View Full Version : Just so everyone is aware...

November 23rd, 2016, 01:00 PM
Just to make it clear, I LOVE TLHC.

I have found so much happiness and fun in being able to start this journey of hair growth, and am finally starting to feel like my hair is something to treasure, instead of a nuisance I should just butch off.

I am so freaking happy I found this place and basically have been given the best opportunity ever for great hair and feeling good about it.

THANK YOU everyone for being here and being fantastic. This is literally what I am going to be grateful for as I pray before dinner tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


November 23rd, 2016, 01:25 PM
Awwwe, you are so sweet! Happy thanksgiving to you and yours<3 I've been on the forum for a year now and I learned so much, made some friends, new hair styles and toys. Love love love it here.

November 23rd, 2016, 01:47 PM
:o:toast::applause:cheer::disco::meditate::crush:: puppy::heartbeat

November 23rd, 2016, 02:29 PM
Awesome! It's a great place. Personally, I'm also very glad to be back.

November 23rd, 2016, 02:35 PM
I'm loving it here too, Strands- glad you are!

November 23rd, 2016, 02:45 PM
:cheese: :cheer: I am happy you're happy!!

I was thinking about this too this morning while I was brushing my hair. I finally take good care of my hair and do not only see it as a burden or as something I have to chop of every 2-3 months.

November 23rd, 2016, 02:48 PM
It's pretty cozy here, I love this community as well!

November 23rd, 2016, 02:53 PM
Happy Thanksgiving! I am happy for your happiness! I love this website as well, it's my favorite.

November 23rd, 2016, 03:09 PM
Aw. Happy thanksgiving to all the Americans on here!

November 23rd, 2016, 03:17 PM
Aw. Happy thanksgiving to all the Americans on here!

You can celebrate it too, it is not just about being American. To a degree it is about being happy and thankful for what you have :)

November 23rd, 2016, 03:23 PM
To everyone regardless of nationality, you've helped create a community we can all be thankful for. Here's a wish for extra happiness for all.

November 23rd, 2016, 03:27 PM
You can celebrate it too, it is not just about being American. To a degree it is about being happy and thankful for what you have :)

I'll think of all of you guys tomorrow. :flower:

November 23rd, 2016, 03:37 PM
I'll think of all of you guys tomorrow. :flower:

AWWWW SO NICE! :grouphug:

November 23rd, 2016, 04:37 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!! I'm happy that you're happy to be here. I love it here as well!!! I have learned a lot in how to take good care of my hair. Not that I haven't been but not also butch mine off as well. I also treasure my hair a lot too. Thank you all for being here!!!

November 23rd, 2016, 04:55 PM
This is a sweet post :blossom:

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so excited for the holidays :joy:

November 23rd, 2016, 05:29 PM
Aww, lots of warm fuzzies in this thread. :grouphug:

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I'm also thankful for LHC.

November 24th, 2016, 04:31 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I am also grateful to this community of like minded hair growers. I have been mostly lurking for a couple of months now and I appreciate all the knowledge I have thus far gained and look forward to the new year with new hair goals and knowing I can share them here. Thank you all and God Bless you.

November 24th, 2016, 04:45 AM
:blossom: I too love this place! :cheer:

November 24th, 2016, 05:45 AM
AWWWW SO NICE! :grouphug:

It's a special day at least for some of you, and you're right, it doesn't hurt to think of other people and to be thankful for some things. :grouphug: I am thankful for all of you, and for the fact that at age 70, and almost 71 (mom), I still have my mom & dad. She'll be 71 on December 13th this year. :D

November 24th, 2016, 12:00 PM
Awww what a sweet thread. I'm so happy to have found LHC too. I've learned a lot already but I think most importantly I'm learning to accept my hair and appreciate it as it is (instead of wishing I had a head full of thick, straight hair). Self acceptance has always been a struggle for me so that's pretty big.

Happy thanksgiving.

Kat-Rinnč Naido
November 24th, 2016, 12:44 PM
Happy thanks giving. It is awesome being a part of the LHC.

November 24th, 2016, 01:27 PM
You can celebrate it too, it is not just about being American. To a degree it is about being happy and thankful for what you have :)

Yeah... that's why I do a mini thanksgiving even in Germany unrelated to the other thing we have (Ernterdank which practically is the harvest-named variant of thanksgiving style celebrations).
Happy thanksgiving everyone, never forget to be grateful for what you have :)

November 24th, 2016, 01:51 PM
Aw! Strands you almost made me cry! Happy Thanksgiving to you all. We had ours in Canada a month ago, right around the time I found LHC and I too am so happy I found you all. I hated looking in the mirror at my hair and now I have hope and a plan. :o))
Thank you to all you wise women (and men) who share your knowledge, recipes, and hearts!