View Full Version : Funny hair reactions

March 27th, 2017, 07:59 AM
I was in Sally's today picking up a new pair of scissors. The lady asked me how I get my hair up in a bun...I said.... "Easy!" Took it down, put the stick in my mouth for safekeeping and wrapped it back up in my LWB in all of 10 seconds. I couldn't see the look on her face but all she said was... "Oh.....my.....GOD!".:lol: It seems funny because I guess I'm used to seeing my hair and don't know how unusual it is.

March 27th, 2017, 08:35 AM
Mine's not so spectacularly long yet, but I always have people ask if it's natural (which I feel like it's fairly obvious that it's too henna red to be natural) and then act surprised when I tell them it isn't. Makes me laugh because I think everyone here would immediately know that it's henna.

March 27th, 2017, 08:43 AM
Once in a while, some ask me what color dye I use, when I say its henna they be like " you kidding?" :)

March 27th, 2017, 08:53 AM
I've had people ask how long mine is and I start to take out a bun and they try to stop me because they think it's going to be some ordeal to put it back up. haha.

March 27th, 2017, 10:10 AM
Mine's not so spectacularly long yet, but I always have people ask if it's natural (which I feel like it's fairly obvious that it's too henna red to be natural) and then act surprised when I tell them it isn't. Makes me laugh because I think everyone here would immediately know that it's henna.

I used to get that all the time (my hair is brown on top now, and only my bun shows the henna because I've been growing it out. I'm considering playing with color again though. :D However, when I had it all henna, people really couldn't tell, which I found amusing, especially since it was rather dark burgundy (still is, for a few feet at the ends :D). It was even funnier when I was a teenager ("why yes, my hair IS naturally purple!!! Why do you ask?")

I also have gotten questions about extensions but I don't so much anymore. It's always up or in braids, and I think the multi-colored grown out henna discourages people from thinking my hair is sown into my head.

March 27th, 2017, 10:32 AM
Marlee, I always laugh but find it sort of flattering, like obviously I'm pulling it off if they think it could be natural!

March 27th, 2017, 11:28 AM
I get asked if my hair is permed. When I tell them no, they are always surprized. I actually get this question more from black women than anyone else.

March 27th, 2017, 01:49 PM
I went to my painting group last week with my hair in an English braid (I don't usually wear it this way, if it is in a braid it is usually bunned, but on this day the braid was down), and one of the guys there took one look at it, said really loudly "Heck, your hair is LONG!" then reached out, grabbed my braid and pulled it.... :( I HATE having my hair pulled...

March 27th, 2017, 01:52 PM
My aunt once asked me how I bunned it, she was also very surprised, and started practicing on her own hair (BSL length at the time). I think she cut it off in frustration, because she consequently went shorter with her hair.

March 27th, 2017, 03:11 PM
I was hanging with my MIL yesterday when she mentioned that she had a friend who could put her entire hair up in a bun with nothing but a single chopstick and probably witchcraft. So I just chuckled to myself and said "oh, you mean like this?" and bunned my hair quickly with a fork. She was in complete awe. :p

March 27th, 2017, 03:56 PM
Kids always have the best reactions to my hair, mainly because of the pink. Have had a fair share point it out to their mothers (sometimes by literally pointing), been called a princess and/or fairy a couple of times, and overheard at least a handful tell their parent they want to do that with their hair, too. Usually all to said parent's embarrassment, if they realize I've overheard.

March 27th, 2017, 04:07 PM
Kids always have the best reactions to my hair, mainly because of the pink. Have had a fair share point it out to their mothers (sometimes by literally pointing), been called a princess and/or fairy a couple of times, and overheard at least a handful tell their parent they want to do that with their hair, too. Usually all to said parent's embarrassment, if they realize I've overheard.

Wispe, my sister dyes her hair everywhere from bright pink to blue/purple ombre (and it's almost as long as mine and thicker too). I love watching little kids react to her hair!

I'm so envious of people who can pull off the bright colors; I just don't have the coloring for it. I've worn a couple different colored wigs, and let me tell you, God made me a redhead for a reason! :lol:

March 27th, 2017, 10:12 PM
I went to my painting group last week with my hair in an English braid (I don't usually wear it this way, if it is in a braid it is usually bunned, but on this day the braid was down), and one of the guys there took one look at it, said really loudly "Heck, your hair is LONG!" then reached out, grabbed my braid and pulled it.... :( I HATE having my hair pulled...
Oh, heck no! Did you pull his hair back?

March 27th, 2017, 10:17 PM
Oh, heck no! Did you pull his hair back?

He had a hat on. I seriously considered it.

March 28th, 2017, 11:06 AM
I went to my painting group last week with my hair in an English braid (I don't usually wear it this way, if it is in a braid it is usually bunned, but on this day the braid was down), and one of the guys there took one look at it, said really loudly "Heck, your hair is LONG!" then reached out, grabbed my braid and pulled it.... :( I HATE having my hair pulled...
That is ! so rude ! I absolutely hate when somebody up and starts touching mine; It's just so invasive and disrespectful. Especially when it's somebody you don't know or they don't even ask first. I'm sorry he did that!

Wispe, my sister dyes her hair everywhere from bright pink to blue/purple ombre (and it's almost as long as mine and thicker too). I love watching little kids react to her hair!

I'm so envious of people who can pull off the bright colors; I just don't have the coloring for it. I've worn a couple different colored wigs, and let me tell you, God made me a redhead for a reason! :lol:
I'm also a bit jealous of people who can rock darker/deeper/more vibrant colors since I'm not one of them! I'm strawberry blonde and I tried to do lavender/silver once and I just looked so washed out. And brights overpower my look. My hair needs to be warm and light; so pastel pinks it is! I actually get more comments from strangers (adults) complimenting my color when I'm mid-to-pastel pink than when I'm bright, which I think is because it's a more flattering than highlighter pink was LOL

March 28th, 2017, 11:33 AM
I've had several people ask me lately if I braid my own hair. I suppose there are legitimate circumstances under which I would not braid my own hair but it always strikes me as funny.

March 28th, 2017, 12:43 PM
That is ! so rude ! I absolutely hate when somebody up and starts touching mine; It's just so invasive and disrespectful. Especially when it's somebody you don't know or they don't even ask first. I'm sorry he did that!

I'm also a bit jealous of people who can rock darker/deeper/more vibrant colors since I'm not one of them! I'm strawberry blonde and I tried to do lavender/silver once and I just looked so washed out. And brights overpower my look. My hair needs to be warm and light; so pastel pinks it is! I actually get more comments from strangers (adults) complimenting my color when I'm mid-to-pastel pink than when I'm bright, which I think is because it's a more flattering than highlighter pink was LOL

I love the pastel pink! I can see where kids think you're a fairy or princess, because the subtler pastels almost look natural on lighter-haired folk, like you could actually be a magical being in disguise.

March 29th, 2017, 12:27 AM
Exactly this!

And..."...is that a, uh, nail in your hair?" *pulls gutter spike out of hair, offers for inspection* *puts hair back up in the proverbial 10 seconds.

And, the only no stick bun I can do is a lumpy bee butt...so I'll settle for the single stick bun.

I was in Sally's today picking up a new pair of scissors. The lady asked me how I get my hair up in a bun...I said.... "Easy!" Took it down, put the stick in my mouth for safekeeping and wrapped it back up in my LWB in all of 10 seconds. I couldn't see the look on her face but all she said was... "Oh.....my.....GOD!".:lol: It seems funny because I guess I'm used to seeing my hair and don't know how unusual it is.

I've had people ask how long mine is and I start to take out a bun and they try to stop me because they think it's going to be some ordeal to put it back up. haha.

March 29th, 2017, 07:45 PM
A long time ago I was getting my hair cut. I'd previously straightened it. The stylist started washing it, and about ten seconds after the water hit it reverted back to it's natural texture. She was so shocked at how curly it actually was that she exclaimed out loud.

March 29th, 2017, 08:57 PM
That is ! so rude ! I absolutely hate when somebody up and starts touching mine; It's just so invasive and disrespectful. Especially when it's somebody you don't know or they don't even ask first. I'm sorry he did that!

ARGH! I know. A few times colleagues have literally grabbed my hair stick or bun and started yanking on it exclaiming "it's so cute! Did you do it yourself!" *growls* yes thank you, and now I need to redo it because you yanked it loose. :mad: (fortunately I'm a generally patient person and they still have hands.)