View Full Version : Non-Growth Oriented Thread for Shorter Lengths
December 14th, 2016, 12:10 PM
Like the title says, this is a thread for those of us who are not focusing on growing our hair, who like to keep it shorter, and who sometimes miss a place without the grow-grow-grow faster-faster-faster atmosphere. We like our hair now, and we want to enjoy the length it is now. :meditate:
We could just hang around here, talk about hair in general, share styling tips and compare notes. All hair types and styles welcome! We can talk about trimming and going to salon - even using heat tools :o - without getting shudders here. This is not really a Length Maintenance Thread, because those thread often still have the growth-related undercurrents - although naturally a length needs to be maintained if person is not wishing to grow. This is for all aspects of shorter hair.
What is definition of short, then? I leave that for you to decide. Maybe it's pixie or maybe it's "LHC short" like my APL hair. I would personally feel that BSL is starting to be "long" to me, but won't mind someone who is happily maintaining at BSL to participate. Also those who have had short hair before are welcome to share styling tips and participate, but in a non-growth oriented way.
Welcome one, welcome all!
December 14th, 2016, 12:20 PM
I was sitting down to start a similar thread, Arctic. Thank you for getting here before me and starting a thread better than I could have. As devoted as I was to long hair in the past is how devoted I am to bringing out the best in my short hair now. I started out with collarbone length a little more than a week ago, and I swear, it seems to have grown an inch since then. The stylist told me it would probably grow like a weed with all the dried out ends cut off, and it appears she's right. Next time I believe I'll go shorter, like barely grazing shoulders shorter. I don't know if I ever want to grow it out long again. Time will tell.
It takes 2 full sets of hot rollers to set my hair. I'm sitting here with a headful now. Anybody want to see the results later?
December 14th, 2016, 12:28 PM
I'll start with a short post.
I am not really identifying as longhair, I have had short hair - pixies to bobs to shoulders - almost all my life, with the exception of my LHC membership era, when it's been once almost to BSL. I don't ever plan to grow longer than that. Right now I am at approx. APL, and have been at the almost same length this whole year. I like this length a lot! I have no doubts that in a year or two I will cut shorter again. The last time was around 2010 or so I think! I'm a trimaholic, I just love those fresh ends! I used to be quite obsessive about my hair during the few years after i joined here but I make conscious efforts to not to ever go back there again.
December 14th, 2016, 12:30 PM
I was sitting down to start a similar thread, Arctic. Thank you for getting here before me and starting a thread better than I could have. As devoted as I was to long hair in the past is how devoted I am to bringing out the best in my short hair now. I started out with collarbone length a little more than a week ago, and I swear, it seems to have grown an inch since then. The stylist told me it would probably grow like a weed with all the dried out ends cut off, and it appears she's right. Next time I believe I'll go shorter, like barely grazing shoulders shorter. I don't know if I ever want to grow it out long again. Time will tell.
It takes 2 full sets of hot rollers to set my hair. I'm sitting here with a headful now. Anybody want to see the results later?
Welcome! I was thinking of you when I started this thread!
I'd love to see your pics! I might post pics of my curling wand curls from last week when I have a bit more time.
Wow that's super growth you've had there! Yes it's probably good idea to go a bit shorter since your hair grows so fast. Mine grows rather showly, which can be a blessing with short styles.
December 14th, 2016, 12:38 PM
Well, I ended up cutting my hair because of an unfortunate accident, but I have ended up really liking my hair this length (in b/w chin and shoulder). I think it looks really nice with my face shape which is pretty round and I can wear it natural with my curls or straighten it relatively quickly. Sometimes I miss it long, but when I think about it, I never did anything to it. I had it pulled up in a bun for work everyday and at home it was pulled up to keep it out of the way of my kids and whatever else I was doing. I mentioned in the chin-shoulder thread that I may keep it at shoulder for a while once it gets there and enjoy playing with it. Thanks for the thread, I think it'll be a good one.
Do you still do DTs with your shorter lengths? I try to do one weekly, I missed this last week because I was so sick I couldn't muster up the energy to care. I haven't even washed it since last Thursday I think, just ran it under the water during my showers. Luckily, my hair takes forever to really look greasy.
December 14th, 2016, 12:45 PM
Still no photos because of illness... Certified sick since Monday. Bad viral gastroenteritis with vomiting and... don't even want to talk about it... Doc told me to stay home until Friday. Which I would do anyway because I feel so sh***y.
I'm still happy with my "between-collarbone-and-APL-something" :) I love it and don't want to grow any longer.
I cut it myself and will never ever enter a salon again because I've cut it way better than they do.
I have nice face framing layers without looking like a toilet brush, which I was always turned into by stupid hair stylists.
December 14th, 2016, 12:58 PM
Hey, cool idea! I'm sure I'll grow mine out again one day, but for the moment I'm enjoying having hair so short it doesn't need combed.
Randomly, I'm finding that washing is very different. I tend to wet it down at least in the morning to reset all the sticky-upy parts, and I started out assuming I'd need to shampoo on at least a similar schedule or more often since I didn't have the hair to absorb the sebum. Apparently not. My scalp is tending to feel dry and tight a lot. It'd be super weird if I end up doing WO again.
December 14th, 2016, 01:01 PM
Great idea for a thread! Yes, Spidermom, please post pictures! :D
I didn't really care about my hair or how long it was until I joined LHC. Then I wanted to grow as long as I possibly could, only to discover that I couldn't grow longer than hip+ before my hair became way too heavy for my scalp. I dealt with scalp pain and splitting headaches for as long as I could, but eventually I started really disliking my long hair. Couldn't wear it down or braided because it tangled like crazy, couldn't wear it up because it was uncomfortable. I also wasn't too fond of how I looked with a bun.
Shoulder length has always been a good length for me, so after contemplating it for almost two years, I took the plunge last July and got my hair cut to shoulder length. Shortly after I started craving even shorter hair, and last week I got it cut to around chin length. I'm so happy with my hair. I feel the same as Spidermom, I'm very devoted to bringing out the best in my hair now. I love how wurly-curly it is, and how easy it is to style. So much easier than my long hair! :D
December 14th, 2016, 02:11 PM
I start craving even shorter hair too, KittyBird :)
An inch or two shorter, I think, might look even better. We'll see :)
December 14th, 2016, 02:28 PM
I start craving even shorter hair too, KittyBird :)
An inch or two shorter, I think, might look even better. We'll see :)
I think you're so awesome for cutting your own hair at that length. I could only cut my own hair when it was long, I wouldn't dare to cut it this short myself. I'd completely mess it up! :o
I hope you'll feel better soon, gastroenteritis is horrible! :grouphug:
December 14th, 2016, 03:00 PM (
I love this haircut! The only thing it hasn't handled well was this morning when I just let it air dry without doing anything with it because I knew I'd be using heat protectant and hot rollers later. It dried all fluffy and disheveled-looking. I'm not bothered. I know when I twirl a bit of curl creme through it, it air dries beautifully.
December 14th, 2016, 03:15 PM
I am actively growing my hair right now, but some of my favorite people are on this thread! :heart:
Also, some day, I might be back to short and enjoying it, so I want to pick up tips while I can, so I hope you all don't mind if I lurk and comment on this thread occasionally.
Spidermom Oh my gosh! I love your hair! it looks so good and you look beautiful! I love the curls, the twist and the flower! Gorgeous!
December 14th, 2016, 03:15 PM (
I love this haircut! The only thing it hasn't handled well was this morning when I just let it air dry without doing anything with it because I knew I'd be using heat protectant and hot rollers later. It dried all fluffy and disheveled-looking. I'm not bothered. I know when I twirl a bit of curl creme through it, it air dries beautifully.
Ooooh look at you! :) Sure looks pretty to me! :D :thumbsup:
December 14th, 2016, 03:47 PM
Great idea for a thread, I don't belong here as I'm on a quest for waist length hair, but I'm nosey ;)
Spidermom, your hair looks great, it really suits you and I know I've said it before but you have such a lovely face. Don't worry I'll get it over it soon haha
December 14th, 2016, 04:51 PM
Spidermom, you look fabulous.
I'm so glad this thread was started. I'm still mixed about growing or cutting at this point. I intend to not trim or cut in 2017 which will take me to APL, but I may cut back again.
December 14th, 2016, 05:38 PM
I'm still happily growing, but I like seeing people's short hair, too, so I will be snooping! HAHA! There are a lot of shorter cuts that I find very cute, though I never seem to love how they look on my face and always end up regrowing. (I'm a serial haircutter and re-grower! LOL)
December 14th, 2016, 05:55 PM
I want to see pictures of other people's styles, too.
December 14th, 2016, 07:50 PM
Well, mine's super short and green right now. :) And a little flat in the pic, because I'd been wearing a hat. It generally stands straight out.
Alex Lou
December 14th, 2016, 09:12 PM
Anje, I've been thinking of going super short like you. In fact, I was sure I was going to in the summer for easy swimming maintenance but I just never got around to it and then the summer was over. Do you just buzz it yourself? I love green hair too.
Spidermom, your hair is so thick compared to the women in my life who are your age. Looks amazing, healthy, and fun and you style it well.
I'm growing, but it's not my priority. I meant to go to just above waist and kept going, because why not? I'm scared of short hair styling requirements. But I'm looking forward to trying keratin straightening, and if that works out maybe short styles will be more open to me. If it doesn't work out, I may be cutting back all the chemical induced damage! It's worth it to me to try: I'd much rather have smooth hair than long hair.
December 14th, 2016, 09:55 PM
Anje, I've been thinking of going super short like you. In fact, I was sure I was going to in the summer for easy swimming maintenance but I just never got around to it and then the summer was over. Do you just buzz it yourself? I love green hair too.
Well, Hubby buzzed it for me the first time. I've taken it a few notches shorter since then on my own.
It's worth saying that I've probably gotten 3 or 4 salon cuts since I finished high school. I'd grow it for a few years, then get a bunch cut off; learning to trim it myself when I joined LHC was great because I didn't have to go through the hassle of dragging myself to a salon anymore! Doing it myself is pretty much in character for me. :)
hanne jensen
December 15th, 2016, 04:44 AM
When I had short hair I asked my stylist to work with my hair instead of against it. My bed head looked fantastic. I'd detangle and brush my hair at night and in the morning wouldn't touch it. After hairwash I'd put it in a towel for about 30 minutes and then shake my head and go. I loved it as I'm too lazy and fumble fingered to style my hair.
December 15th, 2016, 05:34 AM
When I had short hair I asked my stylist to work with my hair instead of against it. My bed head looked fantastic. I'd detangle and brush my hair at night and in the morning wouldn't touch it. After hairwash I'd put it in a towel for about 30 minutes and then shake my head and go. I loved it as I'm too lazy and fumble fingered to style my hair.
Awesome. I do the same now. Don't brush in the morning because it looks the best like this :)
And I've decided to chop off 2 more inches. Tomorrow. I've ordered an electric hair trimmer on Amazon yesterday and it'll be delivered tomorrow. It's faster like this I hope because with scissors it takes hours to trim all the ends. Thick, slippery hair...
And my ponytail is still a bit too heavy. With 2 inches less weight, I hope, I can wear it a whole day at work.
school of fish
December 15th, 2016, 06:06 AM
I just love this idea for a thread :D It feels to me quite a unique thing on this forum - a meeting place for people with shorter hair who have extensive knowledge of long-hair care!
I think it's great to have a space for those who for whatever reason have decided not or no longer to go the long-long route. I probably don't really belong in this thread because I'm maintaining at a longer length but I will admit I'm really truly enjoying seeing what fun things you people are doing with your hair, the freedom you can feel to style/colour/treat it in various ways with no tsk-tsking about potential damage - you already know the game so your choices are very informed. There's really a sense of joy and satisfaction in all of your posts, it's wonderful to read!!!
If it's okay by you guys I'll be following this one so I can style vicariously through you... ;) :p :D
December 15th, 2016, 06:26 AM
I love this thread, even though I'm a grower (is that even a word?). Even though this is the long hair community, it would be a shame if one would be, like, exiled or something if they decide to chop.
December 15th, 2016, 07:38 AM
Well, I ended up cutting my hair because of an unfortunate accident, but I have ended up really liking my hair this length (in b/w chin and shoulder). I think it looks really nice with my face shape which is pretty round and I can wear it natural with my curls or straighten it relatively quickly. Sometimes I miss it long, but when I think about it, I never did anything to it. I had it pulled up in a bun for work everyday and at home it was pulled up to keep it out of the way of my kids and whatever else I was doing. I mentioned in the chin-shoulder thread that I may keep it at shoulder for a while once it gets there and enjoy playing with it. Thanks for the thread, I think it'll be a good one.
Do you still do DTs with your shorter lengths? I try to do one weekly, I missed this last week because I was so sick I couldn't muster up the energy to care. I haven't even washed it since last Thursday I think, just ran it under the water during my showers. Luckily, my hair takes forever to really look greasy.
Welcome! Short hair suits me well too. t's so important to feel good about yourself, I'm glad you've found styles/lengths you love!
I sometimes do DTs, but they are not usually necessary and mine don't tend to be very heavy duty. My most common "DT" is just allowing my normal conditioner sit for a longer while. SMTs are also nice from time to time. For me it's more self pampering.
Still no photos because of illness... Certified sick since Monday. Bad viral gastroenteritis with vomiting and... don't even want to talk about it... Doc told me to stay home until Friday. Which I would do anyway because I feel so sh***y.
I'm still happy with my "between-collarbone-and-APL-something" :) I love it and don't want to grow any longer.
I cut it myself and will never ever enter a salon again because I've cut it way better than they do.
I have nice face framing layers without looking like a toilet brush, which I was always turned into by stupid hair stylists.
Welcome! I hope you are well very soon!
I also cut my own hair, I've been doing it myself for something like 13 years - before that I did like to visit salons though. My usually bad salon experiences were not cut but styling related: the cut was usually great they just styled it all wrong. Think old lady blowdry on a 20 years old young baby faced woman. XD
Hey, cool idea! I'm sure I'll grow mine out again one day, but for the moment I'm enjoying having hair so short it doesn't need combed.
Randomly, I'm finding that washing is very different. I tend to wet it down at least in the morning to reset all the sticky-upy parts, and I started out assuming I'd need to shampoo on at least a similar schedule or more often since I didn't have the hair to absorb the sebum. Apparently not. My scalp is tending to feel dry and tight a lot. It'd be super weird if I end up doing WO again.
Welcome! WO would be great for your colour!
Great idea for a thread! Yes, Spidermom, please post pictures! :D
I didn't really care about my hair or how long it was until I joined LHC. Then I wanted to grow as long as I possibly could, only to discover that I couldn't grow longer than hip+ before my hair became way too heavy for my scalp. I dealt with scalp pain and splitting headaches for as long as I could, but eventually I started really disliking my long hair. Couldn't wear it down or braided because it tangled like crazy, couldn't wear it up because it was uncomfortable. I also wasn't too fond of how I looked with a bun.
Shoulder length has always been a good length for me, so after contemplating it for almost two years, I took the plunge last July and got my hair cut to shoulder length. Shortly after I started craving even shorter hair, and last week I got it cut to around chin length. I'm so happy with my hair. I feel the same as Spidermom, I'm very devoted to bringing out the best in my hair now. I love how wurly-curly it is, and how easy it is to style. So much easier than my long hair! :D
Welcome! I can only imagine how it's like when hair is too heavy, but it must be really unpleasant as it's a long term feeling with not much relief. Your foxtail-flamy ombre looks great! (
I love this haircut! The only thing it hasn't handled well was this morning when I just let it air dry without doing anything with it because I knew I'd be using heat protectant and hot rollers later. It dried all fluffy and disheveled-looking. I'm not bothered. I know when I twirl a bit of curl creme through it, it air dries beautifully.
:thud: You and your hair are absolute stunners! You have styled it so beautifully here!
I am actively growing my hair right now, but some of my favorite people are on this thread! :heart:
Also, some day, I might be back to short and enjoying it, so I want to pick up tips while I can, so I hope you all don't mind if I lurk and comment on this thread occasionally.
You are welcome here, and you might have some tips and tricks to share yourself too!
Great idea for a thread, I don't belong here as I'm on a quest for waist length hair, but I'm nosey
I'm so glad this thread was started. I'm still mixed about growing or cutting at this point. I intend to not trim or cut in 2017 which will take me to APL, but I may cut back again.
Looks like this thread was started at perfect time for many of us! It was Spidermom's idea!
I'm still happily growing, but I like seeing people's short hair, too, so I will be snooping! HAHA! There are a lot of shorter cuts that I find very cute, though I never seem to love how they look on my face and always end up regrowing. (I'm a serial haircutter and re-grower! LOL)
I'm a serial cutter/grower too, I was in a constantly evolving style circle (not rut, but a positive circle) from pixie to bob to shoulder most of my teen and adult life. It gets boring to have the same looking hair for too long, I sometimes have to wonder how long I've had patience to try going for a bit longer lengths.
December 15th, 2016, 07:53 AM
I want to see pictures of other people's styles, too.
Seconding this! I'll post link to mine in it's own post right after this post :)
Well, mine's super short and green right now. :) And a little flat in the pic, because I'd been wearing a hat. It generally stands straight out.
The more I see your new hair the more I love it Anje!
Anje, I've been thinking of going super short like you. In fact, I was sure I was going to in the summer for easy swimming maintenance but I just never got around to it and then the summer was over. Do you just buzz it yourself? I love green hair too.
Spidermom, your hair is so thick compared to the women in my life who are your age. Looks amazing, healthy, and fun and you style it well.
I'm growing, but it's not my priority. I meant to go to just above waist and kept going, because why not? I'm scared of short hair styling requirements. But I'm looking forward to trying keratin straightening, and if that works out maybe short styles will be more open to me. If it doesn't work out, I may be cutting back all the chemical induced damage! It's worth it to me to try: I'd much rather have smooth hair than long hair.
That's porbably how long hair has happened to quite a many people.
I have personally never found short hair styling difficult, but much probably depends on hair type, and the point Hanne brings up in a quote below: whether the cut is done skillfully working with the hair or not.
Good luck with kerating treatment!
When I had short hair I asked my stylist to work with my hair instead of against it. My bed head looked fantastic. I'd detangle and brush my hair at night and in the morning wouldn't touch it. After hairwash I'd put it in a towel for about 30 minutes and then shake my head and go. I loved it as I'm too lazy and fumble fingered to style my hair.
I agree that's often the secret to easier short style.
I just love this idea for a thread :D It feels to me quite a unique thing on this forum - a meeting place for people with shorter hair who have extensive knowledge of long-hair care!
I think it's great to have a space for those who for whatever reason have decided not or no longer to go the long-long route. I probably don't really belong in this thread because I'm maintaining at a longer length but I will admit I'm really truly enjoying seeing what fun things you people are doing with your hair, the freedom you can feel to style/colour/treat it in various ways with no tsk-tsking about potential damage - you already know the game so your choices are very informed. There's really a sense of joy and satisfaction in all of your posts, it's wonderful to read!!!
If it's okay by you guys I'll be following this one so I can style vicariously through you... ;) :p :D
Thank you for your encouragement! There are so many of us who have shorter hair and who are loving it so it's great we have a thread to get together here! This was Spidermom's idea and there certainly is demand for this type of thread now. ETA: I forgot to add that of course you are welcome to follow the the tread!
I love this thread, even though I'm a grower (is that even a word?). Even though this is the long hair community, it would be a shame if one would be, like, exiled or something if they decide to chop.
Thanks! I think it's a valid word and everyone who knows the context will understand it :)
I agree hair length shouldn't be a requirement, and what is long (or short) hair can be very subjective too. I for one have stayed here over 9 years because this place is so lovely in many ways - during this time I've always been more or less short haired, only once reaching almost BSL but chopping soon after.
So great to see this topic touched s many of us! Here's to a successful thread! :toast:
December 15th, 2016, 07:57 AM
Here's my curling wand wurls from last week (link to my blog because it's face photo):
I love how they look, and would like to use my wand more often from now on!
I used heat protecting spray (although I am very sceptical about them), the lowest heat setting (IIRC it's 140 Celcius degrees) and kept a lock of hair around the wand for 8 seconds. Then when the curls had cooled down I fluffed them a bit and used volume powder on my roots.
December 15th, 2016, 08:12 AM
When I had short hair I asked my stylist to work with my hair instead of against it. My bed head looked fantastic. I'd detangle and brush my hair at night and in the morning wouldn't touch it. After hairwash I'd put it in a towel for about 30 minutes and then shake my head and go. I loved it as I'm too lazy and fumble fingered to style my hair.
My cut is like that, too.
December 15th, 2016, 08:44 AM
I'm technically growing my hair but I don't want long, long hair. Mostly I'm here to learn better hair care to keep what I have healthy.
Even at cbl, my end are getting a bit dry and worn down. I'll probably go in for a trim of my layers after Christmas.
December 15th, 2016, 09:27 AM
Obsidian I have always found the shoulder-ish lenght is pretty brutal for my ends. There is lot of rubbing going on, the "physical, bodily obstacle" of shoulders is something that growing hair won't meet to same extent until it hits buttocks :laugh:
OK many of you have seen these before, and are probably tired of them, but I did take tons of photos of different hair styles in 2015 when I was approx. shoulder length (about from collarbone to maybe halfway between CBL and APL). I was a bit irritated seeing the same thing repeated over and over and over: "my hair is too short to do anything with it!", "my hair is only APL and I have to wait till I'm at BSL until I can get hair styles to work" and so on.
I am positive that everyone, regardless of hair type or thickness, can find some hair styles that work for them. So I started this project of mapping out as many as I could, taking photos and often making tutorials or typing instructions and at least linking to tutorials others have made. It was supposed to be a few weeks long project, but the hair styles with all the variables were just too numerous that the project stretched and strecthed until I had to call it quits because my hair was too long to be used on tutorials for shoulder length hair. I also never wrapped up the project or made a closure for it, so the posts still look partially unfinished. But I have tens and tens of style ideas for shoulder-ish length hair there, gathered in 3 blog posts. Some of them of course might not work for all hair types and thicknesses, but that's not the baseline point. The base line point was to provide inspiration and encouragement, that there are almost endless possibilities and there just has to be something out there that works for You too.
This is link to my Braided styles for Shoulder Lenght Hair:
This is link to my Bun/Updo styles for Shoulder Lenght Hair:
This is link to my "Other" styles for Shoulder Lenght Hair:
And this is a link to my blog's category called "Styles, Tutorials, Instructions" where you can find ALL my hair style related blog posts from 9 years, everything from pixie to BSL, I guestimate there must be few hundreds of photos at least, often with instructons, how-to notes or links to tutorials other's have made:
And finally, here's a link to my blog's category called "Hair Photos" where I have ALL my hair photo posts, including all the above plus many more. These photos include stuff like length photos, wearing my hair down, macro photos, etc, of hair lengths ranging from pixie to BSL There is 9 pages of blog entries - my photobucket's hair album has almost 500 hair photos which are all posted under this blog category:
December 16th, 2016, 08:39 AM
Oh my I killed the thread :laugh:
Upside Down
December 16th, 2016, 09:11 AM
:lol: nah!
I wanted to start a heat styling thread and now I see that you mention heat styling as a topic here. So what do you all think, do we need a separate heat styling thread?
Other than the fact that I am thinking about a cut, I have parted my ways with ever growing past waist. Ever. Keratine and my flat iron are my friends now and I want to have sleek hair rather than long (as someone on here already said).
December 16th, 2016, 10:10 AM
Great idea for a thread! I am growing out my hair (started with a short pixie) but am planning on maintaining somewhere around shoulder, so I will belong here when done growing. It's nice to have a place to chat about hair away from the length-focused hair threads. I will be adding this thread to my list of saved threads.
December 16th, 2016, 01:18 PM
Anje I am in love with your hair!!! So amazing!
December 16th, 2016, 01:33 PM
Anje I am in love with your hair!!! So amazing!
The more I see your new hair the more I love it Anje!:
Anje, I've been thinking of going super short like you. In fact, I was sure I was going to in the summer for easy swimming maintenance but I just never got around to it and then the summer was over. Do you just buzz it yourself? I love green hair too.
Thanks everyone! It's been quite a lot of fun so far! It's enjoyable but so radically different from having long hair. The funny thing is, given how much I wore my hair bunned or braided, the overall look in the mirror (at least, before I colored it) isn't all that different.
And yes, I changed my avatar, since it only seemed appropriate to update it. :D
December 16th, 2016, 01:54 PM
I am going to try dry shampoo for the first time later on. The curls are gone from my recent hot roller set, but a certain bounciness remains. Maybe I can preserve that with the dry shampoo rather than washing and starting over.
December 16th, 2016, 04:24 PM
:lol: nah!
I wanted to start a heat styling thread and now I see that you mention heat styling as a topic here. So what do you all think, do we need a separate heat styling thread?
Other than the fact that I am thinking about a cut, I have parted my ways with ever growing past waist. Ever. Keratine and my flat iron are my friends now and I want to have sleek hair rather than long (as someone on here already said).
I will hang out here if that's the case :)
Keratine has made it tolerable to have my hair at waist so I'll be staying between waist and hip this next year to try and find a heavily layered cut that I like, but I fully expect to be back around BSL in a year or two after the novelty has worn off. I felt really empowered(?) after I figured out braided hair styles this past year so my focus this year will be learning how to do heat styled curls. For so long I thought I couldn't have longer hair AND heat style so I'm excited for this next year :)
December 16th, 2016, 07:09 PM
Hey Arctic!
I just wanted to pop in to say I did look at a lot of your bun tutorial links in your previous post, and I watched the link to the tutorial on the disc bun you shared. It's a new tutorial I had not seen before and I figured out the disc bun! As you know, I had been having a lot of trouble with the disc bun, as in I couldn't get it to stay at all. I can do it now! I guess I was just doing it wrong before. Thank you very much, I have watched at least 3 tutorials on the disc bun but the one you linked to finally explained it perfectly to me. :)
December 17th, 2016, 10:10 AM
I didn't get around to trying the dry shampoo after all. I decided to soak in a warm tub before going to bed, and I washed my sweaty and oily hair at the end of my soak. Thus I went to bed with it wet. Folks, this cut even looks good after sleeping on wet hair. I did take the time to swirl some Argan curl creme through my length before hitting the pillow.
December 17th, 2016, 11:37 AM
I'm just going to pop in. :couch:
Even though I'm growing my hair, I totally get the love of shorter lengths. I wore pixies for over 15 years, because it was fun, I felt good with edgy hair, and I enjoyed it. :)
Short hair has pros and cons, just like long hair. Everyone likes different stuff.
Great idea for a thread, BTW. :applause:
December 17th, 2016, 11:39 AM
Photographic proof: ( (
Not bad for sleeping on wet hair, then rolling out of bed and doing absolutely nothing except a 2-strand twist to pull the front back with one bobby pin so it's not hanging in my face. By the way, my hair is not APL. It just looks that way from the back because both my arms are lifted to hold the camera. Oh, and it looks crazy thick, but my ponytail circumference only measures 3.5 inches these days. It used to range between 3.8 and 4.2, depending on where I was in the shed/regrow cycle. I shed out a lot of hair early this year.
P.S: Please bear with me. I'm sure I'll get over my new haircut pretty soon and stop wanting to share pictures of it.
school of fish
December 17th, 2016, 11:52 AM
No, please don't get over your haircut - I'm loving all the pics!! ;) :D
December 17th, 2016, 12:00 PM
I love it so much spidermom! It looks so lovely on you!
Upside Down
December 18th, 2016, 12:01 PM
Spidermom it looks so soft and bouncy! Your texture works so great with the hairstyle!
I have a victory to share. I did scalp only wash and then blow dried and airdried the roots followed by one pass with flat iron on 160. The results are awesome. A car selfie (and hubby's pooping on my parade) to show off. I wonder if this is something I could get away with long term and keep at waist.
December 18th, 2016, 12:11 PM
Wow Upside Down; your hair looks good that way.
December 18th, 2016, 12:30 PM
Hey, a thread for me! I used to consider myself a true long hair. Though I cut my hair short over the years, I always knew I'd grow it back. I finally got to 3" past classic, but due to hair texture changes, and attitude changes, I'm now wearing it a lot shorter. And the thing is, I don't think I want long hair anymore. I mean, I still admire it on others, but I don't think it's "me" anymore.
I'm glad that Arctic started this thread, as I don't feel that there is much sympathy for this view point around here on the boards--understandable, but kinda sad. In my blog, people are always encouraging me to feel better about growing and not get discouraged, which is nice, but maybe misplaced?
Here is me this morning (sporting one of my two favorite red lipsticks--I'm shopping for a more hula appropriate one--suggestions welcome) at not quite/almost APL. I just got it cut, and it needs restyling (it's usually curlier than this), but I'm feeling that it's too long. Sigh. I miss my bob length hair, but I do enjoy wearing it up, and for hula, my teacher likes it long. So, I'm holding on until Feb or maybe June, then, I think I'm going short again. (
I will definitely be back to this thread!
I think this is my favorite length: (
December 18th, 2016, 12:46 PM
What a surprise to see you over in the Mane Forum, Shell! I must admit, you do look good with your preferred length.
My attitude has changed a lot, too. I went through all kinds of small changes to try to be happy with my long hair again, and although I had days when I loved it, I was having more days when I didn't. I was so afraid that if I cut it to the length I'd been thinking about (collarbone), I would regret it so much that I'd be unhappy all the time instead of most of the time. Instead, so far I've been happy with it every single day.
H o n є y ❤
December 18th, 2016, 12:46 PM
How did I miss this thread? Thanks for making it!
December 18th, 2016, 01:12 PM
spidermom, Yes, unhappy everyday with my hair was no good! When I grew it out again to TLBL (after the terrible thinning), I hated it. I wore it up daily and still it looked bad. So, I cut. It took a long time to get a good cut, but since then I've been a lot happier with it. Now though, I'm starting to have days and even weeks when I don't like it--so I wear it up. I'm starting to feel like I'm in a rut again, and therefore longing (no pun intended) to cut again!
And, this is the first thread in a long time that has interested me on the Mane Forum--all of the other threads are about growth, or dyeing hair bright colors--neither of which I'm into right now. And, it's your fault anyway, because I read about it in your blog. :tongue:
December 18th, 2016, 05:10 PM
Getting my hair cut this week, the back is driving me bonkers. I was planning on a chin length bob with a slight undercut in back as I grow to shoulder. If I grow to shoulder. I'm ready to not have a pixie anymore, but I do not want long hair either.
Right now, I'm ALMOST at a chin-length bob. Almost. I have this weird mullet/duck-tail thing in the back though, so I'm going to ask them to shave it off. I was planning on an undercut there I think I'll do it now.
December 18th, 2016, 07:21 PM
Hey, a thread for me! I used to consider myself a true long hair. Though I cut my hair short over the years, I always knew I'd grow it back. I finally got to 3" past classic, but due to hair texture changes, and attitude changes, I'm now wearing it a lot shorter. And the thing is, I don't think I want long hair anymore. I mean, I still admire it on others, but I don't think it's "me" anymore.
I'm glad that Arctic started this thread, as I don't feel that there is much sympathy for this view point around here on the boards--understandable, but kinda sad. In my blog, people are always encouraging me to feel better about growing and not get discouraged, which is nice, but maybe misplaced?
Here is me this morning (sporting one of my two favorite red lipsticks--I'm shopping for a more hula appropriate one--suggestions welcome) at not quite/almost APL. I just got it cut, and it needs restyling (it's usually curlier than this), but I'm feeling that it's too long. Sigh. I miss my bob length hair, but I do enjoy wearing it up, and for hula, my teacher likes it long. So, I'm holding on until Feb or maybe June, then, I think I'm going short again.
I see what you mean about your favorite length, Shell, it looks great on you!
I often wonder if Im not truly a "long hair" at heart. In about the same split second I can be excited my hair is finally past 26 inches and then want to cut it all off into a short bob or a pixie. But, Im just growing it to reach my goal so I can then decide how I feel about it. Just one more year, might as well. However, I love this thread and I visit it often so far. Nice to see you over here on the Mane Forum! :)
December 19th, 2016, 07:28 AM
To keep this thread going, I thought I'd share some thoughts I've been having about hair length recently. It used to be that only long hair in good condition would turn my head. Now that I've had it and experienced the down side of extra-long hair, I find myself appreciating shorter hair lengths much more. In fact, this morning I saw a picture of long hair hanging all over bare skin, and the first thought that hit me was "itchy". Not "beautiful", not "wow", not :thudpile: This brought back a memory of sitting with my SIL, who had classic length hair, on the porch on a very hot day. My hair was much shorter and I had it pinned up because of the heat. Her hair was down. I asked her something like "aren't you hot with your hair down?" and she said "I don't care if it's hot." This woman has had long hair ever since I met her, and she wears it down almost all the time. She never seems bothered by all the things that bothered me about having long hair worn down - the heat, the tangles, how it would get in my way, how it would get caught on things and pull; I could go on and on.
Anyway, I'm glad I grew mine out to my goal of classic length, but I don't think I've ever been a long hair person at heart, otherwise I wouldn't have been so bothered by it. Would I?
December 19th, 2016, 07:38 AM
I find my WL 2FII hair as "LHC Short", but not short for me. I'm not at classic, fingertip, not even TBL.
I want to maintain this length as it is now, about 2 inches below waist.
December 19th, 2016, 09:37 AM
spidermom, Well, I dunno. I think that you can be bothered/annoyed by your long hair and still be a long hair person. What's more telling in my case, and perhaps yours, is that you no longer find really long hair thud worthy. I still admire very long hair--here and IRL, but I no longer think to myself, "I wish my hair was like that." Now, I'm glad that my hair is short--it's a nice feeling of acceptance, because I also feel that I've finally accepted how my hair is instead of wishing it could be like it used to be. :)
December 19th, 2016, 03:53 PM
Spidermom, keep the photos coming! You look absolutely gorgeous!
How fun to see you out here in the Mane forum, Shell! I don't comment much, but I always enjoy your blogs. :D
spidermom, Well, I dunno. I think that you can be bothered/annoyed by your long hair and still be a long hair person. What's more telling in my case, and perhaps yours, is that you no longer find really long hair thud worthy. I still admire very long hair--here and IRL, but I no longer think to myself, "I wish my hair was like that." Now, I'm glad that my hair is short--it's a nice feeling of acceptance, because I also feel that I've finally accepted how my hair is instead of wishing it could be like it used to be. :)
I can relate to this so much. I admire long hair, but it doesn't make me fall over in awe anymore, and I don't wish for super-long hair on myself. I saw some pictures of myself with bcl hair down the other day, and my first thought was that I was so happy all that hair was gone. I can also relate to the feeling of "too long" hair, I felt like mine was way too long when it was around that length. I couldn't make the most of my texture and my shoulders got wet when my hair was drying. So much happier with my curly bob! I hope you'll be back at your happy length again soon.
In other news, I noticed lots of baby hairs around my forehead this morning, and I'm not used to having baby hairs. They're usually long enough to blend with the rest of my hair, but now it looks like I have super-thin itty bitty bangs. I wonder if new growth will be cropping up all over my head soon..
December 19th, 2016, 04:43 PM
Paradoxically enough, with my hair shorter, I finally feel like I have hair for the first time in many years. With the long hair, most of the time I had buns or braids, and in some photos from that time, it looks like I'm bald. Now I can feel it on my neck and shoulders, moving around when I'm moving around but not getting in my way.
December 19th, 2016, 05:27 PM
Yep, I like how much movement my hair has shorter. It's just shoulder almost APL now, and I'm starting to feel a lot less movement. I enjoy it swingy I guess. :lol:
Really long hair is less like hair and more like an appendage--know what I mean?
December 19th, 2016, 05:37 PM
I am thinking of joining this group. My hair isn't lhc-long at all, sitting at bsl at the moment. And unless it is freshly washed and brushed and down, I hate it! I wanted to grow my hair to occasionally wear updos and braids, not every damn day 😶.
And i too feel kinda frumpy with buns, so I usually wear braids, but my hair still tangles and splits. Every day before work I battle between wearing my hair in a way I feel comfortable with and at the same time not damaging it. It has become a chore instead of something to enjoy and have fun with.
My goal was never really long hair, I wanted to even out my layers and get it a bit below waist. But looking at my hair it just feels so flat and lifeless and not me at all. I am going to think about it over the holidays and maybe book an appointment with a hairstylist to figure something out. I am thinking either keep most of the length, but give it a slight v- or u-shape with layers and some faceframing, or a long shouldertouching bob.
And I am loving this thread!
December 19th, 2016, 05:42 PM
I remember the hair swinginess I had at shoulder length, I loved it! It felt so wonderful and free! Now, I must go away and stop thinking like that :)
December 19th, 2016, 06:01 PM
Really long hair is less like hair and more like an appendage--know what I mean?
Exactly! I remember commenting in a thread when I got to about waist length the first time that I had expected long hair would be a lot more fun than it was turning out to be.
December 19th, 2016, 06:45 PM
Thank you for starting this thread!
Now I have a reason to join back :) I've been missing lhc
After I cut my hair short (by LHC standards)) I didn't really had a reason to research products or treatments or bun styles. I've been enjoying simplicity of wash and go.
December 19th, 2016, 06:47 PM
It's a shoulder length 3a curly right now. I'm considering different shorter styles now
December 19th, 2016, 07:00 PM
It's a shoulder length 3a curly right now. I'm considering different shorter styles now
We love pictures!
December 19th, 2016, 08:56 PM
Anyway, I'm glad I grew mine out to my goal of classic length, but I don't think I've ever been a long hair person at heart, otherwise I wouldn't have been so bothered by it. Would I?
Hahaha, I had been longhair for 20+ years and was still bothered by the things you've mentioned! I could count times when I wore my hair down ))
December 19th, 2016, 10:35 PM
Paradoxically enough, with my hair shorter, I finally feel like I have hair for the first time in many years. With the long hair, most of the time I had buns or braids, and in some photos from that time, it looks like I'm bald. Now I can feel it on my neck and shoulders, moving around when I'm moving around but not getting in my way.
I know exactly what you mean spidermom. I remember when I cut my hair from BSL to chin how much I wore it down, like all the time and how wonderful it was to have my hair swinging around. I never wore it down when it was long and I really enjoyed the phase of about chin to shoulder. Once it got longer than that it felt too long to wear down for me.
December 20th, 2016, 12:37 AM
To keep this thread going, I thought I'd share some thoughts I've been having about hair length recently. It used to be that only long hair in good condition would turn my head. Now that I've had it and experienced the down side of extra-long hair, I find myself appreciating shorter hair lengths much more. In fact, this morning I saw a picture of long hair hanging all over bare skin, and the first thought that hit me was "itchy". Not "beautiful", not "wow", not :thudpile: This brought back a memory of sitting with my SIL, who had classic length hair, on the porch on a very hot day. My hair was much shorter and I had it pinned up because of the heat. Her hair was down. I asked her something like "aren't you hot with your hair down?" and she said "I don't care if it's hot." This woman has had long hair ever since I met her, and she wears it down almost all the time. She never seems bothered by all the things that bothered me about having long hair worn down - the heat, the tangles, how it would get in my way, how it would get caught on things and pull; I could go on and on.
Anyway, I'm glad I grew mine out to my goal of classic length, but I don't think I've ever been a long hair person at heart, otherwise I wouldn't have been so bothered by it. Would I?
I would consider myself to be a long haired person at heart, and mine bugged me enough to cut it SHORT numerous times throughout my life. Sometimes I didn't even miss it right away, but after awhile, I'd stop feeling like myself with the short hair and have the urge to grow it back, though not necessarily as long as it was when it was bugging me. I did always find long hair to be more beautiful than other hair assuming it had a nice thick hemline, and was healthy and well cared for. I love a lot of shorter cuts, too, but healthy long hair is my fave to look at visually up to around tailbone length, at which point, it is long enough for my taste I think. Not that I don't appreciate just isnt something I'd want at all. I appreciate the work that goes into it, but I think around waist to tailbone length looks bouncier and more fun to me. And, I even see APL hair that I think it drop dead gorgeous! Longer isn't better for everyone. Also, I think you can appreciate things without wanting to do/have them yourself. That isn't weird to me at all. For example, I LOVE quilts, but I KNOW I don't have the patience to make them, so I just like to go to fairs to admire what other people have made. Nothing at all wrong with that when it comes to hair or anything else in life.
December 20th, 2016, 03:17 AM
What a lovely thread! When i joined lhc i already knew i did not want to grow my hair longer then bsl. But now i can see me stop growing it out at apl. I finally managed to grow to shoulder length this year and i love it. I can do nice half updo's and it also looks good when i'm wearing it down. I think shoulder length looks good on me but i want it slightly longer because this length is not long enough to do full updo's. I like the look of a peacock twist or a french twist but to be able to do that i need some more length. But as soon as i'm able to do that i'm going to maintain that length.:cheer:.
December 20th, 2016, 03:46 PM
I like this thread. I've always believed that healthy, well-cared-for hair is beautiful regardless of length, color, or texture. It's nice to see folks appreciate the beauty of shorter hair. Very refreshing, especially in this forum.
For me personally long hair is much easier, but I can imagine that some hair types are probably easier shorter. Be assured, beautiful hair is always appreciated by someone, and length has nothing to do with beauty.
December 20th, 2016, 05:14 PM
Love seeing your pictures! I will follow with mine once I have enough posts to be able to post pictures.
December 20th, 2016, 06:27 PM
I had my stylist shave an undercut at my nape today when I went in to get my shaggy overgrown pixie reshaped as I head towards bobbed hair length. In fact, she told me I could officially say I had a bob, rather than a pixie! Woo!
I plan on keeping my hair between chin and shoulder...really all I want it to be able to ponytail it again, and to feel it move around when down. I also think I'll be keeping the undercut. It's pretty cool, and will help with the weight and thickness of my hair.
December 20th, 2016, 06:28 PM
For the last 3-5 years, I've really enjoyed seeing really cute short cuts more than super long hair. I really do think I've changed my attitude about long hair. :shrug:
December 20th, 2016, 07:08 PM
This is my kind of thread! I've been maintaining between BSL and MBL for years now. I have the freedom to wear it down most of the time and color it to my heart's content. Then I just chop off all the growth every month and enjoy my fresh ends and bouncy swingy layers that lay just right again. Having all of the long hair care knowledge under my belt I am now able to shift between different hair colors and maintain much better health- mainly my secret has been to still avoid heat styling like the plague. That and the fact that I utilize semi-permanent vegan dyes diluted with conditioners to brighten, refresh, or tone my color. I do admit that my all time favorite length has always been APL with layers... this thread is really tempting me to cut. It's just the long hair in me really enjoys BSL because it's the best of all worlds for me as far as long (or short) hair goes. I do style my hair every time I wash it and it's always a heat-free curling method (my hair is slippery and straight and more on the fine-medium side lately) and on a non-wash day I found that when the curls have fallen out but there is still some bounce, all I have to do is reset the hair on foam rollers on dry hair and it really lets me enjoy an extra day of curled hair. I found that I can use a light mist on the length prior to curling if my ends are getting dry but sometimes it makes the curls too tight and difficult to wear down that way.
December 20th, 2016, 10:10 PM
I spent six years growing from pixie to waist, and a few months ago I chopped it back to APL. I had been thinking about it for a while, but ultimately it took reading a 'hair' thread on a completely different, unrelated site to remember the LHC way (grow,grow,grow no heat ever, etc.) wasn't the only way. Having to wear it up all the time and never having my hair look the way I wanted it to just wasn't working for me. Now I dye it the color I want, and and use heat sometimes (not all the time, but mostly because I'm too lazy to).
Lately I've been kind of toying with the idea of getting it cut back to shoulder, but I don't know.
December 20th, 2016, 11:47 PM
Wow, it's been awhile since I've been here. And I'm glad to see a thread like this. I enjoyed roughly hip length at a blunt U cut (Thanks to Feye's method). It was fun until I decided to get into fitness more, and then the constant need to wash my scalp is what prompted me to opt for shorter hair again. If I do grow it out again, it'll be with layers to aid in the drying process. I've come to realize super long hair doesn't suit my lifestyle.
Now, as for sharing tips: For those of you native to SoCal, and those who moved from a very humid area to SoCal, what are some hair care tips you can offer? I don't feel like "use jojoba or similar" is enough for me. I do henna, but I'm saving it for a little bit later, since I also add semi-perm color over it. Unless something as simple as oil will do my hair good after all.
December 21st, 2016, 09:10 AM
Oil might offer some benefit, especially if you apply it before washing or over damp length. My hair responds beautifully to both coconut oil and olive oil, but I prefer the smell of coconut so that's what I used with long hair. I'm using an argan oil and silicone mix right now called Fiji styling therapy (or something like that). I like it a lot.
December 21st, 2016, 01:25 PM
Im thinking ill be maintaining at waist. At BSL im starting to feel less joy with my hair. My hairs so delicate I dont want to not enjoy it down for the goal of length. Plus I've really been enjoying a rockabilly/pinup look. There are a few resources on YouTube about how to achieve these looks with no back combing. I may grow longer in the future. But its nice to know if after I reach waist if I were to not enjoy and come back to BSL id have a place on TLHC. Thought right now im hoping for waist by next year.
December 21st, 2016, 01:39 PM
Such a great thread! I had my hair long for a few years. It was waist length when I was in my late teens. Then I started trashing it, and now it's to my chin. I have to grow out the damage, which was up to my scalp, so it's nice to see a place for shorter hair appreciation. Especially since my hair will be short for awhile.
December 21st, 2016, 01:46 PM
I'm happy to see this thread! In October I chopped 6+ inches off of my BSL+ hair. It was a bad, unhealthy, scraggly 6", too. Since then I've been trying to figure out what to do next. I haven't trimmed, but also haven't decided if I want to keep growing. I will eccho those above me who said that shorter hair worn down seems like more hair. When mine was longer I always wore it up, and worked to "fluff" the front in ways that made me look less bald. I also had a lot of angst about covering thin spots. I wear it down more often than not, and have actually gone from washing every day to washing every 2-3 days and heat styling. I have been using a "style extender" primer, which seems to cut down on the oily roots significantly. On the off days I wear a shower cap to keep everything dry, sometimes use a little bit of dry shampoo, and may touch up with hot rollers or a curling wand.
Here's a picture from today (sorry, no smile). The back-lighting really brings out the fuzz.
December 21st, 2016, 02:09 PM
Back lighting really brings out the frizz on me, too. I think that happens to everybody because I've seen it on actresses in movies too. If there isn't any, my first thought is "wig".
December 21st, 2016, 02:42 PM
Ha! That makes me feel better. I am absolutely not wearing a wig, and the frizz is proof!
December 21st, 2016, 07:47 PM
Now, as for sharing tips: For those of you native to SoCal, and those who moved from a very humid area to SoCal, what are some hair care tips you can offer? I don't feel like "use jojoba or similar" is enough for me. I do henna, but I'm saving it for a little bit later, since I also add semi-perm color over it. Unless something as simple as oil will do my hair good after all.
Yeah, I don't use much oil anymore. I assume you're battling the wicked Santa Anas? :scared: I tend to deal with them by CO washing (just hair--I keep it off my scalp), and I often wear it up when it's dry and windy. I use Deva One Decadence conditioner the most. I also love Darcy Botanical's curl smoothing creme--but it's super hard to get. I like shea butter and cocoa butter. Regular oils don't seem to work now that my hair has gotten fine--coconut oil was good when it was more medium textured.
My hair is curly, so I don't brush it much, and honestly, I don't even comb it. Hats are great if it's cold or windy. I bought one with a satin lining and it's nice. And, I'm not growing much longer than it is now. :grin:
December 21st, 2016, 10:32 PM
Now, as for sharing tips: For those of you native to SoCal, and those who moved from a very humid area to SoCal, what are some hair care tips you can offer? I don't feel like "use jojoba or similar" is enough for me. I do henna, but I'm saving it for a little bit later, since I also add semi-perm color over it. Unless something as simple as oil will do my hair good after all.
There's this awesome thread with a recipe called Kimberlily's defrizz spray. It's basically distilled water with aloe vera gel, glycerin, and oil. It works great for me. If you have really wavy, curly, or especially frizzy hair you can make that mixture by using a base of aloe gel and completely omit the water- play around with the ratios and the type of oils you add. People with fine hair like oils like camellia but people with frizz find oils like castor oil work better for their hair type. Also, I've found that an alcohol-free styling spray gel meant for those with waves and curls works fantastic if I dilute it a bit with some water- I use this as a setting spray of sorts when I really want my heat-free curl sets to last. I noticed that the styling gels that contain castor oil work the best for combatting frizz.
December 22nd, 2016, 09:10 AM
Well darn; I guess I'm not over my new haircut yet. It had to go and dry all pretty last night. I just love how all the wurlies and curlies are doing their own thing, so I had to take a few photos and share: (
What I did:
Wash with clarifying shampoo, rinse.
Bend forward, massage conditioner through, rinse.
Wrap in flannel pillowcase for awhile.
Shake out hair, finger-comb/massage Fiji therapy styling oil through.
Head bang to shake hair out.
Air dry.
December 22nd, 2016, 09:16 AM
Spidermom, your new length is SOOOOO becoming. So happy you like it.
December 22nd, 2016, 09:27 AM
Spidermom, your new length is SOOOOO becoming. So happy you like it.
Me too. For years, all that prettiness pretty much happened at the bottom, far away from my face.
December 22nd, 2016, 02:15 PM
Spidermom, I LOVE how great your new cut looks when air dried. So pretty. Do you think you'll experiment with the punky colors again?
December 22nd, 2016, 02:47 PM
Spidermom, I LOVE how great your new cut looks when air dried. So pretty. Do you think you'll experiment with the punky colors again?
It depends on the policy of wherever I go to work as a medical assistant. Clinics tend to prefer a more conservative vibe.
December 22nd, 2016, 05:00 PM
Kimberly's Defrizz Spray contains glycerin, which is not dry air friendly. Humectants (like glycerin and honey) draw moisture from the wet to the dry--if the air is dry--it will draw the moisture right out of your hair. :scared: Basic chemistry folks. :lol: I am myself hunting for drier weather products, but haven't done too well finding any. Many curlies love castor oil, but it's very heavy--so be aware of that. :)
Here is an interesting post from Naturally Curly ( about humidity.
December 23rd, 2016, 09:32 AM
Responding to a post a few threads back:
I don't think I'm "long haired person" at heart either. Hair isn't a giant part of my identity. It's just for fun. When growing it stops being fun, I'll cut it back. Probably buzz or pixie all at once, but maybe I'll go a little at a time.
I was thinking a few days ago: "Self, if I trimmed 1" every month, I could totally do this backward. It would be like reverse growing! I wonder what that experience would be like? Hmmm.... .... .... "
I'm still enjoying the dickens out of it, so acting on those thoughts is probably years away. :)
December 27th, 2016, 08:55 AM
Last night I braided my hair for sleeping (2 dutch braids). My braid waves look pretty this morning, except that they're different. I must have braided one side tighter than the other. There's a clear difference in the shape of the waves right in the middle of the back of my head. haha - kind of funny
December 29th, 2016, 08:53 AM
Am I the only one still enjoying short hair enough to want to share? I wanted to note that I made sort of a messy bun on top of my head with an elastic last night, and my hair came out so bouncy and smooth this morning. It looks like the blow-dried style from the first day I got it cut.
December 29th, 2016, 09:05 AM
You are not the onlyone Spidermom, I love mine and have enjoyed reading the thread! But I am also very used to mine so not really feeling like taking photos ATM.
The other day I used my bendy stick rollers for healess curls, liked the results! Yesterday I noticed I have many whites growing at one spot and I started to imagine how my hair would look with a stripe :D
December 29th, 2016, 09:56 AM
Kimberly's Defrizz Spray contains glycerin, which is not dry air friendly. Humectants (like glycerin and honey) draw moisture from the wet to the dry--if the air is dry--it will draw the moisture right out of your hair. :scared: Basic chemistry folks. :lol: I am myself hunting for drier weather products, but haven't done too well finding any. Many curlies love castor oil, but it's very heavy--so be aware of that. :)
Here is an interesting post from Naturally Curly ( about humidity.
Yes! Thanks for the glycerin and humidity and curlygirls reminder. Mine frizzes horribly anyways once it starts raining here... I have found that just a dime sized amount of evoo on the length, ears down only-- before damp bunning really helps to work as a leave in. But only a drop. Then as my hair dries, I use my tangle teezer, slowly and gently brush out the tangles, from ends on up and the re damp bun. Once it dries, a tiny bit more of evoo on the length only gives it a shine but only a tiny amount of evoo. This does work, even if I dry my hair with a hairdryer to almost all dry. I think there was glycerine in the BounceCurl leave in cream/hair gel which knotted up my hair horribly in November. But that is all over with now... Lived and learned I guess! :rolleyes:
December 29th, 2016, 12:33 PM
Am I the only one still enjoying short hair enough to want to share?
Well, mine's pretty boring. I mean, combing is optional and styling doesn't really exist. Only so many times I can say I've been petting it because it's fuzzy. :D I've oiled it a few times, and it looks pretty much the same whether it's clean or heavily oiled. I'll keep you posted the next time it changes color?
December 29th, 2016, 12:37 PM
Well, mine's pretty boring. I mean, combing is optional and styling doesn't really exist. Only so many times I can say I've been petting it because it's fuzzy. :D I've oiled it a few times, and it looks pretty much the same whether it's clean or heavily oiled. I'll keep you posted the next time it changes color?
with a picture
December 29th, 2016, 05:46 PM
Woo, great thread. I just found it, read through all ten pages, and am plunking myself down. I cut from damaged bsl to shoulder in February, with the original intention to grow back as fast as possible. I'd still like to see if I can get back to bsl (and eventually waist) with a fuller hemline, but I may be taking the scenic rather than the direct route. I didn't expect I would like shoulder length as much as I did - bouncy, fresh ends, ponytail curls under by itself, serious curl sproingage- which is part of the fun of a hair journey. Right now, I'm not quite at APL, and had some face framing layers cut in about two months ago, which I love. My stylist suggested cutting in bangs at my next trim, and I very well might.
I can very much relate to feeling like the shorter lengths are somehow more hair than longer-and-pulled-back. I need some hair around my face, and will probably keep the face framing layers as I grow. For now, I'm in no hurry. I like my hair both longer and shorter. I would consider going back to shoulder length at some time in the future, maybe a tiny bit above, but not more than that. Long hair is still beautiful, and I still like it, both on others and on myself, but this is good, too, and I want to appreciate what I have now. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this thread, to peep everyone's fabulous pictures.
Spidermom :thud: This length looks amazing on you, as do all the others, and it very much suits you. Punky colors could be fun at that length, though work is definitely a consideration. Current color is fabulous as is.
Anje Love the green, and the length looks great, too. Sometimes making a big change can be big fun
December 30th, 2016, 04:35 AM
Welcome Unzadi and everyone else I missed to mention! I'm very happy this thread was created when there clearly was need for it!
Today I need to wash my hair - which lately I've been doin about every other day or slightly more often. While my washing and particularly drying takes now more time than when my hair is shorter, every time I read the very long hair (and thick) taking all day to wash and dry I am happy and even grateful mine is done relatively quickly.
December 30th, 2016, 05:46 AM
Spidermom, have you tried bantu knots or rope braids overnight? They can make really nice curls
December 30th, 2016, 08:17 AM
I haven't, Cyclamen.
I tried scrunching in my curl creme today, and while it did bring out a lot of texture, it also made my hair kind of stringy-looking.
December 31st, 2016, 10:22 AM
I'm really liking the way my hair has shaped up 6 months into growing out my pixie. It's long enough to no longer be a pixie and the mullet-stage is past. Plus, I can now wear a hat and not look bald. Bonus! Best part about staying short (not growing past shoulder) is that I can continue to have my hair colored chemically and not have to worry about damage. Bonus x2.
I really just want to be able to ponytail again.
January 1st, 2017, 04:31 PM 2519&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=cmsocialposting_aboutmain
This link came through on my facebook page today so I thought I would be supportive for all those who have made a shorter length commitment and share it on this thread. I thought of you, spidermom but I think your hair is still longer than these hairstyles.
January 1st, 2017, 04:53 PM
I love them LCT!
January 1st, 2017, 08:57 PM 2519&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=cmsocialposting_aboutmain
This link came through on my facebook page today so I thought I would be supportive for all those who have made a shorter length commitment and share it on this thread. I thought of you, spidermom but I think your hair is still longer than these hairstyles.
I looked at that gallery when I was exploring ideas about what kind of shorter style I wanted. You are right, most of those styles are a bit shorter than mine, but I'm going to go to shoulder length next time. The longest I can wear my hair down as a medical assistant is about collarbone, I've been told, and my hair has grown past collarbone pretty fast since I got it cut. I figure if I start at shoulder length, it will give me more time before I need my next haircut.
January 1st, 2017, 09:14 PM
Hi All! I'm popping back in to show off my recent cut and curls now that they are behaving better. They have finally gotten better with great products and a new blow dryer. I'm using the Deva One Decadent suite. It is curlier IRL than the pic shows, but this is a good look at the length. I'm committed to this length through January, and I may go 'til June just to see what it looks like this curly at BSL. Last time my hair was long, it was medium textured, so while wavy, it wasn't as frizzy as it tends to be now. (
January 2nd, 2017, 12:06 PM
Hi All! I'm popping back in to show off my recent cut and curls now that they are behaving better. They have finally gotten better with great products and a new blow dryer. I'm using the Deva One Decadent suite. It is curlier IRL than the pic shows, but this is a good look at the length. I'm committed to this length through January, and I may go 'til June just to see what it looks like this curly at BSL. Last time my hair was long, it was medium textured, so while wavy, it wasn't as frizzy as it tends to be now. (
So pretty! Love the cut and curl on you!
January 2nd, 2017, 12:14 PM 2519&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=cmsocialposting_aboutmain
This link came through on my facebook page today so I thought I would be supportive for all those who have made a shorter length commitment and share it on this thread. I thought of you, spidermom but I think your hair is still longer than these hairstyles.
Thanks for the link. Shoulder is where I was happiest with my hair and where I'm growing it back to from my pixie. I actually really like my hair right now, it's almost chin. This time around, I'm not stressing about gaining length quickly or reaching some hair-do milestone. I'm enjoying each stage and length as I go. Bonus of being and staying relatively short it I can play with different cuts and looks as I go.
January 2nd, 2017, 05:11 PM
One downside to having hair this length: it's very floaty. It's like someone yelled "every hair for itself," and they all took off for the sky in different directions. Last time my hair was this length, I relied on heat styling to tame it. This time I'm relying on product to encourage my hairs to clump together rather than float.
Oh, and thanks for the picture, Shell. Your hair looks so copper-red here!
January 2nd, 2017, 07:10 PM
Spidermom, "floaty" is an excellent description. Every hair for itself, indeed.
Shell, length and curl are both gorgeous.
January 2nd, 2017, 08:56 PM
Well, you asked for color updates, and that's about the only thing that changes with my hair at the moment. I touched it up because it was getting a little faded and muddy, this time taking it a bit darker and cooler. No rebleaching at this time.
Terrible bathroom lighting actually gave a pretty accurate color.
January 2nd, 2017, 09:21 PM
Thanks everyone! I am enjoying it the last few days, I love it when it curls and I love the red color. Thanks for posting your pics and links too--everybody looks great!
January 3rd, 2017, 07:11 PM
Oh no--I killed the thread. :wail:
January 3rd, 2017, 07:16 PM
I love your hair Shell! It looks so good! Are you just diffusing it to help the curl or are you doing something more with your blow dryer?
January 4th, 2017, 08:31 AM
Yesterday I had the first bad hair day since my haircut. I had a lot of errands to run and didn't take time to do much with my hair. I used a 2-strand twist back to pull the front away from my face and looked blah all day. I really hate the way I look with hair pulled back.
My hair looks bad today, too, shapeless and trying to hang in my face. I might break out the hot rollers. I figure they aren't too bad since they aren't too hot for me to handle, unlike a curling or flat iron.
January 5th, 2017, 10:37 AM
This is purely a hypothetical. I'm not talking about anybody in particular; I swear. I could be talking about myself a year ago. I'd like to go back in time and tell myself to stop being so koo-koo about hair, as in lamenting how bad the ends are but don't want to give up any length because "short hair doesn't suit me" so concluding "I'll just wear it up," and I wonder - what's the big difference between wearing hair up all the time and having short hair, except that wearing hair up all the time is much more harsh to the face. Not many people look their best with hair pulled up and back from the face.
What I'm really doing is procrastinating cleaning up my living room. My holiday display is all over the floor. I need to get everything wrapped and packed away. It's so much easier to just be on LHC.
January 5th, 2017, 11:04 AM
This is purely a hypothetical. I'm not talking about anybody in particular; I swear. I could be talking about myself a year ago. I'd like to go back in time and tell myself to stop being so koo-koo about hair, as in lamenting how bad the ends are but don't want to give up any length because "short hair doesn't suit me" so concluding "I'll just wear it up," and I wonder - what's the big difference between wearing hair up all the time and having short hair, except that wearing hair up all the time is much more harsh to the face. Not many people look their best with hair pulled up and back from the face.
The huge difference to me is that I can wear hats with a bun, whereas with short hair I just get repulsive hat hair. For medical reasons I must avoid direct sunlight, therefore I can have either harsh-looking, unattractive, unappealing buns or slovenly, clownlike short hairdon'ts.
January 5th, 2017, 12:54 PM
The huge difference to me is that I can wear hats with a bun, whereas with short hair I just get repulsive hat hair. For medical reasons I must avoid direct sunlight, therefore I can have either harsh-looking, unattractive, unappealing buns or slovenly, clownlike short hairdon'ts.
Well, there ya go.
My hair is still long enough that I can coil the top part up as I put on my hat so that it looks pretty good when I take the hat off and shake out my hair. Sometimes I also have to run wet fingers through it a few times, but that's easily and speedily enough done.
January 5th, 2017, 03:08 PM
Well, there ya go.
My hair is still long enough that I can coil the top part up as I put on my hat so that it looks pretty good when I take the hat off and shake out my hair. Sometimes I also have to run wet fingers through it a few times, but that's easily and speedily enough done.
Lucky you. I needed a complete wash and blowdry to make mine presentable until it was long enough to bun.
January 5th, 2017, 03:12 PM
Well, there ya go.
My hair is still long enough that I can coil the top part up as I put on my hat so that it looks pretty good when I take the hat off and shake out my hair. Sometimes I also have to run wet fingers through it a few times, but that's easily and speedily enough done.
This is an excellent idea! I love winter hats with my hair down but it squashes the front. I'll try this today!
January 5th, 2017, 03:28 PM
Well, you asked for color updates, and that's about the only thing that changes with my hair at the moment. I touched it up because it was getting a little faded and muddy, this time taking it a bit darker and cooler. No rebleaching at this time.
Terrible bathroom lighting actually gave a pretty accurate color.
Cool! :cool: I remember my hair being this short when I was about 20. I went full-on Sinéad O'Connor. :lol: Long coat, black leggings, and everything.
January 5th, 2017, 06:30 PM
This is purely a hypothetical. I'm not talking about anybody in particular; I swear. I could be talking about myself a year ago. I'd like to go back in time and tell myself to stop being so koo-koo about hair, as in lamenting how bad the ends are but don't want to give up any length because "short hair doesn't suit me" so concluding "I'll just wear it up," and I wonder - what's the big difference between wearing hair up all the time and having short hair, except that wearing hair up all the time is much more harsh to the face. Not many people look their best with hair pulled up and back from the face.
What I'm really doing is procrastinating cleaning up my living room. My holiday display is all over the floor. I need to get everything wrapped and packed away. It's so much easier to just be on LHC.
LOL! I definitely know that describes me. I think the problem is, for me at least, when I actively grow my hair, I start thinking of growth in terms of months, and it feels like i failed or "wasted" tons of growing time. Like a few big trims "cost" me 8 months. That is when I start getting all precious about losing length. It's silly really... I think short hair actually looks good on me for now. Like REALLY short hair, and pulling long hair back is similar enough to that , that I just wear my hair up most of the time because I think I look better that way. I feel like I look weird with my hair down. Its one of the reasons I don't cut my hair super short, I like to be able to pull it back. I do sometimes wonder if my long hair ages my face but I am not sure...
January 6th, 2017, 03:55 AM
I am working my way thru this thread and loving it. I grew my hair out to just past BSL and then chopped it all off. I'll try and post a few pics from different styles I've had over the last few years next post.
I've been dealing with a flaky scalp for almost a year now and it is driving me nuts. I'm No-poo, formerly WO and thinking of going back to WO. I'm trying to figure out how to moisturize my scalp without greasing up my length (the little I have).
I know if I start good habits and find what works with it short, I can keep that up and grow it out a little if I choose to later.
January 6th, 2017, 08:23 AM
I rolled my hair on large sponge rollers before bed last night and holey-moley; it's so curly today! (
After changing from nightgown to day clothes, 2 pea-sized dabs of curling creme distributed over and between fingers of both hands, then finger-combed through curls. Top pinned to side with decorated bobby pin. What a difference! I love it. (
January 6th, 2017, 04:07 PM
As much as I admire very long hair on others, I don't think it's for me. I've been a member here for over 10 years but I maintain at BSL-MBL. My hair is very fine and thin, and my ends start to thin out much longer than that. I've cut twice to a shoulder length bob in that time, I love inverted LOBs.! When my hair gets longer than BSL, I can never wear it down, and I like it down at least 50% of the time. On the other hand, at BSL, it's still long enough to do updo's and French twists, and buns, and braids, should I want. I don't care for my hair shorter than SL, either, for this reason. Also I don't think a super short haircut suits me.
Right now I chemically color, too, and until I decide to stop that and go natural or go for henna, I think hair longer than waist will be difficult for me.
Right now my hair is BSL, and I can do a lot of things with it and I like that.
Also, nice cut, Spidermom!
school of fish
January 6th, 2017, 05:01 PM
I rolled my hair on large sponge rollers before bed last night and holey-moley; it's so curly today! (
After changing from nightgown to day clothes, 2 pea-sized dabs of curling creme distributed over and between fingers of both hands, then finger-combed through curls. Top pinned to side with decorated bobby pin. What a difference! I love it. (
Wow!!! Absolutely beautiful!!! I'm going to live those curls vicariously through you, because even when I'm at your length my hair won't do that without a team of specialists... :p
January 6th, 2017, 06:07 PM
Whoa, Spidermom curls turned out great. Gorgeous.
January 7th, 2017, 08:49 AM
Just back here now after a few months away. Great thread! I had mine cut from hip length to somewhere between APL & BSL. I absolutely love having thick (for me) looking braids with a thick (for me) tassel. I absolutely love turning my head and having my hair not strangle me or get stuck in my elbow creases. I love not worrying about whether I look like I have monkey-ears syndrome (ears sticking through my thin hair). I love having hair around my face because God knows these days I need that. And I love not looking ugly and bland as I did in buns. For YEARS! And after all I've learned and tried on LHC with hip length hair that never worked...some of it actually works now at APL (regarding body, waves and curls). I'm happy with my hair for the first time in about 8 years.
I am a much better APL hair owner than I would have been had I not tried to grow it to my butt.
January 8th, 2017, 07:34 AM
I am rarely 100% happy with heatless curls, but today I nailed them! If this is repeatable I will share the how :o
Photo in my blog:
Hi All! I'm popping back in to show off my recent cut and curls now that they are behaving better. They have finally gotten better with great products and a new blow dryer. I'm using the Deva One Decadent suite. It is curlier IRL than the pic shows, but this is a good look at the length. I'm committed to this length through January, and I may go 'til June just to see what it looks like this curly at BSL. Last time my hair was long, it was medium textured, so while wavy, it wasn't as frizzy as it tends to be now.
I already commented in your blog, but it looks fantastic!
One downside to having hair this length: it's very floaty. It's like someone yelled "every hair for itself," and they all took off for the sky in different directions. Last time my hair was this length, I relied on heat styling to tame it. This time I'm relying on product to encourage my hairs to clump together rather than float.
It's probably a hair type thing, my hair has never been floaty that I remember, not even when it was fine (it was straight then, too, so fine + wavy might be the key there?) I also have to avoid clumpiness because it makes my hair look thinner.
Well, you asked for color updates, and that's about the only thing that changes with my hair at the moment. I touched it up because it was getting a little faded and muddy, this time taking it a bit darker and cooler. No rebleaching at this time.
Terrible bathroom lighting actually gave a pretty accurate color.
It's exactly the colour I was going for last summer! I love it on you!
The huge difference to me is that I can wear hats with a bun, whereas with short hair I just get repulsive hat hair. For medical reasons I must avoid direct sunlight, therefore I can have either harsh-looking, unattractive, unappealing buns or slovenly, clownlike short hairdon'ts.
I know you are very down to earth, no-nonsense kind of person from you posts, so I am surprised to read how you talk about yourself. :( Come on, change the self talk dear lady! I am sure you look nothing like those discriptions!
My hair is still long enough that I can coil the top part up as I put on my hat so that it looks pretty good when I take the hat off and shake out my hair. Sometimes I also have to run wet fingers through it a few times, but that's easily and speedily enough done.
This is amazing tip! I don't suffer from hat hair but if I would I would definitely try this!
Cool! :cool: I remember my hair being this short when I was about 20. I went full-on Sinéad O'Connor. :lol: Long coat, black leggings, and everything.
Ooh, you must have looked great!
LOL! I definitely know that describes me. I think the problem is, for me at least, when I actively grow my hair, I start thinking of growth in terms of months, and it feels like i failed or "wasted" tons of growing time. Like a few big trims "cost" me 8 months. That is when I start getting all precious about losing length. It's silly really... I think short hair actually looks good on me for now. Like REALLY short hair, and pulling long hair back is similar enough to that , that I just wear my hair up most of the time because I think I look better that way. I feel like I look weird with my hair down. Its one of the reasons I don't cut my hair super short, I like to be able to pull it back. I do sometimes wonder if my long hair ages my face but I am not sure...
I think almost every new member who has stayed and become active here has gone through that kind of thinking :D
I am working my way thru this thread and loving it. I grew my hair out to just past BSL and then chopped it all off. I'll try and post a few pics from different styles I've had over the last few years next post.
I've been dealing with a flaky scalp for almost a year now and it is driving me nuts. I'm No-poo, formerly WO and thinking of going back to WO. I'm trying to figure out how to moisturize my scalp without greasing up my length (the little I have).
I know if I start good habits and find what works with it short, I can keep that up and grow it out a little if I choose to later.
Welcome! Have you tried aloe vera gel on your scalp? It doesn't have any oil and is very moisturising!
I rolled my hair on large sponge rollers before bed last night and holey-moley; it's so curly today!
After changing from nightgown to day clothes, 2 pea-sized dabs of curling creme distributed over and between fingers of both hands, then finger-combed through curls. Top pinned to side with decorated bobby pin. What a difference! I love it.
Love them! What volume!
As much as I admire very long hair on others, I don't think it's for me. I've been a member here for over 10 years but I maintain at BSL-MBL. My hair is very fine and thin, and my ends start to thin out much longer than that. I've cut twice to a shoulder length bob in that time, I love inverted LOBs.! When my hair gets longer than BSL, I can never wear it down, and I like it down at least 50% of the time. On the other hand, at BSL, it's still long enough to do updo's and French twists, and buns, and braids, should I want. I don't care for my hair shorter than SL, either, for this reason. Also I don't think a super short haircut suits me.
Right now I chemically color, too, and until I decide to stop that and go natural or go for henna, I think hair longer than waist will be difficult for me.
Right now my hair is BSL, and I can do a lot of things with it and I like that.
Also, nice cut, Spidermom!
I also love long hair on others, I love all hair to be exact! On my self I seem to favour shorter lengths :)
Just back here now after a few months away. Great thread! I had mine cut from hip length to somewhere between APL & BSL. I absolutely love having thick (for me) looking braids with a thick (for me) tassel. I absolutely love turning my head and having my hair not strangle me or get stuck in my elbow creases. I love not worrying about whether I look like I have monkey-ears syndrome (ears sticking through my thin hair). I love having hair around my face because God knows these days I need that. And I love not looking ugly and bland as I did in buns. For YEARS! And after all I've learned and tried on LHC with hip length hair that never worked...some of it actually works now at APL (regarding body, waves and curls). I'm happy with my hair for the first time in about 8 years.
I am a much better APL hair owner than I would have been had I not tried to grow it to my butt.
Great to see you! Monkey ears for some, elf ears or anime ears for others ;)
It is so good to hear you finally love your hair, you agonised over it for so long!
January 8th, 2017, 09:30 AM
As much as I admire very long hair on others, I don't think it's for me. I've been a member here for over 10 years but I maintain at BSL-MBL. My hair is very fine and thin, and my ends start to thin out much longer than that. I've cut twice to a shoulder length bob in that time, I love inverted LOBs.! When my hair gets longer than BSL, I can never wear it down, and I like it down at least 50% of the time. On the other hand, at BSL, it's still long enough to do updo's and French twists, and buns, and braids, should I want. I don't care for my hair shorter than SL, either, for this reason. Also I don't think a super short haircut suits me.
Right now I chemically color, too, and until I decide to stop that and go natural or go for henna, I think hair longer than waist will be difficult for me.
Right now my hair is BSL, and I can do a lot of things with it and I like that.
Also, nice cut, Spidermom!
I just wanted you to know that you can grow your hair long if you want to, but you'll probably have to forgoe the dye and the henna. With fine hair and thinning hair those products are not good for it anyways if you want to grow past waist. Fine hair will not withstand the chemical assaults and be able to maintain the length as it will start to break off before it gets to its terminal length.
I just want to encourage you because its hard to be a fine and thin haired person and achieve the long lengths without a total commitment.
Whatever you decide to do is your choice of course. But if you do want to go for longer lengths I support you!! Don't listen to the people who say thin hair is "ugly" or that you can't grow it long! If I believed that I'd have never made it to waist.:toast:
Of the Fae
January 8th, 2017, 09:39 AM
I rolled my hair on large sponge rollers before bed last night and holey-moley; it's so curly today! (
After changing from nightgown to day clothes, 2 pea-sized dabs of curling creme distributed over and between fingers of both hands, then finger-combed through curls. Top pinned to side with decorated bobby pin. What a difference! I love it. (
Oh my, I was leafing through this thread and saw this picture. Spidermom your hair is incredible! The color and the result of the curlings!
January 8th, 2017, 09:56 AM
I rolled my hair on large sponge rollers before bed last night and holey-moley; it's so curly today! (
After changing from nightgown to day clothes, 2 pea-sized dabs of curling creme distributed over and between fingers of both hands, then finger-combed through curls. Top pinned to side with decorated bobby pin. What a difference! I love it. (
January 8th, 2017, 05:47 PM
"Are you just diffusing it to help the curl or are you doing something more with your blow dryer?"
It helps to keep it curly. If I let it dry naturally, a lot of the curl drops out. I only diffuse for about 10 minutes--so it's not very dry. Now, I just need to find a finisher to help with the frizz.
January 8th, 2017, 05:53 PM
spidermom--those curls are amazing!
January 8th, 2017, 06:01 PM
"Are you just diffusing it to help the curl or are you doing something more with your blow dryer?"
It helps to keep it curly. If I let it dry naturally, a lot of the curl drops out. I only diffuse for about 10 minutes--so it's not very dry. Now, I just need to find a finisher to help with the frizz.
Thanks! my waves never seem to stay that long, I was wondering if diffusing would help them.
hanne jensen
January 9th, 2017, 07:58 AM (
I love this haircut! The only thing it hasn't handled well was this morning when I just let it air dry without doing anything with it because I knew I'd be using heat protectant and hot rollers later. It dried all fluffy and disheveled-looking. I'm not bothered. I know when I twirl a bit of curl creme through it, it air dries beautifully.
That is just beautiful, Spidermom! Like a Hollywood movie star.
January 10th, 2017, 11:05 AM
I made a tutorial of the curling method I liked a lot, I think this will become my favourite heatless curling method! I have no idea how well it would work for long hair, but right now it workes really nicely for me, and I imagine will continue to work at least to BSL. As for the other end of the spectrum, it probably needs a bit of length to do.
January 10th, 2017, 11:37 AM
Interesting Arctic! You certainly get beautiful results.
Old habits die hard. For the last couple of weeks, I've been telling myself to do an SMT. Then I remind myself that I'm wearing my hair short for the foreseeable future and am, in fact, getting at least an inch cut off on Jan 22. Finally the prompt wore me down; I'm going to do one today simply because I know the prompt will go away for awhile, a good long while hopefully.
Thank you hanne jensen and shell.
January 10th, 2017, 01:03 PM
Thank you Spidermom! I love the results too, and also how comfortable it is to sleep with my hair on the rollers like that!
I hope you enjoy your SMT! I'm sure your curls will love it, even if your ends wouldn't really need it. :)
January 10th, 2017, 02:35 PM
Yup, my hair feels great. I tried scrunching with aloe vera gel (so pure I have to keep it in the refrigerator) and once again it looks all stringy, although the texture of waves and curls all over the place is quite pretty.
January 12th, 2017, 03:43 AM
The one with the blue is my favorite. My edges are shaved in all of these HiIYduF9kh6zk3WGJE7bXSqX0FyWFMJ0kSkACedwkgQgOoqMlt GWSx3tONlfHogXNrhxxJT9PKyCRI2337Xn_2-mY-lwAlZ5NQbkNo1ce_Jpb-jRdIeiCZCyiGu8i45weECdpHygnxt4jTZgUUzIaVJiGDu3imfQ DypI5SNSftQ2fQKITrtljqfCD8hOoIQ324ozmpSZcVyz1iJa8q lDvd8-Iolv2OfdT-zX_u4_WBUBlQzOVlekqykksiEZ2K7NOhBYxNhOAR5DI5j4yxpg lv7eSOF89RVhPbD7kCehdGomOqDUIdfqSthe7nWLqPbHDwwGnI yLel9PM2RHUHii5NI0gfBJ_OCH5uYsxbmxHlq-YRDe0-ZyIENvc-Xf5u_yAeucN1j35yha-r0RETgYJiashqa-ZgonbsLWCRqG9y9pI3LueIHGU6Of8q2gJFGt4SckNMqVg1A7_5 qcXs4dATA6ky0b6WgpbUgmiigFckaG7ibZzHaiVbn2RXAd8Vs5 XErfbwYdTAxPAL7Ia52hZ=w1023-h672-no
This is current F6vdkGn5eucPm69H90Npz_qNO_K5Xk7TtrLAUhVeilEmDripRD H5d3Q2N0zR5sNuWO_Z4ywB34hufsB-JBHRHNXDHQZrEsYYjgdW4P0rRhmX64DXDi5wrZESIbEVAA9nyb ENKj7ApoX30Kn2SzMviZgEPOKQUl6cBPSfiIy6JRcEnX3gEvfP 5U8KP_NanWP9nLyuPN_qcEuLtCWl3TKKV-ClDuuo_XO9sd0NDzm5golKhHSC1PPXjYi8HzIYpLMqOSPWdl-31j1KJkMm0vt8vfQx7PyxxkBzbmWNczYSnmqmUZMUxcKK4IfCL 3mbqNdMhNsVJ9uOPQZtO9gZhjk8V6Crj4rErRbcKgiHj4DpCGz avcvw6tBBoUdLlFYtSDlD1pwJFUBtleDebS_ZNyDEj2kZH6XMP 0UKNDFVXk9yRL5WQaSf0KGTV9O6Ptal68iqRBcY7AvHKoysJdZ t0XUHW1dd-1vv7tykFHVb2MvRBEyj_vVzyO67rd8UFgFu-Z742luU7f-UxxK8UNFs-Bst75Xh_kTuSuIKP3POStG_br7qvycbjf6cdHJfHrl5HThCmy= w1111-h672-no
Edit: Nope, that did not work...
Edit2: trying again...
January 12th, 2017, 08:22 AM
You have to post your photos on a photo-hosting site first, then copy/paste the image here.
January 15th, 2017, 11:30 AM
I rolled my hair on large sponge rollers before bed last night and holey-moley; it's so curly today! (
After changing from nightgown to day clothes, 2 pea-sized dabs of curling creme distributed over and between fingers of both hands, then finger-combed through curls. Top pinned to side with decorated bobby pin. What a difference! I love it. (
I love your curls! It looks really flattering!
January 16th, 2017, 05:54 PM
I'm going to set up an appointment it have my hair trimmed about half an inch around the 1st. It's reaching my shoulders now and I think it's time for a clean up.
January 16th, 2017, 07:38 PM
My appointment is on Jan 22. My hair is a good inch and a half below collarbone. I got a collarbone cut about 6-7 weeks ago.
January 17th, 2017, 05:25 AM
I'm still enjoying my self-trims. I started to do them years before I found LHC, I wonder if I ever feel a want to go to the salon? I do have a Indian scalp massage coming up, I just need to book a time!
I watched Amelie (the movie) the other day and her hair is just sooo gorgeous!
January 18th, 2017, 09:23 PM
Hello all, I posted over a year ago and was generally unhappy with my (finally) waist length hair - shed, thin ends etc. Thin braids and minuscule buns were not an attractive look, so I finally decided I'd rather have shorter, bouncier and thicker looking hair that I could re-learn how to style, and I'd look better in. Also, I like having my hair down, and this time when I did grow out again, I wanted to enjoy all the different lengths and ways I could style it. So I cut it last March and I've actually been enjoying the shorter lengths.
Then I recently lost my dad, following which I've been under severe stress and consequently more hairfall, so it's probably a good thing my hair is already short and the thinning isn't too obvious. Another plus is that my hair looks curlier than ever before as I keep discovering new (heatless) ways to style it. Although i'm sort of growing it out again, I'm not as desperate now as I was then to just get there already so I think this is the thread for me to be!
January 18th, 2017, 09:25 PM
Spidermom, I love your pictures, I think the volume and the waviness looks great on you, I can't wait to see you with your new haircut.
January 19th, 2017, 08:59 AM
Arctic, I love that movie - Amelie. Her haircut certainly suits her; she looks very chic.
For the time being, I notice that I am really-truly "over" long hair. I'm more critical of it than I've ever been in my life. I notice that most of the long hair I see when I'm out shopping, etc, looks neglected and in only fair condition at best.
January 19th, 2017, 11:21 AM
Hello Starshade! My condolences about your father :grouphug:
Spidermom yes the style suits her so well! I'd love that style if I'd have hair like hers (and a cute face!).
I just dusted my ends! It's only few weeks since the last time, I grabbed the scissors just because I wanted to :) I took off very little. My hair is very swingy now, after new clarifying/chelating shampoo :inlove:
January 19th, 2017, 04:46 PM
I think I complained earlier in this thread, or maybe it was in my blog, or maybe both, or maybe it was all in my head about over-conditioning my hair now that it's short. I have figured out that I have to plan ahead a little bit about what I plan to do with my hair. In general, I only need rinse-out conditioner if I plan to let my hair air-dry on its own. If I'm going to blow-dry or scrunch or set it, I skip the rinse-out conditioner because I'm going to be using some other kind of conditioning product. Since I figured this out, I'm back to only having to wash it every 3-4 days.
January 19th, 2017, 06:10 PM
Going public with my lurking.
I wore a pixie for freaking ever--see siggy-- , and totally get short hair. There are different benefits and drawback to having shorter hair, but it can be awesome. Just the same as long hair is awesome, but for different reasons. Okay, I'm not making any sense. Shutting up now and retreating to lurkerworld.
January 19th, 2017, 07:02 PM
Going public with my lurking.
I wore a pixie for freaking ever--see siggy-- , and totally get short hair. There are different benefits and drawback to having shorter hair, but it can be awesome. Just the same as long hair is awesome, but for different reasons. Okay, I'm not making any sense. Shutting up now and retreating to lurkerworld.
As a fellow lurker who has had and appreciates both short and long hair, I agree and understand completely. Both are great! Whatever makes you happy in your own skin :). I personally wish that I could magically grow long hair overnight so I could go back and forth :magic:
January 19th, 2017, 08:34 PM
Thank you Arctic :o
Hoping this link works, I was never a prolific poster. Hair is quite flat and weighed down as it is very very dry here this month, and I need to use heavier products to prevent it drying out. I don't have a lot of choice where I live. (
January 19th, 2017, 08:38 PM
Anje i just love the green buzz, it's super-cool,.
Arctic I would love to see your haircut/ style too.
January 20th, 2017, 01:30 AM
Starshade, I don't think your hair looks flat. You have beautiful curls, I wish my hair looked like yours! :D
I think I finally understand how people can get addicted to going to the hairdresser. I keep thinking about how nice it would be to get more layers and a slightly shorter cut, and it has only been just over a month since my last cut! I will force myself to put it off for a bit longer. :o
January 20th, 2017, 08:43 AM
Thank you Kittybird, I have been admiring the waves and beautiful two-toned hair in your signature on so many threads.
I love big hair, so mine always looks flat to me! I used a flexible hold hairspray in my roots today and instant volume- I find I don't worry so much about all these 'evil' products anymore :rolleyes: Otherwise I take good care of it in any case.
January 20th, 2017, 08:47 AM
I think I finally understand how people can get addicted to going to the hairdresser. I keep thinking about how nice it would be to get more layers and a slightly shorter cut, and it has only been just over a month since my last cut! I will force myself to put it off for a bit longer. :o
I know! My first 2 cuts were about a week apart. I was following tried and true LHC advice to cut back in stages so I wouldn't have regrets. First I cut from tailbone to between waist and hip and immediately regretted not cutting more. So I went back and was cut to just above waist. I lived with that for about a month before getting a cut to collarbone, the length I wanted all along. I mildly regret not getting the cut I wanted from the beginning. I would have been able to save a braid like I did when my son went from long to short hair.
I've got an appointment for Jan 22, plan to go to shoulder length, and I feel like I can't wait.
January 20th, 2017, 09:05 AM
I think I complained earlier in this thread, or maybe it was in my blog, or maybe both, or maybe it was all in my head about over-conditioning my hair now that it's short. I have figured out that I have to plan ahead a little bit about what I plan to do with my hair. In general, I only need rinse-out conditioner if I plan to let my hair air-dry on its own. If I'm going to blow-dry or scrunch or set it, I skip the rinse-out conditioner because I'm going to be using some other kind of conditioning product. Since I figured this out, I'm back to only having to wash it every 3-4 days.
That's interesting! I always feel that I use quite a lot conditioner for my length/thickness, but I feel my corser hairs really need it, and it doesn't weight my hair down. But I can imagine there is quite a change in the hair's needs when one does such a huge chop as you. Good to hear you have been able to optimize the conditioner!
Going public with my lurking.
I wore a pixie for freaking ever--see siggy-- , and totally get short hair. There are different benefits and drawback to having shorter hair, but it can be awesome. Just the same as long hair is awesome, but for different reasons. Okay, I'm not making any sense. Shutting up now and retreating to lurkerworld.
I consider myself a hair person in general. I love everything hair related, hair care, hair styling, different hair looks... I also appreciate beautifully cared of long hair even though I might never grow mine to very long. I love short styles! I love medium styles! :D I may not be a long hair person but I am a hair person, so I completely get what you mean!
As a fellow lurker who has had and appreciates both short and long hair, I agree and understand completely. Both are great! Whatever makes you happy in your own skin :). I personally wish that I could magically grow long hair overnight so I could go back and forth :magic:
Yes, what ever makes person happy but it needs to be in balanse with what they find flattering and what kind of hair they have.
Hmm, those hollywood stars must have a magic pill cause they always grow their hair just like that :laugh: But I agree, it there would be on-off possibility with long hair, it would be great!
Thank you Arctic :o
Hoping this link works, I was never a prolific poster. Hair is quite flat and weighed down as it is very very dry here this month, and I need to use heavier products to prevent it drying out. I don't have a lot of choice where I live. (
You and your hair look great!
Starshade, I don't think your hair looks flat. You have beautiful curls, I wish my hair looked like yours! :D
I think I finally understand how people can get addicted to going to the hairdresser. I keep thinking about how nice it would be to get more layers and a slightly shorter cut, and it has only been just over a month since my last cut! I will force myself to put it off for a bit longer. :o
I used to go to salon very often, but in the past over a decade have been cutting my own hair (minus one time for graduation, and they cut it unevenly). But I really enjoyed it back then!
Thank you Kittybird, I have been admiring the waves and beautiful two-toned hair in your signature on so many threads.
I love big hair, so mine always looks flat to me! I used a flexible hold hairspray in my roots today and instant volume- I find I don't worry so much about all these 'evil' products anymore :rolleyes: Otherwise I take good care of it in any case.
I use styling produts too, but I do prefere how my naked hair feels.
I know! My first 2 cuts were about a week apart. I was following tried and true LHC advice to cut back in stages so I wouldn't have regrets. First I cut from tailbone to between waist and hip and immediately regretted not cutting more. So I went back and was cut to just above waist. I lived with that for about a month before getting a cut to collarbone, the length I wanted all along. I mildly regret not getting the cut I wanted from the beginning. I would have been able to save a braid like I did when my son went from long to short hair.
I've got an appointment for Jan 22, plan to go to shoulder length, and I feel like I can't wait.
Just few more days!
January 20th, 2017, 01:44 PM
I too cut back in stages. At the first cut, I hadn't gone to a hairdresser in at least 6 years. I went from hip to chin length. A few months later I decided to try a pixie while my hair was already "short". When I initially cut it back, I never thought I would end up with something so short, but here I am. Had someone told me a year ago I would finish 2016 with super short hair, I would have thought they were crazy. I have been having a lot of fun with it and want to try a bunch of other things along the way. I may never go back to hip length.
January 20th, 2017, 01:57 PM
I wonder if I'll ever want to go back to waist length and beyond. Right now - nope.
January 20th, 2017, 02:48 PM
I wonder if I'll ever want to go back to waist length and beyond. Right now - nope.
I feel the same way. I'm so happy with my hair at this length, and I've come to realise that I really dislike how I look with my hair pulled back. I'm almost finished with my nursing degree, and with hair any longer than shoulder, I'd have to wear it up at work. Now I just pin it back to keep it from falling in my face.
January 20th, 2017, 03:21 PM
I feel the same way. I'm so happy with my hair at this length, and I've come to realise that I really dislike how I look with my hair pulled back. I'm almost finished with my nursing degree, and with hair any longer than shoulder, I'd have to wear it up at work. Now I just pin it back to keep it from falling in my face.
Similar motivation for me, on top of a lot of aggravation that long hair caused, like hanging all over me in cold weather while it took hours to air dry.
January 20th, 2017, 04:04 PM
Ya'all look so pretty! I love those curls on you, spidermom! :couch: I am so tempted to cut my now waist length hemline to meet up with my collarbone length face framing layers. So tempted!! But it took me years and years to get my hair long, but... I do think I look so much prettier with shorter hair... hmmm:hmm:
ETA --LOL!! If I may say so myself teehee...:)
January 20th, 2017, 04:49 PM
Arctic I would love to see your haircut/ style too.
Sorry I missed this earlier! I usually don't post photos on the forums, but I have tons of them in my blog!
January 21st, 2017, 12:03 AM
Sorry I missed this earlier! I usually don't post photos on the forums, but I have tons of them in my blog!
Oh, yes you do! And lots of hairstyles for me to try too- thank you :cool:
January 21st, 2017, 12:12 AM
Like many others here, i too cut back in stages- waist to APL to finally a cut layered between jawline to neck, as it's been growing out, I trim the back or it become a mullet. I also prefer only slight layering as my hair is fine and the ends can look straggly.
I think I may only grow back to APL or thereabouts, I seem to remember liking that length but never let myself enjoy it enough!
Silverstars that haircut is very trendy looking on you. I've been loving the angled bobs/ lobs on girls with straight hair especially.
January 21st, 2017, 12:15 AM
I think I complained earlier in this thread, or maybe it was in my blog, or maybe both, or maybe it was all in my head about over-conditioning my hair now that it's short. I have figured out that I have to plan ahead a little bit about what I plan to do with my hair. In general, I only need rinse-out conditioner if I plan to let my hair air-dry on its own. If I'm going to blow-dry or scrunch or set it, I skip the rinse-out conditioner because I'm going to be using some other kind of conditioning product. Since I figured this out, I'm back to only having to wash it every 3-4 days.
I wonder if this may be my problem with having flat hair lately, I have been using a ton of conditioner considering my length, maybe I need to figure the right balance, and use much less, since I also need leave-in and a styling cream to hold my curls, but then they get weighed down after a few hours.
January 21st, 2017, 09:51 AM
spidermom, back in 2011 when my hair was a chin lengthcurly 3b bob-- through apl, I leaned over with conditioner and my length in front of me --in the shower and scrunched my curls. I rinsed out a bit of the conditioner, but left some in... used a Turbie twist for minute or so to get out the drippiness, and then once outside the shower, I leaned forward again with my hair in front of me and squeezed in and scrunched the curls. Used a diffuser and let it dry almost all the way and wala! Curls galore! Just an idea for you... from a curlygirl! :)
My hair is curlier than yours is, but... this will still work for you!! Good luck!! :)
January 21st, 2017, 11:37 AM
Thank you LongCurlyTress, will try it but without diffuser (don't have one).
January 21st, 2017, 11:48 AM
Thank you LongCurlyTress, will try it but without diffuser (don't have one).
If you live near a Ross, you can get a Conair hairdryer with a diffuser and air funnel.. it is worth it to get this for insta curls!! Also keeps frizzies down too. You can get a diffuser only at CVS Or Sally's also, but I worry it will fall off since those separate ones are not made specifically for each hairdryer, but fit over the nozzel like a sock. Anyways, a regular hairdryer just blowing air randomly will create alot of frizz and not give you those curls you are hoping to achieve. :) Lots of personal experience here to have learned this the hard way... :)
ETA Herbal Essences Curl Boosting Mousse is accepted in the curlygirl method for ingredients, smells great and really does work without drying out hair. It is highly recommended on forum... :) I have used this and got some great curls from using it. :) Scrunched with my hands and also it is activated with a diffuser on a hairdryer using low heat. :)
January 23rd, 2017, 01:15 PM
Well boo; the stylist cancelled my haircut this weekend because her daughter was sick.
January 23rd, 2017, 01:19 PM
Did you already agreed of another time? I hope she'll be available soon!
I've been so busy with studies and when it comes to hair I've been mostly concentrating on re-growth so haven't posted much here. I read everything though!
January 23rd, 2017, 01:59 PM
No, but a haircut can wait.
February 5th, 2017, 06:00 PM
Lately I've been obsessed with the idea of getting my hair cut into a long bob. Blunt cut and shoulder length. I've even spent days watching youtube videos on how to do it myself.
February 8th, 2017, 04:57 PM
I have a job interview on Friday (new career as a medical assistant).
I had my shoulder-length long bob reestablished today. The stylist had to cut about 3 inches off; my hair has been growing like a weed!
February 8th, 2017, 05:01 PM
I have a job interview on Friday (new career as a medical assistant).
I had my shoulder-length long bob reestablished today. The stylist had to cut about 3 inches off; my hair has been growing like a weed!
Good luck on your jjob interview spidermom!! Fingers crossed and photos of your new do please or it didn't happen... ;) LOL!:p
February 8th, 2017, 07:41 PM
Good luck on your jjob interview spidermom!! Fingers crossed and photos of your new do please or it didn't happen... ;) LOL!:p
You can roll back to the first picture on this thread - it's like that.
February 9th, 2017, 12:11 PM
You can roll back to the first picture on this thread - it's like that.
Oh... I thought you recently as in this week...cut your hair shorter than the first time. I love this photo of you on this thread!! Beautiful!! :blossom:
February 9th, 2017, 01:09 PM
Actually, I think it is a bit shorter this time, also more layered. I'll come back to post a picture.
February 10th, 2017, 10:21 AM
I got another trim, I like it but I think I may let it grow out a little bit this time. I think I'll give it 6 months and see where I'm at. I need to start doing my deep treatments and being a little nicer to it, I can tell it's getting a little mad at me lol
February 11th, 2017, 02:51 PM
I just got the sides and back of my pixie trimmed up so I don't have a mullet. I'm going to try and get a decent picture of it this time.
February 12th, 2017, 05:32 PM
Is your signature picture recent, silverstars? I like it on you. I like your snake, too. I have a very big albino Burmese python.
O.k., gotta get this off my chest: I hate my newest haircut. The way she layered the ends makes them fluff out in a most unattractive way. I can cope by purposely keeping my ends weighed down with product, but after having such a perfect experience the first time, I wasn't prepared to be so disappointed.
February 13th, 2017, 02:09 PM
That picture was from August right after I got it cut from hip length. I went on to get a pixie in November and got it trimmed up again a few day ago so I am still in pixie-land. I need to get a recent picture. My avatar is my snake's baby picture. She is a Bumblebee morph Ball Python named Tuna. She's not more than a month or so old there. She'll be turning 6 this summer. I can't imagine having anything much bigger than her. I have a friend that has a albino Burmese and I had to wear her like a backpack to even "hold" her. They're so pretty.
February 13th, 2017, 07:48 PM
Well, I did it. As of 4 hours ago I now have a blunt shoulder length bob. I'm quite happy with it.
February 14th, 2017, 07:05 AM
Well, I did it. As of 4 hours ago I now have a blunt shoulder length bob. I'm quite happy with it.
Enjoy it! I've found this length to be a lot more versatile than I expected.
February 14th, 2017, 08:05 PM
I think I could actually stand to go an inch shorter. Maybe. We'll see what happens after I wash it and have to make it look good on my own.
But you know the funny thing: I left the house with my hair longer but up in a French twist, and came home with loose, shoulder length hair. And my mom (I live with her) didn't notice until earlier today. I just found that amusing.
February 15th, 2017, 06:09 AM
I am growing but just about at bob length - I am in love with a sort of French style Bob, flirty bouncy, messy simple and easy, youthful but still so sophisticated - I may get stuck at this point for longer than intended
Marion Cotillard / Keira Knightly in the CHanel Advert / Charlotte le Bon as Victoire in the Yves Saint Laurent film
Also wow spider mom - just scrolled through & seen those awesome curls! Amazing!
February 15th, 2017, 08:56 AM
Oh Suzi, the styles you link are exactly what I was trying to achieve with my roller sets. It's so fun to be able to be spontaneous with my hot rollers or flat iron.
February 16th, 2017, 04:08 AM
I've always liked short hair but I hate having to get it cut regularly to keep it looking good. While some of my hair is long with the intent to get longer, ~1/3 of it is buzz cut in a side cut. I really like how it looks and would like to maintain it, so I bought hair clippers this week and I'm going to try trimming it myself this weekend. I'm a little worried about how it will go, but I hate going to the salon once a month (especially since at the buzz cut length I want, I think it would look best if I got it trimmed every two weeks) so I'm going to make this work. (I do have my fiancee willing to give trim any areas I can't reach or see right, but she's way less comfortable with the idea of cutting my hair than I am, so I'm going to do most of it myself.)
February 17th, 2017, 09:05 AM
Is your signature picture recent, silverstars? I like it on you. I like your snake, too. I have a very big albino Burmese python.
O.k., gotta get this off my chest: I hate my newest haircut. The way she layered the ends makes them fluff out in a most unattractive way. I can cope by purposely keeping my ends weighed down with product, but after having such a perfect experience the first time, I wasn't prepared to be so disappointed.
Ok.. I remember this length from before when I did my big chop. Do not dispair my friend. Now you know the limits of this new cut/shape..... good thing about shorter hair is that it seems to grow quicker... all I know is that when I have had layers, professionally cut in the past, it seems that I need a good reshaping in a couple of weeks. Sounds like they feathered into the ends for the extra fluff? It can get trimmed off in a few weeks.... the beauty of a styled cut!!
I myself have some news also to share here. I am now at bsl when brushed out and straight. Just cut off a couple of more inches to try to speed up my chin length ff layers to match my length... it will take me at least a year to do this... but I am going to enjoy the growing stages more this time...but as we know.. growing hair is a slow process so guess I will just enjoy this new length. Probably today at apl when curly.. or shorter!!!Anyways, still long enough to do a messy bun with some thin fringe side bangs.... A few things in my personal life have been frustrating and basically out of my control... so my hair gets a cut in that situation.. :) I needed a change anyways... as the sea otter slicked back nape lwb bun look is so aging on me...
February 17th, 2017, 12:08 PM
I'll know not to let my stylist layer my ends out like that again. I need some weight down there!.
February 17th, 2017, 02:00 PM
Nice to see a hair related thread here where I can actually post on :) I haven't posted here regularly for maybe two years or more. A year or so after finally reaching my goal at waist, I went and got it cut into a long blunt bob. Now it's a chin lenght angled bob. To me long hair was just too boring. I always kept it up in a simple bun or braided. I never figured out how to do any of those more "advanced" hairstyles, and my natural texture at that lenght looked pretty horrible to be honest. Also I guess I just got older and life changed, I was no longer a student, I got a job where I needed to look more professional, and wanted a different look (not that long hair can't be professional, it just wasn't on me).
I've abandoned many of the lhc "rules", but not all of them. I blow dry my hair with a brush and use styling products. I still avoid silicones a lot of the time and check the ingredient lists, but am not as concerned about any single ingredient. I even use mousse with alcohol. I get my hair dyed, which I never did with long hair in fear of disliking the result and having to grow it out for years, but I use a henna based dye instead of a chemical one. I still do deep treatments once a week or once every other week and sleep on a satin pillow case and use hair friendly combs and brushes.
Now I wonder what to do with all the hair tos? I may not ever grow my hair out to the lenght where I can properly use them, but I still feel kind of attached to them and wouldn't want to give them away, atleast not yet.
February 17th, 2017, 03:30 PM
I took mine down to 1/2", and I think I might be at about my limit for shortness. On the other hand, 1/2" of hair has this great plushy fuzzy texture. I keep petting it. Also, it was a little bit fried-feeling since the last time I had bleached it, and this trim got rid of all that. It feels so much happier now. Next time, I think I need to switch to 20 volume peroxide for the lightening. 30 volume was more damaging than I like.
February 18th, 2017, 09:12 AM
I did it, I trimmed the short section myself. And honestly, it was super easy and not at all scary when I actually went to do it, and I'm very pleased with the results. This is 5/8", and I might want to try 1/2", but I don't have that guard (it broke in transit (along with 3/4" and 1/4" inch), but on the plus side I got the hair clippers entirely for free because of that). I might see how long this takes to grow to something that needs trimming again, and then keep 5/8", try 3/8" or pay the $5 for a 1/2" guard.
The advantage is at this length it grows so quickly so I'm a pretty willing to experiment with 'shorter'. I think the hairdresser I went to did 1/4" which was a little shorter than I preferred but definitely not disastrous.
February 18th, 2017, 08:06 PM
Good result iceflavore. I'm not a fan of this style, but yours looks as good to me as anybody's.
February 18th, 2017, 10:51 PM
Just saw a picture of my hair right before the fire incident and got really sad.. I would be at hip right now. Sigh. I need to remind myself that I like it this length for now.
February 20th, 2017, 10:14 AM
Just saw a picture of my hair right before the fire incident and got really sad.. I would be at hip right now. Sigh. I need to remind myself that I like it this length for now.
I understand. I've got my computer screen set to display photographs, and on a regular basis it brings up a photograph when my extra-long hair looked really good, and I feel a pang for few seconds. Then I remind myself of how many split ends I had at that length and how uncomfortable it felt to have wet hair hanging all over me while I waited for it to air dry. There were times when I really-really loved it, though, and I might grow it out again someday.
This morning I felt like doing something different with my hair, so I was viewing lilith moon. OMG; having thick hair makes such a huge difference. Where she was dealing with delicate-looking strands that bent to her will, I had thick chunks that absolutely positively were not going to be tucked discretely into anywhere.
February 20th, 2017, 12:57 PM
I know the feeling. I get ponytail and braid envy every once in a while.
February 22nd, 2017, 12:55 PM
:waves hello to new posters: Been a while since I checked in here, but good to see some lively discussion, and all the lovely pictures.
OhSuzi, that first bob picture is gorgeous; timeless and sophisticated.
I hit my one year growthiversary since cutting to shoulder a few days ago and still consider myself on the scenic route where growth is concerned. I like where I am right now, not quite APL, with face framing layers (which need some freshening) - feeling longish, but I can still wear it loose most days, without having to do much to it, which is a big plus. (
February 22nd, 2017, 01:39 PM
I am really and truly liking the look of shorter lengths these days, also still enjoying my own. I braided/put it up while I was cleaning the kitchen this morning and smiled to realize that from the front I looked just like I looked most days when I had super-long hair.
- Lizzy -
February 22nd, 2017, 06:25 PM
This sounds really cool. I have a little longer than apl hair from cutting it off in 2015 to donate. I would love to talk about styling from when I had very short hair (Chin length) . My favorite styles were: half up, twist from top of head to pinned behind ear, Waves (any kind but always heatless because I am impatient and I don't use heat) and just nothing because im pretty lazy. I love short hair and lately have been wishing I could just chop off my hair but I know im not ready to do that (I will again someday because it was adorable!!!). For now some days i pin my hair into a faux bob or short pigtails.
March 1st, 2017, 07:27 AM
After my 3 to 4 inch cut in December I had got back to just below shoulder blades. It was a bit straggly though as I didn't do a great job last time haha. Anyway I've just trimmed 1cm and it looks a bit better. I'm also very pleased with myself that I managed to keep it to 1cm. It should keep me happy enough for a couple of months hopefully :)
March 1st, 2017, 09:00 AM
Those new ends can feel so refreshing; enjoy dd.
March 1st, 2017, 12:26 PM
Ive just been stood near a woman at a shop with gorgeous hair. It was really thick one length blond hair that looked long. So I did my usual lhc appraisal (thickness, body marker length, height of person to assess actual length haha) and realised that she was my height with just past apl length. I realised that my hair at bsl/mbl is actually long in the real world.
It has made me re-assess my goals. I am at the length I wanted when I joined this forum, and boy it has been a hard stressful journey that I have not really enjoyed. So I have decided that I want one or two more inches and am maintaining. If my thickness refuses to travel down to the ends by the end the year, I shall cut back to where it looks good (which at the minute is somewhere between apl and bsl, and that's where I'll stay.
There is just no point in having really long hair (that's waist to me) or trying to get it if you can't fully enjoy it.
I feel happier already. My lightbulb moment has arrived haha :)
March 1st, 2017, 12:51 PM
You will never get full thickness at the ends because that is not the nature of hair--growth must start from the root--but it can take longer than a year for slower growing portions of your head to catch up. :) Do what makes you happy, though!
March 1st, 2017, 12:54 PM
I will have to admit that I didn't much enjoy growing out my hair, either. I discovered about BSL that I couldn't wear it down comfortably - it was hot, it was bothersome, it got caught on things. I liked wearing my hair up for the convenience, but being forced to wear it up bothered me constantly. I wasn't growing out my hair to have a knob (bun) sticking out of my head day after day. I remember that I wore a nice french braid for my daughter's graduation, but in pictures it looked like I was bald because of my hair being pulled back smoothly against my scalp. I tried variations on the face-framing layers and bangs theme after that, and it helped, but I'm really happy now at shoulder length.
March 1st, 2017, 01:16 PM
Oh, I didn't mean full full thickness!!! It's just that I have noticeable thinness just after apl and I have for a long time. Yes my thickness and taper has improved massively, but I have a middle section at the back which isn't keen on growing!!!
March 1st, 2017, 01:21 PM
Oh, I didn't mean full full thickness!!! It's just that I have noticeable thinness just after apl and I have for a long time. Yes my thickness and taper has improved massively, but I have a middle section at the back which isn't keen on growing!!!
Middle top or middle under?
I thought my middle under wouldn't grow. Turns out I was destroying it with friction. oooooooops
March 1st, 2017, 02:27 PM
Thank goodness for styling products! This morning I decided to clarify-wash my hair and let it air dry. This is my completely natural, unstyled hair. Now you can see why I complain that it's bushy. It's several patterns of wavy layered on several degrees of curly layered on straight, and there's no shape whatsoever. (
It was brushed, then washed standing upright, using finger-combing strokes, taking care not to tangle my hair all around. I blotted the extra water out with a flannel pillowcase, then let it dry. So you see, I did my best not to disturb any existing wave pattern. There just doesn't happen to be one.
March 3rd, 2017, 12:11 AM
Middle top or middle under?
I thought my middle under wouldn't grow. Turns out I was destroying it with friction. oooooooops
Not sure of it's under or top, i think it's mixture. I noticed the problem about a year and a half ago and also presumed it was friction. I did change how I was wearing my hair to avoid putting stress in that area but it hasn't helped. To be honest I just think it's to do with the hair loss I suffered. All my hair has not grown back even after 3 years and the centre back was one of the hotspots.
I will however be happy with mbl hair, it's still long in my eyes. :)
March 3rd, 2017, 07:40 AM
Not sure of it's under or top, i think it's mixture. I noticed the problem about a year and a half ago and also presumed it was friction. I did change how I was wearing my hair to avoid putting stress in that area but it hasn't helped. To be honest I just think it's to do with the hair loss I suffered. All my hair has not grown back even after 3 years and the centre back was one of the hotspots.
I will however be happy with mbl hair, it's still long in my eyes. :)
Oh, right! That is a common spot. :)
March 3rd, 2017, 09:06 AM
Thank goodness for styling products! This morning I decided to clarify-wash my hair and let it air dry. This is my completely natural, unstyled hair. Now you can see why I complain that it's bushy. It's several patterns of wavy layered on several degrees of curly layered on straight, and there's no shape whatsoever. (
It was brushed, then washed standing upright, using finger-combing strokes, taking care not to tangle my hair all around. I blotted the extra water out with a flannel pillowcase, then let it dry. So you see, I did my best not to disturb any existing wave pattern. There just doesn't happen to be one.
Oh the joys of 2a haha ;)
March 3rd, 2017, 10:19 AM
Oh the joys of 2a haha ;)
Ain't it the truth!
March 17th, 2017, 01:26 PM
I'm so annoyed with my hair! It's going through some weird stage where I HAVE to blow-dry it, or it's all over the place, as above, or so weighed down by product that it looks limp and lifeless. Hmmm....maybe I want to grow it out again.
March 17th, 2017, 02:42 PM
I'm sorry you're unhappy with your hair, Spidermom. :( Maybe it would help to try a new styling product, or change up your routine?
I just booked an appointment with my hairdresser next tuesday. I want it shorter and a bit more layered. I've also been thinking about face framing layers or side-swept bangs, but I'll discuss it with the hairdresser, because I'm not sure if I suit bangs. I've had them before, though not side-swept. I wash my hair every other day, so I'm not too worried about greasy bangs. Dry shampoo and heat styling are my friends. :cool:
Upside Down
March 19th, 2017, 04:03 PM
Heyy what's up with this thread, where's it gone?
My sensa limiti pieces have arrived. It has been a long process since november last year (bleh blah long story, curious can pm me but it isn't very exciting)
I have been ITCHING to cut. But I also spent on those toys and I have to at least wear them a bit, right?!
So. I give it a month... I am really quite decided on going for a lob after that.
March 19th, 2017, 04:07 PM
I've been reading :waving: but don't have much to contribute now, very taxing past months with my studies. Hair is still at APL, I seem to have a minimalist phase going on now, not much interesting hair styles,
March 21st, 2017, 02:14 PM
This is purely a hypothetical. I'm not talking about anybody in particular; I swear. I could be talking about myself a year ago. I'd like to go back in time and tell myself to stop being so koo-koo about hair, as in lamenting how bad the ends are but don't want to give up any length because "short hair doesn't suit me" so concluding "I'll just wear it up," and I wonder - what's the big difference between wearing hair up all the time and having short hair, except that wearing hair up all the time is much more harsh to the face. Not many people look their best with hair pulled up and back from the face.
What I'm really doing is procrastinating cleaning up my living room. My holiday display is all over the floor. I need to get everything wrapped and packed away. It's so much easier to just be on LHC.
I must be a rare one who looks best with my hair up :) my hairline comes quite low in reference to my face, so having it back/up opens up my face and looks much nicer IMO. I prefer braids or messy styles, though, im not a fan of a sleek/slicked back 'do.
March 23rd, 2017, 08:47 AM
Wow--I have neglected this thread! I've missed everyone and their stories. :)
A few comments are in order. A diffuser is ESSENTIAL. I'm talking to you spidermom. If you can't just wash and go, you must diffuse. I bought kind of a pricey dryer (a Rusk with diffuser) in a moment of insanity, but yes, Conair does have decent ones for much less. You could also buy a diffuser if you already have a good dryer--measure your nozzle and buy it someplace where you could return it if it doesn't fit.
I am struggling again. Sigh. I loved my new cut, and I don't know if I need another, or if it's the weather, but my hair isn't fun right now. I plan to go and CO and diffuse (it's rainy--so that usually means a good hair day for me), and it had better look good. :demon:
I think a lot of my frustration stems from my texture combined with length. I was just looking at spidermom's "typing pic" and my hair has even less wave without product! I am just a mass of uncontrollable frizz, and it's especially frustrating with updos. I keep thinking I need to go check out Arctic's wonderful APL updo instructions, but I need to have my hair firmly pulled back in a pony to try to control the frizz, so this severely limits my undo potential. Even French twists don't look that great right now--unless I do them with wet hair. Sigh.
I wish I could braid, but with this many layers I cannot. I'd like to cut my own hair again, but fear with the curls that I cannot. Sigh. My ficcares won't stay in. :cry:
So thanks everyone for listening. I really just want a bob again! :wail:
March 23rd, 2017, 03:02 PM
Hello! Is it possible to put bob up for bathing? With bobby pins maybe? It's super short, below my ears. Can't ponytail them.
March 23rd, 2017, 03:03 PM
Hello! Is it possible to put bob up for bathing? With bobby pins maybe? It's super short, below my ears. Can't ponytail them.
Miniature claw clips were my BFF at that length, maybe they'd work for you! I also used bobby pins lots at that length. Other than that, a shower cap?
March 23rd, 2017, 03:08 PM
Wow--I have neglected this thread! I've missed everyone and their stories. :)
A few comments are in order. A diffuser is ESSENTIAL. I'm talking to you spidermom. If you can't just wash and go, you must diffuse. I bought kind of a pricey dryer (a Rusk with diffuser) in a moment of insanity, but yes, Conair does have decent ones for much less. You could also buy a diffuser if you already have a good dryer--measure your nozzle and buy it someplace where you could return it if it doesn't fit.
I am struggling again. Sigh. I loved my new cut, and I don't know if I need another, or if it's the weather, but my hair isn't fun right now. I plan to go and CO and diffuse (it's rainy--so that usually means a good hair day for me), and it had better look good. :demon:
I think a lot of my frustration stems from my texture combined with length. I was just looking at spidermom's "typing pic" and my hair has even less wave without product! I am just a mass of uncontrollable frizz, and it's especially frustrating with updos. I keep thinking I need to go check out Arctic's wonderful APL updo instructions, but I need to have my hair firmly pulled back in a pony to try to control the frizz, so this severely limits my undo potential. Even French twists don't look that great right now--unless I do them with wet hair. Sigh.
I wish I could braid, but with this many layers I cannot. I'd like to cut my own hair again, but fear with the curls that I cannot. Sigh. My ficcares won't stay in. :cry:
So thanks everyone for listening. I really just want a bob again! :wail:
Sounds frustrating :( Maybe some of our curly members could help with self trimming methods? The last time I trimmed I did it on heavily oiled hair, helped me keep the ends together.
You know I have always loved the soft, romantic look curlier, more voluminous hair has when in an updo, sounds like you want a straight hair updos, where as you could be making awesome wurly updos straighties can only dream of :)
March 23rd, 2017, 06:40 PM
I lost what I had typed... but basically is that I will be cutting my hair... I was looking at Shell's haircut and it is exactly what I want... having 'long' hair (I actually never achieved my goal even after these many years) became more of an obsesion and trouble than something I enjoy, especially now that my greys are wirier than the rest of my hair.
Also, experimenting a big shed like right now and seeing big balls of hair on your hands it's not fun...
Thanks so much for this push! It is what I needed :)
March 23rd, 2017, 09:58 PM
arelrios--I hope the cut turns out to be all that you are hoping for! Post pics!
Arctic, I like the curls, but they can be a real pain too. Sigh. I braided it today, and it actually worked. I will do it again tomorrow properly, and if it turns out--I'll post a pic here. :grin:
March 23rd, 2017, 09:59 PM
01, Yep, a shower cap is best for bob length hair. I used one the other day with my APL halfway to BSL hair, and it fell out and got wet. Sigh. :lol:
March 25th, 2017, 12:04 AM
The trick is to put your hair in a bun (with a waterproof hairtoy) and then put the shower cap on over it.
March 28th, 2017, 02:25 PM
Finally got around to taking a picture of my new cut. I'm so happy with it! It's nice and short again, I have more layers all over and I also got some face-framing layers. I'm happy with those, even though they don't always want to behave! :p My hair curls up more evenly, though the left side is still less wurly/curly than the back and the right side. Fortunately I can fix that with a few pin curls. There's hardly any henna left in the back now! So happy with how my natural colour looks :D
March 28th, 2017, 02:36 PM
Ooh pretty kittybird! It looks great! I love your curls. :)
March 29th, 2017, 02:59 AM
Thank you, ReadingRenee! :D
March 29th, 2017, 09:04 AM
OMG KittyBird... your hair looks so gorgeous!!! Wish I could get away with that cut...
BTW, I am planning on getting my cut next weekend (maybe)... what is holding me right now is the money - haircuts can be so expensive in my area :'(
March 30th, 2017, 10:58 AM
Thank you! :D
Haircuts are expensive here too, I spent around $87 for wash, cut and light styling. I hope your haircut goes well, if you decide to do it!
March 30th, 2017, 11:11 AM
Thank you, ReadingRenee! :D
If you don't mind me asking, how did you get those big curls? I see we have a similar hair type although mine is not as thick and a little more fine. Do you use any product or anything like that?
March 30th, 2017, 01:57 PM
If you don't mind me asking, how did you get those big curls? I see we have a similar hair type although mine is not as thick and a little more fine. Do you use any product or anything like that?
Oh yes, lots of products! I wash my hair as usual, comb through it while it's covered with conditioner and rinse out, then I do a slightly modified squish-to-condish. After that I put it in a turbie twist for 20-40 minutes, while I enjoy a cup of tea. Then I take it down, shake it out and fingercomb a curl creme through, before scrunching. I usually use TIGI Catwalk Curlesque Curl Collection Curls Rock Amplifier (I know, their product names are silly! :p ). I follow it with a smidge of Define structure paste, rubbed between my hands and scrunched in, and finally I take a blob of alcohol-free gel and scrunch. It's a lot of product, but I found that it works well for me, and my hair is surprisingly soft. :)
March 30th, 2017, 04:24 PM
I ended up cutting my hair yesterday. Dont worry, i am not sad!
my hair was soft after bleaching, but after multiple touch ups, it was breaking and had become thin. I started contemplating a drastic cut to slow down the rate of breakage.
i went into the salon for a consult, and decided to take my classic length hair to shoulder length, which they did 10 inches at a time. its really fun and bouncy, and i think it looks alot like Veronica Corningstone from the movie anchorman! i get a real seventies vibe from it, that i am loving. i am going to maintain this length for quite a while, till all the breakage has grown out. and maybe still, afterwards! we shall see.
March 30th, 2017, 04:28 PM
a little longer than the girl in the charlie commercials, but just as bouncy. :) ill post pics when my internet isnt being a turtle.
March 30th, 2017, 09:49 PM
Oh yes, lots of products! I wash my hair as usual, comb through it while it's covered with conditioner and rinse out, then I do a slightly modified squish-to-condish. After that I put it in a turbie twist for 20-40 minutes, while I enjoy a cup of tea. Then I take it down, shake it out and fingercomb a curl creme through, before scrunching. I usually use TIGI Catwalk Curlesque Curl Collection Curls Rock Amplifier (I know, their product names are silly! :p ). I follow it with a smidge of Define structure paste, rubbed between my hands and scrunched in, and finally I take a blob of alcohol-free gel and scrunch. It's a lot of product, but I found that it works well for me, and my hair is surprisingly soft. :)
Thanks for the detailed response! I am always trying to figure out the product thing, so I love to hear about other wavy's routines.
April 1st, 2017, 07:44 PM
I forgot to post pics of my braid! (
I will probably wear it this way tomorrow. I had planned to today, but never got around to washing it. I prefer to braid it wet with some kind of braid paste. I should mention that I've tied up the ends with ribbon--they are longer than the picture is showing by about three inches.
April 2nd, 2017, 02:45 PM
I forgot to post pics of my braid! (
I will probably wear it this way tomorrow. I had planned to today, but never got around to washing it. I prefer to braid it wet with some kind of braid paste. I should mention that I've tied up the ends with ribbon--they are longer than the picture is showing by about three inches.
Gorgeous braids, Shell... very envious of the thickness and health ... in a good way :)
April 6th, 2017, 12:13 PM
Thanks arelrios--my hair is pretty thick, but I think this is the waves/curls trying to escape mostly! :lol:
April 6th, 2017, 12:15 PM
I am trying out a new updo today. It's called the Southern Tease Bun, and it's a good option for those of us with shoulder length to APL hair--I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to do it after that. It's also good when you have thick unruly hair that just won't stay up in most updos. It will hold with a claw clip, a barrette, a ficcare, or with bobby pins. I have to pull pieces of hair from the front and pin back or braid and pin back so that the front looks good on me--but that's a problem I have with many styles because my hair is poofy. (
April 7th, 2017, 07:10 AM
I am testing Shell's updo now, and boy it's comfy, and feels 100% hair friendly, and doesn't put any pressure on the front hairline either! Hair is not twisted at all, just sort of folded! You guys gotta try it, Shell has instructions in her blog!
Starlamelissa did I read right, from classic to shoulder? That's a huge change, I'm happy you like it! Hope the breakage grows out soon!
April 7th, 2017, 07:17 PM
I have an appointment for tomorrow at 2 for my haircut... I'm nervous but excited... I really hope this is the boost my hair needs and it stops shedding ... fingers crossed
April 8th, 2017, 08:55 AM
Good luck Arelrios! You do know we want pics don't you! :popcorn:
April 9th, 2017, 12:13 PM
And it's done!!!! The stylist was super nice and listened to my concerns - wavy hair, humid weather, bad cuts in the past... I showed her the pictures of the styles I liked and we agreed on length. She asked me like 4 times about the length to ensure we were on the same page... she took her time to cut and style it - I had it blowdried for a change ;)
During the cut I realized I was very tense and I relaxed and kept my mind at ease. It is incredible the effect a haircut has on me... she also told me she doesn't do the 'framing layers' close to the face because it is where I have less hair... I mean I have like a million baby hairs but not long enough to make layers around my face look nice... so, so far so good... can't wait to see my hair in its natural state
I'm sporting a long bob :) with long layers in the back to make my 2a hair hopefully look neater...
One thing I finally found out... Mom confirmed my hair grows just like my dad's (more on the left than the right) and I also have his same hair shape or cowlick that makes a chunk of hair on my back to the right be more 'uneven' than the rest... why I say this? Because despite the stylist cutting even layers throughout, that chunk always looks shorter... so, next time I will ask the her to cut that side a bit longer so it looks more even ...
Pics to follow :)
April 9th, 2017, 12:34 PM
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
Glad to hear that you're happy with the cut! :D
April 11th, 2017, 07:32 PM
Arctic sorry it took so long for me to get back on LHC, and yes, it was a huge change! but no tears :). i am focusing on regular blunt trims, and growing out my damage. ill stay at shoulder length for a good long while :)
April 11th, 2017, 09:27 PM
I'm glad you like the Southern Tease bun updo Arctic! I really do too. I wore it to school today for the first time, and it held up great. :)
April 12th, 2017, 07:28 PM
Good luck Arelrios! You do know we want pics don't you! :popcorn:
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
Glad to hear that you're happy with the cut! :D
Thank you!!! I am uploading from my phone, so I hope this works.
From the back: (
Right after the cut: (
April 14th, 2017, 08:10 AM
Arelrios - that's my new favorite length.
I got a sweet compliment yesterday. I've been seen at a dental clinic often enough to have become friendly with the receptionist. Yesterday she told me that before my haircut, she thought that I had a lot of hair. After, it's like my hair came alive, and now I should be a hair model because it's so pretty.
April 14th, 2017, 08:18 AM
Arelrios - that's my new favorite length.
I got a sweet compliment yesterday. I've been seen at a dental clinic often enough to have become friendly with the receptionist. Yesterday she told me that before my haircut, she thought that I had a lot of hair. After, it's like my hair came alive, and now I should be a hair model because it's so pretty.
That is so great Spidermom! Receiving compliments it's always nice... everyone in my office complimented me, the drycleaner's lady too, relatives, etc... It's like i am a new person! Hahahahaha...
I am getting used to the 'shape' now that is not straight, but same as you, this is my new favorite length :)
April 17th, 2017, 08:07 AM
Arelrios, the new cut looks fabulous, and yay on the compliment, Spidermom. That's one of my favorite lengths, too. It's a classic for a reason.
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