View Full Version : Cut my hair to bob. Bald spot.

March 23rd, 2017, 01:51 PM
I was thinking about it for a long, long while. When I discovered bald spot at the back of my head I finally had a reason to cut it all off. I'm really happy and excited about my new hairstyle and I'm enjoying every second of it! I'm a bit worried about that bald patch but when I experienced hair loss in the past it was usually due to my hair getting old and kind of, uh, decomposing (it happens to my nails too, they just break in half when they're at their longest) or due to tight ponytails, updos, etc... Cutting them should fix both problems (I can't put my hair up even if I wanted to. So it should help unless it's something else, like fungal or stress or whatever. That spot suddenly became less visible (shorter hair = more volume?? xD). I actually cut off my braid and left it, hoping to do diy extensions (I know I'm gross, heh). So far I'm so excited about short hair, it dries so much faster, combing is so fast... And I look so cute. I'm even considering buzz cut when weather will be warmer... Not permamently, just once to check how it's like. But that ultra-short bob is something that I could stay at for a while!

I see there are other threads about hair loss in The Mane...

Any idea if it's possible to put it up for bathing? Lol. Bobby pins maybe? That's the only thing that bothers me.

March 23rd, 2017, 02:02 PM
I don't quite understand the logic of why having a bald spot would prompt you to cut it off so short, but maybe I don't understand it. Maybe layers would have done nicely at covering it up, if that was what prompted you? :flower:

In any case, what matters is that you're happy with your hair, and if that's a shorter length, then so be it. :)

Do you know why you have a bald spot?

March 23rd, 2017, 02:06 PM
You could try tucking your hair into a plastic shower cap or use a cloth headband/a buff to keep it contained while you bathe, maybe. I'm glad you're happy with your new style. I've got a bald spot (two, actually), but I know I have them from scratching at my scalp and now that I've addressed my scalp issues they're starting to fill back in again. I've just been ignoring them since for me a big cut isn't an option (I wouldn't be happy after that) but if it's working for you then that's good!

March 23rd, 2017, 02:15 PM
Sounds like you really wanted a change.....so I'm glad you are happy with it. I have a sort of bald spot right on my crown...but I am just letting it be. I will never get a hip length braid if I cut it.

March 23rd, 2017, 02:38 PM
Sounds like you really wanted a change.....so I'm glad you are happy with it. I have a sort of bald spot right on my crown...but I am just letting it be. I will never get a hip length braid if I cut it.

Yes sometimes I feel exactly this way, but I had my "chop" last November when I cut back from classic to hip. I am growing it back now!

I realize I forgot to answer a question! :)

A bob makes you have short bits at the nape, so maybe a low ponytail or a peacock twist might help?

March 23rd, 2017, 02:39 PM
I didn't cut it because of bald spot, it was an excuse. A good one, IMO, though... I was already fed up with my hair and then got that spot... So I thought... I barely even like them and I'm supposed to continue all that hard work and get baldy hair? No thanks. I'll continue with all the hair geekness, just on short hair. Thinking of trying cassia treatment... And wide wooden comb... Still can do these things just fine. What really got me into cutting it all off was detangling. It took so long. Now it takes only half min!

Not sure what caused it. Maybe that super tight braided bun I was wearing. I also switched to egg yolk and then discovered that spot... So I don't know if I over washed and dried out my hair? Is it even possible for egg yolk to cause hair loss? It is harsh... But not THAT harsh, right?

My real reason for cutting was detangling horrors and I just didn't liked my hair. My reason for growing was learning to take care of and learning to like my hair. I liked my hair more than before but I didn't REALLY like them. So kind of partial success, heh. Good luck with growing, guys.