View Full Version : Anyone worn a wig while they grow out very damaged hair?

September 24th, 2016, 05:05 AM
How much did you spend? (The real hair ones are like 600! But I want it to look as real as possible) Was it comfortable? Did it look real? Did you feel really self conscious?

So for those who read my previous post I went to the hairdressers and had a hair strand test done to see if I could have my hair coloured ginger to match my roots but after the colouring process the hair snapped 😢😢😢 so I'm going to have to get it cut into a pixie cut to get rid of as much of the damage as poss and then keep having regular trims until the pixie cut is all virgin hair. My hair is naturally bushy and wavy not pixie cut friendly at all plus it's going to be a patchy colour because of the roots and the remaining damaged hair so I'm going to have to wear a wig when I leave the house till it's all virgin hair and I can style it again. (I reckon it'll take about a year to grow it to my ears?? What do you think?) I'm absolutely devastated and angry at the hairdressers who did this to my hair but it's done and I have no choice now so wanting some reassurance from others that have been through it X

September 24th, 2016, 06:19 AM
Prob not helpful, as I know nothing about wigs, but pretty headbands and scarves might be a possible solution?

Theres a thread about covering hair with some great ideas and things in it!

September 24th, 2016, 06:55 AM
Also check out the shorties thread. You'll be sure to get a lot of support there as you grow out your pixie. I'm sorry about the damage. Been there, done that. Thankfully it could be cut into a bob still for me (even though the damage was major). Hang in there, it will get better. :D :flower:

September 24th, 2016, 07:29 AM
Not sure a wig would be good for your scalp. They restrict air flow to your scalp

September 24th, 2016, 08:16 AM
I had to cut my hair back to 1" in June of 2015 due to damage.
I have fine wavy/curly hair and went through some awkward grow out stages that were kept under control with headbands and barrettes.

If your hair is that damaged, you might even consider cutting shorter then a pixie. That way you can get to natural roots even faster.

September 24th, 2016, 09:59 AM
Flip girl I would only wear it when I go out which would be mainly for school runs during the week for the next 9months as I'm on mat leave now so wouldn't have it on all day.
Obsidian how did you cope having it so short? Did you have it cut with a razor if it was cut to 1inch? How much did it grow in a year?

September 24th, 2016, 10:13 AM
I actually liked it short, very easy to care for and being able to feel the air on my scalp was nice. I had a tendency to spike it until it go long enough the curls started coming out. It was cut with scissors, nothing fancy.

This was taken 2 days ago, it was roughly 3 inches longer when stretched. I had it cut back to shoulder to remove some of the layers. Growing out the layers is the worse part but not too bad with my curls.

My bangs are just past chin and the sides are at collar bone, not bad for 14 months of growth.

September 24th, 2016, 10:19 AM
Prob not helpful, as I know nothing about wigs, but pretty headbands and scarves might be a possible solution?

Theres a thread about covering hair with some great ideas and things in it!
I'm in a Facebook group for women that cover their hair full-time. BE AWARE that most of them suffer from traction alopecia. So pleaaaase be careful!

As for wigs, the most expensive they are, the more likely they'll be more comfortable, realistic, and last longer. If you have any wig shops in your town, I recommend scheduling a consultation!

September 24th, 2016, 12:06 PM
Besides your budget, how long and how often you will wear a wig should be factored into whether you get real or fake hair.

Several years ago I kept my hair covered with wigs, hats, and scarves for about 6 months. The inexpensive wig was for particular occasions only, never worn > 5 hours at a time. With a gel strip to keep it in place, it was always comfortable. The color was so close to my own no one realized it was a wig until the headcovers came off.

Those gel strips were great -- I used them with caps, hats, and scarves too and didn't worry about anything slipping.

September 24th, 2016, 12:19 PM
I'd go for another type of covering - if it annoys you and you take it off (or it becomes undone), no biggie. Suddenly taking off (or losing) a wig is a bit more drastic.

September 24th, 2016, 12:26 PM
I had a couple of cheapie costume wigs that I wore from time to time when my hair was short and I was wishing hard for long hair. It was fun. They were obviously fake, but meh. They worked best when it was cold and I would have been wearing a hat or scarves instead. Otherwise they were hot and itchy.

September 24th, 2016, 12:32 PM
I bought a rather inexpensive wig, just for going out on occasion. The rest of the time that I was growing my pixie out, I twisted the front of my hair to the side or used a thin plastic headband to hold the mess back.

When I couldn't handle it (some days were really bad) I would tie a silk scarf around my hair and call it a day.

September 24th, 2016, 04:04 PM
Obsidian does your hair grow particularly fast or can I expect the same sort of growth in that time? Did you have trims? How long was your hair before you cut it? How bad was the hair damage you had? What did people say when you had it cut so short?

I will be wearing it whenever I leave the house so I will get a real hair wig, will be using some of our savings as want it to look as real as possible as il need to wear it for about a year til my virgin hair has grown out enough to be styled in a nice Bob. Whenever I'm in the house though I will take it off and with being on mat leave for 9months this will be a lot. I just don't feel I can sport a pixie cut with a ginger demecration line and damaged ends so I feel a wig is the only option I have. Surely if I'm buying a high quality human hair wig it will be comfortable and not do any damage??

September 24th, 2016, 04:36 PM
My hair grows average most of the time, around 1/2" a month. I do have faster growth in the cooler months though, its starting to pick up now. I also had a stall this summer, didn't even grow 1/4" one month but luckily it didn't last long.
I got plenty of compliment on my short hair, never any insults or weird looks. I've even been known to shave the sides or back in the past, no issues with that either. People here really don't care one way or another when it comes to hair length. We have plenty of shorties in town, they never get teased or insulted. Neither do the redheads, I get a lot of positive attention with my color.

My hair was just a bit over shoulder length when I cut it. It was chemical damaged and was starting to break off in chunks. I had two trims over the last year, around 1/2" each time and it was just to blend the layers together a bit. I have a great stylist who wants to see my hair long so she takes off as little as possible. Almost killed her the first time I seen her and had her cut it all off lol.
I know going very short was extreme but I'd rather do one big chop and get it over with then do a long pixie and have to get regular trims trying to get rid of the remaining damage.
I might have looked like a boy for a couple month but it felt great to have healthy hair, even if it was short. Its just hair after all, it will grow back:) With your face shape, a short style will look really nice.

September 25th, 2016, 01:05 AM
If salon color did not work and damaged your hair more, maybe look into something like henna gloss, really weak just to add some ginger to your bleached length? I only suggest it because you are thinking of cutting your hair and wearing a wig anyway.

September 25th, 2016, 05:02 AM
Hold on. Do you have a picture of your hair? It might not need to be cut. The shedding you mention; that might be post partum shedding, which is completely normal.

I had my hair completely ruined in 2010. I got a perm that absolutely destroyed my hair. When it was wet it looked like overcooked ramen noodles and if I didn't treat it super gently I would pull out big sections of it. I had chemical burns on my scalp, and my hair was so damaged it was a wonder it didn't all fall off. It was about collar bone length at the time. I babied it intensely; I co-washed, used leave ins, never brushed it (finger combed in the shower when it was soaked in conditioner), and I managed to keep enough of it that after a year I could cut off most of it and have a bob left. Hairdressers said my only choice was to cut it all off too; I refused and I made it work. I'm sure there are things that can be done for you too! And I didn't even know about protein for hair at the time, if I did my hair would've been even better.

So don't give up just yet! Take some pictures and let us see if something might be done :) *hugs*

September 25th, 2016, 05:42 AM
Was it to Bob length with virgin hair after a year? They put a colour on some they had cut to do a strand test and it all snapped following the process, so it's extreamly weak ������ I'm growing out my natural ginger colour too which next to the damaged blonde looks obvious!! I just hope it grows super quick so I can have my natural colour all over and can do some heat styling to make it look half decent whilst it grows out. I know what your saying and would much rather leave it at this length (below chin) so I can tie it back as its naturally wavy and frizzy anyway rather than have a pixie cut which is still gonna be damaged and still have the demecration line but I'm worried that if I don't have it cut pixie length it's gonna split up the cuticle and damage the new hair ��

September 25th, 2016, 05:58 AM
Was it to Bob length with virgin hair after a year? They put a colour on some they had cut to do a strand test and it all snapped following the process, so it's extreamly weak ������ I'm growing out my natural ginger colour too which next to the damaged blonde looks obvious!! I just hope it grows super quick so I can have my natural colour all over and can do some heat styling to make it look half decent whilst it grows out. I know what your saying and would much rather leave it at this length (below chin) so I can tie it back as its naturally wavy and frizzy anyway rather than have a pixie cut which is still gonna be damaged and still have the demecration line but I'm worried that if I don't have it cut pixie length it's gonna split up the cuticle and damage the new hair ��

To prevent splits from traveling you could aggressively S&D. So every night check to see where splits are and trim those hairs before the split can travel and damage new hair. Henna might also help keep splits from traveling or happening as easily, as do cones.

September 25th, 2016, 06:16 AM
Was it to Bob length with virgin hair after a year? They put a colour on some they had cut to do a strand test and it all snapped following the process, so it's extreamly weak ������ I'm growing out my natural ginger colour too which next to the damaged blonde looks obvious!! I just hope it grows super quick so I can have my natural colour all over and can do some heat styling to make it look half decent whilst it grows out. I know what your saying and would much rather leave it at this length (below chin) so I can tie it back as its naturally wavy and frizzy anyway rather than have a pixie cut which is still gonna be damaged and still have the demecration line but I'm worried that if I don't have it cut pixie length it's gonna split up the cuticle and damage the new hair ��

I dyed my hair, so I can't really answer that :P

As to the blonde/red; have you heard about Adore dye? It's a semipermanent like Manic Panic, but it comes in natural tones. It is NOT damaging to the hair! You could use that to even out the line between your blonde and red for the moment; Adore will wash out completly over time.

You can trim splits yourself, so that they don't travel up the hair. Buy a hairdressing scissor and go over your hair and snip away splits as you see them (this is called search and destroy here o the forum; often shortened to S&D). Maybe ask your husband to help you in the back, or go to a hairdresser every now and then for a small trim. Keep it trimmed at the length it is not until your virgin hair reaches that length. Hair grows about 1 centimeter a month, so in a year you'll have 12 centimeters of fresh growth!

So this is my suggestion: Look up Adore dyes, and find one you like. Remember, this is not permanent, it will wash out! And it will not damage your hair. Then read up on co-washing, which is cutting out shampoo and only using conditioner to wash your hair. Hair really gets clean! Try it out for at least 2 months; the hair will take some time to get used to it, it might look a bit greasy in the beginning, but it's better than no hair right? Find a good protein treatment (or DIY; the gelatin treatment is a great one, google "gelatin protein treatment" and you'll find out how to do it) and give your hair regular deep moisture treatments (SMT is great, there is a thread on it in the Henna and herbal-forum here). Baby your hair; put away your brush, if you find your hair is very tangly and need the help of a brush buy a Tangle Teezer (not a knock-off, those aren't as good, I have experience). If you blowdry, use the coldest setting (you should be able to keep your hnd in front of the blowdryer without it hurting). Try to keep heat styling to a minimum; if your hair is naturally wavy and frizzy than co-washing should make it look much better (you can also read up on the Curly Girl routine).

There is hope! :)

September 25th, 2016, 07:19 AM
Ok. Then that should be fine. Show off your wig when you get it!

September 25th, 2016, 04:50 PM
That's the thing obsidian people around here all have bobbed to Long hair, I wish I lived somewhere more diverse!! Going to go and look at some wigs on Tuesday and see how they feel and il take it from there. How long can I expect my hair virgin hair growth to be in 9 months time when I go back to work? I have an inch regrowth right now.

September 25th, 2016, 05:05 PM
That's the thing obsidian people around here all have bobbed to Long hair, I wish I lived somewhere more diverse!! Going to go and look at some wigs on Tuesday and see how they feel and il take it from there. How long can I expect my hair virgin hair growth to be in 9 months time when I go back to work? I have an inch regrowth right now.

Well, hair grows an average of 1/2" per month, so you'll have about 4 1/2" of new virgin growth in 9 months unless you trim. Good luck!! :)

September 25th, 2016, 05:06 PM
I really would advice you to wait as long as possible before you chop it off; going pixie and buying a wig is options that don't go anywhere! But after you've cut it off it's gone. I really am confident that you don't need to cut it all off now.

Pictures don't really show how badly damaged my hair was (and I didn't really allow anyone to take many pictures of me during the worst period), but I'll give it a try (sorry in advance if the pictures end up huge)

This was about a month after my perm (I'd straigthened it hair, that was before I started babying it properly)
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/26765_411684226829_3433141_n.jpg?oh=e44d511040f984 2939341cdcb1c78019&oe=585FDFDD
You can really see how ratty and damaged it is

3 months after, this was a GREAT hair day for me. But look at those ends. Frizzy damaged ends that almost fell off if you looked hard at them.
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/36893_439408366829_5055001_n.jpg?oh=a42b17bf7b6f55 4f95aa699d37fd89dd&oe=585F3363

5 months after, less than a month left to my wedding and I'm panicking at the state of my hair... See how matte it is, there is no shine, but by this time I've gotten a good 5-6 centimeters regrowth, and if you look at my roots they look WAY better than the rest of my hair. But my hair is still hanging on, due to extreme babying! (since I was getting married 6 months after my permdisaster cutting it all off was never an option for me)
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/45723_462344061829_6368460_n.jpg?oh=a1832d17b697fb 195d77e4edb7ed27f7&oe=5864376C

And finally, 9 months after my perm (and 2 months past the wedding), I cut off a whole lot and was left with this:
https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/75160_494854226829_5187289_n.jpg?oh=324a4f1d7a0c7e 42012fed0da13232d9&oe=58815E3A

I managed to keep that much because I treated my hair like the most fragile thing (well, it was!). So please, don't cut off your hair before you've explored all other options!

September 26th, 2016, 02:30 AM
Surely my hair is more damaged than yours as you have dyed yours but mine won't take a dye. From what you have said your was more the ends that were damaged where's mine is all of it ��

September 26th, 2016, 02:31 AM
Is that last picture all virgin hair (grown after the perm)

September 26th, 2016, 06:18 AM
Hair can be damaged in different ways. Mine took dye yes, but it slipped out again very fast. The second picture with the headband, that's 2-3 days after colouring with no washing inbetween, so that's why it's still bright and nice. The picture in the forest, I dyed my hair two weeks before to a brilliant red with a permanent dye, and two weeks after, well you can see it's lost a lot of colour!

Oh I found a picture of my hair right after the perm, like 1 week after (https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/284523_10150318120646830_1540644_n.jpg?oh=efc6892f 2c51e76b09a39caacade9d5c&oe=587E34BF). If you see the texture there, compared to the later photos, you can see how I managed to coax it into looker much nicer with co-washing and curly girl method.

You haven't mentioend your hair not taking dye before; has it been attempted? And what kind of dye was it? I still say it's worth trying Adore, it only costs like 3 pounds for a bottle on Amazong, and since it washes out completly then it's no lasting commitment.

The last picture isn't all virgin hair. It's about 10 centimeters of virgin hair, and the rest is the hair that wasn't too badly damaged. It still took me another 2 years to get rid of all the damaged hair, as I focused on growing out length and gradually removing the damaged part.

September 26th, 2016, 08:38 AM
Yeah if you go back to my post it says that the hairdresser took a strand test and coloured it with normal permanent colour and it all snapped following the colour process so mine is obviously more damaged than yours was ��

September 26th, 2016, 01:01 PM
Okay, if you want to chop it off, do it. I'm just trying to help. Adore won't damage your hair at all, but if you don't want to try it there's nothing I can say that will convince you. It's just if it was me, I'd try all avenues before doing something as drastic at cutting away everything and wearing a wig.

September 26th, 2016, 01:32 PM
Its not that I want to chop it all off I really don't but I don't feel I have a choice because of the extent of the damage :( its not that I wont try the adore its just that I'm too scared to incase all my hair snaps off. did you use adore on yours?

September 26th, 2016, 01:41 PM
Has anyone said henna gloss? Just over the blonde bits? Not full on henna mud if hair is so damaged but some nice gentle conditioner with a tablespoonful of finely sifted henna like Jamila? Does wonders to rehabilitate chemically damaged hair and worth a try if you were going to cut it short anyway. The colour would come out pretty ginger. You could then pin it back and slowly trim out the damage.

Edit: Ah, I see Poli has already said this.:doh:

September 26th, 2016, 02:00 PM
Before cutting, try a protein deep conditioner like Joico KPak Reconstructor. It might help your hair limp along with only regular trims rather than major cutting.

Aloe vera gel can help with frizz and styling. Get the clear kind, not the green.

I remember a person who did a lot of olive oil treatments to her damaged hair and wore scarves on really bad hair days. Some days she had good hair days. She didn't do a drastic cut, only trims.

A henna gloss sounds like a good idea to even the colors.

September 26th, 2016, 02:38 PM
I think adore is a vegetable based semi permanent dye. If so, it would work by staining the outside of the hair. Regular dyes lift the cuticle of the hair to make it last, but semipermanent hair dyes stain the outside rather than roughing up the cuticle. I think you should be fine (but somebody with experience please fact check this!).

September 26th, 2016, 02:40 PM
Its not that I want to chop it all off I really don't but I don't feel I have a choice because of the extent of the damage :( its not that I wont try the adore its just that I'm too scared to incase all my hair snaps off. did you use adore on yours?

There is no developer with the Adore, so it won't increase the damage load on your hair. As far as I understand, it's not going to cause your hair to snap. What the hairdresser tried was a *permanent* color with developer.

I also agree with Spidermom on getting good some protein on your hair to increase its strength.

I agree also with perhaps trying a henna gloss, as I have heard that henna helps to strengthen hair and would help to blend the blond into your natural red. After all, it's aid in retention or cut right now, isn't it?

In the end, it is your hair. We can tell you what we would do, but it's all up to you :)

September 26th, 2016, 02:40 PM
Its not that I want to chop it all off I really don't but I don't feel I have a choice because of the extent of the damage :( its not that I wont try the adore its just that I'm too scared to incase all my hair snaps off. did you use adore on yours?

Adore can not cause your hair to snap off; it has no chemicals, it's only pure colour pigments. That's why it will wash out completly. It can not in any way damage your hair. I wouldn't suggest it if it could damage your hair.

I didn't use Adore then, because I had no idea it existed. I used chemical box-dyes because that's all I knew off at the time.

September 26th, 2016, 05:22 PM
Iv bought the redken protein treatments to try and strengthen the hair and have also got olaplex and moisturising deep conditioners and apply redken anti snap leave in and argan oil when it's drying and and I'm not using any heat on my hair what so ever. On the days I don't wash what should I do? I don't do anything to it except comb it into a material bobble for the day I don't want to wet it as it takes so long to dry so would be going to bed with wet hair total no no, I have to schedule my hair washes in for a full day so it can dry naturally

September 26th, 2016, 05:38 PM
Thankyou everyone, is the henna gloss easy to do?? Someone mentioned in a previous thread that henna would go pretty bright (orange) on the bleach is that the case for the gloss too? I would be pretty scared doing it myself why dont hairdressers use henna?

September 26th, 2016, 05:51 PM
If you're worried about the henna going too bright you could try a cassia gloss conditioning treatment. Cassia doesn't give any colour if you apply it straight away so it might be a good starting point for you to get your confidence up before trying the henna gloss. Just add a tablespoon of cassia to a cup of conditioner and apply to damp shampooed hair for a couple of hours. If that goes well and you want some colour do the same thing with henna.

I know how devastating it is to have your hair completely ruined, it happened to me recently, it gets better I promise you, please don't rush into cutting it all off until you've tried everything you can. :grouphug:

September 26th, 2016, 06:19 PM
Iv bought the redken protein treatments to try and strengthen the hair and have also got olaplex and moisturising deep conditioners and apply redken anti snap leave in and argan oil when it's drying and and I'm not using any heat on my hair what so ever. On the days I don't wash what should I do? I don't do anything to it except comb it into a material bobble for the day I don't want to wet it as it takes so long to dry so would be going to bed with wet hair total no no, I have to schedule my hair washes in for a full day so it can dry naturally

Redken extreme strength builder is really good, it really strengthens hair I use it alot.

September 26th, 2016, 10:11 PM
Iv bought the redken protein treatments to try and strengthen the hair and have also got olaplex and moisturising deep conditioners and apply redken anti snap leave in and argan oil when it's drying and and I'm not using any heat on my hair what so ever. On the days I don't wash what should I do? I don't do anything to it except comb it into a material bobble for the day I don't want to wet it as it takes so long to dry so would be going to bed with wet hair total no no, I have to schedule my hair washes in for a full day so it can dry naturally

My hair takes forever to dry too! What I always do in between washes is add a little bit of oil along the length every evening before braiding it for bed, just enough to make my hands shiny. Then I distribute it with a BBB, but you might need to hold off on that step with delicate hair. Then a couple of nights a week I redampen my ends with water that has a little conditioner in it using a spray bottle, before the nightly oiling. I only wash my hair once a week though, so if you wash more than that you might not need to redampen. I hope that helps! Good luck!!! :)

September 26th, 2016, 11:05 PM
I've been subscribed to this channel for years now. She ruined her hair dying it blonde and so resorted to wearing wigs until her natural hair grew out really long and virgin/healthy. She buys lace front wigs and then buys separate hair that she then sews into the wig... afterwards she even cuts it and custom colors it too... it's crazy. There are some other videos like this I've found that show you how to buy a good quality lace front unit for cheaper and then make it look nicer by customizing it yourself. Here is a video and in the info box she has links to more videos explaining how she sews in extra hair or does some custom color jobs. If I can find the other one that is more helpful I will come back with that video too.


Long time ago I got the worst haircut of life so I ended up always wearing it up to hide it (I even had a hairpiece that you place over your bun that looks like a fancy updo) and when I wore my hair down I used a "fall" hairpiece. I did this for about 2 years and my hair grew out healthier than it had been in years. My hair was long enough that I didn't need to buy a full wig, I couldn't afford a good one anyway. The fall is like a 3/4 wig where the front 1/4 of your hair is worn out so it's easy to use and looks very natural.

September 27th, 2016, 05:14 AM
Iv just spoken to a specialist hairdresser who specialise in wigs and she said a wig could damage my new healthy hair so I can't risk it �� Iv booked in for the olaplex treatment and a trim so will keep doing the protein and conditioning treatments too and not using any heat on my hair and then see how it is in afew months. I really daren't put any colour on it right now so will have to put up with the ginger roots and blonde and wear a hat when I leave the house. I hate the hairdressers who have done this to me and I will never again have any bleach on my hair again! Role on a few years time when this is all a horrible distant memory and I have healthy ginger hair in a nice length that I can style