View Full Version : How do you wrap your hair in a towel?

October 23rd, 2016, 07:40 PM
For years, I've had "hair towels". They're smaller, thinner towels that don't weigh much with my hair wrapped in them. Now, with BCL hair, they're too small. Even my larger "hair towels" have to be moved off center to be able to wrap all my hair to soak up some of the water.

How do you towel dry your hair? I've tried the turbie towel, it was too small when I was at BSL. I've tried a t-shirt, but it's too thin, doesn't get enough water out. That's important for me because I wash at night. If it's too wet when I go to bed, it can take days to dry. It will end up in a damp bun in the morning, then a damp braid that night...you get the idea.

Any videos would be even better! Thanks!

October 23rd, 2016, 07:57 PM
I use a turbie towel or a t-shirt, I get all my hair upside down and get the ends in my hand and pile it all on my head with said thingies and after 30mins I let it down and air dries.

October 23rd, 2016, 08:34 PM
I use a microfiber towel intended for backpacking. I wear it like a cape with my hair on top of it, take the corners and wrap them around my hairline so that my hair is in a tube of towel, twist it all the way down, wrap the length around my head like a crown, and tuck the ends through so that is holds like a knot.

October 23rd, 2016, 09:33 PM
I switched from a bending-forward towel turban to a backward one a few months back, based on Gossamer's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpICzVIff1I) and I think it dries faster. I just use a normal terrycloth towel, but I tend to grab one that's a different color from my body towel, so I'm not wrapping my hair with the thing I used to dry my butt yesterday.

October 24th, 2016, 01:05 AM
T shirt and air dry, but my hair is short

October 24th, 2016, 01:10 AM
I use a microfiber towel intended for backpacking. I wear it like a cape with my hair on top of it, take the corners and wrap them around my hairline so that my hair is in a tube of towel, twist it all the way down, wrap the length around my head like a crown, and tuck the ends through so that is holds like a knot.
Pretty much the same as this. The microfibres towel is huge, but really light and thin, so there's not a lot of bulk.

October 24th, 2016, 04:51 AM
I don't do a lot of towel drying, so I just use a regular towel off-center and coiled up for a few minutes while I dry the rest of me and get dressed, and then take it down, define my parting, and let it air dry the rest of the way. It's usually still a little drippy this way, but if I have anywhere to be really quickly after showering I'll use my blow dryer on cool for a few minutes then braid it.

October 24th, 2016, 05:20 AM
I switched from a bending-forward towel turban to a backward one a few months back, based on Gossamer's video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpICzVIff1I) and I think it dries faster. I just use a normal terrycloth towel, but I tend to grab one that's a different color from my body towel, so I'm not wrapping my hair with the thing I used to dry my butt yesterday.

I'm going to have to try this, maybe with a microfiber towel!


October 24th, 2016, 08:28 AM
I simply wrap a big towel lengthwise around the length only, like a tube, and I put that "tube" around my shoulders, like a scarf. This prevents the length from being bunched up and leaves my scalp-to-shoulder area to dry in open air. I can blot some towels/t-shirts on my scalp in the meantime or wrap another towel around scalp only.
I believe beautyklove does the same thing with making a tube and hanging it on shoulders. It's pretty convenient, because it makes the hair not so heavy while it's drying in this towel tube and the tangling is greatly reduced and I think it absorbs more moisture because the surface where wet hair touches towel is increased while drying in that shape.

If I do a scalp-only wash, I use a towel to wrap only around my scalp, like a turban, and leave the dry braid sticking out from the top.

October 24th, 2016, 10:59 AM
I use a king-sized pillow case. Bend over, hair inside the case, squeeze water out of ends with the closed end of the case, then fold the cuff end around my head, twist & coil it like a cinnabun or crown on top my head. My hair isn't long enough to reach the end of the case but it'd be easy enough to make one to whatever length is needed. It's lightweight, doesn't slip around, and absorbs water well enough. I mostly wrap my hair to keep it out of the way until I'm ready to let it down, add any leave-ins, and air-dry the rest of the way.

October 24th, 2016, 12:29 PM
I use a t-shirt "towel". You take a t-shirt and sew the bottom shut. Then you put the neck hole over your head, and let the hair fall into the "bag". You put it over your head, and knot the armholes over to make it "stay". It is amazing and can serve hair that is *very* long!

And this is a way to still make your turbies work:

October 24th, 2016, 01:42 PM
I use an Aquis hair towel. My hair is only around waist now, but until about a month ago it was TBL and still fit fine in the towel. I lean forward and twist my hair a little to make it shorter, then wrap the towel around from the back and twist it over the top of my head and tuck in the end behind my ear to make a turban. No problems whatsoever.

October 24th, 2016, 03:19 PM
I use an XL microfiber towel to make a bending-forward towel turban. I twist the turban TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT. My ponytail circumference is 11" not including my bangs, so I need maximum squeeze two wring out all excess moisture. Otherwise, it can take 12+ hours to dry.

October 24th, 2016, 03:40 PM
I use a t-shirt "towel". You take a t-shirt and sew the bottom shut. Then you put the neck hole over your head, and let the hair fall into the "bag". You put it over your head, and knot the armholes over to make it "stay". It is amazing and can serve hair that is *very* long!

And this is a way to still make your turbies work:

That's what I do with my t-shirt except I didn't bother to sew the bottom shut.

October 24th, 2016, 03:47 PM
That's what I do with my t-shirt except I didn't bother to sew the bottom shut.

I have a few "real" curly tee towels, but you can do the very same with a regular t-shirt (and we did, so I'd have more towels). I have to have the bottom sewn shut, or my hair hangs out of the shirt. :lol: So if you want to avoid that... ;)

October 24th, 2016, 04:05 PM
I have a few "real" curly tee towels, but you can do the very same with a regular t-shirt (and we did, so I'd have more towels). I have to have the bottom sewn shut, or my hair hangs out of the shirt. :lol: So if you want to avoid that... ;)

Well my hair does shrink up a lot which keeps it contained but a few plait ends are starting to poke out so I may have to do that soon.

October 24th, 2016, 06:31 PM
I use an extra long turban towel I got from The Tamed Towel on Etsy. She makes the really long ones as customs. The work very well for me.

October 24th, 2016, 06:48 PM
Thanks for all the ideas. I think I'm going to get a micro fiber towel and try it a couple of the different ways you've all listed.

One of these days I'll hopefully be motivated enough to try a scalp wash. That would save me all kinds of towel troubles.

October 24th, 2016, 07:24 PM
1 or 2 flannel pillowcases

October 25th, 2016, 03:59 AM
I actually still use basic, small towels. After rinsing, I twist my hair and gently squeeze the excess water out. Next, I wrap the twist into a loose cinnabun, bend at the waist and let the tails hang out. I wrap this in a regular towel and dry myself off further. About 10 minutes later, the towel is soaked and I switch to a second one. Sometimes I switch to a third one, too. Half an hour later, I let it down to air dry. Once down, the remaining moisture goes to my ends really quickly, so my scalp is dry after a short while whereas my ends get soaked, so I keep my towel on hand to pat them every few minutes.

October 25th, 2016, 06:34 AM
I use a large men's t-shirt to dry my hair. I pull it on over my head and then bend at the waist and pull the shirt inside out over my hair and coil it around my head. It's true that t-shirts don't soak up quite as much water, but they are less rough and cause fewer tangles for me, and they allow for more air flow which results in faster drying hair for me. :)

October 25th, 2016, 12:37 PM
Personally, I don't like towels. I just squeeze my hair till I got the water out and then I let it air dry. I do use a shirt sometimes though

October 25th, 2016, 02:12 PM
One of these days I'll hopefully be motivated enough to try a scalp wash. That would save me all kinds of towel troubles.

Oh yes! As a fellow wavy iii, I'd highly recommend trying scalp only washes! :agree: They saved me *so much* work. My hair is quite a workout to fully wash nowadays, and I swear I would have cut my hair much shorter a long time ago if it wasn't for the introduction of scalp only washes in between full washes. They keep my sanity! :lol:
I'd just try a few different methods (e.g. full, partial, with braid, bun, held up above head, down by the bra-strap, etc...) before choosing what works best for you.

October 25th, 2016, 02:34 PM
My hair is still short enough for hair turbans, so that's what I use. I have 2; one is an Aquis, and the other is a soft fuzzy one that brickworld13 gave me since she outgrew it. I tend to use them both on wash day; usually the fuzzy one first to take my hair from soaking to very damp, then I add my LOC and re-wrap it in my Aquis for a while, until it's ~60-70% dry.

October 25th, 2016, 02:35 PM
1 or 2 flannel pillowcases

Doesn't flannel frizz up the hair? :)

October 25th, 2016, 02:38 PM
I use an extra long turban towel I got from The Tamed Towel on Etsy. She makes the really long ones as customs. The work very well for me.

That's odd because they're not in her sales section, nor on her Etsy site. :)