View Full Version : Hair elastic for high pony tail

February 14th, 2017, 12:54 AM
I am looking for hair elastic for high pony tail. It is often that they slide down, don't stay put or hurt too much if I manage to find something tight. They also often have awkward circumference length: if I make two loops/ folds there's extra bit left, but not enough to make another loop, arghh :laugh:

I've seen some "phone cord" style elastics. Are they any better?

February 14th, 2017, 01:43 AM
If your hair is iii, there's hardly anything that will keep a high ponytail; it will all eventually slide out.

Just the regular elastics without metal should be okay, and they might be the best.

For a high pony, I would not use a scrunchie or phone cord elastics or softer elastics, they will slide!

February 14th, 2017, 04:19 AM
It might be you can't fight gravity on this one.

February 14th, 2017, 07:42 AM
I find the phone cord elastics stay much better for this purpose. Give it a shot!

February 14th, 2017, 07:48 AM
I swore off ponytails before joining LHC, because they caused me a lot of breakage. (Hint: don't "tighten" your pony!) But those hair bungee things with the hooks on the ends might be a decent alternative, since you can wrap the elastic around without being constrained by the size of the loop.

February 14th, 2017, 07:50 AM
I got the Invisibobble Power (https://www.amazon.com/invisibobble-Power-Traceless-Crystal-Clear/dp/B01CD75HFU/ref=pd_sim_121_4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=KVQT39NEVD4G7VB273VQ) ones, which are geared for active sports and they really do hold my hair well and in place.

February 14th, 2017, 08:07 AM
I swore off ponytails before joining LHC, because they caused me a lot of breakage. (Hint: don't "tighten" your pony!) But those hair bungee things with the hooks on the ends might be a decent alternative, since you can wrap the elastic around without being constrained by the size of the loop.

Yeah, great idea! That I hadn't thought of that! :D

February 14th, 2017, 08:42 AM
You could also try doing a half up then putting another ponytail around that and the rest of the hair. My mom does this and it keeps it both from pulling on her hairline and sagging. She still has more hair than me and in her youth she could't get the ponytail holder around three times and two was too loose. I don't need to do a ponytail this way but it keeps my super high ones from sagging and pulling :)

February 14th, 2017, 10:20 AM
When I double my braid, I need something like this

I braid tightly, too.

I'm also a fan of the elastic ribbon ties, mainly because I found the ribbon and made custom sizes.

February 14th, 2017, 02:11 PM
Yes, I think there are no magic bullets for really heavy hair. But you could try ponytailing the bottom part of the hair first and then adding another ponytail holder and ponytailing the top hair together with the bottom hair. This lifts the heavy ponytail up a little bit.
Here is a video by Haartraum that shows the method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWNoIQZ6OrM

Or you could try a Lazy Wrap Ponytail (here it is presented by Sarahlabyrinth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Umz6pNWk9oQ), because then you'd only use a section of the hair in the ponytail. It won't give a very high positioning though, I'm afraid, unless you secure the half-pony with a tight elastic first and maybe add a couple bobby pins stuck vertically under the pony maybe.

February 14th, 2017, 02:16 PM
I swore off ponytails before joining LHC, because they caused me a lot of breakage. (Hint: don't "tighten" your pony!) But those hair bungee things with the hooks on the ends might be a decent alternative, since you can wrap the elastic around without being constrained by the size of the loop.

:agree: Yes, and if you can't find those locally, "hair bobbles" with little balls work the same way. And they can be DIY'ed as well: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=132760
Unfortunately, it's still an issue to make a ponytail high with really heavy hair.

February 14th, 2017, 08:42 PM
Ponytails, especially high ones, are very damaging to your hair. Once I learned this and gave up ponytails altogether, I virtually eliminated broken hairs. Try a high bun instead, and not the kind held up with a ponytail holder, but a real bun held up with forks or sticks or spin pins or in any way other than a ponytail holder. Your hair will thank you for it!

February 14th, 2017, 09:01 PM
Thank you for all these suggestions! I'm off try these!
I recall I used to have a thicker woven elastic when I was a kid. Maybe I can make something like that too.

February 16th, 2017, 03:26 AM
I find scrunchies are the only way I can ponytail my hair without it hurting. I ponytail it fairly high, and then drape the length over one shoulder so the weight is distributed (I don't let it swing behind me much). It does fall down. I don't mind redoing it. I don't wear ponytails very often, but I do like the look, and I don't find it uncomfortable with a scrunchie. But I likely would only have it like that for sitting or travelling, and probably not all day.

February 16th, 2017, 04:13 PM
I have a "phone cord" style hair elastic that I got in a variety pack at the supermarket and it is my HG ponytailer. The brand is Karina, and it's not like the invisibobbles, it's got the texture of a normal hair tie and holds SUPER well. I also found it online at Ulta: http://www.ulta.com/multiple-style-elastics?productId=xlsImpprod14501056

I've tried the original invisibobbles and a couple other knockoffs, and this one is the only one that holds up a high pony for me.

February 18th, 2017, 01:11 AM
It might be you can't fight gravity on this one.

I found that was true for my hair. My ponytails sag. I used to blame it on the elastic not being tight enough, then I just realized the hair is simply too heavy. Now I anchor them with a bun-- form one loop of a bun, pull the rest through the middle. Pin the bun. Then it's fine. (Also, the ponytail is shorter.) (the only thing I don't like about that is that then the ponytail is formed with the much-thinner last-12-inches-or-so of my hair, and it doesn't look very nice, but there's nothing I can do about that.)

I can't imagine putting one of the phone cord things in my hair. My hair would tangle and knot around all those corkscrews and I'd have to cut the thing out.