View Full Version : Cinnamon on bleached hair: will it stain?

December 25th, 2016, 03:43 PM
I read about the awesome dyi recipes for hairgrowth involving cinnamon and i was wondering if it may stain my bleached hair.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance!

December 25th, 2016, 04:59 PM
I'd recommend strand testing, but I don't think it will if you can get it all out. But my hair hasn't been light enough to notice that, so no personal experience.

Two things to consider, though:
1) High concentrations of cinnamon, especially if you have potent stuff, sometimes cause irritation or even chemical burns. If it gets uncomfortable, don't wait to rinse it out.
2) Some people here have found that cinnamon in solution can lighten hair a bit. I think this was come across by someone who put it in her conditioner for scent. Anyway, further digging revealed that cinnamon can create some hydrogen peroxide in solution, which explains the lightening she saw after multiple uses. I suppose that could count as staining.

December 26th, 2016, 03:15 AM
Thankyou very much! i'll try a strand test and see how it turns out :D i won't mind if it lightens but i hope it won't stain red and if it gets uncomfy i'll rinse it out immediately!
Thanks for the tip <3