trimmed my own hair twice, and so far I like to do it because It's done in no time at all. It's just far too convenient. I might go to a salon if I want it styled or layered, but for now I'm just growing it out so a quick trim is all I need.

July 8th, 2017, 04:22 AM
The last time I let a hairdresser cut my hair was in 2009 I think. Ive been trimming it myself ever since because:

* I hate having to sit looking pitiful in a cape with my hair wet under bright lights while some chatty person is forcing a conversation with me.
* I never take off more than I want to (and if I accidentally would, I cant blame anyone else for it)
* I save a whole lotta money doing it myself (I like spending them on other worthless stuff instead :p)

July 8th, 2017, 04:46 AM
I have never had a bad hairdresser. I had many good cuts back in the day. The problem was that I was not making good choices about styles.

About 16 years ago, I just started to let it grow. My husband trimmed it for me until I learned Feye's method. I have been trimming my own hair since about 2005.

The reason that I won't go back to a hairstylist is not that I don't trust them; I just don't actually know any good ones anymore. My favourites have all moved to different salons, and I don't know where.

I'm happy with doing my own trimming. I can do it any time of the day or night, and I'm happy with the result. Proper haircutting shears are a must.

Wonderful to see you FrannyG!

July 8th, 2017, 07:14 AM
of course every hairstylist "know what he/she does".
firstly, she almost RIPPED my momīs hair OFF confusing a perm with a naturally curly 2b;
second, my mom is of course a hell of an authority figure and she wanted my hair CUT, because she is lazy enough not to care about common sence in hair care. we went to the same hairstylist who practically doesnīt know the difference between straigth and curly hair (people who are not hairstylists know that only straigth hair can be permed). She layered my hair. I didnīt know what in Godīs name mean a layered haircut. I didnīt care about my hair, no stylist told me I need a hair mask, nobody helped me. hair hair was thining and breaking. thatīs not all, the MOST STUPID thing is what my mom says: "you will get bald, your hair is falling". she didnīt fool me a bit, every idiot knows you get bald if you have health issues. but she was too authoritive.
After finishing university studies I felt in love with my man and I live in Germany. Since then on I grew my neck length hair, struggled with detangling a 2b-2c hair, researched the whole net for hair care, my hair grew to waist and I happily took a photo of it: fuzzy, (mechanical) damaged hair, in a v-cut I never knew about. -> more researches, LHC, S&D for a year, discovering I still have that v-cut.
Now I am getting rid of a luxury haircut and nobody wants to know how I struggle... the most important was: I have a family and I must be a good child.
Photo: why I hate layers, tapers, short hair and ordinary bra strap hair. http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=27866&d=1499518515

July 9th, 2017, 06:23 PM
The minute my hair is long enough to trim it myself, I'm totally going to do it. I hate every part of going to the hair salon, having to make an appointment, waiting for my name to be called, talking to strangers, but the worst, worst, worst part HAS GOT TO BE the fluffing. It's like I don't treat my hair like antique lace every ******n day so I can go into a salon and have it fluffed, thrown, teased, blow dried, and every other thing I avoid. It's like I can HEAR the damage being done. Yeah, I have control issues, clearly. You should see me when I have to get an oil change.... uhg.

Emma Rose
July 9th, 2017, 06:54 PM
I've only trimmed my hair myself a few times but it's cheaper than going to a salon and I know that if I stuff up I have no one to blame but myself. I also have layers I'm trying to grow out and don't get me wrong, I love my regular hairdresser but she always cuts my layers without permission.

July 10th, 2017, 01:41 AM
I like to trim hair myself. I use faye's method for u shape. It saves money and I can trim of just as much I want. And I can do it when I want. Also hair dressers often put products in hair and heat style it.

July 10th, 2017, 10:06 AM
I guess my last visit at hairdresser was around 6 or 7 years ago when I came out crying. Not only she cut way too much as an "ends" but also got rid of my straight cut making my hair look like witch broom and increasing frizziness in this way. So it's cheaper to buy good scissors than to pay for antidepressants and hair growers.

July 21st, 2017, 07:09 PM
I've been trimming my own since beginning to grow out the pixie at the start of the year. It's been pretty successful so far- mainly just trimming the back mullet off so that the lengths can grow down. I have avoided the hairdresser as they always thin it out (I have a lot of fine hair) and I don't want it thinned out any more! I've been trimming my bangs for many years though, much easier and get a good result. When it's long again I will try to self-trim as well, I used to S&D last time when I had long hair previously but relied on hairdresser (or my Mum!) to trim the length. Maybe I can train up hubby, think it might be more successful to do it myself though!!

July 21st, 2017, 07:22 PM
1. I hate small talk
2. I don't like strangers touching me
3. I think it's a waste of money
4. I don't trust hairdressers
5. I don't like leaving the house

Usually I trim my hair myself although recently I have been having my husband trim it for me with the CreaClip.

July 21st, 2017, 08:01 PM
I used to have my mom trim it but I've trimmed it myself for around a year. I think I've only had it cut professionally once in my life, when I was like 12. I don't do anything special, I just part it down the middle and split it over my shoulders and trim half an inch from each side. No rubber bands to mess with or anything. It takes like a minute.

July 24th, 2017, 01:49 PM
The price of hairdressers is definitely my main reason for trimming my hair myself. If I can do it reasonably well myself, why pay someone else $20–$40+ to trim a couple inches off my hair?

Also, the hairdresser I used to go to when I was younger and got yearly (or more frequent) "real" haircuts—a friend of the family and salon-owner/aesthetics college teacher—lives more than three hours away, and I've never bothered to find anyone closer.

July 31st, 2017, 03:34 PM
I have only got my haircut by a hairdresser once my whole life when I was sixteen. Before that I didn't cut my hair not even a trim. When I started taking care of my hair at 17 I found videos on Youtube about how to do self trims that I still do now. I just don't trust hairdresser to cut my hair plus I haven't felt the need since I don't get wear my hair in cuts that require me to go to the hairdresser to maintain. One of the reasons I am growing long hair is I think it would be easier to styles without going to hairdresser to maintain a speicific cut every few months.

August 1st, 2017, 02:20 AM
I moved too far away from my friend who used to cut my hair so now I do it myself. I don't trust salons not to chop too much off or create layers. I also hate the way they all seem to drag a fine tooth comb down the length to trim it.

When I do it it's quick, free and I don't have to go out. I just measure out how much I'd like to cut by stretching it out behind my back then pulling it around to my front. I've been able to even up my growth a bit that way. My hair naturally grows much faster on one side and hair dressers seem to just stick to that rather than trying to balance it.

August 2nd, 2017, 03:57 AM
1) cut exactly how much I want off
2) I know exactly how I like my hair
3) cost efficient

August 2nd, 2017, 01:40 PM
I never go for a regular haircut anymore, and not gonna do it for a trim either. I trim my own hair because I am a miser lol, there's more important things in my life that I can spend my money on (like donating it to charity).

August 4th, 2017, 01:50 PM
I learned how to trim my own hair about 7 years ago and haven't looked back since.

* no need to find a stylist you like, and then follow them around when inevitably they move to another salon
* no need to keep track of appointments
* I can cut my own hair in 1-2 minutes. The stylist took at least 40 minutes
* no need to micromanage the procedure and bring in rulers, freak out about hair dryers and products, etc.
* don't have to deal with compliments or criticism from them. I wish I was less sensitive, but I get annoyed at comments about my appearance, even well-meant ones.
* no need to maintain a conversation with a stranger for 40 minutes, it's so cognitively taxing.
* I know exactly how sharp my scissors are.

August 6th, 2017, 12:43 AM
I'm starting to trim my own hair, cause I'm a busy person and I don't have time to schedule haircuts. I also don't trust salons considering my hair is knee length now, and because haircuts would be about $30NZD a cut for me I just bought scissors for $25 and won't look back, I can do what I want.

August 6th, 2017, 02:21 AM
I've been trimming my own hair for years. I just got tired of going in for a trim only to have the hairdresser lop off half of my length. I don't like having to depend on salons and they charge so much here. It was just easier to do it myself.

August 6th, 2017, 07:05 AM
I've been doing this since my teens, the one time more successful than the other - you know how that goes! :lol: My mom had an insert from a beauty magazine with exact pictures on how to cut. I used to separate my hair in half, and then cut it with the sides held out in a ponytail to each side, if that makes sense. It gives you a layered effect as well.

August 6th, 2017, 07:23 AM
Way back in the Internet Olden Days, I found Feye's self-trimming instructions on LiveJournal, and even though I'm lucky enough to know a hairstylist who can be trusted to cut as requested and not go off on her own tangent, I am also on a tight budget, and I decided that investing ~US$30 in a pair of good hair shears and learning to trim my own hair was a better call from the budget side of things. (I actually copied Feye's post for the U-shaped hemline [my preferred hemline on my own hair] to a document in my Google Drive, in case LiveJournal goes dark or the post gets deleted or something like that, just for my own use and with proper credit. I'm Internet Old enough to have lost useful information to sites being taken down for whatever reason.)

I will still go to the trustworthy hairstylist if I want to make a major change in my hairstyle, and I also went to her last September to have my hair washed and braided because I had just had an appendectomy, and the hair care was more than I could manage on my own, given the recent surgery (which was laparoscopic and not open, but still). My stepdad and daughter go to her too; my mom still goes to the guy who's been cutting and coloring her hair for years, even though his salon was more convenient before she retired. (She worked on the other end of town from where they live, so going to the hair salon now is over an hour's drive, but she's loyal to her guy. She has said if he retires, she'll probably start going to the lady who does my stepdad's and daughter's hair, though, and that same stylist also washed and roller-set Mom's hair about eight years ago when Mom had just had her pacemaker inserted and couldn't raise her left arm higher than shoulder level.)

But I also wear my hair all one length with the U-shaped hemline, no fringe/bangs (they look great on some people; I am not one of those people :laugh: ), so cutting my own hair is pretty simple.

August 6th, 2017, 10:01 AM
I am so scared of going and getting my hair cut to my shoulders. That would be a year's worth of growing down the drain. I'm not taking the risk. So I'm trimming it myself when I reach my hair goal.

August 6th, 2017, 12:06 PM
I've cut my hair many times on my own, but not the past 1-2 years. I'm thinking about starting again, but I first need to invest into higher quality shears. I have wavy hair, so all imperfections are pretty much impossible to see and I don't have to worry about getting more of my hair cut of than I'd wish ... Plus it's definitely a money saving venture.

August 6th, 2017, 12:40 PM
Its been since 2007..10 years!!! Whoo!
1. I have earrings (and now more earrings!) and i'd like to keep it that way! Even if you warn them- they'll snag those suckers and not even flinch even if you cry about it.. 0.o

2. i do what i want! like all of you-thats one of the biggest reasons!

3. i can only blame myself for mistakes! I agree completely with that one, and adopted it.

4. i'm free.

5. i'm antisocial, or at least refuse to maintain shallow fake cheer for almost an hour for a bad haircut. If you can't say anything nice-don't say anything at all...except at the hairdressers where you have to applaud their butchering of your perfectly healthy hair just because it had 'damage' from professional products done at home.

6. they think they're scientists. haven't met one yet who knew what science was. i AM a scientist, and an artist. What they're doing isn't science-and its barely art.

7. I learned hairstyling techniques, and do exactly what they are attempting to do.